What should a 1 year old baby eat? We wean from the chest. Do you need a mode

The child celebrated his birthday. During this year, a lot of discoveries happened in his life. He can already boast of his first victories. The peanut begins to walk on its own, eat, tries to take care of itself. It is not surprising that the diet of the crumbs should be improved and become even more diverse. After all, only in this way the baby will be able to grow and develop normally, fully eating.

In this article, you will learn how to properly process and prepare food, find out what should be on the baby’s menu and understand how much to feed a child in one year.

What has changed in the digestion of the peanut

  1. The child has more and more teeth. Now there are 12 of them. (My son had 11 more teeth at the age of one.) And this increasingly allows the baby to eat more solid food.
  1. The enzymatic activity of the pancreas and intestines increases, and the saturation of the juices of the digestive system also increases. This improves the rate of absorption of food, and also contributes to its faster digestion.
  2. The peanut already needs to be given food in small pieces (up to 3 cm). This will determine the development of the correct bite and chewing skill of the child.
  3. The volumetric dimensions of the stomach increase to approximately 300 ml. Therefore, the baby needs more food.

Cooking rules

  1. Give preference to steam cooking or baking them. During normal cooking, a large amount of useful is lost. And during frying, compounds that are toxic to the body of a small child are formed. And this method of processing is unacceptable for a toddler.
  2. Give your baby exclusively freshly prepared food. Do not offer the crumbs a dish after the refrigerator and warming up. It loses its valuable qualities.
  3. Prepare food using only quality products, fresh, without putrid spots and dents. Peel fruits and vegetables.
  4. Cook with purified water or special for baby food.
  5. In season, use fresh fruits and vegetables, while frozen foods are allowed in winter. But it is better to lower them, without defrosting, immediately into boiled water.
  6. Avoid boiling milk for more than three minutes. This product should be added to ready-made porridge or vermicelli.
  7. Meat should not be chopped before cooking, it is better to do this already with the finished product. Thus, its useful juice is preserved.
  8. The addition of salt and sugar should be kept to a minimum.

What should be the diet of the baby

First, it is important to know the following rules:

  1. Do not feed your child between meals, as you only spoil his appetite.
  2. Encourage your child to eat at fixed times.
  3. The peanut needs only high-quality and fresh products.
  4. Don't give your baby yesterday's food.
  5. Take care of your child's personal hygiene.

Secondly, you need to know that:

  1. The baby's menu must be compiled correctly, taking into account the value of all components.
  2. It is better to immediately draw up a child’s diet for a week in order to properly diversify it, seeing the big picture.
  3. Properly combine products, taking into account the value of organic compounds, vitamins and minerals.

Thirdly, when and how much to give a child to eat:

  1. Follow five meals a day: 6, 10, 14, 18 and 22 hours.

My friend's son refused to eat before bed. The doctor said that the baby is enough of what he eats in a day. He advised his friend to transfer the little one to four meals a day.

  1. A one-year-old child should eat up to 1300 grams per day, at one time - up to 260 grams. To calculate the exact indicators for your crumbs, you need to divide the weight of the child in grams by 9 (the daily amount of food needed), and then divide the resulting answer by 5 or 4 (depending on the number of feedings). So you calculate how much the baby needs to receive at one meal.

My son in a year old weighed 11 kg 200 grams. Therefore, I gave him approximately 1200 grams of food per day, and 240 grams per feeding.

  1. On average, a baby should consume 1300 kilocalories per day. 20% of the calorie content should fall on the first and last meal, 15% on the second breakfast and the first dinner, and 30% on lunch.

What can I feed my 1 year old baby

  1. Berries, vegetables and fruits. It is already allowed to slowly introduce red fruits and exotic fruits. But be prepared for the appearance of an allergy, especially if the baby has already had it on something before.

My nephew, for example, developed an allergy to strawberries.

  1. Porridge is very necessary for proper nutrition of the child. All types of cereals may already be present in the baby’s menu. You can try to give semolina to a one-year-old child. Do not give your baby porridge more than once a day.
  2. Various types of meat. The daily norm is 100 grams.
  3. Fish is given twice a week, approximately 40 grams. And it completely replaces meat products these days. Give preference to lean fish species. Pike perch, cod, sea bass, hake are well suited.
  4. Eggs give the child no more than three times a week.
  5. Dairy and sour-milk products are required in the diet of the child every day. At the same time, the baby already drinks about 200 ml of kefir or natural yogurt per day. And the daily norm of cottage cheese is about 70 grams. This, of course, provided that the baby does not have milk intolerance.
  6. Pasta should not be consumed more than once a week and then in small volumes.
  7. The baby should still be given only bread made from wheat flour. The daily norm of this product is 100 grams. Cookies are better to choose biscuit or drying. No more than two are recommended per day.
  8. In ready-made dishes, you can add oil in small quantities (both butter and vegetable).
  9. From sweets, the baby can only be given honey, jam and marmalade (without dyes). Sugar should be consumed in very limited quantities.
  10. Do not forget that the peanut diet must still contain the required amount of liquid. Let the baby drink some water, special for small children, as well as juices, decoctions, compotes, weak teas and jelly.

Possible crumb menu

  1. The first meal falls at 6 - 7 hours. Offer the baby milk porridge (150 ml), half an egg, 50 grams of fruit puree. You can drink everything with weak tea, up to 100 ml.
  2. For a second breakfast, at about 10 am - vegetable puree (150 grams), jelly (50 milliliters), wheat flour bread (20 grams).
  3. Lunch is the most satisfying meal of the day. Feed your baby around 2pm. Well suited soup with meatballs (100 ml and 30 grams), vegetable puree (100 grams), white bread (20 grams). You can drink compote - 100 ml.
  4. At 18:00, offer the little one 150 ml of kefir (or other dairy product), 70 grams of cottage cheese, 2 cookies.
  5. Before going to bed (around 22:00), give your baby up to 230 ml of breast milk or formula.

This is how one year of your child's life has flown by. Now he is on the path to adulthood. Support it, stimulate the proper development of the child and make sure that the baby eats properly and balanced, while receiving all the necessary nutrients.

After the child is one year old, we can gradually switch to four meals a day. Meaning: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner. Between breakfast and lunch, you can give your child one of the fruit juices or an apple.

Thus, your child is already switching to the so-called adult diet.

The main meal - at the usual time: at 8.00, at 12.00, at 18.00. Between these receptions - an additional reception. Variations are possible (taking into account the daily routine that you have chosen).
From a year to a year and a half, the daily volume of food for a child should be 1000-1200 ml. And from one and a half to three years - up to 1400 ml. Of course, these volumes should not be kept too strictly, since much depends on the type of food and its nutritional value.

Diet for a child from 1 to 3 years old

You can offer your child the following diet:

8.00 (breakfast) - 150 g of milk, a bun; instead of a bun, you can give black bread with butter or white bread with jam (with honey); vitamin preparation (D);
10.00 (second breakfast) - fruit or vegetable puree or half a glass of juice (apple, tomato, orange); if the appetite does not suffer, you can give the child bread and butter;
12.00 (lunch) - first course: soup (liquid without fail) - vegetable or meat or broth - 60-100 ml; second course: if there was meat soup or broth, give the second dish without meat - porridge, pudding, potatoes, noodles with cottage cheese, etc .; if the soup was vegetarian, the second dish can be meat or fish with a side dish of vegetables or cereals; total serving volume - 150-200 g; compote, tea or jelly - from 100 to 150 ml;
15.00 (afternoon snack) - milk or kefir - 150-200 ml;
18.00 (dinner) - salad, porridge, pudding, cottage cheese; curdled milk, cheese, bread and butter, you can small slices of ham,
milk, etc. (total from 250 to 350 g); compote tea or jelly (60-80 g).

You can try another diet (note that the meal times are somewhat different):
8.00 (breakfast) - vegetable puree or one of the milk porridges, meat or fish dish - 250-260 g in total; milk or a weak coffee drink - 120-150 ml;
12.00 (lunch) - vegetable salad - 40-50 g; vegetable soup or meat broth - 60-100 ml; meat or fish dish with a side dish (vegetable puree, porridge) - total volume 150-200 g; fruit juice - 120-150 g;
16.00 (afternoon snack) - milk or kefir - 150-200 ml; bun, or shortbread, or cookies - 20-40 g; fresh fruit - 120-150 g;
20.00 (dinner) - porridge or some vegetable dish - 150-200 g; milk or kefir - 120-150 ml; fruits -50-70 g.

The meat from which you prepare meals for the baby must certainly be fresh. Also dishes - do not leave them stored until the next day. Even if they are in the refrigerator, over time, the nutritional value of the dishes decreases.
It is not recommended to give the baby such products as sausages, sausages, sausages, since they are prepared from meat, which can hardly be called high-grade.

Avoid giving your child smoked meats. They almost certainly contain pepper and other additives. It is harmful for the child. In addition, the sensitivity of taste in a baby is much richer than in an adult. Foods with an abundance of spices can spoil (dull) the child's taste.

If you include fish in your diet, be very careful about small bones.

After one and a half years, you can give your child vegetables not mashed, but chopped. First, you should cut smaller; over time and large. The child must learn to chew. It is useful - to give a load on the teeth. Such food (not pureed) is also useful for the gastrointestinal tract: lumps of unchewed food irritate the intestines and stimulate its speedy emptying.
In the diet of the child should be sufficiently present foods rich in fiber. Why is fiber useful? .. It is not digested and serves as a basis in the formation of feces. When there is a lot of fiber in the intestines, it is easier for it to empty. A large amount of fiber is found in legumes, vegetables and fruits, and bread.

Peas, beans, unmashed beans are better not to give to small children. After three years - give carefully.

Milk and dairy products are one of the most important sources of building material for a child, so they should be in sufficient quantities in the diet. A child, unlike an adult, needs building material not only to restore worn-out cells in tissues, but also to build new ones. In addition to protein, milk and dairy products contain many mineral salts, as well as important vitamins such as A and B.

Milk should be given to the child only fresh. Before use, it must be boiled. The volume of milk needed by the baby per day is 700-750 ml.

By the end of the second year, some servings of milk (for example, for breakfast or dinner) can be replaced with dairy products: yogurt, sour milk, cottage cheese, cheese. Cottage cheese contains a lot of proteins and fats, so cottage cheese is especially valuable. Not all cheeses are suitable - spicy cheeses are excluded. Children are very fond of cheese curds.
A very valuable product is butter. The oil contains such important vitamins as A and D.

When a child turns two years old, he can already eat any fruit. While the child is small, the fruits are rubbed through a grater, over time, he gets fruits cut into small slices. And only by the age of three can you give him whole fruits.
It is preferable to use raw fruits - they have much more vitamins. In addition to vitamins, fruits contain very useful fruit sugar and mineral salts. You should not get carried away with citrus fruits; although they are useful and contain a lot of vitamin C, they can cause an allergic reaction. In general, some authors believe that in relation to vegetables and fruits, emphasis should be placed on those that grow in your area. They are the most harmonious for you and will not cause such allergic manifestations as many exotic fruits.

Some fruits and berries should be given with caution - little by little. For example, pears in large quantities can cause indigestion; plums are somewhat weak; apples cause gas...
If it is out of season and there is a lack of fruits, they can be successfully replaced with raw vegetables. Carrots are very useful, and children love them.

In addition to vitamins, mineral salts, fiber, sugar is present in fruits and vegetables. It is necessary for the child's body as a source of energy. But this is not the sugar that is in your sugar bowl, in general, it is not recommended to artificially sweeten food for a child under 3 years old, or even more. This will ensure good digestion and healthy teeth. Sweets with sugar and chocolate are also not recommended, replace them with dried fruits and honey.

To salt or not to salt baby food?

The child eats salted food with more appetite than fresh food. This is explained not only by the taste of food, with a salt content of about 10%, the most effective breakdown of food by saliva occurs, digestion and appetite improve. Vegetables and meat have just the right amount of salt, and if you steam them, you don’t need to add salt. If you boil meat, vegetables in water, you need to salt - a pinch of salt for children per 100 ml.

The capacity of the stomach increases. The child already acquires the ability to distinguish between individual foods and dishes, memorize their taste, he develops a clear rhythm of eating and digesting food, etc.

Rules for the nutrition of a child aged 1 to 3 years all these features must be taken into account. At the beginning of the second year of a child's life, the frequency of feeding remains at the level of 5 times a day. This is especially important for weakened children who have poor health. Many children after a year refuse the last (fifth) feeding and switch to 4 meals a day with a 4-hour interval. Whatever the frequency of feeding the baby, the main thing is that it is generally observed in time, which will ensure the development of a strong food reflex and the most favorable conditions for the absorption of nutrients.

All dishes for children from 1 year to 1.5 years are prepared semi-liquid, puree, carefully rubbed through a sieve. They should be given with a spoon. The use of a pacifier at this age is harmful, because the child develops a habit of liquid food, and he refuses any other. The main requirements for the nutrition of a child at this age are diversity and balance in the main nutrients. The basis of the diet should be foods with a high animal content: and dairy products, fish, poultry,.

All confectionery should be given only after the next meal. This needs to be emphasized because the most common mistake in children's nutrition is unlimited access to sweets anytime, anywhere. An excess of sweets is fraught with the possibility of development. In addition, sweets eaten between meals reduce appetite, and at the set time, children do not eat the amount of protein and fat foods, as well as vegetables, which adversely affects their development and health.

Lunch is the most complex meal in terms of the composition of the meals. It is better to start it with a snack in the form of a variety of vegetable salads, which increase the secretion of digestive juices, excite and, as it were, prepare the gastrointestinal tract for the dense protein (meat, fish) and vegetable starchy (potatoes, porridge, pasta) food. Salads from raw vegetables are healthier than from boiled ones, because when cooked, some of the vitamins and mineral salts contained in vegetables are destroyed or dissolved in water. For them, it is best to use grated carrots, fresh, peeled and thoroughly washed cucumbers, tomatoes, white cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin, etc. should not be cleaned in advance and kept in water; when cooking, they should be dipped in boiling water (cook under the lid, but do not overcook). For salad, raw or boiled vegetables are grated, seasoned with vegetable oil, sour cream, lemon juice. It is advisable to add finely chopped dill, onion, parsley, celery to salads.

The first courses (shchi, borscht, soups) also have a good juice effect. The first dish for a child should be prepared in an enameled, tightly closed separate bowl.

The second dish should include a protein component, so it is usually prepared from meat or fish with a vegetable side dish, less often from cottage cheese or eggs. All dishes are prepared without the usual seasonings for adults (bay leaf, pepper, fried onion, tomato sauce and other spices). Lunch ends with a dessert of fruit or berry juice, mashed fruits or berries, compote, occasionally jelly, refreshed with natural fruit or berry juice. In the summer-autumn period children after 2 years can be given or melons.

Proper processing of food products and adherence to the technology of preparing individual dishes are extremely important for organizing children's nutrition. It is impossible, for example, to keep meat and fish in water for a long time, because in this case part of the proteins and salts are washed out of them. In order for the beneficial substances to be preserved as much as possible in frozen meat, it must be thawed slowly, in a large piece, at room temperature. It is not recommended to prepare baby food dishes in advance and then heat them up: this not only changes the taste of cooked food, but also adversely affects its qualitative composition. An increase in the time of heat treatment of meat, milk, fats worsens their nutritional value, adversely affects the safety of vitamins.

One of basic food requirements for children- high quality of the products used and cleanliness of preparation. Poor quality food products, errors in their preparation or storage can cause gastrointestinal disorders. Poorly washed vegetables that are eaten raw, fruits and berries can cause dysentery, helminthic diseases, etc. in a child. It is extremely important to carefully observe sanitary and hygienic rules when preparing salads. Boiled vegetables, meat, fish should be cut on a separate board designed specifically for boiled foods. It should not be used when processing raw meat and fish. When preparing minced meat or fish, which is a favorable environment for the reproduction of microbes, you need to be especially careful: wash the meat well, pour boiling water over a knife, cutting board, meat grinder.

From the second year of life you should buy a child a special children's dishes that attract attention with their shape and coloring. The small volume of dishes allows you to place food in it no more than the child should eat. This brings him into the habit of eating the entire portion to the end. Usually, after a year, for many children, nutritional needs recede into the background: they like to play with food and utensils more, especially towards the end of the meal. In such a situation, it is better not to get annoyed, not to scold the child, but simply to remove everything from the table, not to offer food before the allotted time.

All changes in the composition and quantity of food, in the technology of its preparation should be carried out gradually. Most children do not like changes in food and resist them. Forcing a child to eat a new dish against his will should not be. It is better to remove the food that the child did not like and after a while begin to accustom him to it: offer to try the dish when the child is hungry, mix it with the one that the baby eats willingly. Favorite foods (and every child has them) should not be given every day, otherwise they can quickly get bored. The increased growth of the child requires a variety of food, and one should try to develop in him a taste for any food. Feeding a child in the second or third year of life is more difficult than in the first. His appetite is no longer so constant and may decrease on certain days or periods, then increase again. Sometimes it decreases during teething, especially small molars. Therefore, there is no reason to worry, even if the child does not eat his portion. The main thing is not to force him to eat what he does not want, because the child can maintain a negative attitude towards this dish for a long time.

Feeding should not last more than half an hour. It is important that the child sits at the table in a calm state. The central nervous system in children of this age is not yet able to quickly switch to different types of activities, therefore, if you try to abruptly tear him away from the game and start feeding, the baby will react negatively to any food offered to him. The child needs to be set up for food. Dishes should be served in order of priority, not putting several on the table at once, because the child will reach for the dish that he likes best and insistently demand that he be allowed to eat it first.

Feeding is always facilitated by a calm environment, unhurried speech. Toys, reading, TV distract the child, and the higher the interest in them, the lower the production of digestive juices.

Although the child, as a rule, eats more willingly in the presence of peers or adults, it is not advisable to put him at a common table during lunches and dinners. He will be distracted, reaching for adult dishes, and the refusal to fulfill his desire will disturb the calm atmosphere of feeding and affect his appetite. You can not start feeding the baby immediately after sleep. Prolonged stay in a warm bed, as well as high room temperature, inevitably reduces the secretion of digestive juices and appetite.

From a reader's comment:

You can give oatmeal to children from 6 months.

Oatmeal is useful for nursing mothers to increase lactation, the elderly and those recovering from serious illnesses and injuries.

Due to its high nutritional value and easy digestibility, oatmeal is a product and an auxiliary remedy for many diseases.. .

Find something else of interest:

A baby who is one year old already eats quite diversely. In his menu there are many different fruits, dairy products, meat, vegetables, fish. Dishes for the crumbs become more complex, but his diet is still very different from that of an adult. Let's take a look at what is important for parents to remember about nutrition for the proper development of a child at 1 year old and how best to build a daily menu for a baby of this age.

Features of the diet of a one-year-old baby

In the diet of a baby older than a year, breast milk or a mixture may remain. Pediatricians consider such food useful for the child's body and welcome breastfeeding up to at least 1.5-2.5 years.

Calculate your feeding schedule

Indicate the date of birth of the child and the method of feeding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Generate a calendar

  • At the same time, many mothers choose exactly 1 year to say goodbye to breastfeeding. If you also decide to complete this process, try to organize everything with a minimum of psychological discomfort for the crumbs. More preferable for both the baby and the mother's breast will be a gradual weaning with the abolition of one feeding. Read more about this in our article on how to get rid of breast milk.
  • Food for a one-year-old baby can already be varied with the help of herbs and spices. Add chopped fresh herbs (dill, parsley, celery) to children's soups, purees, omelettes. Bay leaves, garlic and onions can be used in vegetable stews or soups. Raw garlic and onions should not be given to the child yet, as well as exotic seasonings.
  • From a year old, you can start adding salt to food for a child, however, the total daily amount of salt added to children's meals should not be more than 0.5 grams (the dish will still seem unsalted to you).

As for sugar, it can be added to meals for a child older than a year, but it is better to try to do without it. Let the child learn to eat unsweetened food. Of the sweets in the diet of a one-year-old child, there can be not only children's cookies, but also marshmallows and marshmallows, but in small quantities.

What should a child not eat?

Feeding Schedule

A child who is 12 months old continues to eat five times a day at intervals of approximately 3.5-4 hours. At the same time, it is recommended that the nutritional value of lunch and dinner be greater than that of breakfast. For example, a child can have breakfast at 8 o'clock, the next feeding will be at 11-12 o'clock, then at 14-15 o'clock and at 18-19 o'clock, and the last one at 22 o'clock.

The diet, as well as the amount of food eaten, is highly dependent on the temperament of the baby.

How much should a 12 month old baby eat?

To determine the total amount of food for a one-year-old child, its body weight should be divided by 8 or 9. On average, children of one year weigh about 10-11 kg, so an approximate calculation of the daily food volume will show the figure 1100-1300 grams. Dividing it into 5 feedings, we get the average amount of food per meal - 220-260 g.

As for individual complementary foods, a one-year-old child is recommended to have the following maximum amounts per day:

sample menu

For a child who continues to be breastfed or an adapted formula, the menu at 1 year old will look like this:

For a baby whose mother decided to wean at 1 year old, an approximate daily menu would be as follows:

Several useful recipes

Potato and cauliflower soup

Peel and wash two or three cauliflower florets and half a potato, chop, cover with boiling water so that it just covers the vegetables, cook under the lid until tender. Grind the vegetables with a blender or pass through a sieve, add a teaspoon of mashed cooked rice to them. A mixture of cabbage, potatoes and rice pour half a glass of vegetable or meat broth, bring to a boil and salt. Before serving, add sour cream (10 g) to the soup.

Steam cutlets from rabbit meat

Grind 100 grams of rabbit meat in a meat grinder. Separately, soak wheat bread (20 g) in water (30 ml). Combine minced rabbit with soaked bread, grind again with a meat grinder. Beat the mass by adding cold water. Make cutlets out of minced meat and boil them for a couple.

Carrot and potato puree

Separately, boil 150 g potatoes and 40 g carrots, cutting the vegetables into small pieces. While still hot, pass them through a sieve, add butter (5 g) and a pinch of salt, as well as hot milk (50 ml). Whip the puree until fluffy.

Rice porridge with apples

Peel an apple (100 g) from the peel, put the peel in a saucepan, pour 50 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. After straining the resulting apple broth, pour 100 ml of milk into it, pour in the washed rice groats (25 g) and boil until the rice is ready. Add a teaspoon of sugar and a grated apple to the porridge, bring to a boil, and add butter (5 g) before serving.

Fish steam pudding

Boil 40 g of fish fillet and cool. Grind another 40 g of fish fillet with a meat grinder, adding 15 g of wheat bread, which should be soaked in a tablespoon of milk. Combine raw minced fish with boiled fish, mix, add half the egg yolk and 5 g of butter, mix again. Next, carefully introduce half of the beaten egg white into the fish mass. Pour into a mold and steam.

Potato zrazy with cabbage

Boil 150 g of potatoes in their skins, remove the peel, chop while still hot through a meat grinder, add 5 g of flour and one egg, mix. Separately chop the cabbage (80 g) and finely chop the onion (10 g), simmer until tender. Form small cakes from the potato mass, put a little cabbage filling inside each. Blind zrazy, bake them in the oven until cooked.

On the first birthday of the crumbs, you will want to please the baby with festive dishes, but still you should not give the child food that he has never tried before, especially if the baby has a tendency to allergies. You may well prepare a festive table from products that are already familiar to the little one. And instead of a cake with cream, treat the baby with a cottage cheese casserole, which do not forget to decorate with a lit candle.

  • Continue to teach your child to eat in pieces. Puree fewer and fewer meals for your baby. Give your baby meatballs, steam cutlets, casseroles, steam omelettes, boiled vegetables, cottage cheese with fruit pieces, vegetable salads and other dishes that will encourage the baby to actively chew.
  • Continue to cook food without frying for your child. Products for a one-year-old child need to be boiled, stewed or steamed.

Is it worth giving vitamins to a child from 1 year old? Read about it in another article.

Many parents they mistakenly believe that a one-year-old child can eat everything that adults eat. In fact, young children need a more balanced diet and not all adult foods are suitable for them. The child's body is still imperfect and weak, so malnutrition can lead to serious diseases of the child. For babies under 1.5 years old, meals should be five times a day, and hot food should be given at least twice a day.

Nutrition child older than one year should meet his needs for energy, trace elements and. Many children by this age already have 8-12 milk teeth, their digestive capacity of the gastrointestinal tract increases, the microflora in the large intestine stabilizes and the volume of the stomach increases. If up to a year the child was rubbed food through a sieve, then a baby older than a year can begin to give food in small pieces. The transition to an adult diet should be gradual, and nutrition should remain the nutrition of the child's development. Many one-year-old children continue to receive mother's milk, but breast milk alone is no longer enough for their normal growth and development. Therefore, an important place in the diet of children 1-1.5 years old should be given to milk, dairy and sour-milk products.

milk, kefir, yogurt should be included daily in the baby's diet, and cottage cheese, sour cream, cream and cheese should be given every other day. If the child is not overweight, then we do not advise him to give low-fat dairy products, it is best to choose milk, kefir and yogurt with a fat content of 3.2%, and sour cream and cream with 10-15% fat content. The total amount of dairy products consumed per day should be 2-3 glasses, taking into account the preparation of dishes using milk. Of these, it is mandatory to consume 200 ml of kefir per day, it improves the intestinal microflora and digestion, and increases the child's immunity.

Should not be given to a one year old baby yoghurts intended for adults. For a baby, it is better to choose special children's milk yoghurts with a moderate content of fats and vitamins, in the baby's diet they should be 100 ml per day. Cottage cheese is necessary for children at this age 50 gr. per day, it is an indispensable source of calcium and protein for a growing body. Sour cream or cream can be used no more than 10 gr. per day for dressing first courses, and hard cheeses in crushed form no more than 5 gr. in a day. Whole cow's milk is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

Meat and fish dishes Baby must receive at least 100 gr. in a day. It is advisable to serve meat dishes for lunch, in the form of meatballs, fillets and minced meat. We recommend giving your baby meat dishes five times a week and fish for two days. If you decide to feed meat at lunchtime, and use fish in the evening, then their number should be reduced. Meat dishes should be prepared from lean beef, chicken or rabbit meat, you can use the liver, tongue and heart for cooking the baby.

Fat varieties pork, meat of ducks and geese is better not to give to small children, they are difficult to digest. Also, do not feed babies with sausages, as they contain monosodium glutamate, food phosphates and nitrates, which can adversely affect the health of the child. From fish, preference should be given to sea and river fish, with the exception of fatty and delicacy varieties. These are sturgeon, salmon, salmon, halibut and others. Giving children fish should be freed from bones if the fish is boiled or fried. And kids can’t eat smoked or canned fish, and we also don’t recommend giving black or red caviar. Caviar is a fatty product, in addition, it causes allergies in many children.

Chicken egg a mandatory product that should be present in the diet of children. The egg contains a lot of protein, vitamins and other nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the child. A one-year-old baby should eat one egg every other day in the form of an omelette or hard-boiled.

In nutrition children 1-1.5 years different cereals are used. Buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, rice and millet porridge are recommended to be given once a day no more than 150 ml. Up to 1.5 years, the baby should not be given pasta and barley porridge. The set of baby products should include rye or whole wheat bread no more than 40 gr. per day. You can give 1-2 pieces of cookies or dryers along with tea. Sugar in the diet of a child under 1.5 years old should be present in a small amount only to improve the taste of dishes. Chocolate and honey are not given to children under three years old.

Vegetables and fruits should be widely used in the nutrition of children 1-1.5 years old. Mashed potatoes, dishes from cabbage, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin with the addition of greens and onions should be present in the diet in the amount of 150-200 gr. It is also necessary to include turnips, radishes, radishes and legumes in the diet: peas, beans and beans. Vegetable puree should be gradually replaced with finely chopped salads. An obligatory component of the child's daily menu should be fruits and berries.

Toddlers like gnaw apples, pears, carrots, turnips, as well as bananas, cherries, plums, currants and kiwi. The introduction of pineapples, tangerines and oranges into the diet depends on the child's lack of allergies to exotic fruits. In the absence of allergies, children should receive fresh fruit up to 200 gr. per day, and fruits and berries up to 20 gr. It is useful for young children to drink fruit, berry and vegetable juices, rosehip broth, compotes and fruit drinks without sugar. Kissels should not be used in the nutrition of children under 1.5 years old, as they contain a large amount of carbohydrates, and their nutritional value is low.

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