In the second pregnancy, when you felt the first movements. The first fetal movements during the second pregnancy

Expectant mothers, who have already known the joy of motherhood, are looking forward to the moment when they can feel the first, yet not obvious, movements of their unborn child. But all doctors in one voice with the print media declare that the movement of the fetus during the second pregnancy should be felt much earlier than the first time.

However, one should be aware of the fact that the child develops according to the same scenario, regardless of whether the woman gave birth to only two children, or this is her tenth pregnancy. The child in the womb begins to move actively, starting from the seventh - eighth week of pregnancy, it just does not mean at all that the woman herself will be able to feel the timid tremors of a creature weighing several grams. However, first of all, the second pregnancy is reinforced by the experience of previous sensations, which is why the first stirring during the second pregnancy does not begin, but is identified earlier. Nevertheless, there are rules that obstetricians and gynecologists are guided by when examining pregnant women.

Baby movements in the first and second pregnancy: normal indicators

If we analyze the studies of doctors, then already at five obstetric weeks, that is, just three weeks from the date of conception, the baby actively swims and moves inside the uterus, making about two hundred movements a day. That is why it is worth distinguishing the obstetric concept of the sensation that a pregnant woman experiences, realizing the movement of the fetus during the second pregnancy, from the ability of the baby to move.

That is, the first movements during the second pregnancy, as well as during the first, is the date on which the expectant mother felt the undoubted tremors of the child from the inside, which can no longer be confused with the natural movements of gases during digestion. This date is an important indicator of the normal development of the child, and the achievement of sufficient weight and height at a certain stage of development.

The norm for a woman to fix the first movements of the fetus is the period from the fourteenth to the twenty-fifth week of pregnancy. As a rule, primiparous women feel the first timid tremors of the baby at about 19-21 weeks. But in subsequent pregnancies, it is possible to determine the beginning of the baby's movements already at 16 and at 18 weeks. Some women claim to feel the movements of the baby as early as 14 weeks. Early sensations by a woman of baby movements in the second and subsequent pregnancies are associated with two factors:

  • The experience of the first pregnancy allows women to confidently separate the sensations from the pushes of the child from the increased intestinal gas formation, but without experience it is quite difficult to accurately identify their sensations.
  • It is believed that the muscles of the uterus of a woman who has already given birth are more sensitive to the movements of the baby.

However, other factors also affect a woman's ability to sense a baby's movement. Therefore, if you did not feel the first tremors of the baby at the time exactly prescribed by the doctor, but the fetal heartbeat is normal, as well as other developmental indicators, then you should not worry.

Fetal movements - factors affecting the sensations of a woman

What else determines the movement of the fetus during the second pregnancy? What can make a baby let mom know about himself a little earlier or a little later? In fact, there are quite a lot of such features of the body of mother and baby, as well as unaccounted for factors. Therefore, before you start to wind yourself up and worry, fiddling with a calendar sheet in your hands, you should correlate such features with your own lifestyle.

  • Baby size and weight. How early you feel the first movements in your second pregnancy is affected by how big your unborn baby is. It is reasonable to assume that a large child can be felt a little earlier than a small crumb.
  • The character of the child. If the baby is active, nimble and constantly moving, then the mother will feel his movements earlier than the movements of a child with a phlegmatic temperament.
  • The physique of the expectant mother. Thin women will feel the movements of the child earlier than denser young ladies.
  • Sensitivity threshold. Just like the pain threshold, the sensitivity of each organism is individual. Therefore, someone feels their child already from the first timid tremors, and someone notices the movements of the fetus only when the baby sticks out his limbs with all his might already in the fifth or sixth month.
  • Incorrect gestational age. Gynecologists most often consider obstetric weeks from the date of the last menstruation. But cases of late or early ovulation are far from rare and an error of two or even three weeks may well occur. Of course, specialists in ultrasound diagnostics will find this omission, but this, most often, will not affect the timing of obstetric weeks.

Should I be worried? That is the question

If everything is normal for you, then you will feel the first fetal movements during your second pregnancy at about 16-18 weeks. However, many expectant mothers are worried and try to find out if everything is normal for them, whether it is worth undergoing additional examinations. However, it is simply harmful for pregnant women to be nervous. Moreover, if you do not feel the movement of the child inside you, this does not mean that he does not move.

The child already has its own characteristics, and there are days of activity, and there are days when the baby sleeps all day, lazily turning from side to side. If during the day the child did not move much, then you can “stimulate” him, eat something sweet and lie down to rest. After a portion of glucose, accompanied by a calm position of the mother's body, the baby will probably decide to warm up. If this situation with the movement of the child repeats, it is worth notifying your doctor about this. Excessive activity of the baby can also alert: this may indicate that he is not very comfortable, as well as be the cause of entanglement in the umbilical cord.

If you have any doubts about whether the situation with the movements of the child is normal, then you should consult a doctor for additional advice. It may be worth listening to the baby's heart, doing an additional ultrasound, or dripping vitamins of the desired group. However, if the examinations show that everything is normal, relax and patiently wait for the fetal movements during the second pregnancy - they will definitely appear, just perhaps a little later than you expected.

By the second pregnancy, we already feel experienced, but the excitement and expectation of the first stirring of the baby is like the first time. And such questions are not uncommon on the forums - “They say that during the second pregnancy, movements are felt earlier, why do I still not feel them at 15 (16,17,18 ... ..) weeks?

Let's take a look at when, how and with whom the first movements are felt during the second pregnancy.

When does the baby start moving?

The child begins to make movements as early as 8-9 weeks, but at this time he is so small that he almost does not even touch the walls of the uterus at the same time, and we do not feel these movements. Such movements can only be seen on ultrasound. Moreover, this period does not depend on what kind of pregnancy is on the account. But they begin to feel the stirring in different pregnancies in different ways.

When do we start feeling movements?

Many doctors believe that during the second pregnancy, the sensations of baby moving are noticeable at 18-20 weeks, although many mothers feel them much earlier. Other doctors tend to attribute the first perceptible movements to 16 weeks.

For example, I began to feel movements with my daughters at 14-15 weeks.

And my mother in her second pregnancy - with me - at 12. Moreover, the doctor did not believe her until I kicked her hand lying on my mother's stomach right on the round. Mom's term was then immediately added by 4 weeks, but she gave birth to me at exactly 40 weeks, according to her calculations, to the day. Moreover, with a weight of 3150, that is, well, obviously not a post-term pregnancy.

So, it is quite possible that in the second pregnancy you begin to feel the movements of your baby much earlier than prescribed by the doctors.

And you should absolutely not worry if you start to feel movements later, the norm, whatever one may say, is up to 24 weeks.

Doctors tend to assume that it depends on how much the baby weighs - the larger the fetus, the more likely it is to feel movements earlier. But, as I wrote the example of my mother, I was by no means a large child.

Also, an earlier sensation of stirring is attributed to thin mothers, or those who have high physiological hypersensitivity.

And in general - all this is so individual!

You should not worry that the child began to move earlier, just as you should not worry that you will not wait for these movements. Everything has its time!

Easy pregnancy to you and only pleasant sensations!

What is a child's physical activity?

The most pleasant sensations associated with each pregnancy are created by fetal movements. The sign of connection with the baby, so joyful for a woman, gives her a “push” to perceive the fetus more clearly. And many future mothers from this moment begin to identify themselves with a new role and talk with the baby.

Fetal movements are smooth movements

A woman begins to feel them during her second pregnancy at about 18-20 weeks. Only these terms are different for each person. One begins to feel her child a little earlier than average, the other a little later.

It happens for a variety of reasons.

1. The psychological state of all women is different not only in general, but also at a certain moment.

2. Features of her nervous system are different each time.

3. The complexion of pregnant women is also different (it is believed that thin women feel fetal movements much earlier than plump ones).

4. The amount of water for each future mother is different (the more there are, the more spacious the baby).

And many women who are expecting a baby claim that not only the timing of the start of the baby's motor activity differs in their "interesting" position for the second time. Often and sensations.

First fetal movement. Second pregnancy

In fact, the fetus inside the uterus begins to actively manifest itself much earlier, after about 49-56 days from the start of pregnancy, and at 10 weeks it can already change the trajectory of its movements and even move from one part of the abdomen to another. Only the fetus is still very small and rarely touches the walls so that these movements can be felt. He "floats" in the amniotic fluid, not particularly disturbing his mother.

From the 16th week, a response to sound begins, from the 17th week the eyes close and open (the child squints). But with the 18th, he pulls the umbilical cord with his hands, moves his fingers (unclenches and squeezes them), touches his face. From this “age”, his stirring is felt quite strongly.

Doctors believe that the fetus begins to move as soon as certain parts of the brain are “turned on” to work. The child, as it were, shows that the phase of his mental activity has come.

At first, the movements of the fetus are barely felt, chaotic, somewhat reminiscent of the chaotic movement of many fish in an aquarium or some kind of bubbles. Therefore, an inexperienced mother does not distinguish these tremors.

Causes of Differences in Women's Feelings

After 140 days of development, the movements are more active: the baby is able to change its position, move to different parts of the mother's abdomen.

During the first pregnancy, women usually feel their baby for the first time at about 18-20 weeks, when you can’t confuse “pushing” with anything. But during repeated it can come much earlier - at 15-16 weeks. But such sensations can occur later, especially if the mother is full. The movement of the fetus during the second pregnancy in obese women, as a rule, is felt later for a week or two.

And this difference is not due to a difference in the development of the fetus, but to the fact that the expectant mother already “knows” all the sensations associated with the movement of the baby, and therefore knows how to recognize them.

And in overweight women, sensitivity is slightly reduced. And through the fat layer, it is also more difficult to feel the “pushing”. But its completeness does not affect the development of the fetus.

Closer to childbirth, the baby occupies an almost constant vertical position in the uterus with its head down and will move mainly with its legs. This baby can often give mom pain, discomfort.

Fetal movement during the second pregnancy: the norm

There is a belief among people that during a repeated “interesting” position, the child begins to “beat” 2-3, or even 4 weeks earlier than during the first one. The likelihood of this, of course, is high. This, as was written above, is simply explained: the expectant mother already knows how to distinguish the movements of the fetus from other sensations inside the body. In each waiting period, the baby pushed in the same way, but the woman still did not know how to distinguish his activity.

The developing fetus moves almost all the time, except for sleep. He makes about 200 movements per day during the period when the mother begins to feel them inside herself. From about 20 weeks, the child begins to move three times more actively. But as the size of the baby increases, there is less and less room for movement. Therefore, it seems to subside, and on the eve of childbirth, it almost completely calms down.

Actively moving the baby can cause hunger. For example, if a mother decides to go on a half-starved diet in order to maintain her figure, this can cause a riot in her stomach. A pregnant woman, on the contrary, needs to eat more often, and postpone diets for now. The developing fetus must receive adequate nutrition.

Just do not think that during the second pregnancy, the "beating" of the fetus must be felt at 16 weeks. And if a woman does not feel them yet, you should not worry about this. Even if movements are not felt even at 20-21 weeks, there is no need to worry. Pregnancy is a very, very personal process. It depends not only on the number of previous "interesting" provisions. It is influenced by the physical and mental state of the woman during this period.

Moreover, at 20 weeks, a control ultrasound is performed. After him, the doctor will tell you about the condition of the fetus.

Often, a woman dealing with her first child simply does not have enough time to listen to her feelings, especially if the first baby is still quite small. Therefore, the mother does not have time to pay full attention to herself and the future second child.

But if the baby in the tummy began to move actively at the first stage, and then “verse”, you must definitely go to the doctor and tell him about it.

A lot of working women may not feel movement even at 22 weeks. In the event that fetal movements are not felt, you can undergo an additional study, for example, a second ultrasound. After that, you can already judge the development of the baby.

Did the doctor conclude that the fetus is all right? What to worry about?

As a rule, at 24 weeks, the movements will become so noticeable that even a very busy or rather overweight mother will feel them. So the norm for the timing of sensations of fetal movements is different for each case.

Some women who are worried about their unborn child or say they feel abnormal, although the ultrasound showed nothing, are advised by doctors to keep a count of the number of movements in order to track changes in the baby's development and calm down. Doctors recommend recording and keeping a kind of diary or schedule of “shocks” with their data.

Thus, it is possible to control the movement of the fetus during the second pregnancy. We have already discussed how often the baby makes movements that are tangible for the mother at different stages of its development.

The frequency of tremors can tell a lot about the doctor. At a time when there was no ultrasound yet, doctors monitored the condition of the fetus by the number of movements. Yes, and the mother herself can determine whether everything is in order with her future baby, without resorting to additional examinations.

Methods for counting fetal movements

Doctors usually offer several methods of correct calculation to choose from.

Among them are the Pearson method, the Cardiff method and the Sadowski method. Doctors usually offer only such calculations only to those future mothers whom such a task will not confuse and will not make them nervous again. Therefore, this procedure should be applied only after talking with the doctor and agreeing that such a study is worth conducting. The number of fetal movements during the second pregnancy, as well as during the first, can tell the mother and the doctor whether additional observations are needed. After all, the development of the child is the same in all cases, if there are no deviations.

Anxiety should be caused by the results in the case when the movements of the fetus occur less than 10 times per hour. Although at some time of the day this can occur with the normal development of the baby. For example, when mom works physically or does gymnastics. Therefore, immediately after classes or sports loads, it is not recommended to count the number of movements of the child.

The methods for recording fetal movements are simple, do not require any special tools and instruments or complex calculations. There is only one drawback, which is that the future mothers themselves are counting.

Each woman feels individual feelings, describes the peculiar tremors of the baby in different ways. It is especially interesting to listen to the stories of "experienced" mothers about the movement of the fetus during the second pregnancy. The reviews are unanimous in only one thing: to feel the movements of tiny legs, arms, heads is a great happiness.

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Second pregnancy: movements

It is worth mentioning right away that the movements during the second pregnancy do not differ in anything special from other movements. The only difference is that it becomes easier for a woman in her second and subsequent pregnancies to distinguish the activity of the child from other processes occurring in the abdomen (for example, from intestinal disorders). This time, she will feel the first movements of the unborn baby much faster and will treat them calmly and joyfully.

What are fetal movements and how to distinguish them?

Movements are smooth jerky movements of the fetus that a pregnant woman begins to feel. As a rule, they appear from the 18th to the 20th week of pregnancy. These terms are very individual: for some, the child will begin to move earlier, for others later. This may depend on various factors:

  • From the psychological state of a woman;
  • From the characteristics of her nervous system and sensitivity;
  • From the weight of the pregnant woman (it is believed that women with less weight begin to feel movements earlier);
  • From the amount of water.

There is an opinion among doctors that the fetus begins to move in the uterus when its brain begins to function. Thus he manifests his first psychic activity. The first movements of the child are barely perceptible and rather chaotic - women describe them as "butterflies or fish in the stomach." After 20 weeks, the tremors become more active: the baby can move from one part of the abdomen to another.

Later, he begins to rest against the stomach with various parts of the body, while the tubercles on the stomach can become noticeable even to others. Closer to the date of birth, the child will take a certain position in the uterus (head down), and will make further movements with his feet. For a pregnant woman, such “kicks” can bring discomfort, but it quickly passes if you change position.

When do the first movements appear during the second pregnancy?

There is an opinion that fetal movements during the second pregnancy become noticeable 2-4 weeks earlier. There is a chance that a woman expecting a child for the second time may feel them as early as 16-17 weeks. As explained above, this is due to the fact that each time the expectant mother begins to more accurately distinguish the movements of the fetus from some other processes in the internal organs. During the first pregnancy, the fetus also moved during this period, but the woman could simply not feel, not pay attention to these changes.

But this does not mean that during the second pregnancy, you need to wait for stirring at the 16th week and worry if they are not there at that time. It is important to understand that this is a very individual process, which will depend not only on previous pregnancies, but also on the physical and psychological state of the woman at the moment.

What to do if there are no fetal movements during the second pregnancy?

If even at 20 or 21 weeks the movements do not begin, there is no reason for concern. At this time, a planned ultrasound is usually performed, and only after it the doctor will be able to tell you something about the condition of the child. Most often, due to excitement or inexperience, women may simply not notice the first movements, and this, of course, is not a reason for panic. At the same time, if the child began to move actively, and after some time the movements decreased, it is worth informing the attending physician about this.

What can strong fetal movements at night mean?

At night, a pregnant woman becomes more sensitive, listens more carefully to her feelings, and therefore concentrates more on them. If the mother feels that the movements increase at night, this may be due to the fact that she simply pays more attention to them. In the daytime, when a woman is more active and in constant motion, it is more difficult to distinguish between movements.

Is it necessary to count the number of movements during the second pregnancy?

Some doctors advise their patients to count fetal movements and keep a kind of diary. With the help of such graphs, the gynecologist, together with the pregnant woman, will be able to track and analyze the possible changes that occur with the child in time.

There are various methods for counting fetal movements during the second pregnancy and the first:

  • Pearson's method (movements are noted from 9 am to 9 pm, the time interval between the first and tenth movement is estimated);
  • Cardiff method (the first ten movements per day are counted, after which you can not mark the rest of the movements);
  • Sadowski method (counting movements after eating).

At the same time, there are doctors who do not consider it necessary to count movements and keep such schedules, since they can confuse especially sensitive expectant mothers and make them nervous for no reason. Therefore, it makes sense to mark movements only if you have agreed on this with the doctor and both see the need for it.

The main thing that is really worth remembering in both the first and second pregnancies, the movement of the child is his first physical contact with the mother. This is a great opportunity to start communicating with the baby, listen to him and learn something new about his feelings and individual characteristics, and not come up with new anxieties and worries. Excessive impatience in anticipation of the first pushes of the crumbs or, on the contrary, listening to his every activity can only tire and harm. The general recommendation of most obstetrician-gynecologists to expectant mothers is a careful attitude to their condition and a healthy interest in the child.

Fetal movements during second pregnancy

The first movements of the fetus not only bring a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy, happiness and excitement to the expectant mother. They are also one of the indicators of the normal development of the fetus, and this is where the whole hitch is. If during the first pregnancy a woman is still waiting for this mysterious sensation more in order to understand what it is like, then during the second, as she has already experienced, she will certainly try to draw conclusions if the baby is in no hurry to make herself known.

Moreover, almost every mother is aware that in multiparous women, the first movements of the fetus are observed earlier. When to expect them with a second pregnancy?

When does the baby start moving during the second pregnancy?

Speaking about the first movements of the fetus during the second pregnancy, one should not mean the first movements of the fetus, but the sensations of their mother, which she experiences for the first time. Because in reality, the baby begins to move much earlier than this moment. It's just that because of his incredibly tiny size and weight, mommy can't feel it yet.

The fetus begins to make its first movements inside the womb from 8-9 weeks. It does not even always touch the walls of the uterus, but even in such cases it is unrealistic to feel this touch, it is so small and tender.

These processes of intrauterine development do not depend on the number of pregnancies and always occur at the appointed time. Whether it is the first, second, third or eighth pregnancy, the fetus will begin to move around the beginning of the third obstetric month. But all women feel their baby for the first time at different times.

When are the first fetal movements felt during the second pregnancy?

The issue of feeling the first movements of the fetus during pregnancy is very ambiguous. You can feel them completely at different times, and in most cases this will be the norm. For example, already at 24 weeks old, babies are able to be so strong and active that even other family members can feel their jolts from the inside by placing a hand on their mother's tummy. At the same time, the other "partisans" sit silently in their bellies and show no signs by this time.

There is evidence that for a period of 20 weeks, the fetus makes about 200 movements per day. But it is not at all necessary for the mother to feel them.

In obstetrics, for the manifestation of the first movements of the fetus, the period from 16 to 24 weeks is indicated: if a woman feels the first movements of the fetus in this interval, then there is nothing to worry about. But this is only a golden mean or an approximate range. In fact, your feelings may go beyond his time frame.

One of the most anticipated moments of expectant mothers is the beginning of the movement of the fetus. Pregnant women feel the first activity of the baby in the second trimester. It is important to fix the first push so that the gynecologist can determine the most accurate date for the birth of the child.

At what time can you feel the movement of the child

The movement of the fetus begins earlier than the expectant mother can recognize it. At what stage of pregnancy does the baby start to move? In the mother's womb, the baby shows the first activity on average at 8 weeks - at this time, the formation of muscle tissues of the crumbs responsible for motor functions takes place. Since at 2 months the baby is still too small, and its movements are chaotic and convulsive, the woman does not have the sensations associated with this. This is also due to the fact that the amniotic fluid serves as a buffer for shocks.

Over time, the baby grows, reaching a size at which tremors begin to be felt by a woman. The expectant mother will be able to recognize the first tremors at 18-22 weeks. However, this indicator is individual for each and depends on many aspects:

  • how many births she survived (primiparous longer do not feel that the baby began to kick);
  • whether the fat layer on the peritoneum is significant (thin girls begin to feel how the baby is pushing early);
  • How is the pregnancy going?
  • what position is the baby in;
  • features of the location of the placenta (lower or upper abdomen);
  • what is the psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother, pr.

When does the fetus begin to move during the first pregnancy

For each woman, this is individual, but there are certain limits for how long the child's movement is felt. As a rule, during the first pregnancy, this becomes noticeable closer to the 20th week. At this time, the baby makes about two hundred movements per day, and up to 32 weeks this number increases to 600. Experts attribute this to the growth of the crumbs. Most of the pushing, the expectant mother does not even feel.

If the child pushes, this is considered the norm, however, too active behavior that causes pain, or, conversely, excessive passivity may indicate fetal hypoxia (acute or chronic). In addition, changes in how the baby moves sometimes indicate a violation of the volume of amniotic fluid:

  • with oligohydramnios, there is an exacerbation of soreness when the baby moves;
  • with polyhydramnios, the expectant mother ceases to feel how the child is pushing.

When do movements begin in subsequent pregnancies

The question of at what stage of pregnancy the fetus begins to move does not imply a definite answer: girls feel it at different times. As a rule, the first sensations during the second and subsequent pregnancies occur at 18-20 weeks. For a period of 24 weeks, the baby can kick so hard and actively that even close people feel the jolts, putting their hand on the belly of the expectant mother. Other babies behave very quietly in the womb, so they may not bother the woman at all.

It is believed that multiparous girls begin to feel internal movements earlier than those who have become pregnant for the first time. This is due to the fact that during the second or third pregnancy, the woman already has some experience and can recognize even slight tremors. Unlike multiparous, first-time pregnant women often do not attach much importance to weak movements in the abdomen, interpreting them as normal intestinal motility.

The period of pregnancy is one of the happiest moments for every woman. But with her onset, the expectant mother has many different questions with which she turns to the doctor. One of them - how many months does the baby start moving in the stomach?

When should I expect fetal movement?

A woman in position can identify such violations on her own. To do this, she should use the "count to 10" technique. From the 28th week of pregnancy, count the movements of the fetus in the interval from 9 to 21 hours. The tenth is recorded in a special card. In the event that the fetus is inactive or in 12 hours the number of shocks is more than 15, you need to consult a doctor.

If for a while the child behaves quietly, do not panic, because such a lull may be temporary. The crumb can be stirred. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • Lie on your back and lie still for a while. In most cases, after 5 minutes, the fetus will begin to push.
  • Lie on your side and stay in this position for 10-15 minutes. For the baby, this position is uncomfortable, so most often he will start to push.
  • While lying on your back, stroke your stomach, talk to your child, sing a song to him or read a fairy tale. This will not only get him to push, but it will also help you establish close contact with you.
  • Take a contrast shower, paying special attention to the abdomen.
  • Go down or up the stairs, do some breathing or physical exercises.

If within 12 hours you do not feel the movements of the fetus, show yourself to a specialist observing you.

For every woman, the day when her baby began to move in her stomach is a special event. After all, this is what allows you to truly feel that a new life is developing inside. You now know how many weeks the fetal movement begins and how it happens. Baby pushing is a way to communicate with mom while still in the womb. Soon you will be able to understand how the child reacts to your voice and loved ones, different foods, time of day, your mood and much more. If you have any concerns about fetal movements, contact your doctor. No need to listen to the advice of friends, because the body of each woman is individual and the course of pregnancy for each woman proceeds differently. I wish you easy pregnancy and successful delivery!

Answers to popular questions from our pediatrician

Is it possible, because of the subcutaneous fat layer, not to hear the movements of the baby?

The movement of the fetus in each pregnant woman is perceived differently and depends on many factors: what kind of pregnancy, placenta attachment, external factors, nutrition, mother's emotions, daily routine, and physique. Each pregnant woman describes this phenomenon in her own way: someone compares it with the movement of a fish, someone with a gurgle, and someone seems to have something rolling inside. A baby's sensation of movement in utero may vary, as physical build and subcutaneous fat thickness may impair sensitivity, however cannot completely rule it out. The absence of movement serves as an alarming bell, let me remind you that in primiparous women, the first perception of intrauterine movement should occur at 20 obstetric weeks, in multiparous women at 16-18 weeks. If you do not feel fetal movement, you should consult a doctor. And also do not ignore scheduled examinations in order to timely identify possible complications of gestation.

When the expectant mother feels the baby, this does not mean that he has just begun to move. He did this before, only he was so small that his movements were not felt.
The baby begins to move from the 8th week, but at this time he swims in the amniotic fluid. Its development does not depend on the number of mother's pregnancies, but the timing when movements are felt may vary.

The nuances of the flow depend both on the mother's body and on the characteristics of the development of the child. It becomes quite active by the 20th week of its development. On the day he makes up to 200 movements. Putting your hand on your stomach, you can feel the feedback. It is at this moment that a woman truly feels the presence of a new life in her body, feels a connection with a child. This term is rather arbitrary. A child may not be active for quite some time, but this does not mean that he is underdeveloped.

The waiting period for the first manifestations of physical activity can be indicated for a period of 16 to 24 weeks. An experienced mother can pay attention to them earlier than a primiparous woman. And it may seem to her that the second child began to actively move 2-4 weeks earlier than the first-born. Often the first movements of the little one are taken for the work of the intestines. And vice versa, before the specified period, intestinal activity can be mistaken for the movement of the baby. So, women who “feel” movements at 12-13 weeks of pregnancy are most likely mistaken.

For activity, the child must accumulate enough strength, and in order to be felt, he must rest his legs and arms against the walls of the uterus. The weight of the fetus affects the time of appearance of obvious signs of activity. During the second pregnancy, the baby is almost always larger, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl. If a woman is thin, then the thin walls of the peritoneum will quickly transmit movements from the inside.

Do not worry if there is no movement until 24-25 weeks. The kid can just be calm, he is quite comfortable and convenient. Nothing worries him. If you are still worried, an ultrasound examination or listening to the baby's heartbeat by a gynecologist will help dispel doubts. In any case, you should not miss planned examinations with a doctor. He monitors the condition of the baby, the parameters of his development, the presence of pathologies. Yes, and in the state of the body of the woman herself, there may be changes and complications associated with pregnancy. To prevent their development, to receive treatment on time, you need to constantly keep in touch with the doctor who is watching you.

The movements of the little one can be irregular, especially at the beginning of activity. He can hide for several days. And this is quite normal. He moves most vigorously at 28-30 weeks.