Conversation on the topic of friendship in the middle group. Summary of the lesson on the topic: "Friendship" in the middle group. Friends do not give in to each other

Goal: Formation of the concepts of "Friend", "Friendship".


Educational: to introduce children to the rules (secrets, laws) of friendly relations, to consolidate knowledge of proverbs.

Developing: enrich vocabulary; to consolidate the ability to participate in a joint game, to conduct short dialogues in situations of creative and gaming communication.

Educational: to teach to understand and evaluate the feelings and actions of others; to form positive relationships between preschoolers, encourage them to do good deeds.

Equipment: an audio recording of the songs “A True Friend”, “Smile”, a miracle tree with questions, a ball, a fairy-tale character Leopold the cat.

Preliminary work: repetition of poems about friendship, work with proverbs.

Teacher: Hello children! Today we will talk about something very, very important. And what exactly now you will learn by listening to the song. (An audio recording of the song “ A True Friend” sounds.) What was this song about? Do you agree with this? Why? How many of you guessed what we are going to talk about today? (about friendship, about politeness, about relationships).

And now I will tell you a story. Once upon a time there lived a girl named Love. It was boring for her to live in the world without a girlfriend. So she turned to the old, gray-haired wizard who had lived for a hundred years:

Help me, grandfather, choose a girlfriend so that I can be friends with her all my life.

The magician thought and said:

Come to me tomorrow morning, when the first birds sing and the dew is still wet...

In the morning, when the scarlet sun illuminated the earth, Love came to the appointed place...

She came and sees: there are five beautiful girls, one more beautiful than the other.

Take your pick, said the wizard.

One is called Joy, the other is Kindness, the third is Beauty, the fourth is Sorrow, and the fifth is Friendship.

They are all beautiful,” Love said. I don't know who to choose...

Yours, the truth, - the magician answered, - but choose only one of them. She will be your friend for the rest of your life.

Love came closer to the girls and looked into the eyes of each. Love thought.

Educator: Guys, who would you choose? Why? (Children explain their opinion).

Love approached a girl named Friendship and held out her hand.

Why did Love choose Friendship? (Answers of children).

What a wonderful word "Friendship". Let's say this word together!

Guys, do you like fairy tales? But in fairy tales, fairy-tale characters also know how to be friends. Try to guess who is friends with whom.

1. Green crocodile Gena and his friend ... (Cheburashka)

2. A boy named Kid and his friend ... (Carlson)

3. Funny Bear Winnie - Pooh and his friend ... (Piglet)

Before you guys is an unusual tree, as it has unusual flowers. Questions are written on the flowers of this tree. Let's try to answer them.

  1. Oleg needs to turn to the teacher, and at this time she is talking. What should be done?
  2. Igor ran into Vera at the door. What should he do?
  3. Masha brought a new doll to the group, and Olya wants to play with Masha doll. What should Olya do?
  4. The boys built a house out of cubes, Maxim played nearby and hurt, the house broke down. What should Max do?
  5. You came to kindergarten and brought sweets. What will you do with them?
  6. Is it possible to call polite someone who offends little ones?
  7. The girls are playing an interesting game, Sveta approached them. What will the girls say to her?

Well done guys. And now we will do the exercise “ Friendship begins with a smile”, from which you will have fun and enjoy. (Using polite words, you need to call your neighbor with an affectionate name and with a smile. For example, Hello, Masha.)

Now it's time for us to unravel the secret of friendship. (Yes.) And this secret is hidden in one song. Let's listen. (An audio recording of the song "Smile" sounds.)

And where does friendship begin? (with a smile) Well done, you figured out the secret of friendship very quickly.

Today we are talking about what true friendship is and what it gives a person. (Children in chorus recite a previously learned poem.)

We are all friendly guys.

We are preschoolers.

We don't offend anyone.

How to take care, we know.

We will not leave anyone in trouble.

We will not take away, but we will ask.

May everyone be well.

It will be joyful, light.

It's always nice to talk about friends, friendship. Do you know proverbs about friendship? I suggest you play the game "Finish the proverb".

1. One for all and all for one.

2. No friend - look for, but found - take care.

3. Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

4. I make new friends, but I don’t forget the old ones.

5. An old friend is better than two new ones.

So what was said in these proverbs? (Answers of children).

Educator: Guys, you are just learning to be friends. And in order for friendship to be strong, many laws must be observed. For example:

Trust your friend.

Don't cheat on a friend.

Don't offend a friend.

Stand up for a friend.

To help each other.

Also, what laws do you know?

What did we talk about today?

What is friendship?

Did you enjoy the activity?

(Knock on the door. A fairy tale character Leopold the cat comes in.) Guys, who came to visit us? (cat Leopold) Let's say hello to him. (Hello.)

Leopold: I didn’t come empty-handed, but with a magic ball. Shall we play? (Yes.) (Children sit on the carpet in a circle. Leopold passes the ball of thread to the child, he winds the thread around his finger and at the same time says a polite word. Then passes the ball to the next child, until the teacher's turn comes.) Guys, did you like the game? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Now you and I are connected by one ball, a ball of friendship. Do you remember what Leopold the cat said in the cartoon? Let us all stand up, hold hands, smile at each other and once again say the words of the kindest cat Leopold:

Guys let's be friends!

Educator: Goodbye, Leopold.

The children also say goodbye.

And finally, we will play the game “Friendship Relay Race. "(Hold hands and pass the baton, a handshake. The teacher begins:" I will give you my friendship, and it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Sasha, etc. and finally returns to me again). I feel that the friendship has become more, as each of you has added a piece of your friendship. Let it not leave you and warm. Goodbye!

Program content:

Lead the children to understand the meaning of the word "Friendship".

Expand ideas about what qualities a friend should have

Learn the easy way out of conflict

Cultivate a fair attitude towards each other, cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and adults.

To develop in children the ability to empathize, the desire to come to each other's aid in a difficult situation, to develop social feelings, as well as the development of communication skills.

To teach to manage their feelings and emotions, to expand the idea of ​​friendship, to deepen the idea of ​​children about kindness.

Lesson progress:

The music of V. Shainsky “When my friends are with me” sounds.


The breeze is friends with the sun,
And dew is with grass.
A flower is friends with a butterfly,
We are friends with you.
All with friends in half
We are happy to share!
Only to quarrel with friends

. What is friendship? As it is sung in the good old song from the cartoon: “You can’t play all the games alone, neither me, nor you, nobody, nobody”, and even more so “There is always ice cream alone, it doesn’t taste good either to me, or to you, to anyone ...”.Guys, do you know what real friends should be like? (children's answers).

I will ask questions, and you will answer “yes-yes-yes” or “no-no-no”.

A game: "Yes-yes-yes", "no-no-no".

Will we be strong friends?

(Yes Yes Yes)

To value our friendship?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Will we learn to play?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Will we help a friend?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Need to annoy a friend?

(no no no)

And give a smile?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Is it worth hurting a friend?

(no no no)

Shall we drink tea with friends?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Will we be strong friends?

(Yes Yes Yes)

Well done! Completed the task.

The song of V. Shainsky "Smile" sounds.

Educator: Guys, where does acquaintance and friendship begin? (children's answers) True, because a smiling person is friendly. A benevolent person is one who wishes you well.Let's give friendly smiles to our guests, let everyone have a good mood and a good day.
All the children gathered in a circle
I am your friend and you are my friend
Let's hold hands tightly
And we smile at each other. (children hold hands and stand in a circle)

Warm palms touched
And the children smiled.

Any person is pleased not only with a kind smile, but also with a friendly word.

Compliments game.
Children stand, turn in a circle, shake hands and say, "Sasha, you are kind." And so on. Example words: cheerful, beautiful, fast, brave, brave, caring, polite, cultured, hardworking, friendly.

The person is in a good mood good words.

Physical education minute

Hold hands together
Right - left turn (turns right - left)
Let's have fun (clapping)
jump (jump)
And spin around (circle)
Many joyful people (we walk in a circle)
Good faithful friends to us.
We will not quarrel (we approach the center)
Let's forget about sadness (we step back).

caregiver : Guys, does it happen that you quarrel? What causes quarrels most often? (children's answers)

Educator: So, the most common cause of quarrels is when you can't share something or when you want to do the same thing. Imagine two friends Hedgehog and Bunny, each of whom wants to ride on a swing, how to help them not to quarrel.

(The teacher selects two children to participate in the game, gives out the appropriate masks of animals, the children are invited to portray the current situation.)

Lived two friends Bunny and Hedgehog

Somehow they went for a walk

And they found a swing in the clearing.

The hedgehog stepped towards the swing

The hare pulled the swing towards him

Hare: "I'm the first!"

And the Hedgehog: “No, I am!”

Friends do not give in to each other.

The hare was offended: “So you are the Hedgehog,

I’m not good at all as a friend!”

Discussing the problem, finding ways to solve it.

Educator: Why did the Hare decide not to be friends with the Hedgehog? (children's answers)

- Do you think it's worth it to quarrel with friends? (children's answers)

- How to reconcile friends, make sure that there is no quarrel? (children's answers)

Let's read the poem again, well, with a happy ending, when the bunny and the hedgehog agreed.

In a quiet forest, among bushes and paths,

Lived two friends Bunny and Hedgehog

Somehow they went for a walk

And they found a swing in the clearing.

The hedgehog stepped towards the swing

The hare pulled the swing towards him

The hare said: "I will shake you, we are friends with you Hedgehog"

Educator: So, what should be done to avoid quarreling? (children's answers: be able to negotiate) What do you think a friend should be like? (children's answers: kind, attentive, sympathetic)

And let's make an unusual poster about friendship. (children come to the table, on which there is a large paper with a glued globe.)

Guys, the palm is a symbol of trust, sincerity and friendship. If adults and children will be friends on our planet, then we can name our planet -THE PLANET OF PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP.Let's leave our handprints on our poster. (children dip their hands in colorful paints)

(during work, a song about friendship sounds)

Educator: The teacher finishes:
brighter than the sun
Friendship in the whole world
It's more fun with friends
On any planet.

The song of V. Shainsky “When my friends are with me” sounds.

Thematic conversation "Let's talk about friendship" with children of the middle group.

Target: Clarify children's ideas about what it means to "be able to be friends",
learn to comprehend and evaluate the situation. Cultivate kindness towards each other.

The course of the conversation.

The song is "A True Friend". The children are in the group.
Educator. Hello children! I'm glad to see you.
-Do you guys like this song? (Yes) Who is it about? (About a friend)
That's right, you are smart, attentive and quick-witted.
Today we will talk about friendship.
Educator. Do you have friends? Name who they are. Where do they live?
What games do you play with them? (Answers of children). Now listen to the poem.

brighter than the sun
Friendship in the whole world
After all, it's more fun with friends
On any planet!

Educator. Children, do you know what friendship is? (Children's answers)
Why do you think a person needs friends? What does it mean to be friends?
(To help each other in trouble, not to quarrel, to be able to share joy,
will be able to stand up for friends). Guys, who among you knows proverbs about friendship, let him tell them. Children tell proverbs.

1. You can't cut friendship with an ax.
2. Without an orphan friend, with a family man friend.
3. There is no friend, so look for it; but if you find it, take care of it.
4. A friend is known in trouble.
5. An old friend is better than two new ones.
6. Money can't buy a friend.
Educator. Well done boys. Let's play a game

"Find your soul mate."

Each of you has halves of flowers, you need to fold a flower from two halves of the same color, find a pair for yourself. (the song "From a smile" sounds,
children find their soul mates.

Fizkultminutka "Friendship"

Friends in our group
Girls and boys
We will make friends with you
little fingers
One two three four five
start counting again
One two three four five
We've finished counting. (Movements are performed in accordance with the text)
Educator. Children, now tell us about your friends.
But we will tell without calling him by name. (Children talk about his appearance, habits, hobbies, and others must guess who he is talking about).
Educator. Well done boys! Today we have a very interesting conversation about friendship. You know a lot about friendship. Thank you. And at home with your parents, learn sayings about friendship, and then tell them to us.

Abstract of directly educational activities for the implementation of the educational area "Cognitive development" (formation of a holistic picture of the world) in the middle group of compensatory orientation. Theme "Friendship". "You are my friend and I am your friend"

Author: Rogachkova Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 15", the city of Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk region.
Description of the material: I offer you a summary of directly educational activities for the implementation of the educational area "Cognitive Development" on the topic "Friendship". This material is suitable for the age category of preschool children 4-5 years old. During this educational activity, children get acquainted with the concept of friendship, friends. Learn to be kind to each other.

Target: To form children's knowledge about friendship and friends.
To form children's ideas about friendship, friends, kindness;
To achieve the assimilation by children of the ability to evaluate the feelings and actions of their peers.
Develop the ability to understand and distinguish between positive and negative emotions;
To develop in children the ability to empathize, the desire to come to each other's aid in a difficult situation, to develop social feelings.
To educate in children the ability to truly be friends, treat each other attentively and with respect, lead to an understanding that friendship is one of the most important qualities in relationships between people.
Connected speech: continue to develop dialogical speech.
Dictionary: subject - friend, friendship, kindness, responsiveness, honesty; quality - faithful, kind, responsive; verbal - respect, love, be friends.
Grammar: continue to teach children to form new words for nouns with a diminutive suffix.
Sound culture of speech: develop the pronunciation of words according to the norms of orthoepy of the Russian literary language.
Individual work: practice using polite phrases
Methods and techniques:
Practical: surprise moment - the ringing of a bell; dance to the song "Let's get up, children ..."; Find a friend game.
Visual: looking at cards depicting good and bad deeds, a globe, a map of the world.
Verbal: game "Say kind words"; reading poems about friendship, the game "Yes-no".
Materials: Bell, cards depicting bad and good deeds, a globe, a map of the world, an audio recording of a song from the movie "Cinderella" "Good Beetle".

Lesson progress

The teacher rings the bell and invites everyone to stand in a circle.
The bell is calling you
Leads to play with me.
Give me your hand, you are my friend
Let's stand together in a friendly circle.

Children join hands and stand in a circle.
Educator: Guys, I'm glad you heard the bell! After all, it is not simple, but magical. He gathers in a circle only good, kind children. Do you do good deeds? What good deeds have you done today?
Children's answers.
Educator: well done! And I know another good deed from which everything will immediately become fun. Let's give each other a smile and say "Good morning!".
Children smile at each other and wish good morning.
caregiver: how fun we have become and bright from your smiles! Guys, tell me, please, and who are you? Who is Nikita, Misha, Yegor?
Answers of children (these are boys).
caregiver: yes, that's right. There are boys in our group. Do girls join our group? Who are the girls?
Children's answers.
Educator: right guys. We have boys and we have girls. Now I invite you to take your seats. Let the girls sit first, then the boys.
The children take their seats.
caregiver: girls and boys, and now I want to know from you - how are you different?
Children's answers (girls like to play with dolls, and boys like cars, girls have pigtails, but boys don't, girls wear dresses, and boys wear shorts, etc.).
caregiver: Yes everything is correct. Do you have something similar?
Children's answers (we all love to play, walk, etc.).
caregiver: exactly! Well done boys. You said everything right. You have a lot of different things, but you are also somewhat similar to each other. But in spite of everything - you are different or the same, you must live together, you must help each other, if help is needed, share toys, give in to each other, not quarrel. This is what friendship is about. I want to offer you a game. Questions will be pronounced for you, and you answer them “Yes-yes-yes” or “No-no-no”. Agreed?
Children's answers.
Educator: And so, listen carefully!

Will we be strong friends?
(Yes Yes Yes)
Do you value our friendship?
(Yes Yes Yes)
Will we offend a friend?
(no no no)
And pick up toys?
(no no no)
Shall we share the game?
(Yes Yes Yes)
Sing and have fun together?
(Yes Yes Yes).
Educator: Well done, boys and girls! They answered kindly. And they said everything right. And now I suggest you dance a little.
The teacher includes a song from the movie "Cinderella" "Stand up, children, stand in a circle." Children together perform movements according to the text of the song.

Educator: great we danced! Now take your seats.
Children sit down.
caregiver: Guys, we now know what friendship is. Boys and girls always live together no matter what they like - playing with cars or dolls, building garages from a designer or a house for a princess. Do you know that there are a lot of people on earth?
Children's answers.
Educator: in every city, in every village, and in every country, there are boys and girls like you. And adults just like your parents, like me. But all people on earth speak different languages, each country has its own customs or habits. These are people of different nationalities.
The teacher draws the attention of the children to the globe and the map on the easel.
caregiver: our country is called Russia, Russians live in it. Americans in America, French in France. And each of us has our own language. But despite this, we must live in peace and harmony. It's very bad when people quarrel. If all people on our planet are kind to each other, then our Earth will become even warmer, even more beautiful from kind words, from the right deeds. What kind words do you know?
Children's answers (words of greeting, farewell - hello, hello, goodbye, bye; words of request, gratitude - help, please, thank you for your help; calling affectionately by name - Rita, Mishenka, etc.).
caregiver: Yes that's right! And now I want to show you cards on which actions are depicted - good or bad, and you will tell me what is drawn on them bad or good. And why do you think so.
The teacher shows cards depicting the actions of children (taking away toys, sweets; a fight; resentment, etc.). Children examine and say - where are good deeds, and where are bad ones.
caregiver: boys and girls, you are just smart! Everything was right and said. Well, now I want to hear from you again - what is friendship?
Children's answers.
caregiver: yes, that's right. Now find yourself a friend among the children in the group, take his hand, stand next to me in pairs, smile at each other and say something kind and good to your friend.
The children are doing the task.
caregiver(as a result, reads a poem to children):
brighter than the sun
Friendship in the whole world
It's more fun with friends
On any planet.

Program content:

- to promote the psychological development and socialization of children;

Clarify and expand children's ideas about friendship, camaraderie, friendly relations between people;

Develop communicative and speech abilities;

Ability to easily and naturally communicate, negotiate with adults and peers, find a way out of various situations;

Develop the ability to express their own moral judgment;

Develop attention, imagination, memory, thinking, the ability to distinguish and name an emotional state;

To evoke positive emotions using elements of game exercises;

To cultivate kindness, sensitivity, benevolence, friendly relations between children through the work of V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Material: “magic” box for greeting (surprise moment), ball of thread, stories for children about friendship, illustrations for works, doll, “Friendship” flower, didactic game “Rules of conduct in kindergarten”.

Preliminary work: a conversation with children on the topic: “What is friendship”, a didactic game “Who is friends with whom?”, a round dance game “We are a family in this house”, consideration of illustrations for the development of emotions and empathy.

The course of the lesson in the middle group of kindergarten

surprise moment

Teacher: Good morning, children! You are so beautiful today, beautiful, funny. I want your good mood to accompany you throughout the day and therefore I have prepared a surprise for you. Take a look - this is a magic box, it will help us today. Are you curious to know what is there? Then let's all sit in a circle and with the help of a magic ball weave a cobweb of compliments.

Greeting "Tangle of compliments"

And I’ll start first: “Ksyusha, you have a very beautiful smile ...”

(children take turns passing the ball and complimenting each other).

Educator: Here, look how beautiful the cobweb turned out to be. We will put it in our magic box and it will warm us with your wonderful compliments, pleasant words throughout the day.

Educator. - Children, do you know what friendship is? And how should you behave with friends and people in general? I invite you to listen to a story about 2 girls...

Reading and discussion of the story by V. Oseeva "Before the first rain"

Tanya and Masha were very friendly and always went to kindergarten together. That Masha came for Tanya, then Tanya for Masha. One time, when the girls were walking down the street, it started to rain heavily. Masha was in a raincoat, and Tanya was in one dress. The girls ran.

Take off your cloak, we'll cover ourselves together! Tanya shouted as she ran.

I can't, I'll get wet! - bending down her head with a hood, Masha answered her.

Kindergarten teacher said:

How strange, Masha's dress is dry, and yours, Tanya, is completely wet, how did this happen? You were walking together, weren't you?

Masha had a cloak, and I walked in one dress, ”said Tanya.

So you could cover yourself with one cloak, - said the teacher and, looking at Masha, shook her head.

It can be seen, your friendship until the first rain!

Both girls blushed: Masha for herself, and Tanya for Masha.

(The teacher asks questions, and the children give answers and choose the appropriate pictures-images for the work)

Questions for children about the work.

Well done guys, all the answers are correct.

Oh, who is knocking, do you hear?

(The teacher comes in with a doll persona)

Teacher: Good afternoon, children! I didn't come to you alone. Remember this girl? Yes, this is Light. She told me in my ear that her mother brought her to our kindergarten. Last time Svetlana liked it so much in our group that she asked to join us again.

Children, don't you think that Sveta is somehow sad? Let's ask her what happened.

(Children ask questions to the doll, and she, through the teacher-translator, gives an answer to them)

Children, Svetochka said that the children from the group in which she goes constantly quarrel and do not know how to make friends at all. Svetochka asks you to tell her the rules of behavior in kindergarten. And then she will be able to teach children in her group to use them. (Children tell rules of conduct in kindergarten).

Well done! Now Sveta has remembered everything and will teach these rules to other children.

Children, are you interested in learning more about something from Sveta?

(Children exchange questions with the doll persona)

Kids, it is immediately clear that you are friendly, know how to be friends and know how to behave in the kindergarten. Let's play a game together.

Round dance game "We are a family in this house"

Children with the teacher become in a circle, sing, perform the appropriate movements.

In this house we are a family (they walk in a circle).

In this house we are a family, We are you, and you, and me! (stop, hands to the sides, forward to the chest).

Give your hand to the one on the left (left hand to the side - down).

Give your hand to the one on the right (right hand to the side - down)

We are a family! (hold hands, raise them).

In this house we are a family (walk in a circle)

We are family in this house. We and you, and you and me!

(stop, hands to the sides, forward, to the chest).

Smile to the one on the left (turn your head to the left, smile at your neighbor).

Smile to the one on the right (turn your head to the right, smile at your neighbor).

We are a family! (Hold hands and raise them.)

That's how good it is to be friendly, we really have become like one family. And it's time for our Light to return to its group. I will accompany her. Goodbye, children! Children, how good it is when you are all so friendly! I hope you will not forget the rules of friendship and the rules of behavior in the kindergarten. I suggest you fold the Friendship flower as a keepsake

Didactic game "Flower of Friendship"

Children name the rules and lay them out on the flower petals.

Outcome. Reflection

Did you enjoy today's lesson?

What do you remember the most today?

It was also very pleasant and interesting for me to be with you, because you are real friends!