Auspicious days for the wedding year. We approach the choice of the date of the wedding with all responsibility

A wedding is one of the most important events in life. To find out which days in 2017 are suitable for the wedding ceremony, the church calendar will help.

According to church canons, it is forbidden to marry during fasts and church holidays. In 2017, there will be about 100 days suitable for a wedding ceremony according to Orthodox canons, but they do not always coincide with the lunar wedding calendar.

The calendar does not describe the holidays of each individual parish, so the wedding date will need to be clarified in the church in any case.

Twelfth holidays

According to church rules, it is impossible to marry on the twelfth holidays. The list of holidays will help you not to make a mistake with the wedding date.

  • Nativity. Celebrated on January 7th.
  • Epiphany. This holiday is celebrated by the Orthodox on January 19.
  • Candlemas. The date of this holiday is February 15th.
  • Annunciation. Orthodox celebrate this holiday on April 7th.
  • Transformation. This twelfth holiday is celebrated on 19 August.
  • Dormition. The holiday is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and is celebrated on August 28.
  • Nativity of the Virgin Mary. This holiday is considered one of the Great Thrones. The Nativity of the Virgin is celebrated on September 21st.
  • Exaltation of the Cross. This holiday is celebrated on September 27th.
  • Entrance to the temple of the Virgin Mary. This holiday is also dedicated to the childhood of the Virgin. It is celebrated on December 4th.

Patronal feasts

First of all, of course, it should be noted Easter. This holiday in 2017 is celebrated on April 16. It is preceded by Palm Sunday celebrated April 9th.

Ascension in 2017 will be celebrated on May 25th. Trinity. This holiday is celebrated on June 4th.

Great patronal feasts

  • Circumcision of the Lord. This holiday is celebrated by the Orthodox on January 14th.
  • Nativity of John the Baptist. This day is celebrated on July 7th.
  • Head truncation. In the people, the day of the death of John the Baptist is called Golovosek. On this day, you can not play a wedding, and also some everyday activities are under the strictest ban. This day is celebrated on September 11th.
  • Cover of the Holy Mother. This day is dedicated to the Mother of God and is celebrated on October 14th.

Posts in 2017

Just like on holidays, in fasting weddings according to church canons are tabooed. The start and end dates of the fasts will help you choose the best day for the wedding, which does not affect any of the forbidden days.

  • Christmas post. This period covers the dates from November 28, 2016 to January 6, 2017.
  • Great post. Before Easter. Starts February 27th and ends April 15th.
  • Apostolic post. It runs from June 12 to July 11.
  • Assumption post. The dates for this post are from August 14 to 27, 2017.
  • Christmas post. The second fast observed by the Orthodox before Christmas. It starts on November 28, 2017 and ends on January 6, 2018.

Dates on which weddings are allowed according to the church calendar

In accordance with the church charter, holidays and fasts, some months will not be available at all for weddings according to the church calendar. But despite this, there are many days left for church-approved ceremonies during 2017.

January weddings

According to the church charter, the following dates are suitable for marriage in January: January 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30.

Registry offices mainly work on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, so the 20th, 22nd, 27th and 29th of the church-approved dates for a wedding are suitable.

Weddings in February 2017

In February, weddings are allowed by the church between the 1st and 3rd, as well as the 13th and 17th.

Of these numbers, the Wedding Palaces will operate on the 3rd and 17th.

Marriages in March

March is completely prohibited by the church for wedding ceremonies.

Getting married in April

This month, the church allows marriage ceremonies on the 23rd, 24th, 26th, 28th and 30th.

May weddings

There are many signs among the people about marriage in the month of May. Most of them are negative, but a huge number of people still get married in May, and many of them live happily. If you are not superstitious, then this month is quite suitable for marriage.

The Church allowed periods 1-3, May 5, 7 and 8, a three-day period from 10 to 12, 14 and 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29 and 30 numbers.

Wedding ceremony in June 2017

In June, the church charter allows weddings only on the 2nd.

By a happy coincidence, the Wedding Palaces will work on this day.

July weddings

In July, according to the church calendar, you can get married on the 14th, 16th, 17th, from the 19th to the 24th, as well as on the 26th, 28th, 30th and 31st.

Weddings according to the church calendar in August

In the period from 2 to 11, as well as at the very end of the month - the 30th - weddings are allowed by the church.

Marriage in September

September is considered one of the best months for a wedding ceremony. The autumn month in the northern tradition of the Wheel of the Year symbolizes prosperity, well-fed and comfortable life. September 22 is considered a particularly successful date - the holiday of prosperity Mabon. This day is allowed for weddings and the church, and official registration is held on 22, since this date falls on a Friday.

Also in September 2017, weddings are allowed on the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, from the 8th to the 15th, 18th, 24th and 25th.

Registry offices will work on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 8th, 9th, 10th, 15th, 22nd and 24th.

October weddings

This month you can get married from the 1st to the 6th, 8th, 9th, and 11th, from the 15th to the 20th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th and 30th.

November weddings

November weddings are allowed by the church from 1 to 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, from 19 to 22, 24 and 26.

Registry offices will work on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 10th, 12th, 17th, 19th, 24th and 26th.

December 2017

This month, marriage ceremonies are prohibited by the church. Exceptions to the rules can only be made by the bishop and must be accompanied by a blessing and a good reason for allowing the wedding ceremony on a particular day.

To make your wedding day the happiest day of your life, you need to not only choose the right date, but also familiarize yourself with

The wedding day is one of the most important and exciting days in the life of a newly-made family. This day is accompanied by many traditions and superstitions that have come down to us from our ancestors. Believing or not believing in such things is determined solely by you. The determination of the most suitable (favorable) and inappropriate (unfavorable) days for marriage can be made by various criteria: the advice of astrologers, numerologists, in accordance with the lunar calendar, feng shui, church calendar and others.

Many people believe that choosing the best day for a wedding can strengthen a family and bring them happiness and money. What date to set for the wedding in 2017, so that it brings only positive things to the relationship between future spouses?

Beautiful dates for a wedding in 2017

In most cases, the future bride and groom choose such a date for the future wedding so that it first of all looks beautiful in the passport and marriage certificate, but they do not pay much attention to whether it will be an auspicious or unfavorable day for the wedding.
What dates are considered beautiful, and what beautiful dates for a wedding will occur in 2017? These are actually all months whose numbers have the numbers 7, 17, 20, as well as:
January 1, January 10, February 2, February 20, March 3, March 30, April 4, May 5, June 6, July 1, July 7, August 8, September 9, October 10, November 11, December 12, 2017.
Indeed, such dates look quite impressive and attractive, but they will have a positive effect on further life together only if they coincide with a favorable phase of the moon or any other phenomenon favorable for marriage.
Often, such dates, on the contrary, negatively affect the couple's future family life.

Favorable wedding dates in 2017 according to astrology

Perhaps one of the most unfavorable days for marriage is February 11, 2017 and August 7, 2017 - the days of the lunar eclipse. Also, such days will not bring any joy for a future wedding: new moon, full moon, first and last quarter.

According to mythology, Venus patronizes love in all its manifestations. Therefore, to get married on the days of the greatest activity of Venus is to provide the family with an abundance of love and understanding. Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces are lucky signs for this planet.

Aries, Virgo, Scorpio are signs in which Venus is weak (not recommended for a wedding).

Probably the most unsuitable month for marriage in 2017 is May, as it combines various intense star influences that negatively affect human love relationships.

The fourth, fifth, seventh, tenth and eleventh month after the birth of one of the spouses is the most favorable month for marriage. For example, if you were born in March, then you are recommended to get married in June, July, September, December or January.

Which of the months the spouses will coincide with will be the most favorable for their marriage.

Favorable days for a wedding according to the lunar calendar

Positive days according to the lunar calendar are determined depending on the influence of different phases of the moon on the human mood and the body as a whole.

New Moon: the energy state of a person is at a minimum. The number of physical activities and sports should be reduced at this time. It is favorable for starting a healthy lifestyle, following diets and fighting bad habits.

Growing moon: human activity increases, the immune system becomes more stable.

Full Moon: heightened sensitivity; emotions dominate the mind.

Waning moon: a favorable period for the completion of the work begun.

The most unsuitable for a wedding are the days of the new moon and full moon, as well as the quarter change of the moon (3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 18, 19 lunar days).

The most favorable lunar days for a wedding celebration are the tenth, eleventh, sixteenth, seventeenth, twenty-first, twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh. Attention! The lunar day does not match the numbers of the days of the month!

The most favorable and unfavorable wedding days of 2017

The days of the months that will bring only positive changes to the post-wedding family life
January - 1,8,29;
February - 3,5,10;
March - 3,10,31;
April - 2,10,28;
May - 1.7.8;
June - 4,9,30;
July - 7,28,30;
August - 2.25.27;
September - 3,4,22;
October - 1,2,29;
November - 3, 20, 24;
December - 1,22,24.

Dates for organizing a wedding in 2017 according to Feng Shui

The most favorable dates for marriage in 2017 are the numbers 1, 2, 3, 12, 21 of each month.

Orthodox calendar for weddings in 2017

The church calendar defines its own specific days on which you can get married and on which it is strictly forbidden to marry (Orthodox calendar).

It is impossible to carry out the wedding process during fasting time, namely:

Dormition Fast - From August 14 to August 27 (except August 19);
Advent - From November 28 to January 6;
Easter or Great Lent - From February 27 to April 15 (except April 7 and 9);
Petrov Post - From June 12 to July 11 (except July 7 and 12).

Auspicious days for marriage (and church words for wedding) are May 08, the period from January 20 to March 7, autumn (with the exception of fasting, fasting days).

It is forbidden to get married during:
- Easter - April 16;
- Holy Trinity - June 04;
– Palm Sunday – April 09;
- days dedicated to the memory of the dead: February 18, March 11, 18 and 25, April 25, May 9, June 3, November 4.

In order for the wedding to take place on the most appropriate day, try to match these days in accordance with auspicious days from one category with days that bring positive from another category. In general, if you want to be happy, just be that way. Any family life built on love, patience and mutual understanding will be favorable regardless of the day, place and time of your wedding.

The wedding day is one of the most significant dates in the life of any person. Confirmation of love vows, the promise of fidelity to each other at the same time mean the beginning of trials in life together. Many people believe that setting the wedding day on a "lucky" date can lay a solid foundation for marital happiness. And, accordingly, an “unsuccessful” date can greatly complicate its achievement.

The day when it is better to play a wedding in 2017 can be determined using a variety of methods. As for the year, the future is exceptionally favorable for weddings, the main thing is to pay special attention to observing traditions and respect the parents of the newlyweds. Then the Red Rooster will be favorable to the spouses.

5. Beautiful date for a wedding in 2017

It's nice when a beautiful number is on the marriage certificate - and we are not talking about simple external compatibility with each other, like 07/07/2017. It is generally accepted that dates are especially favorable for a wedding, where the second digit is one more than the previous one, like 04/03/2017 or 09/08/2017.

4. Church calendar of weddings

The church calendar rather indicates the dates when you should not get married - on the days of fasting, on the days of commemoration of the dead, on Easter and Trinity. However, there are two especially favorable days for a wedding in 2017, when the newlyweds can try to enlist the support of a couple of saints - Peter and Fevronia of Murom. They have become a symbol of family happiness for the Russian church. Their days are July 8 And Sunday immediately before 19 September. It is also customary to play weddings on the so-called. Krasnaya Gorka - a week starting from the first Sunday after Easter. By the way, the wedding date and the date of registration in the registry office do not have to match.

3. Folk wisdom

From time immemorial, superstitions have been passed down from generation to generation when it is worth and when it is not worth getting married and getting married. They say that if you get married in May, you will have to toil all your life, and April threatens with constant quarrels and conflicts. If you marry in November, then the family will live in abundance, but without special tender feelings (although, given the crisis, this circumstance does not look so frightening). July will not let you get bored, but it can be both good and painful chores. A February, June, August, September and December are considered favorable months for a wedding in 2017.

2. What moves the sun and the luminaries

According to astrology, the position of the heavenly bodies has the most direct impact on the fate and well-being of a person, and the phase of the moon determines whether any business started will go well or not - especially such an important one as a wedding. According to forecasts, the best dates for a wedding in 2017 are as follows:

  • Winter: in December - the 1st, 22nd and 24th; in January - the 1st, 8th and 29th; in February - the 5th and 10th.
  • Spring: in March - the 3rd, 10th and 31st; in April - the 2nd, 10th and 28th; in May - the 1st, 7th and 8th.
  • Summer: in June - the 4th, 9th and 30th; in July - the 7th, 28th and 30th; in August - the 2nd, 25th and 27th.
  • Autumn: in September - the 3rd, 4th and 22nd; in October - the 1st, 2nd and 29th; in November - the 3rd, 20th and 24th.

1. DIY numerical harmony

In order to calculate the best day for a wedding in the upcoming 2017, you need to add up all the numbers of the planned date, and then, through complex calculations, determine how the final number will affect the digital harmony of the bride or groom. And if there is no opportunity or desire to consult a specialist numerologist, you can calculate a favorable month on your own. To do this, add 4, 5, 7, 10 or 11 to the number of the month of birth. For example, the bride was born in January, which means that May, June, August, November or December will be favorable months for her. It will be especially lucky if the months of the bride and groom coincide - it means that this marriage will definitely be made in heaven.

For a new family, the wedding day is considered one of the most important and exciting in life. It is on this day that there are many traditions that must be observed, but no less superstitions that must be feared. To believe or not to believe in such a decision is up to you, however, astrologers are increasingly paying attention to the fact that there are favorable and unfavorable days for marriage. Many people say that before choosing a wedding date, you need to scan it using the lunar calendar, numerology, astrological advice, feng shui, church calendar, as this will help you make your future family stronger and more harmonious. Many believe that the future happiness in the family depends on the right wedding date. So how do you determine good dates for a wedding in 2017?

Beautiful dates for a wedding in 2017

Many people say that first of all they choose the date of the wedding so that it looks good in the passport, but they never think about whether this date is favorable for marriage or not. So, what dates are considered beautiful for a wedding in 2017? And so, almost all months are suitable, the numbers of which have the numbers 7, 17 or 20. In addition, beautiful dates include January 1st and 10th, February 2nd and 20th, 3rd and 30th March, April 4th, May 5th, June 6th, July 1st and 7th, August 8th and September 9th, October 10th and 11th, November 11th and 12th -th of December 2017. Of course, it is difficult to argue with the fact that these dates look very beautiful, but it is difficult to say whether they will become favorable and whether they will positively influence the spouses. Since very often such dates have a negative impact on family life.

Astrologers categorically do not recommend February 11th and August 7th for marriage, as these are the days of the lunar eclipse. In addition, astrologers recommend being wary of new moons, full moons of the first and last quarter, as these days will negatively affect the relationship of spouses. Based on mythology, astrologers recommend getting married on the days when Venus, the patroness of love, is most active. The constellations of Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces are considered lucky signs for Venus, but Aries, Virgo, Scorpios will become weak signs of Venus. Astrologers have also determined the most negative month for marriage - this is May. But the most favorable are those months that are the fourth, fifth, seventh, tenth and eleventh after the birth of one of the future spouses. -recommendations for the day.

Astrologers determine positive days for marriage based on the lunar calendar depending on the phase of the moon per person. And so they define the following periods:

  • the period of the new moon, which is characterized by the minimum energy state of a person. Astrologers recommend reducing any load on the body during this period. However, it is during this period that astrologers recommend starting a healthy lifestyle or going on a diet, as it is the most favorable.
  • waxing moon period. This period is characterized by an increase in human activity and a more stable immune system.
  • The period of the full moon is characterized by increased sensitivity and the predominance of feelings and emotions over the mind;
  • The period of the waning moon is characterized by a favorable period for the completion of previously begun cases.

Astrologers say that the most negative for a wedding according to the lunar calendar are the periods of the new moon and full moon, as well as the fourth change of the moon (3,4,5, 8, 9, 13, 18, 19 lunar days). The most favorable are the 10th, 11th, 16th, 17th, 21st, 26th, 27th days of the month.

auspicious days

In the new 2017, the following days are considered the most favorable days for marriage: in January - 1, 8, 29; in February - 3.5, 10; in March - 3.10.31; in April - 2, 10, 28; in May - 1.7.8; in June - 4.9, 30; in July - 7.28, 30; in August - 2.25.27; in September - 3.4, 22; in October - 1.2, 29; in November - 3.20, 24; in December - 1.22, 24.

Regarding marriage according to Feng Shui, the most favorable are the numbers 1, 2, 3, 12, 21 of each month.

Orthodox calendar for a wedding in 2017

It is worth noting that church laws prohibit marriage on fast days. Auspicious days for marriage in 2017 according to the church calendar are the periods from January 20 to March 7, May 8, all autumn, with the exception of fasting days. In addition, weddings are prohibited during such holidays as Easter, Holy Trinity, Palm Sunday and those days on which the dead are commemorated.

It is worth noting that it is up to you which category to determine the favorable days for marriage. However, astrologers recommend choosing days that fit all categories at once, as this will significantly increase your chances of a favorable outcome and married life.

How to choose a wedding date in 2017 - many newlyweds are concerned about this issue. The day of the wedding is approaching. Tenderness overwhelms loving hearts, but you really want your wedding day to be special and memorable. Some impressionable brides are worried, but maybe it’s not enough just to take care of a magnificent dress and a touching ceremony?

Maybe you need to approach more fundamentally and choose the date of the wedding day so that everything goes really beautifully and with a positive mood. Some choose a wedding date according to the lunar, church or astrological calendar, while others want to choose a beautiful date so that the number is remembered and looks unusual.

Read this article:

What the year of the Fire Rooster prepares for lovers

It is worth emphasizing that the coming year passes under the symbolism of the Red Fire Rooster, it protects family ties, so the couple in love will have a long, happy life, not overshadowed by quarrels and quarrels. The Fire Rooster is a conservative sign, it is open and sincere.

Wedding events should be magnificent and memorable for a long time, but without excessive squandering and waste of money. Everything should take place in relation to established traditions, without unnecessary innovation and extra originality, it is enough just to choose the right dates for the wedding in 2017.

The rooster is a sign of a worker. He will not tolerate a luxurious celebration with credit money. If you are planning a beautiful, expensive celebration in the most magnificent restaurant, moderate your ardor and do not borrow or borrow money if you do not want the marriage to break up or go into debt all your life.

The event must be held only on personal savings, even if it does not turn out to be so magnificent, but it will contribute to a long and prosperous life. The symbol of the year wants to see between the spouses not only passion, but also mutual respect and understanding. Only in this case, the Rooster promises a long-lasting strong union built on traditions and conservatism. you just have to choose a favorable date for the wedding.

wedding omens

There are signs that contribute to a strong union.

  1. It is necessary to choose smooth rings so that they do not have notches or inlays. Also, in no case do not let anyone measure them.
  2. The dress should be complete and snow-white, best of all, a strict classic cut.
  3. The Fire Rooster provides several bright details - shoes and a red belt. Also in the bride's bouquet, you can harmoniously combine white and red flowers.
  4. All day long, the bride and groom must walk hand in hand so that no one comes between them.
  5. To live happily ever after, look in the mirror together after the wedding.
  6. To protect against the evil eye, make a couple of stitches with blue thread on the hem of the dress.

Characteristics of the days of the week for marriage in 2017

Monday is ruled by the Moon. The planet contributes to the creation of a strong family, favors the preservation of warmth between the newlyweds, helps to quickly cope with everyday problems. A wedding on the first day of the week is very favorable, it provides for an early addition to the family.

Tuesday is under the sign of Mars. It is categorically not suitable for concluding an alliance, due to its aggressiveness and militancy. Marriage unions become a burden for two, provoking constant quarrels and resentments.

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. If the marriage lasts a long time, then it will be reason and calculation rather than love that will bind the young.

Thursday is ruled by virile Jupiter. He favors any undertakings, especially the creation of a family. Marriage will be successful, long-lasting and happy. Jupiter will help to forgive each other in the first years of marriage, as well as attract financial well-being.

Beauty Venus patronizes Friday. The very goddess of love and beauty contributes to a bright, rich marriage. Relations between lovers will never fade, but will become brighter and more harmonious. According to the Eastern horoscope, Friday is the most favorable day of the week for marriage.

Saturn patronizes the Sabbath and threatens poverty and misery. To protect the future family from losses and disappointments, break the celebration into two stages: register on Thursday or Friday, and plan a magnificent event for Saturday.

Sunday under the sign of the Sun. Relationships will be harmonious and bright, and children will be talented and obedient.

Choosing a wedding date by month

There are many folk observations regarding the month for the wedding celebration.

January is unfavorable for choosing a date for a wedding in 2017. Very often among the people it was called the widow's month, many women lost their husbands early.

In February, you can count on a happy life filled with passion and understanding. The best dates for a wedding in February 2017 are 2, 5, 10.

March promises separation from the homeland, as well as the lack of stability in life, which will take place in constant moving.

A wedding in April 2017 promises a rich life. Everything will be in abundance: financial profit and complete collapse. Every day will pass in anticipation of the next "surprise".

According to folk signs, May is not at all suitable for creating a family. And this is not because the spouses will “toil”, but because this month it was time to sow grain and plant garden crops.

In June, the most favorable period to play a magnificent, magnificent wedding. The celebration will be remembered for many years, and life will be sweet and rich.

July is viewed in two ways. The newlyweds are waiting for a lot of joyful and sad events that will periodically replace each other.

August provides the best dates for a wedding in 2017, this is the perfect month for getting married. The family will be ideal, love, harmony and tenderness will settle in it.

September promises a calm, balanced life. The family will be insured against financial losses and various hardships.

October is not suitable for registering relationships. New difficulties and hardships will constantly emerge, partners will not be able to come to an understanding.

November contributes to the achievement of huge financial success. A wedding in November 2017 promises a full cup for a young family.

December is the same favorable month for starting a family as November. It promises the couple not only wealth, but also undying love. Choosing a wedding date in December 2017 is a pledge not only of wealth, but also of great love.

Marriage according to Orthodox canons

  • Easter - from February 27 to April 15, with the exception of April 7 and 9;
  • Petrovsky - from June 12 to July 11, except July 7;
  • Uspensky - August 14-27, except for the 19th;
  • Christmas is observed from November 28 to January 6.

Favorable days for marriage in 2017

In each month, favorable dates for the wedding are distinguished, the days when it is better to lead a loved one to the altar:

  • a beautiful and friendly family can be created on January 1, 8 and 29;
  • February auspicious days fall on Friday - 3, 5 and 10. The wedding celebration will be held decorously in compliance with traditions, therefore the life of the young will follow a similar scenario;
  • the beginning of spring means pleasant changes and a happy life together for couples who entered into an alliance on March 3, 10 and 31;
  • positive days in April are 2, 10 and 28. It should be borne in mind that a post falls on this month, so it is advisable to choose a different date;
  • in May, astrologers highlight positive days - 1, 7 and 8;
  • in June you can play a fun wedding 4, 9 or 30;
  • families created in August will find love, especially if they hold an event on the 2nd, 25th or 27th;
  • calm and harmonious relationships await lovers if they are united by marriage on September 3, 4 or 22;
  • favorable October dates - 1, 2 and 29;
  • for those who want to achieve financial well-being, you need to plan a wedding for November 3, 20 or 24;
  • feelings will burn stronger every day for couples who get married on December 1, 22 or 24.

The date of the wedding will be prompted by the Moon and the Sun

If we take into account the Lunar calendar, then it is undesirable to marry during lunar and solar eclipses. A wedding organized before a solar eclipse has a very negative effect, it marks the upcoming negative events.

A favorable period for marriage is the growing Moon, the days preceding the Full Moon and New Moon.

It is better to plan a wedding for 10, 11, 16, 17, 21, 26, 27 days according to the lunar calendar. Critical days: 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 18, 19. Other dates have a neutral effect.

Great dates for a wedding

Beautiful wedding dates are remembered not only by the newlyweds, but also by their friends and relatives. Everyone prefers their own special dates, which each couple has their own. But you can pick up a beautiful symmetrical date, where individual numbers are repeated:

  • 07.01.2017;
  • 17.02.2017;
  • 07.04.2017;
  • 07.07.2017
  • or 07.10.2017.

For all representatives of the Zodiac, the most suitable dates for the union are February 17, July 7 and October 7. The rooster is preferred for the wedding event on Friday.

You need to plan marriage only if you are completely sure that your person is nearby. In case of doubt, it is better to postpone the wedding so that bitter disappointment does not come. It is also necessary almost immediately after the creation of the family to distribute responsibilities around the house so that domestic problems do not become the cause of constant quarrels and disagreements.

The most favorable months for Aries marriage are March, April and November.

Taurus needs to analyze the current relationship. If in doubt about a partner, put an end to the relationship. If something is holding you back, try to live with your loved one together to understand yourself. There is no need to be afraid of petty quarrels and conflicts, perhaps this is a grinding of characters.

If you managed to find a compromise, then feel free to play a wedding in November or December. It is undesirable to enter into an alliance in the summer, this is fraught with frequent business trips, which will cause a jealous attitude towards a partner.


Geminis are in a constant state of being in love and can't stop at one partner. The Year of the Rooster will make you stop a little and slow down. The twins will finally feel ready to start a family.

The stars especially favor Cancers. Start planning your wedding celebration so as not to miss the most successful period. The Rooster also favors couples who are expecting an addition. There is an option that the wedding will take place in anticipation of a child.
The whole year is favorable for Cancers.

Leos are not in the mood for marriage. All because they doubt themselves and their partner. Take a break for a year or a year and a half to make sure that your feelings are strong.
If you decide to get married, let it be in October or November. A troubled life threatens the Lions, who will play a wedding in June or July.

Devs will have a good year in terms of love and family. The first half of the year will give you a reliable and loyal partner. If you have a couple, then the time has come for marriage. The best time to plan a wedding is August, September or October. The risk of quarrels is aggravated for couples who marry at the end of the year.

Libra is too frivolous in matters of marriage and family, but if they decide to take such a responsible step, the year of the Rooster will favor a luxurious celebration. You need to decide on an eccentric celebration: marriage under water, in a medieval castle or right in the air during a parachute jump.


Scorpios are too freedom-loving to decide on marriage. Only a balanced decision of Scorpio will be the key to a future happy life. If you cast aside all doubts and marry your loved one, the Fire Rooster will help you find harmony and find happiness. The wedding should be kept in classic colors.
The marriage will be successful in July, November and December. August and September are strictly contraindicated due to the conflict during the planning of the ceremony.

Representatives of the sign are ripe for registering relationships. If you have been living with your loved one for a long time or have recently met your soulmate, do not hesitate, but plan a trip to the registry office. Marriage promises to be harmonious, strong, based on respect and love.

No need to make impulsive decisions, marriages are unfavorable for you this year. Only if the partner has been tested for a long time, you can plan a wedding, otherwise the marriage will be hasty and short-lived.
Equal relations will develop among partners who got married in the spring or in December.

Aquarius loves freedom from obligations, and in every possible way will delay the official marriage ceremony. Only deep feelings for a partner can inspire them to take a wedding initiative. The rooster will contribute to a strong union and the preservation of tender feelings.
The stars favor a wedding during the summer months. Marriages will be short-term in May, October and November.

The rooster will give Pisces a sea of ​​​​opportunities to get to know each other and start new relationships. But you can’t rush, you need to live a little with a person in a civil marriage in order to get to know him better, and also not to talk about your financial situation.

Plan your wedding for October-November.

It is very difficult to decide on the most wonderful day for a wedding. It can best rely on the wisdom, patience, and boundless loyalty of spouses reciting touching vows at the altar. And let no adversity destroy the new family, but only make the marriage stronger and more reliable!