The Radchenko brothers biography of their wife. The most famous and successful brothers of Russia

RADCHENKO BROTHERS BIOGRAPHY - Singing actors. The song world of the Radchenko brothers is colorful and artistic. Even their names are familiar and meaningful: the Radchenko brothers Sergei and Nikolai are fraternally glad to see their viewers. Their relationship is cordial and rosy. The artists are at home open to the spectator world, and, of course, enjoy communication: they do not do work, but rejoice from the heart at meeting fans, getting high and enjoying with them. The feeling of intimacy and lyricism is true, but not complete. The singers appear in contact-contrast between lyrical, confidential intonation and an epic, large-scale phenomenon on stage. Two heroic, powerful characters, with epic prowess, and homely, sincere and...

RADCHENKO BROTHERS BIOGRAPHY - Singing actors. The song world of the Radchenko brothers is colorful and artistic. Even their names are familiar and meaningful: the Radchenko brothers Sergei and Nikolai are fraternally glad to see their viewers. Their relationship is cordial and rosy. The artists are at home open to the spectator world, and, of course, enjoy communication: they do not do work, but rejoice from the heart at meeting fans, getting high and enjoying with them. The feeling of intimacy and lyricism is true, but not complete. The singers appear in contact-contrast between lyrical, confidential intonation and an epic, large-scale phenomenon on stage. Two heroic, powerful characters, with epic prowess, and homely, sincere and passionate. Relations between brothers are not built tautologically or in unison. They are infused and tuned to contrasts. This is the dramaturgy of contacts between two self-sufficient individuals, and not a single monologue of two one-faced persons. The artists communicate with each other, and not just with the audience, involving the latter in their fraternal games, and thereby increase the degree of audience interest. The art of a duet is a duel of two personalities, a vocal duet, a vocal duet, and a duel of communication, creative behavior on the stage. The concerts of the Radchenko brothers are listened to and watched in one breath, like a solid ingot of precious singing nature. The captivating magnetism of the artists is obvious. Their ability to keep the audience on edge, even if the concert lasts 2.5 - 3 hours, is unique. Actually, this is no coincidence. The Radchenko brothers went through not only a musical and melodic school: their teachers were outstanding composers Nikita Bogoslovsky and Mikael Tariverdiev, but also a powerful theater “university”. The artists worked for a long time at the Arkady Raikin Theater, whose amazing skill of hypnotic, mesmerizing contact with the audience became an intensive acting school for the Radchenko brothers. Working with such masters forced me to be especially careful, scrupulous and extremely biased in the choice of repertoire, in the choice of songs for performance. The high professionalism of the contemporary status of the singers, their tireless creative growth was confirmed by the recent, extremely successful performance of the artists in the Rossiya Concert Hall, at the most prestigious venue in the country. The rapid, almost frantic, purchase of four music albums and the growing demand for them signals that in the world of audio business, our heroes are among the leading elite group of pop artists. Sergei and Nikolai Radchenko are not just singers. They are singing actors, creating a sharp and stylish spectacular performance, always imbued with love for the audience, as well as fiery dedication. Music critic, poet-essayist Vladimir Klimov... I met the artists the Radchenko brothers at a concert. They sang the song “You're Waiting, Lizaveta” by Nikita Bogoslovsky. Young artists sang fervently and marched dashingly with guitars, holding them like rifles. The brothers started singing in childhood. Nikolai was especially distinguished. He sang all the melodies he heard musically, in a thin childish voice, but for a long time and annoyingly. Mom often told him: Kolya! Go sing in the barn. And you feel good and enjoy the firewood. The brothers graduated from the theater institute and entered the theater of the Great Artist Arkady Raikin. For three years they played in this glorious theater. Once at a rehearsal, Arkady Isaakovich noticed to the brothers that they needed to remove the Ukrainian dialect and advised them to contact a stage speech teacher. The brothers intensively began to visit the teacher. A month later, Raikin met her and said hello. She answered: “Great bulls!” Arkady Isaakovich. Then military service. Nikolai completed a driver's course and began driving a truck. Sergei became a platoon commander in his second year. He famously commanded: “Platoon, stand at attention!” Who wants to go to the potatoes three steps forward? Nobody came out. So good! The car drives empty, the platoon goes on foot to harvest potatoes. Start singing! Brothers sing all their lives. They gravitated toward the theatricalization of their songs and entered the Leonid Semenovich Maslyukov Studio of Pop Art. The director in their studio was Raisa Mukhamed-shina. It was funny to watch how she scolded Sergei for Nikolai’s mistakes. Sergei blinked his eyes, not knowing what to answer. The brothers are very similar. They are twins. They performed in identical black overalls with white apache collars. Everyone has a guitar in their hands. To the audience's perplexed questions about who is Sergei and who is Nikolai, entertainer Semyon Kaminsky confidently answered: I can distinguish them easily. Sergei is in a black suit, and Nikolai is holding a guitar. The brothers are very similar, but my daughter Nastenka immediately singled out Sergei and never confused him with Nikolai. Eventually they got married and I became a grandfather. What a joy it is to hold your little granddaughter Ksyusha in your arms! It's okay that I'm a grandfather. But the fact that my wife is a grandmother... Composers Mikael Tariverdiev and Alexander Zhurbin noticed the musicality and unusual singing abilities of the artists and worked with them with pleasure. Excellent melodists Alexander Morozov and Alexander Plyachenko write songs for them. Nikita Bogoslovsky invited them to his concerts. The brothers performed in them with great success.

Biography, life story of the Radchenko brothers Singing actors. The song world of the Radchenko brothers is colorful and artistic. Even their names are familiar and meaningful: the Radchenko brothers Sergei and Nikolai are fraternally glad to see their viewers. Their relationship is cordial and rosy. The artists are at home open to the spectator world, and, of course, enjoy communication: they do not do work, but rejoice from the heart at meeting fans, getting high and enjoying with them. The feeling of intimacy and lyricism is true, but not complete. The singers appear in contact-contrast between lyrical, confidential intonation and an epic, large-scale phenomenon on stage. Two heroic, powerful characters, with epic prowess, and homely, sincere and passionate. Relations between brothers are not built tautologically or in unison. They are infused and tuned to contrasts. This is the dramaturgy of contacts between two self-sufficient individuals, and not a single monologue of two one-faced persons. The artists communicate with each other, and not just with the audience, involving the latter in their fraternal games, and thereby increase the degree of audience interest. The art of a duet is a duel of two personalities, a vocal duet, a vocal duet, and a duel of communication, creative behavior on the stage. The concerts of the Radchenko brothers are listened to and watched in one breath, like a solid ingot of precious singing nature. The captivating magnetism of the artists is obvious. Their ability to keep the audience on edge, even if the concert lasts 2.5 - 3 hours, is unique. Actually, this is no coincidence. The Radchenko brothers went through not only a musical and melodic school: their teachers were outstanding composers Nikita Bogoslovsky and Mikael Tariverdiev, but also a powerful theater “university”. The artists worked for a long time at the Arkady Raikin Theater, whose amazing skill of hypnotic, mesmerizing contact with the audience became an intensive acting school for the Radchenko brothers. Working with such masters forced me to be especially careful, scrupulous and extremely biased in the choice of repertoire, in the choice of songs for performance. The high professionalism of the contemporary status of the singers, their tireless creative growth was confirmed by the recent, extremely successful performance of the artists in the Rossiya Concert Hall, at the most prestigious venue in the country. The rapid, almost frantic, purchase of four music albums and the growing demand for them signals that in the world of audio business, our heroes are among the leading elite group of pop artists. Sergei and Nikolai Radchenko are not just singers. They are singing actors, creating a sharp and stylish spectacular performance, always imbued with love for the audience, as well as fiery dedication. Music critic, poet-essayist Vladimir Klimov I met the artists the Radchenko brothers at a concert. They sang the song “You're Waiting, Lizaveta” by Nikita Bogoslovsky. Young artists sang fervently and marched dashingly with guitars, holding them like rifles. The brothers started singing in childhood. Nikolai was especially distinguished. He sang all the melodies he heard musically, in a thin childish voice, but for a long time and annoyingly. Mom often told him: “Kolya!” Go sing in the barn. And you feel good and enjoy the firewood. The brothers graduated from the theater institute and entered the theater of the Great Artist Arkady Raikin. For three years they played in this glorious theater. Once at a rehearsal, Arkady Isaakovich noticed to the brothers that they needed to remove the Ukrainian dialect and advised them to contact a stage speech teacher. The brothers intensively began to visit the teacher. A month later, Raikin met her and said hello. She answered: “Great bulls!” Arkady Isaakovich. Then military service. Nikolai completed a driver's course and began driving a truck. Sergei became a platoon commander in his second year. He famously commanded: “Platoon, stand at attention!” Who wants to go to the potatoes three steps forward? Nobody came out. So good! The car drives empty, the platoon goes on foot to harvest potatoes. Start singing! Brothers sing all their lives. They gravitated toward the theatricalization of their songs and entered the Leonid Semenovich Maslyukov Studio of Pop Art. The director in their studio was Raisa Mukhamed-shina. It was funny to watch how she scolded Sergei for Nikolai’s mistakes. Sergei blinked his eyes, not knowing what to answer. The brothers are very similar. They are twins. They performed in identical black overalls with white apache collars. Everyone has a guitar in their hands. To the audience's perplexed questions about who is Sergei and who is Nikolai, entertainer Semyon Kaminsky confidently answered: “I can distinguish them easily.” Sergei is in a black suit, and Nikolai is holding a guitar. The brothers are very similar, but my daughter Nastenka immediately singled out Sergei and never confused him with Nikolai. Eventually they got married and I became a grandfather. What a joy it is to hold your little granddaughter Ksyusha in your arms! It's okay that I'm a grandfather. But the fact that my wife is a grandmother... Composers Mikael Tariverdiev and Alexander Zhurbin noticed the musicality and unusual singing abilities of the artists and worked with them with pleasure. Excellent melodists Alexander Morozov and Alexander Plyachenko write songs for them. Nikita Bogoslovsky invited them to his concerts. The brothers performed in them with great success. They performed in all cities of Russia. We have also been abroad. The concert in Paris was a great success, the audience was delighted. About forty people chanted: “Stay in Paris, stay in Paris!” Then it turned out that they were tourists from Russia. Artists travel a lot. They meet with the audience and communicate with fellow artists. Both artists of the older generation and their peers love them for their cheerful, sympathetic disposition. Honored Artist of Russia A. Vasilevsky

It's always nice to achieve some heights in life. And if the person closest to you walks hand in hand with you, overcoming all life’s obstacles, then it is doubly pleasant. World show business knows many brothers who achieved success only thanks to the constant support of each other. He will tell you about such wonderful people PEOPLETALK.

Valery (50) and Konstantin (52) Meladze

Everyone knows the names of one of the most successful Russian pop singers and his producer brother. Jointly released by brothers Meladze The whole country has been humming hits for a long time. Their creative tandem is truly the clearest confirmation that no one will help you more than your loved one. Having started working together back in 1994, they probably could not have imagined that they would achieve such success!

Mikhail (52) and Victor (50) Mamiashvili

Brothers Mamiashvili decided to devote their entire lives to sports and repeatedly defended the honor of the country at numerous tournaments. Michael, Honored Master of Sports, coach Russia and the president Wrestling Federation, is also an Olympic champion and awarded orders Friendship between nations. Victor, youngest of the brothers Mamiashvili, is vice president FSBR and the president Wrestling Federation Moscow. In 1997, the eldest of the brothers, Michael, was awarded the order "For services to the fatherland“II degree, and two years later this award went to Victor.

Vasily (33) and Alexey (33) Berezutsky

Honored Masters of Sports Russia, these twin brothers are a true legend of modern domestic football. Both play as central defenders in CSKA and the national team Russia, A Basil He is also the captain of our football team.

Nikita Mikhalkov (70) and Andrei Konchalovsky (78)

Every movie buff knows these two brothers. And not only in Russia, but also abroad, after all Nikita, And Andrey are Grand Prix winners Cannes festival Moreover, Konchalovsky in 1997 received " Emmy", A Mikhalkov in 1995 he was awarded " Oscar"! Younger brother, Nikita, first appeared in films at the age of 14, but the eldest, Andrey, before entering VGIK was interested in and studied exclusively music, but after graduating University proved himself to be a brilliant director.

Vladimir (41) and Pavel (44) Bure

Brothers Bure were born into a family known to everyone Soviet Union athletes. Swimmer's sons Vladimir Bure(65) and grandchildren of a swimming coach Bure They became famous not because of their stellar ancestors. Young people became successful hockey players. Proudly bearing the nickname Russian Rocket Pavel became the first in history Russia a hockey player whose number was retired by the team NHL. Vladimir, in turn, was awarded the title “ Honored Coach of Russia in Hockey"in 2003.

Brothers Safronov

Three sons of the Honored Artist RSFSR and Soviet theater and film actor Vladimir Safronova (75): Ilya (38), Sergey(33) and Andrey(33) are the best illusionists in Russia and presenters of the program “ The fight of extrasensories" The country learned about these magicians thanks to the host of the TV show “ What? Where? When?“, and today all of Russia knows about the miracles of illusionists.

Askold (38) and Edgard (39) Zapashnye

People's Artists of Russia and the country's most famous circus performers. It's all about brothers Zapashnykh, who are representatives of their circus pedigree in the fourth generation! It’s amazing that after a series of misfortunes that happened to the brothers’ ancestors right in the circus arena, they resolutely continue to perform the most desperate stunts with wild animals and have been doing an excellent job with this for many years in a row.

Andrey (35) and Alexey (34) Chadovs

Two brothers who are as similar as two peas in a pod often appear together in films. The first time this happened was when the guys were working on the painting " Alive”, which received a lot of positive reviews from Russia’s worst critics. But the most amazing thing is that both one and the other brilliantly cope with all roles.

Grimm brothers

Once upon a time the whole country sang " bat your eyelashes and take off", but then the musical career of the twin brothers Boris(he is only 15 minutes older than his brother) and Constantine(34) began to decline. The reason for this was the disagreements and quarrels that arose in the family. However, after a while the guys started singing again. Now we periodically hear their new songs, although not in tandem " Makeup».

Yuri (80) and Vitaly (1941-2002) Solomin

Yuri And Vitaly are two brother actors who have successfully built their careers and achieved great success in the film industry. Vitaliy, the couple's younger brother Solominykh Unfortunately, he died back in 2002; he had a stroke right on stage during the performance. Vitaly Solomin made a great contribution to the development of national culture, for which he received an award at one time. A Yuri, former Minister of Culture RSFSR, is currently the artistic director of the State Academic Maly Theater Russia. How is the rating calculated?
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Biography, life story of the group "Radchenko Brothers"

Singing actors.
The song world of the Radchenko brothers is colorful and artistic. Even their names are familiar and meaningful: the Radchenko brothers Sergei and Nikolai are fraternally glad to see their viewers. Their relationship is cordial and rosy.

The artists are at home open to the spectator world, and, of course, enjoy communication: they do not do work, but rejoice from the heart at meeting fans, getting high and enjoying with them.

The feeling of intimacy and lyricism is true, but not complete. The singers appear in contact-contrast between lyrical, confidential intonation and an epic, large-scale phenomenon on stage. Two heroic, powerful characters, with epic prowess, and homely, sincere and passionate.

Relations between brothers are not built tautologically or in unison. They are infused and tuned to contrasts. This is the dramaturgy of contacts between two self-sufficient individuals, and not a single monologue of two one-faced persons. The artists communicate with each other, and not just with the audience, involving the latter in their fraternal games, and thereby increase the degree of audience interest.

The art of a duet is a duel of two personalities, a vocal duet, a vocal duet, and a duel of communication, creative behavior on the stage.

The concerts of the Radchenko brothers are listened to and watched in one breath, like a solid ingot of precious singing nature. The captivating magnetism of the artists is obvious. Their ability to keep the audience on edge, even if the concert lasts 2.5 - 3 hours, is unique.

Actually, this is no coincidence. The Radchenko brothers went through not only a musical and melodic school: their teachers were outstanding composers Nikita Bogoslovsky and Mikael Tariverdiev, but also a powerful theater “university”. The artists worked for a long time at the Arkady Raikin Theater, whose amazing skill of hypnotic, mesmerizing contact with the audience became an intensive acting school for the Radchenko brothers. Working with such masters forced me to be especially careful, scrupulous and extremely biased in the choice of repertoire, in the choice of songs for performance.


The high professionalism of the contemporary status of the singers, their tireless creative growth was confirmed by the recent, extremely successful performance of the artists in the Rossiya Concert Hall, at the most prestigious venue in the country.

The rapid, almost frantic, purchase of four music albums and the growing demand for them signals that in the world of audio business, our heroes are among the leading elite group of pop artists.

Sergei and Nikolai Radchenko are not just singers. They are singing actors, creating a sharp and stylish spectacular performance, always imbued with love for the audience, as well as fiery dedication.

Music critic, poet-essayist Vladimir Klimov

I met the artists the Radchenko brothers at a concert. They sang the song “You're Waiting, Lizaveta” by Nikita Bogoslovsky. Young artists sang fervently and marched dashingly with guitars, holding them like rifles.

The brothers started singing in childhood. Nikolai was especially distinguished. He sang all the melodies he heard musically, in a thin childish voice, but for a long time and annoyingly. Mom often told him:

Kolya! Go sing in the barn. And you feel good and enjoy the firewood.

The brothers graduated from the theater institute and entered the theater of the Great Artist Arkady Raikin. For three years they played in this glorious theater.

Once at a rehearsal, Arkady Isaakovich noticed to the brothers that they needed to remove the Ukrainian dialect and advised them to contact a stage speech teacher. The brothers intensively began to visit the teacher. A month later, Raikin met her and said hello.

She answered: “Great bulls!” Arkady Isaakovich.

Then military service. Nikolai completed a driver's course and began driving a truck. Sergei became a platoon commander in his second year. He famously commanded: “Platoon, stand at attention!” Who wants to go to the potatoes three steps forward? Nobody came out. So good! The car drives empty, the platoon goes on foot to harvest potatoes. Start singing!

Brothers sing all their lives. They gravitated toward the theatricalization of their songs and entered the Leonid Semenovich Maslyukov Studio of Pop Art.

The director in their studio was Raisa Mukhamed-shina. It was funny to watch how she scolded Sergei for Nikolai’s mistakes. Sergei blinked his eyes, not knowing what to answer. The brothers are very similar. They are twins.

They performed in identical black overalls with white apache collars. Everyone has a guitar in their hands. To the puzzled questions of the audience about who is Sergei and who is Nikolai, entertainer Semyon Kaminsky confidently answered:

I can distinguish them easily. Sergei is in a black suit, and Nikolai is holding a guitar.

The brothers are very similar, but my daughter Nastenka immediately singled out Sergei and never confused him with Nikolai. Eventually they got married and I became a grandfather. What a joy it is to hold your little granddaughter Ksyusha in your arms! It's okay that I'm a grandfather. But the fact that my wife is a grandmother...

Composers Mikael Tariverdiev and Alexander Zhurbin noticed the musicality and unusual singing abilities of the artists and worked with them with pleasure. Excellent melodists Alexander Morozov and Alexander Plyachenko write songs for them.

Nikita Bogoslovsky invited them to his concerts. The brothers performed in them with great success. They performed in all cities of Russia. We have also been abroad.

The concert in Paris was a great success, the audience was delighted. About forty people chanted: “Stay in Paris, stay in Paris!” Then it turned out that they were tourists from Russia.

Artists travel a lot. They meet with the audience and communicate with fellow artists. Both artists of the older generation and their peers love them for their cheerful, sympathetic disposition.

Honored Artist of Russia A. Vasilevsky


Biography Radchenko Brothers

Radchenko brothersSergey Nikolaevich And Nikolai Nikolaevich(born February 1, 1957, Tokmak) is a Soviet and Russian duet of twin brothers, performers of songs in the “Russian chanson” style. Honored Artists of Russia.

Sergei Nikolaevich and Nikolai Nikolaevich Radchenko were born on February 1, 1957 in the city of Tokmak, Zaporozhye region. They started singing as a child in the Tavriya choir at the Kirov plant. We graduated from the theater institute and entered the Arkady Raikin Theater, where we played for three years. Once at a rehearsal, Arkady Raikin noticed to the brothers that they needed to remove the Ukrainian dialect, and advised them to contact a stage speech teacher. Both brothers then served in the army. Nowadays they perform mostly lyrical songs. In addition to songs in Russian, their repertoire also includes songs in Ukrainian, such as “Vechir dogoraya” (“The evening is burning out”).

Composers Mikael Tariverdiev and Alexander Zhurbin noticed the musicality and unusual singing abilities of the artists and worked with them with pleasure. Songs for the Radchenko brothers based on the poems of the Soviet and Russian poet Anatoly Poperechny are written by composers Alexander Morozov and Alexander Plyachenko (“Crimson Ringing”, “House with Windows to the Garden”, “Scarlet Dawn” and others). One of the authors of the words and music of the songs performed by the artists is Anatoly Dorovskikh (“Oriole”, “Confession”, “Soldier’s Dreams”, “Don’t Fly Away, Soul” and others).

Nikita Bogoslovsky invited the Radchenko brothers to his concerts. Sergei and Nikolai performed in them with great success. They performed in Russian cities and attended concerts abroad.