What to do with the whims of the child. Naughty child and you do not know what to do? We will teach you how to cope with the problem of whims at any age. When to See a Doctor

The question of why some young children are constantly naughty and cry cannot but excite many parents.

Why do whims arise?

Almost all parents daily encounter the unwillingness of their child to sleep, eat, dress, return from a walk or go to kindergarten. The child begins to cry, refuses to do what is supposed to, sometimes just whine or scream. There are several main reasons for this behavior:

  • The group of physical causes include fatigue, thirst, hunger, desire to sleep and any disease. The kid feels “out of his element”, not understanding the reasons that caused this condition. To eliminate many of these reasons, parents just need to strictly follow the baby's daily routine - water and feed him on time, put him to bed.
  • The need for attention - if you communicate with the baby more often, then most of the tantrums can be avoided. Mom's love for a baby is like a breath of fresh air. Not having received the necessary amount of attention, the baby himself will begin to draw it out in all possible ways. It is better not to wait for the baby to start hysterical, but to postpone your business for a while, turn off the Internet, phone and just hug him. It is even better to spend some time with him together, play, talk about something.
  • Eagerness to get what you want. The little sly one notices the weaknesses of the parents and looks for ways to put pressure on them. If parents try to pay off the whims of the baby with gifts, then the baby instantly catches a scheme that is beneficial for himself. Therefore, it is more important to teach him to negotiate with others, to look for other solutions to his problems.

By nature itself, it is so arranged that in adults, children's crying immediately causes a strong emotional reaction. This is a necessity, since such reflection can save the health and life of the baby. But if he cries all the time, then you should figure out what is the reason for this.

The whims of infants

Parents remember the first 3-4 months of a baby's life with a shudder. It is at this time that children usually often cry and act up. The reasons for this may be different circumstances.

  • Baby is always hungry if the mother has insufficient lactation or he does not perceive the artificial mixture well. If this is reflected in his weight gain, then the doctor may recommend additional nutrition.
  • Gas in the intestines, causing colic. A breastfeeding mother should follow a proper diet, avoiding foods rich in fiber. For the child himself, the doctor may prescribe drops that normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If you have an ear infection or a cold, you need to see a doctor, to whom the mother should tell about changes in the behavior of the child.
  • Most babies don't like wet diapers. and react strongly to them. Therefore, they need to be changed in time or use diapers.
  • Babies often experience a feeling of loneliness, but being picked up, they quickly calm down.

It is difficult for young and inexperienced parents to understand the reason for children's crying. They need to learn to listen to the baby and quickly eliminate the causes of his discontent.

The whims of one-year-old babies

At the age of one, babies come across the first prohibitions and can react to them very violently: stomp their feet, throw objects, shout loudly. Parents who are aware of such age characteristics will try to prevent such aggressive behavior of the offspring.
One-year-old babies can also be naughty for various reasons that parents need to determine:

New mothers would be very helpful with time management, which actually means the daily routine - the ability to properly allocate their time. With the help of simple p...

  • The cause of a whim may be an internal conflict or illness. b - the baby does not understand why he feels bad, but signals this in an accessible way - by crying.
  • Protest against overprotection is directed towards a desire for more freedom when he does not want to return home from a walk or wear offered clothes.
  • The desire to imitate parents should be supported allowing the child to participate in household chores. Thanks to this, the child can always be kept under supervision and gradually taught him how to handle new objects.
  • The baby may respond to strong expressions of emotion, therefore, tight control or excessive severity can bring him to hysteria. The baby should be treated as an equal person, not expecting from him the unquestioning fulfillment of his will.

There are children's tears and invisible reasons. So, if the baby has a weak temperament, then it can manifest itself with constant whims and crying., since the baby reacts sharply to stimuli, quickly gets overexcited and immediately gets tired. As he gets older, he will learn to deal with this, and before that, he needs to ensure timely rest and proper regimen.

The whims of children at 2 years old

This age is difficult because even complaisant little ones become tyrants, with the demands and whims of which parents cannot cope. Many children have increased excitability, sleep problems, which can flow into tantrums. In two-year-old babies, the following reasons can be distinguished, most often causing whims.

  • The socialization of the baby begins at this age. when he has to learn the rules of interaction and communication with other people that are unusual for him. The kid can sharply oppose new restrictions regarding his freedom of action and independence.
  • Although at this age the baby begins to learn speech, but he is not yet able to convey in words his feelings and intentions. In this case, crying and screaming, he relieves himself of nervous tension.
  • Unused energy during the day in the evening it can lead to insomnia and whims, so during the day the baby should be allowed to actively play and move.
  • The emotional state of adults the baby feels great, hard to endure family quarrels and scandals.

Since at the age of 2 the baby enters the crisis phase, it is necessary to respond to his problems correctly.

The whims of children at 3 years old

The next stage in the development of the child - the crisis of three years is accompanied by his violent reaction. At this point, he begins to feel a person in himself and use the pronoun "I". He tries to do everything himself, although he still does not succeed in much. Failures are cast on parents in the form of screams and tears. Psychologists recommend at this age just be patient and wait for the end of the crisis age.

What to do with a constantly naughty baby?

Each parent deals with this problem in their own way. But not all methods give a positive result, and sometimes only worsen the situation. Here is the best way to do this:

  • Calm down yourself and in no case put pressure or yell at the little one. It is better to leave him alone for a while, and then talk to him affectionately.
  • You can visit the children's center where the kid could learn to communicate with peers in a safe environment.
  • If the baby is given enough attention, then 90% of the reasons for tantrums will disappear.

When should you see a doctor?

The norm, according to experts, is the manifestation of dissatisfaction by the baby 2-3 times a week. But if he is naughty regularly, and sometimes arranges uniform tantrums, then he should be shown to a specialist. Sometimes just a few visits to a child psychologist are enough to restore peace and tranquility in the family.
All parents should accept the whims of children at an early age as completely normal. You just need to learn how to correctly identify their causes and eliminate them in a timely manner.

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Many parents notice that their children, as they approach the age of one, begin to be more capricious. Usually they refuse to eat or sleep, cry, become stubborn over trifles, do not let their mother go a single step, etc. What is the reason for such changes? All this is a crisis of 1 year for a child. It begins at about the age of ten months and can last almost six months, and sometimes a year. It is not at all difficult to determine the first age crisis in a baby, since it has a number of its own characteristics and signs. But moms and dads should not worry about the strange behavior of their beloved child. No need to think that this is how the baby wants to show his character. This is just one of the periods in the life of every toddler. And your primary task is to help the child cope with all the difficulties of this transitional moment.

What is the crisis of the first year

The periods of time when the behavior and habits of the baby change are an integral part of the growing up of the child. And they are called age or personality crises. Throughout life, such crises are repeated regularly. In childhood, this occurs in the first weeks after birth, at 1 year, at three, at six, and at 12–14 years.

Sooner or later, the child has new needs, and what was used to satisfy them before ceases to be relevant. This is the essence of the problem.

It is at the age of 1 year (plus or minus 1-2 months) that the baby takes the first steps, begins to actively explore the world around him. But his aspirations and impulses are most often limited to the parental categorical “no!”. From this and tears, and whims, and stubbornness.

Remember the root cause of world revolutions: "The bottom can't, but the top doesn't want"? Here is about the same situation. Moms and dads should realize that their baby has grown up, become more independent, sociable and mobile, and start treating the baby differently. But how to understand that the crisis in a one-year-old peanut has already begun?

Signs of a Crisis

  • Disobedience, stubbornness. The kid is sure that he can always do everything on his own. And when he is crossed and forbidden, he categorically refuses to obey.
  • Frequent mood swings. Peanut expresses dissatisfaction with almost everyone and everything. The reaction to certain situations changes radically, aggression appears.
  • Contradictory behavior. It is expressed in the fact that at first the baby hugs, and then beats someone or first begs for a toy, and then throws it away.
  • Vulnerability, resentment. The child often cries, is naughty. It is often difficult to calm him down, because the cause of his tears is almost impossible to find.
  • Fear of losing mom out of sight. These one-year-old peanuts are most often called "mother's tail."
  • The child constantly requires attention. It is important for him to be watched and played in his games. The kid gets jealous.

Causes of the problem

Now let's take a closer look at the reasons for this behavior. A feature of the first year of any child's life is that he develops comprehensively - both mentally and physically. He actively explores the world around him. At 10–12 months, he can already take and hold in his hands things that were previously inaccessible to him. Taking his first steps.

Therefore, the baby believes that he is an adult, independent, and can completely do without the intervention of adults, and any prohibitions only cause him indignation. Which can be called the first cause of the crisis of 1 year.

This manifests itself when the baby stubbornly makes attempts to eat on his own, and his parents do not support him in good undertakings. Or when he wants to walk without assistance, and his mother does not let go of his hand.

Adults continue to behave with the grown-up child in the same way as before. And when faced with resistance and aggression, they often behave completely wrong: they get angry, shout, and sometimes use force. Here is the second reason for the crisis.

Hence the conclusion - the child in the 1st year is capricious, because he has grown up, his needs and opportunities have changed, and parents also need to rebuild and begin to treat the baby differently, give him more freedom and respect the personality in him.


The duration of the crisis period in the first year of life varies from a week to a year, which directly depends on the nature of the baby and the ability of adults to discern changes in their child in time and respond to them.

And sometimes parents do not notice any crisis phenomena at all, since children are calm on their own, and their opinions and desires are always considered in the family.

Some parents put up with their kids getting cranky and continue to indulge them even as they get older. The rest, on the contrary, refuse to accept the prevailing circumstances and apply measures that are not quite popular with respect to children. Nevertheless, there are methods, from the point of view of psychologists, correct and not so complicated, with the help of which you can negotiate with a protesting baby.

  1. To the maximum, discard unnecessary prohibitions. Let there be not so many of them. In order not to forbid the child to take this or that thing every time, simply rearrange these things in an inaccessible place.
  2. If the baby takes the initiative and tries to do something on his own, do not stop him.
  3. If the baby does not want to eat - do not force him, just offer. When he gets hungry, he will definitely eat.
  4. Learn to understand your little one and be attentive to his requests and desires. Although he still does not know how to express his thoughts, his mother will surely feel them intuitively.
  5. Parents should be the best friends of their child, and not strict educators, so spend more time with the baby - crawl with him, play with the toys that he offers.
  6. Keep in touch with your little one. After all, this is important not only as a manifestation of attention, but also as an aspect of the development of speech. Talk to him about everything in the world - talk about what you are doing now, what you plan to do, ask his opinion.
  7. Involve your child in daily activities. Be sure that he will be interested in it. And even more so, if he hears praise addressed to him, he will definitely help you next time. Ask him for help.
  8. If the baby cries non-stop, and it is impossible to calm him down with all sorts of persuasion, leave him alone, but not for long. When he realizes that his parents do not pay any attention to the manifestations of his character, he will almost immediately switch to another occupation.

What Not to Do

There are also a number of taboos that should in no case be neglected during this difficult period:

  1. You can not put pressure on the child and show that you are older and stronger, you must be a friend and protector for him.
  2. There is no need to forbid the little one to show independence, otherwise, having become more adult, he will continue to hope for your help.
  3. There should be a minimum of prohibitions, but permissiveness is also not the place here.
  4. Parents, as well as all relatives and friends who communicate with the baby, must adhere to one scheme of relations with him, so that there are no situations when the mother forbids him what the grandmother allows, for example.
  5. The child should be given a sufficient amount of attention, but you do not have to spend all your time with him. Parents should be able to clearly explain to the baby that they have other things to do.
  6. At this age, children repeat everything after adults, so do not allow yourself to show your bad sides in the presence of a child.
  7. You can not scream at the baby or beat him, although during this period it is difficult to cope with his whims.
  8. Distract the baby from problems, but do not give the little capricious sweet for any reason and do not pick it up on demand.

Is it worth it to be afraid of the crisis of the first year

There is no need to be afraid of the crisis of the 1st year - it is natural. The fact that it is acute should not alarm parents.

It is its vivid manifestation that indicates that the child is formed as a person correctly. And the external absence of manifestations, which creates the illusion of harmonious development, on the contrary, indicates that the psyche has not received proper development. Remember that misunderstanding is much more dangerous than the crisis period itself.

Video: "Naughty children" - Komarovsky

All manifestations of the crisis of the first year will pass very quickly if you can begin to treat your child, who is going through such a difficult period, with respect and understanding. After that, be sure, a time of stability will follow, when the baby will actively continue to develop and delight parents with new successes. Negative character traits can only be consolidated if parents put pressure on the baby and show their strength. Only with close interaction with the child, you will not only overcome the crisis period in a short time, but also lay a solid foundation for mutual trust and the harmonious development of your beloved child in the future.

The addition to the family is a great happiness for parents. When the birth went well and the child develops according to age norms, the mother is rarely worried about the child's capriciousness. Parents cannot be overjoyed when the baby grows calm and docile. Moms and dads get used to it, and it seems to them that it will always be like this. But suddenly everything changes. The child began to act up, often cries, does not give in to persuasion. This often happens towards the end of the first year of life. Why is this happening?

Whims of children under 1 year old

To understand whether a child under the age of 1 year can be capricious, we suggest understanding the psychological characteristics of the development of the crumbs:

  • neonatal crisis

The crisis manifests itself in the interval from birth to 2 months. This is a very important stage in a child's development. And the timely emergence of a crisis is the norm. Your child should respond to the approach of an adult, make sounds (vocalizations) when communicating with his mother, and respond with a smile. Weight loss is the main symptom of a crisis.

  • Infant age

This is the second stage in the development of a child up to a year. Most often it manifests itself from the second month to a year. At this time, the baby communicates through emotions. And it is important for parents to pay great attention to communication. Gradually, the baby pronounces the first words, studies the world through actions with objects of the environment.

Crying and babble during this period speak of the desire to establish contact with an adult. And when the child's independent speech appears, the crisis is over.

Having studied the most important psychological characteristics of children during this period of development, let's try to figure out whether the whims of a child up to a year old carry something serious.

What are whims. Can a newborn baby be naughty

Vagaries are understood as various whims and stubbornness. At an early age, under the guise of a whim, the basic needs of the child and a feeling of discomfort are hidden. Sometimes, calling their baby under the age of one year capricious, mothers misinterpret the definition itself. After all, the crying and anxiety of a child at such a tender age is the only way to communicate with relatives. There are no words in their arsenal, gestures are also still weakly expressed - all that remains is to roar. And there can be several reasons for frustration. The first, natural ones - the child wants to eat, his diapers are wet, or he is cold. It is also possible that the baby asks for help when something hurts him. A caring mother will immediately help the baby.

It often happens that a joyful and festive day, brightly spent with the baby, ends with the whims and tears of the child. He refuses to sleep, is overly agitated and difficult to calm down. Such behavior for children 10-18 months old is the result of a nervous strain that they experienced. Their tears are a natural way at this age to get rid of tension. After all, a noisy company, new faces, bright colors and unusual sounds - all this turned out to be stressful for the baby. Therefore, he is irritated, crying, naughty. In such a situation, it is necessary to show maximum care and patience for the child. Do not get screams and threats to make him calm down. It is better to hug the child to you, carry it in your arms, do procedures that are pleasant for him: bathe in a warm bath or have a light massage session. All this will help the baby to relax and calm down faster.

Similar worries and whims in a child can also arise in another situation, when the prohibitions of the parents come into force. For almost a year, the baby was limited by the walls of the arena or stroller, he was surrounded only by familiar things. With the development of the child, he has the need to learn new things. He did not know anything else and was satisfied with that.

Crawling and making the first attempts to get up off the floor and walk independently, he thereby expands his horizons, learns a lot of new things. Not understanding the dangers of surrounding objects, the baby explores everything with interest. He has a natural desire not only to examine, but also to feel with his hands, test the strength and taste a new object. Such behavior will certainly provoke a reaction from the parents. And most often it is forbidden in the form of shouting and taking away the thing you like.

They raised their voices, took away the “swell” and even carried them away from an interesting place back to the arena. In this case, how can the child express his indignation and desire to continue his research in the new world? Only scream. So far, this is the only thing he can do to draw attention to himself and his natural need to learn something new. No compromises in the form of old toys or nipples suit him.

Leave the discoverer what will bring him joy. Something that can be moved, stacked into each other or will allow you to extract new sounds from objects. After all, unsightly empty boxes, lids, saucepans and ladles are much more interesting than bright, but already boring toys.

Another reason for the sudden irritation of the child may be difficulties in the formation of speech. The baby is growing, and his speech does not keep up with his development. New desires to do something or attempts to convey their emotions result in lowing or outstretched hands. Parents do not understand his "hints" and do not go to help. How, apart from words, to pay attention to yourself and to the problem that has arisen? Again children's cries and whims. They can manifest themselves in the refusal of the usual bathing or use of the potty, to which the child is already accustomed. Everything that used to be pleasant for the baby and he willingly accepted it, now can cause him discontent.

The most effective tool in this situation is time. Do not scold the child for a whim and insist on your own. Give him time to forget about the unpleasant incident and after a while repeat your attempts.

Moms take note!

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How to overcome childhood whims

With all his behavior, the child shows that he expects understanding from adults. Changes in the behavior of the baby sometimes lead adults into confusion and cause a desire to immediately stop the disgrace and whims.

Whims, screams and crying are not ordinary outrages that should be stopped immediately. This is another signal of the child that he is waiting for understanding and reaction from adults. He is looking for a way to control his parents to get what he wants. Everything is used: screaming, tears, biting, pulling hair, fighting. And if it works, then such behavior will become the norm, and the child will solve his problems only in this way. This cannot be allowed. And if you do not react to wrong behavior and show the baby that you will not achieve anything by whims, then he will begin to change and stop crying and acting up.

In some situations, learn to ignore the child. Sometimes this is the best solution to a problem. A child can stop acting up and crying faster if there are no people nearby trying to calm him down. The presence of spectators and sympathizers only enhances the whims and crying of the baby. After all, even some adults like to “speak” in public, to say nothing of children.

  • Many parents are mistaken, believing that the baby needs to be caressed and carried more. It is not true! Most often, children who are surrounded by excessive affection become capricious. Psychologists advise not to go to extremes. Yes, the baby needs your attention and affection, however, he must also understand that mom and dad cannot carry him in their arms all day long. They also have their own needs;
  • Permissiveness and unlimitedness. From an early age, the child must know the words "No", "No", "Stop" . This will be an additional incentive for the discipline of the crumbs in the future. The presence of these concepts in the upbringing will save both the baby and the parents from unnecessary whims. (We read on the topic: ) ;
  • The constant attention of the elders often causes children's whims. By nature, a child cannot communicate exclusively with elders. He begins to tire of the obsessive behavior of adults. Give your little one more freedom. Let him play by himself, take a walk on the street with other mothers, chat with them. And the kids will exchange gestures and smiles with each other in the stroller;
  • Do not overdo it by following the previous point. A complete lack of attention will also negatively affect the psychological and emotional state of the crumbs. With cries and whims, he will demand the attention of loved ones;
  • Inconsistency and lack of unity of requirements interfere with the child's adaptation to the world around him. To avoid this, negotiate with relatives about a single line of education. Watch your relationship with your child. If you allowed something yesterday and banned it today, then you need to explain to the baby why you are doing this. Regardless of the fact that he is still quite small. He will understand everything at the level of emotions.
  • The most popular whim is in the evening, when it's time to go to bed. The kid cannot understand in any way why, instead of an interesting game of football with his dad, he should sleep. To make evening whims a thing of the past, cancel all outdoor games an hour before bedtime - let it be reading a book or watching a cartoon. By the way, in this case, children's programs like “Good night, kids” are very useful - they act as a signal to sleep.

What should be the reaction of parents

For example:“Little Vova reached into the cupboard and took out a glass decanter. The kid doesn't know how to use it. Vovochka dropped the decanter. He crashed."

How to be a mom?

A bad example would be yelling and swearing at a child! It's better to do this: “Wow, I was so scared! I am very, very upset! You could get hurt, then I would cry for a long time (grimaces)! Please remember that touching my things without permission is prohibited!” The last phrase is pronounced in a stern voice, indicating the ban.

There are many such examples. Remember that the whims of the child largely depend on you. (now we are not talking about when the baby is worried about something). The most difficult in raising a child up to a year is the first month. It is perfectly normal when a newborn baby can cry and act up just like that for up to two hours a day. Do not worry, every month you will understand your baby more and more. Love your capricious baby!

From the forums: how to respond to the whims of a child under one year old?

Luba Melnik: God bless you, what whims at this age. You need to understand the child, if, as they say, such a baby is capricious, then there is a serious reason: he feels unwell, anxious, hungry.

Nellie: The child is not naughty, he either gives you a sign that he has a problem somewhere or attracts your attention, since he cannot say yet.

Alyonushka: Well, what are these whims? The child is not even a year old. he is naughty because something is bothering him. he just can't tell.

list: kiss, cuddle, carry on your arms, be with him always and enjoy everything that he does ...

Vinakova: Children under one year old are not capricious, and even more so, they do not “work for the public”! They give signals that something is bothering them. We big aunts and uncles are sometimes uncomfortable and want to cry to someone, what can we say about kids who know nothing about this world? And how to cope with what worries - of course, cry!

iris:Be patient to figure out why. After all, kids don’t do something to spite us - if she whines or is capricious, then something is wrong: she wants to eat, drink, sleep, play with her mother, something hurts, reacts to the weather, etc. Sometimes, of course, the nerves can’t stand it, but you need to control yourself .... the more we are nervous and irritated, the more the child cries ....

Lelya:I believe that it is impossible to always flow to a child. You have to give it to him and shout. When my son starts crying about the fact that he is not given or when something is forbidden, I still insist on my own. He will shout, sees and understands that he has not achieved anything with his cry and next time he is more calm about prohibitions. Children are very cunning and smart. Very quickly they realize that they can manipulate adults and immediately begin to use it. We must not allow the child to become the master of the situation!

Verunchik: In my opinion, a baby up to a year still does not know how to harm and play whims. If the baby is crying, it means that he is really worried about something. My son just doesn’t know how to cry out of harm, he is 1 year 3 months old.

Crybaby- this is just an occasion that encourages the adult educative environment of kids to think about their own actions aimed at educational impact, as well as a reminder of the importance of parental attention for children. Often, the capriciousness of children indicates the connivance of their adult environment. The adult environment of relatives involved in the upbringing of babies allows the crumbs to behave in this spirit, not to obey the requirements and win what they want with the help of tearfulness and tantrums.

However, there is an opposite side to childish moodiness, which may indicate the presence of a chronic ailment or the appearance of an acute process. In addition, children's disobedience, whims and cries also depend on the momentary emotional state of the crumbs and the general physical condition. As a rule, absolutely all parents come into contact with all kinds of manifestations of childish capriciousness in the process of pedagogical influence and the formation of children's personalities.

Children, starting from their earliest childhood, express their own desires in different ways. Some through the use of some general gestures, while others resort to "extortion", using only the means available to them, namely tears, throwing things, shouting. In other words, a child's whim is the desire of the baby to get what he wants, provided that he is somatically healthy.

Naughty child 2 years

Capriciousness and occasionally hysterical behavior are considered, in fact, a natural way and practically the only opportunity through which the child tries to demonstrate his inner feelings. By such behavior, children try to explain what is wrong with them.

For what reason did a 2-year-old child suddenly become capricious and whiny? How to behave relatives and how can you help the baby?

Over a two-year period, moodiness is correlated with children's needs (eg, drink, eat) or their discomfort (eg, tight shoes that are too tight). Often, manifestations of capriciousness can also have a connection with the internal state of the children. In case of illness, they can feel anxiety, pain, which children are not even able to understand, and even explain to adults - and even more so. With any incomprehensible uncomfortable sensations, babies, first of all, try to suppress them, as a result of which they require the fulfillment of one “I want”, then another. However, the discomfort does not go away, so they burst into tears. Parents may regard such behavior as a whim.

Often, after suffering an illness, children continue to be capricious, demanding the same increased attention to their person that was during their illness. As a result, for many parents, the question becomes urgent, how to raise a capricious child? To do this, educating adults need to understand that a two-year-old baby is already able to adequately perceive prohibitions, remember the rules and follow them. Therefore, it is recommended that parents choose a line of behavior that will be based, first of all, on consistency and unity.

Consistency in educational influence means that once forbidding something to the baby in the future, it is necessary to adhere to this.

Unity - lies in the consistency of the upbringing strategy between all participants in this process. In other words, if dad punished the baby for some actions, then mom should support dad. If she does not agree with his actions, you should discuss the current situation, but only so that the baby does not hear.

You also need to consider that capricious children love the audience. Therefore, if you leave the baby alone in the room for a while, it will calm down by itself. By such behavior, parents demonstrate their position, which is a clear signal for the baby that he will not be able to achieve anything with such actions. Therefore, the need to behave in such a manner will disappear.

Naughty child 3 years old

In the case of 3 years, parents, for starters, are advised to remember that they are much older than their own children, and therefore smarter. Therefore, you do not need to play with the crumbs a game called "who will out-argue whom." You can give in to the baby in some trifle in order to defend your own position in something more significant.

Also, before scolding kids when they are capricious, you need to deal with the reasons that answer the question, why did the child become capricious? Mainly, the problem of the capriciousness of the age of three lies in the growing up of babies and overcoming their natural developmental crisis. In a three-year period, the crumbs often do everything upside down, as if to spite the elders. By such behavior, they simply seek to defend their own right to independence and separate their own person from their mother. Therefore, knowing this feature of babies, you can use it to your advantage. For example, by allowing the baby to do what they would not want to allow. To the baby’s phrase: “I won’t go to wash”, answer: “well, then dad will go to lie in the bath and play with toys instead of you.”

In order to avoid protracted tantrums, due to an unsatisfied whim, you can use another characteristic feature of three-year-old children - their rapid switch to new actions. Therefore, if a parent notices that the child is fixated on one of the “I want,” psychologists recommend immediately trying to switch attention. Timely switching of attention of kids will lead to their understanding that tantrums from adults will not achieve anything. As a result, the need for tantrums will disappear as unnecessary.

Thus, if a child suddenly becomes capricious, then there is no need to panic, first of all, you need to understand the reason for this behavior, and then try to use it for your own purposes, without using useless screams.

Capricious child 4 years

Four-year-olds are already quite independent individuals. They go to preschool, they have favorite activities, they have their own preferences. And also four-year-old children are already big enough to use words to formulate their “wants”, to express feelings and needs.

Then why did the child become moody at 4 years old? Perhaps his capriciousness is a kind of copying of the behavior model traditional for this family? After all, if adults interact with each other in this way, then what can be expected from their child? Therefore, you need to try so that the baby is not present during quarrels and conflict situations of relatives. Also, you should not communicate with him in raised tones.

Tantrums, ostentatious disobedience, capriciousness of a three-year period were for children a kind of test of parental manipulation. Similar behavior at the age of four indicates that this manner of behaving has already become habitual. After all, for kids of four years, moodiness is a proven way to get what they want from their elders. So why ignore them?

Often, with the help of whims, the child is just trying to attract parental attention. Along with this, overly petted children are also often capricious. Excessive attention, which develops into overprotectiveness, tires children, as a result of which they become uncontrollable and achieve their tantrums.

A capricious naughty child in most cases is the result of improper educational influence on the crumbs in the early age period. However, often the reason for such behavior is age-related negativism.

The upbringing of a four-year-old capricious child does not differ radically from the educational impact on a three-year-old capricious child, but much more efforts must be made to correct the established behavior and patience. Therefore, the main weapon in the fight against childish capriciousness should be consistency in prohibited and permitted things, as well as the unity of educational strategy.

Capricious child 5 years

If the capriciousness of the age of three is considered to be the norm, then such behavior of preschoolers indicates pedagogical neglect. And, first of all, the parents and all other adults who are actively involved in the upbringing of the baby are to blame for this. Therefore, the constant whims of a preschooler should encourage parents to think about the correctness of the chosen model of education.

Often, whims at the age of five can indicate a maturing misunderstanding between the child and his adult environment.

Exorbitant perseverance on the verge of stubbornness and excessive tearfulness of children in an effort to achieve what they want, for the most part, is the result of improperly built relationships with them. And here we are not talking only about their spoiled. Indeed, often the whims of a five-year-old preschooler show that he simply does not know how to communicate his own experiences in a different way. Most likely, hysteria for him is a familiar means aimed at attracting the attention of a parent. Also, indulgence in all the desires of children and the immediate fulfillment of their requirements can be perceived by kids as a manifestation of parental love.

Often parents, being overly loaded with work, seek to compensate for the lack of time devoted to them by satisfying the whims of their children. However, such a strategy not only fails to solve the problem, but also leads to permissiveness, lack of boundaries and spoiled. It will be quite difficult for such kids to adapt to the school environment.

How to raise a capricious child of 5 years? First of all, the adult environment of a preschooler needs to learn how to say a clear “no” to him at the same time, intelligibly arguing the reason for the refusal.

A capricious, naughty 5-year-old child needs the elders to convey to him that capriciousness and disobedience are not the best means to get what he wants. They also demonstrated this postulate in practice, satisfying only those desires that are expressed in a calm tone in the form of a request and ignoring those that are accompanied by screaming, crying, stamping feet.

Capricious child - what to do

Many parents complain that the child has become capricious and whiny. Excessive tearfulness and disobedience of children is a fairly common phenomenon that can be easily corrected if parents follow simple recommendations.

First of all, adults should find out the reason for such behavior and exclude the presence of a somatic disease. If a child has become capricious, but at the same time is absolutely healthy, then his capriciousness is a response to the environment, parental behavior, their methods of education, etc. Therefore, adults need to learn how to respond competently to the manifestation of children's disobedience and capriciousness:

- shouting and swearing should not be used as an educational measure;

- sometimes it is better to give in to a crumb in a smaller one in order to forbid in a larger one;

- it is necessary to give the baby the right to exercise independence;

- the best method of dealing with capriciousness is considered to be communication with children, so you should try to devote more time to communicating on an equal footing, without using a mentoring tone;

- before punishing the baby for capricious behavior, you should understand the motives of his actions;

- you should also try to negotiate with the baby, and not seek the necessary actions from him, crushing parental authority or shouting;

- any prohibition must be easily argued to the baby;

- you need to learn to distinguish between children's whims (in one case, a whim may indicate a research activity of the baby, and in another - a desire to do it in defiance).

The child has become capricious - what to do? In order to form a harmoniously developed personality of a baby, parents need to understand that children are not their personal property, that there is no identical model of behavior for all children, each crumb is individual and therefore requires the same approach. Capriciousness does not always indicate disobedience or stubbornness, it can often indicate internal discomfort, lack of parental attention, overprotection, etc.