What is the transitional age for girls? Transitional age in girls

The time has finally come when you are faced with a wonderful, albeit difficult age.

If you are a mother, then it is difficult for you to realize that your baby is getting older and now the thoughts in her head can suddenly become multi-colored butterflies or glossy black. At this age, my mother’s girl tries to defend her character, thinking that she can handle everything herself.

Meanwhile, she does not have time to keep track of the changes in her body, which undoubtedly worry her. And you, as the closest person, have been entrusted with the responsibility to tell, help, and direct in the right direction all the energy that is overwhelming your child.

If you are a young girl, you have already had many questions regarding everything related to the adult life of a woman. But these questions could have been put off earlier, since it was far away, maybe not very interesting, and in no way connected with the life when you were a carefree girl.

Sex education for girls is a complex and time-consuming process that must be approached with caution. Not only mom, but also dad should take part in the process.

Let's start with the changes in the girl. Precisely in a girl, because perestroika does not begin when secondary sexual characteristics appear, but much earlier. On average, puberty lasts 10 - 12 years. During this time, the girl changes noticeably before the eyes of others.

Prepuberty is a period that begins at 7–8 years of age and ends with the arrival of the first menstruation. Usually this (menstruation) happens 1 to 3 years after the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. Already from such an early age, you can notice changes in the child’s body. Hormones begin their activity, although not cyclically. But hormone releases occur constantly. In this connection, the transformation of a girl into a girl occurs.

Signs of puberty in girls

The first changes take place in the girl’s body - the hips are rounded, the growth of the pelvic bones begins. Mammary glands appear. You can already notice areas of hair growth on the pubis and armpits.

As a rule, a girl begins to grow sharply before the onset of menstruation.

All these signs may develop inconsistently. Now let’s look at each sign and the pathologies associated with it. There are several stages in the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

A few years before the onset of the first menstruation, a girl’s growth begins to grow sharply. Presumably, this happens 2 - 3 years before the onset of menstruation.

At this time, growth spurts can reach up to 10 centimeters per year.

Often during this period the child is awkward, since the bones do not grow evenly; first the hands and feet become larger, then the tubular bones and only then the torso.

Clumsiness in movements may also be observed, this is due to the fact that nerve fibers and muscles do not always keep pace with the growth of skeletal bones.

Skin covering

The skin develops according to the skeleton and muscles, for this purpose the secretion of the glands is increased in order to have good stretching, as a result of which the teenager suffers from rashes, which in science are called “acne”, “acne” or pimples. Hair also becomes oilier at the roots, so now you need to wash your hair more often.

Subcutaneous fatty tissue also develops. There is increased deposition of fat in the hips and abdomen. The shoulders are also rounded and the waist appears.

Thelarche is the development of the mammary gland. Typically, breast growth begins in girls at 10 - 11 years old, 1.5 - 2 years before the onset of menstruation. According to WHO, the appearance of signs of breast growth after 8 years is considered normal. The nipples become sensitive and can change color, depending on the amount of pigment in the body.

There is also an increase in the size of the nipple itself. Hair growth is possible around the areola of the nipple - this happens in women of Eastern and Caucasian origin and is not a pathology. The color, shape, and size of the breast depend on genetic factors and the amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue.

There are several degrees of breast development:

  • Ma0— the gland is not developed, the nipple is not pigmented;
  • Ma1- gland tissue is palpated in the area of ​​the areola, painful;
  • Ma2— the mammary gland is enlarged, the nipple and areola are raised;
  • Ma3- the mammary gland takes the shape of a cone whose base is located between the III and VI ribs. The nipple does not stand out separately from the areola;
  • Ma4- the gland has a hemispherical shape, the nipple is separated from the areola and is pigmented.

The mammary gland completes its development and grows to its maximum only after childbirth and breastfeeding. And the final stage of mammary gland development is observed at about 15 years. The mammary gland itself may be painful during the growth period and before menstruation.

Hair growth

Pubarche - hair growth of the pubic area - begins at 10 - 12 years of age. Growing pubic hair forms a triangle, the base of which is located on the lower line of the abdomen. There may be isolated hairs rising towards the navel. But if the hair densely covers the entire area, forming a diamond, you should contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

By the age of 13-15, hair appears in the armpits and on the legs. The hardness, color and shape of hair is individual and depends on genetic predisposition.

Armpit hair:

  • Ah0- no hair growth;
  • Ah1- hair growth with single straight hairs;
  • Ah2- the appearance of hair in the middle of the armpit;
  • Ah3- hair growth of the entire axillary area.

Pubic hair growth:

  • Pb0- no hair growth;
  • Pb1- hair growth with single straight hairs;
  • Pb2- appearance of hair in the center;
  • Pb3- hair growth of the entire pubic area along a horizontal line.

You need to learn how to properly maintain the smoothness of your legs, bikini area and armpits. Each girl chooses an individual method for achieving her goal. But do not rush into removal, because the first hair is softer, thinner and less noticeable. Over time or under the influence of external factors, they become tough.

Menarche is the beginning of menstrual flow, the first menstruation. This happens to everyone at different ages, and menarche also depends on genetics. As a rule, the first bleeding occurs from 12 to 14 years. After the start of the first menstruation, the girl's growth slows down, but other signs of puberty continue to develop.

Many girls' periods are not cyclical at the very beginning. For some, it takes some time - from six months to two years. In case of non-cyclical discharge, you should consult a doctor in the future.

During menstruation, the mammary glands may be tense and somewhat painful. Also, many girls and women experience aching pain in the lower abdomen before and during bleeding, and some experience discomfort in the stomach or intestines. All this can accompany mensis (menstruation) normally.

Before the critical days, the mood may change; more often the girl feels irritated, overwhelmed, and tearful. But all this passes during the first days of menstruation. Despite the irregularity of the cycle, a girl can become pregnant, and it is important to convey this to an immature person.

Deviations from the norm

As everyone knows, where there is a norm, there is also a pathology. Today, cases such as premature puberty in girls (PPD) are increasingly observed. And here it is important that the mother carefully approaches changes in the child’s body.

They speak of PPD if the girl herself is under 8 years of age at the appearance of her first sexual signs. At this age, a child cannot always adequately approach the innovations of his body.

Types of PPR

Precocious puberty in girls is divided into into several types.

1. True type. It occurs when the functioning of the endocrine glands - the hypothalamus and pituitary gland - is disrupted, which, in turn, stimulate the functioning of the ovaries.

  • full form. When all secondary signs begin to develop before the age of 7–8 years, growth slows down due to the closure of growth zones in the bones, menstrual flow appears;
  • incomplete form. Here secondary signs appear, but the periods themselves come much later - at 10 - 11 years.

2. False type. It is characterized by a disorder in the ovary itself - erratic production of hormones occurs, and therefore the order of appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in the child is disrupted. And there is irregular spotting, which can begin without the full development and formation of the mammary gland or hair growth.

3. Hereditary type. As a rule, if a girl has women in her pedigree (especially if it is her mother) whose maturation began earlier than the designated dates, then the child himself will turn into a girl earlier than his peers. In this case, the order of appearance of sexual characteristics will not be disrupted.

Causes of PPR

Causes of early puberty in girls can be:

  • brain cysts;
  • previous bacterial or viral infection;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • congenital anomalies (hydroencephaly);
  • exposure (high exposure to radiation);
  • poisoning by poisons (lead);
  • consequences of brain injuries.

If you notice any changes in your princess that can be attributed to PPR, or there is a growth spurt before the age of 7, it is better to contact a gynecologist, endocrinologist and undergo an examination. Early sexual development is a process that requires mandatory supervision by a specialist.

Delayed puberty

Another problem for mothers and their girls is delayed pubertal development in girls (DSD).

Signs of delay:

  • absence of onset of menstruation before age 16;
  • lack of sufficient growth of the mammary glands before the age of 13;
  • scanty hair growth by the age of 14;
  • insufficient growth or abnormal development of the genital organs;
  • lack of correspondence of height and weight to age.

Also, delayed development of maturity is a condition when a girl’s sexual development is only half complete. That is, the mammary glands have developed, there is partial hair growth, and then everything slowed down for more than a year and a half.

Causes of mental retardation

  1. Congenital disorders of the brain.
  2. Brain cysts and tumors.
  3. Poisoning by poisons.
  4. Heredity.
  5. Exposure of the body to radiation or radiation therapy.
  6. Removal of ovaries.
  7. Strong physical activity.
  8. Severe stress or malnutrition (exhaustion).
  9. Complications after bacterial or viral infections, etc.

If you are concerned about your girl’s health, consult a doctor, he will conduct an examination and be able to make the correct diagnosis. It is easier and more effective to treat any condition of the body at the very beginning, when the pathology has not caused irreversible consequences. Everything needs to be done on time!

Another important moment in a girl’s development is growing up and becoming a girl, a woman from the inside.

Sexual development of girls should be given special attention from birth. Even from the cradle, a girl should feel like an important link in creating family comfort, since the atmosphere in the family mainly depends on her. In addition, the girl will face pregnancy, childbirth, and caring for a newborn in the future.

The child must prepare for the upcoming difficulties, and this is not bad when little girls push their dolls in strollers and already begin to experience maternal feelings and a sense of responsibility. When a girl tries to be like her mother and knows what awaits her, she enjoys all the changes and is not afraid to move forward.

If a girl is not talked to about the topic of transforming a girl into a girl, and then into a woman, all changes in her body are unpleasant for her, and the onset of menstruation generally frightens her. You need to explain everything to your princess as she grows into adulthood, step by step. It is important that next to the girl there is an older comrade in the person of a mother, friend, aunt, etc.

During adolescence, it is sometimes very difficult for teenagers to understand themselves, their mood can change dramatically, and the feeling of irritability and tearfulness does not allow them to calmly perceive changes. You should never ridicule or reproach a child during this period.

With the onset of adolescence, or rather, with its end, it is time to discuss the sexual side of her life with the girl. The girl’s behavior changes - she looks at the opposite sex more often, experiences attractions, and is overcome by erotic fantasies. A teenager must understand everything and learn not to be ashamed of it. Sex education for girls is an important task that falls on parents.

In addition to the perception itself, it is necessary to convey to your child information about the possibility of becoming pregnant and contracting infections through sexual contact. You should also tell her about the negative effects of early sexual debut. Teenagers at this age often experiment, including in this area, and violent actions are possible.

Teach your child the rules of personal hygiene, purity of sexual relations and their protection, tell them about the frequency of showering during menstruation - all this is the task of a good parent. Having matured, the child encounters new conditions of his body. For example, thrush occurs - a fairly common disease that needs to be cured in time.

Often a teenager, feeling his imperfection, withdraws into himself and suffers for a long time from symptoms that can bring severe discomfort. It is worth paying attention to the appearance of acne, it is important to tell your child how to deal with them correctly, because we all know the tendency of children to squeeze everything out. This can lead to unpleasant consequences: scarring of the skin, blood poisoning.

Sex education is often the subject of much debate. But there are certain rules that are best adhered to - they will allow you to transition into puberty as smoothly as possible and preserve the girl’s health.

It is worth paying attention to the nutrition of a teenager; girls themselves often skip meals on purpose in order, as they think, to be more beautiful. A girl should eat well to avoid delays in the development of sexual characteristics and the onset of menstruation.

Under no circumstances should you treat a teenager like an adult. A person in adolescence already knows a lot, has his own point of view, but he is just starting on the path of growing up; your advice is important to him, although sometimes he does not show it. Control is never superfluous.

Masturbation is very important in the development of sexuality. There is nothing unhealthy or shameful about this behavior. This is how the child learns to relieve stress by fantasizing, imagining imaginary actions. Contrary to the thoughts imposed by the Bible and Soviet education about masturbation as something dirty and unacceptable for a self-respecting woman, today its benefits have been proven, of course, if you don’t “go too far.”

As a conclusion

The main goals of parents, especially mothers, during puberty, are:

  • teach the girl to accept herself as she is;
  • convey all knowledge regarding sexual techniques, contraception and methods of protection against sexually transmitted infections;
  • show all the beauty of a woman, mother, wife;
  • determine the boundaries of decent behavior with the opposite sex;
  • teach how to cope with some ailments associated with premenstrual syndrome, thrush, etc.;
  • surround your child with love and care, especially when he needs it.

Of course, just like a child, you also grow up. Do not forget that the child has never been an adult, and you, adults, have already experienced all the hardships of this difficult period. How your child perceives everything depends largely on you.

At what age does adolescence usually begin? This happens differently for each person. However, there is a single criterion: when a child develops self-awareness, he becomes a teenager.

Beginning of adolescence

Early childhood lays the foundation for participation in social life and work. Society shapes his personal qualities, which help him integrate harmoniously into adult life, which is facilitated by preschool institutions, various clubs, and home education.

Periodization of childhood and adolescence

Most parents wonder: how many years does adolescence mean? It is difficult to give exact numbers, since the entry of each child into this period depends on the genetic predisposition and individual characteristics of the body. For some children, the onset of adolescence occurs at age 11, for others at age 14.

It is customary to distinguish three stages of adolescence:

  1. The body is preparing for changes - the pre-puberty period.
  2. Secondary sexual characteristics are formed - puberty.
  3. The end of adolescence is the post-pubertal phase.

In addition to common features, adolescence among different peoples and nationalities has its own characteristics caused by geographical, national-cultural and other aspects. Children develop character traits and habits that meet the generally accepted norms of a given environment.

At what age does puberty begin in Russia? For centuries, the period of puberty among the Russian-speaking population was called “adolescence.” It lasted from 12 to 17 years. To date, this norm in our country has remained unchanged.

Psychological withdrawal

Along with physiological maturation, mental changes occur. Children in this age group are characterized by emotional outbursts, personal activity, the desire for independence, and self-affirmation in the eyes of others. Their pride suffers because they are forced to depend on their parents.

Teenagers very actively strive to imitate their elders, while focusing on the values ​​of the modern world. They develop an increased interest in their personality and self-esteem. The opposite state begins to appear: conflict with oneself. A growing child often has a painful conceit, and sometimes a careless attitude towards his life. All minor problems seem catastrophic, they manifest themselves very emotionally.

Attention! Various manifestations of teenage behavior must be patiently endured, like a natural disaster that will soon subside.

Boy growing up

Let's figure it out - when does adolescence begin in boys? Scientific research says that the “boyish” pre-pubertal period usually begins at 11. It ends at about 16.

Difficult age is caused by hormonal changes. The boy's voice changes, active muscle growth begins, genitals develop, small mustaches and fluff appear on his face, as well as hair on other parts of the body. The production of hormones in the body affects the behavior of a teenager: he becomes rude and uncontrollable. A strong sexual desire causes discomfort to a young man (even when he is in his early teens - which is 11 years old).

Growing up boys strive for maximum independence. She often becomes unpredictable and reckless. Hormone surges lead the young man to riots and hysterical behavior. Not only he, but also his household suffers from this. For boys, the difficult period is more difficult than for girls. This is confirmed by sad statistics: most often male children run away from home and become drug addicts or alcoholics.

In raising a boy, the father plays an invaluable role, who should be a model of masculine behavior. In order to form a future harmonious personality from his son, the father must establish contact with him on the basis of complete mutual understanding. If the family is incomplete, then this role is assigned to the grandfather or uncle.

Girl growing up

Sexual development in girls occurs earlier than in boys, so a girl often enters adolescence at the age of 9 - and this is earlier than the designated period. The difficult period ends at about 15.

The child develops secondary sexual characteristics: the hips widen, the body becomes more rounded. Body weight may increase. Hair appears on the pubic area and armpits. Acne often pops up, which brings a lot of complexes to the teenager. The physiological state of a girl very often leads to the fact that she does not perceive her body. The other side of the coin is increased interest in the opposite sex.

Important! The mother’s responsibility is to explain in a form understandable to her daughter the delicate moments associated with physiological issues. It is necessary to help the child soften the leap “from childhood to adulthood.”

Like boys, growing girls have a need to prove to everyone that they are adults. The need for self-affirmation deprives them of the ability to remain calm throughout the teenage phase of life and make reasonable decisions. The girl's character becomes difficult to control.

Adolescence lasts approximately 4–5 years. All this time, parents need to put themselves in their child's shoes. Elders are required to be nobility towards all people, tolerance and flexibility towards the teenager. The fragile consciousness of a growing child absorbs the behavioral style of adults. If parents criticize and condemn teachers, neighbors, friends, then they sow the seeds of hostility towards others in their child’s psyche.

Please note! Adults should teach a teenager to be responsible, but not by violent means, but by giving him freedom of choice.

An important aspect is proper sleep. The norm for night rest is 8 hours. If a teenager does not get enough sleep, then his nervous system becomes unstable and he experiences stress. Problems begin.

The physical development of a growing child is very important. Sports will help relieve tension associated with hormonal surges. Proper, balanced nutrition will provide the growing body with vitamins, microelements, proteins, carbohydrates, etc.

  • constant depression;
  • detachment;
  • lack of appetite;
  • rudeness;
  • demonstrative actions;
  • cruelty;
  • "love of money."

If a child demands pocket money in excess of the norm, then parents should respond to this alarming signal. There may be a terrible reason behind the “love of money”: . If there is reasonable suspicion, it is necessary to examine the child at a drug dispensary.

End of post-puberty

In recent years, psychologists have noted that adolescence ends after adulthood. This phenomenon has reasons. Let's look at them.

Today's era of digital economy requires young people to have a competitive education, which takes a lot of time to obtain. Consequently, the deadline for a young man to become an adult is postponed: he will be financially independent in order to create a full-fledged family. In addition, many boys and girls aged 18 to 35 continue to live with their parents.

So, the psychology of a child growing up can slightly reduce the intensity and ease the difficult burden of parents. And then the teenager will come to an agreement with himself.

We all know that childhood is the most important period in life when a person develops his personality. But not everyone understands the importance of other periods of life. . The perception of life and attitude towards oneself changes. At this age, we reconsider our purpose in life. But this age is not always easy to bear.

Adolescence in girls and changes

When a girl ends her teenage years, her body shape changes. The forms that appear are not girls, but women. And where there was nothing before, roundness and bulges appear. And girls have different attitudes to this type of change. Some girls like these changes, and some don't. In the second case, she may develop complexes and self-doubt. The same goes for changing your personal hygiene regime.

Girls' adolescence and relationships

There is also a change in relationships with classmates. Girls begin to communicate less with boys, and vice versa. At this moment you need to find a common language with friends, otherwise you can become an outcast in the company. It also appears. During this period of life, parental control over children increases greatly. On the contrary, children, feeling like adults, want more freedom. This is the reason why conflicts occur. But it is very important for girls to have a good relationship with their parents, as more mature and intelligent mentors.

Adolescence in girls and first love

And, of course, first love, and the problems associated with it. A girl thinks how to please a guy and how to behave with him? the first jealousy or even unrequited love appears. The girl has new needs and physique, as well as a role in life and family. And a very important factor is whether she likes the changes that have happened to her or not. Her self-esteem and life satisfaction depend on this. If a girl is not satisfied with the changes, then she will not be able to date a guy normally in the future. Because he will consider himself not like everyone else, somehow worse than others.

At this age, a girl gains a lot of life experience, gained from her many mistakes. She learns to get around the problems that have already befallen her, even if this requires a lot of effort. There are also many achievements that allow her to feel a little more confident. At this age, you get to know yourself again. And you must always try to remain a person with a capital “H”.

In girls and boys it comes suddenly, and always earlier than you think. Today's children become teenagers at the age of 9 - 10 years. Along with all the peculiarities of adolescence, parents are faced with three global tasks:

  • how not to lose control
  • How not to ruin a relationship with a teenager.
  • How can we survive in the next few years?

If you are the mother of a girl and your daughter is approaching this magical age, save this selection for yourself. Here is everything you need to know about the person your baby will soon turn into.

1. She wants you to hug her and hold her close like the little girl she was just a short time ago. Except for those moments when she doesn't want to. Don't even think about touching her if she doesn't want to!

2. For her, you are the most popular and cool person in the whole world. Seriously.

She can admire you, and five minutes later say that you need to see a plastic surgeon. But by lunchtime you're best friends again.

4 . She is smart and sarcastic. Even too much so that she doesn’t get punished for it from time to time.

5. She's really funny. And you are not funny. Never.

6 . She can rush through, slamming the doors, with the force of a tornado. But she again did not close the refrigerator door properly.

7. She will hate everything you bought for her in clothes. Yes, she liked that blue skirt. But she would never wear exactly the same one, but in green. If you forbid her to wear winter boots with thick soles and a sweater in July, you will hear that you do not understand anything.

8 . She uses all your lotion. And all the shampoo. And a scrub. And your precious bottle of oat proteins and shiitake mushroom extract.

9. She secretly (or not so secretly) tries to go to school with makeup on her eyes. Don't let her do this.

10. She can eat fruit fitness bars seven days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is useless to offer an alternative.

11. She believes that you can do anything. This is true.

12 . She believes that she can do anything. This is also true. But tomorrow she will seriously doubt that she is able to do anything. Your task is to remind her of the truth.

13. Pink is for little girls. She wants the walls in her room to be turquoise and the curtains to be lime green.

14. This week she wants to go to painting. The next she is passionate about karate. Don't worry, it's normal, she's trying to define who she is.

15. She needs personal space. If you don't know it, she will write "do not enter" on her door in pencil.

16 . The worst thing for her is if she has something different from other girls.

She recently discovered sarcasm. But, listening to her witticisms and barbs, be gentle with her and do not respond in kind. She might blurt out something like that, but she can’t defend herself yet.

18. She still needs her mom. But she will never admit it.

19 . She looks back at you for a hint on how to behave in this world as a woman. Please behave accordingly.

20 . She really needs your approval. She really wants to hear from you that she did great. Praise her.

21. Be prepared for her to roll her eyes if you start praising her. Don't let this fool you. Keep praising her.

22. She will ask you to take home every kitten, puppy, turtle, squirrel and bird that happens to be in your yard. But she would gladly give her little brother at auction to the highest bidder.

23 . She loves to spend the money you give her.

She is not you. She may look like you. She can do things exactly like you. She may have a voice like yours. But she is herself, her own person. Don't try to make yourself out of her.

25. She now reads really cool books - like Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia. She now watches a movie in which there are no Smeshariki and minions. Take advantage of the moment and talk to her about cinema and literature. She has something to tell you.

26. There will still be landslides, breakdowns and atomic bomb explosions. Especially when she didn't get enough sleep.

27 . She is a charming mixture of awkwardness and elegance, poise and uncertainty.

28. But she is already beginning to compare herself with others. She will certainly find that she is missing something.

29. Tell her she's just a miracle.

30 . Every. God's. Day.

Based on materials from thenextfamily.com

The period of transformation of a little girl into an adult girl can last for years and will happen in one day.

What happens to the female body and how can parents help their daughter? Read how girls go through adolescence.

The transitional age for girls is the line between a child and an adult. Hormones begin to reign in the female body, changing the physiological and psychological state.

Signs and symptoms depend on the little lady's age.

You can familiarize yourself with the features of the period in the table:

Age stages of a girl Description What to do
8-12 years The first signs of hormones appear and the reproductive system develops.

The first hair appears in the pubic area and armpits, breasts grow, increased sweating and skin rashes are observed.

Due to the accelerated work of the sebaceous glands, the structure of the hair changes, the hairstyle often becomes greasy and dirty

It is necessary to choose cosmetic care for young skin, deodorants will get rid of the smell of sweat and adherence to the rules of personal hygiene.

The quality of nutrition should be improved, more vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet, and additional vitamin intake would not hurt

12-14 years old Most teenagers begin menstruation during this period. The cycle improves over several months and even years.

If menstruation does not want to start, then parents should show the child to a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

The menstrual cycle may be absent due to the teenager’s physical activity, psychological problems and increased fatigue

The mother should conduct a preventive conversation and prepare the girl for the upcoming changes in her body.

You should monitor the child’s sexual health, keep cycle counts and monitor the abundance of discharge

14-16 years old During this period, the girl can grow sharply by several centimeters per month and gain weight.

The subcutaneous layer of fat increases, rounded hips are formed. A girl may develop complexes due to her angularity and clumsiness.

It is necessary to adhere to a constant daily routine, sleep at least 7-9 hours at night.

The subcutaneous fat layer will eventually turn into muscle, but it is worth increasing the amount of sports activity, but without overworking the body

16-18 years old The girl's curves and shapes become more feminine and rounded. The mammary glands grow rapidly, the hips become wider.

Hormones finish working on a woman’s body by the age of 23. At this stage of development, a girl can begin to be sexually active

A conversation should be held about sex education and methods of contraception.

You can contact a psychologist for help, and a gynecologist will help you choose the right contraceptive.

Important! All age stages are approximate. The girl’s development is normal if the deviation does not exceed two years.

The period of adolescence in girls: when it begins and ends

Psychological withdrawal can begin between the ages of 9 and 18 years. The beginning of the development of the transition period depends on the character of the child and changes in physiology.

Puberty lasts several years and can last from 11 to 17 years.

Advice! Listen to your daughter’s opinion, show that you accept her as an adult and independent.

Physiological changes and features

Rapid changes in appearance can frighten a girl and provoke stress, shock and even leave psychological trauma.

It is very important at such moments to explain to the child that such a formation process is normal, that all classmates also go through this.

Important! The main trap for parents is the girl’s refusal to accept the features of her appearance.

  1. The awkwardness and peculiar lack of attractiveness of teenagers fades over time.

    But the little girl, raised on female ideals of beauty from movies, dreams of becoming like the legendary Angelina Jolie.

    The teenager begins to dream about future plastic surgery, goes on a diet and suffers from a contrived inferiority complex.

  2. Not only external data undergoes transformation, but also taste preferences. A teenager's style can be edgy, pretentious and provocative.

    This period is temporary. Parents just need to accept teenage experiments.

  3. A girl may be frightened by the process of puberty and the onset of menstruation. A preparatory conversation should be held by the mother in order to prepare her daughter for such a renewal of the body.

From the perspective of adults, girls' experiences seem simple and unimportant.

It is better to take seriously the changes occurring in the little lady's body, which can provoke psychological trauma. It is important for parents to get on their daughter’s level and maintain friendly relations.

Psychological problems

The main girl's problem is dissatisfaction with her appearance. The girl feels like an ugly duckling, especially if the period of female formation among her peers has already passed.

It is important to explain to the child that after moving to a new stage of growing up, the young lady will turn into a graceful swan.

How can parents help a teenage girl cope?

Parents can come to the teenager’s aid and talk about their youth and youth experiences.

Mom can get old photographs to show herself at different ages and trace the transformation from girl to woman.

Help your daughter unravel and gain self-confidence by following these tips:

  • Maintain a daily routine and explain the importance of this to your daughter. Healthy sleep and proper nutrition will help the skin regenerate faster, get rid of blackheads and excess subcutaneous fat.
  • Find a sporting hobby for your teenager. With this you will kill two birds with one stone: you will distract the girl from negative thoughts and strengthen her physical health.
  • Maintain a rest routine. Often the cause of psychological problems is overload of the young body.

Communicate and talk with your children!

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