Composition of the golden ring group. Ether radio chanson. Biography, life story of the Golden Ring group

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Biography, life story of the Golden Ring group

Nadezhda was born on June 1 in the small village of Gorki.
Father, Nikita Mikhailovich Kadyshev, worked as a foreman on the railway, mother, Anna Andreevna, took care of the house and children.

From an early age was the most favorite game, the game of theater. They had never been to the theater, but this miracle awakened fantasy, dreams. The artists were Nadezhda and Lyuba. "Ballroom" dresses were constructed from curtains, they walked "on fingers" like ballerinas, they sang something. “I will be an artist,” Nadezhda declared to her sisters. Those applauded, supporting performances.

But childhood, albeit poor, but happy from the warmth of the mother, at home, suddenly ended. The disease undermined the health of the mother and claimed her life at 42 years old. Hope was 10 years old. Left with young girls, the father was forced to marry six months later. And the stepmother entered the house, bringing her children and fully justifying this word. Vera was the first to leave, going to work at a factory, then Maria was sent to live with relatives in the North, and Nadia and Lyuba were sent to a boarding school in Bugulma.

The father wrote letters, always addressing his daughters as "you" and occasionally sent a little money secretly from the stepmother. Life in the boarding school after the native home was not easy, it was reflected in the character of the girl. She became more withdrawn, had to grow up early. No one suspected that she had a wonderful musical ear and voice. And suddenly one day at the lesson, when the song contest in the boarding school was being discussed, she, unexpectedly for everyone and for herself, got up and sang the song "Eaglet" loudly. Her singing amazed everyone, and from that moment she became the recognized "star" of the boarding school.

The years of study in the eight-year school flew by. Nadia had to decide how to live on. Maria has already worked in the Moscow region, in Lobnya, at the Krasnaya Polyana cotton-spinning factory. Nadezhda comes to her, having entered the same factory at the age of 14. At first it was hard: they lived in a hostel, got up early, the work was difficult. But the love of music and singing helped. Her voice sounded in the workshop, where she walked between the machines with a cob of thread, representing a microphone, fulfilling the numerous requests of "fans", and the workers did the norm for her. She began to actively sing in amateur performances, they liked to listen to her, there were, as they say now, "fans". She sang especially penetratingly "Give me a handkerchief", a song by G. Ponomarenko.


The dream of studying at a music school became relentless. At the age of 18 she went to Moscow to the Musical College. Ippolitov-Ivanov. It was almost impossible to enter without musical training. There were soloists of folk choirs, Muscovites who already had studies in music schools behind them. But life has already forged her character. She did not back down, and at the age of 19 she entered the preparatory department, in the class of Nikolai Mikhailovich Tarasenko. I had to study in electric trains, at night in a hostel, not getting enough sleep, and sometimes malnourished. But the victory was won. She was accepted into the first year.
A new period in life has begun - student time. She was passionate about her profession. If there was free time, she quietly slipped into her teacher's class and sat, listening, absorbing all his remarks that he made to other students. The beautiful timbre of her voice, musicality, diligence began to distinguish her among students, and already in her third year she was invited to the newly organized professional quartet "Rossiyanochka" at the concert association of Moscow - "Moskontsert". This was the beginning of professional work: rehearsals, concerts, tours.

The quartet's repertoire included folk songs, but in preparation for the competition of pop singers, they included the song of the composer Monasypov "White birds were flying ...", where Nadezhda was entrusted with a solo. It was then that many noticed the young, modest performer, her memorable timbre and something special, touching, suffering, sounded in her voice. Yes, she already had something to say in a folk song. The framework of the quartet was already becoming cramped for her. She did not yet know how life would develop further, what fate would be.

And fate was, it turns out, very close. In the hostel, where students of music schools and the Institute. Gnesins, there was a meeting that turned life upside down. Running into the buffet, she ran into a young man, a student at the institute. It was Alexander Kostyuk. And how something pushed my heart. "He will be my husband!" she thought. And fell in love.

For four years she loved secretly, suffered, melted before our eyes. The desire to be together stimulated the desire to continue their studies at the Institute. Gnesins. She entered the department of solo singing in the class of Professor Nina Konstantinovna Meshko. In 1983, Alexander graduated from the institute and suddenly offered to go to his family and get married. She was happy. This dream also came true. Alexander put a gold ring on Nadezhda's finger. A year later, a son was born, who was named Gregory in honor of his grandfather. And 8 years later, Alexander again put a wedding ring on Nadezhda's finger, and this happened in the main Orthodox church in San Francisco at their wedding.

Variety Ensemble of Folk Music (Moscow).

It was founded by Alexander Kostyuk, a graduate of the Gnessin Music College, who decided to combine folk music (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian) and modern instrumentation (synthesizers, electronic drums, electric balalaikas, etc.). Kostyuk invited the best musicians of the BYLINA ensemble led by him to the GOLDEN RING (all performers graduated from the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music). A little earlier, Alexander decided on the choice of a vocalist: she became Nadezhda Kadysheva, who had previously worked in the Moscow women's ensemble "ROSSIYANOCHKA". Texts for the group began to write Vladimir Stepanov. Since 1989, the ensemble "GOLDEN RING" has been working in the Smolensk Regional Philharmonic.
Immediately after the formation of the team, Alexander Kostyuk took up work on the search and restoration of folk musical instruments. Now the ensemble "GOLDEN RING" uses in its work more than seven dozen original instruments, some of which have no analogues in the world. The ensemble quickly gained wide popularity and began extensive touring activities. The ensemble has performed in the USA, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Bolivia and Belgium. A special place in the tour schedule was occupied by Japan, which the ensemble visited six times (Japanese listeners awarded the GOLDEN RING ensemble with the title of "folk classical"). In early 1995, the ensemble's debut album "Am I to blame ..." was released, which immediately became a bestseller. The second album, called "The Stream Flows", turned out to be even more sold - for about ten weeks the album stayed in the top ten best-selling albums in the distribution network of the SOYUZ studio. Especially for the concert program "Sad Wind", the ensemble ordered original costumes from the famous Moscow couturier Alexandra Gruzinova, which, according to the designer, should combine the features of both high fashion and "nationality"

Nadezhda Kadysheva
Singer / Photos, Biography, Personal life

In the family, besides her, there were 4 more sisters. Mother died early when Nadezhda was 10 years old and soon her father remarried. The stepmother brought her children with her and the life of the sisters changed for the worse. The older sister Vera left for the city and got a job at a factory. Another sister was sent to live with relatives, and Nadya and Lyuba were sent to a boarding school in Bugulma. After graduating from eight grades of school, Nadezhda began her career as a weaver at a weaving factory in Lobnya. At the age of 18, she tried to enter the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music College, but the first attempt was unsuccessful. The following year, after completing the preparatory courses, she entered the school. During her studies, she lived in a hostel, which also housed students of the Gnessin Institute. There she met her future husband, Alexander Kostyuk. In her third year, Nadezhda was offered to work in the Rossiyanochka ensemble at the Mosconcert. Then Nadezhda Kadysheva went to study at the Gnessin Music Institute in the class of Professor Nina Konstantinovna Meshko. In 1983, she received an offer from Alexander Kostyuk to marry him, and a year later she had a son.

In 1988, Alexander Kostyuk created the Golden Ring ensemble, which at first toured abroad a lot and was very popular there, despite the fact that in Russia they knew about it only from records that were brought from Germany and Japan. Nadezhda Kadysheva became the soloist of the ensemble. In 1993, the Soyuz studio offered the ensemble cooperation, and this began the recognition of the ensemble in Russia. Currently, Nadezhda Kadysheva and the Golden Ring ensemble are touring a lot in Russia and abroad.