How to wipe children's toys. Washing children's toys. What and how to disinfect

From birth, the baby must develop; various toys for babies will help with this. Let's highlight the most popular toys for newborns:

  • music mobile;
  • developmental mat;
  • rattles

Music mobiles

A bright carousel can be used from the first days of a newborn’s life. Usually it is attached to the head of the child's crib so that he can observe the movement of the toys. The mobile helps develop the baby's auditory and visual perception. The child learns to concentrate his gaze, trying to focus on moving objects. By three to four months of age, he will begin to reach for toys, he will want to grab them and take them in his hands.

Most mobiles have removable toys, so you can play with them separately. For many children, a mobile phone helps them calm down and fall asleep, thanks to the functions of playing melodies and the projector. The more functions, the longer the child will be captivated, and the mother will be able to take time for herself or calmly drink tea.

Educational mats

Play mats are recommended to be used almost from birth. The most popular and practical are rugs with arcs. The surface of the rug is bright, with many educational elements, and toys are suspended on the arcs. It is useful to place a newborn on the mat for a short time so that he follows the toys and learns to concentrate his eyes. Place your baby on his tummy so he can learn to hold his head and avoid suffering from colic.

The most interesting games on the mat will begin at three to four months, when the child wants to roll over and grab toys. On the surface of the rug there are many rustling sounds, squeaks and interesting patterns that will attract him. By touching the multi-textured surface of the rug, the baby will develop tactile sensations. Playing on the mat, he will learn to roll over faster, because there are so many interesting things around.

Rattles for babies

You need to use rattles from the first days of a child’s life, but first you will need the help of parents. The baby needs to be shown a rattle so that he learns to concentrate his eyes, learns to follow the movement of the toy, and reacts to sound. At the age of three to four months, you can give a rattle to the child’s hands - let him practice, try to hold it. By holding a rattle and swinging it, the baby will learn to control his arms and coordinate movements.

This is the optimal set of toys for a newborn baby. They will help him develop quickly and learn about the world around him.

How to choose toys for a baby?

Toys for little ones should be of high quality and safe. You should not buy toys from dubious retail outlets, as there is always a flow of toys from underground factories. The simplest and most reliable choice would be toys from well-known manufacturers that have proven themselves well in the Russian market. Many parents are familiar with such companies as Tiny Love, Fisher Price, Chicco, Taf Toys. Several generations of children have grown up on toys from these manufacturers. Also, educational toys from world brands meet all the necessary criteria:

  1. quality;
  2. bright, attracting the baby's attention;
  3. safe for children, with rounded shapes;
  4. developmental, developed by the best specialists.

How to wash and treat toys for newborns

Over time, all toys become dirty and need to be washed. It is recommended to wash rattles and simple plastic toys in warm water with baby soap or a special product. Be sure to rinse well and rinse with boiled water. For rugs and music mobiles, use a damp cloth to wipe away dust. If your mobile has soft, removable toys, remove them for washing. Some rugs are machine washable. Such information is always indicated on the packaging of the toy.

Most modern children can boast of an impressive collection of toys. What's not there! And teddy bears, furry dogs and cats, construction sets, mosaics, a house for dolls and animals, a set for playing at the zoo, doll dishes, balls... All these items that delight the baby can cause viral diseases and infections. To protect your child from such problems, wash your children's toys regularly.

To wash children's toys you will need

  • baby soap or washing powder;
  • brush;
  • foam sponge

When buying a soft toy for your child, pay attention to whether it can be machine washed. Typically, manufacturers indicate on the label or sewn-in tape with information about the toy and how to care for it. Most modern soft toys can be safely washed in a regular machine with the usual detergents. Be sure to use fabric softener to make your toy pet look pleasing to the eye. Talking soft toys with a built-in sound device, although more attractive to a child, present a problem when it comes to washing or cleaning. Such toys can be treated with carpet foam or fur cleaner. This is not the most ideal remedy, because it can cause allergies in the child, however, this is perhaps the only option to solve the problem. You can try to carefully rip open the toy and pull out the device. Then sew up the toy and wash it.

Treat plastic and plastic toys in a solution of baby soap or powder, rinse thoroughly and dry naturally. You can use a hairdryer or simply wipe all the playing material dry. Wipe wooden objects with a soft cloth. If they stay in water for a long time, they may lose their appearance. In addition, the wood takes a long time to dry. Wash with warm water, pay attention to the paint and paintwork. It does not always tolerate water well. Wash rubber toys with a brush and baby soap. Wash all play equipment weekly if there are animals in the house. After a child’s illness, it is advisable to treat everything with which he played.

Wash and iron the doll's clothes and various accessories for play (chef's hat, apron, blanket for the doll's crib, etc.). Wipe complex devices - electronic toys, children's computers with regular computer cleaning fluid.

A regular baby bath or a spacious basin is suitable for washing toys. Involve the child himself in this process.

Proper handling of toys for children under one year old

The variety of toys that we buy for our child gives modern mothers not only the opportunity to briefly distract their child, but directly influences the formation of the baby’s inner world, helps in the process of raising him and gives the baby the opportunity to actively learn and study everything around him. To get acquainted with surrounding objects, the baby is ready to use his senses, that is, vision, smell, taste, hearing, and touch. To deprive a child of this wonderful opportunity, in my opinion, is an unforgivable mistake on the part of the parents. Therefore, it is better to prepare more thoroughly for this period and provide the child with the greatest possible hygienic cleanliness. This also applies to the cleanliness of the floor on which these toys fall.

Modern toys are presented in a wide variety of materials and configurations. It is worth noting that toys up to one year old should be large, not collapsible, or in any case such that a child cannot take them apart. When choosing toys in an online store, be sure to call a consultant to clarify whether this toy is suitable for a small child, how it can be processed (especially if we are talking about soft interactive toys), and whether the batteries are covered with a plate that is screwed on. If you are looking for toys up to a year old in Kyiv, then this online store will be able to provide you with free home delivery, depending on the order amount.

Many people confuse the concepts of “hygiene” and “sterility”. We need to achieve purity from toys, not sterility. There is no need to subject all children's toys to a “severe” boil or treat them with disinfectants. It is enough to wash them thoroughly with baby soap and dry them. Perhaps, only toys that have previously been used by other children (used heritage) should undergo the boiling procedure.

It is enough to wash plastic and plastic baby toys with baby soap or powder and rinse very thoroughly. After this, dry it (it is not forbidden to use a hairdryer or simply wipe it dry) and you can safely return the property to the baby.

Wooden objects and toy parts are wiped with a soft cloth. If the burning desire to wash them also does not go away, wash them with warm water, but pay attention to the paint or paintwork. Also keep in mind that wooden products lose their beauty when exposed to water for a long time and the natural drying period is much longer.

Feel free to wash rubber toys with a brush and baby soap or powder and don’t forget to rinse thoroughly after.

We pay special attention to soft animals. First, you need to familiarize yourself with the contents of the tag (label or sewn-in tape) - manufacturers indicate there, of course, in addition to information about the product, care methods. Almost all soft toys can be safely washed in a regular washing machine with baby powder. I recommend not to forget to use conditioner for children's clothes, and then all children's property will delight the baby's eyes with its brightness and design.

Toys with built-in mechanisms, of course, will be even more interesting to the growing researcher, but that is why they require more complex hygienic procedures. Naturally, they cannot be washed. You can treat with carpet foam or fur cleaner, but such procedures can subsequently cause allergic reactions in the baby. The only option left is the safest, but at the same time the most labor-intensive: we rip the toy apart, take out the mechanism and safely wash it. After drying, put the device back and carefully sew it up.

Electronic children's toys can simply be wiped with computer cleaning fluid or simple alcohol and allowed to dry thoroughly.

And don’t forget that all baby’s play equipment needs to be washed weekly if there are animals in the house. Also, after a child’s illness, the toys that he/she used should be treated so as not to re-infect the baby.

Last thing

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After cleaning, the soft toy must be dried

There are soft toys in almost every home, especially in families with children. Unlike plastic and other hard toys, soft toys quickly get dirty during regular use and accumulate dust, germs and other contaminants. Children come into close contact with toys during play, so it is very important to keep them clean. Timely cleaning and disinfection of soft toys will ensure their safe use. Let's look at a few ways you can clean a soft toy.

Before you start cleaning your stuffed toy, it is recommended that you take a few preliminary steps. First of all, pay attention to the composition and manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning the toy indicated on the label. This will give you some idea of ​​how finicky the stuffed toy is when it comes to cleaning. However, keep in mind that the information on the labels is not always reliable, since the manufacturer, trying to be on the safe side, may indicate inflated requirements.

Then take a good look at the toy for any leaky material, loose seams, or loose parts such as eyes or nose that might fall off during the washing process. Eliminate any defects found - sew up all holes and secure loose parts. If a soft toy has removable accessories, they should be removed.

There are various ways to clean soft toys, let's start with the most gentle one. The most whimsical toys that cannot be washed must first be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Using a brush attachment, vacuum the entire surface of the toy from dust and other contaminants. Then apply a foam cleaner for upholstery fabrics to its surface and gently brush it with a brush.

Important! To clean soft toys that children play with, it is not recommended to use aggressive or toxic cleaners, since sooner or later their particles will end up in the child’s mouth. It is much safer to use your own cleaner. To make it, mix a small amount of dishwashing liquid with a glass of warm water in a bowl and beat thoroughly with an electric mixer on medium speed until soapy foam forms. Using the resulting foam, you can clean not only soft toys, but also upholstered furniture.

After using the cleaner, rinse the surface of the toy with clean water using a spray bottle. Be careful to rinse off the remaining soap as quickly as possible so that moisture does not have time to penetrate inside the toy. Then carefully comb the toy to prevent the lint from tangling and air dry it. To speed up the process, use a hairdryer.

If you just need to freshen up a stuffed toy or remove odors, place it in a bag, add 1 cup of baking soda, baby powder or cornstarch and shake until the powder is distributed and covers the entire surface of the toy. Then rub the powder into the pile of the toy with your fingertips, seal the bag tightly, leave for 15-20 minutes, then vacuum.

Most stuffed animals actually hold up quite well in the washing machine. They should be washed in cold water with the addition of a mild detergent, setting the machine to delicate or hand wash mode. To protect the toy's lint during washing, place it in a laundry bag or pillowcase and tie it with a rope or zip it up. This technique will also help avoid clogging the washing machine if the toy falls apart during washing. You can wash several toys at the same time in this way, the main thing is that they are not of different colors, since during the washing process they can fade and stain their neighbors. It is better not to fill the bag to capacity, but to leave enough space for moving toys. Adding 1 cup of white vinegar to your washing machine can safely disinfect and deodorize stuffed animals.

After you have washed the toy, you need to dry it thoroughly. If your washing machine has a dryer, run the drying cycle leaving the toy in the laundry bag. Use the lowest temperature setting as high temperatures can be hard on synthetic materials in toys. After the cycle is completed, unpack the bag and check the toy, if it is still wet, repeat the procedure.

When choosing a method for cleaning a soft toy, you should proceed from its condition and rely on your own considerations. If the toy looks like it will fall apart in a machine wash, then play it safe and opt for another cleaning method. If the toy is too big, you probably won't be able to wash it in the washing machine either.

Soft toys that contain electronic devices that allow them to move or make sounds should not be washed in any way.

If you think a stuffed toy may have dust mites infested, place it in the freezer in a plastic bag. The next day, take it out and wash or vacuum it.

Other materials in this category


Talking Luntik, soft educational cubes, a whole family of Barboskins, a huge teddy bear and a countless number of hares... What is there in the toy arsenal of a modern child! Soft toys are given to babies from birth. It is not surprising that by the age of two or three they no longer fit in the nursery. Moms rightly call them dust collectors, because removing dust from them is much more difficult than wiping it off the shelf.

Meanwhile, cleaning your “plush friends” is a must. In order to fully imagine the danger that dusty toys pose, let’s look at what dust consists of:

  • dead skin cells;
  • mites;
  • microorganisms;
  • parts of animal and bird down;
  • mineral part.

It’s scary to even imagine what consequences such a neighborhood could lead to.

  1. Ticks, and especially their waste products, provoke asthma and allergies.
  2. Microorganisms can cause diphtheria, tetanus, and tuberculosis.
  3. Mineral components provoke the occurrence of bronchitis.
  4. Dust is a favorable environment for the proliferation of streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria, which, when entering the intestines, cause bacterial imbalance and provoke increased gas formation, as well as the occurrence of gastritis, dysbiosis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

The remedy to solve this problem is systematic cleaning. Allergists advise carrying out cleansing procedures using detergents once a week or two. Also, during weekly general cleaning, you can vacuum toys along with the apartment.

Each toy has its own cleaning method

Before washing a particular toy, you need to analyze which cleaning option is best for it. Let's list what methods there are:

  • dry cleaning;
  • wet cleaning;
  • washing in a washing machine;
  • handwash.

You can also disinfect “soft dust collectors” at home using one or more of the following methods, choosing the most suitable product for yourself:

  • steam generator;
  • UV lamp;
  • cold.

Soft toys can be divided into several types, each of which is suitable for one or another cleaning method. These procedures will be discussed in more detail below.

The following groups of a child’s “soft friends” can be distinguished:

  1. large in size;
  2. stuffed with tiny balls (so-called anti-stress), with glued eyes, spout and other fittings;
  3. musical, battery operated.

Toys that do not fit into any of the groups listed above can be cleaned and disinfected in any way.

You can vacuum any type of toys. You just need to be careful when handling animals with glued fittings. In places where it is located (usually on the muzzle), it is better to reduce the suction force. Any toys can also be disinfected using the methods listed above.

Large-sized “plush animals” (a third of a person’s height or more) cannot be washed in a machine, and it will also be difficult to handle them manually, since once they fill with water, they become too heavy to lift. Dry cleaning is possible if you have a large, thick bag. If stains become dirty, it is better to clean them with a damp sponge using baby detergents. That is, in this case, wet cleaning would be appropriate.

Toys classified in the second group cannot be washed in a washing machine. As a rule, the fittings fly off and can clog the drain or other parts of the machine. The same applies to anti-stress ball packing. Also, you should not wash “animals” in a washing machine, on the labels of which there is a corresponding prohibitory inscription. For toys from this group, dry, wet cleaning and hand washing are suitable.

Representatives of the third group will be properly refreshed without the use of water, that is, by dry cleaning. However, if the toy is completely dirty, you can wash it, after first removing the batteries and music block from it. In some toys, the music blocks are located in a separate pocket with Velcro - it is convenient to take them out before washing and easy to insert into place. In others, the music block will have to be torn off before washing, and the torn area will have to be sewn up. Then rip open the now clean toy again and sew the block into it.

But there are toys in which the wiring is stretched inside throughout the “body”. Such a music block cannot be taken out before washing. However, you can still wash the fluffy one. Often singing toys can easily withstand washing, but you should be prepared that during the drying process they will spontaneously sing songs, meow or recite poems.

Baking soda will help clean the toy from dust without using water.

Step-by-step description of each washing method

Dry cleaning of toys is easy and safe. The only remedy that is used is baking soda. You will also need a strong plastic bag.

  1. Place children's toys (2-3 pieces) in a bag.
  2. Pour in baking soda. On average, 0.5-1 cup is enough, but it all depends on the size of the “animals”.
  3. Tie the bag and shake it vigorously for 3 to 5 minutes.
  4. Take out the toys and clean them with a vacuum cleaner, removing soda from the surface.

Wet cleaning allows you not to completely wash the “stuffed animals”, but only to remove the resulting stains or refresh the “fur”. The product needed for this type of cleaning is baby shampoo or baby bubble bath.

  1. Pour water into a basin, dissolve the selected detergent in it, and beat it into foam. You can also easily make foam by pouring water into a basin with shampoo not from the tap, but through a shower head with strong pressure.
  2. Apply lather to the sponge and quickly work over the soft, fluffy surface.
  3. Take a clean, damp (not wet!) sponge and remove the foam with it.
  4. Dry the toy with a terry towel and hang it to dry.
  5. When dry, brush the lint with a brush to give it its original fluffy appearance.

When washing children's toys in a washing machine, keep the following in mind.

  1. Review the information on the label. Toys should be washed in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations.
  2. Remove music blocks, batteries, check that all seams are intact.
  3. Place the “fluffies” in a special bag for delicate washing.
  4. Select the “delicate wash” program from the menu. As a rule, this mode provides a water temperature of 30 °C.
  5. Select the “extra rinse” item from the menu.
  6. Select the “no spin” option in the menu so that the toy does not become deformed.
  7. Pour baby powder into the powder compartment.
  8. After washing, toys should be wrung out with a terry towel and hung to dry.

You can wash your “plush friends” by hand by soaking. This is necessary in case of heavy contamination.

  1. Prepare toys in the same way as for machine washing.
  2. Pour warm water into a basin.
  3. Dissolve a detergent for washing children's clothes (soap, powder or shampoo) in it.
  4. Submerge the toys in water for 10 minutes.
  5. Rinse them well.
  6. Squeeze the “animals” so that all the water is gone, blot them with a terry towel and hang them to dry.

Washing my plastic “friends”

There are no such restrictions in washing for plastic toys as for soft ones. There is no need to separate them into groups because they can all be cleaned under the same conditions. It is only worth mentioning separately about toys that contain batteries and are created using other materials (for example, dolls with hair, horses with manes, etc.). Batteries should be removed before cleaning, and toys with hair should not be washed in the dishwasher, and in general, hair deteriorates after washing. Therefore, it is better to treat them separately with a soapy sponge, rinse the foam and wipe dry.

Plastic is a fairly common raw material for the production of toys, and a child has no fewer “friends” made from this material than from plush, and sometimes even more. What are constructors like Lego worth? Therefore, most often they wash all together.

Cleaning occurs in the following ways:

  • in the dishwasher;
  • in a bathtub with warm soapy water.

To wash your baby’s plastic “friends”, use baby detergents (soap, shampoo) or soda solution. As a disinfectant, you can scald them with boiling water. After washing, dry each toy thoroughly before putting them back into the container.

Disinfecting “teddy friends”

Just washing children's toys is not enough. They need to be disinfected. You can use any device from the list above for this. You can clean the “fluffies” with a steam generator. This device allows you to safely and effectively treat toys with steam, while destroying tuberculosis microbacteria, influenza A viruses, staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli and fungus.

Treating “soft dust collectors” with an ultraviolet lamp at home helps rid them of dust mites, E. coli, viruses and bacteria. The lamp is turned on for 1 hour in the children's room. The device emits ultraviolet waves that destroy the DNA of organisms and thereby prevent them from reproducing. At this time, there should be no people or pets in the room.

Cold disinfection is the most accessible means of combating dust mites for every family. You can carry out the procedure using a freezer or balcony (in the winter season). Ticks do not tolerate low temperatures well, and -10 ºС is already a critical point for them. The freezer can be adjusted from -6 ºC to -24 ºC, depending on the model.

Thus, a regular freezer can effectively combat dust mites that have settled in children's toys.

  1. Place the toys in a bag.
  2. Place the bag in the freezer.
  3. Leave it there overnight.
  4. In the morning, take out the bag and leave it at room temperature to keep the “stuffed animals” warm.

You can also use cold to get rid of dust mites at home by leaving a bag of toys on the balcony overnight in frosty weather.

Often soft toys sit on shelves for months, collecting dust. They look like new: clean, with fluffy fur. But dust that is not visible can cause the baby to feel unwell and provoke the appearance of diseases. Learn to clean toys properly. Let teddy bears and soft bunnies bring only joy!

New parents very often do not realize how important the right choice is. That is why, when in the first days of life he refuses to take the rattle in his hand or simply does not pay attention to it, the parents have a question - At what age does a newborn need toys??

When does a newborn begin to see and hear toys?

According to pediatricians, in the first 2-3 weeks of a baby’s life, he does not need any rattles. The child’s need for games appears only after he develops the reflex of tracking moving objects.

Answering the parents' question, when a newborn watches a toy, modern pediatricians note that, as a rule, this occurs at 3-4 weeks of a baby’s life. It was during this period that the baby sees toys, he develops a meaningful look, he consciously begins to smile at the sight of familiar people and briefly follow moving objects.

What toys can a newborn

Despite the fact that a newborn child spends most of his time sleeping, during his waking period he actively explores the world around him. Therefore, they should be aimed at developing his basic senses - vision and hearing.

These can be musical carousels for the crib, ringing rattles, rustling pendants for the stroller, all kinds of bells and bells with a pleasant melodic ringing.

Choosing the first products newborns, you need to pay attention to the following features.

  • Size.

A toy for a newborn cannot be too big; it should easily fit in the baby’s hand.

  • Form.

Even the most beautiful rattle should have a streamlined shape, without sharp edges or corners.

  • Color.

From the first weeks of a baby’s life, he should be surrounded by toy animals, rattles, hanging mobiles of different colors and patterns (plain, polka dot, striped).

  • Sound.

ATTENTION! The younger the child, the more often you need to wash and disinfect his rattles and teethers.

However, only disinfection can deal with most harmful microorganisms and dangerous bacteria. Process toys for newborns You can use alcohol, soda solution or a special one.

Products with built-in mechanisms or batteries should not come into contact with water. To clean them, you can use a cloth soaked in a special disinfectant solution. Also products with built-in mechanisms can be placed in the freezer for several hours(most harmful bacteria die under the influence of low temperatures).

Useful video

No child can do without toys. Therefore, every parent should make sure that their child has only interesting and safe products.

Doctor Komarovsky will tell you why they are needed and what toys to choose for your child.

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Children love toys and, of course, they are not aware that toys may contain dirt and harmful germs. It is the parents' responsibility to take care of cleanliness. If not done properly, your child may get sick. Below we will describe a method that is harmless to the environment and children. disinfection of toys.

Steps to disinfect toys

  1. Be sure to wipe down toys that have fallen on the floor or had direct contact with any dirt or dust with special baby wipes.
  2. Disinfect any hard, plastic children's toys, especially those that the child immediately puts into his mouth, by completely immersing such toys in boiling water. These can be special teething toys, pacifiers and pacifiers.

    1. Boil a pan of water and after it boils, lower all toys of this kind into it for 10 minutes.
    2. After 10 minutes, remove the toys from the pan and allow them to cool before returning them to your child. Be sure to check the toys after boiling to be sure that they have not been damaged and do not pose a threat to your child's health.
    3. Toys that cannot be boiled should be washed under very hot water using dishwashing detergent. After rinsing, make sure that all the product has been rinsed away.
  3. Use a damp sponge on plastic and wooden toys that have food on them.

  4. Use a solution of distilled white vinegar and water to clean children's toys.

    1. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the spray on children's toys and leave them for 15 minutes, then remove the solution from the toys.
  5. Mix your own natural cleaner with warm water and baking soda. Take 1 liter of water to 4 tablespoons of soda. Use a clean towel to dry the toy with the mixture.
  6. Soft toys can be washed in the washing machine if this is allowed in the instructions, which are usually located on the label. After washing, let the toys dry.
  7. Also, hard plastic toys can be washed in the dishwasher at high temperature. Place toys on the top rack of the dishwasher and set it to the hottest sink. After washing, be sure to dry the toys.

  8. Be sure to drain all liquid from bath toys. Any remaining water can start to turn into mold or something else terrible.

Tips for disinfecting toys

  • When cleaning toys, always use a new sponge or a sponge specifically designed for disinfection of children's toys. Sponges used for cleaning in the kitchen may contain dangerous chemicals, so it is better not to use them.
  • Be sure to think about your child while washing. Load up the toys in batches so he has something to play with while the others are washed and dried.
  • Use only the best cleaning products, preferably only natural ones.

Warning when disinfecting children's toys

  • Do not boil rubber toys, as this may damage them.
  • Do not use strong cleaning agents. Even if the packaging says that they are safe, a child is still more susceptible than an adult, so it is better to use more gentle products.

What do you think about this? What else can you add to the above?