Apple saved: all about the holiday (7 photos). Apple spas: the history of the holiday and traditions

Apple Savior is a folk holiday dedicated to the Orthodox celebration of the Transfiguration of the Lord. This day is one of the most significant church holidays and falls on the strict Dormition Fast.

Apple Savior is celebrated every year on August 19th. On this day, Orthodox Christians go to church to bless apples and other fruits of the new harvest, including ears of corn, which become a strong home amulet.

history of the holiday

The pagan holiday passed into the Christian religion, and the traditions of our ancestors were closely intertwined with church canons and customs. The apples consecrated on this day, according to popular belief, possessed exceptional power, capable of returning beauty, health and happiness to every person.

The church holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord is called the Savior on the Mountain. It was on this day, exactly 40 days before the crucifixion, that Jesus and his disciples climbed Mount Tabor. Jesus began to pray, and his face was lit up with an unearthly light, and his clothes were transformed into snow-white. So Jesus was transformed in front of his disciples, revealing to them his true destiny.

Returning to the people, Jesus forbade telling his followers about the miracle that had taken place and commanded them to start picking apples, which had to be consecrated before the face of the Lord.

Traditions of the day

Apple Savior begins with a morning service in the church. During the service, the priests bring a cross to the center of the temple so that everyone can bow and pay tribute to the Lord. Then the procession and the consecration of the fruits of the new harvest take place. Parishioners dress in white clothes for the service - a symbol of transformation and the beginning of a new stage in their life path.

On the day of the holiday, all housewives bake sweet treats using apples, which were placed on the festive table after the service. On this day, they began to prepare jam and dried fruits.

One of the main traditions of the Apple Savior is to treat those in need with apples. A visit to the cemetery was also obligatory, where relatives left fruits on the graves of their loved ones.

Apple Savior in folk traditions meant the beginning of autumn and was accompanied by the harvest of wheat, the preparation of medicinal raw materials for the winter. On this day, clear weather foreshadowed a harsh winter, and rain foreshadowed a dank, cold autumn.

Dormition Fast, during which Apple Savior is celebrated - a time of rigor and spiritual growth. Use this period to cleanse your soul of negativity through abstinence and sincere prayers. We wish you happiness and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

14.08.2017 06:58

The Day of the Transfiguration of the Lord is a bright holiday, which is celebrated annually on August 19. Find out what traditions this...

In the last month of summer, Orthodox believers celebrate three major holidays, three Spas - Honey, Apple and Bread. Find out, ...

Necessarily present in the folk calendar of the Slavs. It is celebrated with great pleasure by both Orthodox and Catholics. Falls on 6 (August 19). The last month of summer is a harbinger of the onset of golden autumn, after which Mother Winter is not far away. August is also the time of active harvesting of the first fruits of the harvest, in the name of which the villagers have been working tirelessly since early spring. So Apple Saved, as a holiday, is closely connected with the first replenishment of the bins. By the way, before the Apple Savior, the Slavs did not eat these fragrant fruits, drunk with the juice of the earth. But it was allowed to pluck them and light them, however, like other fruits grown by the end of the summer.

By name Apple saved many faces

Many call him simply Spas. Others - with the prefix - Great. Third - Second saved. Or - Transformation. Transfiguration. Feast of First Fruits. There is also a Gorokhov day. Osenins. Great rescue. Belarusians have a name almost consonant with ours - Yablochni saved. Great rescue. Syaradni saved. Saved others. The Serbs call him almost, as in one of the cases we, Transfiguration. Bulgarians - Pribrizine, Sotir, Stratir. But with all the different readings, the essence of the Apple Savior is the same - we sincerely wish it, because it replenished and replenishes the empty barns and storages of vegetables and fruits with the fruits of the new harvest, which, if we were lucky with the weather and other conditions for ripening, were enough for the long months of autumn and winter. On this day, by the way, not only apples were illuminated in churches and temples, but also honey, ears of corn and seeds for a new future harvest. And in fact, in Russia, other Slavic countries celebrate three savior. True, at different times, but all in August: Honey saved - on the 14th, Apple, as we already called the date - 6 (19), and nut saved - on August 29.

Popular beliefs associated with Apple Savior

Human life is not eternal. All of us, sooner or later, will go to the Skyward Heights. Or rather, our bodies after death will be buried in the earth, and our souls will fly away from it. It happens, to the great grief of fathers and mothers, that the ruthless Old Woman with a scythe takes with her very small children. On this account, there is a belief that in the next world (if the living parents did not eat fragrant and tasty fruits before the Apple Savior), gifts are given to their deceased children in Heaven, including heavenly apples. But children whose fathers and mothers violated the ban are not given heavenly apples. That is why many parents, whose children have died untimely, consider it a great sin for themselves to eat apples before the Second Savior. On the morning of this holy day, women whose children had died were to take several fruits to the temple of God, illuminate them and take them to the graves of the buried children. If the graveyard with dead children is far from the places where the parents live, or worse, the location of the grave is not known at all (during the Great Patriotic War, the Nazis, not only at home, razed entire cemeteries to the ground, and at that time even a song sounded: " If I die, I die - they will bury me, and no one will know where my grave is! Or leave apples in the church. Many, after lighting apples, now go to churchyards to the graves of relatives, and delight their souls with ruddy or green-pink apples.
There was and still is another custom in the village. Unmarried beautiful girls, impatiently wanting to get married, saved at Apple, broke their fast with apples and, zealously thinking about their betrothed, they said: "What is guessed is planned. What is planned will come true. What will come true will not pass!"
On the day of the Apple Savior, it was customary, which is still being done now, to bake pies with apples, pancakes stuffed with finely chopped fruits, or it was possible with mushrooms and berries - it was not forbidden.

On the same Apple Savior, it was customary (this custom still exists) to see off the sunset in the field. With songs, round dances. And everyone went up the hill. Watching the sunset in awe. As soon as it, crimson, touched the horizon, all conversations stopped in an instant, and those gathered to see the sunset sang together and loudly: "Sun, sun, wait: gentlemen boyars from Veliky Novgorod have come to feast on Spasov Day!". Among the southern and western Slavs, Apple Spas was considered the day from which the harvest of sunny berries - grapes - starts, and after lighting they can already be enjoyed.

Sayings and signs of the holiday Apple Savior

Russians, like most Slavs, are observant. In close friendship with nature, signs were also noticed. In particular, one of them - what the Second saved, such will succeed in January. Or - what is the day on the Second Savior - so will the Veil. Dry Apple Spas - it will definitely be the same in autumn. Wet saved - you won’t dry out for a long time from the rains. Clearly on a favorite holiday - to be a harsh winter. Or they used to say: "Apple has come - the summer has gone from us." But they took care of the new crop. They treated the poor so that more fruit would be born. If the heat set in on the day of the Second Savior, January promised to be a little snowy. If the rain plentifully watered the earth - to a snowy winter-winter.
And there were signs and just amazing in their essence. For example, if a fly sits on your hand, then you are lucky: success awaits. Therefore, it was impossible to drive away even an overly annoying clatter fly: luck would fly away with it!

From the history of Apple Savior

The first mention of the Apple Savior dates back, for example, in Palestine to the fourth century BC, when Empress Elena built the Temple of the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor. But in the East, the earliest mention of it refers to the fifth century of the same new era. In France and Spain, Apple Spas was first celebrated in the seventh century. Among Christians, Apple Spas is celebrated with the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord - the manifestation of the Divine Majesty of Jesus Christ before his disciples Peter, John and James. During their joint prayer, the face of the Savior suddenly shone with the light of Heaven, and the clothes became whiter than snow. The prophets Moses and Elijah appeared. They talked to Jesus about his exodus, which was destined to be in Jerusalem. Jesus forbade the disciples to talk about what happened during their joint prayer until he was resurrected as foretold. The Savior was born in Bethlehem of Judea in September 12 BC. And he was crucified on March 23, the thirty-first year. So in Rus', the holiday of the Apple Savior has ancient roots. But truly became popular!

biblical forbidden fruit

Of course, every good Orthodox knows well about him. Once the progenitors of the human race Adam and Eve lived happily in Paradise. But a ban was given to them - not to eat the fruits of apples on a tree growing here. The devil appeared to Eve in the form of a tempting serpent. Eve persuaded Adam to taste the forbidden fruit. He resisted the temptation for a long time, but could not resist. Tasted and matured. For which he was expelled from Paradise by the Creator. Together with Eve. So apples after illumination are not only tasty and fragrant fruits, but also an instructive reminder of original sin, because of which humanity still continues to be punished because of the weakness of its forefathers. There is a belief that a modern woman who has tasted an apple before the Apple Savior and its illumination takes upon herself the sin of Eve, which is dangerous and unpredictable. So it’s better to be patient until the Apple Savior, illuminate the fruits, and eat them for your health as much as you want! By the way, women can also find out their future by an apple. By peel. It will start to cut it off. And, if you get one continuous tape, the girl will soon be married. The tape was interrupted from awkwardness - to sit still in the girls! And there are other predictions. Take apples and write the names of the betrothed on them. Take them out to the balcony or garden. In the morning to see what happened to the fruits at night? Birds pecked - it’s better not to mess with a man: he is not capable of a long relationship. If an apple fell from the balcony to the ground - advice to end the relationship: the future will bring only pain and suffering - both to you and your partner. And if the apple has completely disappeared, it’s not your destiny to be married to your betrothed.
Many even now, especially in the villages, follow such folk signs as: "Apple has come - take mittens in reserve!"; "On the Apple Saved and the beggar will eat an apple!; "Before the Second Save, they do not eat any fruit except cucumbers!"

One hundred dishes of apples

In general, apples are a very useful product, especially for health. It is not in vain that the British confidently say: "I ate one apple a day, and no doctor is needed!" And if a couple, then don’t get sick at all! It is also claimed to be beneficial for cancer prevention. Like a clove of garlic every day for dinner. It is recommended that each person consume at least 50 kilograms of apples per year. Of these, forty percent as natural juice. Pour into a glass from your home juicer. Apples contain healthy vitamins - C, E. PP. B-2, etc. What can you cook them for - pies, compotes, kissels, salads with the addition of other vegetables and fruits - and a good hundred dishes, or even more.

Charlotte under the curtain

Even underage people can bake it: the recipe is simple. Here is one from a talented housewife from Barnaul, Svetlana Astafieva. We take a glass of flour. We sift. Add the same amount of sugar. Plus four eggs. A little soda as a baking powder. We select four or five ripe apples. (Svetlana has them from her own country garden). You can add a little vanillin, orange peel, lemon to the dough. Cut the apple into slices, but such that they do not dissolve in the dough during baking. Charlotte can be baked in a pan. The larger it is, the more guests will be treated to yummy. Bake at a temperature of 180 degrees. 40-50 minutes and Charlotte is ready! It can be decorated with a Chinese rose blooming on your window. Or from a bouquet. Lepota! And how fragrant charlotte is fragrant! How you have an appetite for her! Well, and enjoy your dessert at Apple Spas!

The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is popularly called Apple Spas. It is one of the first holidays coinciding with the harvest. Since the Apple Savior, according to signs, nature has changed, unfolding from summer to autumn and winter.

The Transfiguration of the Lord is called the Apple Savior because on this day, according to the church charter, the fruits of the new harvest should be consecrated. There is a long-standing pious tradition of bringing various fruits to the feast to perform a special prayer over them, which is read in churches after the Liturgy. In addition, on this day, Orthodox Christians are allowed to taste the fruits of the new harvest for the first time, since before the Feast of the Transfiguration there is a ban on the consumption of apples and grapes. This is a certain restriction on fresh fruit, which begins with Peter's fast and ends with the Transfiguration. During the celebration of this holiday, the clergy wear white robes, symbolizing the eternal Divine Light, revealed by Jesus Christ on Tabor. On the Transfiguration of the Lord (Apple Savior) in the Orthodox world, the use of fish is allowed as an indulgence of a strict fast in honor of the holy holiday.

Orthodox Christians around the world venerate the feast of the Transfiguration of the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ in a special way. There are centuries-old traditions of celebrating this event. On the eve, all Christians try to prepare a supply of fresh fruits. Many farmers store fruits grown on their own plot. On the day of the holiday, Christians bring the most beautiful and ripe fruits to the temple and put them on the central table, preparing them for consecration. Little children love this tradition very much: with excitement and trembling they wait for the priest’s prayer “for the consecration of the fruits”, they try to hold fruit baskets on their own, without the help of adults. In some families, there is a custom to congratulate each other, to give various gifts for the Transfiguration of the Lord. Congratulation is often issued in poetic form. After the service, Christians go home to have a festive meal. There is a pious tradition here to start the meal with consecrated fruit. Many Orthodox housewives at the Apple Spas (Transfiguration of the Lord) prepare a variety of dishes. It can be apple and honey pies, jams.

Folk traditions of celebrating such an event as the Transfiguration of the Lord are widespread among the people. The signs left in popular belief are mainly related to the harvest. For example, there is a tradition on this day to treat the poor or the poor with fruits grown in their garden. In this case, there is a belief that next year will be especially fruitful. In addition, if on this day it was not possible to meet a needy beggar, then this means that the next year will be poor. So the saying was born: "In the apple tree Spas an apple and a beggar will eat it." There was also a tradition on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord to eat at least one apple with honey. This was considered a guarantee of good health for the next year. Among other things, there was a tradition to harvest the entire grain crop before August 19, since it was believed that after this date any rain would be fatal for him (the so-called grain rain). The Church's practice of not eating the fruits of the fresh harvest is directly related to the degree of their maturity. It is known that apples and grapes fully ripen only by the end of August, becoming useful for the body. Also, the connection between the violation of the “apple fast” and the sin of the foremother Eve, who ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, was deeply rooted in the public consciousness and thereby brought the wrath of God on all mankind. That is why the common people in a special way monitor the observance of the tradition of not eating fresh apples in the period before the Transfiguration. According to the teaching of the Orthodox Church, the Transfiguration of the Lord should be celebrated with purity and love.

On this day, in churches, in addition to the fruits and fruits of the new harvest, honey and grain ears were consecrated. The consecrated ears and seeds were kept until the next sowing.

There was a belief that in the next world, children whose parents do not eat apples to this day are given gifts (among them are paradise apples). But for those children whose parents tried apples, no. Therefore, many parents, and especially those whose children have died, consider it a great sin to eat an apple before the Second Savior. Women who lost children, in the morning of this day, had to take several apples to the temple, consecrate, bring and put on the graves of dead children. In the event that the grave of a child is far away or it is not at all known where, a consecrated apple should be placed on any children's grave or apples should be left in the temple. Many peasants carried consecrated apples to the cemetery and laid them on the graves of all deceased relatives.

In the villages, girls, breaking their fast with apples and thinking about their betrothed, said: “What is guessed is far-fetched! What is imagined will come true! What will come true - will not pass!

On the day of the Apple Savior, they baked apples, baked pies, pancakes with apples, mushrooms and berries. In folk traditions, pies were baked from lean dough.

On this day, they saw off the sunset in the field with songs. In the Novgorod province and neighboring districts of other provinces, a round dance of young people gathered in the evening, heading for the outskirts - into the field. On a hillock, young people stopped and watched the sun close to sunset. As soon as the sun touched the horizon, the audience stopped talking and sang:

Sunshine, sunshine, wait!
Gentlemen-boyars have arrived
From Velika de Novgorod
Feast on Spasov's day.
Are you, gentlemen-boyars,
You old Novgorod boyars!
Build a big feast
For the whole baptized world,
For all the brethren named!
The gentlemen-boyars built a feast,
The boyars of Novogorodsk built
About the whole baptized world.
You get along, good people,
To the great-called feast;
There is honey, wine about you,
There are sugary dishes about you,
And to you, baptized world,
We beat our foreheads and bow!

Among the southern and western Slavs, Apple Savior was considered the day from which the grape harvest began; after its consecration in the church, the grapes were allowed to be eaten. On this day, the people of Kapan were not allowed to eat red grapes, so that the person “do not change it”, that is, so that red spots do not appear on his face. On this day, in the vineyards, the owners performed magical actions aimed at increasing the yield of grapes. So in Negotinska Krajina (Eastern Serbia), the owner shot at the sunflower growing in the vineyard: it was believed that the further the seeds from it scattered, the greater the grape harvest.

In Moravia and western Slovakia, a special rite called "locking the grapes" was performed on Apple Spas.

The Serbs had a belief that at the Transfiguration “heaven and earth are transformed” (Serbohorv. transforming all heaven and earth), the Macedonians had a belief that swallows fly away on this day. The Macedonians in Veles believed that the sky opens at the Transfiguration and you can see God and make a wish (a belief usually attributed to Theophany or Christmas).

Sayings and signs

What is the second Savior, such is January.

What is the day on the second Spas, such is the Protection.

A dry day portends a dry autumn, a wet one portends a wet one, and a clear one portends a harsh winter.

Meeting of autumn - Osenins.

On the Second Spas, apples, honey and peas in pods are consecrated in the church.

Signs should not be taken seriously, they should not be treated as irrefutable dogmas.

In conclusion, it must be said that the Transfiguration of the Lord is very important in the Christian world. The history of the holiday reveals its symbolism. The mountain, no doubt, means silence and a solitary place - these are the conditions for mental connection with God in pure prayer. The name "Tavor" is translated as "light, purity", which symbolizes the cleansing of the soul from the burden of sins, its enlightenment in God. The Transfiguration of the Savior denotes the main goal of the Christian life - the complete victory of the spirit over bodily passions, purification from worldly dirt and the acceptance of the Divine Light, which is possible for any person striving for God.

According to open sources

In the folk calendar, the celebration of the Transfiguration of the Lord falls on the month when the harvest is harvested, and nature is ready to say goodbye to summer and open its gates to autumn. The date when the celebration takes place among the people does not change from year to year - this is August 19th. On this day, believers consecrate honey, apples and dishes from the fruits of the new harvest in the church.

What is Apple Spas

There are three Spas in the Orthodox calendar: Honey (August 14), Apple (August 19) and Walnut (August 29), so another name is the Second or Middle, which denotes the onset of autumn, the transition from summer to autumn and winter. The name according to church canons is the Transfiguration of the Lord. From this day on, it is allowed to eat, cook dishes with apples and other fruits, which should first be dedicated in the church. During this period, there is the Assumption Fast, which lasts until August 28.

Apple Spas - the history of the holiday and traditions

The custom to celebrate this holiday dates back to the 4th century, so the history of the Apple Savior is much younger than many other Orthodox celebrations, but no less interesting and mysterious. At that time, Christ, together with his three disciples: Peter, John and James, climbed Mount Tabor for prayer, where he learned about his coming sacrifice for the sake of man - about crucifixion, and was illuminated by an unusual bright light of the Lord. The Son of God forbade the disciples to talk about their destiny and ordered people to gather fruits in order to sanctify them. It happened 40 days before the crucifixion of the Lord on the cross.

Apple Savior - holiday traditions

It is believed that the transformation of nature takes place on the Great Spas, so the celebration of the date takes place in a special way. The traditions of the Apple Savior have a long history, they have changed a little, but their meaning has remained unchanged. Previously, during the mass festivities, the owners of orchards had to put out carts with their crops and distribute them to passers-by, those who did not want to do this were considered greedy, dishonest people.

The people believed that the last apple eaten had the ability to fulfill the most cherished desire. Before such an event, according to tradition, you can not eat any fruits, except for berries and cucumbers. Until the beginning of the day, their use is prohibited, especially for parents who have lost their children, because their dead child will not be able to receive the golden fruit from the Mother of God, who distributes gifts on the Feast of the Savior. Still it was necessary to release the soil before the next harvest. For this, before the magnificent celebration, they tried to collect grain ears.

The essence of Apple Spas

The peasants, for whom the harvest festival was one of the largest and most significant, believed that apples have unusual strength, they bring health, strength, happiness, and beauty. Meanwhile, the fruit is consumed not only in its raw form, but also jam is rolled up, compote is boiled, apples are baked, and pies are prepared. Celebrating a significant date begins with a morning service, during which a cross is brought to the center of the temple, then worship, a religious procession, and the consecration of the harvest are performed. White is considered the main color, so parishioners wear light-colored clothes.

Why you can not eat apples before the Savior

The prescription of a ban on the use of a new crop is associated with the need for its consecration, with the development of a person’s spiritual powers, the fight against temptations, and the strengthening of faith. According to the Church Charter (Typicon), it is forbidden to consume grapes before the Transfiguration. Do not eat apples before the Apple Savior - this is a kind of replacement for grapes, since the latter gave a poor harvest in the climatic zone of the Slavs. The Typicon prescribes a punishment for those who tasted fruit before the Savior - a ban on eating them for the whole of August, however, such a measure applies primarily to monks, and not to laity.

Signs on Spas

On Oseniny, another name for the Transfiguration, the weather changes, so the signs for Apple Spas mainly refer to future changes in weather conditions. Nights become colder, cranes begin to fly to warmer climes. What was this day, so will be the Veil (October 14) and January. If there was no rain, it will be a dry autumn; if there was precipitation, then it will be rainy; if it was clear, expect a harsh winter. Those believers who remain faithful to the prohibition of eating the fruit will be rewarded with the fulfillment of desire at the first bite.

When Apple Savior

According to the Julian calendar, the date of the Apple Savior fell on August 6, but after switching to the Gregorian, it moved in the folk calendar of the Slavs to August 19. According to Holy Scripture, this day represents the Kingdom of God on earth. According to folk beliefs, the third exit of the dead into the world takes place during the spring-summer period. During the day, if a fly lands on a person's body, it was not driven away, as it promised success and happiness. In the evening, after a hard day and festivities, they saw off the sun in the field with songs.

Video: Feast of the Transfiguration

Photos from free sources

Apple Spas is celebrated on August 19 (August 6 according to the Julian calendar) every year. This is a folk-Christian holiday, the second of the three Spas. Its official church name is Transfiguration.

According to popular beliefs, Apple Savior means the onset of autumn and the transformation of nature. The Eastern Slavs only from the Apple Savior were allowed to eat apples and dishes from the fruits of the new crop. On this day they are consecrated in the church.

Apple Spas August 19 is considered the official end of summer and the arrival of autumn - after it the nights become cold, and it's time to harvest.

Other names for the holiday: Second Savior, Middle Savior, Savior on the Mountain, Transfiguration, Peas Day, Feast of First Fruits, First Autumn.

history of the holiday

More than two thousand years ago, Jesus and the apostles - Peter, James and John - climbed Mount Tabor in Palestine. They came here to pray. During the prayer, the Transfiguration took place: the face of Jesus lit up with light, and his clothes suddenly became snow-white. At that moment, the apostles felt an indescribable joy.

And then they saw two prophets suddenly appear, talking to Jesus about his imminent exodus, which would soon take place in Jerusalem. From everything they saw, the disciples of Christ were shocked, and Jesus himself forbade them to talk about the events that they witnessed during prayer. They were supposed to be silent until Christ was resurrected, as he was destined.

According to the Gospel, the Transfiguration of the Lord happened exactly forty days before Easter. But since Great Lent was going on these days, the church postponed the great feast of the Transfiguration to August.


Popular beliefs and traditions that have survived to this day are closely related to church rules. In particular, we must not forget that there is a post, so you can not refuse it. Here's a slight relief. On the Second Spas they eat fish. In preparation for the holiday, ripe fruits are harvested to consecrate them in the church. Until this day, it is forbidden to eat fruits of the new crop. The ban applies not only to the usual apples and pears, but also to grapes.

On August 19, people go to temples with these fruits, where they spread them on a specially prepared table. During the service, the consecration of the fruits brought takes place. At the end of the service, people go home to celebrate this date with the whole family at the festive table. Among the treats, dishes with apples must be present, for example, apple pie, pancakes with apples. Mushroom dishes were also prepared here.

Often the day of the Apple Savior is called a holiday that celebrates autumn. Also, prayers are held in the gardens, the harvesting, harvesting of apples and other fruits for the winter begins.


  • If you eat an apple on August 19 and make a wish, it will come true
  • If a fly lands on Spas, on your hand, twice, then this is good luck.
  • What is the weather on this holiday, such will be in January.
  • If it rains during the day, there will also be a lot of precipitation in winter.
  • If it's dry on Spas, autumn will be the same.
  • The Savior has passed - the summer has gone from us.
  • The weather is clear - autumn will be dry, rainy - wet.
  • The last piece of apple eaten that day has magical powers. If you make a wish immediately after eating it, it will come true.
  • If on August 19 you treat the beggar with an apple, then the next year will be prosperous.
  • Picking unripe apples on this day is a bad omen.
  • Clear cloudless sky - for a frosty winter.
  • Bees flock to honey - to prosperity in the house.


Cut off the apple skin in one strip. Now throw it into the fire. And look closely at the shape of the apple skin. What letter does it resemble? The name of your betrothed will begin with this letter.

You can strengthen feelings between lovers by eating an apple broken into equal parts at the same time with your loved one. The fruit should be beautiful, not spoiled.

Having picked up three apples of the same size in yellow, green and red colors from the new harvest, put them in a basket or box, make a wish, imagine how it comes true. Closing your eyes, mix the apples and pull out one of them. Red means the fulfillment of the wished, yellow - you have to work hard to make it come true. A green apple means that the wish will not come true.

For good luck for the whole year, they guess in this way: the top of the fruit is cut off to seeds. If they form a beautiful, symmetrical pattern, then luck, joy, love, material well-being will accompany. Otherwise, you will have to “deserve” the location of fate.

You can find out if income will increase by throwing an apple up. Falls to the right - income will increase, to the left - will remain the same. An apple falling in the center can mean a difficult financial situation, which can force you to get into debt.


There are no overly strict bans on the Apple Savior, and yet the holiday falls on the time of the strict Assumption Fast, which does not welcome the violation of Lenten nutrition.

You can’t eat apples before the Apple Savior, and even on this day, until the fruits are consecrated in the church.

You can not sew, knit, do cleaning and construction work. In general, it is best not to do any physical work other than cooking and harvesting.

Remember that the Dormition Fast is going on until August 27th. Therefore, you can not have fun, and also eat meat, eggs, fatty foods.

Also, do not kill or drive away insects.

On this day, it is customary to treat children, poor and sick people. Good housewives bake apple pies.