Difficult child upbringing. Raising a child with a difficult character. Problems of educating preschool children

As our observations and experimental psychological studies show, the problems of raising children and the development of mental processes in preschoolers occur within the age norm, and deviations in children's behavior are not due to clinical symptoms. However, the complications and difficulties that every child experiences excite adults (caregivers and parents) and require increased attention and special pedagogical skills from them.

Each child is unique, and therefore it is necessary to approach him taking into account the influences that upbringing, education and social environment have on him. Adults should understand the true causes of deviations in the child's behavior, taking into account his individual typological characteristics, capabilities and interests, and the style of family education.

By observing the child in various situations: how he behaves in new conditions, how he reacts to difficulties during the performance of educational tasks, in what way he resolves conflicts, educators will be able to identify deviations in children's behavior and correct them.

Undoubtedly, this help will become productive when the model of family relations is known, the various influences that a child experiences from members of his family - people of different sex, age, preferences that are everyday, with their actions, intonation, expressions, gestures, facial expressions.

Early emotional experience is crucial for raising a healthy personality. If a child of preschool age develops according to established age norms, then the main reason for deviations in his behavior is mainly improper upbringing in the family.

The absence of a system of value orientations, the inconsistency of family disciplinary requirements, the inability of adults to establish psychological contact with children cause such deviations in children's behavior as aggressiveness, isolation, passivity, anxiety, uncertainty, tearfulness. It is more difficult for such children to get used to the new, they often conflict with their peers and members of their family.

Numerous psychological studies of domestic and foreign authors examine the problems of raising children and confirm the great importance of child-parent relationships in the development of each individual. As noted by G.S. Kostyuk, education, which is reduced only to external influences (orders, prohibitions, etc.) and ignores internal changes in the thoughts, feelings, needs and aspirations of pupils, is doomed to failure.

Improper upbringing of children in the family gives rise to the negative traits of the child, which first appear as situational phenomena and express its opposition to the rough demands of adults, and subsequently become fixed and turn into stable character traits.

Let us briefly consider the main types of improper upbringing in relation to the child.

Hypocustody- this is a type of extremely improperly organized upbringing, which manifests itself in complete lack of control and lack of supervision, interest in children's problems and hobbies. Children feel that adults do not care what they do and what happens to them. The lack of constant parental attention, the lack of a routine, insufficient control over the child's behavior often become the reason for acquaintance with an asocial environment.

The absolute opposite of such an upbringing - overprotection, which involves excessive guardianship and petty control over every step of the child. A number of permanent prohibitions, when the child does not have the right to his own opinion, decision-making, independence and responsibility, gives him the impression that “everything is impossible” for him, and “everything is possible” for his peers. It is clear that under such conditions the child does not have the opportunity to learn from his own mistakes and accumulate personal experience.

The upbringing of the "family idol" It manifests itself in excessive guardianship, when parents try to maximally and uncritically satisfy all the whims of their child. From childhood, the baby grows in an atmosphere of constant approval, adoration, admiration for him. Such conditions and the corresponding upbringing of the child actually program the child for a crisis situation in the future, the habit of being the best and the first, a high level of claims, on the one hand, and a lack of personal experience, inability to work, on the other, can cause hysterical children's behavior.

Raising a Cinderella Child, or emotional neglect, leads the child to a sense of his own uselessness in the family, he is a burden for his parents, without him it would be freer for everyone. The situation becomes even more complicated if the child has a brother or sister who are treated much better. The constant awareness of oneself as unwanted, unloved becomes the root cause of childhood neuroticism of the personality.

Rigid relationships are also varieties of improper upbringing: severe punishments for minor misconduct, “tearing off evil” on the baby. The whole family is in an atmosphere of hostility, an invisible wall has grown between the members, everyone lives on their own, without the help, support, care of others. Even if there are no fights and loud swearing in the family, such circumstances affect the further mental development of the preschooler.

In the case of an overestimated moral responsibility, mothers and fathers have high hopes for the future of their child and expect great success from him. Most often, these requirements are a projection of unfulfilled plans and dreams of parents. The child is constantly focused on not upsetting his relatives, justifying their hopes, as a result of which he experiences constant anxiety, tension, fatigue, which also affects his state of mind and behavior.

Another reason for disharmonious upbringing is the presence of “competitor educators”. This is an example of a family where representatives of several generations are educators at the same time. Parents, grandmothers, aunts hold different views on the methods of education, introducing them, often compete with each other. Such an educational "mess" can become a source of anxiety for the baby, entail painful manifestations in his behavior.

As experience shows, parents who seek psychological help in relation to "problem" or "difficult" children themselves suffered from conflicts with close adults in childhood. Now they subconsciously reproduce the "familiar style" of education.

It is important to note that children learn appropriate behaviors from their parents through observation of their relationship. When the requirements for the rules of behavior and the parental example coincide, then the child will reproduce parental behavior, and if the parents say one thing and do another, they demand honesty from the baby, but they themselves deceive each other, call for restraint, and they themselves swear and fight, then for the child the situation of personal choice of behavior will be very difficult.

Raising a child is fun and challenging at the same time. How to be patient in order to listen to all the whims of the baby and not succumb to provocation on his part? Every mother thinks that if it is difficult with a child at an early age, then over the years the character of her beloved child will be even worse. But it all depends on the parents.

Difficult child. What is he?

I have a difficult child, I can not cope with it, give me at least one day to rest from this little monster - these are the daily words of millions of women raising children. It seems that the neighbor has a quiet daughter, in comparison with which her child looks like a real hurricane. It is impossible to put a stigma on your own baby, based only on comparison with other children. What is he, a difficult child - noisy, capricious, spoiled or some other? This is a child with special needs. The nature of such a child cannot be determined unipolarly - calm or active, he is simply unpredictable, which makes it very difficult for an adult to calculate the motives of behavior and the result of the actions of his child. This goes against the established lifestyle of parents. A difficult child in a family is not a sentence for parents, it is an unplowed field on which, if you make an effort, a Garden of Eden will grow.

Raising and raising a child is hard work. Most parents face many challenges in raising children. Some of them are eliminated quite easily, while others require significant physical and psychological effort, and sometimes consultation with a psychologist or medical specialist.

Today I would like to talk about the most common problems that parents face when raising modern children, and possible ways to solve them.

The main methods of raising children and the problems associated with them

Many scientists, psychologists and educators are trying to solve the problems of raising children. However, the rapid development of information technology, science and technology in general, the early maturation of children constantly complicate this task, and new education problems appear quite often.

Pedagogical science shares four types of education that are important in the development of a child's personal qualities. Moreover, often errors in the application of one or another type lead to problems associated with the upbringing of children.

The first type of education is dictate or authoritarianism of adults. This system implies constant suppression by adults of the dignity and initiative of the child. As a result, depending on the nature of the baby, he may develop either a reaction of resistance, or a decrease in self-esteem and a habit of submissiveness. If the baby has a strong character, he will constantly rebel, refuse to listen to an adult dictator. A weak child, out of fear of doing something wrong, will prefer not to do anything on his own.

The next system of education under consideration is hyper-custody. It is observed when parents protect the child from all, even minimal, difficulties, provide everything for him and constantly protect him. The problem of raising children in this case lies in the formation of an immature, capricious, self-centered personality, which is completely unsuitable for independent living. In the future, such a person will not be able to make not only important, but also any household decisions. This can lead to difficulties in communication as well as in family life.

Often, the problems associated with raising children arise when different parenting systems that mom and dad adhere to collide. For example, the father is prone to a dictatorial type of upbringing, while the mother prefers overprotectiveness. In this case, it will be very difficult for the child to meet the requirements of both parents, and this, in turn, will lead to psychological difficulties for the baby. Parents should develop a common style of behavior and upbringing and not try to radically change, “remake” the character of the child. It is better to let him develop on his own, from time to time gently correcting his psychological shortcomings.

Problems of educating preschool children

It is at the stage of preschool age that the behavior and full development of children is laid. A kid in his first 6-7 years of life learns the rules of existence in society, the basic skills of adult life, he is developing a character. Almost all parents face the difficulties of education during this period. Let's try to deal with the most common problems of raising preschool children:

Refusal to follow the rules of personal hygiene.
Even a two-year-old baby already understands that he can express his protest, which will be perceived by adults. And he expresses it, moreover, often in a situation where parents are forced to overcome the stubbornness of their child. Many children categorically refuse to perform daily personal hygiene procedures - to wash their faces, brush their teeth or wash their hair. In this case, the best way out is to interest the little stubborn one. You can buy him a beautiful toothbrush and fragrant washcloth, baby soap in the shape of a favorite animal figurine.

I want and give!
During growing up, probably, every kid goes through a period of categorical demands for what he wants. This may be a desire to get a new toy, to eat an extra chocolate bar, or a refusal to go to bed on time. Naturally, it is much easier to give in to him in order to avoid childish tantrums. However, adults should understand that their excessive compliance can lead to the fact that in the future the child will be unable to draw the line between desires and real possibilities.

Inability to behave with peers.
Experts note that up to three years, children prefer to play on their own. That is why often kids do not understand why they should share toys with other kids or participate in collective games. At this age, the role of adults is very important, who should explain to kids how to behave with children. Growing up, the child will acquire communication skills, and such problems will gradually fade into another plane.

There are many problems of education of modern children. Fortunately, almost all of them are completely solvable. Parents should understand that no matter what difficulties they encounter on the way of growing up and developing their child, this is all temporary. Many situations that seem insoluble at the moment, years later will remain just memories, often quite funny and funny.

This is not the whole list of difficulties in raising children. The topic is relevant at all times and I will definitely develop it further. Tell us what problems you faced? How did you get out of difficult, controversial situations?

Many difficulties arise in the upbringing of sons. Therefore, wise and intelligent parents, wishing only the best for their children, realizing that such direct pressure can only lead to the loss of children, often establish democracy. They are trying to negotiate. Explain to children that parents are older, they know more, they have a lot of life experience. Therefore, they will draw up a correct plan for their future life for children. They will assign you to a special school, and then to the right institute, they will choose a normal suitable profession. And the children, under our unobtrusive guidance, will vote “yes” and rush into a brighter future.
All this, of course, is cleverly invented. But nowadays, even among cautious parents, children, especially boys, stubbornly try to choose not their father's or mother's, but their own path. They are sure that parents in their world do not understand anything. And then a conflict between them is inevitable. Boys can be both rude and stubborn when they defend their freedom. What then to do?

Our children need to sympathize and understand that these difficulties also arise due to physiology. The hormone testosterone has a powerful effect on the behavior of boys. And its impact makes the boys strive for victory at any cost, makes them aggressive. There are general developmental trends in our sons: attempts to take on the solution of serious life problems, a desire to take risks, a tendency to dominate, but all boys develop in their own way.

There is no single approach to different boys with different characters. But, as psychologists assure, a competent and timely transition from maternal custody of a child to paternal authority is considered an important point. And often you don’t want to let out an almost mustachioed “baby” from under your wing. But if a son is much closer to his mother even in adolescence, this can greatly affect his fate and life.
After birth, the boy receives everything from his mother - love, food, security. At this time, the father seems to be in the background. But there is an opinion of psychologists that if the father actively communicates with his son in the first years of a child's life, then this makes a huge positive contribution to his future.

The psychological characteristics of the character of the child by the age of 5 and 8 push the son to even greater communication with his father. Thus, the male program for the development of the son is being implemented.

By the age of 10, the son may already question the authority of the mother. At this age, the boy begins to "stubbornly". In any trifling matter related to maternal requests, the son plays for time, slowly dresses, and quickly fulfills his father's requests without wrangling. This must be understood and tactfully demand from the child what is necessary, but in no case should you squeeze it. Very often because of this, skirmishes begin between the son and mother. And here you don’t need to remember about psychology - it’s just that we, women, are jealous. And this behavior of the son is a sign that the time has come for the father to take the main position in relations with him. And divorce does not release the father from responsibility. In the life of a son, the participation of the father is simply necessary, as a prerequisite for his psychological and physical health and his inner strength as a future man. It is necessary to ensure that the father takes a great part in the upbringing of his son. Or, in extreme cases, you can connect your grandfather here.

A boy at the age of 10-13 is very sensitive to the opinion of his father. Even if their relationship seems bad (for example, due to a divorce), but somewhere deep in his soul he is waiting for his father's approval. Praise from the father gives the son a sense of self-worth and contributes to the fact that the boy develops a normal self-esteem. According to psychologists, at the age of 10-13, any criticism from the father, especially if he does not live in a family, any bad statements from the mother to the father, hurt the child to the core.

Parents should notice in time that the son is ready to leave the world of the mother and enter the world of his father, and if they contribute to this, they will make life easier for the child and for themselves. Then you can be less likely to encounter aggressive behavior, changeable mood, rudeness. Although, to a certain extent, this will still have to be faced, and all this must be experienced.

Sometimes a boy does not want to get out of maternal influence. Everything is going smoothly, the situation seems favorable. But, as established, things can be much worse. There are quite a few men in their 40s who are heavily influenced by their mothers. Such a man cannot tear himself away from his mother, cannot fulfill his male destiny, cannot create his own family, and lives under the wing of his mother all his life. Women, think about the fate of your son, don't be selfish.

Now we know what difficulties can arise in raising sons. Maybe you should remember yourself as a teenager more often, when you could feel the support of loved ones, when you felt heard, and those wonderful moments when you were understood.

Today, on the shelves of bookstores you can find a lot of literature on parenting. But it is unlikely that there will ever be a universal textbook in this area. This is because yesterday's methods are profoundly different from those that exist today. Who knows what will happen to them in the future.

The dream of any parent is to raise a child with a lot of positive qualities: intelligence, kindness, health, etc. The most important thing is family upbringing, since it is considered the base on which all future life paths of the baby are built. In this process, parents can face many difficulties and barriers. Therefore, the problem of raising children will remain relevant at all times.

Entering this world, any child behaves almost according to the same pattern: eats, sleeps, cries. But soon he begins to show his character, which is most clearly manifested in the crisis period and transitional age. Children have self-will and disobedience, and parents have serious problems in the process of education. To understand why the child completely stopped obeying, first of all, you need to understand the reasons for this behavior.

First, the crises that manifest themselves in certain periods of children's lives are to blame. It seems that the child is trying to test his parents for strength. However, in fact, such periods are difficult primarily for the children themselves. They don't even know why they do it. During periods of crisis, the child tries to gain new knowledge, get to know the good and bad, and parents only need to help him in this difficult matter for the baby.

Secondly, every adult who has a child should know that the baby is a person with his own desires, needs and interests, and he has the right to do one way or another. The task of parents is only a slight adjustment of the actions of their children, because they are not robots on the control panel to do only what you want.

Thirdly, a child may behave arbitrarily if adults have chosen the wrong methods of education. These are the cases when the baby does whatever he wants, or much is forbidden to him. A child's disobedience can also be explained by problems in the family, for example, frequent quarrels between parents.


To get the attention of the child, try to speak as little as possible, but clearly. So he will receive only the information that should be heard by him, and learn it. Surely parents noticed that the child listens more to songs, TV or friends than to the requests of adults. Most likely, he no longer responds to your cries and threats. It happens that children fulfill the request of their parents only when they are given candy, buy a toy, and so on. What to do?

How can a child learn to hear if his parents don't do it themselves. Show how to act correctly with your example. Try to listen to the child more than talking.

If you get your way by shouting, ordering, lecturing, etc., then the child will simply not pay any attention to you. Think about how you would behave if you were shouted at or your own point of view was imposed on you. Communicate with the child according to the model that you would like to see in relation to yourself.

Speak only when the baby has noticed you. You need to sit on a level with the child and ask him for something, looking directly into his eyes. So you can get not only the attention of the child, but also his location. This is a chance that the baby will hear you.

Switching the attention of a child from an activity that is interesting for him can sometimes be very difficult. Therefore, warn him about the upcoming case. Say that after a while you will need his help. In this way, you give the baby the opportunity to prepare for the upcoming conversation or change of activity.

Don't try to yell at your child, try lowering your voice. The softer your request sounds, the more your baby will want to listen to you. This tactic catches the child by surprise, which causes him to be distracted from his occupation.

Try to say briefly: "Make the bed" or "Put away the toys." But do it gently and do not yell at the baby. One word is enough for the child to fulfill your request.

What to do if mom allows and dad forbids or vice versa?

A few words should be said about two types of love: maternal and paternal. Mom loves her child only for what it is in this world. Such love does not need to be sought, it exists from the very beginning. But it should not prevent the child from growing up and learning about the world. A father's love must be earned. This can be done in several ways: discipline, achievement, meeting expectations, etc.

The problems of raising children in a family often lie in a misunderstanding of the process itself. Often you can observe such a situation when the father tells the child not to do something, and the mother allows, saying: “Yes, let ...”. This is an initially wrong construction of tactics of education. The kid will not be able to understand what is really good and what should not be done.

What to do?

Parents need to remember that they are a team in raising their child. This process needs to be discussed so that later there are no disagreements. Parents should have everything in common: methods of communication and the line of education. And this, despite the fact that you are different in character and attitudes. Therefore, try to agree in advance on how you will raise your baby.

Divide the responsibilities among yourselves in advance. To avoid disputes about this, write on a piece of paper what each of you should do around the house. It often happens that dad feels rejected after the baby is born. To prevent this from happening, involve him in the upbringing of the baby from the first days of life. Formulate your requests to each other more specifically.

In raising a child, mother and father should not contradict each other. Their work must be coordinated. Never argue in front of your children. It is unacceptable to undermine each other's reputation when the baby sees and hears it. Try to swear, if it is already impossible to avoid it, behind closed doors or when the child is not at home, always try to find a compromise.

How to deal with bad habits of the baby?

Those bad habits that a person had in childhood can remain in adulthood. What could this turn out to be? Ridicule? Non-serious attitude? To prevent this from happening, try to deal with such habits as a child.

Bad habits include:

  • thumb sucking,
  • fidgeting in a chair
  • nail biting,
  • nose picking, etc.

They do not pose any danger, if not very pronounced, and in the arsenal of the baby there are only one or two of them. Nevertheless, they can and should be weaned off. This should be done gradually.

A disaster for parents is the presence of many bad habits. They try to wean their child from one, but another comes to replace it. In this case, we can talk about a bad situation in the family itself. To solve such problems of raising a child, you need to deal with, but first of all, you should work on yourself.

Most often, wrong habits appear if the baby is ill. Children feel great about themselves. If in a family parents often quarrel among themselves, do not show love towards the child, and he is more often left to himself, bad habits appear. But do not forget about the reasons of a medical nature.

One of the most common childhood habits is thumb sucking. It is bad when it is also accompanied by other harmful movements and actions: picking your nose, licking your lips, sniffing, etc. Often children suck not only a finger, but also a corner of a blanket, a pen, and so on. These habits can become fixed and become a conditioned reflex.

Children bite their nails in two cases: when they are excited or excited. They themselves do not notice at what point it happens. The habit is strengthened if the parents want to see a genius in the child and demand from him what he cannot do. On the one hand, adults are trying to deal with the child's misbehavior, on the other hand, they only reinforce it with their demands.

How to be?

To overcome in a child the desire to bite his nails, pull his hair or suck his fingers, you yourself must not have bad habits. Before you start working on the baby, work on yourself, and you yourself will not notice how your baby's bad habits will disappear. Therefore, be calm, moderately demanding, benevolent and do not skimp on praise.

If the child is used to pulling out his hair, do not rush to scare him with the fact that he will soon become bald. Explain to the child that, first of all, he hurts himself with such manipulations. Encourage your child to brush their hair more often. This will improve blood circulation. Bring it to the baby in a form that is accessible to him.

Many parents, in the case of a child biting his nails and sucking his fingers, bandage them or smear them with something unpleasant to taste. This also helps, but not always. A more effective way would be a role-playing game. Play with the baby in the hairdresser. Set strict rules: manicures are done only for those children who have dry fingers and beautiful nails. Believe me, this is a more effective method than punishment, lecturing or shouting.

Child cruelty. What to do with it?

When can a child be considered violent? If you see that he tortures animals, composes unpleasant tales, there is a share of evil in jokes, he does not respect others and tries to hurt them. First of all, it is necessary to find out the reasons for such aggression.

The most common causes of child abuse are curiosity or misunderstanding. If the baby pulls the kitten's fur, pulls on the ears or tail, this does not always mean that he is doing it consciously. In one case, he checks what will happen if you pull his mustache or hair. On the other hand, he simply does not understand that the animal can be hurt. If your child behaves this way, explain to him the consequences of his actions.

If there is an older child in the family who behaves cruelly towards others, it is possible that the younger one will repeat his actions. After all, a brother or sister is a role model for a baby. And he still does not realize that this is bad. To prevent this from happening, bring up your children in kindness, teach them to take care of others, but above all, correspond to this yourself, because your example is important for a child.

Today, when the world is filled with TVs, computers and other technology, children have the opportunity to watch programs and films. Parents should remember that children absorb everything they see. Explain to the child what he saw is good, and what should not be repeated. It is better to write it down for a circle, taking into account the interests of the child, in order to distract the child from the cruelty that fills the virtual world.

Look for every opportunity to show your baby the right behavior. Read good stories to him and discuss the actions of the heroes with him. Walking down the street and seeing bad situations, explain to your child why this is not allowed. In the end, try to behave in an exemplary way so that the child, seeing your example, acts in the same way. This is one of the best ways to solve parenting problems.

Working with your child's self-esteem

A baby from birth should feel the love of parents. Initially, mother's caresses speak about this, then - words. Everything that the baby hears forms his attitude towards others, towards himself, affects his character and worldview. This is how a child's self-esteem develops.

Many problems can be solved if you communicate properly with your children. The kid should feel support from parents. But do not overdo it with praise. If a child is deprived of parental attention and love, he develops low self-esteem. Otherwise, he will be endowed with inflated conceit. Both cases are not good, since such an indicator as self-esteem should be within the normal range and not go beyond them.

How to increase self-esteem?

Parents should show the joy of the existence of the baby and reinforce it with words. When adults fight, children feel guilty about what is happening. And if the parents also talk about what happened because of them, they feel their guilt with greater force. Therefore, the baby should inspire confidence - despite the fact that conflicts sometimes arise between mom and dad, he still remains their favorite for them.

  1. You need to remind your child of your love for him. It is unacceptable to accompany such phrases with indications of misconduct. The kid should not think that he deserves the love of his parents only by his good behavior. Therefore, try to explain to the child - the fact that he scatters toys is bad, but despite this you love him.
  2. Try to understand the baby. If his favorite toy has been lost, or he believes in the existence of monsters in the dark, don't try to console him by explaining that they don't exist, or to convince him to buy another toy. So the child will feel that you do not need his problems and you do not value his opinion.
  3. Believe in your child's abilities. Praise him for his accomplishments. Tell him that you were confident in his ability to do something. Be proud of your child and express it verbally. So he believes in himself.
  4. So that your child does not grow up with a bunch of complexes, do not tell him that he is incompetent. Try to support him in all endeavors. Encourage the baby when he tries again to tie his shoelaces or eat on his own with a spoon.
  5. Trust your child. Never doubt his strength, because he is trying to justify your trust. Cheer him up, even if you think he can't do it. Give them the confidence that if it doesn't work out now, it will work out next time.

How to manage high self-esteem?

Constant praise can lead to the fact that the child will become conceited and consider himself the best. If you notice this in your baby, be sure to discuss it with him. Explain to the child that you love him for who he is, but the attitude towards other people should be sincere. The kid does not want to be treated dishonestly and showed arrogance towards him, therefore he must behave loyally with other people and not do what he did not want to receive in return.

When talking with your baby, say all the phrases sincerely. Speak calmly. Stop praising your child for no reason. After all, you have been telling him since his childhood how handsome and smart, neat and strong he is. Praise him only for what he really did. So you can instill in him the confidence that he is not the center of the universe and around him are the same people as himself.

What to do if there is a negative influence on the child of other people?

Often, a child can be negatively affected not only by a street company or friends, but also by close relatives, such as grandparents. Many are familiar with the situation when you accustom your baby to one thing, and the grandmother allows you to do the opposite. Returning from relatives, the baby begins to act up, demanding what he was allowed to visit. Getting him used to what you think is right again is sometimes not so easy. Such problems of upbringing certainly require a solution, otherwise parents can be significantly complicated.

Friends and street parties can also have a negative impact on the child. In this situation, one cannot remain indifferent. Not every casual passer-by will follow what has been said and even more so follow any pedagogical principles.

On the street, the child is left to himself and is not always aware of his actions. Children should not walk the streets unsupervised. After all, they can get involved in a fight, get injured, commit an illegal act. But it is also impossible to isolate the child from the company of friends. Therefore, control must be present, but such that the child does not feel it is too heavy a burden for himself.

How to solve a problem?

In the situation with relatives, everything is more or less clear. Try to negotiate with grandparents, godparents and other close people how you will act in raising a child. Find a single way so that it does not happen that you forbid your child, and relatives will allow it.

With regard to street companies, such advice should be given to parents on raising children. Do not limit the child in communicating with peers in general. Give him some time to meet with your friends. Control your children, but do it wisely so that the child does not feel pressure from the parents. Try to keep the children's trust in yourself, then they will tell you everything, and you will be able to discuss good and bad with him.

Every parent should know that his child is not a means for the realization of parental ideas and interests. He has his own dreams. You only act as an assistant in this difficult matter - to find the right path in life.

  1. Do not humiliate the child and do not take out your anger on him. Listen to the problems of the baby, be interested in his opinion, discuss the difficulties that have arisen. Remember that authoritarian methods are not always good parenting.
  2. Be honest with your children. Show this by your own example, otherwise the baby will copy your behavior. Whatever your mood, no matter how tired you feel, take the time to talk with your child.
  3. Do not limit your child's freedom of choice. Do not think that if you do this, you will protect him from all problems. Try to discuss this or that situation with the child and ask him to tell how he would act at such a moment. After listening to the opinion of the baby, offer him another solution without imposing your opinion. Let it look like advice. This will help develop independence in the baby.
  4. Don't order, ask. So the children will be more willing to follow your request. After asking to do something, explain to the child how you need his help. For a job well done, praise him.
  5. Cooperate with your child. Children are always open to this. It is the parents who are most often closed. It is important to love your baby as he is, with all his shortcomings.
  6. If there are several children in the family, try not to compare one with another. Each of them should feel your love. Parents should be united in their upbringing: it should not be such that dad loves one, and mom loves another. The main thing is that there is mutual understanding between parents.

Program with the participation of a psychologist, part 1

Program with the participation of a psychologist, part 2

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