Ecumenical conspiracy eternal date collection tatyana ustinova. "Universal conspiracy. Eternal date (collection)" Tatyana Ustinova

Russian language

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 243

Brief description of the book Universal Conspiracy:

The book will tell readers about the adventures of Marusya and Grisha, childhood friends. It all started with an innocent date at the planetarium. Grisha dragged his girlfriend, promising a lot of emotions and a lot of interesting information. Of course, the girl did not refuse, because the girl is an ordinary French teacher, where she can live much more boringly. However, young people find the corpse of an educated ufologist in the corridor, the man talked to the guys a few minutes ago and was more alive than all the living, unaware of his own death. Who coveted the professor's life? Definitely, an insidious someone - from the planet Earth, it was blamed on aliens. A suspicious dangerous business will be taken up by our couple, tired of the dullness of everyday life and having a craving for adventurism. Together they will find the killer and find out the reason for the murder.

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The investigation is conducted by Marusya and Grisha - 2

Marusya threw open both sashes of the window, rested her elbows on the sill and propped her cheeks on her hands.

Well! .. Although summer is almost over, the sun is still hot, it smells of dill - apparently, Aunt Lida is going to roll up tomatoes today - music is playing at the neighbors, soft, melodic, branches are burning somewhere, it pulls with smoke.

There was a basket of apples on a bench under the window, with a dusty squash on top. Marusya leaned out of the window, sniffed loudly from her uncomfortable position, rummaged through the basket, and chose a better apple. She nestled on the windowsill with her legs - in a romantic way - she thought about which side to take, and took a bite. The apple turned out to be juicy, crunchy, the juice flowed down the chin. Such apples are only in August or early September. Neither the early ones - soft, weak, with loose pulp, nor the late ones - strong, hard, as if dry, cannot be compared with these, August ones! ..

Marusya was chewing on an apple and admiring her aunt's garden. Lydia Vitalievna was very fond of flowers, but she planted them not like everyone else - in the flower beds - but right in the grass. It turned out very beautiful! .. A green lawn, and in the middle suddenly an island of yellow roses, then dahlias on high and hard legs, and behind them asters - paints, like in the paintings of the Impressionists, and some other pink flowers, which my aunt called "a broken heart ". They really looked like pink hearts. At the university where Marusya taught French, the girls pasted exactly the same hearts on notebooks, only they were certainly shiny.

Got up? shouted Aunt Lida from somewhere. - Finally! Wash your face, have breakfast and go out! .. I cut the dill, today we will close the tomatoes.

Marusya sighed. She didn't want to close the tomatoes.

She looked at the remains of the apple from all sides, thought, and also chewed the core. His mouth was bitter from brown shiny bones. It's so tasty sometimes to eat an apple with a core!

Father promised to come, - continued the invisible aunt. You didn't call him, will he?

She called, - Marusya answered under her breath. - He scolded me for not washing the curtains and now there is dust at home! And I washed. We just always have dust.

What are you muttering?

Nothing! Marusya said loudly in the direction of the currant bushes. - Aunt, did Grisha get up?

Grisha yours has long gone to Yegorievsk for the boards.

He's not mine," Marusya muttered again under her breath.

A?! Speak louder, you can't hear it! He started his motorcycle and left! You have us one healthy sleep!

Grisha followed her on vacation, and now her aunt reproached Marusya every now and then! .. Grisha this, Grisha that! Marusya could not understand what happened to Grisha! .. He seemed to have never been distinguished by a passion for chores, but then he suddenly distinguished himself! For the whole day I found something to do, Marusya did not see him at all! Now he cleans the well, then he ventilates the cellar, and first he pulls out barrels and boxes from there, then he suddenly undertook to beat the compost fence. Aunt Lida kept moaning that she was losing excellent "natural" fertilizer - potato peelings, cucumber tops, rotten tomatoes, cabbage leaves, mowed grass, dust left after cleaning mushrooms, and so on - and all this would have made excellent humus. Grisha expressed his readiness to immediately build a box for "excellent humus", and please - drove off to Yegoryevsk! .. And it's not close to him, which means he won't arrive soon.

... Here's a childhood friend for you! Marusya hoped, he went on purpose so that she would not get bored at the dacha, but it turns out that he went to beat the boxes and dig the beds!

Tatyana Ustinova

Universal conspiracy. Eternal Date (compilation)

© Ustinova T., 2016

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2016

* * *

universal conspiracy

- What are you so dressed up for?

Marusya tucked her cup into the saucer and looked at herself. She always got a little lost when her father started talking to her in a menacing voice. He was accepted every now and then, and she was lost every now and then! ..

– What is it? she asked carefully.

- Never mind! - said the father and flared his nostrils. - Is it a modern fashion, to walk naked ?!

- Dad, your side hurts, or what?

He poured himself some tea, sat down, and aimed a tenacious colonel's gaze at his daughter. Marusya knew - when he looks with a "colonel's" look, do not expect good. It means that his side hurts, and he didn’t sleep at night, and his mood is terrible, and she is to blame for everything! ..

Marusya and modern fashion.

"You're a grown man," the father continued. - You're not just anyone!.. You teach students French! And you dress like... like...

She sighed softly and briefly.

- As if you work in a striptease, and not at the university!

“Ah… don’t you like it?” Top or bottom?

- I don't like anything! Where is the top, where is the bottom? One naked body around! March to change!

– Did you hear me?

Oh my god. This is his favorite expression since Marusya's childhood, which did not bode well! “My daughter will be making music, did you hear me?” - and Marusya dragged herself to solfeggio and to the choir, although she had neither hearing nor voice. “This quarter should have fives not only in basic subjects, but also in physical education! My daughter can't be a jerk! Did you hear me? - and Marusya, shedding tears and bleeding her palms, slid down the rope and slammed her booty on a hard dusty mat and climbed again. “This year we are on holiday with my colleagues. They go kayaking on Chaya. My daughter should enjoy her holidays! Did you hear me? - and Marusya, instead of lying in a hammock with her aunt on the site, dragged a pood backpack on her skinny shoulders and washed her legs to the meat with tourist boots.

“Your job is to listen to your father,” my aunt said when Marusya complained to her about her difficult fate. - He raised you alone, put his whole life on you! You are his hope and support, so be kind! ..

Many years have passed since then, Marusya has long grown up and stopped complaining, and realized that nothing will ever change, but this question - “Did you hear me?” - still evoked in her melancholy and horror.

“I'll change,” she said. - Dont worry. If your side hurts, take a pill, there on the left side in the box, you know? .. And I'll cook porridge for you now.

Father sniffed over the tea, shrugged his shoulders, glanced sideways at her, and reached for the medicine. So it is! .. I wasted all night, now everything is not thank God, and she is to blame.

- Where are you going?

– Eh?.. Here is some water, drink it. To the planetarium, dad. Grisha should come in now.

Sergei Vitalievich jerked his head and made a movement with his throat so that the tablet with a guarantee slipped where it should, and said conciliatoryly:

The planetarium is good. This is useful. That's right, Marusya.

In fact, the stupid planetarium was invented by Grisha, and not at all by her! .. Grisha said that he had to go, there was some kind of lecture today. He rode by on a trolleybus, saw an ad. Let's go together, said Grisha, first to the lecture, and then we'll drink coffee somewhere! ..

…Actually, it was all about coffee. On a summer Sunday afternoon, Marusya was not very drawn to the planetarium, but coffee ... “Drink coffee” is a completely magical phrase for any modern girl. There is something very correct and beautiful in it, like from a glossy magazine. Every now and then, the gentleman invited his friend Dasha to “drink coffee”, and each time she told how it was, posted photos of coffee, buns and a gentleman on Instagram, collected “likes” and “comments”, “shared with friends”. After all, it is very, very important to discuss your coffee, your roll and your boyfriend with the largest number of strangers!

Dasha taught Marusya life somewhat ... down, although she was listed as her best friend. Dasha, of course, has achieved much greater success: she has a gentleman, quite constant and "reliable", is about to make an offer - pah-pah-pah! .. The entire department of French at the university is looking forward to the proposal and setting the date of the wedding. Maria Nikitichna keeps talking about the fact that a dress for a wedding needs to be sewn, and not bought ready-made. Marusa is far, far from such success. She only has Grisha, and which one of him is ... a gentleman? So, a childhood friend, a neighbor in the country, a modest engineer from TsAGI, twenty-eight thousand rubles plus bonuses. Even in the sense of coffee, you can’t clear up! Well, at least he needed to go to the planetarium, otherwise they wouldn’t go for another month, and there’s nothing to post on Instagram!

Absolutely nothing and no one.

Putting the porridge on the fire, Marusya dragged herself to change clothes. Nothing can be done - dad said, and she heard him. What to wear, huh?.. She pulled off her jeans - new, not yet worn, with completely chaste holes - put them on the bed and even stroked them. She liked them so much!.. In such jeans, it is not a shame to go “for coffee” to the most glamorous and fashionable place, and in general to go anywhere! Marusya bought them, saving up money from students, in the most expensive and central Moscow store, but she didn’t say anything to her dad! .. She knew that nothing good would come of it. And she took off her T-shirt - light, silk, on the straps - and attached it so that a set turned out on the bed. And I admired a little - beautiful and very summery.

– Marina! Father shouted from the kitchen. – Where are you stuck! Now everything will run away!

Marusya gasped, somehow put on a dressing gown and rushed off to save the porridge.

– What are you? Haven't changed yet? The world has never seen such unorganized aunts! I would have gathered five times! In the army, training is given ...

Everything that concerned the army, Marusya passed by her ears. She stirred the porridge and wondered how to replace jeans with a T-shirt. There are few options. There is a sundress, but it is old and nothing interesting at all. There is a skirt, but they are worse than bitter radish during the school year, these skirts! .. There is also a dress, but it had to be dry-cleaned in the fall, but Marusya forgot ...

The doorbell rang.

Marusya threw down the spoon and rushed to her room. This is for sure Grisha, and she is in a dressing gown!

Hurriedly putting on a sundress - old and nothing interesting at all - Marusya listened to the voices in the kitchen. My father was bassing something impressive and long, and Grisha answered in a thinner and shorter way. I wonder if she turned off the porridge? .. Or will she have to clean the stove now?

- Pa-up! Turn off the porridge!

Maruska, hello!

- Hello! Dad, porridge!

- What is porridge? I already eat it!

Marusya pulled out her tail, which fell under a sundress, looked in the mirror, sighed and went to the kitchen.

"Don't be too late," her father warned when she appeared on the threshold. - Tomorrow is a workday.

I'm on vacation soon, dad.

- Who cares?! Discipline is discipline! Vacation will pass you will not notice how, and then what? Then it is a hundred times more difficult to organize yourself.

- We won't be long, Sergey Vitalievich!

It was fresh outside, and Marusya regretted that she had not taken a sweater with her. Grisha pulled her by the strap of the bag:

He had such a manner, which irritated Marusya very much - he always tried to carry her handbag. She said a hundred times: no need, I myself! .. A man with a handbag on his shoulder looks ... how should I put it ... ridiculous and strange, and not at all sexy! .. However, even without a bag, Grisha looked ... yes, so yourself, especially in terms of sexuality.

Don't post on Instagram. You won't get likes.

- No need, Grishka, I'm on my own! She is quite small, you see. I always have a light bag on weekends!..

– But how? The man must carry the bags! When I was a child, my grandmother took out the whole brain with these bags.

- This is when they are heavy. And mine is easy.

Grisha looked doubtfully at her pink handbag.

“You better tell me,” Marusya suggested hurriedly, “what is there, in this planetarium? .. Why are we going there?

A childhood friend suddenly cheered up:

- There's a lecture about alien civilizations. And I love any such nonsense!

- What kind of nonsense do you like?

- Well, that's all this - about civilizations, about the Mayan peoples. About crop circles is also good! Never seen on the Internet? A field, and suddenly mysterious circles appear on it at night! .. And everyone rushes about - combine harvesters, tractor drivers, shepherds and various swindlers from science - and check which way the ears are bent. And from this draw all sorts of conclusions.

- No, it's just ridiculous.

“Ah,” drawled Marusya.

Grisha adjusted his glasses on his nose. He apparently shaved hastily or thought while shaving about alien civilizations, because he had a cut on his cheek, islands of hair on his neck, and where he had shaved, his skin was red and irritated. Mary sighed and turned away.

Tatyana Ustinova

Universal conspiracy. Eternal Date (compilation)

© Ustinova T., 2016

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2016

universal conspiracy

- What are you so dressed up for?

Marusya tucked her cup into the saucer and looked at herself. She always got a little lost when her father started talking to her in a menacing voice. He was accepted every now and then, and she was lost every now and then! ..

– What is it? she asked carefully.

- Never mind! - said the father and flared his nostrils. - Is it a modern fashion, to walk naked ?!

- Dad, your side hurts, or what?

He poured himself some tea, sat down, and aimed a tenacious colonel's gaze at his daughter. Marusya knew - when he looks with a "colonel's" look, do not expect good. It means that his side hurts, and he didn’t sleep at night, and his mood is terrible, and she is to blame for everything! ..

Marusya and modern fashion.

"You're a grown man," the father continued. - You're not just anyone!.. You teach students French! And you dress like... like...

She sighed softly and briefly.

- As if you work in a striptease, and not at the university!

“Ah… don’t you like it?” Top or bottom?

- I don't like anything! Where is the top, where is the bottom? One naked body around! March to change!

– Did you hear me?

Oh my god. This is his favorite expression since Marusya's childhood, which did not bode well! “My daughter will be making music, did you hear me?” - and Marusya dragged herself to solfeggio and to the choir, although she had neither hearing nor voice. “This quarter should have fives not only in basic subjects, but also in physical education! My daughter can't be a jerk! Did you hear me? - and Marusya, shedding tears and bleeding her palms, slid down the rope and slammed her booty on a hard dusty mat and climbed again. “This year we are on holiday with my colleagues. They go kayaking on Chaya. My daughter should enjoy her holidays! Did you hear me? - and Marusya, instead of lying in a hammock with her aunt on the site, dragged a pood backpack on her skinny shoulders and washed her legs to the meat with tourist boots.

“Your job is to listen to your father,” my aunt said when Marusya complained to her about her difficult fate. - He raised you alone, put his whole life on you! You are his hope and support, so be kind! ..

Many years have passed since then, Marusya has long grown up and stopped complaining, and realized that nothing will ever change, but this question - “Did you hear me?” - still evoked in her melancholy and horror.

“I'll change,” she said. - Dont worry. If your side hurts, take a pill, there on the left side in the box, you know? .. And I'll cook porridge for you now.

Father sniffed over the tea, shrugged his shoulders, glanced sideways at her, and reached for the medicine. So it is! .. I wasted all night, now everything is not thank God, and she is to blame.

- Where are you going?

– Eh?.. Here is some water, drink it. To the planetarium, dad. Grisha should come in now.

Sergei Vitalievich jerked his head and made a movement with his throat so that the tablet with a guarantee slipped where it should, and said conciliatoryly:

The planetarium is good. This is useful. That's right, Marusya.

In fact, the stupid planetarium was invented by Grisha, and not at all by her! .. Grisha said that he had to go, there was some kind of lecture today. He rode by on a trolleybus, saw an ad. Let's go together, said Grisha, first to the lecture, and then we'll drink coffee somewhere! ..

…Actually, it was all about coffee. On a summer Sunday afternoon, Marusya was not very drawn to the planetarium, but coffee ... “Drink coffee” is a completely magical phrase for any modern girl. There is something very correct and beautiful in it, like from a glossy magazine. Every now and then, the gentleman invited his friend Dasha to “drink coffee”, and each time she told how it was, posted photos of coffee, buns and a gentleman on Instagram, collected “likes” and “comments”, “shared with friends”. After all, it is very, very important to discuss your coffee, your roll and your boyfriend with the largest number of strangers!

Dasha taught Marusya life somewhat ... down, although she was listed as her best friend. Dasha, of course, has achieved much greater success: she has a gentleman, quite constant and "reliable", is about to make an offer - pah-pah-pah! .. The entire department of French at the university is looking forward to the proposal and setting the date of the wedding. Maria Nikitichna keeps talking about the fact that a dress for a wedding needs to be sewn, and not bought ready-made. Marusa is far, far from such success. She only has Grisha, and which one of him is ... a gentleman? So, a childhood friend, a neighbor in the country, a modest engineer from TsAGI, twenty-eight thousand rubles plus bonuses. Even in the sense of coffee, you can’t clear up! Well, at least he needed to go to the planetarium, otherwise they wouldn’t go for another month, and there’s nothing to post on Instagram!

- What are you so dressed up for?

Marusya tucked her cup into the saucer and looked at herself. She always got a little lost when her father started talking to her in a menacing voice. He was accepted every now and then, and she was lost every now and then! ..

– What is it? she asked carefully.

- Never mind! - said the father and flared his nostrils. - Is it a modern fashion, to walk naked ?!

- Dad, your side hurts, or what?

He poured himself some tea, sat down, and aimed a tenacious colonel's gaze at his daughter. Marusya knew - when he looks with a "colonel's" look, do not expect good. It means that his side hurts, and he didn’t sleep at night, and his mood is terrible, and she is to blame for everything! ..

Marusya and modern fashion.

"You're a grown man," the father continued. - You're not just anyone!.. You teach students French! And you dress like... like...

She sighed softly and briefly.

- As if you work in a striptease, and not at the university!

“Ah… don’t you like it?” Top or bottom?

- I don't like anything! Where is the top, where is the bottom? One naked body around! March to change!

– Did you hear me?

Oh my god. This is his favorite expression since Marusya's childhood, which did not bode well! “My daughter will be making music, did you hear me?” - and Marusya dragged herself to solfeggio and to the choir, although she had neither hearing nor voice. “This quarter should have fives not only in basic subjects, but also in physical education! My daughter can't be a jerk! Did you hear me? - and Marusya, shedding tears and bleeding her palms, slid down the rope and slammed her booty on a hard dusty mat and climbed again. “This year we are on holiday with my colleagues. They go kayaking on Chaya. My daughter should enjoy her holidays! Did you hear me? - and Marusya, instead of lying in a hammock with her aunt on the site, dragged a pood backpack on her skinny shoulders and washed her legs to the meat with tourist boots.

“Your job is to listen to your father,” my aunt said when Marusya complained to her about her difficult fate. - He raised you alone, put his whole life on you! You are his hope and support, so be kind! ..

Many years have passed since then, Marusya has long grown up and stopped complaining, and realized that nothing will ever change, but this question - “Did you hear me?” - still evoked in her melancholy and horror.

“I'll change,” she said. - Dont worry. If your side hurts, take a pill, there on the left side in the box, you know? .. And I'll cook porridge for you now.

Father sniffed over the tea, shrugged his shoulders, glanced sideways at her, and reached for the medicine. So it is! .. I wasted all night, now everything is not thank God, and she is to blame.

- Where are you going?

– Eh?.. Here is some water, drink it. To the planetarium, dad. Grisha should come in now.

Sergei Vitalievich jerked his head and made a movement with his throat so that the tablet with a guarantee slipped where it should, and said conciliatoryly:

The planetarium is good. This is useful. That's right, Marusya.

In fact, the stupid planetarium was invented by Grisha, and not at all by her! .. Grisha said that he had to go, there was some kind of lecture today. He rode by on a trolleybus, saw an ad. Let's go together, said Grisha, first to the lecture, and then we'll drink coffee somewhere! ..

…Actually, it was all about coffee. On a summer Sunday afternoon, Marusya was not very drawn to the planetarium, but coffee ... “Drink coffee” is a completely magical phrase for any modern girl. There is something very correct and beautiful in it, like from a glossy magazine. Every now and then, the gentleman invited his friend Dasha to “drink coffee”, and each time she told how it was, posted photos of coffee, buns and a gentleman on Instagram, collected “likes” and “comments”, “shared with friends”. After all, it is very, very important to discuss your coffee, your roll and your boyfriend with the largest number of strangers!

Dasha taught Marusya life somewhat ... down, although she was listed as her best friend. Dasha, of course, has achieved much greater success: she has a gentleman, quite constant and "reliable", is about to make an offer - pah-pah-pah! .. The entire department of French at the university is looking forward to the proposal and setting the date of the wedding. Maria Nikitichna keeps talking about the fact that a dress for a wedding needs to be sewn, and not bought ready-made. Marusa is far, far from such success. She only has Grisha, and which one of him is ... a gentleman? So, a childhood friend, a neighbor in the country, a modest engineer from TsAGI, twenty-eight thousand rubles plus bonuses. Even in the sense of coffee, you can’t clear up! Well, at least he needed to go to the planetarium, otherwise they wouldn’t go for another month, and there’s nothing to post on Instagram!

Absolutely nothing and no one.

Putting the porridge on the fire, Marusya dragged herself to change clothes. Nothing can be done - dad said, and she heard him. What to wear, huh?.. She pulled off her jeans - new, not yet worn, with completely chaste holes - put them on the bed and even stroked them. She liked them so much!.. In such jeans, it is not a shame to go “for coffee” to the most glamorous and fashionable place, and in general to go anywhere! Marusya bought them, saving up money from students, in the most expensive and central Moscow store, but she didn’t say anything to her dad! .. She knew that nothing good would come of it. And she took off her T-shirt - light, silk, on the straps - and attached it so that a set turned out on the bed. And I admired a little - beautiful and very summery.

– Marina! Father shouted from the kitchen. – Where are you stuck! Now everything will run away!

Marusya gasped, somehow put on a dressing gown and rushed off to save the porridge.

– What are you? Haven't changed yet? The world has never seen such unorganized aunts! I would have gathered five times! In the army, training is given ...

Everything that concerned the army, Marusya passed by her ears. She stirred the porridge and wondered how to replace jeans with a T-shirt. There are few options. There is a sundress, but it is old and nothing interesting at all. There is a skirt, but they are worse than bitter radish during the school year, these skirts! .. There is also a dress, but it had to be dry-cleaned in the fall, but Marusya forgot ...

The doorbell rang.

Marusya threw down the spoon and rushed to her room. This is for sure Grisha, and she is in a dressing gown!

Hurriedly putting on a sundress - old and nothing interesting at all - Marusya listened to the voices in the kitchen. My father was bassing something impressive and long, and Grisha answered in a thinner and shorter way. I wonder if she turned off the porridge? .. Or will she have to clean the stove now?

- Pa-up! Turn off the porridge!

Maruska, hello!

- Hello! Dad, porridge!

- What is porridge? I already eat it!

Marusya pulled out her tail, which fell under a sundress, looked in the mirror, sighed and went to the kitchen.

"Don't be too late," her father warned when she appeared on the threshold. - Tomorrow is a workday.

I'm on vacation soon, dad.

- Who cares?! Discipline is discipline! Vacation will pass you will not notice how, and then what? Then it is a hundred times more difficult to organize yourself.

- We won't be long, Sergey Vitalievich!

It was fresh outside, and Marusya regretted that she had not taken a sweater with her. Grisha pulled her by the strap of the bag:

He had such a manner, which irritated Marusya very much - he always tried to carry her handbag. She said a hundred times: no need, I myself! .. A man with a handbag on his shoulder looks ... how should I put it ... ridiculous and strange, and not at all sexy! .. However, even without a bag, Grisha looked ... yes, so yourself, especially in terms of sexuality.

Don't post on Instagram. You won't get likes.

- No need, Grishka, I'm on my own! She is quite small, you see. I always have a light bag on weekends!..

– But how? The man must carry the bags! When I was a child, my grandmother took out the whole brain with these bags.