Sanatoriums for the new year. New Year in Altai What is it that attracts the inhabitants of our country to Gorny Altai during the New Year holidays

Every year, each of us asks the same question: “How fun and interesting to spend the New Year holidays, celebrate the New Year so that it turns out bright, memorable and full of magical surprises, like in childhood?

Undoubtedly, organizing the festival yourself is quite troublesome, it takes some effort and time, but the result is worth it: no one knows better than us what exactly we and our loved ones need for a good rest and fun!

During the preparation for the holiday, their own traditions, ancient rituals and legends are remembered, various scenarios, funny contests, entertainment for children and adults are invented. Of course, when creative ingenuity and imagination are well developed, it will not be difficult to organize a celebration, but if your own ideas are not enough, you can turn to the celebration rituals of other countries and peoples.

If earlier from the borrowed New Year and Christmas traditions there was only Santa Claus with his gifts in stockings and fairy-tale deer, then recently one cannot do without turning to the horoscope and the Eastern calendar.

Of course, foreign customs are often perceived by us more like a fairy tale and are observed formally, but they add a lot of interesting conventions to the holiday, which, with a creative approach, can be interestingly interpreted and beaten.

According to the Chinese calendar, each year has a name. For example, 2017 is the year of the Red Fire Rooster, and 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. Those wishing to receive the favor of this friendly animal in the coming year should adhere to certain rules for meeting him.

So, if you decide to follow the Eastern traditions, you need to consider that according to the Chinese calendar, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will come on February 16, 2018. The dominant element of the year is Earth. It symbolizes moral purity, worldly wisdom and devotion to ethnic, cultural, family traditions. A dog is a peaceful, intelligent and loyal animal. It is believed that her patronage should bring calmness and justice to the world as a whole, which we have lacked for the last two years of the raging fiery element, to the family - love, harmony, serenity, there are never too many of them in our lives.

The dog does not tolerate idleness, meanness, vanity and betrayal, therefore, in order to achieve your goals in the new year, you will have to work hard on yourself. According to statistics, in such years the birth rate increases. Obviously, this is due to the fact that the symbols of the Earth are abundance, fertility, motherhood. In general, next year will be favorable for creating a family, having children and normalizing family relations.

Where, how and with whom to meet?

It is known that the symbol of the coming year does not like loneliness, so you need to celebrate the New Year in the company of friends and relatives. A great option is to organize a fun home holiday, or go to visit relatives, friends, or you can go, for example, on a trip to Altai, where it is fabulously beautiful in winter. It is believed that the year will be very favorable for lovers of new, unexplored places, acquaintances with people of different views, nationalities and religions.

Of course, it is better to choose a route in advance, rent a cottage or book places at a camp site. Amazing nature, wonderful ecology, well-developed tourist infrastructure, many opportunities for winter sports, interesting excursions will not let you get bored and will make your vacation in Altai unforgettable. Undoubtedly, an active, energetic dog will really like the pristine nature, communication and fun games in the fresh air, respectively, its favor will be provided to you.

How to decorate a house?

It should be noted that the benevolent, calm and practical Earth Dog absolutely does not accept excesses, pomposity, unlike the Fire Rooster, does not like flashy bright colors. The dog is more suitable for natural tones that are close to nature. This should be taken into account when decorating the house. A combination of golden, yellowish-brown and green tones, the use of natural natural materials, and some of the decorations are best done by hand. Do not forget about small figurines or images of a dog, the main symbol of the coming year. By the way, you can entrust children to draw or make them.

What to give for the New Year?

Some like to give gifts more, others prefer to receive them, but one thing is certain - they must be chosen carefully and carefully. A pleasant gift-giving tradition is especially important for children. Long before the New Year, they begin to write their letters to Santa Claus and hand them over to their parents to be mailed. And it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure their delivery, to convince Santa Claus to fulfill all the wishes.
It is worth noting that the Earth Dog does not strive for wealth, but is very practical and wise, loves useful things for the home and household, everything that will decorate the atmosphere of friendly gatherings or allow you to organize perky, active entertainment. When choosing gifts for friends and relatives, remember that the main thing is to put feelings into them, to give a feeling of joy, kindness and warmth to your soul.

What should be the festive table?

Of course, the New Year's table, first of all, should be generous, tasty and beautiful. The choice of dishes, table setting are an important component of any holiday. Preparing for a gala dinner can be fascinating in itself - compiling a menu that takes into account the tastes and preferences of all guests, buying fresh quality products, preparing and appetizing presentation of dishes. Usually everyone takes part in the process - some run around the shops, others make dumplings, others cut salads, children help set the table, make funny decorations from vegetables and fruits with pleasure.

Representatives of the dog family are omnivorous, unpretentious, they love simple food, therefore, you can put all your favorite treats on the table without worrying about their exclusivity and exoticism. The main thing is that everything should be tasty, natural and satisfying. Fruits and vegetables on your table should be no less than meat snacks. Of course, the New Year holiday is unthinkable without the aroma of tangerines and sweets. Candies can be picked up in golden and reddish-brown wrappers, while cookies and cupcakes can be baked in the shape of dog faces. Decorations can be in the form of chocolate dog paw prints or tiny sugar pits.

And of course, when there is a living symbol of the upcoming 2018 in your house - your favorite pet - you should pay special attention to it - prepare a delicious treat, buy a toy, update a rug or bed.

Celebration of the New Year at any age gives us pleasant emotions and joyful expectation of a new one. Long-awaited meetings with relatives and friends, cozy rest, winter entertainments are loved by adults and children.
Dear friends! We wish you a good and fun New Year! Come to rest in Altai, spend an unforgettable winter vacation in a beautiful place with unique nature and favorable energy!
May 2018 bring you joy and happiness, give you new opportunities and exciting journeys!
Happy New Year and a magical Christmas to you!

Tips on how to relax for the New Year - 2020 in Gorny Altai. Prices for hotels and cottages, food, entertainment, tours. Reviews of tourists and information about the weather.

The developed infrastructure of the resorts of the Altai Mountains will allow not only to celebrate the New Year, but also to have a great winter vacation. Exhausted by the bustle of the city, residents of megacities are happy to plunge into, here they are waiting for snow-covered mountain peaks, ice-covered lakes and crystal clear air.

How is the New Year celebrated in Altai?

Tourists prefer to celebrate the New Year on recreation centers. The main year-round tourist centers in the Altai Mountains are concentrated in the area of ​​the Katun River, Belukha Mountain and Lake Aya. In winter, skating rinks are opened here for guests, tracks and training slopes for skiing are equipped. A well-equipped ski complex is in special demand among vacationers. Manzherok, where you can go skiing and snowboarding, and Lake Teletskoye and the Katun River are considered the most visited places in the region by tourists. Also not so far (about 300 km from the Manzherok complex) is a popular one.

In the New Year, recreation centers in Altai promise a fun program with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, fireworks and dancing. The gala dinner includes traditional Russian cuisine and champagne. As a brunch on January 1 - steaming fish soup and birthday cake.

Thus, a tourist complex usually offers a four-day tour with an entertainment and excursion program costing from 30 thousand rubles. for two. Guests will enjoy a Russian steam room, horseback riding, skiing and ice sledding, snow volleyball and a New Year's banquet with a disco. To meet the New Year almost at home with a traditional Russian feast, a bathhouse and winter entertainment is offered by the tourist centers of Katun and Lake Teletskoye.

Holidays in Altai for the New Year can be extreme: for example, you can spend holidays at the foot of the Ukok plateau, in a cozy village among the mountains. Daredevils are waiting for a trip along the entire Chuisky tract and expeditions to the passes. Such tours will require physical endurance and frost resistance, in some years the temperatures on the plateau fall below -45°C.

Another option is to rent a house in Altai and celebrate the New Year with family and friends. Some owners willingly rent out accommodation to tourists, it usually costs less than hotels.

(Photo © Pavel KoraxDC Kazachkov / / CC BY 2.0)

What to do on vacation in the Altai Mountains for the New Year?

Gorny Altai is suitable primarily for outdoor enthusiasts: after the new year 2020, you can master skiing and hiking routes, ride sleighs, dog sleds, jeeps and snowmobiles. There are a lot of fish in the local lakes, so fans of winter fishing also have something to do here.

Excursions are held in the Altai Mountains both in winter and in summer: Lake Teletskoye, Belukha Mountain, waterfalls and caves, the Katun River and the Chuisky tract. Tourists like to visit Swan Lake, where wild swans winter (several viewing platforms are organized there). In Chemal, a temple on the island of Patmos is open for year-round visits. The village of Manzherok has observation platforms with excellent views of the mountainous region.

A museum of Russian culture was opened in the Chemalsky district on New Year's holidays. Guided tours and workshops are held daily. In the bison nursery near the village of Cherga, you can see these amazing animals that willingly come to the feeders and take bread.

Weather in Gorny Altai in winter

The most comfortable time to relax in the Altai Mountains is summer, however, there are many people who want to celebrate the New Year. Winter here is quite severe, it comes already in November and lasts until the end of March, the temperature range in January varies from -9°C to -31°C. The coldest places are the famous Ukok plateau and the Kurai basin. The most comfortable holiday for the New Year is in such regions of Altai as Chemal, Bele and Yailyu, where the average air temperature is −10°С. In the south of Lake Teletskoye, it is several degrees warmer than in the north, but in its northern part, snow falls twice as much.

Read more about: what to do on vacation, where to stay and what are the prices in the region.

(Photo © mmmAleksei / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Prices in Altai for the New Year - 2020

Yurts are exotic types of housing, popular among tourists in summer, but in winter they turn out to be unsuitable for living. In conditions of low temperatures, it is very difficult to heat them, therefore, in order not to have to celebrate the holiday in a bathhouse, it is better to rent something more fundamental.

The cost of living in cottages for the New Year in Gorny Altai varies from 3 to 25 thousand rubles per day per house. The price is determined by the number of residents, there are options for accommodating 4, 8 and 16 people. A double room with two meals a day will cost from 4500 rubles per day, a standard double room without meals in a modest guest house can be found from 1000 rubles.

On average, 3.5 thousand rubles will be asked for organizing a festive banquet. per person, discounts for children. The cost of a regular (non-holiday) lunch in a cafe is 300-500 rubles per person. Snowmobile rental - 2-3 thousand rubles. per hour, sauna - 200-400 rubles. per hour, spa services - from 800 rubles.

Houses, cottages and recreation centers in Altai

Tourists in Altai prefer to settle in recreation centers and cottages: for example, recreation centers are popular

Price per room from 6500 rub. valid during the period 06.11.2018 - 20.12.2018

The room occupies the second floor of a two-storey cottage. Consists of a living room and a bedroom. One of the living room walls is a panoramic window overlooking the Katun. There is a French balcony. In the living room: sofa, two coffee tables, satellite TV, telephone, two armchairs, table-book, chairs, mini-bar with freezer, electric kettle, teapot, glasses, tea set, can opener, corkscrew. In the bedroom: double bed, bedside tables, wardrobe, safe, mirror, wall lamp. Bathroom with shower: electric heated towel rail, bathrobes, a set of towels, individual hygiene kit (soap, shampoo, shower gel, shower cap, toothbrush, toothpaste), hair dryer. Entrance hall: clothes hanger, shoe rack, shoe shovel, shoe brush, clothes brush, slippers, mirror. Capacity: 2 main, 2 additional. seats (sofa). Pl. rooms: 46 sq.m.

Price per room from 7500 rub. valid during the period 06.11.2018 - 20.12.2018
Number of main places - 2, additional - 2
The price includes: accommodation and breakfast

The room consists of a living room and a bedroom. Occupies the first floor of a two-story cottage. One of the walls is a panoramic window overlooking the Katun. There is an exit to the terrace. Living room: sofa, coffee table, revolving fireplace, satellite TV, armchair, telephone, bar counter, bar stools, electric kettle, teapot, glasses, tea set, can opener, corkscrew, mini-bar with freezer compartment. Bedroom: double bed, bedside tables, wardrobe, 2 bathrobes, safe, mirror, wall lamp.
Bathroom with shower: electric heated towel rail, set of towels, individual hygiene kit (soap, shampoo, shower gel, shower cap, toothbrush, toothpaste), hair dryer.
Entrance hall: clothes hanger, shoe rack, shoe shovel, shoe brush, clothes brush, slippers, mirror. Capacity: 2 main, 2 additional. seats (sofa). Pl. rooms: 50 sq.m.

Price per room from 14000 rub. valid during the period 06.11.2018 - 20.12.2018

The price includes: accommodation and breakfast

Premium room occupies the entire cottage. On the ground floor there is a living room and a kitchen area; panoramic windows and access to the terrace. On the second floor there are two bedrooms. Living room: sofa, two armchairs, coffee table, satellite TV, karaoke with two microphones, telephone, revolving fireplace, dining table, chairs, mirror. Kitchen area: bar counter, bar stools, kitchen set, microwave oven, electric kettle, teapot, mini-bar with freezer, crockery, sink, can opener, corkscrew. Two bedrooms: one has a double bed, bedside tables, wardrobe, mirror, wall lamp, 2 bathrobes; in the second room - a double bed, bedside tables, a wardrobe, 2 bathrobes, a safe. Two bathrooms: a bathroom with a washbasin on the first floor; bathroom with shower on the second floor; electric heated towel rails, a set of towels, individual hygiene kits (soap, shampoo, shower gel, shower cap, toothbrush, toothpaste), hair dryer. Entrance hall: clothes hanger, shoe rack, shoe shovel, shoe sponge, shoe brush, clothes brush, slippers. Capacity: 4 main, 2 extra. seats (sofa). Pl. rooms: 96 sq.m.

Price per room from 20000 rub. valid during the period 06.11.2018 - 20.12.2018
Number of main places - 4, additional - 2
The price includes: accommodation and breakfast

This two-story room offers views of the surrounding mountains and the Katun River. On the ground floor there is a living room and a kitchen area. On the second floor there are two bedrooms and an office. There is a terrace and a balcony. Living room: sofa, two armchairs, coffee table, satellite TV, karaoke with two microphones, telephone, fireplace. Kitchen area: dining table, chairs, kitchen set, 2-chamber refrigerator, glass-ceramic stove, oven, set of dishes, sink, extractor hood, electric kettle, teapot, tea set, can opener, corkscrew. Two bedrooms: one has a double bed, bedside table, wardrobe, 2 bathrobes, chair, sconce; in the second - a double bed, bedside tables, a wardrobe, 2 bathrobes, satellite TV, a safe, a mirror, a wall lamp, a balcony. Office (located on the inner balcony above the living room): computer desk, computer chair, computer (3D monitor), high-speed Internet, telephone. Two bathrooms: a bathroom with a washbasin; bathroom with shower, washing machine; ironing board, clothes dryer, iron; electric heated towel rails, a set of towels, individual hygiene kits (soap, shampoo, shower gel, shower cap, toothbrush, toothpaste), hair dryer. Entrance hall: wardrobe, shoe shovel, shoe sponge, shoe brush, clothes brush, slippers. Capacity: 4 main, 2 extra. seats (sofa). Pl. rooms: 112 sq.m.


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Altai region- the southwestern part of Siberia, a region whose natural wealth is difficult to overestimate. Tourists in the Altai Territory see an amazing kaleidoscope of natural landscapes - gentle chains of mountains, rocky gorges, sloping boulders covered with patina of moss, steppes, icy springs and majestic rivers, as if cutting forests and endless meadows in two.

In the vastness of the Altai Territory there is a resort of federal significance Belokurikha, one of the cultural centers of Siberia - the city of Barnaul, on the border of the region with the Altai Mountains, in the village of Srostki, the "singer of the Russian village", writer and director Vasily Shukshin, was born, in whose honor the ball was founded a museum-reserve . In the Altai Territory, one can easily feel the beauty and cultural way of Siberia - numerous ethnographic complexes, apiaries, maral deer farms are open to the public, where guests will not only be told about life and traditions, but will also be treated to fragrant tea from Altai herbs.


Altai Krai is located in the southern part of Western Siberia. The region borders in the south and southeast - with Kazakhstan, in the southwest - with the Republic of Altai, in the west and northwest - with the Kemerovo region, in the north - with the Novosibirsk region. The regional center, the city of Barnaul, is separated from the capital of Russia by 3419 km.

The Altai Territory covers the West Siberian Plain, gradually giving way to hilly foothills, low mountains with domed peaks of the Babyrgan and Sinyukha mountains, and, finally, the northwestern slopes of the huge Altai-Sayan mountain system. The plains of Altai are crossed by gullies and ravines, riverbeds originating in the mountains. The main water artery of the region is the Ob, and the largest reservoir is Lake Kulunda with many islands and bays, sandbars.

The flora of the Altai Territory is very diverse. Most of the region's territory is covered with forests. The region is the only place in Russia where a unique natural phenomenon occurs - ribbon pine forests - five strips of ribbons stretch in parallel from Barnaul towards the Irtysh. In the valley of the Ob River and on the Kulunda plain, steppes and forest-steppes dominate, and in the mountains - taiga flora. In Altai, there are many rare plants and endemics, including Siberian linden and water chestnut.


Due to the remoteness from the seas and oceans, the climate of the Altai Territory is sharply continental. Weather conditions are significantly influenced by mountain ranges that block the path of moist air from the west, in turn, the climatic features of the region determine the movement of air masses of the Atlantic, the Arctic, Eastern Siberia and Central Asia.

Winter in the Altai Territory is cold and long. A stable snow cover is formed already at the end of November and disappears only in April. The average minimum temperature in January is -17.7 °C. Severe frosts occur in the period December-January, the temperature can drop to -40, -50 °С.

Summer is sunny and hot. In July, the thermometer often rises to values ​​​​of 33-35 ° C.

The average annual rainfall in the Altai Territory is not uniform. In the arid western regions, about 200-230 mm falls, the average annual precipitation in the east is about 600 mm.

The number of sunshine is 2150-2300 per year.


Altai Krai lives according to Omsk time. The time zone is UTC+6. Time ahead of Moscow by 3 hours.


According to the 2014 estimate, the population of the Altai Territory is 2,384,708 people.

Types of tourism

The most developed and priority for further development tourism areas in the Altai Territory are recreation, outdoor activities and ski tourism.

Spa treatment. Altai Krai is the birthplace of the Belokurikha resort, which is included in the state register of unique resorts in Russia. Here, in an amazing way, several powerful healing factors are combined at once, namely thermal nitrogen-siliceous low-radon waters or, as they are also called, radon baths, mineral springs for drinking treatment, climatic conditions comparable to those of the best resorts in the world. The plant diversity of the region contributed to the use of phytotherapy as one of the main methods of spa medicine - infusions and decoctions of medicinal Altai herbs are used for drinking treatment, irrigation and microclysters. In addition, products of antler maral breeding and beekeeping are used here - pantohematogen baths, antler mini-saunas, honey massage. In the sanatorium-resort institutions of the region, programs for the treatment of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs, digestive systems, metabolic disorders, allergic diseases, and diseases of the genitourinary system have been implemented.

Skiing. In the Altai Territory, nature has created ideal conditions for skiing. There are many ski bases, complexes, individual slopes and modern ski resorts in the region. The Belokurikha complexes, equipped with chair lifts and drag lifts, artificial snow systems, trails of various lengths and difficulty levels, slopes for beginners and tubing trails, have earned the recognition of ski lovers. Rescue service and medical post ensure the safety of tourists.

Leisure. Sanatorium-resort complexes of the Altai Territory have their own sports and recreation centers with swimming pools, water parks, gyms and fitness rooms. Tourist centers offer various types of outdoor activities from hiking and horseback riding through the most beautiful and reserved corners of Altai, snowmobile and ATV rental, to paragliding and hang gliding.


- a unique climate and balneological and ski resort in the heart of Russian Switzerland - Altai Territory. The resort is located at an altitude of 250 m above sea level at the foot of Mount Tserkovka. Thanks to natural conditions, the development of the resort business began here a century ago. Recovery programs are based on the healing properties of weakly radon thermal baths, mineral springs, therapeutic mud of Lake Gorkoye, and Altai medicinal herbs. In Belokurikha, there are modern health-improving complexes offering both a traditional course of spa treatment, spa services, comfortable resort hotels focused on active recreation. In recent decades, the field of skiing has developed here - today Belokurikha boasts an infrastructure worthy of European resorts. In addition, there are interesting entertainment complexes near the resort - open-air museums, ethnographic parks, zoo nurseries and farms.

Barnaul- the capital of the Altai Territory. The city, lying on the left bank of the Ob, is one of the largest cultural centers of Siberia. Barnaul is notable for its historical center, which combines merchant buildings, sculptures and monuments, a museum and theaters. Rest here is, first of all, educational tourism, the city is the starting point for many thematic excursions. Recently, business tourism has been developing in the capital of the Altai Territory, comfortable business hotels and hotels have appeared, offering guests a high level of service and a wide range of additional services.

Transport component

Air transport. The air gate of the Altai Territory is the Barnaul International Airport, which receives aircraft from different regions of Russia, as well as neighboring states. The airport is located 14 km from the city. You can overcome this distance by using a transfer or taxi, as well as by public transport - regular buses and fixed-route taxis.

Railway transport. Altai Krai has a developed network of railways. 1803 km of tracks run through the territory of the region. Major railway stations are Altaiskaya, Barnaul, Biysk, Kulunda, Rubtsovsk, Aleiskaya. There are railway stations in small towns. The West Siberian Railway passes through Barnaul. Ways connect Altai with the European part of Russia, Eastern Siberia and the countries of Central Asia.

River transport. Navigation is carried out along the rivers Ob, Biya, Katun, Chumysh, Charysh. The total length of navigable routes is more than 650 km. There is a river port and a river station in Barnaul, from where you can go on a boat trip.

Motor transport. The length of roads in the Altai Territory is more than 15,000 km. Large highways pass through the territory of the region, including federal roads P256 and A349. The Altai Territory covers a network of regular intercity routes. There are bus stations in large cities, and bus stations in small towns. The central bus station of Barnaul is connected by bus routes with Belokurikha, Biysk, cities of neighboring regions, with Astana and Bishkek.

Urban land transport in the Altai Territory - buses, trolleybuses, trams and fixed-route taxis. Buses are the main mode of transport in small towns. The region is served by large and small firms offering taxi services. In Barnaul and several large cities of the region, a car rental service has been implemented.

In connection with the adoption of Federal Law No. 214-FZ dated July 29, 2017 “On conducting an experiment on the development of resort infrastructure in the Republic of Crimea, Altai Territory, Krasnodar Territory and Stavropol Territory”, as well as Article No. 2 of the Law of the Altai Territory dated November 1, 2017 No. 76-ЗС "On the introduction of fees for the use of resort infrastructure in the Altai Territory", we draw your attention to the fact that in the territory of the experiment from 05/01/2018 to 12/31/2022 a resort fee is charged.

The resort fee will be taken directly at the places of reception of accommodation (sanatoriums)

The amount of the resort fee for one night of the actual stay of the payer in the accommodation facility is:

2018 - 30 rubles per day,

2019-2022 - 50 rubles per day.

The procedure for calculating, paying and transferring the resort fee

  • The resort fee payable is the number of days the resort fee payer actually stays at the property, excluding the day of check-in, times the applicable resort fee. However, the resort fee to be paid is not included in the price.
  • The resort fee will be collected no later than the time of check-out from the property.
  • The repeated collection of the resort fee for the same period of stay in the experimental area is not allowed.
  • The resort fee shall be credited to the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on whose territory the experiment is being conducted.
  • The transfer of the resort fee to the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation is carried out by the operator of the resort fee after the expiration of the period of actual residence of the payer of the resort fee in the accommodation facility.

The resort fee payers are individuals who have reached the age of majority, living in accommodation facilities for more than 24 hours.

The following are exempt from the resort fee:

1) persons awarded the titles of Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation or who are full holders of the Order of Glory;

2) persons awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor or Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation or awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees;

3) participants of the Great Patriotic War;

4) combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 N 5-FZ "On Veterans";

5) persons awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad";

6) persons who worked during the Great Patriotic War at the objects of air defense, local air defense, on the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear borders of the active fronts, operational zones of the operating fleets, on the front-line sections of iron and highways, as well as crew members of transport fleet ships interned at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the ports of other states;

7) war invalids;

8) family members of the fallen (deceased) disabled war veterans, participants of the Great Patriotic War and veterans of military operations, family members of persons who died in the Great Patriotic War from among the personnel of the self-defense groups of the facility and emergency teams of the local air defense, as well as family members of the deceased hospital workers and hospitals in the city of Leningrad;

9) persons exposed to radiation as a result of the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, and persons equated to them;

10) disabled people of groups I and II;

11) persons accompanying disabled people of group I and disabled children in accordance with the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance";

12) low-income families, low-income citizens living alone and other categories of citizens provided for by the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-ФЗ “On State Social Assistance”, which have an average per capita income below the subsistence level established at their place of residence in the relevant subject Russian Federation;

13) persons who arrived on the territory of the experiment in order to receive specialized, including high-tech, medical care or medical rehabilitation after the provision of specialized, including high-tech, medical care in the conditions of sanatorium-resort organizations, as well as the person accompanying them if the patient is a child under the age of 18;

14) patients with tuberculosis;

15) persons under the age of 24 studying full-time in educational institutions located on the territory of the experiment;

16) persons permanently working on the territory of the experiment on the basis of an employment contract or service contract;

17) persons who have a place of residence in the territory of the experiment;

18) persons who own residential buildings (shares in the ownership of them) and (or) residential premises (shares in the ownership of them) on the territory of the experiment;

19) athletes, coaches, sports judges, as well as other specialists in the field of physical culture and sports who arrived to participate in official sports events on the territory of the experiment.

Tour "All inclusive" from December 31 to January 03 for 8500 rubles.

Included: Accommodation for 3 nights, 3 meals a day (menu choice),

banquet, a separate decorated banquet hall for each company.

New Year's weekend with January 03, 2020 By January 08, 2020

In addition to the New Year's tour, we offer accommodation for the New Year's weekend:
Cost of living 800 rub. per person.
The cost of three meals a day 800 rub. per person.

Events for the new year 2020 (next to the hotel):

Aquapark, special program at the center of Russian culture "Desyatiruchka", a wood-burning sauna, a trip to blue Lakes and not only.

Christmas decorations in the hotel, creating a festive mood, a branded snow slide with two turns for adults and children.

“Hello Santa Claus - a beard made of cotton wool” - almost every second New Year's rhyme begins with these words, although few people remember the original of the middle of the last century, but each of us will always have childhood memories of this holiday.

Many of my guests are interested in how the New Year is celebrated in the Altai Mountains and what do vacationers do at this time? And anyway, why go so far when you can sit at home?

New Year's Eve "Groundhog"

As a child, every new year was special and memorable. To a greater extent, this is due to various and very long-awaited gifts. Remember how your eyes burned, and your heart beat faster in anticipation of something new and long-awaited. How you got toys out from under the Christmas tree, unpacked the boxes and drank sweet lemonade instead of champagne.

Where did it all go? In adulthood, it is so accepted that every day is similar to exactly the same, only different. If you try to systematize the events of different New Year's Eve by years, then some of you may find that the memories have turned into New Year's "groundhog night" - you remember different events, but do not remember what year they took place.

How to Make New Year's Eve Unforgettable

You need to get out of your “comfort zone” more often, in other words, from home. For example, if you meet the new year in Altai in 2020, you can be sure that these memories will certainly be special, and to the question: “what was that year? ' - smiling, you will give an immediate answer.

Residents of Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Barnaul, Kemerovo, Omsk and other large cities of Western Siberia are striving to us, to Altai, at this magical time. Every year on the eve of the holiday, ice slides are built, skating rinks are poured, as well as Christmas trees, garlands, decorations, banquet tables - in general, everything that will make the holiday kind and cheerful. It doesn’t matter if you are traveling with friends or family, be sure that the recreation centers in Altai for the new year 2018 will make every effort to make this time memorable for you.

Magic of the New Year

It is quite obvious that it is not slides and garlands that attract thousands of people to our places. There was magic here, white as snow and pure as mountain air. One of my good guests (and I don’t have others) gave a very succinct explanation of what attracts city dwellers to Gorny Altai in the New Year, he answered with a short phrase: “Contemplation of the winter peaks!”. How do you like this turn? Just imagine yourself in a warm room of a cozy hotel with a cup of coffee (tea) in your hands. Represented? Now look out the window. You see rocky mountains covered with a cap of snow. You see it right from the window of your cozy warm room, and you want to stay here, you feel the atmosphere of privacy, you feel that you are in the mountains. People come here just to be here. However, remember that this magical state only works in winter. And let the prices for the New Year holidays in Altai be a little higher than usual, but this magic is worth it.

Active winter activities

But it’s not all the time to sit at the recreation center, because Altai in winter is a completely new form of things familiar to us. So, what we have to do with you:

  • make a trip to the blue lakes with a visit to the bathhouse and then swim in them!
  • see winter sights: the Chemal hydroelectric power station and the island of Patmos under the cover of snow;
  • go skiing, sledding, snowboarding on Manzherok or Seminsky Pass;
  • ride a dog sled;
  • visit the center of Russian culture in Cheposh "Desyatiruchka" with their special annually updated New Year's program;
  • and, finally, just take a walk among the mountains: through the forest or along the Katun;

The above entertainments are either absolutely free or available for a completely nominal fee (up to 300 rubles). Please note that the price of a holiday in the Altai Mountains in winter is much lower than in summer, but there are no less impressions, and they are completely different.

Hot offer of the Altai winter

New Year's holidays are usually divided into two races:

From December 31 to January 3 - the new year itself, plus two days to remember what happened and take a short tour of the winter Altai;

An attentive reader will probably not be surprised that at this time hotel rooms are flying like hot cakes from a plate. Demand often exceeds supply. Therefore, if you do not want to go through the December unsold "illiquid assets", then it is better to take care of the places at the camp sites in advance, in October! It is in this month that experienced tourists literally “grab” all the hottest (like pies) offers, because. know that there are much fewer good accommodation options than people who want to experience the winter magic of the Altai Mountains.