Crochet techniques for beginners. Crochet basics - basic types and patterns of stitches. How to read crochet patterns correctly and competently

Crocheting is one of the most popular and sought-after types of handcraft. Decorative napkins and openwork cardigans, small toys and huge tablecloths - for crochet masters there are no limits to making their fantasies come true. Learning simple techniques is not at all difficult. But achieving the filigree of large products requires time. So let's not just dream and start our first lesson in learning the crochet technique.

Beginners tend to save on materials and tools. But in this case it is not worth doing this. Old threads or a bad hook will not add skill and desire to continue learning.

How to choose a hook

Cheap plastic hooks are bad helpers. They're never smooth enough, and small nicks constantly pull the yarn. In addition, plastic is quite unreliable in operation and can simply break. The tip of the hook must be metal.

Pay attention to the details of the crochet hook:

The handle can be made of different materials - plastic or wood. But for training lessons it is better to take a hook with a monolithic handle. This way, as you study, you will be able to feel the correct tension of the thread and form identical loops.

Standard hooks have a length of 12-16 cm. For Tunisian knitting, longer hooks up to 40 cm in length are produced.

How to choose yarn

Yarn can be synthetic, cotton and wool. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the presence of lint. The smallest fibers will bother you, so wool is not suitable as a material for beginners. Fully synthetic threads can be very unpleasant to work with and on the fabric. But they are the brightest colored.

The yarn should be evenly colored and have the same thickness along its entire length. For hand knitting, you should not choose a tightly twisted thread - it gathers into loops and does not allow you to create uniform links when knitting.

Boucle threads with thickenings will not be suitable for sure, but melange yarn will reliably hide small flaws in the work.

When purchasing yarn, always read the ingredients on the label. Do not throw away the labels until the job is complete. You may simply not have enough threads, and it will be much easier to find the same ones with a label. In addition, on the label you can note information about the quality of the yarn, which will subsequently help you make the right choice.

How to get started

  1. Start training in a comfortable position: it is difficult to keep your elbows up all the time, so it is better to sit on a chair with armrests.
  2. Sit closer to the window - in daylight all patterns are visible much more clearly.
  3. On black or dark blue yarn, the loops are difficult to see. It is better to choose a light or bright thread.
  4. If you are right-handed, then hold the hook in your right hand and take the working thread in your left hand.

Crochet patterns for beginners with detailed explanations

Each element in the diagram has its own execution technique and its own designation. You can create simple things using simple elements. This way you will not only master the knitting technique, but also see the real result of your efforts.

Basics of crochet for beginners

The chain is the most important basic element in all knitting patterns. But it is not as simple as it seems. Uneven loops immediately catch the eye and spoil the impression of the work done. So some advice for beginners in crochet: knit the braid until you see that it is the same along the entire length. And no matter how many meters of finished braid you get, practice, undo and practice again. What the chain knitting technique looks like and its designation in the diagrams can be seen in the photo.

For variety, you can master the double crochet chain. How to do this, look at the photo.

The chain is used as a basic element (like a set of loops in knitting) and for air connection of different elements of the product.

The column is another important element of technology, with which you can knit a fabric from a braid. Columns are used to form transitions between knitting parts, secure individual parts, and in some other cases.
A simple single crochet stitch is performed as shown in the diagram.

Double crochet is already a decorative element. There can be 1 or more yarn overs, and they are designated as follows. The number of serifs in the diagram indicates how many yarn overs need to be made on the column.

Slingshot - several double crochets, which are made from one loop. They will help you knit a round center or a beautiful petal for a flower.

Knitting can be done in the round, or can be done using a transition stitch. You can see in the photo how to correctly carry out the transition in order to get a perfectly smooth edge of the product.

Filet crochet for beginners

Filet knitting is a sequential alternation of chains and single crochet stitches. As a result of your work, you will get a grid with different types of cells, as shown in the diagram.

A simple pattern at first glance is the basis for crocheting clothing items and beautiful decorative elements. Upon closer inspection, it seems that the details are not crocheted, but embroidered with plain threads. See what basic elements can be made using the fillet knitting technique.

And here is an example of a finished product based on the same small fragments.

An interesting combination of colors and a detailed pattern will help you create a blanket using the patchwork technique, but based on knitted fragments.

Crochet flowers and petals for beginners (step by step with photos)

Flowers and floral designs are the first thing that all beginners probably master. Using simple products you can learn to knit and read -crochet patterns-.

Here are examples of the simplest colors with knitting patterns. But don't be discouraged that your efforts will only be spent on training. See what compositions can be made from the simplest elements.

You already know how to knit a simple circle based on stitches and a simple chain. Now you can move from flat diagrams to three-dimensional toys. Even if you don’t have small children, you can knit a small keychain for yourself and your loved ones.

Crochet is so practical that you can create even the smallest details.

For the parts of the body and legs you need to knit a kind of cylinder. The base is the same circle as in the middle of the flower. When the diameter of the base is sufficient, simply stop adding loops. Knit the walls of the cylinder with a simple stitch using the loop-in-loop method. To narrow or widen the loops, perform uniform addition and reduction of loops.

Not only voluminous toys can be knitted. There are several ways to decorate a children's room with beautiful panels with all children's favorite characters. Funny owls can be simple.

Having mastered crocheting toys, you can create many holiday characters for children and their friends.

Crochet was probably invented by lovers of openwork napkins. Our grandmothers had no other way to decorate their home and give it coziness than with the help of crocheted napkins. Openwork details require careful adherence to the pattern. Otherwise, you will end up with a convex hemisphere, pulled together at the edges, or a wavy edge.

Before you start knitting napkins, you can start with simple coasters for plates or glasses. Please note that the basic element according to a simple scheme can be used separately. Or you can put together a chic tablecloth from a sufficient number of fragments.

Napkins as a decorative element have already slightly lost their relevance. But lace weaving, with which you can decorate dinner napkins, tablecloths or even items of clothing, is valued today more than ever.

Check out some simple chain and column designs that will help you create not just utilitarian, but also fashionable design elements.

On the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, everyone is preoccupied with decorating their home. From the fragments you can create wonderful balls, as shown in the diagram. In order for the parts to keep the shape of a ball, you need to use a little trick: starch the finished fragments and dry them under a press.

How to Learn to Crochet Practical Things (Beginner's Guide)

For many modern needlewomen, the mention of decorative napkins does not arouse any enthusiasm. Art for art's sake is no longer so popular; many people prefer utilitarian products. And with the help of crochet you can make not only beautiful, but also useful things that will also serve a decorative function.

  • To work, you will need a special type of yarn - ribbon yarn. The thread is very thick, 7-9 mm, holds its shape well in the product and allows you to quickly create the intended model. And ribbon yarn also has a lot of beautiful pastel shades, so fashionable in interior design today. It requires a special hook No. 12 or No. 15.

  • For example, several multi-colored skeins of thick yarn and a hook will help you knit baskets that you can use as an organizer.

  • A convenient shopping bag will help out. Who doesn't like visiting supermarkets with plastic bags.
  • You can create several interior items - a rug, covers for stools and storage boxes with lids.

  • In the diagram you can see a diagram for the base of a bag or box. The diagram can be adjusted according to the size of the product.

  • The diagram shows a step-by-step knitting technique that can be used to knit a basket of any diameter.

It is impossible to crochet socks in the classical sense. The technique does not involve knitting elastic. But knitting high closed slippers with soft soles is quite possible. And you can start training on your toes for the little ones. With a minimum set of basic techniques and some imagination, you can knit cute slippers, sneakers or even boots for your baby based on one pattern.

  • . Tie a chain of the required length - this will be the central part of the sole. Start knitting in the round according to the pattern, adding loops where necessary. As a result, you should get a sole that fits your baby's feet. You can just touch the leg to make sure everything is done correctly.

  • For the edges, continue to knit according to the pattern or simply work stitches without adding stitches. The height should be sufficient so that the toe does not fit too tightly around the foot. After that, move on to designing the upper part of the sock.

  • Or knit a high freebie in the form of a boot. But you need to provide the possibility of putting on a sock.

  • Socks for adults are knitted using the same principle. They are not suitable for walking on the street, but they can easily replace homemade crocheted slippers or warm your feet in the cold season.

  • Booties can be worn outdoors, but require a factory sole. Buy flip flops and take the straps out of them. You will need an awl to pierce the sole. Make punctures evenly along the entire perimeter of the sole, immediately pulling the thread through them. Next, knit the booties according to the chosen pattern.

  • But the soles of flip-flops are very thin and quickly deform. Do you have old booties or espadrilles that have worn through your fingers? So what to do? Take the sole to a shoemaker and ask them to stitch it around the perimeter. Or make a blank from felt and sew it around the edge with thread. Now you have a blank with which you can start working.

  • Look at several knitting patterns and finished results from the work of thrifty craftswomen.

The Tunisian knitting technique is a mix of crocheting and knitting. You will need a hook, but its length allows you to knit fabric with more than one working loop. Using Tunisian knitting, craftswomen create large fabrics that can be arranged and stitched to create different patterns.

If you describe Tunisian knitting in words, then we can say the following:

Here are a few examples of finished products made using the Tunisian knitting technique.

Video with free crochet lessons for beginners

  • Video with a circle crochet lesson, which is a basis for beginners in the technique of creating napkins. An example on large yarn will help you master lifting loops and correctly calculate the number of capes in each turn. This will help you later knit perfect circles without waves or tightness.

  • A kind bear and a little sad bear will definitely become a friend for your baby. Video with a lesson for beginners in crocheting various toys based on one simple pattern. For the bear, you can knit clothes, a hat, and even small shoes. Not only toys, but also clothes can be created by mastering the technique of crocheting for children.

  • A video with a step-by-step lesson on crocheting booties for little ones - what else could be more enjoyable for beginning craftswomen. Ruffles and laces will add cuteness to the product and help mom master the technique of working with crochet.

  • Tall booties for an adult with a step-by-step video for beginners on crochet and a lesson on joining individual pieces. The author of the video introduces several techniques at once - knitting patterns, joining parts according to a pattern and attaching finished booties to a felt sole. Using this technique you can also knit short house slippers.

  • Video with a lesson for beginners on crocheting a snood from pink yarn. Simple elements, executed with great skill, form a beautiful pattern. If the topic of hats interests you, learn more about - crochet hats -.

Do you love everything openwork and fluffy and can’t take your eyes off knitted items? Don't rush to buy a knitting machine! To create masterpieces, a penny hook is enough.

Do you associate the hobby of crocheting with the lace doily adorning your grandmother's dresser? This fashionable hobby is not limited to openwork “rosettes” and starched vases. It happens that weeks pass in search of an exclusive knitted sweater, handbag or scarf, but the right thing never comes across. Then you should buy a hook, yarn and knit a new wardrobe item with your own hands!

A little history: from the 19th century to the 21st century

One of the first mentions of crochet was a publication in 1824 in a famous Dutch magazine. At that time, this type of needlework was called “shepherd’s knitting.” The work was done with homemade hooks - a bent needle with a cork handle.

The ancestor of modern technology was Irish lace. Difficult to perform, they became increasingly popular. To this day, Irish lace does not lend itself to all knitters at once - it is a very painstaking work with small details.

At the end of the 19th century, the craze for crocheting also spread among Slavs. Today this type of needlework is popular in all developed countries of the world. Using a crochet hook, you can crochet both a finished product and a decoration for a boring wardrobe item, giving it a new life.

First steps: where to start a new hobby

What do you need to crochet for beginners? Just a little: a diagram or description of the product, hooks, yarn and perseverance.

To work, you need to learn two types of loops - “air” and column (with one and several crochets). It is worth starting any work from the first node. To do this, the working thread should be thrown over the index finger of the auxiliary hand (left for right-handed people), then make a loop around the thumb.

Next, you need to insert the hook under the thread on your thumb, grab the thread from your index finger and pull out the loop. Then you should cast on a chain of “air” loops - while holding the thread on the index finger of your left hand, grab it with a hook and remove the loops.

1.Magic ring made of threads; 2. single crochets in a circle; 3. single crochets; 4. double crochets with a common top

Single crochet. Insert the hook into the loop of the chain and pull the thread through the loop. If it is a double crochet, then before inserting the hook into a loop of the chain, you need to throw the thread over the hook.
Where can I get diagrams for practice? There is a lot of specialized literature, as well as on the Internet - forums, groups on social networks, websites.

To read the diagrams, it is enough to know the symbols, and they are the same in all diagrams. The chain stitch is an oval, the single crochet is a vertical stick, and the double crochet is a vertical stick with horizontal lines, the number of which indicates the number of double crochets.

ABC for reading diagrams

Crochet hooks are divided according to the material of manufacture - wood, metal or plastic, the presence of a handle - with or without a handle (the needlewoman chooses what is more convenient for her) and thickness - from 0.5 mm to 10 mm in diameter. For convenience while working, the hook should be held like a pen at school.

The thinnest crochet hook, 0.5 mm, is often used to knit napkins and lace. For more global items, a 2.5-4 mm hook is often used; the rest up to 10 mm are knitted with thick yarn - wool or wool mixture. If you are a beginner knitter, use the yarn and hook number indicated in the pattern description.

The benefits of being fashionable

What can you crochet from yarn? The big plus is that you can crochet both an airy light product and a denser, warmer thing. The crochet hook is easy to carry with you while knitting while traveling on public transport or during your lunch break.

Napkins, curtains, summer clothes for children and adults, accessories - all this is knitted with light cotton thread. Thicker yarn for crochet 3-5 mm is acrylic, wool and wool mixture. There is plenty to go around here - hats, scarves, sweaters, skirts, dresses, gloves, socks and much more. Moreover, it depends on the pattern - if it is more “holey”, then the thing will be lighter, but if the pattern on the diagram is dense, then the thing will be warmer.

Crochet poncho

It should be taken into account that some people are allergic to wool, then you can safely replace it with acrylic, it is, of course, “cooler”, but with tight knitting it will not be noticeable. For women's swimwear and children's clothing, try to use 100% cotton. For kids, give preference to threads marked “Vavu”.

The possibilities of the crochet hobby don't end with clothes. With its help, you can knit umbrellas, a christening set for a baby, tablecloths, bags, toys, and babywearing beads, which are popular among young mothers. Blankets and pillowcases for pillows that are knitted with “granny squares” from leftover yarn are very beautiful. Recently, items made from thick yarn just for a 10 mm hook have become very popular.

Later, you can use not only threads as yarn, but all kinds of available materials: rope, strips of fabric and even garbage bags!

Having mastered the technique of crocheting, you can safely use your hobby to your advantage: give openwork gifts to your family and friends on small and big holidays. Use the technique in other types of handicrafts, for example, to create elements and decorate hand-sewn and knitted items, decorate homemade boxes, make outfits for and soft toys.

From an exciting hobby to additional income

When you are hooked and you are completely immersed in the colorful world of wool balls, you can safely dress not only yourself and your loved ones, but also have an extra one.

At first, you can sell your products through word of mouth, and later use Internet services, for example, open your own online store or display your work on online platforms with free advertising. Toys can be sold at handicraft fairs or in specialized stores, which are now found even in small towns.

Practical classes: master classes

If you are fascinated by this hobby, then start practicing. We have prepared master classes for you for beginners and experienced craftswomen. Click on the thumbnails you like and go to detailed descriptions with photos. Even more knitting instructions.

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


When you have a couple of free hours at home, you want to spend them usefully. or easy crochet - if you have the desire. Imagine wearing tailored pieces with a unique pattern that suits your body shape. When you put on a sweater or top knitted by yourself, you feel confident and relaxed. Crochet patterns are patterns that will create a complete composition of the product. Try to implement them yourself!

Crochet patterns for beginners

If you take a hook for the first time in your life, then in a couple of hours you will have in front of you an openwork napkin, several flower petals, a Christmas tree, a pineapple, a star and other unique decorations for clothes. By spending an evening knitting, you will delight your baby with a hat, socks, a Panama hat or lace booties. In a couple of weeks it’s easy to create a blanket that is simple in design but original in the selection of threads for any weather. Look out for melange yarns that will create multi-colored variations in knitwear. What patterns should I use?


This simple pattern, which does not require special skills, will help to achieve lightness, smoothness, and volume in a knitted product. By decreasing or increasing the number of columns, you will carefully narrow or expand the width of the item at your discretion. In this style, patterns are made - scale, ribbon. Use voluminous shells for warm cardigans, sweaters, and pillowcase decor.

Here are the instructions for knitting “shells”:

  1. Knit chain stitches in multiples of 4. The bottom row is ready.
  2. Turn the hook to the opposite side of the chain. Skip the first three stitches and work 3 or plus n double crochets (dc) into the fourth stitch.
  3. Make a chain loop and continue in the same order until the end of the row.
  4. In shell crochet patterns there are no knit or purl stitches, because you end up with the same pattern every time.


During the evening you are unlikely to cover all the variety of designs of openwork crochet patterns. But it's worth trying at least 1. Openwork knitting is suitable for table napkins, shawls, summer T-shirts with flowers, skirts, yokes made in an Irish pattern or in a fan style. Start any project with a chain chain. An example of openwork knitting: after step 1, repeat 2 rows of single crochets (dc), alternating them with air loops (c) for future lifting. There should be symmetry in the pattern, count each loop. Knit 3 petals: 3 tbsp. s n. in one hole, 3 in. p. (repeat 3 times).


There is nothing complicated about dense patterns. They are knitted according to similar principles, but each row comes out wavy, because it fills the previous openings. The connecting method is even simpler; there is no need to count gaps. Dense crochet is suitable for linen, tablecloth, and a warm autumn children's blanket. Patterns are made using this principle - Japanese, crocodile, spider, crow's feet. The thickness of the thread determines the number of the hook and the density of the knitted item. If you want to knit a blanket, do not forget about the embossed border, which will give the product individuality.


Mesh patterns are suitable for napkins, summer, airy beach tops, children's evening and women's hats, and decorative tablecloths. If you choose a round shape for the product, then you need to start with the base - a ring of air loops, and then the binding will tend to increase. In rectangular and square patterns there is row after row, pattern combinations are repeated.


For some, simple patterns are alternating double crochets, chain stitches, purl stitches and knit stitches. Beginners should try basic crafts so that their hands get used to the hook. Ordinary napkins, decorative bindings, mono-patterned blankets, when combined with threads in a gradient style or using fluffy mohair, turn into a trendy product. You will be surprised at the end result, because with the help of simple patterns you can achieve interesting color options for things.


Raised patterns are created using many knitting techniques. This depends on the thickness of the thread, the volumetric knitting pattern, and the number of columns per loop. What do you want to receive? A chic blanket will be obtained in a short time if you knit with 4 thick threads. A light, airy, textured blouse for a baby can be made from acrylic using purl and knit stitches. Use arc and zigzag techniques to create unusual knitted items.


Crochet jacquard patterns involve the interweaving of two or more colors, repeated in a circle. Using this principle, geometric, floral and avant-garde trend designs are obtained. In recent years, knitted patterns of deer, elk, and Christmas trees on winter sweaters have been at their peak. “Lazy jacquard” includes zigzags, rectangles, circles. Any item can be easily knitted using this technique and a hook of the required size (in millimeters).

Features of the fillet knitting technique

Fillet knitting is an amazing and simple technique. It resembles the principle of embroidery. You knit a grid of empty and filled cells, from which a beautiful pattern is formed. Imitation lace helps to recreate not only ordinary, rustic napkins, but also complex ornaments and narrative canvases. To begin, try knitting a small sample that will help you imagine the scale of the desired pattern. Smaller mesh squares will create a complex pattern, and larger ones made of double, triple columns, several air loops, thick threads will create simpler lace.

Construction of knitting patterns

In order not to peer at the photograph or the finished product, but to know exactly how to get such a thing, instructions with symbolic meanings are attached to each diagram, as in the photo below. Any knitting begins with casting on a chain of air loops, and then most often there are single crochets. Depending on the complexity, the patterns are repeated or alternated with other patterns. Explanation of standard symbols:

  • air loop (v.p.).
  • lifting loop (p. under.).
  • single crochet (dc)
  • a column with capes (st. with n).
  • Art. s n. in 2 doses.
  • double crochet stitch (st. 2 stitches).
  • Art. from 3 n.
  • tubercle (the lines are equal to the number of yarn overs).
  • ring of air loops.
  • several tbsp. s n. in 1 p.
  • columns with a common top.
  • the junction of the pattern.
  • half ring.

What crochet patterns are suitable for blouses and hats for girls

For crochet patterns, use whatever your imagination tells you. For summer, light products, mesh sheets, mills, and openwork shells are suitable; for warm winter blouses, use embossed, dense patterns. Collections of children's things, regardless of the pattern, are decorated with flowers and animal elements (eyes, ears, mouth), then the image looks more fun. It is better to finish with an elastic band, both hats and blouses. Several patterns in the photo below will help you navigate your choice.

Video: How to Read Pattern Schemes

From the video below you will learn all about the concepts of rapport, determining the beginning of a row, rotary and circular knitting. This video is ideal for beginner needlewomen who are just learning the joys of crocheting. Even after learning the entire theoretical part, do not forget that only practice will help you achieve accurate, amazing, unique results. Then you won't be looking for someone else's knitting patterns, but will start creating your own!

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Something you see by chance on the street can spark a desire to learn how to knit and create something similar for yourself.

A knitted dress, blouse, or shawl cannot fail to attract attention.

What to stock up on for training

The desire to learn how to crochet is the first and most important condition. Without desire nothing will happen. The hook itself will not make loops and will not form a beautiful fabric.

It is necessary to stock up on hooks of different numbers (from thin No. 1 to thick No. 3-4), knitting threads, lessons, books and guides with illustrations.

Choosing a hook and thread for training

Hooks come in metal, plastic and wood. For a beginner knitter, medium-sized metal hooks, without burrs on the handle, with a smooth head, are suitable. Threads for training can be thicker, smooth, and soft in color, so that the loops that you will knit are clearly visible.

Loops, posts and patterns

It’s good if there is a person next to a beginning knitter who will show you how to hold a hook in your fingers, how to pull a thread into a loop, a chain of air loops, how to form rows of double crochets and single crochets.

If there is no such person, you should not be upset. Open any instructional video on YouTube and watch how a knitter holds her hook. This can be either “handled like a pen” or “handled like a knife.” Don’t be confused by the fact that in different videos, different craftswomen hold the working hook differently. It doesn't matter. Those who are used to it, as they initially learned, hold the hook while working. You can try both methods and decide which one works better for you.

Stock up on pictures that show basic crochet techniques. All the most complex laces are knitted using only a dozen basic techniques. You can master them either with outside help, or armed with illustrations or choosing a good training video.

After the basic techniques have been mastered: the chain of air loops and rows of stitches are smooth and dense, select a crochet pattern. It can be either a shawl or a shawl.

The designations on the diagram will tell you in which row you should knit loops, double crochets and single crochets.

The first steps may not please you with quality. The canvas will turn out to be uneven in texture: where it is looser, where it is tighter. Experience will definitely come, and your hand will begin to knit all the elements of crochet with the same thread tension. The thing will become smoother and denser.

Remember that any most complex dress or amazingly delicate cape is knitted by human hands and with a great creative desire to make this thing. Having all this in place, learning to crochet from scratch and becoming an unsurpassed knitter is quite possible.

Of course, with the desire to learn how to do this and create beautiful, soulful things with your own hands. Crocheting, as the name of this type of needlework says, is carried out using a tool - a hook.

There are a variety of hooks: metal, wood, plastic and even ivory (I have one of these, a gift from my aunty knitter. To be honest, the tool is not suitable for knitting, but as a beautiful souvenir it’s very good, and also as a reason to show off to girlfriends with their “treasures”).

And hats and scarves are numbered from 2.5 to 6-7.

To start knitting and learning, a hook size 3-3.5 is suitable. And any yarn of medium thickness.

How to hold a hook.

Something else needs to be said about the position of the hook in your hands. Here everyone chooses the option that is most convenient for him/her)).

The figure below shows a method called "pencil". Simply grip the hook the way you would grip a pencil for writing.

The following picture shows the "spoon" method, in which the hook is held like a spoon while eating.

As you can see, everything is very simple.

Thread position when knitting.

Where the thread should be placed while knitting is shown in the figure below. A working area for the hook is formed between the index finger and thumb. The thread going to the ball is located under the middle, ring and little fingers. And the little finger lightly presses the thread against the palm so that it does not dangle. The free end of the thread is 4-5 cm. More is possible. When finished, I thread this end through a large eyed needle and carefully thread it into the work.

The basic elements of crochet are chain stitch, single crochet and double crochet. Let's look at how they are done one by one.

Start of knitting. Air loop.

So, you have a hook and a ball of thread in your hands. Where to start?) Any product begins with a chain of air loops. And it starts with the first air loop. We cross the thread with our fingers to form an ordinary loop and insert a hook into it, as shown in the figure.

We grab the thread with a hook and pull it into our ordinary loop.

Congratulations! You've learned how to make the first loop, and that's half the battle!)

At first, my hands will not obey you, my fingers will be tense, but this is a normal phenomenon for all novice needlewomen. With each new approach it will turn out better and better.

The second element is a single crochet.

As with any knitting technique, stitches are added at the beginning of each row. When knitting a single crochet, one chain increase is made. Therefore, the hook is inserted into the second air loop from the hook.

Insert the hook, grab the thread and pull it through the loop.

Congratulations! You have mastered single crochet! Now the same needs to be done in the next loop and all other loops of the air chain.

This is what a row of single crochets looks like:

And this is what the pattern looks like, knitted with single crochets:

And the third important element is the double crochet.

If the row begins with a double crochet, then you need to make four lifting loops. Because the double crochet is higher than the single crochet. To make a yarn over, simply yarn over the hook. And after that, insert the hook into the 4th free loop from the hook.