My right side hurts in the second trimester of pregnancy. Rupture of an ovarian cyst. Pain in the right side of the abdomen

Pregnancy is not a disease, but during it a woman undergoes a restructuring of her body for the favorable bearing of a child. Hormonal levels change and not only, this necessarily affects the general condition. As the fetus grows and develops, minor pain in the abdominal area is normal. They are triggered by stretching of the muscles of the uterus or the movement of the child in late gestation and do not pose a danger to either the fetus or the mother. If pain in the right side becomes constant and sharp during pregnancy, then this should alert the expectant mother, as it may be a symptom of a serious illness.

To suggest what may hurt during pregnancy in the right side, you need to delve a little into the anatomy.

The abdomen is conventionally divided into 4 segments, each of which contains certain organs. To determine the cause of pain, you need to clearly understand the location of the pain, its nature and frequency of occurrence.

In the upper right segment there are:

  • liver;
  • biliary tract;
  • gallbladder;
  • antrum (pyloric) part of the stomach;
  • head and part of the body of the pancreas;
  • duodenum;
  • part of the small and large intestines;
  • right kidney

During pregnancy, the activity of internal organs decreases, their blood supply and normal functioning are disrupted, and the immune system is weakened. This leads not only to the emergence of new diseases, but also to the exacerbation of chronic ones. Inflammation of the above organs is accompanied by pain on the right side of varying intensity.

In the lower right segment are located:

  • right ovary with epididymis;
  • oviduct;
  • part of the bladder and uterus;
  • ureter;
  • appendix;
  • small, large intestine.

The cause of pain in the lower right side during pregnancy may be inflammation of one of the pelvic organs or appendicitis. Do not forget that the growing fetus puts pressure on the organs close to the uterus, causing dysfunction, forcing them to work under increased load.

Causes and nature of pain in the right side of the abdomen

Only a qualified doctor can determine the exact cause of pain in the right side during pregnancy after a physical examination and comprehensive diagnosis. The woman herself only needs to observe herself: remember the time and frequency of the pain syndrome, and understand the nature of the pain. Self-treatment is strictly prohibited, as this can result in irreparable consequences for both the fetus and the expectant mother.

The most common causes of pain in the right side of the abdomen during pregnancy:

  • Ectopic pregnancy. The appearance of unbearable cutting pain in the early stages of gestation may be a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy. If the fertilized egg is fixed in the fallopian tube, and the woman does not know about it, then at 3-6 weeks from fertilization the tube begins to stretch, causing a nagging pain in the right side of the lower abdomen. From this moment, 2 scenarios are possible: tubal abortion, which is accompanied by cramping pain and moderate bleeding, and rupture of the fallopian tube with severe internal bleeding and sudden sharp pain in the groin area.
  • Appendicitis. Inflammation of the appendix is ​​accompanied by constant aching or acute pain in the right ilioinguinal region, fever, nausea or vomiting.
  • Cholecystitis, cholangitis. Inflamed bile ducts and bladder lead to pain in the right hypochondrium of varying intensity and character: from dull to sharp paroxysmal.
  • Exacerbation of pancreatitis. Sharp pain in the right side during pregnancy can occur due to inflammation of the pancreas. Moreover, the pain is often girdling and radiates to the back. Associated symptoms: loose stools, vomiting, other dyspeptic symptoms.
  • Cholelithiasis. Gallstones themselves disrupt the timely flow of bile, and during pregnancy the situation is complicated by the pressure on the bladder of the enlarging uterus. This provokes an attack of the disease, accompanied by spastic pain in the upper half of the right hypochondrium, bitterness in the mouth, nausea, alternating constipation with diarrhea.
  • Rupture of the right ovarian cyst. The location of pain for a corpus luteum cyst of the right ovary is the corresponding side of the lower abdomen. The nature of the pain varies from moderate nagging or dull to sudden acute pain when the cyst ruptures.
  • Problems with the urinary system. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy with frequent painful urination is characteristic of. With renal colic, the back hurts in the lumbar region.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen that occurs after or before eating usually indicates problems with the digestive organs. With a duodenal ulcer, pain occurs approximately 3 hours after eating or at night (hunger pain). After eating fried or fatty foods, discomfort and pain in the upper right segment of the abdomen appear with bile duct dyskinesia, cholangitis, cholecystitis.

Other reasons include:

  • colitis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • venereal diseases.

Pain in the right side at different stages of pregnancy

Painful sensations in the right side of the abdomen can be a sign of pathology or a normal variant.

1st trimester

When the body undergoes restructuring, a hormonal shift occurs, the functioning of organs and systems changes. The digestive, cardiovascular, and nervous systems experience stress, which can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases, for example, cholecystitis, gastritis, etc. They manifest themselves as pain in the right hypochondrium.

In addition, it is characteristic of early pregnancy. Morning vomiting, nausea throughout the day, and flatulence can be accompanied by discomfort or pain in the abdomen, often on the right side.

Sharp pain in the right side of the lower abdomen during pregnancy occurs with appendicitis or the development of an embryo outside the uterus.

2nd trimester

The fetus is growing rapidly, the uterus is stretching, displacing nearby organs: primarily those located in the pelvis (bladder, intestines, ureters). When the large and small intestines are compressed, the passage of feces becomes difficult and constipation appears. Compression of the ureter prevents the outflow of urine, which accumulates in the pelvis of the right kidney. The normal functioning of the bladder is also disrupted. These inevitable consequences of pregnancy sometimes cause abdominal pain.

3rd trimester

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the fetus is already quite large. It begins to actively move, changing its position in the uterine cavity, while the woman feels tremors in different areas of the abdomen. In the last weeks of pregnancy, a woman may experience stabbing pain in her right side due to the baby hitting her internal organs.

The fundus of the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the stomach, pancreas, diaphragm, gall bladder and disrupts their blood supply. As a result, painful sensations in the right side cannot be ruled out, indicating a deterioration in the functioning of these organs.

When is side pain considered normal and when is it not?

There is no need to worry if pain in the right upper or lower abdominal segment occurs rarely, it is moderate and is not accompanied by other symptoms, for example, fever or repeated vomiting. Most often, this is a normal manifestation of changes in the body at different stages of pregnancy. The closer the birth is, the more often you may feel mild pain caused by the pressure of the fetus on the organs.

You need to call an ambulance or immediately visit a gastroenterologist, therapist or gynecologist in the following situations:

  • sudden appearance of acute pain in any area of ​​the abdomen;
  • gradually increasing pain lasting longer than half an hour;
  • persistent increase in pain over several days;
  • the addition of symptoms of intoxication - chills, fever, severe weakness;
  • dyspeptic disorders - vomiting, bloating, bowel dysfunction, etc.

How to relieve pain yourself?

You should not take any painkillers until the emergency doctor arrives, as smoothed symptoms will make it difficult to make a diagnosis. It's better to lie down and try to relax. This will relieve increased abdominal muscle tone.

You can lie on your side and bend your legs if the pain is severe - this position will ease its intensity. Do not apply a warm heating pad under any circumstances until the cause of the pain is clear.

If there is pain in the right side, a pregnant woman should definitely consult with her obstetrician-gynecologist or therapist. Timely determination of the cause of the disease will allow you to quickly take appropriate measures and avoid undesirable consequences for the mother and baby.

If these pains are a physiological norm during pregnancy, then the doctor will advise you to normalize your diet and diet, reduce fluid intake, and wear a prenatal bandage.

Useful video on how to relieve pain during pregnancy

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Pregnancy is a special state of the female body when changes occur at the physical and hormonal level. Sometimes they are not very pleasant for the child’s mother, which is associated with the growth and development of the fetus. Physical sensations such as nagging pain or may indicate both the growth of the uterus and the displacement of organs, as well as conditions requiring immediate medical attention. The abdomen contains many different organs. The reason for immediate medical attention is, first of all, severe, constant pain in the side, which can be caused by many reasons.

Pain in the right side: what do you need to know?

The abdomen can be divided conditionally into four parts: the upper right (right side on top), the upper left (left side on top), the lower right (right side on the bottom) and the lower left (left side on the bottom). Depending on which part of the abdomen the pain occurs in, we can talk about certain diseases of the internal organs. Some women experience pain in the right side. It is important for every expectant mother to know why such pain can occur.

To establish what caused the pain in the side, you first need to determine its exact location, frequency and nature (sharp, pulling, spasmodic). A description of the main symptoms of pain in the side and an examination by a doctor will help determine which organ needs to be treated.

Right side from above

Localization of pain

This part of the abdomen contains the liver, gallbladder, part of the intestines and the right side of the diaphragm. Accordingly, pain can occur due to liver disease, diseases of the stomach and duodenum, bile ducts, right kidney, pancreas. The causes of pain localized closer to the middle may be volvulus, appendicitis, or diseases of the right kidney.

Nature and frequency of pain

Sharp and severe pain. May occur due to inflammation of the pancreas or gallstone disease. Inflammation of the pancreas poses a threat to the life of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Severe pain in the side is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and profuse sweating. The pain itself can radiate to the back.

In case of severe pain, hospitalization of a pregnant woman is inevitable, since potent analgesics are contraindicated for such women. You can try to calm the pain by lying on your right side and placing a heating pad under your stomach. You can also interrupt the attack if you choose a comfortable sitting position, when the fetus does not put pressure on the pancreas.

Aching and constant pain. May occur due to diseases of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and intestines. A threat to the life of the pregnant woman and the fetus is inflammation of the liver (hepatitis). Additional symptoms that occur with hepatitis: yellowness of the whites of the eyes, facial skin and palms. It may also turn dark brown due to the presence of blood in it. This disease is often diagnosed in women in the second trimester of pregnancy, which is associated with activation of the virus due to changes in the body.

Bottom right side

Localization of pain

This part of the abdomen contains the ureter (which drains urine from the kidneys to the bladder), fallopian tubes, and appendix. The causes of pain in this segment may be diseases of the bladder, damage to the kidney or uterine appendages, appendicitis, inguinal hernia (in the early lines).

Nature and frequency of pain

Cutting and constant pain. A threat to the life of the pregnant woman and the fetus can be appendicitis or rupture of the cyst. The symptoms of appendicitis are similar to the symptoms of a ruptured ovarian cyst: sharp pain and its specific location. As in the case of appendicitis, rupture of the cyst requires urgent hospitalization followed by surgery.

Dull and nagging pain. As a rule, it occurs due to inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system. In this case, it is recommended to make a decoction of chamomile and drink an infusion of coltsfoot (2 tablespoons before meals). If the pain symptoms have not disappeared, then during your next visit to the gynecologist you need to tell the doctor about them. The specialist may prescribe an additional medical examination, which will require you to undergo a course of medication.

Pregnant women sometimes experience a dull and aching pain that lasts no more than 10-15 minutes. This may be a sign that the baby has rolled over in the stomach and kicked or hit the liver with its head. In this case, you should lie on your back and try to relax, and then take deep breaths, slightly holding the air in your lungs.

During pregnancy, the motor activity of the internal organs decreases in the female body, changes occur in the circulatory system in the internal organs, and immunity decreases, which can cause not only the emergence of new diseases, but also the exacerbation of chronic ones. Therefore, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her well-being and, if pain in the side occurs, contact one of the specialists: an obstetrician-gynecologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon or infectious disease specialist.

Especially for Love is simple

As soon as a new life is born in a woman’s body, it begins to actively restructure itself, subjecting all organs and systems to additional stress.

This often contributes to the occurrence of unpleasant sensations, such as pain in the right side during pregnancy, and provokes an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases or the development of new diseases.

In order to determine why the side hurts during pregnancy, it is necessary to understand the nature of the pain and establish the exact location of its localization. The abdominal area can be divided into four parts: the upper segment on the right (right side), the upper segment on the left (left side), the right and left lower segments. Depending on which part the pain occurs, you can judge its possible cause.

Right side hurts during pregnancy from above

Aching pain in the right side indicates diseases of the liver, gall bladder, intestines or pancreas. In medical practice, there are cases when in the second trimester a woman is diagnosed with hepatitis, the virus of which lived peacefully in the body before pregnancy. The hepatitis A virus can enter the body through food and water. Expectant mothers who have a history of liver and biliary tract diseases are observed in the antenatal clinic together with a therapist.

The head of the pancreas is located in the upper right side. Therefore, pain may be caused by pancreatitis. Quite severe pain in this case is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and can radiate to the back. In a lying position, pain, as a rule, intensifies, subsides in a sitting position with a slight bend forward. The diagnosis of pancreatitis can be confirmed by appropriate laboratory tests and determination of the amount of certain enzymes.

Pain can also be caused by renal pathology. Infections and inflammatory diseases of the right kidney cause pain, often radiating to the back. Pain sensations can vary from mild nagging pain to acute unbearable cramping attacks. Acute cutting pain requires immediate consultation with a doctor, as it can be caused by the presence or movement of stones and then the condition almost always worsens.

Hypomotor dyskinesia of the biliary tract often occurs in pregnant women. This condition is caused by increased production of progesterone, a hormone that prevents miscarriage and relaxes the uterus. At the same time, the smooth muscles of other organs, including the gallbladder, relax. As a result of insufficient emptying of the gallbladder, its walls stretch and pain occurs.

The normal process of bile secretion may also be disrupted due to compression (pressing) of the internal organs, liver and gall bladder by the growing uterus. With dyskinesia, women experience pain in the right side of the abdomen, a feeling of heaviness and pressure in the hypochondrium. These symptoms are often complemented by lack of appetite, bitterness in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn. After eating fatty and fried foods, nervous overstrain and too strong emotions, the feeling of fullness in the hypochondrium and pain intensify.

Dyskinesia of the gallbladder sometimes contributes to the development of the inflammatory process and stone formation. In addition, it can be a manifestation of various anomalies in the development of the bile ducts and chronic cholecystitis. A major role in the development of dysfunction of the gallbladder and ducts in expectant mothers is played by the state of the nervous system, various psychogenic factors and unbalanced nutrition.

In rare cases, pregnancy is complicated by acute fatty liver degeneration. This condition is a form of severe gestosis, which poses a danger to the mother and fetus. Pain in the right hypochondrium is accompanied by drowsiness, frequent mood swings, convulsions and confusion. This liver problem is usually detected quite quickly, in the first stages of development, and requires immediate qualified help.

Right side hurts during pregnancy from below

The intestines are partially located here, along with the appendix, the right ureter and the right appendages of the uterus. Pain can be caused by:

  • Intestinal inflammation
  • Constipation
  • Inflammation of the appendix
  • Inflammation of the fallopian tube and right ovary
  • Right ovarian cyst or rupture

Side pain during pregnancy is associated with intestinal spasm, often preceded by prolonged constipation or a change in diet. Pain usually subsides after defecation or taking an antispasmodic.

Acute pain in the right lower abdomen should make you think about possible appendicitis and consult a surgeon. The growing uterus compresses the appendix, its blood supply is disrupted, which leads to inflammation - appendicitis.

The appendix may be located under the liver, which is why the symptoms of its inflammation can be confused with the symptoms of gastritis. The lower location of the process, near the urinary system, contributes to a frequent urge to urinate and irradiation of pain to the perineum and legs. The likelihood of such a diagnosis increases if the pain does not subside for a long time, the pain is concentrated around the navel, or you can indicate the location of its localization with one finger.

In the initial stages, pain due to appendicitis is most often observed in the right iliac region; in the second half of pregnancy, the pain is localized much higher, can be vague and radiate to the back and lower back. Appendicitis requires urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention.


A dull aching pain in the right side of women in the lower abdomen can be caused by a right ovarian cyst. Its occurrence is sometimes promoted by pregnancy, but more often the cyst exists long before this condition. When stretched, mechanical irritation of the nerve receptors occurs, which causes mild pain, and sometimes just discomfort. Acute pain radiating to the anus, during which a false urge to defecate is felt and it is painful to sit, is almost always a symptom of a cyst rupture or torsion and requires timely treatment.

The treatment method in this case is selected individually depending on the clinical situation and contraindications. It can be conservative using antiplatelet agents, antispasmodics and other drugs, or surgical, in which the cyst is surgically removed.

Some of the most harmless are pains caused by sprained uterine ligaments. The right uterine ligament in most women is physiologically shorter than the left, so its stretching is observed more often. In this case, there is no threat to health, and there is no need for special treatment. Such pains are more often observed in later stages, when the uterus significantly increases in size, although they can sometimes occur at the beginning of pregnancy.

In early pregnancy, sudden cramping pain in the lower right side may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. A regular pregnancy test simply detects the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, regardless of whether the fertilized egg is in the uterus or in the fallopian tube. Based on its testimony, women are sometimes unaware of the development of an ectopic pregnancy, which in some cases is quite difficult to determine. To exclude this option, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive gynecological examination in combination with an ultrasound.

Trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and other sexually transmitted infections also contribute to pain in the right iliac region. Treatment of these diseases is carried out in a hospital, since intrauterine infection of the fetus is possible.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen in women may appear as pregnancy progresses due to the growing uterus or fetal movements.

What to do if you have pain?

If there is moderate pain in the right side, there is no need to worry too much. Short aching pain (no more than 15 minutes) sometimes occurs when the baby, turning over in the stomach, touches the liver with its head or leg. In such cases, it is recommended to lie down and try to relax as much as possible by taking deep breaths. However, during a scheduled visit to the antenatal clinic, report such episodes to the gynecologist.

You can judge the presence of an inflammatory process by taking a blood and urine test. Inflammation is indicated by an increased level of leukocytes in the blood and the presence of proteins in the urine. This is how you can judge kidney problems, female inflammatory diseases and appendicitis. Using ultrasound of the uterus, placental abruption, increased tone, appendicitis and other problems are detected.

If sudden severe pain occurs, call an ambulance immediately. Taking painkillers on your own is strictly contraindicated, firstly: they can harm the child, and secondly: the clinical picture will be blurred and it will be more difficult for the doctor to determine the disease. To relieve spasms, you can take a No-shpa tablet.

Left side pain during pregnancy

The left side of the abdominal cavity contains the spleen, most of the pancreas and intestinal loops. The spleen is located closest to the surface of the body, the main function of which is to completely remove red blood cells from the blood. In some diseases, it increases in size, which explains the occurrence of pain. The most dangerous rupture of the spleen as a result of illness or injury. The hallmark symptom of this condition is severe pain and bluish skin around the navel.

The cause of a dull aching pain radiating to the left side is often stomach diseases: functional dyspepsia, gastritis, ulcers. Sharp pain in the upper left side may be the result of a diaphragmatic hernia. With diseases of the pancreas, pain spreads to the left, central and right areas of the abdomen.

During pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, many women experience digestive disorders, nausea, heartburn, and vomiting. This is due to increased production of progesterone and estrogen. These hormones relax the smooth muscles of the esophagus, causing food to pass slowly and irritate the lining of the esophagus. The best way to get rid of these unpleasant sensations is to switch to fractional meals with moderate food consumption, include predominantly easily digestible foods in the menu and lead an active lifestyle.

Pain in the right side during pregnancy, regardless of its intensity, should not be ignored, especially when it comes to sudden, sharp pain. After all, now you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the well-being and well-being of your unborn baby.

Pregnancy is natural for the female body. Unfortunately, it is not safe for all women. In the first 3-4 months, the female body experiences severe stress, hormonal levels change, the uterus expands, and the body prepares for gestation and subsequent childbirth.

Most women complain of nausea, headaches, dizziness and problems with the genitourinary system. Almost none of these problems pose a danger to the mother and fetus. But there are cases when pain is localized where it should not be, for example, pain in the right side. A pregnant woman should carefully study the anatomical structure of her own body and, if pain increases, consult a specialist.

The patient states that she ate at a local restaurant the previous evening. Since she had already gained 15 kg during pregnancy, she ate a salad with cheese, ham, eggs, yogurt dressing, etc. Since then, further nutrition. The patient states that the pain is actually felt "all over the abdomen." The patient is quite thin, but he has achieved a lot during pregnancy. She enters a typical pregnancy situation. The attempt at calm failed.

Ultrasonography of the abdomen gives imperceptible findings about the liver, bile ducts, pancreas, kidneys, spleen, etc. What about diarrhea? About the time the patient lay down. Did she indicate that the complaint would improve if the position changed? It hasn't been mentioned yet how her first pregnancy went. Was there anything special?

Anatomy of the right side

The abdomen is divided into 4 zones - the right upper and lower side, the left upper and lower side. At the top of the right side are:

  • intestines;
  • gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • liver;
  • pancreas;
  • duodenum;
  • one of the kidneys.

Injuries to these organs as a result of the changed position of the uterus often cause severe pain and complications.

A stool sample is not possible at this time and should be postponed until the next morning. Pressure pain she has in the right upper abdomen. She states that the pain has increased since the beginning. She is a little tired and just feels "uncomfortable" due to the pain.

Additional questions or suggestions for action? The birth was a spontaneous birth. Besides, we don't have Tsdme, right? At least not yet mentioned. Liver values ​​are slightly increased, but thrombosis is normal. To clarify hemolysis, it is possible to determine bilirubin and haptoglobin; missing hemoglobin in the urine rather speaks against it. The only thing you could do in this case is to watch and eventually stop the blood pressure, but this is not necessary now. How was the liver palpation?

In the lower part of the right side there are:

  • ovary and its appendage;
  • the fallopian tubes;
  • bladder;
  • part of the uterus;
  • ureter;
  • appendix;
  • small and large intestine.

We should also not forget that pain in this part of the body can only be an echo of pain that bothers other organs of the human body.

It's just that under pregnancy we have to really take away the worst of the pain and anxiety. Sign Belt, release pain? Eventually, the application will be shifted upward and therefore not necessarily eliminated. A good example of a case, by the way! And sono baby?

The results of the examination are still invisible, with the exception of epigastric pain. Hepatitis serology was performed during pregnancy and was unobtrusive. But, as far as I can tell, it's pretty unnoticeable. Then we call the gynecological assistant. In addition, the patient indicated that the pain would somehow increase. The nurse also says that the patient looks pale.

Interesting video: Pain as a symptom. What hurts in the right hypochondrium

Causes and nature of pain

Only a specialist can name the exact cause of pain in the area in question. In case of repeated repetition of the pain syndrome, the pregnant woman should go to the clinic for a comprehensive examination.

What to do if you have pain in the right side during pregnancy?

At 34 she is pregnant. Can someone like you be a good mother? This question torments her the most. She writes a letter to her son in her diary. We had a good time yesterday. We always do this when dad is not there. Not bad for a mother coming from the clinic. Between you, they tapped my hand again, and we pressed together “right”!

There was a time in her life when that word sounded like a threat: mom. She didn't want to have a child. When she realized, she despaired. Afraid of doing something to your child. She falls ill on the way home. She buys a pregnancy test at the pharmacy. She can't have children at all. Cysts on the ovary, a year ago. Normal women can get pregnant. Normal women can have normal relationships. If she knows anything, it's this.

Important! You should not postpone the examination, as this can harm not only the woman herself, but also her unborn child.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen, under the ribs and at the navel on the right side occurs for a number of reasons, among which special mention should be made:

  1. Appendicitis.
    A dangerous and insidious disease caused by inflammation of the short appendix - the appendix. The pain is aching or acute, and is permanent. Spreads across the groin, affecting the abdomen and back. In this case, pain initially occurs in the lower abdomen, but gradually the pain covers the entire abdomen. The pain is cutting, sharp, and when you try to stand up or change body position, it intensifies. The patient develops a fever, nausea, headache, and possibly vomiting and diarrhea. Appendicitis develops rapidly. Lack of treatment is detrimental to health, the appendix ruptures, the fluid contained in it enters the body, causing severe intoxication. A ruptured appendix is ​​fatal and the patient requires urgent surgical intervention. The presence of the disease is determined by palpation. The disease is treated in a hospital setting. Timely seeking help allows you to save the life and health of the child.
  2. Cholecystitis and cholangitis.
    The source of inflammation is in the liver. The bile ducts and bladder become inflamed, which causes pain. The pain is nagging, paroxysmal, accompanied by a burning sensation in the right side and abdomen. The pain subsides when you turn onto your left side with your knees tucked to your stomach. Signs of cholecystitis often appear in completely healthy women. This happens due to the strong pressure of the uterus on the adjacent organs. An attack of pancreatitis.
  3. An inflamed pancreas can cause sharp pain in the right side. Sometimes the pain is girdling in nature, radiating to the back and spine. Associated signs of the disease are diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and the patient may develop a fever. The disease is not fatal, but dangerous for the fetus.
  4. Stones in the kidneys.
    The occurrence of kidney stones leads to disruption of bile flow. Bile ceases to be excreted from the body in the amount required for a healthy person. The disease is accompanied by spasmodic pain in the upper part of the right side, the patient feels sick, gags, and bitterness occurs in the mouth. In some cases, diarrhea is observed, periodically followed by constipation. Pain also occurs in the left hypochondrium. The nature of the pain may vary depending on the food consumed. Characteristic signs of the disease are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The disease does not pose a danger to the life of mother and child.
  5. Right ovarian cyst.
    The disease can develop both during pregnancy and before it. At the same time, a woman with an identified cyst must first undergo a course of treatment, and only after that think about bearing a child. The pain is localized in the lower abdomen. It is almost impossible to determine its exact location. The pain symptoms are minor, usually the patient experiences only slight tingling, a feeling of tightness and discomfort. In rare cases, the pain is acute, radiates to the rectum and causes a false urge to stool. Discomfort and minor pain are caused by mechanical irritation of the nerve receptors of the cyst resulting from its stretching. Severe pain occurs when the cyst ruptures or twists. In pregnant women, the disease is treated with antispasmodics; in severe cases, when the cyst has ruptured, surgery is performed to remove it.
  6. Varicose veins of the uterus.
    Pain is directly related to pregnancy and occurs as a result of disruption of the blood supply to the uterus and the vessels located near it. Women prone to varicose veins should prepare for its appearance during pregnancy. The disease is not dangerous, but extremely unpleasant.
  7. Bladder problems.
    The uterus puts a lot of pressure on the bladder, so a pregnant woman has constant efforts to empty it. In some cases, the desire to go to the toilet is also accompanied by severe pain in the right side. Usually the pain goes away immediately after voiding, but its disappearance is temporary.
  8. Pleurisy, pneumonia.
    The source of pain is the chest, but it can also radiate to the right side. Pneumonia and pleurisy do not exist without high fever and cough. In rare cases, there may not be a cough, so a pregnant woman is strongly recommended to undergo all examinations necessary to determine the source of pain.
  9. Constipation cramps.
    Constipation during pregnancy is quite common. As a result of spasm of the round muscles of the intestines that accompanies constipation, a woman may experience acute pain in the abdomen on the right side. Such pain does not require treatment; it goes away on its own after its source is eliminated. It should be noted that constipation itself is very dangerous during pregnancy, so there is no point in being happy that the pain has gone away for a while; the pregnant woman should consult a doctor and solve this problem.
  10. Liver dystrophy.
    The disease can develop at 20-22 weeks of pregnancy and take the form of severe gestosis. Accompanied by damage to nerve endings and severe pain in the right side. As the disease progresses, the woman does not get enough sleep, her mood changes more often than a pregnant woman should, and loss of consciousness and convulsions are possible. The disease is dangerous, there is a serious threat to the mother and fetus, therefore it is not recommended to leave it without treatment.

In some cases, the cause of acute pain in the right side can be an ectopic pregnancy. With this form of pregnancy, the amniotic egg does not penetrate the uterus, but is attached to one of the tubes. The growth and development of the amniotic egg is accompanied by severe pain and ultimately leads to rupture of the tube, blood poisoning and death of the woman. In this case, the symptoms of pregnancy that appear in a woman will be quite standard - toxicosis, lethargy, dizziness, enlarged mammary glands. A pregnancy test may also show a positive result. An ectopic pregnancy can only be determined using an ultrasound, so if pain occurs in the right side, you need to hurry.

She has many treatments. Diagnoses have changed, and so have therapists. This means that they blur them like an invisible enemy, sometimes the boundaries between fantasy and reality. There were times when she cut her arms with razor blades and hated herself later. It's unpredictable in a relationship.

She looks at the pregnancy test. She reads the packaging insert. She chooses her friend Ian's number. They were together for almost a year. He, 43 years old, divorced, two children, lives in North Rhine-Westphalia, she lives in Hamburg. "I'm pregnant," she says.

What to do if you have pain

The feelings come only the next day. Borderline illness is a personality disorder. Those affected are impulsive and emotionally very unstable. You can change your mood, your image or your opinion of other people from one second to the next. Therefore, it is difficult for them to maintain stable relationships. Many have massive fears, more than half of them have already made suicide attempts.

It is possible to prevent serious consequences for a woman’s life and health only in the first 3-4 weeks of the so-called pregnancy. After the specified time, the amniotic egg increases in size so much that it is almost impossible to remove it without damaging the fallopian tubes, and, accordingly, loss of reproductive function.

Important! Upon learning of pregnancy, a woman should immediately undergo an ultrasound scan. Some experts recommend doing the first ultrasound no earlier than 7-8 weeks, but to be on the safe side, it is recommended to do it as early as possible, when there is still a chance to correct the situation. Ectopic pregnancy is not considered a rare occurrence; no woman is immune from it.

It is estimated that between one and two percent of the population suffers from borderline disorder. The current state of research suggests that both genetic factors and traumatic childhood experiences are responsible for the onset of diseases such as abuse.

In a few days her friend will come. Then they go to the Italian. Suddenly a sentence from her mother comes to her: “With a woman like you, sooner or later the children will end up in the trash.” Why is she so stupid? - asks Melanie herself. Now the child is as big as a gummy bear. This morning she stood naked in front of the mirror and disgusted with herself. You can't come up with anything like that! Many pregnant women complain of vaginal pain during pregnancy and wonder if this is normal.

Pain on the right under the ribs and in the side is provoked by other factors, among which the most common are:

  1. Dieting.
    In an attempt to maintain beautiful body shapes, young mothers ignore the recommendations of specialists and refuse foods that the body needs to bear a healthy baby. As a result, problems with the intestines and stomach begin, gastritis and ulcers may develop, which directly affects the child.
  2. Emotional stress.
    Even the excessive emotionality of a young mother can provoke pain during pregnancy. Constant changes in mood, hysterics, crying - all this resonates in the body and manifests itself in the form of pain.
  3. General fatigue.
    Usually occurs in the later stages, it becomes difficult for a woman to move long distances. There is no need to worry about such pain; it will subside over time without medical intervention.

Thus, pain in the right side of the side can be either completely harmless or indicate serious pathological processes occurring in a woman’s body. We will consider in more detail below which of them you can ignore and which need to immediately call an ambulance.

In most cases, women usually experience pain and even sharp pain in the vaginal area almost always around their second trimester. Rarely is this a sign that there are complications. Common causes of vaginal pain during pregnancy. The main cause of vaginal pain during pregnancy is the baby's own development. This may begin in the second trimester when the fetus puts more pressure on the pelvic nerves. The best treatment for these discomforts is to lie on the left side to allow the child to adjust his position.

Another cause of vaginal pain in pregnant women may be increased blood flow to the uterus. Due to pregnancy, the amount of blood in a woman's body can increase by 50 percent, and most of it goes to the uterus. This increase in blood flow can cause inflammation and tenderness in the vulvar lips.

Useful video: Pain in the right side during pregnancy

Time to call an ambulance?

Pregnancy, especially the first, is often an unexpected surprise for a woman. The first few months of gestation are particularly dangerous. Being in constant stress from sensations unfamiliar to her, a woman often bullies doctors and complains of constant pain and discomfort arising from toxicosis. Many specialists prefer to ignore such complaints, which is not always true.

Although the vagina may be sensitive to touch and pressure, a woman's sexual appetite often increases. Interestingly, engaging in sexual activities can help reduce some of the vaginal discomfort and swelling. Other causes of vaginal pain during pregnancy.

Ingrown hairs can be a problem for many pregnant women. Certain hormone levels increase significantly during pregnancy, which can cause pubic hair to become thicker after it has been shaved. When these thick hairs materialize, they usually cause a lot of pain in the surrounding area. On the other hand, one of the most grown hormones is progesterone. Due to its ability to increase sweating, dead skin cells can eventually clog pores and promote reddish hairs.

Rare pain in the abdomen and spine, not accompanied by fever and vomiting, are considered harmless and quite normal. As mentioned above, the body is undergoing a restructuring. Closer to childbirth, pain will occur more often, but this is also considered normal, since at this time the fetus puts especially strong pressure on the organs.

Vaginal acne is not common, but it occurs in some pregnant women and can cause vaginal discomfort. Changing levels of female hormones combined with moisture in the vaginal area can lead to the development of acne. Once hormone levels return to normal, acne usually goes away.

Finally, most pregnancy-related cramps occur around the abdomen and pelvic area, but they can also be felt in the vaginal area. They are more common after intercourse, especially if she has had an orgasm. These cramps are not a sign of preterm labor and usually disappear after a few minutes.

The reason to call an ambulance is:

  • sudden and persistent pain in the right side;
  • prolonged pain for half an hour, the intensity of which increases over time;
  • pain that does not go away for several days and intensifies in the evening;
  • pain accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever.

Trying to relieve pain symptoms on your own with the help of painkillers and traditional methods is not worth it. This can be done only after examination and receiving clear recommendations from a doctor, otherwise the woman may harm both herself and the child.

– this is undoubtedly one of the best periods in the life of a future mother, because very soon a beloved and desired child will be born. During pregnancy, a woman should feel well, with the exception of rare and minor ailments. But sometimes there are cases when mothers begin to complain of pain - one of the most common complaints is pain in the right side.

When to Worry: Right and Wrong Pain

The occurrence of any pain during pregnancy is a completely normal process; rarely does pregnancy go completely unnoticed. Most often, women begin to feel discomfort in the lower back when turning their body sharply. This occurs due to spraining of the ligaments, which occurs under the pressure of the growing fetus. Further, in the last stages of pregnancy, a woman may feel pressure on the intestines. Discomfort can also occur due to the fact that a pregnant woman does not move much or when she overeats.

All this is normal pain that almost every pregnant woman goes through and therefore there is no need to worry about it at all.

But if a woman experiences abnormal pain during pregnancy, then she should start worrying, because it is a symptom of various diseases. In order to determine what kind of pain you have - right or wrong, you need to learn to recognize it.

Pain in the right side: causes

During pregnancy, especially in the last months, the pregnant woman may be accompanied. This is not surprising - the uterus and fetus put pressure on the internal organs, thereby complicating their work, which can cause pain. If these unpleasant symptoms appear, a pregnant woman should bring this to the attention of her doctor during a scheduled (or unscheduled, if the pain intensifies or becomes intrusive) visit to the antenatal clinic. If you have pain in your right side during pregnancy, you should think about what internal organs are located in this place and what could cause the pain.

On the upper right are the liver, gall bladder and part of the diaphragm. Consider whether diet or other factors could affect the functioning of these internal organs and cause pain. Fatty, fried, smoked foods cause stress on the liver and gall bladder, and during pregnancy they are in a compressed state and are not able to fully perform their functions, so a pregnant woman’s diet should be gentle and balanced.

Disturbances in the functioning of the gallbladder, pancreas and liver may also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sweating, and an unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth.

In the right side below are the fallopian tube, ovary, ureter and appendix. In this area, it is worth paying attention to these organs.

In the early stages of pregnancy, pain in the lower right side may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

Before going to see a doctor and undergoing the necessary tests, you can try to independently determine which organ is causing pain in the right side. To do this, you will need to characterize the pain, what is it like: aching, dull, sharp, sharp, pulling?

  • If you have aching and persistent pain in your right side, then most likely it is caused by the liver, pancreas or intestines.
  • A dull and aching pain lasting no more than 10-15 minutes indicates that, most likely, your baby turned unsuccessfully and thereby caused you inconvenience. In order to reduce pain, you need to lie on your back or take a painkiller tablet, for example.
  • Sharp and acute pain indicates inflammation in the pancreas. If this is the case, then you will have to stay in the hospital for some time, because pregnant women cannot take analgesics.
  • Cutting pain in the lower abdomen can become a symptom of such an unpleasant disease as appendicitis. Rupture of an ovarian cyst is also accompanied by cutting pain.
  • Inflammation in the genitourinary system will be indicated by a dull and nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

What to do if your right side hurts

The first thing you should do is make an appointment with your doctor right away. Until this time, you should not take any medications - the doctor will prescribe what you can drink without harm to the child, after a diagnostic examination is carried out.

Remember that if the pain continues for more than 30 minutes, or even worsens, you should immediately contact a medical facility for assistance. Don't waste time - doctors must rule out the presence of a ruptured cyst, appendicitis and other diseases that could jeopardize your child's health.

18 Mar 2012

Pregnancy is a wonderful time, but you know how worrying it becomes when pain or discomfort appears. As an expectant mother, you simply cannot ignore some sensations, as this can lead to serious consequences. What to do if your right side hurts during pregnancy? First of all, don't panic. And then - to understand the causes of this condition and make a decision on treatment.

Main causes of pain

There may be several reasons why the right side hurts during pregnancy. The most common causes of pain include:

  • Appendicitis;

It is believed that many women experience inflammation of the appendix during pregnancy. If the abdominal pain does not subside and is accompanied by a fever, call an ambulance immediately. You absolutely cannot delay this, and not only during pregnancy.

  • Ovarian cyst;

If you had such a disease before pregnancy, then during pregnancy you will have to monitor your condition more closely. Usually the cyst reacts sharply to pregnancy. In this case, a false desire to go to the toilet arises. This is due to the fact that the pain can radiate to the anus. The stomach itself hurts, especially the right side; during the occurrence of unpleasant sensations it is tense.

  • Pancreatitis. During pregnancy, the right side of the lower abdomen may hurt and during exacerbation of this disease. If you are experiencing vomiting and loose stools, then you most likely have this particular problem. Vomiting can also be a companion to toxicosis. Read more about this in the article Vomiting during pregnancy >>>;
  • In the abdominal area there are some other organs that cause side pain during problems, these include the liver, kidneys, and part of the intestines. All this can acutely react to bearing a child, especially if you have previously noticed some problems with them. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify what symptoms still occur when your side hurts.

Symptoms you are experiencing

The first thing you should do if you feel your side hurts is to determine the nature of the sensation.

  1. Pain can be classified, so imagine what unpleasant sensations you associate with;
  2. Also try to more accurately determine where the source of pain is. This is due to the fact that each organ transmits signals to its own area. If you understand your body correctly, then the diagnosis can be made quickly and correctly. Therefore, conditionally divide the side into two parts: upper and lower. This will help identify what exactly hurts.

What to do if there is pain in the upper abdomen

The following bodies are located in this area:

  • liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • upper part of the diaphragm;
  • part of the intestine.

Abdominal pain in the right side during pregnancy, localized in the upper part, may indicate problems with these organs.

If your pain is aching and constant, then this may be due to liver or intestinal diseases. In this case, you need to pay attention to the color of the urine. If it is brownish, then there is a chance that you have hepatitis. This is also indicated by a change in skin color. It will take on a reddish or yellowish tint.

In this case, pregnancy can proceed as usual; the signal is precisely the pain that occupies the side.

If there is a sharp pain that seizes and does not go away, you need to pay attention to the pancreas. It is the inflammation of this organ that manifests itself this way. If you are vomiting or sweating profusely, then you need to pay attention to relieving inflammation from the pancreas.

Pain in the lower abdomen. What are they talking about?

  1. In this area we have the bladder, kidneys, and appendix. You have already read about the latter and understand that you need to consult a doctor immediately;
  2. For pain that you can classify as nagging, you need to pay attention to the genitourinary system. If at the same time you begin to go to the toilet more often, experiencing discomfort, then most likely you have cystitis;
  3. If your stomach hurts for a long time, and the sensations are sharp and difficult to tolerate, then two options are possible:
  • You have inflammation of the appendix. Urgent removal is required;
  • You are experiencing a cyst rupture. This is accompanied by severe bleeding and fever. Probably, surgical intervention is also indispensable. It’s good that now even pregnancy is not an obstacle to operations.

What causes side pain during the 1st trimester?

Unpleasant sensations may accompany you throughout your pregnancy. However, what is associated with pain in the right side in the early stages?

  1. Ectopic pregnancy. It can be identified already in the early stages using ultrasound. Often this phenomenon is to blame for your side pain. Read the current article: How to determine an ectopic pregnancy?;
  2. Digestive system. And in order for you to be sure that you are eating right, study our course Nutrition during pregnancy >>>;
  3. At the beginning of pregnancy, there is a huge hormonal change in the body. We can say that all organs are slightly shocked by the upcoming changes (It is during this period that the greatest changes occur in the body. Read about them in the article 1st trimester of pregnancy >>>). Past, chronic diseases can make themselves felt. Often pain is caused by pancreatitis or gastritis, which decide to remind of their existence;
  4. Toxicosis. If you are forced to often experience nausea and get rid of what you have eaten, then you may experience discomfort in the costal area. Simply put, you may feel pain on your right side. This shouldn't scare you. Read more about toxicosis in the article Nausea during pregnancy >>>

If your side hurts during the 2nd trimester

  • What happens to your body in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy? Your baby grows by stretching the walls of the uterus. Organs located nearby feel discomfort because something is pressing on them. That’s why problems arise, which lead to the sensation that your side hurts;
  • One of the most common problems during this time is constipation. The uterus puts pressure on the intestines, preventing the body from getting rid of feces. This, of course, is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. But you shouldn’t be afraid of this, it’s absolutely normal. Pregnancy is often accompanied by constipation, this is a natural process, >>>;
  • A similar problem can arise with the genitourinary system. You run to the toilet more often; it always seems to you that it’s time to visit the toilet again. All this may be accompanied by a feeling that your right side hurts, especially if your bladder is full. This is also a standard situation, familiar to everyone who has been pregnant; you should not worry about it.

If your side hurts during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

  1. During this period, your baby is already big. He can make some movements. The child either pushes you in the side with his elbow, or starts kicking. At the same time, you may feel that your stomach hurts. Is this normal? Absolutely! This is a natural process that accompanies pregnancy. Very soon you will meet your little miracle, be patient;
  2. Also at this time, problems with the digestive system or pancreas may occur. From the pressure, they feel discomfort, which is reflected in pain. The uterus, which has grown, can impair blood circulation in a number of organs, which entails your unpleasant sensations; you understand that your side periodically seems to be stretched.

What to do?

Surely, you are now wondering how to determine whether the pain you feel is natural. You will have to listen to yourself, your feelings.

  • If the pain you feel comes rarely and is short-lived, then most likely nothing terrible has happened, the pregnancy is proceeding calmly, your body is simply being rebuilt. He has to change a lot, and this is where situations arise when his side hurts and unpleasant sensations appear. This is all normal;
  • You should be wary if the pain does not stop. If, in addition, they are accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, high temperature or fever, this is an alarming signal. See your doctor.

Important! Do not warm up, do not apply a heating pad to the source of pain!

It won't help if you don't know what exactly is hurting you. And in some cases this action will be harmful. Therefore, you should not take hot baths if your side hurts. And in general, warming up and pregnancy don’t go well together.

Prevention of flank pain

  1. Adjust your nutrition. When you eat food irregularly or incorrectly, your stomach and entire digestive system suffer. If earlier you could easily get by with fast food, now your body will react especially sharply to such disgrace. How to eat properly is written in detail in the article Nutrition during pregnancy >>>;
  2. Rest. You must give yourself the opportunity to relax;
  3. Get enough sleep. Don't forget about quality sleep. After it you will feel better;
  4. Be less nervous.

If you have alarming symptoms or persistent pain, seek medical help. Be healthy!