"school of active longevity". Active longevity


Let my appeal to you become an encouragement and push you to action. For this, I have long found several verbs that give a vector for getting out of any life situation, as they are universal. Whatever happens and wherever you are today, start thinking positively , move energetically, act actively and stick to the goal. To paraphrase Rasul Gamzatov in a more positive note, without sighs “Oh, if only we, as young people, could. Ah, if only they, like the old ones, knew, ”I assure you,“ we already know a lot and can still do a lot ” Remember, today we, the older generation, are in the majority. Our potential is not exhausted, experience is priceless, it is important to find a second wind in that time of life, which is no less beautiful and natural, and therefore provided with the energy of creation. Let us remain an example for those who follow us and not give reason to be disappointed. It is not too late offer yourself as an active part of society and not remain only objects in the projects of others. Life still gives us opportunities, we must see them and not miss them. We must have dreams, goals and an ardent desire to give. The cultural, intellectual, historical potential of St. Petersburg is unique, and so are the people of this heroic city. As once the experience and exploits of others helped us to become citizens, today our responsibility is to lend a shoulder to those who are just getting up in life. The new generation is brought up most of all by the examples of the elders!



“Old age holds possibilities no less than youth, only in other clothes» Henry Longfellow

Respectfully Kobzar Tatiana

1) Extend the social and social activity of older people

Create conditions within the framework of the project, and then the skills of safe aging:

The inner need to live actively, to be the subject of the project,

A constructive psychological attitude to trust people,

Optimistic expectations of the future, grateful perception of the present.

2) Support and implement:

Versatile interests aimed not only to receive, but also to give

Psychological resistance to objective circumstances,

Preservation of the ability to creativity, self-realization.

The project "School "Times of Life"" is the prevention of old age problems and specific assistance to older people to remain socially active, maintain a positive life focus and receive practical advice and skills on how to continue to be physically active.
The school program has two directions I and the cycle is 3 months.
1. Educational
Education of women of the older generation in the areas of active longevity, overcoming age-related socio-psychological crises associated with self-identification, relationships in the family, society. Through: questionnaires, lectures, trainings, films, practical exercises with specialists (psychologists, gerontologists).

2. Clubs
Organization of club communication according to interests. The main goal: to reveal the potential of those attending the school and to provide conditions for the independent realization of the potential within the school, holding master classes, excursions, holidays, exhibitions.
General school events are planned, which are timed to coincide with dates within the framework of Public Holidays.
For example: Day of the Elderly, Mother's Day, Christmas, March 8, Victory Day, Family Day, annual Forums "Older Generation"
Holidays, festivals, conferences, round tables are organized by the leaders and participants of the school, with the involvement of public organizations, specialists and students.
G master task: help in self-realization, try to make sure that all those who come have the opportunity to become the subject of the event, and not just the object of receiving services.

School of the third age as a factor in the implementation of active longevity.

Argunova Tamara Prokopievna

candidate of pedagogical sciences

Executive Director

Public Organization

"School of the third age in Yakutsk".

GBU RS (Y) "Integrated center of social services for the population of Yakutsk"

In the context of Russia's modernization, caring for the elderly and the disabled has been and remains a priority for state social policy. One of the important mechanisms for its implementation is social services, which provide the elderly with a range of social services, taking into account their health status, income level and the current social situation. In the "Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the Population of Yakutsk" of the Ministry of Social Development and Labor of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2011, the program "Active longevity" was compiled. The conceptual idea was to create conditions for self-realization, self-actualization of the elderly and disabled, ensuring an active quality life through the interaction of the family, the public, state and non-state structures. The main goal of the program was to develop an innovative form of an integrated system of support for the elderly and disabled to enhance life. The program was tested in the department of social rehabilitation "Erchim" of our Center. As a result of the implementation of this program, innovative forms and methods of social work with the elderly and the disabled are being introduced into practical work; conditions are being created to ensure social activity, self-realization of older citizens and their adaptation and integration into modern society. One of the most successful social projects of working with people of the older generation is the School of the Third Age. In our republic, the School of the Third Age was first opened on May 5, 2011 at the Integrated Center for Social Services for the Population of the City of Yakutsk, MT and SR RS (Y). The initiator and organizer is Pakhomova Natalya Nikolaevna, director of this Center, supervisor, Spanish. director Argunova Tamara Prokopievna. In 2012, the main documents of the School were drawn up and passed state registration as a public organization. The Board of the school was organized, the chairman is Katasheva Maria Konstantinovna, the Board includes representatives of the Council of Veterans of the Republic and the city of Yakutsk, joint work is being carried out. A targeted social program "School of the Third Age" has been drawn up, aimed at organizing social enlightenment and education of the elderly. When creating a school, we consider this to be the main goal - uniting older people and supporting them in striving for full-fledged creative and socially useful activities, relying on their own resources and desires. The school puts ideas into practice active longevity and education throughout life, changes in the attitude of society and the elderly themselves towards old age, develops interaction and mutual assistance of generations. Thanks to this activity, people of older generations realize the needs for communication, the development of creativity, find constructive interactions with other generations, and change society's attitude towards old age to a positive one.

Job tasks:- Activate the elderly in order to develop their ability to represent their interests in society and personal self-realization.

Prevent social exclusion of older people and promote their social adaptation, integration into modern society.

Improve the attitude of society towards old age, the elderly, develop social cohesion and intergenerational interactions.

Support various associations among the elderly, as well as social services working with such people.

Promote civic education as an innovative technology for social work with the elderly. The solution of these problems contributes to the formation of a culture of activity and self-acceptance in old age, on the one hand, and the formation in society of a positive attitude towards the elderly as full-fledged (and interesting) participants in the life of society, capable of being useful due to their life experience. All this is a factor in improving the quality of life and longevity. The school operates on a public-state partnership, and if appropriate conditions are provided by state structures, the school will function successfully.

Areas of activity of the school: 1.Organization of educational courses, creative workshops and clubs.

2. Development and implementation of social projects. 3. Information and methodological activities. 4. Development of cooperation with republican, Russian public organizations. The activities of the school are organized in accordance with the program and with annual, monthly work plans. The academic year starts from October 1 to June 1, some school studios may work during the summer. The School conducts five academic semesters per year with a duration of 4-6 weeks each session. Folk craftsmen, craftsmen, active intelligentsia, teachers, students who have expressed a desire to transfer their skills and knowledge to other people are invited to organize the activities of the School. For the 2014-15 academic year, only 35 work, of which 7 educational courses, 28 creative workshops, 4 clubs. More than 5,000 students have studied during the period of the school's operation. elderly people, and including branches 7 thousand. Classes are organized strictly according to the schedule per week once or twice, taking into account the age of our students, 10-12 classes are held every day. Registration and registration of those wishing to attend classes is carried out by school specialists, mainly non-working elderly people and the disabled are trained, but we are glad to see working pensioners as well. The most popular courses are computer literacy, exercise therapy, horsehair work, yoga, khomus, patchwork, tailoring of hats, foreign languages, etc.

2. Development and implementation of social projects

In addition to educational, creative, health-improving activities, the project has a clear focus on the development of volunteering among the elderly in the implementation of various socially useful initiatives.

The volunteer movement includes educational, educational, social, environmental, cultural and leisure activities. “We are volunteers”, “Alumni Association”, “Home School”.

Graduates of the School of the Third Age actively participate in the implementation of socially significant projects on ecology, improvement of the territory of settlements, patriotic education of youth, patronage of boarding schools, popularization of folk music and applied arts.

Graduates of creative workshops of the School gave concerts in Yakutsk, with. Borogontsy, p. Maya, Amga, Namtsy, Kangalassy and in the suburbs, participated in city, republican reviews, competitions, where they won prizes, became laureates, diplomats. They take an active part in exhibitions, fairs, festive events in Yakutsk and the republic. Teachers and graduates of the school are teaching at home older people who cannot attend our school. So 85-year-old teacher Petukhova Maria Nikolaevna leads a sewing class at her home.

3. Information and methodological activities

One of the areas of our activity is information and methodological work. In order to disseminate the experience of the School, we organized seminars - workshops, meetings, conversations, consultations, master classes. So in 2012, a master class was held for workers of social institutions of the republic, a republican seminar - a workshop for the heads of studios, circles of branches of schools in the river uluses, with an invitation of 40 delegates, a republican seminar - a workshop for the chairmen of the Council of veterans of uluses, for 45 people. A round table was held for the heads of administrations and suburbs of the GO "city of Yakutsk".

On November 27-28, 2013, the 1st republican forum "Active longevity" was held, where representatives of 25 uluses took part. The resolution of the forum "Active longevity" is included in the republican program "Older generation. In 2014, they took an active part in the republican forum of activists of the veteran movement, in the scientific and practical conference "Active longevity - modern solutions, realities and prospects" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)". In 2015, they participated in the work of the "Active longevity" section in the republican forum "Live in longevity" of the Ministry of Health of the RS (Y), Y1 Interregional Specialized Exhibition MEDEXPO "Health and Beauty"

We have published a book about the School of the Third Age, where the main documents of the school are given, and we hope that the book will help when opening a school in the field.

In order to promote healthy longevity and activate the elderly and the disabled, contests, festivals, board game competitions are held: checkers, chess, table tennis, khabylyk, khaamyska. In 2014 and 2015 in Yakutsk, a republican competition was held for the School of the Third Age, choirs and dance groups. These republican contests and competitions will be held annually. Every year, a masquerade ball, holidays on March 8, “Nurguhun yhyaҕa” are organized for volunteer teachers and cadets.

The work of the social and educational project "School of the Third Age" is being covered in the media, local media, on the websites of the social protection authorities of the population of urban districts, municipal districts, on the official website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.

4 . Development of cooperation with republican, Russian public organizations. Many uluses of the republic became interested in the work of the School, therefore branches of the School were opened in the village. Borogontsy of Ust-Aldan, p. Amga Amginsky, p. Maya Megino-Kangalassky, where agreements were signed on joint activities on social issues between the Ministry of Social Development and Labor and the heads of these uluses. Work is underway with the administration of the city of Yakutsk, branches of the school were opened in the Saisar district, in the suburbs of the village of Tulagino-Kildyamtsy, Magan, Tabaga. A relationship is being established with the administrations of the governments of the city of Yakutsk by the specialists of the social work of our Center. The work of the School of the Third Age in Yakutsk got acquainted with Bulunsky, Momsky, Upper - Vilyuisky, Vilyuisky, Tomponsky, Mirninsky, Kangalassky, Namsky and other uluses of the republic. Branches of the school are opened at the initiative of city, municipal organizations together with the Council of Veterans, the Office of Social Protection of the Population, as agreed by the Council of the School of the Third Age. Yalysheva M.Yu., director of ANOSAP "Silver Age" of St. Petersburg, took part in the 1st republican forum "Active longevity" and an agreement on joint work was concluded. In 2014, at the invitation of M. Yalysheva, teacher volunteers of the School of the Third Age in Yakutsk took part in the International Forum "Older Generation" in St. Petersburg. In March 2015, at the International Forum "Older Generation" in St. Petersburg, they successfully participated in the following programs: business, exhibition, educational, cultural, health, dance. The exhibition exposition of our students, master classes of volunteer teachers, and the concert program were a great success. In the competitions “Dance while you are young”, the couple of Maximovs F.P. and N.A. took third place, and in the recreational gymnastics “St. Petersburg Grace” they won the biggest cup. The forum participants were volunteer teachers and students of the School of the Third Age in Yakutsk aged 55 to 78 years. The school of the third age is a new form of work with the elderly and disabled, therefore it is not only an educational center, but also a resource center for social work with the elderly. Therefore, it requires careful attention from state, non-state and public structures. As a new activity, there are some problems in organizing the School of the Third Age in the field, especially when creating conditions for the education of older people. This is the allocation of premises, equipping the material base, solving the issue of maintaining the school. We recommend that all issues be resolved independently at the city and ulus level. Our school can organize methodological assistance in the management of school activities. The school enables older people to take an active part in public life, find new friends, social circle, realize their creative potential, which contributes to self-esteem, self-healing, and active longevity. The social and educational project "School of the Third Age" contributes to changing the stereotype of behavior and attitudes of older people: moving away from a passive, consumer position and forming a new model of personal behavior by involving older people in educational, sociocultural events, increasing their degree of participation in public life. Work experience shows that the activities of the School contribute to:

Active longevity, self-realization of the elderly to solve social issues; - prevention of loneliness and disunity; -providing older people with the opportunity to be involved in an active, social and creative life; - the transfer of the necessary skills of self-help and self-employment to the elderly. We hope that the experience of the School of the Third Age will be disseminated throughout the country.


1. Introduction into practical work the interaction of the family, the public. state and non-state structures, to improve the quality of life of older people.

2. Providing appropriate conditions for public organizations, associations in order to organize an active creative life of elderly citizens and the disabled.

3. Expansion of the network of day social rehabilitation centers, departments and boarding houses for the elderly through public-private partnerships.

4. Implementation of socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological, socio-cultural directions into the practical work of geriatric services.

School active longevity

Regulations on the "School of Active Longevity"

1. General Provisions.

1.1. The "School of Active Longevity" (hereinafter referred to as the "School") is organized to provide training to the population living in the territorial areas of the hospital.

1.2. The school is headed by a doctor of the department of general medical practice, the work is directly carried out by the nursing staff in the time allocated for preventive measures (4 hours per month).

1.3. The school carries out its activities on the basis of these Regulations, thematic lesson plans.

1.4. Classes are held in the medical prevention room.

2. Main goals and objectives.

2.1. Formation of hygienic culture and principles of active longevity in the elderly.

2.2. Teaching senior citizens practical skills and methods of strengthening and maintaining health.

2.3. Acquaintance with the principles and features of nutrition and the mode of physical activity in old age.

3. Expected results.

3.1. Reducing the number of patients with complicated and severe forms of chronic diseases.

3.2. Improving the lives of senior citizens and developing their right attitude towards their illness and treatment.

4. Organization of classes.

4.1. Classes with invitees are held in accordance with the thematic plans approved by the chief physician of the hospital (Appendix No. 1).

4.2. The group of trainees is formed taking into account diseases and age of citizens.

4.3. The training material is presented in an accessible language, accompanied by a demonstration of posters, distribution of leaflets, etc.

Classes should be conducted in the form of individual and group

conversations with the active participation of students.

4.4. Specialists from among the medical staff and middle managers can be involved in the conduct of classes (by decision of the group leaders).

Thematic plan "School of active longevity"

Kukshumy village from 03.05.2011 to 24.05.2011


active longevity, a socio-biological phenomenon characterized by highly developed, preventing premature aging, adaptive reactions of the body, with the help of which a person realizes his vital needs.

According to the WHO classification, long-livers include those who have crossed the 90-year mark. Active longevity is quite achievable, provided that everyone becomes the creator of their own health, without which longevity and a sense of joy and fullness of life are impossible. First of all, it is necessary to change the habits and stereotypes of behavior that lag behind the pace of modern life, learn a rational way of life and then strictly follow it. Compliance with hygiene at work and rest, diet and physical activity, hardening, the rejection of bad habits that are destructive to the body, not only increase a person’s life expectancy, but also increase his creative activity. It is well known that a person, programmed by nature to live for more than 100 years, lives in relatively complete health for only half of this period due to the irresponsible treatment of his own body. In maintaining health, preventing premature aging of the body, a huge role belongs to labor. The experience of the working life of centenarians convinces us that the need for work and the ability to do it do not dry out with the onset of retirement age and, thanks to the continuation of work, many have managed to achieve healthy and active longevity. Labor organized rationally from a young age, long before retirement age, is one of the indispensable conditions for maintaining health and high efficiency, and preventing premature professional aging. Active rest also plays an important role in the prevention of premature aging, helping a person to recover faster and more fully after hard work. Short breaks for active rest should be taken during the working day. Holidays are useful to spend outside the home environment. Elderly people should be especially attentive to their rest, because in the process of work, fatigue sets in faster and they recover their strength more slowly after work. Physical training should become an integral part of active recreation for both young and old people. Lack of movement turns into great damage to health. Physical activity should be treated as a normal and necessary component of a healthy lifestyle for every person and as an indispensable condition for achieving active longevity. We should not forget about hardening procedures, which, in combination with physical activity, give a great healing effect, increase the body's resistance to temperature fluctuations, infectious and colds. It should be borne in mind that with age, adaptive capabilities to the action of physical stimuli (cold, heat, solar radiation, etc.) decrease and physiological functions are restored more slowly after procedures. Therefore, hardening in old age should be carried out carefully and under close medical supervision.

For normal neuropsychic activity, it is necessary to sleep enough (normally 6-8 hours), eat rationally. Nutritionists say that a person "is what he eats." The basis of rational nutrition is high-quality and complete food in terms of the composition of the main substances and its uniform distribution throughout the day in accordance with age and degree of labor activity. The most physiological is 4-5 meals a day. Dinner should be no later than 20 hours.

Excessive nutrition that does not correspond to the energy costs of the body inevitably leads to overweight, and this, in turn, to serious metabolic disorders and the functions of the most important physiological systems of the body, accelerates the aging process and shortens life expectancy. Preserving and strengthening health, slowing down senile changes in the body, prolonging creative activity depends on each of us, and much can be achieved if we strive for this, work actively, follow the norms and principles of a healthy lifestyle, observe

The need to organize the School is dictated by the current situation in society. The number of older people is increasing every year. Most people come to retirement age with chronic illnesses and social isolation. All this negatively affects the psychological health of older people. But everyone has a chance to live long and actively. According to Professor Bubnovsky S.M. “Old age is not age, but the loss of muscle tissue, which begins to disappear if it is not supported by exercise.”

The main factor in mental health and salvation from senile dementia is faith in oneself, maintaining healthy positive emotions, and a healthy lifestyle. And physical health is impossible without regular exercise.

Goals of the School of Active Longevity program.

  • Promotion of healthy lifestyles. Activation of their own capabilities of the elderly and disabled, maintaining their social activity, physical and mental health;
  • Strengthening the status of the elderly in society;
  • Using the intellectual, cultural, personal potential and life experience of older people in strengthening the connection between generations.

Tasks of the program "Schools of active longevity".

  • Improving the quality of rehabilitation services for the elderly and disabled;
  • Development and implementation of innovative methods aimed at improving the quality of life of the elderly and disabled;
  • Expanding the integration of the elderly and disabled in social communication processes;
  • Adaptation of the personality in old age to the transition to a difficult and long period of life.

Direction of work "School of active longevity".

  • Wellness program.
  • Cognitive - educational program.
  • Cultural and leisure program.

I. Wellness program.

Includes medical and socio-psychological rehabilitation.

1.Medical rehabilitation aimed at restoring and correcting impaired functions. The following types of medical rehabilitation are carried out at the GBU SO RC "Valor":

  • for clients with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • for clients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • for clients with respiratory diseases.

Among the many factors that limit the psychophysical state of the elderly, contributing to the development of negative changes in the body, are hypodynamia and hypokinesia. Only reasonably organized physical activity can put a barrier to various diseases: "... a person, moving and developing, starts the clock of his life himself."

For many people with disabilities, adaptive physical education is the only way to “break” the closed space, enter society, and get opportunities for communication. The purpose of adaptive physical education is the maximum possible development of the viability of a person who has stable deviations in the state of health for the maximum possible self-actualization.


As a physical medium, water has a high heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and good convection ability. These properties of water make it the most convenient medium for thermal stimulation.

The Center uses 2 types of water procedures - baths and showers.

  1. Baths
  • medicinal - coniferous, bischofite, turpentine, iodine-bromine;
  • pearl - with air bubbles bubbling in the water;
  • foamy licorice - with licorice root extract, which forms a compact, stable, small-bubble foam that evenly covers the patient's body;
  • hydromassage - therapeutic and prophylactic procedure, which consists in massaging the body of a person immersed in water with a jet of water under high pressure;
  • four-chamber bath for limbs. Hydrotherapy in this bath is carried out with medicinal solutions and with Tomed - aqua (this is a concentrated aqueous solution of active humic compounds obtained from the therapeutic mud "Tomed".
  • Souls - ascending, circular, Charcot. They are carried out with the help of a hydrotherapy department.
  • The principle of cancer alertness is fully applied to the clients of the Center. For clients with diseases of the cardiovascular system (their share of the total number of patients of the Center is 42%), a sparing hydrotherapy regimen is used. For carrying out water procedures for patients with limited mobility, an ALL-in-One lift is used - special sliding supports allow the patient to be brought up and lifted (lowered) into the bath.
  • Manual and hardware massage. In the center there are: bed - massager Nuga-Best 500; massage mattress Medica-190; Sanio massage chair
  • Physiotherapy procedures. The Center uses all types of physiotherapy treatment: electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, aerosol therapy, oxygen therapy (oxygen cocktails), phototherapy, mud therapy (therapeutic mud with active humic acids "Tomed", ultrasound therapy.
  • Normobaric Hypoxic Therapy("Mountain air") - breathing air with a reduced content (up to 11%) of oxygen, but at normal atmospheric pressure. Hypoxic effect on the body improves metabolism, activates the work of internal organs.
  • Dry carbonic bath. Carbon dioxide with a concentration of 15-30%, used in the SUV, increases the regenerative capabilities of the body, prevents premature aging.
  • nordic walking. Developed from the technique of ski exercises and is suitable for everyone, without exception, regardless of age. Improves the functioning of internal organs, increases immunity, activates metabolism. Nordic walking is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis!
  • Phytotherapy. Clients of the Center can take herbs - tonic, gastrointestinal, sedative, heart, kidney, diabetic.
  • 2. Socio-psychological rehabilitation.

    The following offices work in the GBU SO RC "Valor":

    • Biofeedback room in the correction of psycho-emotional maladaptation. In clients who have completed a course of sessions, blood pressure normalizes, mood rises, and sleep improves.
    • Cabinet of gelotherapy (laughter therapy). The purpose of the classes is to relieve psychological stress, create a positive mood.
    • Office of mental-visual training (mirror therapy). This technique allows patients to remove their psychological blockages, stimulate visual images; helps a person to mobilize his will to move the affected limb. The technique is successfully used in the rehabilitation of clients after stroke.
    • Ergotherapy room. Ergotherapy is the directed involvement of clients in work activities for the purpose of rehabilitation. In GBU SO RC "Valor" all types of needlework are used for this, according to the interests and capabilities of the client: knitting, embroidery, macrame, modeling from plasticine and dough, origami, quilling, engraving, decoupage, paperbox, sand - art, encaustic, lekozhur, kirigamia others.
    • Machanotherapy room. The office is equipped with simulators for the upper limbs: "Grahamizer", "Kanevel", "DON".
    • sensory room. It is used to stimulate sensory processes, create a positive emotional background, achieve relaxation and peace of mind.
    • Office of psychological correction using combined means. Psychologists of the Center use various methods in their work: logotherapy, imagotherapy, fairy tale therapy, libropsychotherapy, sanogenic thinking, collage, B. Heelinger's constellation method, Hasan Aliyev's psychological state self-regulation techniques, Zentangle therapy and others. Classes in the office are accompanied by aeroionotherapy, aromatherapy.
    • Social work specialists methods are used: folklore therapy, stopotherapy, dendrotherapy and others.
    • The Center has a department "Helpline". Problems addressed by subscribers: crisis; family relationships; relationship between children and parents; self-acceptance problems love relationship; addiction; health; violence; social adaptation and maladaptation, and others.
    • Actively working "School of Rehabilitation and Care", "School of Elderly Safety".

    II. Cognitive - educational program.

    These lectures are in different areas: conversations, library therapy, watching videos. These lessons spiritually enrich, develop creative abilities, and contribute to raising the cultural level.

    1. Lectures by the specialists of the Center:
    • Specialists in social work, give lectures on music, painting, literature;
    • Lecture by a therapist about a healthy lifestyle;
    • Psychologists give lectures on psychological health, ways to train memory, and developmental psychology.
  • A series of talks about the life and work of remarkable people, organized by the staff of the city library.
  • Library therapy. The Center has a library with 2000 books.
  • Watching videos:
    • health-improving and educational films of Professor Zhdanov.
      • "Alcohol terror";
      • "The harm of smoking";
      • "It's time to take off your glasses."
    • Scientific - popular films:
      • "ABC of health";
      • "Living Water".
    • films on religious themes:
      • “Before the Queen of Heaven”, about the Samara Iversky Monastery;
      • “Monastery in the world (about Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Temple in the village of Krasnye Klyuchi);
      • "7 deadly sins";
      • "History of Islam";
      • "A gift over the abyss of despair" (about the icon painter Zhuravlev).
    • "Live and remember" (about the soldiers of the Samara land of the living and the fallen).
    • "Rehabilitation of the disabled in the Samara region.

    III. Cultural and leisure program.

    The Center regularly organizes:

    • visiting the theater of the SAD studio, the museum of local lore, exhibitions, concerts;
    • creative meetings with members of the unions of professional writers;
    • visits to the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Temple and the Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God (Tabynskaya), a visit to the Mosque;
    • As part of folklore therapy, meetings are organized with vocal groups from the city of Pokhvistnevo;
    • performances are organized by students of school No. 1, clients of the State Budgetary Institution of Health "Pokhvistnevsky Youth Boarding House for the Disabled";
    • holding song evenings, game programs, chess and checkers tournaments, discos in each race;
    • organization of holidays dedicated to certain dates, birthdays of clients.

    The school of active longevity promotes personality development in old age, teaches the ability to live with dignity, develops creative abilities, and teaches the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Expected results:

    • increasing the general level of culture, increasing the period of active longevity, maintaining the ability to self-service in the elderly;
    • improving the quality of life of older people, developing their adaptive mechanisms to the aging process;
    • ensuring decent, respectful treatment of older people;
    • activation of the life position of pensioners, their involvement in socially useful activities.

    The staff of the Center should also take care of their own health. Preservation and strengthening of the nervous system is an important prerequisite for human health and longevity. Regular classes are held with the staff of the Center on the topic: “Prevention of burnout syndrome”. The staff of the Center follow some of the recommendations of Dr. Bragg:

    • Control your mood. A good mood is too valuable a thing to lose it. When you get angry, you start counting;
    • Avoid quarrels.
    • Don't lock yourself in.
    • Try to smile and laugh more often. Laughter creates health due to the happy state of mind of the laugher. Smile and you will get a smile in return!
    • Be constantly busy. A busy person is a happy person, he does not have time for quarrels, gossip.

    A distinctive feature of the staff of the GBU SO RC "Valor" is an attentive and friendly attitude towards their customers, which is noted by them in each race.

    “Don't be afraid of old age. We must prepare for it and enter old age with a healthy body and healthy habits. Professor S.M. Bubnovsky.


    Goals of the School of Active Longevity program.

    • Promotion of healthy lifestyles. Activation of their own capabilities of the elderly and disabled, maintaining their social activity, physical and mental health;
    • Strengthening the status of the elderly in society;
    • Using the intellectual, cultural, personal potential and life experience of older people in strengthening the connection between generations.

    Tasks of the program "Schools of active longevity".

    • Improving the quality of rehabilitation services for the elderly and disabled;
    • Development and implementation of innovative methods aimed at improving the quality of life of the elderly and disabled;
    • Expanding the integration of the elderly and disabled in social communication processes;
    • Adaptation of the personality in old age to the transition to a difficult and long period of life.

    Project description

    • Wellness program.

    • Lectures by the specialists of the Center:
    • Watching videos:
        • "Alcohol terror";
        • "The harm of smoking";
        • "It's time to take off your glasses."
      • Scientific - popular films:
        • "ABC of health";
        • "Living Water".
      • films on religious themes:
        • "7 deadly sins";
        • "History of Islam";
      • ">

        Direction of work "School of active longevity".

        • Wellness program.
        • Cognitive - educational program. Cultural and leisure program

        I. Cognitive - educational program.

        These lectures are in different areas: conversations, library therapy, watching videos. These lessons spiritually enrich, develop creative abilities, and contribute to raising the cultural level.

        • Lectures by the specialists of the Center:
          • Specialists in social work, give lectures on music, painting, literature;
          • Lecture by a therapist about a healthy lifestyle;
          • Psychologists give lectures on psychological health, ways to train memory, and developmental psychology.
        • A series of talks about the life and work of remarkable people, organized by the staff of the city library.
        • Library therapy. The Center has a library.
        • Watching videos:
          • health-improving and educational films of Professor Zhdanov.
            • "Alcohol terror";
            • "The harm of smoking";
            • "It's time to take off your glasses."
          • Scientific - popular films:
            • "ABC of health";
            • "Living Water".
          • films on religious themes:
            • “Before the Queen of Heaven”, about the Samara Iversky Monastery;
            • “Monastery in the world (about Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Temple in the village of Krasnye Klyuchi);
            • "7 deadly sins";
            • "History of Islam";
            • "A gift over the abyss of despair" (about the icon painter Zhuravlev).
          • "Live and remember" (about the soldiers of the Samara land of the living and the fallen).
          • "Rehabilitation of the disabled in the Samara region.

        II. Cultural and leisure program.

        The Center regularly organizes:

        • visiting the theater, local history museum, exhibitions, concerts;
        • creative meetings with members of the unions of professional writers;
        • visits to the women's Vvedensky monastery, as well as a visit to the men's temple and the temple of St. Matrona.
        • organization of holidays dedicated to certain dates, birthdays of clients.

        The school of active longevity promotes personality development in old age, teaches the ability to live with dignity, develops creative abilities, and teaches the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle.

        Project results

        Expected results:

        • Avoid quarrels.
        • Don't lock yourself in.

        Expected results:

        • increasing the general level of culture, increasing the period of active longevity, maintaining the ability to self-service in the elderly;
        • improving the quality of life of older people, developing their adaptive mechanisms to the aging process;
        • ensuring decent, respectful treatment of older people;
        • activation of the life position of pensioners, their involvement in socially useful activities.

        Control your mood. A good mood is too valuable a thing to lose it. When you get angry, you start counting;

        • Avoid quarrels.
        • Don't lock yourself in.
        • Try to smile and laugh more often. Laughter creates health due to the happy state of mind of the laugher. Smile and you will get a smile in return!
        • Be constantly busy. A busy person is a happy person, he does not have time for quarrels, gossip.

        A distinctive feature of the staff of the BU NGO "KTSSON of the Northern District of the City of Orel" is an attentive and friendly attitude towards its customers. “Don't be afraid of old age. We must prepare for it and enter old age with a healthy body and healthy habits.