Signs and sensations at 40 weeks pregnant. week of pregnancy: Video "Birth: the beginning of a new life." Ultrasound and tests

Week 40 is the time of delivery. Now the expectant mother listens to her feelings every minute and waits: has it begun? The moral state is psychological fatigue and constant expectation.

The baby is completely ready to be born. The weight of the fetus is about three kilograms and above, medical literature usually gives averaged data - 3.5 kg. We have already written that the body weight of the baby is an individual indicator that depends on many factors. Height ranges from 48 cm to 50 and above.

38 weeks have passed since conception, the period of 40 obstetric weeks of pregnancy is equal to nine and a half lunar months.

Changes in the cardinal direction at the fortieth obstetric week of pregnancy can no longer be. The baby only slightly gains body weight and increases growth. All organs and systems have gone through a full cycle of development and are ready for functioning.


Reflexes play a huge role in life. At this time, the sucking reflex is fully developed, and as soon as the baby is born, he will be prepared for breastfeeding.

Not everyone knows, but children at this age already have the ability to evaluate the picture, they perfectly distinguish all shades and colors, the slightest shades of light brightness and contrast.

Moreover, the baby knows how to focus on any point, which is located at a distance of 20 cm and up to 30 cm. Nature took care of this so that babies can recognize their mother's face when breastfeeding.

Internal organs that are fully formed can function outside the uterus. The intestines filled with original feces will work immediately after birth, and the baby will be able to empty itself.

The breathing system is ready to go.

Are there external changes?

Now the baby is completely like a newborn. He has light pink skin, almost no original lubrication, except for deep folds. Lubrication protects the delicate skin from irritation and rubbing. There is practically no vellus hair left (there are exceptions), but a hairstyle appeared on the head (there are also exceptions).

The reproductive system is fully formed, in boys, the testicles are normally already lowered into the scrotum.

We have already written about the fact that the bones of the skull of children are mobile, this is necessary to take a comfortable shape when the baby passes through the mother's birth canal. The fusion occurs later.

Many expectant mothers are afraid that they do not feel the active movement of the baby, as before. No need to worry. This is the norm. After all, the baby has grown up and there is very little space for him in the uterus.

In addition, children need to save up strength for childbirth, this is not an easy and very active job not only for the expectant mother, but also for the baby. Therefore, just before the birth, babies save energy.

The movements became less intense not at the 40th week, but even earlier. And many pregnant women notice this. Therefore, in order not to torment yourself with feelings, it is better to listen and count how many knocks you notice. Normally, there should be at least ten of them.

A lot depends on how the baby is located! With the correct presentation, the baby will successfully pass through the birth canal. It will be easier for both him and the woman in labor.

The vast majority of children are correctly positioned. We have already explained that the correct position in obstetrics is called head presentation.

In this position, the baby's body seems to be grouped, arms and legs do not interfere, because they are tightly pressed to the body. And the head has prepared for the way into the light and is located at the exit.

If by this time it was not possible to “persuade” the baby to take the correct position with the help of special exercises, then it may be necessary to perform a caesarean section.

You must understand that this is a very responsible task and an individual decision is made in each specific case. The experience and high qualification of the doctor is required in order to determine the best option for conducting childbirth.

For example, with a breech presentation and a small weight of the baby, as well as with the normal size of the mother's pelvis, natural childbirth is quite possible.

And with a narrow pelvis, a large weight and a transverse arrangement of the fetus, there is no need to choose and an operation is prescribed. Very rarely, but there are cases of "coup" of children shortly before the onset of labor.

But no matter how your baby is located, you need to look at the situation with optimism and trust the professionalism of doctors.


A truly unique organ is a woman's uterus, which can increase in size by 500 (!) times. In this body, actively participating in the birth process, there are active changes.

The uterus is located approximately 16-20 cm from the navel, and from the pubic joint - from 36 to 40 cm. In order for the child to be able to pass through the birth canal as comfortably as possible, the cervical canal opens, and the cervix becomes shorter and softer. When the stage of childbirth begins, the expansion will occur to the optimal size.

Why do uterine contractions become more frequent and intense? This is due to the release of special hormones by the female body. Hormones are responsible for all stages of childbirth, they are also responsible for the production of milk in the postpartum period, when the baby needs food.

At this time, the bottom of the uterus drops even more, while the baby's head can be pressed closer to the entrance to the small pelvis. In addition, at this time there is a gradual softening of the bones and muscles of the woman's pelvis and sprains.

Is the birth coming soon? Signs of the onset of labor

There are obstetric harbingers of childbirth that every woman who is carrying a pregnancy should be informed about.

Braxton Hicks contractions

We have already written about these fights. These are contractions of the uterus that resemble contractions during menstruation (sensations familiar to every woman). There is another name for such fights - training or false.

The sensations that they give to a woman can hardly be called pleasant. Often a woman cannot sleep normally, relax, as she experiences almost constant discomfort. But then it will be easier, as the uterus has undergone a good workout.

It happens that false contractions can begin only a couple of days before giving birth, and there are women who have experienced all the delights of training for several weeks.

Concerns are often expressed - how not to confuse real labor and training contractions. Braxton Hicks contractions usually stop when walking and are less intense than real contractions. Real contractions are stronger and last longer.

Attention! The onset of labor is evidenced by shorter time intervals and increased pain.

Mucus plug

As you already know, the mucus plug plays a huge role. It is located at the entrance to the cervix and provides reliable protection throughout the pregnancy, preventing various microorganisms from reaching the baby. Without such a barrier from adverse external influences, the fetus could not survive.

At this stage of pregnancy, usually a yellow, pink or white lump of mucus, which may have blood streaks, should open up the entrance to the uterus. And then the path will be open and the baby can be born.

The mucus plug does not always come out right now. It happens that she comes out right before the onset of childbirth or even a couple of weeks before them.

amniotic fluid

The passage of amniotic fluid is a signal of the onset of labor.

But there are nuances here. If the waters departed immediately and in a stream, then it is difficult to confuse them with something. But when water flows in small portions, especially when going to the toilet, it is very easy to make a mistake, since outwardly they can resemble urine. In addition, many pregnant women suffer from urinary incontinence and such symptoms are common for them.

How to identify amniotic fluid?

It is quite possible to carry out identification, that is, verification. Amniotic fluid is a liquid transparent substance, odorless and colorless. If you are convinced of this, go to the hospital.

Attention! Amniotic fluid that has a greenish tint is an unfavorable symptom that may be a sign of infection.


The baby is now sinking down to the pelvic floor, the pregnant tummy is also descending. Now it is easier to breathe, the uterus does not put such pressure on the lungs and stomach.

Body mass

Now, as a rule, the body weight of a woman no longer increases. Some women even lose weight. This usually happens due to the loss of excess fluid, which is necessary before childbirth. The pregnant woman goes to urinate more often than before. Diarrhea often develops, which is considered a variant of the norm.


A newborn after his birth in the first 24 hours does not feed on milk, but on colostrum. Colostrum is a special fluid with a high protein content.

Colostrum is produced by the body of the expectant mother in advance, even before childbirth. There are pregnant women who have little discharge from the mammary glands, and there are those who need special bra pads. Thanks to such pads, it is possible to keep the cleanliness and freshness of underwear.


If a woman gives birth for the first time, childbirth lasts longer. Repeated births most often last no longer than 10-11 hours. With repeated births, the cervix opens faster. But in any case, childbirth is too an individual process that every woman has in different ways, and there is no clear criterion.


Now it is quite difficult for a woman to move around. The feeling of clumsiness is a characteristic feature of any pregnant woman at this time. It is often difficult to walk even a short distance without feeling tired. By evening, almost everyone has heaviness and swelling in the legs. To this symptomatology is added weak sleep, mood swings, tearfulness, resentment, suspiciousness, unfounded irritability, etc. Relatives should be sympathetic to your condition. Let them read our article and understand that it is really not easy for you now!

What worries:

  • training contractions, pulling pains, stony stomach;
  • heaviness and pain in the back, especially in the lumbar region;
  • discomfort and pain in the perineum, as now the baby's head is pressing on the pelvic floor;
  • pain in the sacrum, often infringement of the femoral nerve, when painkillers are needed;
  • circulatory disorders in the limbs, leading to a feeling of numbness;
  • stool disorders, constipation, which, when neglected, lead to the development of hemorrhoids;
  • itching in the abdomen due to stretched skin;
  • exacerbation of previously existing chronic pathologies of the body due to increased load.

Vaginal discharge

Now you need to carefully monitor the vaginal discharge. We wrote a lot about what discharge should be normal at any time of gestation. Light, odorless discharge is normal. But now, at the 40th week, there may be a release of a mucous substance that has streaks of red or brown. This type has a special mucous plug, its exit to the outside is a sign of an early birth.

We have already written in this article about amniotic fluid, which can also come out at 40 weeks.

Attention! If there is a discharge of bright red color, you should immediately call an ambulance. So placental abruption can manifest itself. This condition poses a direct threat to the life of the fetus.

Often, the doctor of the antenatal clinic insists on hospitalization at the 40th week of pregnancy. The fortieth obstetric week is the time of childbirth. And therefore, if the doctor deems it necessary to point out the advisability of hospitalization, you should not be in danger and refuse.

Now there is a trend towards overbearing the fetus. What does it mean?

We have already told you about the placenta and its role in pregnancy. Now the placenta is aging, which means it can no longer provide comfortable conditions for the baby. The child will not receive adequate nutrition. In a hospital setting, a pregnant woman is under constant medical supervision, and the medical staff can monitor the condition of both the placenta, the woman, and the child who is about to be born.

Possible risks

At this stage of pregnancy, the danger remains:

  • placental abruption;
  • preeclampsia (late toxicosis, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure and the amount of protein in the urine, which, in the absence of competent therapeutic measures, can result in eclampsia - a condition dangerous for the health and even the life of the expectant mother and baby);
  • lack of oxygen (fetal hypoxia);
  • aging of the placenta, which does not give the child the opportunity to receive all the substances necessary for life;
  • infectious diseases.

We talk about all possible risks for the purpose of informing. Any pregnant woman is responsible for her life and health and for the life of her child. She, of course, should analyze her condition. But it is also worth recalling the "golden" mean. Since excessive suspiciousness and listening to the slightest ailment is no better than criminal carelessness and complete disregard for serious problems.

When is a doctor really needed?

You need to contact a specialist if:

  • sharply increased blood pressure;
  • head is spinning;
  • there was a severe headache and black dots before the eyes;
  • you do not hear movements during the last half-day-day;
  • sharply developed swelling of the hands, feet and face;
  • amniotic fluid broke;
  • bloody discharge from the vagina appeared;
  • contractions are not like training;
  • vision has fallen, the woman sees as "through a cloudy glass."


Some couples are still having sex. All contraindications, which we wrote about earlier, remain in force. If the doctor has not forbidden intercourse, then think about convenience and choose positions in which there is no pressure on the stomach.

There are times when a gynecologist recommends sexual relations at this time in order to stimulate labor and to soften the cervix. Male sperm is rich in prostaglandin hormones that contribute to this, in addition, if a woman has experienced an orgasm, the tone of the uterus increases and natural stimulation of labor occurs. But! The advice of a doctor in this case is required!

Sex is completely prohibited in case of infection of the sexual partner. You can not have sex when the cork is discharged, since in this case there is no protection of the uterus from the penetration of pathogenic infections.

During a planned visit to the doctor of the antenatal clinic, the following is carried out:

  • studying the results of general urine tests;
  • measurement of blood pressure;
  • measuring the circumference of the abdomen;
  • palpation of the extremities for the presence of edema;
  • weighing;
  • measurement of the height of the bottom of the uterus;
  • listening to the baby's heart.

If necessary, additional diagnostic studies are prescribed - the procedure of cardiotocography (CTG). Thanks to this effective diagnosis, it is possible to analyze the heart rate, study the fetal movements and the condition of the uterus.

With certain medical indications, CTG is performed every day.

Now ultrasound is done to many women, since it is especially important to monitor the condition of the placenta. In this period, the main goal is not to miss the period when the placenta is no longer able to ensure the life of the fetus. With the onset of placental dysfunction, hypoxia develops, and oxygen starvation threatens the death of the child.

On an ultrasound examination, the dimensions of the fetus are specified in order to determine the further actions for childbirth. The location of the umbilical cord is analyzed in order to exclude its entanglement, the amniotic fluid and the position of the child are studied.

If earlier it was not worth skipping scheduled visits to the antenatal clinic, now it is unacceptable at all. At earlier stages of the examination, it was still possible to “catch up”, now it is extremely important to be under constant control and monitor the condition of the fetus, regardless of the well-being of the mother.

Check all lists - everything is done. Make sure your maternity bag has everything you need. Are there documents, an exchange card? When leaving the house, take all documents with you.

Continue taking care of your body. Prevention is always better than cure. If you have been taking care of the skin of your abdomen, chest and thighs throughout your pregnancy, then you probably won’t need to spend money on cosmetic services after the baby is born. Special cosmetic products for stretch marks are now available, which have an excellent effect and have hypoallergenic properties. The use of such products or high-quality olive oil, as well as wheat germ oil, will save the skin from stretch marks and is absolutely safe for pregnant women.

Try to fully rest, because you will need strength. Think positively, rejoice at the upcoming event. A great solution is to get creative.

Still control your diet. Avoid overeating, as labor can begin at any time. And at the same time, remember that food should give you a lot of energy. Eat 5-6 small meals a day. If you are drawn to sweet, floury or fatty, allow yourself this in small quantities. If you feed the child, it will be difficult in childbirth. Remember this!

Eat a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy-free cereals and dairy products, then you will be able to adjust the chair. Do not eat a lot of table salt, because salt contributes to the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues of the body and causes swelling. You need to drink fresh clean water, green teas, fruit drinks and compote.

Try to "infect" your family and friends with optimism. May everyone, including the beloved husband, fully feel the reality of what is happening and wait for the event with joy. Pay extra attention to your children if you already have them.

Don't do heavy housework. If you want to do something, sort through, for example, children's things, it will bring you joy.

Talk to your family about the division of family responsibilities. After all, you will have to leave the house for a while. Let the order and order be preserved in the house.

You may have fears of childbirth. This is quite natural. Often relatives themselves, without knowing it, exacerbate the situation with inappropriate questions about well-being. Try to be wise. With those people who “charge” you with negativity, stop communicating, regardless of faces.

Has the birth started? What's next?

Now many are afraid of the transfer. Perhaps childbirth should be stimulated?

Never make the decision to stimulate yourself. Only a doctor can do this.

Doctors usually induce labor closer to the next week.

The due date is not always exactly set, so there is no need to panic. No one knows when ovulation occurred, what was the menstrual cycle then. A number of other factors also affect the duration of pregnancy.

The due date set by the doctor is relative. After all, as we wrote earlier, the egg can be fertilized a few days later than the date of conception set “from the ceiling”. In addition, many women may forget the date of the last menstruation. Therefore, the term of childbirth in the period of 38 - 42 weeks is a variant of the norm.

Methods of labor induction

Now there are medical methods of stimulating labor:

  • the introduction of special drugs (for example, mefipristone, prostaglandins);
  • mechanical methods;
  • the use of a planned amniotomy (opening the amniotic sac).

Of the "home" methods, active sexual contact, stimulation of a woman's nipples, the use of herbal and laxatives are used.

Attention! It is forbidden to use any technique on your own!

Often, doctors stimulate labor with polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancies. Such events are also carried out in cases where the amniotic fluid has departed, but there is no labor activity. At the same time, doctors take into account all the circumstances, since many pathologies in pregnant women are a contraindication to such actions.

On fortieth obstetric week your pregnancy is considered full-term, and the baby can be born any day. Most likely, you are already tired of your “interesting” position and dream of meeting the baby. Don't worry if you don't go into labor at exactly 40 weeks: statistics say that only about 5% of babies choose to arrive at that time.

The size and development of the fetus at 40-42 weeks of gestation

Your baby now looks exactly as you will see him when he is born. Fetal weight can vary between 3-4.5 kg, and height is approximately 50-53 cm.

The fluff has almost completely disappeared, the baby's skin is now light pink. The cheese-like lubricant is also almost gone, the remnants can only be seen in the armpits and deep folds on the baby's body: this is necessary to avoid rubbing the baby's delicate skin.

All vital organs have long been formed, now the configuration of their functions is completed, and this is what happens:

  • The intestines are filled with original feces. The baby will empty immediately after birth or the next day.
  • By this time, the navel takes its “own” place. The formation of the reproductive genitourinary system has ended, in boys the testicles should have already descended into the scrotum.
  • The respiratory organs are improving, however, the child is already quite capable of taking independent breaths.
  • The heart, liver and other organs are fully prepared for independent activity.

In the vast majority of cases, children at this time are characterized by cephalic presentation. Nature has provided such a position so that the passage of the child through the birth canal is as comfortable as possible. The baby is now grouped, and the legs and arms are tightly pressed to the body.

If the baby has taken a different position, for example, sits on the priest or is completely located across your stomach, most likely, the doctor has already prescribed a birth plan, which usually consists of performing a caesarean section. However, if your baby is in a breech position and has a small weight, then there is a chance of a natural delivery.

The child has grown significantly and he no longer has enough space in the uterus for active games and pampering. Perhaps he has calmed down and is gaining strength before the upcoming test of childbirth. However, you still have to watch and control the movements. Recall that you need to count 10 shocks per day.

What happens to mom at 40-42 weeks

At this stage of pregnancy belly stops growing, and you might even be able to detect . The height of the fundus of the uterus is approximately 36-40 cm, and its elevation above the navel is 16-20 cm.

Because of the huge belly, it really becomes very difficult for you: clumsy gait and restless sleep - all this does not add joy. You can see a photo of the abdomen at 40 weeks of gestation above.

Among other discomforts the following can be distinguished:

  • The skin on the abdomen is very itchy. To prevent these symptoms, do not forget about moisturizers and oils.
  • Increased heaviness in the lower abdomen. Thus, the bones of the pelvis diverge and soften, and the body is actively preparing for childbirth.
  • Braxton contractions become even more painful. The abdomen continues to harden and cause discomfort at 40 and 41 weeks of pregnancy.

Also you may notice expulsion of the mucous plug- a jelly-like mass of yellowish color with streaks of blood. This is one of the (signs) of imminent labor at 40-42 weeks of gestation. Remember that if this happens, the likelihood of infection of the fetus increases. To avoid trouble, take care of maximum protection and hygiene.

By the time of 40-42 weeks, many women find feeling of "nesting". Most likely, you want to clean up and put the house in order, as well as prepare the nursery and make sure everything is bought for the arrival of a new family member. It is also likely that you are partially detached from reality and completely immersed in your thoughts.

It is also completely normal for a woman to experience lack of confidence in their parenting abilities, and to readiness to be a mother in general. She is frightened by thoughts about the upcoming future and whether she will like her new life, and a very early birth confuses the young mother.

To gather your courage and look forward with confidence, talk with your husband and loved ones, check whether everything is prepared for the maternity hospital and draw up a clear plan of action in case of contractions or water breaks.

Analyzes, examinations and ultrasound at 40-42 weeks of pregnancy

At this time, the planned visiting a gynecologist and passing urine for analysis. At the appointment, the doctor will measure the height of the uterine fundus and listen to your baby's heartbeat. The nurse will carry out the usual manipulations to measure blood pressure, pulse rate, and also record your weight.

ultrasound at a period of 40-42 weeks it will be necessary in order to monitor the condition of the fetus and respond in time to possible deviations in its intrauterine development. Also, special attention is paid to the placenta during the examination: at this time it is rapidly aging and needs constant monitoring, and if you miss the moment of its dysfunction, the baby may begin to experience, which will lead to disturbances in the functioning of the heart and brain.

In addition, the ultrasound will once again determine the size of the fetus, the condition of the amniotic fluid and the likelihood.

It will help to track the activity of the heart of a little man KTG, which stands for cardiotocography.

If the baby is not born before 40 weeks, the doctor may recommend doing this procedure even every day if necessary. The results of CTG are the heart rate of the fetus and the condition of the woman's uterus.

Possible deviations from the norm

As in other stages of pregnancy, starting from the 40th week, a woman can be in wait unpleasant and even dangerous situations. Let's take a closer look at which ones at week 40 are not the norm:

  • . If you notice traces of blood on the linen, it may be coming, which is a serious danger to the fetus and mother. Do not hesitate to seek medical attention, as even a few drops can turn into profuse bleeding.
  • Discharge with a sharp unpleasant odor. Most likely, we are talking about an infection, and now, when the passage to the uterus is no longer so protected, this represents a high probability of infection of the fetus. Contact your doctor immediately for a solution to the problem.
  • Watery discharge. If you notice abundant liquid discharge, do not hesitate - this is water. Call an ambulance and go to the hospital, because the baby cannot be without amniotic fluid for a long time.

If there are no signs of labor at 40, 41 and 42 weeks of pregnancy

It is believed that normal pregnancy should last exactly 40 weeks. However, practice shows that exactly Only 5-7% of babies are born on time.

Firstly, doctors rarely set the preliminary date of birth correctly. The complexity is determined by the fact that no one will say exactly when the conception itself occurred. It depends on the length of the cycle, on the date of ovulation and on other factors. Therefore, it is not worth sounding the alarm ahead of time.

Only your baby knows the exact due date. It is he who launches this complex process at the moment when he is fully ripe and ready to be born. Currently, the norm is the birth in the period of 38-42 weeks.

If there are no contractions and labor does not start at 40, 41, or even 42 weeks, your doctor may prescribe stimulation methods of childbirth. However, do not rush to make a decision without getting a reason.

So, in what situations induction of labor is necessary:

  • If the doctor sees clear signs of overdose, then stimulation can be recommended as early as 40 weeks.
  • multiple pregnancy or. The uterus in these cases is already greatly stretched and artificial stimulation will be a rational solution.
  • The mother has serious chronic diseases associated with the heart or kidneys, as well.
  • If the waters have already broken, and labor activity never begins. In this case, there is a threat to the life of the fetus and stimulation of the process is necessary.

Worth knowing about contraindications to artificial induction of labor:

  • The procedure is not recommended if a caesarean section of a previous birth is now planned for vaginal delivery. This may cause the seam to break.
  • Incorrect position of the fetus, as well as its condition, may preclude stimulation.

Your doctor must be 100% sure that artificial stimulation is necessary in order for the baby to be born healthy. Also remember that you have every right to receive comprehensive answers to questions about stimulation methods and why such a procedure is an unequivocal indication in your case.

What you need to know about childbirth

As a rule, childbirth begins with dilatation of the cervix, which is preceded by the appearance of regular contractions. Unlike "braxtons", real contractions are repeated at regular intervals and rapidly increase in strength.

At the first birth, cuts can last within 8-14 hours. When the contractions are repeated every 5-7 minutes, this means that the neck has already opened by 4 cm. From this moment on, the opening will occur by about 1 cm every hour and so on until the diameter of the neck becomes 10-11 cm. After this begins the attempts, and then the expulsion of the fetus occurs.

With a second pregnancy, delivery at 40-41 weeks of gestation will be much faster, as the body already knows what needs to be done.

The degree of pain will largely depend on how well you know how to relax in childbirth.

Here's what you need to know to make it as easy as possible for yourself to be in the process:

  • Don't keep everything to yourself. It is great if a trusted specialist with whom you have agreed in advance will take delivery. In the case when this is not possible, invite your husband, mother or other close person to the ward with you.
  • Find a comfortable position. Perhaps it will be a pose on all fours, or maybe lying on your side. Experiment and feel free to change positions.
  • Warm shower. If there is such an opportunity in the hospital, be sure to use it. This will help you relax and relieve pain.
  • Massage. Massaging movements of the lower back and sacrum will be very useful. It will be good if your loved one does this.

If the above methods do not help you cope, and the pain will be very strong, do not give up anesthesia. These can be injections of analgesics, a mask with laughing gas or. The last method is the most common and in this case there is no toxic effect on the child.

In order for childbirth to go as quickly and easily as possible, you need to know about how to behave on attempts:

  • If possible, take a squatting position. This is most natural for a woman in this situation, although not all maternity hospitals are adapted for this.
  • If you are lying on your back, pull your knees towards you and press them firmly with your hands.
    Try to direct the force of attempts down the abdomen and in no case into the head or eyes.
  • Between attempts, do not forget to relax as much as possible and gain strength for a new push.
  • You need to breathe shallowly and often. This will help the baby to pass through the birth canal. Also, try not to scream too much to prevent the release of adrenaline into the blood and vasoconstriction.
  • No matter how hard it is for you, listen to what the midwife says and follow her instructions.

Careful planning of childbirth is necessary in cases where there are various pathologies:

  • diseases of the mother;
  • narrow pelvis;
  • malposition.

Sometimes the process of childbirth can have complications in cases where there is bleeding, a violation of the separation of the placenta, prolapse of the umbilical cord. In such situations, it is likely that surgical intervention.

Mom's diet at 40-42 weeks of pregnancy

If your pregnancy has already exceeded 40 weeks, seriously consider exclusion of sweets and muffins from the diet. This will help prevent the baby from "feeding", which will facilitate its passage through the birth canal.

Also, do not abuse the liquid - nothing now. It will be enough to drink 1.5 liters of water per day.

Preference should be given to fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals and meat. Do not forget about fermented milk products rich in calcium. Otherwise, there are no restrictions. Just try to eat quality foods with a minimum of artificial additives.

  • Your baby is about to be born. In the remaining time, try to have a good rest and gain strength, because then there will be no such opportunity.
  • Doctors recommend not to stop walking and do not big ones.
  • Check if everything is bought for a new member of your family and if everything.
  • It will be useful to plan your discharge: prepare clothes and personal items that you may need when collecting.
  • The future dad should prepare for a few days of the life of a "bachelor". Try not to make a mess during this time and make sure that everything you need is ready for the return of your wife from the hospital.

Video about 40-41 weeks of pregnancy

We offer to view a small 40 week pregnancy video guide, from the plot of which you will learn about contractions and what needs to be done during this period. You will also learn useful information about the birth itself, about attempts, how to breathe and how to relax properly so that the birth of a baby gives you as little pain as possible.

So, your pregnancy is coming to its logical conclusion. The baby's room has long been ready for his arrival, and you continue to clean up and clean. Perhaps you have noticed how your stomach has dropped, or perhaps your cork has already come off. Dear readers, do not be shy again share your feelings at this time, because now it is more important than ever.

An incredibly pleasant period in the life of every woman ends - pregnancy. Only about a week left until the expected date of birth. Just a few days - and you will finally see your baby!

The baby has very little space, and despite the increased power of movement, his activity is much lower than before. Mom can easily determine all of his protruding parts of the body - where is the back, where are the legs, arms. With cephalic presentation, the head is easily palpable in the pubic region. The blows of the cams to the bladder are very noticeable, especially given the fact that the lowered uterus presses hard on the bladder, and the urge to urinate has become even more frequent.

Surely all preparations have already been completed: things have long been collected for the maternity hospital, perhaps a crib, a stroller and other dowry for the baby have already been bought. The children's room is already ready, and everyone is looking forward to the arrival of a new family member. It remains only to relax, walk, pay attention to yourself. Go to the salon, get a manicure and pedicure, because now there will be time for this soon. Read nice books about raising a baby, about caring for him, listen to good music that you and your baby like.

40 weeks pregnant: how many months? The last week of pregnancy is already underway, which means that the tenth obstetric month is ending. By this time, the baby weighs about 3.5 kg, and its height is about 48–51 cm. But these are average indicators, and it is absolutely normal if a hero weighing about 4 kilograms is born.

What's happening?

The fortieth week of pregnancy is the period of final preparation of the mother's body for childbirth. This week ends with a long-awaited date - the estimated date of delivery, which is calculated based on the date the last menstruation began. But in most cases, the actual date of birth differs by several days from the estimated one, since the physiology of each organism is absolutely individual. That is why births that occur between 38 and 42 weeks are considered normal. During this period, the baby is already completely formed and ready to be born.

A child at 40 weeks of gestation is completely ready for birth. According to statistics, childbirth at week 40 occurs most often, but not always on the calculated day. Therefore, the onset of labor can occur at any time, and you must be prepared for this.

The baby is now in the optimal position for childbirth. If he is in head presentation, then his head is pressed against the birth canal, the legs are pressed to the tummy, bent, and he seems to be hugging himself with his arms. This position is called the “fetal position”.

Absolutely all systems and organs are ready for independent life. The endocrine and immune systems are active. A sufficient amount of surfactant has formed in the alveolar apparatus of the lungs, and at the first breath the lungs will open and begin to enrich the blood with oxygen. The cardiovascular system has also finally formed, and after the first breath, the lungs will be included in the general circulation.

The gastrointestinal tract is already actively working. Now the intestines are sterile, and after the first application to the breast, the most valuable microorganisms will enter it, which will ensure proper digestion. Meconium is now in the intestines - the first stool, which is formed from particles of lubricant, amniotic fluid. In the first days of the baby's life, he should move away.

A newborn baby doesn't always look exactly the way parents expect it to. His skin is a little wrinkled, maybe cyanotic. After passing through the bone structures of the birth canal, the head is slightly irregular in shape, but on the 2nd or 3rd day of life, its shape is restored. The body of the baby is covered with original lubricant. But for any parents, their newly born baby is the most beautiful creature!

Baby photo, ultrasound

At the fortieth week of pregnancy, mother's tummy is an object of constant attention, both for the mother herself and for the future father. After all, everyone has already been waiting for the baby, everything is prepared for his meeting. Parents can easily distinguish in what position the baby is now, and they are happy to stroke the little legs, back, calming the baby, setting him and mom for a favorable outcome of childbirth. Moreover, doctors unanimously affirm: the better the psychological mood of the future mother, the more father's support, the easier the birth and the more healthy the baby is born!

The uterus at the 40th week of pregnancy has already fallen, and, despite the very impressive volume of the tummy, it became easier for the mother to breathe, heartburn decreased. Due to a large belly, you can be somewhat clumsy, awkward, so when you go for a walk, be sure to take your spouse with you, especially since such family walks are very close.

Proper nutrition

You are expecting the birth of a baby, and even your nutrition should now be aimed at facilitating this process, as well as a good postpartum recovery and the beginning of lactation. All the substances that you get with food, the baby will already get with milk, so avoid allergens, fatty foods, try to include more vegetables, fruits, lactic acid products, vitamins, and microelements in your diet. In the last weeks of pregnancy, mommy is worried about frequent urination, and because of this, it is sometimes difficult to sleep at night. This can be alleviated by limiting fluid intake 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Fetal movements at 40 weeks

In the last week of pregnancy, the mother still feels the baby's movements very clearly: they are strong, but not too active, because there is already very little space. Many mothers describe that with the intensification of training contractions, the baby calms down a little, as if listening - isn't it time?

Mom's Feelings

Now all the feelings of the mother are aggravated: isn't it time to go to the hospital? If the 40th week of pregnancy has already begun, the contractions of Braxton-Geeks (training) are becoming more intense. How not to confuse them with true contractions? Real contractions are regular and painful. Therefore, if you feel that the stomach is becoming stony more and more often, and this is already accompanied by pain, note the time - evaluate the duration of contractions, the intervals between them.

The last weeks of pregnancy are often accompanied by insomnia. It can be related to your anxiety about the upcoming birth, frequent urination, and even simply the fact that it is difficult to find a comfortable position for sleeping. Try not to drink a lot of liquid before going to bed, be sure to take a walk, ventilate the room, listen to calm music, read a book. And most importantly - tune in to the best! After all, very soon you will see your miracle!

40th week of pregnancy: harbingers of childbirth

When the expected date of birth is approaching, the expectant mother is ready to interpret any change in her well-being as a sign of an imminent birth. How to determine that the next painful sensation is not just a tone, but the beginning of labor? There are clear signs indicating that labor will begin in the coming days. They are called harbingers:

  • training contractions intensify, but they are not yet painful, during training contractions the neck does not open; the closer the birth, the more often false contractions occur;
  • separation of the mucous plug: before childbirth (sometimes in a few days), thick mucus with streaks of blood leaves the cervical canal;
  • the stomach drops: this is due to the fact that the baby's head is now close to the birth canal; it becomes easier for the mother to breathe, but frequent urination worries;
  • weight loss: before childbirth, due to hormonal changes, excess fluid is excreted, and a woman's weight can decrease by 1.5–2 kg.

If you even find all these symptoms in yourself, you can not rush to the hospital yet, because childbirth can begin in a few days. There are only two symptoms that indicate the onset of labor activity directly, and if they are detected, you should immediately go to the hospital.

40 weeks pregnant: signs of childbirth

  1. Contractions: it is from the beginning of true contractions that most births begin. Contractions are defined as regular contractions of the myometrium, which are accompanied by pain (in the abdomen or lumbar region) and cause cervical dilatation. If contractions have already become regular and occur every 10 minutes, you need to go to the hospital.
  2. Outflow of amniotic fluid (or partial leakage). Sometimes childbirth does not begin with contractions, but immediately with the discharge of water. In this case, even if the contractions are not strong and irregular, you must immediately go to the hospital, since the longer the anhydrous period, the higher the risk of infection, and you should be under medical supervision.

Discharge at 40 weeks pregnant

basically should not differ from other terms. You should pay attention to signs of an inflammatory process, as well as to watery discharge - this is a sign that water is leaking, and it's time for you to go to the hospital.

Sex at 40 weeks pregnant

In the last week of pregnancy, intimate relationships are not prohibited if the pregnancy is proceeding normally. In addition, it helps the uterus to better prepare for contractions, and sperm has the ability to soften the cervix. If you are still concerned about safety, ask your doctor. He knows how your pregnancy is going and will give you the exact answer.

Pain at 40 weeks pregnant

The entire final stage of pregnancy is accompanied by a lot of painful sensations; pains in the abdomen are periodically disturbed, due to the increased load, the back often hurts, pain in the legs may occur, and after lowering the abdomen, pain occurs in the pelvic bones, lower back. All these sensations are already familiar to a woman, and painful sensations in the abdomen require much more attention.

The classic beginning of the first stage of labor is the development of contractive activity: initially, contractions are irregular, over time they become more frequent and stronger, longer. Doctors speak about the unconditional onset of labor when, within an hour, a woman notes contractions that last a minute, and the break between them does not exceed four minutes.

40 weeks of second pregnancy

If you're having a second birth, you probably know what to expect. Your body also remembers everything, so trust your feelings. Usually the second birth is easier than the first, the period of contractions is shorter, because the neck is flatter and better prepared.

Research and analyzes

This week, if childbirth has not yet begun, you will be assigned the usual studies: a gynecologist's consultation will also be needed. The doctor will interview you, measure the volume of the abdomen, the size of the pelvis, if necessary, assess the readiness of the cervix for childbirth. If you are worried about frequent contractions, and you cannot determine whether they are training or true, be sure to ask your doctor about this - he will help determine when to expect the start of labor.

Useful video

Questions - answers

My lower back is already very tight, but I don’t feel contractions, and my water hasn’t broken. Can childbirth start like this?

The onset of contractions for many women can indeed begin with pain in the lower back rather than in the abdomen. This is due to the peculiarities of the innervation of the uterus, as well as the position of the baby. It is characteristic that at the beginning of labor activity, back pain, as a manifestation of contractions, has regularity. Keep track of the time - and you will understand whether it is contractions or not. If the pain is very strong, do not postpone the trip to the hospital.

I'm 40 weeks pregnant and have stomach pain during training contractions, but they don't get more frequent. Is it normal?

Yes, it is normal. If the pain has become stronger than before, it is likely that labor will soon begin. Keep timing your contractions and how long they last, and when you've got at least one contraction every ten minutes, be prepared—your baby is coming soon!

I am 40 weeks pregnant, my stomach pulls periodically, but there is no pain or water discharge. The stomach sank, and the cork came off, but the birth still does not begin ... Is this not dangerous?

Childbirth is considered absolutely normal even at 42 weeks, so if you feel good, the baby is active, then you should not worry. Due date varies from person to person, but if you're really worried, see your doctor. The danger of overgestation is that the placenta begins to age and does not fully meet the baby's needs for oxygen and nutrients. But the gestation period of 40 weeks is not critical.

Why did the discharge become more liquid at the 40th week of pregnancy?

In most cases, liquid discharge in the last weeks of pregnancy indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. To exclude or confirm this, you need to go to the hospital, regardless of whether regular contractions have begun. The waterless period threatens with the risk of infectious complications, and it is impossible to stay at home and wait for contractions.

What does spotting at 40 weeks indicate?

Bloody discharge can be a sign of such a formidable complication as premature detachment of the placenta. This requires immediate hospitalization in the maternity hospital, so that doctors can provide timely assistance to the baby and mother, and then the birth will end safely.

The content of the article:

At the 40th week of pregnancy, the onset of labor can be expected at any time. The tummy of the expectant mother periodically turns to stone, there are harbingers of childbirth. Some babies are born right now, while others make their mother wait another week or two to meet. This is normal, but after the 42nd week it is customary to talk about a delayed pregnancy.

40 weeks pregnant is how many months

40 weeks (or 280 days) are equal to ten obstetric months. It is this period allotted by nature for bearing a child. His age from the moment of conception is now 38 weeks, and the long-awaited event is about to take place - your baby will be born.

At this time, the uterus is already low, and the woman may experience pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. Breathing is easier, digestion is better. Heartburn disturbs only occasionally in the supine position or after eating fatty and heavy meals. The tone of the uterus rises, and irregular contractions appear - harbingers of childbirth. When the contractions intensify and occur at regular intervals, this means that the birth has begun.

The mother should clearly feel the movements of the crumbs, but only until the contractions begin. When there are contractions, the baby does not move, and in the intervals between them, his motor activity resumes. Now fetal movements are no longer the main criterion for diagnosing his condition. It is much more important to control the beating of his heart.

The cervix shortens and softens. A mucous plug comes out of the vagina, it is a large clot of mucus with a small admixture of blood. The opening of the cervix indicates the imminent onset of labor.

During this period, pressure increases on the veins located in the pelvic area. Because of this, hemorrhoids increase. Small but rather painful nodules form at the anus, which can bleed after the pregnant woman goes to the toilet.

Due to squeezing of the femoral vessels, blood circulation in the legs worsens. Varicose veins may appear. To prevent this disease in the later stages, expectant mothers are recommended to wear compression stockings.

The woman's breasts are ready to feed the baby, their filling with blood has increased. At this time, colostrum already appears - a thick nutrient with a yellow tint. It contains the components necessary for a newborn in the first days of his life. Around the 4th day after birth, colostrum is replaced by breast milk.

During breastfeeding, cracks often appear on the nipples of a woman. To prevent this, prepare your breasts for feeding with a simple procedure - nipple massage with a rough towel. Also, this massage will help prevent overgestation, because stimulation of the nipples leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus.

Feelings of a woman at 40 weeks pregnant

Normally, the 40th week ends the pregnancy. And if during this period the birth did not occur, the mother begins to worry. She is tormented by unpleasant thoughts, she is afraid that doctors will have to resort to a caesarean section or stimulate natural childbirth. Either way, you shouldn't worry. In modern obstetrics, these are common activities, well-established.

Immediately before childbirth, the fetal head descends even lower into the pelvic cavity, and the pregnant woman has a feeling of heaviness in the perineum. Due to compression of the nerves, pain in the back and on the back of the thighs is possible. The bladder is also under pressure. Therefore, a woman often feels the urge to urinate.

Discharge from the genital tract at 40 weeks pregnant

Before childbirth in the birth canal of a woman should not be pathogenic microbes. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to any changes in the nature of the secretions. So, if curdled whites with impurities of mucus or pus appear, you should consult a doctor. It is very important to cure the infection in time so that it is not transmitted to the child during childbirth. The best option is to go to the hospital and undergo treatment already there.

An even more dangerous symptom is spotting. Even in the case when the bleeding is very small, and there is no pain in the abdomen, immediately call an ambulance that will take you to the maternity ward.

Liquid watery discharge indicates the discharge of water and the onset of labor. But even if the contractions have not yet appeared, you need to go to the hospital, because after the outflow of water, the risk of infection of the child increases.

If a large clot of mucus with minor bloody inclusions has come out of the genital tract, there is no need to worry. It was the mucous plug that had previously closed the entrance to the uterus. Her departure indicates shortening and opening of the neck. Regular contractions will begin very soon, and you will need to go to the maternity hospital.

Belly at 40 weeks pregnant

At this time, with its presenting part, the fetus is already pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. The abdomen has drooped and can often stony. On average, the circumference of the abdomen reaches 100 cm. But this indicator is individual and depends on the characteristics of the woman's body.

Weight of a woman at 40 weeks pregnant

The total weight gain of a woman from the beginning of pregnancy is about 15 kg. However, on the eve of childbirth, 1-2 kg usually go away. If you have gained too much weight, adjust your diet a little, reducing its energy value. With the permission of the doctor, you can spend a fasting day.

HCG rates at 40 weeks pregnant

Friends of expectant mothers often give "useful advice" - do housework, walk up stairs to speed up the onset of labor. Don't listen to them. You may give birth earlier, but complications are not ruled out. So let things take their course.

Sex life at 40 weeks pregnant

If a woman feels well, and the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, then sex at the 40th week is not prohibited. Some experts argue that sexual intercourse at this time is even useful, as it helps to induce contractions and soften the cervix with prostaglandin (it is found in semen). After the mucosal plug leaves, intrauterine infection may develop, so it is better to stop sexual activity.

Taking medication at 40 weeks pregnant

No drug should be taken without the permission of a doctor. If urgent treatment is not required, it is better to wait until delivery.

Analyzes and examinations at 40 weeks of gestation

At the 40th week, medical diagnosis is usually not performed. But if a consultation with a gynecologist is planned, you need to come for an examination with the results of a general urinalysis. The doctor measures the weight of the expectant mother, blood pressure, and the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus. Sometimes it becomes necessary to examine the heartbeat of the crumbs, and then CTG is prescribed.

Ultrasound at 40 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound at the 40th week is performed only for special indications. The thickness of the placenta at this time is 33-34 cm, and its degree of maturity is usually estimated as 3rd. In the process of childbirth, ultrasound is not shown; the baby's condition is monitored using heartbeat sensors.

Multiple pregnancy at 40 weeks

By this time, pregnant women with twins usually already become mothers. But there are those who wear crumbs until the 40th week. At this time, the female body is under a huge load, so doctors carefully monitor the course of pregnancy. They will need to make a decision about whether natural childbirth is possible or surgery is required.

IVF pregnancy at 40 weeks

Moms with IVF pregnancy should be very attentive to their health and listen to the body. Such women in the later stages are usually placed under round-the-clock medical supervision and prescribed special preparatory therapy.

Preparing for childbirth

You have most likely already collected things for the maternity hospital, but it will not be superfluous to check again the list that is listed on the website of the selected maternity hospital and that you have collected. With you, you must definitely take an exchange card for a pregnant woman, a medical policy and a passport.

How do you know when to go to the maternity hospital?

The fact that childbirth has begun is indicated by pronounced regular contractions with an interval of 7-10 minutes. But if the discharge of water happened before the onset of contractions, you should also immediately go to the maternity ward.

The 40th week is the right time for the baby to be born. At this time, he is already completely ready for existence in the outside world. Most often, childbirth occurs naturally. But there are times when a caesarean section is necessary.

If childbirth did not happen at this time, do not rush to sound the alarm. Pregnancy is considered delayed only after the 42nd week, which means you still have time. In addition, sometimes doctors incorrectly determine the term. To clarify it, after the 42nd week, an ultrasound can be performed. If a post-term pregnancy is confirmed, a decision is made to induce labor.

40 weeks pregnant: video

At this time, childbirth should already occur, if this did not happen earlier, since the full-term pregnancy has already come to an end - this is the last week for delivery on time. But exactly at the expected time, no more than 5% of children are born, all the rest are born earlier or a little later than the due date - and most often because mistakes were made when calculating the dates, for example, due to late ovulation or if the woman inaccurately indicated the date of the last menstruation. The baby is ready to meet you and the birth is about to begin. The baby is very crowded, he moves with difficulty and the harbinger of childbirth has become brighter and stronger, giving way to labor pains.

Fetal development at week 40: weight, size and sex

The child is completely ready to be born, he has matured and accumulated strength for extrauterine life, acquired individual facial features similar to mom and dad, gained weight and grew up. Now the weight of the fetus is about 3500-3700 g, height is about 54-55 cm, girls usually weigh and have a shorter length than boys. But a lot depends on the conditions of development, the complexion of the mother and genetic characteristics, therefore, the norms for full-term babies are considered to be weight from 2800 to 4000 g. All organs and systems of the fetus are fully prepared for extrauterine life and are actively functioning, except for the lungs, which will begin their work together with the small around the blood circulation as the baby is born and the first breath. The baby is positioned head down for the most comfortable way of birth, although there may be breech presentations, and tightly pressed arms and legs to the body, which will facilitate childbirth.

The child now has plump cheeks, smooth skin of a pale pink color, his nose and ears are dense, his eyes open and close, hairs have grown on his head, eyebrows and cilia are long and expressive. But the fluff on the body completely disappeared, the generic lubricant remained only in places of natural folds.

Due to the tightness of the uterus, the child cannot actively move, but the movements should still be noticeable, at least ten times in 12 hours is the norm of physical activity this week. Movements due to tightness and physiological oligohydramnios have become very obvious and distinct, it is important to listen carefully to the movements of the crumbs in this period - they can say a lot about his comfort. If the movements are extremely rare, or, conversely, active and very strong, this may indicate a pronounced discomfort of the baby and requires immediate medical advice. This may be a sign of fetal hypoxia and an indication for emergency delivery.

Of course, at birth, the baby will be the most beautiful and beloved for you, but many parents can be somewhat frightened by the appearance of the baby. The head, due to passage through the birth canal, may be elongated and slightly deformed, the body will be covered with mucus and grease residues, the skin may be spotty or cyanotic, there may be hairs on the body and long hair on the head. Due to the increase in hormone levels, the nipples on the chest may swell, the genitals may be swollen, the eyes swollen, and there may even be slight bruises on the face due to the passage of the birth canal. All this will pass in the first days of life. Immediately after birth, the baby will be attached to your chest, this is necessary to populate the intestines with beneficial flora and to replenish energy reserves. After applying to the breast, the baby will be wiped with sterile diapers, examined and taken his first measurements - weight, height and circumference. At birth, the baby will receive its first Apgar scores, which give an idea of ​​whether the baby needs the help of doctors or can be left with his mother. Tags will be hung on the arms and legs of the baby with the name, date and time of birth, weight and height,

Childbirth and precursors at 40 weeks

In this period, childbirth should already begin from day to day and the harbingers make themselves felt more and more actively. Although sometimes there are tendencies to move pregnancy, and the birth of children occurs after the full forty weeks. In primigravidas in this period, the lowering of the abdomen and the insertion of the fetal head into the small pelvis have already occurred, which made it easier to breathe and eat, heartburn and discomfort disappeared, but at the same time, pressure on the pelvic bones and bladder, rectum increased, which gives increased urination and constipation.

In addition, you can find disorders of the digestive system in the form of nausea and even vomiting, frequent stools up to diarrhea and weight loss due to the convergence of edema. This is also one of the harbingers of childbirth, a kind of cleansing of the body to facilitate the upcoming delivery. Usually, such signs occur two to three days before the onset of labor. In this case, there is a decrease in appetite up to a complete refusal to eat, while the weight no longer remains, and it may even take 1-2 kg.

A woman has a second wind with a surge of strength and a desire to completely put everything in order, wash and clean before leaving for the hospital. It is important not to overdo it and not overwork in this impulse, you will need strength at the birth of a baby.

But the most obvious precursors will be the discharge of the mucous plug, which can be separated in lumps or little by little, due to the gradual opening of the cervix, and the transition of training contractions into true ones, with the discharge of amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid may leave before the onset of contractions or already against the background of uterine contractions that have begun, usually from the moment they leave, the contractions become more intense and sensitive. The waters are usually streamed down the legs or in a stream of clear or whitish liquid, although they may be greenish or yellowish if the fetus is hypoxic. And, of course, the onset of labor will be contractions - regular and painful contractions of the uterus that occur at regular intervals. They usually become longer and stronger, and the time between contractions for rest is getting shorter. Their difference from training ones is that they are regular and do not disappear from a change in position, rest or lying down.

The birth itself will proceed in three main stages, successively changing one after another. The first period will be the longest - contractions with the opening of the cervix and the preparation of the birth canal for the baby to pass through them. This period is the longest - it takes up to 10-18 hours, and for those who give birth again up to 10-12 hours. In the future, the stage of attempts begins from the moment the cervix is ​​​​fully dilated until the baby is born. At this stage, full control of the birth by the midwife and the doctor is important in order to prevent complications and problems. Immediately after the birth, the baby is placed on the mother's stomach and waiting for the end of the pulsation of the umbilical cord, it is cut, and the third period begins - the birth of the placenta.

The baby is examined and evaluated by Apgar, weighed and measured for height, inspected and data tags are attached.

How to induce labor at 40 weeks

Sometimes it becomes necessary to induce labor at this time so that there is no tendency to move. This is necessary for fetal hypoxia, with a large fetus, or some other conditions. Usually, doctors may recommend sex with a partner to induce labor, as seminal fluid acts on a woman's cervix to prepare her for childbirth. You can recommend a woman intensive walking or physical activity. Taking a warm bath, fiber-rich food or aromatherapy.

But if these methods do not help, doctors can resort to some stimulating actions. These can be obstetric sticks introduced into the cervical region, kelp, which stimulate the cervix, as well as the administration of prostaglandins or oxytocin, opening the fetal bladder. The type of stimulation will be determined by the doctor, based on the indications for labor induction.

Feelings of the expectant mother

The main sensations will be fatigue and discomfort from the harbingers of childbirth, which will clearly remind you of yourself. First of all, you will breathe easier and lose some weight, but your appetite may be poor, with diarrhea and nausea and vomiting bothering you, due to the preparation of the body for the birth of a child. At the same time, it is difficult for you to sleep, your stomach interferes with taking a comfortable position, insomnia and endless trips to the toilet torment you, as swelling disappears, and the head presses on the bladder. By lowering the fetal head into the small pelvis, constipation can also increase, affecting the general condition.

Now the hormonal background is changing, and with it the mood - the emotional upsurge due to nesting syndrome can be replaced by sharp tearfulness and fear of childbirth, irritability and fatigue. A huge belly interferes with walking, dressing and doing the usual things, changes the gait and makes her clumsy. The skin on the abdomen may itch and itch, stretch marks may appear or intensify, the navel sticks out. The most unpleasant will be fetal movements, now they are not so frequent, but tangible and even painful. The fetus is cramped in the uterus and only slightly kicks or tosses a little. It is important to closely monitor the activity of the child, and report everything to the doctor.


Now you may experience various pains that arise due to the fact that the stomach has dropped and the baby is pressing on the area of ​​​​the pelvic bones of the bladder. In this case, the lower back may be pulled or aching, pain may occur between the legs, in the sacrum or pelvic bones due to the weight of the fetus and its pressure on these areas. In this case, the ligaments are relaxed under the action of hormones and this leads to discomfort. There may be pain in the legs due to a change in the center of gravity of the body and a sharp increase in weight, and there may also be pain in the thigh due to compression of the large uterus of the femoral nerve.

If abdominal pain is felt, bloody discharge occurs, or the stomach becomes stony, there are uncomfortable sensations, flies in the eyes, nausea, vomiting, pressure rises - immediately see a doctor, these may be signs of dangers for pregnancy. It is important to immediately be hospitalized in the hospital.

The main sensations occur at the beginning of contractions - these are intensifying painful contractions of the uterus, causing the cervix to open. To alleviate labor pains in modern maternity hospitals, anesthesia methods are used, but you should not abuse them - anesthesia is prescribed according to indications for individual pregnant women.


Previously, it was believed that an orgasm during sex during pregnancy can cause childbirth, but today these data have not been confirmed, although it is quite possible to start childbirth at this time. Sex won't hurt you and your baby if you feel like it, but you should choose comfortable positions and avoid deep penetrations and sudden movements. Also known is the stimulating effect on labor activity of sexual contacts and sperm of a partner. But still, in this matter it is worth consulting with a doctor.


This week, you need to carefully monitor the discharge from the vagina, since by their nature you can tell a lot about the course of the last days of pregnancy. Normal for this week will be light mucous discharge, which becomes viscous and viscous due to changes in hormonal levels and the gradual discharge of the mucous plug that closed the cervix from contact with the outside world. Also, the discharge may be brown or pink due to the admixture of blood from small vessels, during the preparation of the cervix.

If you find spotting or bleeding, you should immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital. These discharges can be a sign of placental abruption, which is dangerous for the baby and mother and requires immediate delivery. No less dangerous will be a change in the color of the discharge to green, yellow, gray or white with flakes, similar to cottage cheese. This is a sign of thrush or genital infections, which are completely undesirable before childbirth, and can complicate childbirth, lead to the transfer of infection to the fetus. Such discharges require urgent treatment.

Outgoing or leaking amniotic fluid will become special secretions that require immediate departure to the maternity hospital. They can immediately flow down the legs or leak in small portions, which leads to the wetness of the laundry. If you are in doubt whether it is water, you should purchase a test pad at the pharmacy and determine the presence of amniotic fluid in the discharge. Then immediately you need to go to the hospital, childbirth should occur in the next few hours.

The state of the uterus at 40 obstetric weeks

Usually, by this time, the bottom of the uterus descends due to the relaxation of the internal os of the cervix and its preparation for childbirth. This leads to a tight pressing of the head to the exit from the small pelvis. A woman can feel the periodic tone of the uterus - training contractions, which will gradually be replaced by true ones. True contractions are rhythmic uterine contractions that cause the cervix to open to allow passage of the fetal head.

Ultrasound examination (Uzi)

During this period, all planned ultrasound scans have long been completed and additional studies are carried out only according to special indications and a doctor's prescription. Conducting an ultrasound or Doppler study is indicated to monitor the condition of the baby or exclude his suffering (hypoxia, pathologies). With the help of ultrasound, the doctor can assess the condition and structure of the placenta, the degree of its maturity and the presence of calcifications in it. This will indicate how well the placenta is doing its job. If the placenta is very old, it may not be able to cope with its duties, and the fetus will experience hypoxia. According to the ultrasound, the term and the estimated weight and height of the fetus, the condition of its internal organs will be specified.

The umbilical cord also looks, its location and length, whether there is a fetal neck wrapped around it. If this is detected, a special benefit will be shown during childbirth, with the help of which the loops of the umbilical cord are removed from the neck of the fetus and prevent suffocation from developing. The uterus is also evaluated by ultrasound - the condition of its walls and cervix, its readiness for childbirth. It is also possible to conduct a 3D ultrasound, but it is no longer possible to see the whole baby, its dimensions are too large.

Symptoms and signs of oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios

By ultrasound and the results of an examination of the abdomen, you can determine the amount of amniotic fluid and determine the presence of oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios. These are states of a sharp excess or decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid, other than normal. Polyhydramnios is an excess of the amount of water by 40-50% or more, it is dangerous for the development of anomalies of labor activity, weakness of labor forces and discoordination, loss of parts of the fetus or umbilical cord.

Oligohydramnios before childbirth can be physiological, this is due to a decrease in free space in the uterus and the preparation of the fetus for childbirth. The amount of water is reduced in order to reduce the likelihood of prolapse of the umbilical cord during childbirth and overstretching of the uterine wall with its poor contractility. The exact diagnosis of these conditions can be clarified by performing ultrasound and measuring the volume of water.

Colds and treatments

During this period, the development of acute respiratory viral infections is very undesirable - if a temperature occurs, a runny nose appears or a cough begins, you should immediately consult a doctor to decide how to treat a cold quickly and effectively so that this does not affect the birth process and does not lead to illness of the newborn. If a cold caught you almost in childbirth, you will have to give birth in the observational department, where each woman in labor has her own separate delivery room and a boxed ward in order to prevent the spread of infection. The baby may be isolated from you in the children's department for the duration of your illness until you heal.

Mother's diet and weight

By this time, weight gain will already stop, although the child is constantly growing, but you can not add a single gram, go even lose up to two kilograms. On average, weight gain can reach up to 12-13 kg by this time, although there are fluctuations depending on the physique and initial weight from 8-9 to 17-18 kg or more. This week, your appetite is reduced and you may not want to eat at all, you should switch to light dairy and vegetable dishes, drink sour-milk drinks and herbal tea.

Your meals during this period should be fractional, small portions and light, rich in fresh vegetables and fiber, to prevent constipation. You should avoid spicy, fatty and fried foods, they can make you sick and cause heartburn. It is worth drinking pure non-carbonated water, weak tea or natural juices.