Athletic person. Body types and their brief description

Every person at least once in his life thought about his external data and would like to change something. Some people dream of losing weight, others strive to get better, and still others are not satisfied with their height and body proportions. At the same time, few people know that the human constitution and the features of its changes during life are genetically programmed. Therefore, when starting to work on bringing your figure closer to the ideal one, you need to find out what types of human physique scientists distinguish, and which one you belong to.

Human physique

The physique of a person is a set of proportions and specifics of the structure of body parts, as well as the features of the development of its tissues: muscle, bone and fat. All these parameters are determined in the period of intrauterine development, and further changes in a person are subject to this genetic program. Researchers also distinguish such a concept as a somatotype. These are not only the actual constitutional features of a person’s physique, but also a variant of its further change under the influence of external factors. The somatotype is determined as a result of various body measurements. It is characterized by certain metabolic parameters, a predisposition to certain diseases and mental characteristics.

Somatotyping techniques

Since ancient times, people have tried to determine the main body types of a person and classify all people according to this principle. Researchers began to notice that men and women with different somatotypes react to all sorts of external factors (age, nutrition, illness) with unequal body changes. Currently, there are many classifications of people according to their constitutional type. All of them are similar to each other. Let's consider some of them.

Proportions and body types of a person

Body proportions are one of the important indicators of the state of physical health of people. Of course, each person is unique, but over the course of numerous studies and measurements, scientists have determined the average parameters that are customary to focus on. With a noticeable disproportion of parts of the human body, we can talk about the presence of growth disorders. They can be caused by deviations in the normal functioning of the endocrine system, chromosomal failures. In accordance with the proportions, the following types of human physique are distinguished, the anatomy of which is different:

mesomorphic type. It includes people whose proportions are close in value to the average parameters. This takes into account gender, age and some other features.

Brachymorphic type. People of this type are strong and muscular, usually short in stature. The transverse dimensions of their body parts prevail over the longitudinal ones. This also applies to internal organs. The lungs, for example, in people of the brachymorph body type are wide, but short. The heart is located almost transversely.

Dolichomorphic type. A person with such a constitution is tall, with long arms and legs. He has a small fat layer under the skin, while underdeveloped muscles. Dolichomorphic people are characterized by a predominance of longitudinal over transverse dimensions.

E. Kretschmer: the relationship of the psyche and physique

In addition to the relationship between body type and physical health of a person, some researchers have noted the influence of the constitution on the psyche of the individual. Among them, one can single out the German scientist E. Kretschmer, who classified 3 types of people according to physique:

Athletic. Such a person has a well-developed musculature, he is usually tall or medium in height. The athletic has broad shoulders and narrow hips. Kretschmer believed that such people are responsible, they are good organizers. They always complete the work they have begun, they do not like long discussions and red tape. They can become good leaders, production workers.

Asthenic. These people are tall, while due to their thinness they seem even taller than they really are. They have long limbs, a flat chest, a pale, elongated face, and a long nose. For asthenics, according to Kretschmer, the main type of behavior is a thinker. These are people of mental labor with a well-developed imagination. They like to fantasize, they read a lot, but they cannot organize their activities well.

Picnic. People of this type have short stature, a dense physique with a tendency to obesity. They have a small broad face, a short and thick neck. People of this type are sociable, well find a common language with colleagues, friends, relatives. They do not like to read. They prefer to receive all the information they need from communication with other people.

W. Sheldon's technique

One of the founders of somatotyping was Professor W. Sheldon. Back in 1940, he suggested that it was not the physique of a person as a whole that should be assessed, but its individual components. Their combination will determine one or another somatotype, which, according to Sheldon, remains unchanged throughout life. The scientist proposed to evaluate the components on a point system ranging from 1 to 7 (minimum and maximum severity, respectively). This should be done by a trained professional. Sheldon identified three components:

  • endomorphic;
  • ectomorphic;
  • mesomorphic.

For each of them, a certain value is selected, and the resulting triple of numbers is the somatotype of a particular person. Of course, it is rare to find people who have the maximum score for one component and the minimum score for the rest. In most cases, researchers observe average values, among which one component still prevails. Based on Sheldon's research, there are three types of human physique.


People with an ectomorphic body type are thin, tall, have a small amount of subcutaneous fat. The muscles are poorly developed. Parts of the body are slightly elongated, especially in the structure of the face and chest. A person with an ectomorphic physique has long arms and legs relative to his torso. The more pronounced the ectomorphic trait in a person, the less likely it is that, under the influence of any factors, he will become overweight.


The constitution of a person with a mesomorphic physique is dominated by bones and muscles. Little subcutaneous fat. The muscles are well developed, especially in the limbs. Such a person has a broad chest and shoulders.


The main feature of the physique of the endomorphic type is the predominance of the profile dimensions of its various parts over the transverse ones. Such people have a large amount of fat under the skin, some of which is concentrated in the shoulders and hips. The arms and legs are sluggish, have poorly developed muscles. The belly is large and round. Unlike people with ectomorphic or mesomorphic human body types, an individual with pronounced endomorphic features is very prone to obesity.

medical practice

There are many classifications based on the physique of a person. The types and characteristics of constitutional features are similar to each other. In medicine, for example, it is customary to focus on the following classification:

Normosthenic type. It includes people with a proportional body, correspondence in the development of the bone and muscle systems.

Asthenic type. Such people have a slender tall body. Their chest dominates the size of the abdomen, and the limbs are longer when compared with the torso. Muscles in people of the asthenic type are poorly developed.

hypersthenic type. Such people differ from normosthenics in their smaller stature, dense physique and the predominance of transverse dimensions over longitudinal ones.

Every doctor knows the body types of a person and their effect on the state of the body. Having assessed a person according to his constitution, it is easier for a specialist to determine the tendency to a particular disease, to give recommendations on lifestyle and treatment methods.

In the scientific literature, the theory of somatotypes is popular, which implies a conditional division of various body types of a person into three key categories - ectomorph (prone to thinness), mesomorph (naturally athletic and muscular) and endomorph (prone to gaining excess weight). It is believed that future sports success largely depends on the type of physique.

A similar categorization is used not only in psychology, bearing the names of temperament types (sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic), but also in traditional Indian medicine Ayurveda. Unfortunately, despite the popularity of the theory of body types, there are simply no unambiguous and clear criteria for determining one’s somatotype “by eye”.

Does genetics really influence how much body fat accumulates? even with a diet?

Determination of body type by the wrist

Most often it is believed that the key characteristic of a person's belonging to a certain type of physique is the thickness of the bones. Usually ectomorphs have thin bones, endomorphs - wide. It is also important that the girth of the wrist remains unchanged, regardless of the amount of fat or muscle mass in the body.

In most cases, for ectomorph men, the wrist girth (measurements are taken along the bone just above the location of the wristwatch) is less than 17 cm, for mesomorphs - 17-20 cm, for endomorphs - more than 20 cm. In the summary table below, you will find other characteristics , making it easier to determine your body type.

How to determine your body type?

Anthropologist William Sheldon, the author of the theory of body types and temperament, separately noted in his scientific work that “pure” somatotypes are practically never found. In real life, each individual person is a combination of all three body types, but in certain proportions.

It is also interesting that in some people (most often women) the upper body has signs of one type of physique, and the bottom of another. That is why it is extremely difficult for an ordinary person to determine whether he is an endomorph, mesomorph or ectomorph - and no online calculators or mobile phone applications can help him.

Should I believe in this theory?

Despite the fact that most fitness websites stubbornly promote the theory of three body types, the scientific community recognized it as untenable back in the 1970s. The main reason was just the fact that in reality there are countless combinations of somatotypes, and there are simply no clear criteria for determining these types.

FitSeven recommends following the diet and exercise recommendations below for body types only if you can be 100% certain that you are one of them. Otherwise, you will need an individual solution consisting of a combination of programs.

The main characteristics of the ectomorph

The main characteristics of the mesomorph

The main characteristics of the endomorph


Despite the fact that in the middle of the last century anthropologists determined that there were three dominant human body types - thin (ectomorph), muscular (mesomorph) or overweight (endomorph) - the theory faced many difficulties in practical application. The main problem was that most people have a mixed body type.

Good day, friends. In today's issue, we will talk about three types of human physique in terms of physiology: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph.

I will tell you what each of the types is (including giving a general description of each type, so that you can figure it out yourself and choose the appropriate type of training / diet (but even with this I will help you), I will also tell you how they differ from each other, what body type is best for bodybuilding in general, what is the role of genetics in bodybuilding, etc.,

I will try to raise all sorts of topical issues regarding this topic, and, accordingly, give you truthful answers, without lies and falsehood. Well, let's get started.


Without a doubt, genetics (including body type) play a big role in achieving serious results in the field of bodybuilding. You can't argue with that. However, I assure you, no one who has looked at you before starting bodybuilding training will be able to say with certainty whether you have such genetics to build a “champion body” or not.

Why? Yes, because it is very difficult to assess the body types of a person and his potential for gaining muscle mass at the very beginning of his journey (training), moreover, without knowing this person in detail ..

After all, for those who are not in the know, there are aspects of gaining muscle mass that have nothing to do with genetics .. well, for example, you can have a body type that will make it easier for you to gain muscle mass (MESOMORP), but you will never you don’t implement it because you are lazy as a pig .. and you don’t care about anything, or you simply don’t care about it ... there are, in fact, a lot of reasons. most importantly, get the gist.

In fact, based on the type of physique, you can only select the optimal ones. However, the very achievement of the result will depend on many other factors, such as perseverance, perseverance, determination, knowledge, motivation, etc., and not on factors related to genetics ...

CONCLUSION: Do you understand what I'm getting at? => Good genetics is, of course, very good, but KNOWLEDGE + GREAT DESIRE (motivation, determination, perseverance) = much better .. However, good genetics + knowledge and great desire (motivation, perseverance, determination) = a hundred times better (this is an ideal winning ratio that you can’t argue against).

3 body types

As a result of our heredity, all genetic features (after all, from our parents, we inherit the type of skeleton (wide or thin-boned), physical strength, type of nervous system (it also determines our character), I'm not talking about such things as eye color or facial features), appear in strict dependence, in general, three groups of qualities are formed (3 body types):

- ectomorph(fast, lean, energetic)
- mesomorph(muscular, medium)
— endomorph(wide, slow, plump)

At ectomorph everything in the body burns rapidly, it is never threatened with fullness. He has long bones and a lean body, little fat, lean muscles, and a slight build. It is very difficult for him to gain muscle mass. However, despite the fact that it is very difficult for him to build muscle, what he has acquired looks very aesthetically pleasing due to the lack of fat and narrow bones. Metabolism in ectomorphs is very fast, as already mentioned, it is almost impossible for them to significantly gain muscle mass and, in general, body weight.

In the body of an endomorph (fat man) it's the other way around. Metabolism (this is the burning of proteins, carbohydrates and fats) is slowed down. The energy needs of the body are also small, hence the excess adipose tissue (a lot of fat on the body), the body itself is soft and rounded, most often people with this type of physique have short arms and legs, a wide waist and hips, as well as a large skeleton and massive limbs . I won’t say that such people gain muscle mass very easily, but in comparison with ectomorphs (in terms of muscle gain) this is heaven and earth .. therefore, let’s say they gain relatively well, however, due to fat deposits, often all their achievements remain a mystery , hidden under a layer of fur coat)), this is actually their main problem - getting rid of fat.

Read more about this type in the main articles: |

As for the mesomorph (lucky one), then he is naturally (without any training) distinguished by well-developed muscles. He is also characterized by the almost complete absence of fat on his body. The body of such people is massive, the bones are thick, the muscles are voluminous. In addition to all this, the owners of such a physique gain muscle mass very easily, by far the most ideal body type in the field of bodybuilding.

P.s. I also want to inform you that most often we meet a certain mixture of two body types in a person. Well, for example, an endomorph mesomorph or an ectomorph mesomorph. Pure types are less common.


Remember once and for all, the shape of muscle groups (YOUR MUSCLE SHAPE) is already genetically determined and it can only be improved (through training), but it cannot be changed in any way!!! Do you understand? Those. for example, if you naturally have BICEPS like SAUSAGE, then you will never see a beautiful peak of biceps, no matter how you train there .. because the shape of the MUSCLES IS GENETICALLY SET AND IT DOES NOT CHANGE (may improve, but not change).

In addition to the shape of the muscles, muscle cells are also very important. The fact is that our body inherits a certain number of muscle cells in each muscle group. Well, for example, you may have seen a person who has large calves (shins), although he has never trained them at all in his life. Do you understand? => This is exactly the case... (he has a lot of muscle cells in the muscles of the lower leg, because of this, they are so big).

How to determine body type?

In order to determine your body type, you first need to study the information that I gave you above .. then, most likely, everything will become clear to you.
There is also another way to find out what type of physique you have, for this, you will need to measure the CIRCUS OF YOUR WRIST!!! As a result, if this indicator is in the range from 15 to 17.5 cm, this indicates a fragile bone foundation (i.e. ECTOMORPH), if from 17.5 to 20 cm, then this indicates an average (ENDOMORPH), and over 20 cm - indicates powerful (MESOMORPHOUS).

P.s. Regardless of the results of this test, never despair, because the results of this method in no way mean that you will not be able to achieve impressive results in bodybuilding. A bunch of ectomorphs (pimples) who turned from a skeleton into aesthetic powerful athletes .. a bunch of endomorphs (fat men) who got rid of fat, revealing to everyone what was hidden under this fat for so long .. well, of course, mesomorphs)) lucky ones, there is nothing about them say =).

And believe me, the one who convinces you of the opposite, that, they say, genetics decides .. bad genetics, then don’t even go into bodybuilding, etc. send them through the forest, for they have no idea what they are talking about. In order to succeed in any field of activity, it is important to have KNOWLEDGE + DESIRE (perseverance, purposefulness, perseverance). Only in this way, you will achieve what you want. I talked about this in detail in the main article:<= рекомендую ознакомиться.

On this, I end this issue, I hope that you were INTERESTING and INFORMATION, and if this is true, share the information with friends, girlfriends, etc. clicking on the social buttons (which are below), I will be grateful, just leave your comments, thoughts .. I will be glad to listen or answer (if you need help). See you again.

Sincerely, administrator.

Body Types people have different features of the ratio of fat and muscle. For example, an ectomorph is the same person who "eats and does not get fat." Usually ectomorphs are tall, thin and sinewy. They have thin bones, very little fat. It is very difficult for ectomorphs to gain weight, both due to the fat layer and due to the muscles. If such a person can gain muscle mass, then he will still look thin and very fit.

There are three human physiques:

  • Endomorph - full, wide, with a slow metabolism;
  • Mesomorph - muscular, medium, good metabolism;
  • Ectomorph - thin and tall, with a fast metabolism.

The physique is innate, it cannot be changed. Usually body types are combined, "pure" representatives are rare. Body types in women and men are the same, the only difference is that men have more muscle mass.

The mesomorph, unlike the ectomorph, has developed muscles. It is easy for him to gain muscle mass and body fat. The bones of such people are quite thick and dense, mesomorphs make good athletes. Such people are usually of average height and look strong and muscular.

Endomorph is the complete opposite of ectomorph. He gains weight very easily, as his metabolism is very low. The energy needs of such people are small, the foods eaten are deposited in body fat. It is not difficult for such people to gain muscle mass, but the body remains loose and soft, as there is a lot of fat. It is important for such people to monitor their diet, as there is a high probability of weight gain.

To determine your physique, you can measure the limbs and convert the length into percentages.

body type Dimensions of body parts relative to length, %
Length Width
torso legs hands shoulders pelvis
Dolichomorphic (asthenic) 29,5 54 46,5 21,5 16
Mesomorphic (normosthenic type) 31 52 44,5 23 16,5
Brachymorphic (hypersthenic) 33,5 50 42,5 24,5 17,5

It is very important to know your body type in order to create a physical training schedule and nutrition plan. A diet suitable for an ectomorph is completely unsuitable for an endomorph.

Dimensions and parameters do not always depend on the physique - at different ages, the proportions may be different. In adolescence, the figure is only being formed, so you will be able to find out your exact body type after passing this period.

Dimensions newborns 1 year 4 years 7 years 13 years 17 years 20 years
Leg length 0,24 0,36 0,56 0,68 0,85 0,98 1
Arm length 0,32 0,44 0,54 0,67 0,81 0,97 1
Body length 0,36 0,46 0,6 0,68 0,82 0,92 1
Shoulder width 0,32 0,44 0,58 0,68 0,83 0,93 1
Pelvis Width 0,28 0,44 0,6 0,68 0,83 0,93 1


The main problem of ectomorphs is the lack of weight, so they do not need to worry about the amount of food consumed. They have a thin and sinewy body, long limbs. Gaining mass is as difficult for them as it is for endomorphs to lose it.

To provide the body with the necessary resources, you need to consume at least 3 g of protein per kg of body weight, protein food should be 30% of the total caloric content of the daily diet. Half of the total calories are allocated to carbohydrates, the remaining 20% ​​to fats. The number of calories consumed per day is at least 2000-2500 kcal. In order not to disturb the diet, ectomorphs should eat every 3 hours. Do not overeat and eat half the daily allowance at a time. Also, do not eat one fast food and sweets.

Important! If you can't handle your daily allowance, supplement it with sports drinks, protein bars, and other healthy, highly nutritious foods.

In order not to look very thin, you need to do strength exercises. Cardio loads will also be useful, but you should not go too far with them - they are aimed solely at burning fat mass, which the ectomorph has so little. For ectomorphs, it will be useful to use carbohydrate-protein mixtures, keratin before training. Some time after the session, a snack is necessary to stop the process of catabolism in the muscles.


This species has a dense physique, fat mass prevails over muscle. Endomorphs gain fat very quickly, so they need to limit fats and carbohydrates in their diet. Proteins are not deposited in fat, so they should occupy a special place in the diet of such people.

Excellent sources of protein are:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese (5%, 2%);
  • egg whites;
  • Chicken breast boiled without skin;
  • Lean turkey;
  • Lean fish.

Carbohydrates should not be excluded from the diet, but their amount should be moderate. It is best to eat complex carbohydrates: rice, buckwheat, vegetables (except potatoes), legumes, unsweetened fruits and berries. For breakfast, you can also afford sweet fruits (bananas, mangoes, watermelon), as well as dried fruits and some dietary sweets. In the afternoon, carbohydrates should be extremely complex - dietary vegetables and cereals.

From fats it is best to give preference to vegetable - olive oil and nuts. Nuts are very high in calories, so only a small handful per day is allowed. Food should be fractional, in small portions. This will speed up metabolism and help burn fat. Three hours before bedtime, it is recommended to refuse food. It is necessary to drink 1.5 liters or more of pure water per day.

Products prohibited for endomorphs:

  • Sandwiches (with sausage, cheese, butter, sweet);
  • Fatty dairy products (cream, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese);
  • Soda with a lot of sugar (lemonade, energy drinks);
  • Alcohol.

These foods are extremely high in calories, fat, and carbohydrates, but low in protein. They are safe for ectomorphs, but very harmful for the endomorph figure.

Please note: In order to lose weight for an endomorph, it is necessary to cut the calorie content of the diet and increase physical activity. Cardio loads are very useful - they burn fat without pumping up muscles. Suitable for running, swimming, Nordic walking, cycling.

Nutritionists believe that endomorphs should consume lean white meat as their main source of protein. This will ensure satiety for a long time and discourage the desire to eat something harmful and sweet. Remember that with a high-protein diet, you need to eat more fiber to avoid stomach problems.


Mesomorph is the average type, which is not so difficult to lose weight, but it is also not difficult for him to build muscle. The main thing is to choose the right type of activity and a good diet. Mesomorphs should not relax - although they have an athletic physique and strong muscles, they can still be overweight. You need to eat 3 to 5 times a day. The amount of protein per day should be 60%, fat - 15%, carbohydrates - 25%. You can drink protein shakes after a workout to get the missing protein.

The genes laid down in a person from birth determine not only his internal qualities, but also the shape and proportions of the physique. The structure of the body can change over time under the influence of nutrition, lifestyle, physical training. The relationship between body features and body reactions, metabolic processes, and temperament characteristics suggests that the somatotype underlies the assessment and prediction of a person’s physical development, his ability to maintain his existence in changing conditions of life and environment.

Basic classifications of body types

Various scientists have tried to classify body types based on certain systems:

At the German doctor Kretschmer somatotype traits are associated with the psychological characteristics of the individual.

  • Astenik has narrow shoulders, long legs, is stubborn and ambitious by nature.
  • Picnic- a blurry figure with fatty deposits, but a sociable character, a kind heart.
  • Athletics have a strong build, broad shoulders, strong muscles. They strive to be the first in everything, monitor their appearance.
  • Dysplastic group- the body is deformed, and the character is secretive, distrustful.

Academician Petlenko identified five types:

  • normosthenic;
  • asthenic;
  • hypersthenic;
  • graceful;
  • athletic.

Their description is similar to the German Kretschner system.

At Chernorutsky the general features of somatotypes are similar to the previous ones, but he identified 3 body types:

  • hypersthenic,
  • normosthenic
  • hyposthenic.

Professor classification Sheldon adopted by doctors and psychologists. His body types have a different name - endomorphic, mesomorphic, ectomorphic. This system is most popular among men involved in physical training.

The muscular body type is a future program for the physical development of a person, which will change the size and shape of the body, but the somatotype will not change - it is genetically laid down.

Endomorphic body type, its features.

A plump person with a high percentage of body fat with a short neck, wide hips is a true endomorph. The muscles of such people are often poorly developed, but the fat folds serve as a decoration for the figure, especially in the lower abdomen, on the buttocks, thighs, and sides. And this is an unpleasant result for a sweet lover, whose metabolic processes in the body are very slow. Extra pounds very quickly settle on the figure of an endomorph, but their rate of muscle building is also accelerated, despite the low level of energy.

In terms of physical parameters, in people of this type, the circumference of the wrist of the working hand is twenty centimeters for men, and seventeen for women. Also, according to the Pilier index, subtracting body weight and chest circumference from growth data, endomorphs get less than ten.

But it is possible to make your figure ideal for such a somatotype:

  • Limiting the intake of fast carbohydrates by replacing them with easily digestible proteins is a difficult task, but achievable. Pasta, cereals from oatmeal, semolina, pearl barley should be excluded from the diet, replaced with vegetables, whole grains, unprocessed foods.
  • Regular body workouts will burn fats hidden in the body.
  • Important for the breakdown of fats is the intake of endomorph minerals and vitamins into the body.
  • Morning workouts will strengthen muscle tissue. To create muscle relief, this somatotype needs to lose weight by reducing the thickness of the subcutaneous fat.
  • The task of evening training is to increase the physical strength of slow muscle fibers.
  • Helps the endomorph stay in perfect shape jogging, cycling.

Mesomorphic body type, characteristics, development forecast

The body type is considered to be the mesomorphic type, in which you can easily lose and gain body weight. The main features of the type include the following characteristics:

  • Broad shoulders and chest are combined with a thin waist and narrow hips. For some, the width of the shoulders and hips may be the same.
  • The absence of fat deposits allows you to observe the naturalness, smoothness of the lines of the figure. If there are extra pounds, then they are evenly distributed throughout the body.
  • The metabolism of the mesomorph occurs at a rapid pace. It is not difficult for him to build muscle mass, combining action with rapid fat loss. But the high density of muscle tissue does not allow you to get a thin relief of the figure.

The diet of this somatotype should be no more than forty-five percent of carbohydrates, thirty-five percent of proteins, and twenty percent of fats. If the mesomorph needs to lose weight, then he will eat seafood containing useful omega-3 fatty acids. It is useful to use dishes with turkey, chicken, lean beef in the menu. Plain yogurts, natural smoothies, unsweetened fruits are ideal for shaping a beautiful figure.

Strength training two to three times a week will keep your body and muscles toned. The harmony and grace of the mesomorph figure will be achieved through aerobics: jumping rope, hula hoop, exercises in the water, power yoga.

It is a varied exercise program that will allow representatives of the somatotype to develop muscles proportionally, without making them massive and dense.

Ectomorphic body type, developmental features

The appearance of ectomorphs is recognizable:

  • Narrow shoulders match the same hips.
  • The development of the bone skeleton is not enough, this is noticeable along the circumference of the forearm - up to 175 millimeters.
  • The circumference of the wrist of the working hand for women is not more than fifteen centimeters, for men - seventeen. And the Pillier index is for ectomorphs - above twenty-five.
  • The limbs are characterized by thinness and the presence of narrow, long muscular bellies.
  • The somatotype is characterized by a high rate of reactions, the predominance of fast muscles.
  • It is difficult for representatives of the type to gain mass, because they have a high concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which affects the rate of breakdown of nutrients.

The main goal for this type is weight gain, and this is where carbohydrates come in handy. What is harmful for others is good for an ectomorph - pasta, potatoes, rich bakery products, oatmeal, semolina. Proteins will provide the necessary muscle growth, but for their breakdown, you will have to additionally take pancreatic enzymes.

This type is not recommended to burn a lot of energy, so they do not need to get involved in aerobics, swimming, running. Long workouts with regular study of each muscle group will help shift the biological balance of the body towards the mesomorphic type.

Important to remember!

It is possible to correct the negative aspects of your appearance if you understand what type of physique you belong to. Many people have a combination of an ectomorph or an endomorph with a mesomorph. It is impossible to change the bone structure of the body, but through hard work it is possible to turn from a thin or plump person into an ideal one with normally developed muscles. It is important to reach heights in sports, medicine, psychology, not only having a stock of knowledge, but also calculating your capabilities, starting from the characteristics of your body type.

Useful video about three body types

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