The coolest birthday wishes. The coolest birthday wishes. Cool congratulations and wishes

Preparing for the day of a loved one's jam, everyone tries to find cool birthday greetings. What is the most important thing for such congratulations? So that they are fun, original, smart and not too long. You can write congratulations in verse or even compose a song. And you can say in prose, but sincerely and sincerely. For most people, birthday is their favorite holiday. Therefore, we must try to make it memorable for the whole year. Humorous cool congratulations - this is exactly what is remembered for a long time.

And the recognition of the merits of the hero of the occasion, spoken aloud, is what each of us longs to hear in our souls. If you treat the selection and preparation of your table toast or wishes responsibly and creatively, the holiday will become truly unusual and bring a lot of joy to both the host and all his guests.

happy birthday congratulations
You are my dear!
Let them give you today
Jewelry friends!
May you be extremely lucky in love
What would money not know the account!
Be everywhere, as before, the first
And your finest hour will come!

happy birthday girlfriend
What I want to wish:
So that in Goa and the Maldives
I could fly every day!
four storey house,
Lamborghini under the window
So that I can love myself
Don't refuse anything!

It's nice to accept congratulations on your birthday
Only sad, dear, when you begin to understand
That you are no longer twenty, youth is somewhere behind
Day of jam gets sad somewhere after thirty!

Today is the birthday boy
We dedicate all songs!
And to have health
Pour to the top!

Birthday is a holiday
Balloons, gifts, cake
Traditionally on the table
Salad still life.
Only I'm not with you
It happened, I'm sorry
I wish in sms
Always smell and bloom!

Today I'm bursting with laughter
My parrot Vasily said to buy me a cake
And let it sound like a joke, but he is my salvation!
Reminds me that it's my brother's birthday today!

On the Day of Jam I wish
The perfect man
Pockets full of money
And a nice car
To turn the crowds
When you go to the store
And so that at the sight of such a lady
Stood at all men in a row!


Cool birthday greetings in verse

Warm congratulations on your birthday

Congratulations on your birthday.
May summer always bloom in your soul,
Let the nightingales sing outside the window, we wish
The sun is shining and the rain is only warm.

Be desired, loved, and honest.
Bathe in the radiance of goodness with every breath.
And may life always be beautiful.
We wish you to be happy!

Happy birthday greetings touching to tears

Warm nest, sonorous chicks,
Life without a cage and without shackles,
High flights, soft landings,
So that the sad sediment does not spoil the soul.

Goodies in the beak, green branches,
In life, to make everything more fun
Meetings of unusual, healthy wings
And joyful new impressions.

Happy birthday - poems

The old legend says:
When a man was born
A star in the sky will light up
To shine for him forever.
So let it shine on you
At least a hundred years
And happiness guards your house
And joy will always be in him.
Let everything be fine in life
Without grief and adversity
Let everything be light and clear
For many, many years to come!

Birthday greetings in verse

Birthday is a great date!
I want to wish you
So that all dreams come true
For the sun to shine bright
To perfectly mark you
And more wonderful gifts!
And also - great love,
So that you love with all your heart!

Happy birthday wishes

I wish you happiness, joy
Don't get old and don't get sick
Like a fire always burning.
Long and beautiful life
To be loved and to love
At work, only success
At home - joy and laughter,
For youth to shine
For old age to recede!
To make your dreams come true
You deserve it!!!

Happy birthday to you
We issue a command:
live for a hundred years
And surprise the whole wide world
Health, vigor,
To the joy of relatives and friends!

Your holiday again ...
And we hasten to congratulate
You now with a good day,
After all, you and I
Frost and cool - all nonsense,
I'm sure you are in it.

We want it to start with a smile
Any of your days, and the night was bright.
To be healthy and bathed in joy,
To be more happy and kind.

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Happy Birthday in verse cool

This day brings excitement to everyone
How I love your smile!
I tell you: "Happy Birthday!",
I give you the mood!

Let the orchestra sound like a light breeze
Let the gifts rustle with foil.
On this day, indulging whims.
The stars will bless you.

Cool birthday greetings to a man

In order not to blunder a little,
With a birthday present
Better take a case of beer
And provide congratulations.

And attach a funny rhyme
With a cool rhyme rhyme!
He is a very necessary talisman,
Give money to your pocket

Surely it will help in love
And introduce you to Miss Universe!
Protects from all diseases
Be it migraine or laryngitis!

Read often, loudly, aloud,
And raise your tone, spirit!

Cool birthday greetings for a woman

May the earth not celebrate this day
And the starry rain from heaven does not pour!
Let the circle of friends be small
But for you - today everyone will smile!

I so want this day to be special
I remember it for a long time, forever!
And let today bright in the world
A star will fall into your palms!

Make a cherished wish to her
Trust her with your most cherished dreams!
And accepting this congratulations,
Believe that everyone is happy

Congratulations-rhyme cool birthday

Chile, India, China -
Accept congratulations!
Candles go out in Panama -
Rock out with us today!

It's hot in Brazil
Birthday boy - cheers!
There is a Swiss best bank -
Be strong like an armored tank!

We glorify Palestine - we wish you happiness!
Mother Russia is with us -
We wish to live beautifully!

Original cool birthday greetings

Birthday is the best day of the year
So that they don't talk!
Don't count the years
Just frozen in the passport!

Can the plan be carried out?
By capturing all the goodies,
receive congratulations,
From serious and fools.

Realize your dreams!
Don't put off tomorrow!
And then you appreciate
Life tastes quite good!

Cool congratulations to the birthday man

Every year with great joy
On this day we go to you,
Looking forward to lots of sweets
Forgetting about problems

Finding solace...
Yes, it is not for nothing that he is recognized by everyone:
Happy Birthday!
Always be happy with life!

Short cool birthday greetings

I wish you pure happiness
With whom on the way!!!
Like a radiant sun
Shine with a smile!!!
Happy Valentine's Day =)

Cool congratulations in prose for your birthday

A birthday is an occasion to come to a person and say what is in your heart.
So, with a clear conscience, I declare:
I have joy in my heart because you, dear birthday man, are in the world.
That you decorate our lives, come to the rescue and just love to live. Thank you for everything and for bringing us all together.

Cool verse congratulations on your birthday

Love life, love inspiration
Let them not scare you in the coming year
Let your mood be better
And sadness will leave once and for all.

Lilac bush and blue sky.
The smile of the sun, joy, love
And the greatest happiness in life
We wish you on the path of life!

Best cool birthday wishes for a friend

I wish that GO-GO!
And never OXO-XO!
A little AX! Well, you can wow!
To be breathtaking.

Of course, to be “WOW!!!”
And to FU is very little.
So that sometimes “THIS IS YES!”
"WOW!" - not nonsense

"CAN'T BE!" - it's real,
“YES HIM!” Let it be virtual.
"WOW!" - to often surprise
"Well, EVERYTHING'S PIPETS"! - didn't get it.

Happy birthday greetings in verse cool

Let the bright mosaic
life will be formed from warm and sunny days,
from kind smiles, friendly faces,
the attention of family and friends!

Let there be gifts, surprises, flowers,
Any dreams will come true!

Birthday greetings to a friend

I wish you a birthday
Attention of your friends!
So that together - to the rink, to the theater,
To the cinema, to tennis and to the museum!

So that life was - well, just super!
It had fairy tales and flowers!
And you were so that the queen,
Master of your destiny!

Cool birthday greetings

I wish you more bright days
So that the heart beats with happiness.
Clothes are more fashionable
And to have a character with pepper.

Solve the problems of life
When it's stormy, don't fall.
rustling with a large bill,
And don't hide your heart from love.

Birthday is a long-awaited holiday,
Congratulations and best wishes
Become happier than now, much,
And hit big bucks.

Don't waste precious health
Never lose hope
And envious people, without moving an eyebrow,
Forgive with a sweet smile.

Rest more often abroad
Look down on problems
Enjoy every day to the fullest
Do not eke out existence, but burn!

The path of life will give a lot of faith,
More success than adversity.
And career prosperity
For a long time, not just for a year.

Friends, proven over the years,
Let them remember your addresses
In trouble, they come to the rescue.
Love and believe in miracles.

Yes, there will be a super mood,
Smiles are full of white light.
And this best birthday
My heart trembles for many years!

May your birthday
The warmth of your loved ones will warm you,
And nothing is scary with him -
Even though the snow flies, even though the rain sows.
We wish you many years
Good health and strength
And so that longer, our dear,
There was fire in your eyes.

What do we want on our birthday?
Let good luck rain down,
Faithful, old friends entourage
And a beautiful woman next to me.
Inspiration to be a reward
Let the desire of life not melt,
Let the stranger escort
Many springs with a flirtatious look...

As the red sun warms everyone,
So your happiness is not naughty,
Kindness and kindness for people
Smiles, jokes for friends,
Look at life more cheerfully
And do not regret the past years,
Always joke, smile
And do not be offended by fate!

I want to wish you a happy birthday
A person with a pure soul.
Wish you health and luck
Happiness, joy, great love!

May your wishes come true
Your dreams will come true.
And let your day be filled
The light of joy and kindness.

Chile, India, China -
Accept congratulations!
Candles go out in Panama -
Rock out with us today!

It's hot in Brazil
Birthday boy - cheers!
There is a Swiss best bank -
Be strong like an armored tank!

We glorify Palestine - we wish you happiness!
Mother Russia is with us -
We wish to live beautifully!

Happy birthday to you.
Have fun on this day, do not be sad.
I wish you a lot of happiness
And especially - happiness in love!
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
Have fun on this day, do not be bored!
I wish you only happiness
For it to spill over.
Let everything good be remembered
Everything that is planned will come true
Let your eyes shine with happiness
Let good people meet!

Years go by, but you still don't change,
Still carefree and playful
All the same radiant smile
Still amazingly beautiful.
You are a fairy, dear mischievous angel,
You light up the world with your light.
On your birthday, we are with you,
May everything you wish come true!

Today I want to congratulate you
And wish with all my heart -
Let love reign in your life
And let there be someone to help!
Birthday is a great holiday
Let the birds sing in your soul
Let him settle with an eternal residence permit
Forever comfort in your home.

Spring in the soul, warmth and luck
I want to wish you on your holiday!
At the solemn hour - on your birthday,
It's not too lazy to give me smiles and toasts!
You have become a year older,
But time has not left a mark on you.
Over the years, you have become wiser and more beautiful,
And many more young years ahead!

I want everything to be like in the picture.
Resorts, hotels, cafes, parties
I wish you the latest outfits
Flowers, compliments, enthusiastic looks
I wish to bloom, give smiles
And call your beloved friends more often!

May your every day be the clearest
Cheerful, kind, joyful, beautiful,
Warmed by love, faith, inspiration
And gives a lot of happiness! Happy birthday!

On the Day of Jam I wish
The perfect man
Pockets full of money
And a nice car
To turn the crowds
When you go to the store
And so that at the sight of such a lady
Stood at all men in a row!

Years go by, but life is beautiful
Hold on tight to her
Sorrows, joys, hardships
Ups and downs, that's life.
But think only of the good
And your dreams will come true
Let there be only luck
And may you be happy!

Let them decorate this birthday
Gifts from dearest friends
From happiness, like from sunlight
The heart will become brighter and warmer!
Let everything that is important come true
May everything that awaits be joyful!
And let fate itself you one day
It will lead to your cherished dream!

Delightful and bright
The holidays are back in the house!
Bring life as a gift
And hope and love!
Happiness, joy and luck,
Dream fulfillment!
Let it warm on your birthday
Heart is a ray of warmth!

We measure time by the minute
And how quickly the years go by
We congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you to always be kind.
We wish you good health
Success in life and work.
Love, harmony, luck
Let them accompany you.
Even today we wish
Live a hundred years happily.
And all the bad weather and sorrow
Always bypass.

I congratulate you on your birthday!
From the bottom of my heart on this day I wish you
All cherished desires of your fulfillment
And more smiles in the future!
So that more often success, and less often mistakes,
And sadness has never knocked on your house!
So that loved ones are surrounded by smiles,
And friends were always with you!

On this bright birthday
All are pleasant and nice.
Display a treat
On wide tables!
Every guest is now friendly
I would like to wish you
Peace at home and at work,
Long life and good deeds.

The old legend says:
When a person is born
A star in the sky will light up
To shine on him forever.
So let the star shine on you
At least a hundred years
Let happiness surround your house,
Let them hurry, the years run,
We can't stop them
But be you always young;
It doesn't matter how many years have passed.

Let good luck in every business
Always accompanies you.
Years run, and you stay
Young at heart forever!
Don't let problems make you old
You know behind the black stripe
There is certainly a trace of white!
And this is very good!
And if you didn't guess
I'll whisper a secret to you!
Walk along the strip of white,
There is no place for black spots!

Success in life and work,
Good friends and fun
well-being in the family,
So that the soul does not know the cold,

Welcome to kindness!

What do you wish for your birthday?
Success in life and work,
Good friends and fun
well-being in the family,
So that the soul does not know the cold,
Like a May day, like a garden in bloom,
So that the heart is forever young
Welcome to kindness!

Good luck for all the years
Good health always
happy life and then
Everything else is nonsense!
May the sun shine brighter on this day
Flowers fall like a carpet under your feet.
We wish you youth, peace, happiness, -
All that is called good.

Your birthday has come
And this is not an easy date.
May everything be fine on this day
And fun from dawn to dusk.
Do you know what we will give you?
Forest lake and a whole world of daisies
And the breeze that wanders wide open
And only bright and rainbow dreams.
And the moonlight that floats in the pond
Birches rustle, a song of a quiet night,
And the happiest star
You choose which one you want.

Let life be like strong wine
Over the years and richer and brighter!
And let it be filled to the brim
And happiness, and health, and good luck!
Let any plans and aspirations
Worthy are embodied,
Will open life's happy pages,
Any dream can come true soon!

The old legend says:
When a person is born
A star in the sky will light up
To shine for him forever.
So let the star shine on you
At least a hundred years
May happiness surround your house,
May there always be joy in him.

Let it seem brighter on your birthday
A simple life, with a lot of flaws.
It happens - we try as soon as possible
Achieve good luck and prosperity in it.
So let the ridge of hopes be fulfilled
Let it be more joyful to receive gifts.
And the wind will certainly be fresh.
And let's not forget about friends in the park!

Happy Birthday!
I wish you a super mood.
Don't be sad and smile
Laugh more, have fun!
Don't think about problems
About misfortunes and dilemmas.
Let love enter your house
And let him live with you!
Let everything in life be fashionable
Stylish, bright and luxurious.
May happiness be with you
And drive away all misfortunes!

Let gloomy days in life be warmed
Will be friendly participation,
Let it be a companion on the way
Simple human happiness!
Take everything you can from life
Take at least what is given to us.
You can't multiply life by life,
And we can't live twice!

Happy Birthday! No problem,
That the years go by.
We wish you optimism
Higher nose and more life.
We wish you well
Houses are full of bins
Happiness, joy, luck,
Freaky mood.

Another year has gone by!
Let the past worries go!
We all want to congratulate you
Happy New Year to you!
We wish that your life
She was bright, joyful, perky!
To be true friends
And the work was fruitful!
To personal cash flow
Never, ever stopped!
Receive congratulations as a gift
Let there be only luck in life.

Good luck, happiness on your birthday!
So that there is no time to be bored,
There were more adventures!
Hurry up to take all the best from life!
Let success multiply hour by hour
And joy in the soul does not go out the light,
And the calendar of fate counts the milestones
Brilliant achievements and victories!

May your birthday bring
Hope, faith and success
Let the holiday come to visit
And there will be joy, jokes, laughter!
Let it arrive this day
Kindness, warmth, love and peace!
May there be so much happiness in him
Enough for a whole year!

Every hour of life is a pearl
A year is an ingot of pure gold.
Your wealth is immeasurable
In the heart - hope and youth.
May this day be sunny
And the mood is joyful!
We give flowers, wishes
And congratulations on the holiday!

When there is a bold dream -
Life is more interesting and brighter.
And everything in it pleases then:
Success, happy moment of luck
And on a holiday I want to wish
Important discoveries, inspiration,
Be ahead and win!
Achieve all goals! Happy Birthday!

It's your birthday today
This is the happiest of days
Let this congratulations
It will also be your joy.
On this day I wish you happiness
The longest, most interesting years,
May you not have bad weather
Only joy, only sunshine!
May love come to you big
Not for a year - for eternity, forever,
And may your life be, dear,
Light as spring water!

May all days be gentle
And give harmony, happiness.
Let only good luck wait
And the world will only become more beautiful!
So many good times
Bring your birthday with you!
And in life they will come sooner -
Luck, love, inspiration!

Let the work be easy
Let love come!
Let the flowers be fragrant
Well, summer is all year round!
Let life be so easy
And a smile on your face
May the sun always shine!
Happy birthday already!

Gifts, congratulations,
Smiles and flowers!
Let the birthday celebration
Dreams will come true!
May there be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
Hope and warmth!
And so that life is beautiful
Like a rose bloomed!

May it bloom on your birthday
House with bouquets of flowers
The mood will become bright
From the heart, kind words!
Let the soul believe in a miracle
Wishes come true again
And in a happy heart they will
Tenderness, joy and love!

It's time to celebrate the glorious date -
They, years, flow like a stream!
We congratulate you, our old friend,
And we drink, of course, now not seagulls!
And yet you fly, flutter,
Spinning the axis of your worries,
Looks like you're just getting started
So God bless you, so that everything will come true for you!

Happy Birthday!
Happy freak day!
Happy day of balls, cakes, jams,
And wishes of fulfillment!
Beloved birthday girl
We wish you to be happy!
Let there be more gifts
Let the guests become fatter
From cakes and treats
That they ate without embarrassment!

I wish you lots and lots of happiness
I want to be young in life
Your wide road
Did not become a narrow path.
Also, I wish you love
Big and clean as a tear
So that life always smiles
Your happy eyes

So that always under a lucky star
Fate has led you along the way.
In the house so that a full-flowing river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully,
Let only friends visit your house,
Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you well
Long life, health and happiness!

We wholeheartedly congratulate
With one of the best dates
We wish to live another hundred years,
Not knowing grief and loss!
We just want to smile
Do not get upset over trifles,
Do not be nervous and do not get sick,
And in general: to live and not grow old!

I want to say a lot of good words
Wish you happiness and health
Heart and soul never grow old,
And live in the world for many, many years.
We wish life never ends
Trouble and sadness did not meet on the way,
Eternal happiness, good friends,
Good luck, health and sunny days!
We wish you health - after all, it is often not enough,
We wish you fun - it never interferes.
Good luck - she doesn't come often,
And we just wish you great personal happiness!

May life be bright,
Dream with hope will not be deceived
And let a good man
It will be the only one in the world.
May grief never be
Hiding in an empty mirror...
Bring love and happiness to people
And the house will be fuller!

Happy birthday to you today,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
To live for many years without getting tired,
May these years be good.
We wish you lots of luck
We wish you eternal youth
May all dreams come true
And happiness will be endless!

May your dreams come true on your birthday
And beautiful flowers delight
May laughter and congratulations not cease,
And the mood will be excellent!
And every moment will be filled with light,
Warmed by sincere love and tenderness,
Warmth, cordiality, care and participation,
And a new day will bring happiness again!

Wishing you countless sunny days
We are on your birthday, friends support.
Love, laughter, health, fun,
Luck, high spirits.
Smiles, wealth, great love.
Catch the beautiful moments in life.
May all dreams come true today
And happiness will settle where you are.

Hear, rustling, saying goodbye,
Last year?
You celebrate your birthday
Your turn has come
Accept flowers, gifts
And the warmth of family!
The brightest, sweetest, hottest
My short verse!

I wish you great weather
Magical surprises of nature,
Excursions in the white world,
The enthusiasm and joy of the years.
Let the swing fly up to the sky
Circling like a spinning top, carousels,
I wish you a birthday
Good luck in everything and luck!

Let the variations of happiness
Make life colorful
And the chance of luck
It will always be 100%!
May happiness offer you
Millions of options!
Let the sun be golden
And the sky is in diamonds!