What to draw for dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Variants of funny pictures with Defender of the Fatherland Day

Exhibition of children's drawings dedicated to February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day! (16/02/2016)

For the Day of Defender of the Fatherland in the kindergarten "Harmony" an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland!”

Young artists, under the guidance of a teacher of fine arts, Irina Alexandrovna Zagrebelna, enthusiastically drew drawings on a given topic, displaying military professions in them.

Border guard. He always stands guard over the Motherland and keeps its border with dignity!
Muzyleva Maria, 6 years old
The native army is the defender of the country, with weapons and courage it keeps us from war!
Prisovsky Nikon, 6 years old
Being a sailor is an honor and a calling, proudly wear an honorary title!
Moltash Vova, 6 years old
The military profession is courage, on land, and even more so at sea.
Starchak Vadim, 5 years old
Military signalman to be a difficult task, to organize information important transmission!
Alexandra Gennel, 5.5 years old
Paratroopers are descending from heaven in a minute!
Ustinova Liya 5.5 years
The sea calls the brave - we will go to serve in the fleet!
Astafieva Kira 5.5 years
Our pilots-heroes vigilantly guard the sky!
Tkach Larisa, 6.5 years old

Not an easy man's job for soldiers in the landing troops!
Mendeleeva Kristina, 5.5 years old
Our sea is guarded by a glorious, valiant sailor!
Panov Artem, 5.5 years old

The tank is heavily armored and will be able to fight!
Ushakov Matvey, 4.5 years old
Now the air border is reliable and strong!
Pavlov Dima, 4.5 years old

Everywhere, as if an all-terrain vehicle, a tank will pass on tracks!
Volchenkov Maxim, 5 years old
He will lift a metal bird into the clouds!
Zyuzin Ilya 4.5 years

Paratroopers are air infantry.
Mosin Platon, 5.5 years old

Hi all! Before we had time to celebrate one Valentine's Day, the next one is approaching - Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23. And, of course, we are preparing for this holiday with the children, making crafts, applications, drawings (I will post all this in the coming days). Well, today my son prepared a master class on how to draw an easy drawing by February 23 with a pencil in stages (tank). Such a drawing can be presented for a holiday to dad, grandfather, brother, or taken to kindergarten.

By February 23, we drew a drawing in order to take it to kindergarten. Despite the fact that we are now sitting at home (my husband and I temporarily decided to keep the children at home and not take them to kindergarten while SARS and influenza are walking around the city), the teacher asked Lenina to draw a drawing at home by February 23 and bring it to kindergarten, which we and did.

First, we discussed what the son wants to draw, how he sees the drawing. Lenya decided to draw a tank. After that, we began to draw a picture, armed with pencils and a piece of paper. Since Lena is only 6 years old, we did not choose drawings of tanks with a lot of the smallest details, so far we have limited ourselves to a simple and light drawing. Later, if he wants, we will try to draw a more serious model :)

Easy drawing by February 23 with a pencil in stages for children (tank)

What we need to draw:

  • pencils: plain and colored
  • washing gum
  • A4 white sheet

How to draw a tank drawing with a pencil:

That's all, an easy drawing is ready for February 23. It can be presented to dad, grandfather, brother or taken to kindergarten.

DIY gift ideas for February 23 for dad

Dad will be pleased to receive a handmade gift from a child. I suggest that you read other articles, following which you can make a gift for dad:

Celebrated annually on February 23, this is a holiday for all men who defended their homeland or are ready to take up arms to defend it. In the post-Soviet space, it also has historical significance, acting as a day of honor for all the heroes who fought in the Great Patriotic War against the fascist invaders.
That is why the educational system in preschool and school educational institutions pays special attention to this day. The celebration of February 23 is intended to instill in the modern generation respect for the selflessness and heroism of the warriors who gave us all a peaceful sky above our heads.

Traditionally, on this day, children make home-made items for the military, male relatives: crafts, stucco figurines, drawings. As a rule, the guys do not even think about what they can draw on February 23, because the drawing is born on its own, from the heart. As practice shows, boys most often draw a tank, and girls - a ship. And do not be surprised if the ship suddenly turns pink, or, for example, a tank, an airplane and a steamer are nearby - the fantasy of a preschool child is limitless.

But for older children, drawing a drawing for dad on February 23 is a little more difficult. First, the child does it already consciously. He is more informed and feels responsible for the image resulting from his efforts. Therefore, adults should explain to the student, on February 23, and what meaning each component of the image will have. We will consider in the article the elements inherent in the Defender of the Fatherland Day and explain their meanings. And how to arrange them in the figure, the artist himself will decide.

Military equipment

An airplane, a tank or a warship - that's what you can draw on February 23 as the main element. Indeed, without the military power of the Soviet Prmiya, there would have been no Great Victory, so all this would be appropriate.

five pointed star

A five-pointed red or yellow star is one of the symbols of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This sign was present on military uniforms on military equipment.

Under scarlet banners with a yellow star, the soldiers rushed into battle. And such a flag was hoisted over the Reichstag when Berlin was taken by Soviet troops. Therefore, the five-pointed star in the figure indicates that we remember who exactly we owe the victory over the Nazis. So it is advisable to draw a postcard for February 23 with this element. The star can be placed on military equipment, in the form of an order or an independent element.

St. George Ribbon

The St. George's Ribbon was used to wrap the order blocks for the medals "For the Capture of Berlin", issued to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, it symbolizes admiration for the courage and courage of those who participated in the hostilities. The ribbon consists of stripes of two colors, alternating with each other: black and orange.

There are many ways to depict the St. George ribbon in the figure. Younger children can draw a poster for February 23 or a postcard and frame them with a St. George ribbon so that it forms a rectangle. You can draw it horizontally, vertically, crosswise - in general, rectilinearly so that it is not too difficult. High school students can decorate the ribbon in the form of a loop or in the form of waves developing in the wind - here you can already dream up a lot.


Flowers are a universally recognized sign of love and respect. Therefore, the presence of flowers in the drawing dedicated to February 23 is very desirable. As a rule, drawings for Defender of the Fatherland Day are decorated with scarlet carnations. Why? The fact is that this flower has long been considered a symbol of courage and striving for justice, the triumph of right over evil. No matter how the child decides to draw a card by February 23: with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens, a bouquet of carnations will look great on it. Well, even a preschooler can handle the very process of depicting a bouquet.

Of course, what can be drawn for February 23 is not limited to the four elements we have described. We are sure that your child is talented enough to bring his own zest to the drawing. The main thing is that the image is located on the possibly illuminated by the sun's rays. After all, it is thanks to the Great Victory that today there is a peaceful sky above our heads!

On February 23, men are presented with official or funny cool cards with congratulations. Now they also honor women in the military and those who serve in the police. The holiday still glorifies military honor, patriotism, strength and courage, but it has acquired a slightly different meaning. On the holiday, gifts are given to husbands, colleagues and all male relatives, children make beautiful crafts, glue wall newspapers, draw postcards for dad, arrange matinees for dads and grandfathers. It is believed that in this way the child is brought up respect for the military profession, as well as generosity and kindness. As a rule, schools and kindergartens organize special performances or sports competitions for children and their fathers, and girls give gifts to boys. However, there is a point of view that February 23 is not a children's holiday, so congratulating the boys is irrelevant. Be that as it may, children will be happy to please dads with the help of a self-made craft or collage using pictures for February 23, 2018.

February 23 is celebrated in many countries of the former USSR. This holiday is almost a hundred years old, and the proposal to celebrate the day of the appearance of the Red Army was first made in 1919. Then there was an urgent need for military resources in the country, since the old tsarist army could not meet the need for defense with the impending threat of civil war. The date of February 23 itself was chosen arbitrarily, simply because it fell on a holiday. Over the next few years, Red Army Day was not celebrated due to the tense situation in the country, and in 1920, on the 23rd, the first military parade was held, which laid the foundation for the tradition of organizing military processions on this day. Until 1995, it was celebrated as a professional holiday of the Soviet military and navy, and after the collapse of the USSR on a day off on February 23, they began to honor all men, regardless of their type of activity and profession. True, there is another theory of the origin of this holiday, according to which February 23 is considered a holiday only out of habit. The fact is that pre-revolutionary Russia used the old-style calendar, that is, then this number fell exactly on March 8 - a celebration celebrated by internationalists. The calendar changed, and the people continued to celebrate on this day out of habit. The celebration in honor of the creation of the Red Army only joined the wonderful folk custom to celebrate something on the 23rd. In the future, the holiday was renamed several times, but at first they congratulated only the military, presenting orders, arranging salutes and processions in their honor. For the first time, gifts were given to men on this day only in the second half of the 20th century, and these were small souvenirs. February 23 quickly became a favorite holiday for workers and families. Men were congratulated on behalf of factories and organizations, so the differences between those who served and those who were not at the front began to blur, everyone was honored equally. Over time, the celebration turned into a day for men, by analogy with March 8.

Pictures for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 for children in kindergarten

You can congratulate dads and grandfathers on Defender of the Fatherland Day to children in kindergarten using a bright collage with pictures by February 23. As a rule, children are happy to make applications and draw wall newspapers, so the kids will try very hard to congratulate their loved ones. Such collages are often made using photographs and inscriptions that the kids color in on their own. Pictures for Defenders of the Fatherland Day on February 23 for children in kindergarten can be downloaded for free and designed as a bright craft. The holiday of Defender of the Fatherland Day is an excellent occasion to instill patriotism and respect for the military profession in children, to explain the importance of courage and courage, readiness to become reliable protection for the Motherland at any moment.

Variants of pictures from February 23 from children

Pictures for February 23 to school for children

Schoolchildren often prepare for February 23 by drawing colorful wall newspapers or arranging skits for parents. For a school wall newspaper or making homemade postcards for Defender of the Fatherland Day, pictures for children are suitable for school. After all, it is very important for children to understand the meaning of the holiday, the need in the life of every citizen of such qualities as selflessness, courage and courage for the good of their native state. You can help make a touching congratulation for dads and grandfathers by downloading pictures for children on February 23 to school so that the child can draw up a postcard on their own.

Options for pictures for Defender of the Fatherland Day for schoolchildren

Cool pictures for dad on February 23

One of the most important people in the life of any child is the father. Who else is capable of such understanding and support, with whom else is it so exciting to play football or walk the dog as a child? Of course, dad in the life of any person takes his special place. It's great when you have a trusting relationship with him, built on common hobbies and fun activities. Just for dads with a sense of humor, cool pictures for dad on February 23 are suitable. After all, the main thing is to congratulate your best and coolest dad with the help of funny pictures.

Options for funny pictures for dad on February 23

Funny pictures for February 23 free download

A sense of humor on February 23 will come in handy, because many are already fed up with boring official pictures with wishes. Funny pictures for February 23 - an option for informal congratulations for the closest people and friends. They are able to simply and unobtrusively convey a piece of your attention and goodwill on the holiday of February 23 to a man. You can download funny pictures for February 23 for free and make a collage using a special program.

Dad coloring pages for February 23

The best congratulation that a child can create by February 23 is a do-it-yourself congratulation. Any dad or grandfather will be touched by receiving a colored thematic picture made by the hand of their beloved son or grandson as a gift by February 23. Coloring pictures for dad on February 23 will captivate the child for a long time and teach him to give gifts and express gratitude.

Coloring for dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day from children

Beautiful pictures for February 23 for the wall newspaper to school

The debate about whether schoolchildren need to congratulate each other on February 23 or this holiday is exclusively for adults and for children Defender of the Fatherland Day has nothing to do with it does not stop. Some believe that it is necessary, because the boys are future soldiers, potential military. Others say that there are special children's holidays for children. But it is clear that almost all school students sooner or later receive the task of drawing a colorful and unusual wall newspaper by February 23rd. Just for these purposes, beautiful pictures for February 23 for a wall newspaper to school are suitable, which can be arranged both in the form of a collage and as a background for congratulations.

Variants of pictures for February 23 for the school wall newspaper

Beautiful pictures from February 23 to men with congratulations

For those who are puzzling over how to congratulate men on February 23, there is one simple option - beautiful pictures from February 23 to men with congratulations. Pictures can be sent to men by e-mail, printed and arranged in the form of a beautiful collage, made the background for a homemade postcard for February 23 by writing a congratulation. After all, it is so important to pay attention to a reliable intercessor who is always ready to protect his family, to become a reliable support for his loved ones.

Options for beautiful pictures for men from February 23

Funny pictures with congratulations on February 23 to men

In order to make the congratulation more original and cheer up on the celebration of February 23, you can send cool pictures with congratulations on February 23 to men. After all, everyone is tired of the dullness of everyday life and wants to receive an unusual postcard with a funny wish. Men will be doubly pleased if the greeting is designed creatively, and the words are written from the heart.

Variants of funny pictures with Defender of the Fatherland Day

February 23 is a special day that reminds us of the importance of patriotism and readiness to defend ourselves at every moment from the enemies of our Motherland, people and family. This is a holiday of courage and courage, unity and heroism, honor and strength. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, congratulatory concerts are heard in honor of members of the armed forces and war veterans, marches are organized, and fireworks are thundered. From an early age, children learn to honor their homeland and those people who are ready, risking themselves, to defend their country. Boys and girls give gifts and pictures on February 23, 2018 with congratulations to their dads, grandfathers, organize matinees and make beautiful crafts. For children in kindergarten and school, you need to understand the meaning of February 23 and the importance of patriotism in the life of every citizen. On this day, men of different professions are honored by sending both formal and funny postcards.

Children's drawing for February 23 is the best gift for dad, grandfather or brother from a child. A thematic illustration drawn with a pencil or paints will please a man on a solemn holiday and will warm the warmth of children's hands for a long time to come. When starting to prepare a phased drawing for kindergarten or for a school competition, you should carefully consider the plot. To create not just a beautiful craft, but a real symbol of "protection of a small family and the whole Fatherland."

  • military equipment and everything related to it - tanks, ships, planes, cars, submarines, missiles;
  • native people - grandfather or dad in military uniform;
  • symbolic little things - stars, ribbons, flowers, rays of the sun, etc.;
  • men's activities - any man watching football, car repair, building a house;

Don't forget about congratulatory inscriptions. In the figure, you can beautifully write the words “Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “From February 23”, “Happy Holidays!”, “Congratulations!”.

How to draw a pencil drawing for February 23 in kindergarten in stages

In recent years, choosing a theme for a drawing by February 23 is very difficult. Old ideas and traditions go into oblivion, and new ones are in no hurry to appear. Well, the simplest and most justified option is to remember the national victory symbols and colorfully display it on a holiday postcard. A step-by-step drawing with a St. George ribbon, a star and a congratulatory slogan will always look great as a sincere children's gift to the defender of the Fatherland.

Necessary materials for drawing for Defender of the Fatherland Day in kindergarten

  • Sheet of white paper
  • sharpened pencil
  • Ruler
  • Compass
  • Eraser
  • Protractor
  • Colored pencils or paints

Instructions on how to draw a drawing in pencil in stages by February 23 in kindergarten

Pencil drawing for February 23 for children in stages, a master class with a photo

Defender of the Fatherland Day, annually celebrated on February 23, dates back to the frosty winter of 1918 - a fierce battle near Pskov and Nara. In that long battle, the soldiers of the Land of the Soviets adequately resisted the attacks of the Germans. Young guys, men and grandfathers defended their homeland at the cost of their own lives. Keep this in mind when drawing a phased pencil drawing for February 23rd. Let your colorful craft be a warm and sincere holiday gift to the bravest and bravest Russian defenders.

Necessary drawing materials for children by February 23

  • A5 sheet of white paper
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Colour pencils

Step-by-step instructions for children on creating a drawing for Defender of the Fatherland Day with a pencil

Drawing with paints on the theme of February 23 for a competition at school, a master class with step-by-step photos

Thousands of Russian schools are organizing honorary exhibitions and competitions dedicated to February 23 and dedicated to our male defenders: dads, grandfathers, uncles and brothers. The most popular exhibits at such school competitions are drawings with paints and pencils. They allow children to show their vision of the holiday and express gratitude to the heroes of the occasion. If you also need to draw a drawing with paints for a school competition in honor of February 23, use our step-by-step instructions.

Necessary materials for drawing for a competition in honor of February 23 at school

  • A4 sheet of white paper
  • simple pencil
  • Eraser
  • Brushes and gouache paints

Drawing in stages with paints for a school competition by February 23