School coat of arms drawings. Heraldic symbols and their meaning. What symbols can be depicted on the family coat of arms

To draw coat of arms And flag Russia, first look at their pictures in a book or on the Internet. This will make your work easier and help you complete the drawing correctly. Study carefully coat of arms. Working on the image of an eagle figure with attributes requires attention and accuracy. In order to make a drawing, you will need auxiliary lines and calculation of proportions.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - ruler;
  • - colored pencils or paints.


Take a piece of paper and place it vertically. It's better to portray coat of arms And flag on separate sheets. For the preliminary drawing you will need simple pencils and a ruler. First draw coat of arms, which is a figure of a double-headed crowned eagle with the image of the historical Moscow coat of arms and on the chest.

In the center of the sheet, draw a vertical rectangle with rounded bottom corners and a pointed bottom. Using a ruler, divide the rectangle in half with a vertical line. Then draw four horizontal lines dividing the rectangle into five equal parts. These auxiliary lines will help you correctly draw the eagle figure and its accompanying attributes.

At the level of the top line, outline the tops of the crowns with ribbons, draw eagle heads with an open beak and protruding tongue, and two necks merging into one. Since the eagle's figure is symmetrical, try to depict the details together. That is, if you draw one head, immediately draw another. Draw a large crown in the center above the eagle's heads.

The second line runs at the level of the upper side of the historical coat of arms and Moscow, located on the chest of an eagle. This coat of arms is the same rectangle with rounded ends and a pointed bottom. It contains a figure of a horse with a rider holding a spear and striking a serpent. Draw this composition schematically; you should not draw all the small details. From coat of arms and draw the open wings of an eagle.

The third line runs along the lower border of the Moscow Historical coat of arms A. From this line, start drawing the eagle's paws. In the right paw, draw a scepter in the form of a rod, decorated with a gold tip and rings. On the left, draw an orb, which is a golden ball with a tip in the form of a cross. The fourth line separates the segment in which the image of the eagle’s tail, which is five stylized feathers, is located.

After you have completed the drawing coat of arms and with a simple pencil, start coloring with colored pencils or paints. You will need the following colors - yellow, black, red, blue, white, gray. First, color the eagle figure in yellow, draw the entire outline of the feathers in black, then proceed to the details - attributes of royal power, crowns, coat of arms u. After that, cover the entire background with red. Drawing coat of arms but ready.

To draw flag Russia, take a sheet of paper and place it horizontally. Draw a rectangle whose width is 2/3 of its length. Divide the rectangle into 3 equal horizontal stripes, color the bottom one red, the middle one blue, and leave the top one white. Trace the outline flag but in a dark color. The drawing is ready.


  • who is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia

In the Middle Ages, one of the main symbols of an ancient and rich family was family coats of arms. They decorated shields, flags and palaces of famous people. Today, the fashion for this attribute is returning. Each family should have its own symbol that reflects its history.

Family coat of arms

The family coat of arms, together with the pedigree and family tree, is an integral part of the concept of “ancestry”. If your last name is not very common and ends in -sky, -vich, -tsky, then there is a high probability that your ancestors had such a symbol.

In countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Moldova and Belarus, data on several thousand coats of arms has been preserved. But if you can’t find yours, you can create it from scratch, because this will add prestige to your family. There are also personal coats of arms. They describe one specific person. The family coat of arms, through artistic means, reflects the basis of the family, its beliefs, views on life and the world. By looking at it, you can better understand your ancestors and determine your place among them. If a person decides to come up with a coat of arms, then he must understand that this is a very difficult matter. Heraldry deals with the study of such symbols.

To create a real family coat of arms, you need to involve the whole family. The best method for this is brainstorming. That is, having gathered together, relatives discuss and offer their ideas for this symbol and choose the best option. To do this, you need to remember the history of the family, the places that are most associated with it, the values ​​passed down from generation to generation, and the hobby that most of those present support. All of this can be compiled into a list of words that best suit your family. For example, these could be strictness, hospitality, activity and fun. Each of these concepts can be shown by family coats of arms. But remember that this is not just a symbol, but the face of the entire family. Therefore, you should think about every detail.

Beginning of work

When starting this creative process, you need to know the components that make up a given symbol. This is a shield, mantle and motto, but in addition to the main parts, a helmet and crest are often added. The base of the entire design will be the shield. Family coats of arms use it as an image of protection from enemies. When creating them, they take the shape of real shields and turn them into a schematic image, the basis for all further drawings. Therefore, first you need to choose what it will look like. There are such forms of shields:

1. National:

Old French (the top looks like a square, the bottom like a rounded diamond);

New French (an inverted rectangle with a curly brace instead of a bottom line);

Spanish (top - square, bottom - circle);

English (similar to New French, but the top line extends beyond the figure and is connected to it by arcs);





2. Geometric:





After looking at each of them, the family will choose one or come up with something of their own, not like the others.

Color design

Family coats of arms have a variety of colors. Each of the selected shades carries some hidden meaning. Heraldry distinguishes three main categories that reveal the meaning of a particular color. The first is natural phenomena, the second is the qualities that characterize the soul and character of a person, the third is philosophical concepts. Each color has certain characteristics:

  1. Gold symbolizes the sun, generosity and generosity, justice.
  2. Silver is a prototype of water, moon and snow. It is characterized by innocence and purity.
  3. Red is fire, love, courage, bravery and bravery.
  4. Azure is reminiscent of the sky, faith, truthfulness and justice.
  5. Green is associated with plants, hope, joy and youth.
  6. Black speaks of closeness to the earth, humility, modesty and education.
  7. Purple combines nobility, wisdom and dignity.

The combination of these colors can be varied. It happens when one color predominates, but most often several of them are harmoniously intertwined. It is important to understand that excessive sloppiness can only ruin everything. It is better to divide the coat of arms into several zones, for example, horizontally or diagonally, and give the selected shades their place. It is very difficult to create a family coat of arms with your own hands, but if you follow simple rules, everything will work out.

Heraldic figures

All figures that can be placed on a shield are traditionally divided into non-heraldic and heraldic. Each of them can be main or secondary. When talking about how to create a family coat of arms, it is important to consider what these figures are. Heraldic ones include:

  • chapter (located at the top of the shield);
  • extremity (occupies the bottom of the shield);
  • pillar (located right in the middle of the shield in a vertical position);
  • belt (also in the middle, but already horizontal);
  • a sling (this is a diagonal wide strip that can run either from right to left or from left to right);
  • rafter;
  • border;
  • cross.

These are the main figures of heraldry, the secondary ones are the square, oval, rhombus, etc. All other figures are non-heraldic.

Non-heraldic figures

Family coats of arms certainly consist of images of people, plants, animals, various objects and natural phenomena that are significant for the family. They also have their own classification. They are divided into mythical (unicorn, dragon, griffin) and natural (sun, stars, animals, plants, etc.). Each image symbolizes something, just like the color. The most common are:

  • eagle - power, strength and independence;
  • dog - devotion and fidelity;
  • dove - purity and peace;
  • bee - enormous endurance and love of work;
  • dragon - strength and courage;
  • palm or laurel branch - victory, leadership and freedom;
  • books or torch - a symbol of knowledge and wisdom;
  • Leo - royalty, generosity, courage and strength;
  • bear - strength and wisdom;
  • snake - caution, foresight and sharp mind;
  • falcon - freedom, intelligence, beauty and courage;
  • rooster - warlike mood;
  • oak - endurance, durability and strength;
  • The olive branch is a famous symbol of peace.

If you skillfully combine some of these images, colors and figures, you will get a very high quality family coat of arms. Photo examples are presented in the article. They distinguish childbirth and families from others.

Correct phrase

In addition to all of the above, there is a small but very important condition for a good coat of arms. This is the motto. Most often it is written on a ribbon under the shield. If the shield is shaped like a circle, then this saying will most likely be written along its borders. In the days of the knights, the motto was a battle cry. Now, a small phrase or sentence that expresses important events for the family is best suited for this role. In addition, the text itself can be encrypted, which will add more mystery. The motto is the calling card of the family, just like the surname, because it conveys the main rule or credo of the entire family. Ideas for creating this saying can be gleaned from proverbs, sayings or quotes from great people.

Creation of a coat of arms

Very often at school a child is given the task of drawing a family coat of arms. Therefore, you and your child need to think through all the details of this symbol. But don’t try to do everything yourself, give the initiative to the young creator. Such joint work will be useful for each of the parties: the adult will more seriously analyze the history and values ​​of the family, and the child will understand the importance of such concepts as family and ancestors. Thus, with your joint efforts you will create a beautiful family coat of arms, a photo of which you will not be ashamed to show to your friends.

Another great reason to create this symbol is the combination of two hearts. It will be a wonderful decoration for a banquet hall, and in the future it will perfectly fit into the interior of your home. You can make a family coat of arms for a wedding yourself or simply order it.

Thus, one of the most important symbols of the family is the coat of arms. If it did not come to you from your ancestors, you can create it yourself. This is a labor-intensive process. All the tips presented above will tell you how to draw a family coat of arms so that it reflects all aspects of the family.

Having discovered the task “to make a family coat of arms” in a child’s diary, many parents are horrified and begin to loudly scold teachers or the entire system of modern education along with them. But there is nothing difficult in this task. Creating a family coat of arms can be a rewarding activity for all family members with a little imagination and creativity.

It is difficult to find a person who does not know what a coat of arms is and why it is created. It is not known exactly when the coats of arms of history appeared. It is generally accepted that they begin their history in the 10th century. First of all, the coat of arms was used for printing, as well as to designate property. In an era of widespread illiteracy, the coat of arms was the only understandable and accessible signature.

The world-famous coat of arms of the English royal dynasties - three golden leopards, was invented during the ascension to the throne of Richard I the Lionheart.

Knights made a significant contribution to the dissemination of family coats of arms. The coat of arms on the armor was the only sign of the difference between their belonging to one or another clan. During the era of the Crusades, family coats of arms began to become widespread throughout the world. Over time, every city, church, workshop, production, etc. had their own coat of arms.

Further, only monarchs could approve and grant family coats of arms. Even special departments were created that were in charge of heraldry and were involved in determining the right to a coat of arms, and also developed special signs that could be used.

There are a huge number of different signs that are used in the coat of arms. Each sign carries a specific meaning and must take its place.

The modern school curriculum provides various creative tasks for children. Creating a family coat of arms is also part of the program. Before you figure out what to draw in this family symbol, talk to your older family members. Perhaps your family has its own family tree, traditions are sacredly revered, and there are also family heirlooms. It is among these antiques that you can find the original coat of arms of your dynasty.

If you are lucky and you know what family your family belongs to, you know the pedigree or the great representatives of your family, you can easily redraw the existing coat of arms.

But, unfortunately, not every family has information about their ancestors and their distinctive features. Then your imagination and some publicly available heraldic information will come to your aid.

To create a family coat of arms you need to determine:

  • what shape it will have;
  • what color scheme will be used;
  • what will be the dominant symbol;
  • what additional parts to use and where they will be placed.

The family coat of arms begins with determining the shape of the shield itself. You can choose absolutely any option you like or use traditional classic forms. These can be strict geometric shapes: rhombic, round, square coat of arms. It can be made in ornate German traditions, strict English or Spanish, rounded Italian or carved Polish forms.

When the shape is chosen, it needs to be transferred to thick paper or cardboard. You can draw it yourself or use a printed computer template.

The next step is choosing a background. Traditionally, 6 colors were used to create a family coat of arms:

  • white was a symbol of purity and nobility; this color was used when they wanted to express their service to truth and honor;
  • shades of yellow (including gold) - indicated wealth and power, and also served as a symbol that the clan was fair, independent and respected mercy;
  • blue is a symbol of will and desire for better;
  • black - indicated wisdom and constancy;
  • red is a symbol of courage, bravery, courage;
  • green - indicated prosperity and abundance in everything, as well as freedom.

You can not be limited to this palette and use your family’s favorite color in your version of family distinction.

After choosing the main and additional colors, we move on to the main preparatory stage - choosing the filling. First you need to determine what will be the central image. This could be a photo of your family, a favorite pastime or family activity, as well as an image of animals, birds or plants. You can apply separate symbols for each family member.

You can imagine your family in the form of some animal or mythical creature, for example:

  • lion - denotes courage and strength;
  • phoenix is ​​a symbol of immortality;
  • snake is a sign of wisdom;
  • eagle is a sign of the sun and fertility;
  • the dragon is a symbol of inner kindness, despite its frightening appearance;
  • dolphin is a sign of love of freedom;
  • bee or ant - denote hard work;
  • The griffin is a sign of rage and mercilessness.

The coat of arms can be divided into parts and dedicated to each family member. For example, place a treble clef in one part as a sign that one member is interested in music; in another part draw a soccer ball; in another there is a ball with knitting needles, etc.

Technical part

Now that the main elements for the family coat of arms have been selected, we move on to assembly. We choose what we will paint with, as well as what decorative elements we will use. Before taking up paint, draw all the contours with a simple pencil.

It is best to make each element on a separate sheet of paper and glue them as you assemble. Or you can just draw everything at once.

The general appearance of the classic coat of arms should look like this:

  • in the upper part we place the so-called “crest” or crown;
  • Next comes the headboard or, as it is called, the “helmet” - here the main symbol or family name can be located;
  • the shield itself, which can be single or consist of different sectors;
    - around all the elements there is a frame - “basting”;
  • You can add your family motto below.

Tip: Don't forget to make room for the family motto and the surname itself.

It is one thing to create or draw a family coat of arms, and another thing to present it with dignity. Remember that each detail must have its own description and meaning. It is advisable to use the principle: “Less is better.” This way, your heirloom will not look overwhelming, but will clearly describe your family principles.

The coat of arms needs to show what is dear and relevant to your family. Up to drawing pets, toys, cars or other objects important to the child. Remember - this is the work of the student, not his parents! But parents shouldn’t remain on the sidelines either. You must help the child, tell him about the significance of the coat of arms itself, family values ​​and the meaning of the family as a whole.

Before taking his family badge to school, the child must be ready to answer the questions of what and why it is depicted. Come up with or tell him a family legend, where all the depicted elements and the colors used will colorfully fit into it.

If you wish, you can attach a beautiful inscription ribbon with a motto or aphorism that fully corresponds to your family.

If you approach such a school assignment with all responsibility, you can not only learn a lot about your family, traditions and customs, but also create a powerful unifying tool for all members of your family. If the coat of arms turns out to be interesting and fully meets your expectations, it can be used as your distinctive family sign in the future. For example, make T-shirts with his image, use it for various family competitions or quizzes.

A coat of arms is a symbolic image of the main merits, distinctive features of a person, clan, city or country. In addition to the fact that all states of the world and most cities have official coats of arms, each family can have its own signs.

Traditionally, this was the lot of the aristocracy, but today any family can make such a symbol, and in school and kindergarten, children are often asked to depict the family’s coat of arms in the form of a drawing.

If your child also has to complete this school (kindergarten) task, you can help him by first learning the basics of what the family coat of arms should be.

What is it for

This type of homework belongs to the group of creative works that are often assigned to modern students. Other works of this type may include essays in the form of artistic stories, poems, and drawings.

One of the main goals of this type of activity is to awaken the child’s creativity and develop skills and talents at an early age. Another important issue is awakening a child’s interest in the history of his own family, relating himself to his family and other people with the help of symbolic signs, and filling these signs with meaning in his own creativity.

Parents will probably also be interested in participating with their own child in creating a heraldic symbol. All participants in this process receive a powerful incentive to understand the history of their family, family traditions, to know themselves as family members and independent individuals.

By working together to create a coat of arms, it is possible to reveal one of the most important educational functions of education - the search for a common language between family members, teaching respect for loved ones, and mutual assistance. The student also develops his erudition, having a little contact with the science of heraldry, learns to distinguish between different types, and forms his own aesthetic sense.

What materials are needed

In order to come up with and draw the emblem of your family, you and your child will not need too many items. First of all, make sure you have:

  • thick paper in A4 or A3 format; it can be paper, but it is more advisable to use whatman paper or cardboard (choose the right cardboard - it should be convenient to draw and write on);
  • simple pencil;
  • colored pencils or markers, felt-tip pens (the latter are suitable for drawing on cardboard);
  • paints (gouache, watercolor), brushes for painting;
  • additional accessories: pencil sharpener, eraser, scissors;
  • where strict straight lines are needed, you can use a ruler; where you need a circle - a compass.

The main thing that will help you when creating a coat of arms is your imagination. However, one cannot do without a brief excursion into heraldic science in order to understand by what laws a family heirloom is created.

Symbolism and interpretation of signs

Heraldry (heraldry) is a scientific discipline that deals with the study of coats of arms, rules and general patterns according to which they are created. Heraldry studies types, dividing them into state, municipal, corporate, family, and personal.

Experts also divide the coat of arms into its component parts, highlighting the following elements:

  • shield - the main part on which symbols are depicted; the shield symbolizes those best qualities that protect the family, as well as what the family highlights in its life, its spiritual values;
  • mantle - a kind of frame around the coat of arms, this is an artistic design that complements the shield; Various figures can also stand on the sides, for example, on the coat of arms of Great Britain, lions are depicted on the sides of the shield;
  • helmet - crowned with a shield, often a crest is added on top of the helmet;
  • motto - a short inscription at the bottom, usually designed in the form of a ribbon or an opening scroll.

The shield is the basis and an obligatory part; all other elements can vary. Also, most coats of arms have their own motto; it can be added at the bottom on an artistically designed ribbon, or it can be inscribed in the coat of arms, above the shield or on the sides. Coats of arms can be both complex in shape and completely ascetic.

In addition to the heraldic figures presented above, there are non-heraldic symbols - this is what is drawn on the shield. Non-heraldic figures include natural, artificial, and mythical figures.

Here are the most common symbols found:

  • dove - a sign of peace, sky, spiritual purity;
  • the dragon is a symbol of power, abilities, success in business;
  • the snake means intelligence, thinking, caution, balance, the unhurried flow of affairs;
  • falcon, hawk - strength, dexterity, courage, freedom, beauty;
  • dogs are suitable for those who value loyalty and friendship;
  • bees decorate the coat of arms of a hardworking owner;
  • laurel, palm tree, cypress - glory, power, wisdom, accomplishment, triumph, as well as a penchant for the arts, reflection, philosophy;
  • olive tree - a symbol of generosity, warmth, rich harvest, prosperity, peace, prosperity;
  • Leo - strength, power, courage, bravery, strong family, high endeavors;
  • the eagle is the bird of those who value freedom, all romantics, dreamers, strong and fearless;
  • swans combine beauty and lyricism, they are symbols of fidelity, strong family, love;
  • a horse is hard work, loyalty, speed, luck;
  • by placing a fish on the coat of arms, the family will strive for success, realization, and material well-being; it is also a symbol of loyalty to one’s work, immersion in some area of ​​activity without reserve;
  • book, scroll, pen - knowledge, art, science, poetry, spiritual values;
  • castle, palace, house - a symbol of security, comfort, constructiveness, harmony between family members.

When creating your drawing, use symbolism correctly. You can connect several symbols at once, but you should not add too many figures to the shield. They should be harmoniously connected with each other and convey the message with which you want to represent your family.

If your family has professional traditions (family dynasty of doctors, teachers, artists, etc.) or you want to emphasize your social, cultural, religious, national characteristics, reflect this with signs on your coat of arms.

Colors and their meanings in heraldry

Each color is not just a bright shade, it is a special semantic language with the help of which the characteristics of a person and family are revealed and philosophical categories are designated.

Basic colors and their interpretations accepted in the heraldic tradition:

  • black (the color of rabble) is the designation of the Earth, symbolizing humility, modesty, tranquility;
  • red (scarlet) is the elusive, scorching spirit of Fire, which is suitable for brave, courageous, ardent people; it symbolizes passion, rage and at the same time filled with love;
  • orange is the color of cheerfulness and creativity;
  • yellow (gold) is a “sunny” color, a symbol of generosity, wealth, mercy, a fair and open soul;
  • green (the color of greenery) - it reflects the plant world, the joy and freshness of youth, youth, it is the color of goodness, love, hope, balance;
  • blue (azure) is the color of the sky; the person who has chosen him is always faithful to the truth, persistent in defending his beliefs, he is sociable, inclined to help people, and strives for the future;
  • blue - the color of happiness, peace, symbolizes honesty and purity;
  • violet (purple) is a noble color, it means a person’s wisdom, a high degree of his consciousness and responsibility for his life, dignity.

The main colors will be the color of the background of the shield and the non-heraldic symbols depicted on it. The background should be monochromatic, however, if you want to make the background multi-colored, the shield needs to be divided into several parts, so you will get one of the possible shapes:

  • head - an area painted in a different color at the top of the shield;
  • belt - a painted area across the shield;
  • pillar - a painted area along the shield;
  • extremity - the painted area at the bottom of the shield;
  • bandage - a section that goes down diagonally, like a ribbon;
  • rafter - a pointed section at the bottom of the shield.

In addition to such traditional figures, there are other divisions. For example, the shield can simply be divided diagonally or into four parts. Choose colors for your shield that best represent your family.

Sketch of a drawing with a simple pencil

To start drawing a coat of arms, you should be prepared:

  • sheet of whatman paper or cardboard;
  • simple pencils;
  • ruler, rubber band.

Make markings with barely noticeable lines, dividing the sheet into equal parts, and start drawing a shield in the center. Please note that shields can be of the following types: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, as well as simply round, square or rhombic.

When drawing a shield, you can use a ruler, perhaps a compass, or a protractor if you want to get straight angles and regular shapes. Mark the strokes first so that you can erase an incorrectly drawn line at any time. Calculate the height of each figure and their relationship to each other. You need to determine the geometry of the figure and gradually reflect it in the drawing. Please note that the coat of arms must have strict symmetry or at least balance of symbols (if it was originally intended to be asymmetrical).

Once you've finished drawing, decorate the coat of arms with your motto. Choose a phrase that most accurately describes your family. For example, these can be such beautiful and succinct formulations as “the one who walks will master the road” or “the family is my support.” Write the motto in a beautiful font, preferably at the bottom, on an artistically designed “ribbon” specifically for the motto.

Coloring drawing

Once you have formed your coat of arms, it's time to color it. If you are drawing with your child, instruct him to complete this task - children really love coloring. Usually no more than 5-6 colors are used, of which two or three are the main ones. Use the colors you planned before starting to paint harmoniously.

You can color the coat of arms with pencils or felt-tip pens, but it is best to do this with paints. Firstly, such work will be appreciated at school, and the child himself will also value it highly, although this requires patience and a little work. Secondly, paints are visible much better than colored pencils, but at the same time they give a much softer color than felt-tip pens.

Using Templates

To simplify drawing, use special templates that contain the main figures of the so-called “coat of arms body”. You can look at these templates to correctly draw on them by hand, or print one of them and then, after adding the necessary elements, color them at your discretion.

Creating a logo with the whole family

It will be very good for strengthening relationships between relatives if a family heirloom is created by the whole family. Discuss with your family what your emblem should be, help your child if he has original ideas for creating a coat of arms. Give your child more creative freedom, but don’t forget to help with useful tips. Let the creation of symbolism be from the area of ​​collective creativity: the child will come up with some idea, you will suggest some to him.

This is what you can pay attention to when creating symbolism, so that some kind of symbol is born in your imagination, reflecting the history, traditions, and personal qualities of your family members.

Reflect your own last name. For example, if your last name is Medvedev, draw a bear (a symbol of strength); if the Zhukovs - depict a scarab beetle (a symbol of prosperity and wisdom).

If your surname is difficult to depict symbolically, you can beautifully design the capital letter of the surname - this will add beauty to your work. By the way, such artistically designed letters are an ancient tradition in heraldry.

Picture what your family members do. For example, for workers in culture or science, these could be symbols such as a treble clef, a harp (for musicians), a brush (for artists), a book (for scientists, teachers). For a family of doctors, you can depict a bowl with a snake, for athletes it can be a figure of a running person or one of the symbolic animals, for people involved in business, management, public service, agricultural workers - a cornucopia and similar symbols.

Don't be afraid to experiment with your image. In heraldry, there are not only pompous relics from the Middle Ages, but also modern, relevant emblems. Let's say, if there are programmers in your family, draw a computer.

True, in this case the coat of arms will hardly be able to be stylized “as antique”; it will be necessary to come up with a more modern design. Feel free to implement original solutions together with your child, because the work should reflect your family and its characteristics.

It is always very interesting to know who our ancestors were and what activities they were interested in. But most importantly, who are we in relation to them? How much do we know our history and our current selves? This type of creativity, such as creating a family coat of arms, is one of the opportunities to think about your life and what family is for us.

One of the main educational tasks of education is to instill love and respect for loved ones. Creative projects at school help attract children's attention to genealogy. Such a task could be drawing up a family coat of arms. Of course, kids can’t do this without the help of adults, so parents should learn some features of the process in advance to help their child draw the symbol correctly.

The history of the creation of family coats of arms

The first mentions of family coats of arms as an identifying symbol in knightly duels appeared in the 12th century in Europe. At this time, the link between generations was the prerogative of the nobility and nobility. In Russia, this heraldic insignia appeared in the 17th century and was largely predetermined by Polish influence due to the political relations of the states that had developed by that time. The coats of arms acquired their originality during the reign of Peter.I, who founded the Department of Heraldry at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. And decades later, the coat of arms of the clan became an artistic reflection of the place of a particular clan in society and its values. Today the family insignia symbolizes:

  • the significance of the family in the course of historical events;
  • respect for cultural traditions;
  • national identity and pride.

It is also important to note that family heraldry is passed down from generation to generation along with the family name and property.

Photo gallery: Coats of arms of noble families

The heraldic sign of the Russian noble family of the Pushkins. This was the coat of arms of the Sforza family - one of the ruling dynasties of Italy. And this is the symbol of the Sivers, the count and noble Danish family. The coat of arms that belonged to the boyar family of the Romanovs

Rules for creating a family coat of arms for a school

Before you start drawing a family coat of arms, you need to think about its meaning. It is best if each point of the symbol’s semantic content is discussed at a family council in the presence of representatives of several generations. You will need to do the following:

  1. Write down in a few sentences the history of all family members.
  2. Find out the common character traits of ancestors and contemporaries.
  3. Explore the hobbies and professions of your relatives.
  4. Identify objects and places that are significant to the family.

To facilitate the work of collecting information, it can be carried out in the form of a “brainstorming”: all data is recorded, from which the significant ones are then selected.

After this, you can begin to develop the design of the coat of arms, and then, combining content with form, complete the heraldic sign with an appropriate color design and motto.

Making a symbol with your own hands (with drawing samples)

Drawing a heraldic insignia of a clan is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. There should be no random elements in it: all details, inscriptions and colors must be carefully thought out and justified by the general concept of the symbol.

A diamond-shaped shield in the Middle Ages indicated that the heraldic symbol was passed down in the family through the female line, which means that the owner of the coat of arms was a woman.

The family coat of arms can be made according to this model

First you need to decide on the shape of the heraldic sign. She may be:

  • national (inherent in the coat of arms of a particular country);
  • geometric (more universal).

Any coat of arms consists of several parts:

  • crest (feathers or other helmet decorations);
  • helmet (a sign of protection of the family coat of arms);
  • mantle (decorative elements that serve as decoration for the shield);
  • shield (the main part, symbolizing the protection of the clan from enemies);
  • motto (life credo of family members).

There are two types of figures that fit into the shield:

  • main heraldic designs (placed in different parts of the shield, which differ as follows: head - a stripe running in the upper part; tip located at the bottom; belt - in the middle of the shield, pillar - vertically in the center; left or right belt; rafter - a kind of arrow in lower third of the shield);
  • secondary figures (square, rhombus, rectangle inside the shield).

There are such ways of placing the main heraldic designs on the shield

The symbolism of the heraldic sign is the element that is placed in the center of the shield. Most often these are images of representatives of the animal world or natural phenomena. Here are the meanings of some of them:

  • eagle - the personification of power;
  • a dog is a sign of fidelity;
  • the snake indicates the wisdom of the family;
  • dragon is a symbol of power;
  • the bear shows that the family is strong in its unity;
  • palm branch - victory in any endeavor;
  • the book personifies the outstanding mental abilities of the representatives of the family.

The color scheme of the family coat of arms is selected in accordance with the meaning of a particular shade:

  • yellow (in heraldry it is called “gold”) indicates that the representatives of the clan are fair, generous and honest;
  • white (“silver”) symbolizes innocence and purity;
  • red (“scarlet”) shows courage, bravery and courage of the family;
  • blue (“azure”) is evidence of loyalty and honesty;
  • green (“green”) reflects the youth of the family;
  • black (“rabble”) is considered a symbol of modesty and education of family members;
  • violet (“purple”) indicates the nobility, dignity and wisdom of the representatives of the clan.

Based on a combination of symbols, colors and shapes, heraldic insignia suitable for the family are created.

The work ends with the inscription of the motto - a saying that is located on the tape under the shield. This is a kind of business card, which is no less important for each family member than the surname. As a suitable statement, you can choose a popular proverb:

  • “Family is the pillar of happiness”;
  • “The family is in a heap, not even a cloud is scary”;
  • “The master’s work is afraid”;
  • “Skill and labor will grind everything”;
  • “In a herd of consent, even a wolf is not afraid”;
  • "There is safety in numbers";
  • “Courage is the sister of victory” and so on.

Photo gallery: Templates with which you can draw a sign

A knight in armor behind a shield seems to be protecting the clan. The shield can be divided into 4 parts and each one can be decorated with a separate symbol. The heart in the center of the shield indicates that family relationships are built on the basis of love. The helmet on the coat of arms should be symbolic.