What to take in a suitcase. A complete list of things to take with you on vacation

Olesya Iva

The holidays are in full swing, and the main headache is packing the suitcase, which most of us pack four hours before departure, dumping all the best at once. We share tips on how to pack a bag and what to take with you, starting from the principles of healthy asceticism and rationality, so that you will have room for new things that you definitely want to buy, having left three miles from home.

Plan carefully what you want to take with you. It’s even better to make a list and then cross out everything superfluous. Why do you need a mountain of dresses and boots with you when you can find new ones on vacation? Take with you what you wear in life without hesitation. Buy everything else locally. You can go even further. Someone practices detox and fasting days in nutrition, arrange for yourself the same in relation to things. Take the necessary minimum of comfortable and functional things and do not go in cycles that you have nothing to wear. Enjoy the adventure and avoid the shops.

If you put things in a suitcase in layers, they take up much more space. The best thing is to roll each item tightly into a roll, then everything will easily fit even in hand luggage or there will be enough free space in your suitcase to bring home local wine, souvenirs and new clothes. In addition, twisted clothes wrinkle less.

In addition to your suitcase, take with you one roomy beautiful backpack, a small bag on a chain and a fabric bag-bag for going to the beach. Suddenly your plans will change, and you will want to go from the city for a couple of days to the sea or vice versa. You can leave your suitcase in a hotel or rented apartment and take only the essentials with you so that nothing distracts you from your adventures. In addition, put your iPad or laptop in your backpack, which is convenient to get on the plane, and documents in a bag on a chain (which will come in handy on vacation in the evening). Just roll up the bag and take it with you - it will come in handy.

City vacation set pretty simple: two dresses (a little black and a day dress), birkenstocks or other sandals, a pair of versatile sneakers, a shirt, tank top or crop top, a pair of favorite jeans, cozy basic knitwear like a vest or turtleneck, a few basic t-shirts, a sweater or cardigan, and one jacket (or bomber, or leather jacket, or denim). You can take a jacket with you - throwing it on a dress, you can go to some cultural event in the evening. Dresses, shorts, skirts, jewelry and smart shoes are best bought on the spot and then brought home.

If you are going to the sea You can get by with even fewer things. For the beach, take two swimsuits (one-piece and one-piece), one skirt or midi-length shorts, light trousers and one summer dress - all this will be needed not only on the beach, but also in the city. The same with slippers - it is better to take all the same orthopedic birkenstocks, in which it is comfortable to walk even on sand, even on paving stones and which, on occasion, can be worn with an evening dress of any length. The main condition for things on vacation is a double function. Think about where else this or that thing can come in handy. For example, if you plan to run past the beach in the morning, then a beautiful sports bra will come in handy, you can wear it in the city with a midi-length skirt or trousers (for example, light culottes) and not take extra T-shirts and crop tops. And you can always put on beautiful running bike shorts with a shirt and sandals on a tractor platform and go see the architecture. Sports will not go out of fashion in the near future. It’s better to take a towel with you, even if it’s small - it’s better than looking for a disposable towel for half a day instead of throwing things and going straight to the beach.

Wilderness vacation set(in the forests or in the mountains) will be different in that you will take with you more cans (from mosquitoes, burns), medicines and other items: from a tent to dishes, which you are unlikely to buy on the spot. Here sports and warm clothes are the main thing. In addition, it is better to merge lightly with nature.

A couple of little things can make a big difference make your life easier: like earplugs, sleep mask, pillow, antiseptic, universal nourishing cream, thread with a needle, allergy pills, noshpa, aspirin, spare charger and a second phone, condoms, copies of documents and a supply of interchangeable lenses - emergency little things better than extra clothes. Remember T-shirt rolls and reasonable asceticism. Separately, think about a set of medicines, especially if you have chronic diseases: for example, activated charcoal can be bought at a pharmacy in any country, but a proven antibiotic is not a fact.

About liquids in microbottles we won’t write much in a separate plastic bag: when traveling, something always bursts and spills. Well, you know. Therefore, it is better to pour everything into small containers, which are sold in any cosmetic chain stores, and put it in a waterproof cosmetic bag. In addition, home, as with clothes, you will probably want to bring local cosmetics.


It is better to roll socks and underwear into a tube and place them in shoes: this way we will save space and protect the shoes from deformation at the same time. In addition, shoes can serve as an excellent case for watches, glasses and even a tie. Trambuy! Tightly packed items will not move during transport and will better endure the trip.


T-shirts, pullovers, any things take up less space and wrinkle less if they are also rolled up, and not laid in the usual layers. If there are many such rollers, and the suitcase is deep, the first layer can be folded out of them.


Lay plastic bags or sheets of paper between things. Clothes will slide rather than rub against each other and suffer less.


How to fold shirts with a magazine, we told you before. Button up the buttons, then do everything as in the pictures and don't forget to take out the magazine. Shirts can go in the second layer, after the rollers.


Do not stack cans of foam, cream, etc. into one bag. After making sure that it is tight, shove it all into different nooks and crannies.


For jackets and coats there is a way of folding - "shoulder to shoulder". Turn one sleeve inside out. Fold the jacket in half so that the inverted shoulder fits into the inverted one. Then fold in half so that the inside-out sleeve is on the outside. Between the halves lay the bag so that the fabric does not rub against the fabric.


Don't pair your shoes. Each shoe must be put in its own bag and put in different places. And remember: there is no such trip in which you would need more than three pairs of shoes.


It is better to lay straps and wires along the walls of the suitcase. Rolled up, they take up more space.

In the hot season, the rest time begins. Everyone who plans to soak up the warm sun should not forget the right things. For you, we have compiled a complete list of vacation items that you just need to take with you.


What to take on vacation if you are driving a car or flying by plane to the sea? The list of things to rest should not be voluminous. You are flying to rest, but why drag huge suitcases behind you? The following options are suitable for clothing:

  • t-shirts/shirts;
  • shorts;
  • jeans;
  • swimming trunks for men;
  • light dress / sundress;
  • warm jacket or sweatshirt;
  • underwear;
  • socks.


Useful accessories include:

  • hats (panamas, caps, hats);
  • glasses (for vision and sunglasses);
  • pareos, scarves, stoles;
  • umbrella.

If a girl wants to take beautiful photos on vacation, then it is advisable to think over her images in advance. You can decorate your body with a light pareo. And also add chains, earrings, bracelets and other jewelry to the image.


If the country of rest is warm, then it is better to take 1-2 pairs of light shoes:

  • shales;
  • sneakers;
  • light sneakers;
  • sandals.


The necessary list of things abroad at sea: to Turkey, to Egypt, to Cyprus or to Europe, which will help maintain your hygiene even in the most distant countries:

  • Toothbrush;
  • toothpaste;
  • shampoo;
  • air conditioner;
  • soap;
  • comb;
  • handkerchiefs;
  • wet wipes;
  • deodorant;
  • razor;
  • nutritious cream;
  • sunscreen;
  • tanning agent.

first aid kit

The list of things for a seaside vacation abroad, especially with a child, should contain pharmaceuticals that can instantly relieve any pain.

List of medicines on holiday at sea:

  • Paracetomol / No-shpa / Pentalgin (painkillers);
  • Amoxicillin/Aspirin/Paracetomol (antipyretic);
  • Mezim / Pancreatin / Activated charcoal (for better digestion and stomach pain);
  • Smecta/Imodium/Loperamide (against intestinal upset: vomiting, diarrhea);
  • Nurofen/Citramon/Ibuprofen/Spasmalgon (from headache);
  • Otrivin/Nazivin/Tantum-Verde/Coldrex/Lazolvan (fight SARS);
  • Dramina/Aviamore (against motion sickness in transport);
  • Askofen/Andipal (normalize pressure);
  • Telfast / Tavegil / Suprastin / Fenkarol (against allergies);
  • Fenistil (against annoying insects);
  • Nimulide / Ibuprofen / Diclofenac (from bruises and sprains);
  • Panthenol/Ibuprofen (from burns);
  • Novopassit/Persen/Valerian (sedatives);
  • Plasters/Bandages;
  • Zelenka-pencil / Yod-pencil.

‼People who suffer from chronic diseases, first of all, it is necessary to put vital medicines for them in the first-aid kit‼


Do you want to take beautiful photos from another country and be always in touch? Don't forget the tech! Here is the necessary list of things for a vacation abroad:

  • telephone;
  • phone charger;
  • external battery;
  • headphones;
  • laptop with charger
  • tablet with charger
  • mp3 player;
  • camera;
  • memory card for the camera;
  • eBook;
  • needles and threads.

hand luggage

And now the most important thing! The list of things to rest will not do without the following items:

  • regular passport;
  • foreign passport;
  • children's birth certificate;
  • power of attorney for the child;
  • tickets;
  • debit and credit cards;
  • cash;
  • driver's license;
  • guide.

Useful Applications

These programs will help you navigate any country. Useful travel apps:

  • One Two Trip (tickets);
  • Airsales (tickets);
  • Maps.me (offline maps that work without the Internet, but first you need to download the desired map of the region);

How to pack a suitcase for vacation

What to take to the sea? It would seem an elementary question. But not everyone has the answer. As a result, in the suitcase there are things that vacationers will never use.

However, we can fix it. You need to make a list of everything you need and pack your suitcase without deviating an inch from the established list. To facilitate the process, the list should be divided into several categories.

Clothing and footwear

Do not stuff everything that is in the closet into a suitcase. You will not need so many interchangeable things, because in warm countries it is easy to wash and dry clothes.

Start with a swimsuit or swimming trunks - it's stupid to go to the sea without them. Then fold your underwear, again, you don't need to take many changes. Pack one skirt and one shorts. You won't need more of these things. Pick up a couple of T-shirts or tops for the skirt. By changing combinations, you will look different every day. Jeans and sweatshirt. You can’t guess the vagaries of nature, so a couple of warm clothes in a suitcase will not hurt. Evening dress for relaxing in a club or restaurant. Choose one thing - a light dress or a skirt. It is important that this item does not require special shoes, take a dress that fits light sandals or sandals. For footwear, you'll need flip-flops for the beach and more comfortable shoes for the streets.

Hygiene and cosmetic items

Everything is simple here - we take what is needed every day. These are dental care products, skin care products, feminine hygiene products, shampoo and soap. Just in case, a large towel and a medium one are also better to take.

You do not need to take all decorative cosmetics, only the most necessary and waterproof.

Do not forget about skin moisturizers, the southern sun will dry it mercilessly

Sun cream can be bought on site.

Other important little things

We collect phones, tablets, cameras and chargers for them in a suitcase. It’s better not to take a laptop, after all, a trip to the sea is a vacation. Pack a beach bag, a hat or panama hat, and sunglasses. Don't forget the comb and hair clips.

Be sure to take the minimum set of medicines to the sea. If you have any diseases, take your usual drugs. Put painkillers, hydrogen peroxide, charcoal, cotton bandages and band-aids in the first aid kit.

Packing a suitcase is easy if you have a similar list of things. Adjust it for yourself, but do not type too much. You don’t need to take food: no one will starve you in the hotel, so don’t pack a single product.

Use modern suitcases that have many compartments of different sizes

So the long-awaited spring has come, and after it the favorite time of holidays and rest. Many are already starting to think over the “stuffing” of a suitcase, an indispensable companion on any trip. A very unpleasant situation, I hope you will agree with me, develops when, already on vacation, opening a suitcase you find that you have forgotten a lot of necessary things, because you were going, so to speak, “in a hurry”.

In order for the rest to be a success and not a single accidentally forgotten thing could spoil it, you must follow fairly simple rules:
1. the first, and very important rule - you need to pack your suitcase slowly and without panic;
2. take with you only really necessary things, so as not to drag heavy trunks. After all, you are not "shuttles", but tourists who have gathered to rest.
3. By properly packing and placing things, you can take more than you really thought. At the end of the article, watch the video clip that will convince you of this.

So, how to “correctly” pack your suitcase on vacation.
You need to decide on a list of things without which your vacation may be in jeopardy.
Below is a list of the must-haves for your vacation:
Money and documents. Agree, if you suddenly forget your air tickets or savings, how can you go on a trip. That's right, no way. Therefore, we will begin to collect the “right” suitcase from these attributes. Very practical advice: put all documents in a transparent folder. Firstly, you can always get it and check if nothing has been forgotten. And secondly, if something suddenly spills or crushes, there will be no harm to your documents. Having collected documents and money, do not rush to put them first, all this should be in an accessible place, so for now we will put them aside.

A very important element in any trip are toiletries. There may not be a hair dryer or flat iron where you are going, so it's best to take them with you. The best option would be, so to speak, "pocket" copies, small and bold. Shampoo, soap and dental supplies are usually provided, but still not worth the risk. Do not take in liters, you may have problems passing through the inspection. Take a few disposable supplies, everything else can be bought at the point of arrival, in a supermarket or specialized departments. The same goes for cosmetics. Dear ladies, choose the smallest cosmetic bag and try to put only the essentials in it. On vacation, your skin should also rest, do not take a lot of what you rarely use, it will only be an extra burden.

A first aid kit is very necessary, but you should not get carried away either. Take the most necessary minimum: painkillers, antipyretics, for the gastrointestinal tract, bandages and an antiseptic. Also take something for burns and anti-allergic. Remember, you are eating for a short time, and not moving to permanent residence on a desert island. If necessary, absolutely any thing can be bought, gather without fanaticism.

Clothes and shoes. We got to the biggest and most controversial issue. The fair sex, under the pretext of "nothing to wear" and screaming banzai, put their entire wardrobe in a suitcase, ninety percent of which will lie peacefully at the bottom of the suitcase until the end of the trip. It is necessary to select 10 things that are combined with each other. Set a goal to select no more than ten, from which you can combine beautiful costumes. Taking a little, you will be surprised that you can walk in different clothes throughout your vacation. The same goes for shoes. All you need is a pair of high-heeled shoes (if it's a party), flip-flops for the beach, comfortable flats or sneakers for excursions. That's all - a minimum of things and readiness - a maximum.

And technique. Take your camera and laptop or e-book with you. You won't need anything else. It makes no sense to drag too much, and with the help of these devices, boredom is not terrible for you.

We figured out the necessary components, now we will master the technique of packing a suitcase. A “correctly” folded suitcase should close freely without assistance. If you saddled the suitcase, and someone else is on top of you, and the suitcase still does not close, it is safe to say that it was assembled incorrectly. If you still fasten it, it may simply burst on the road, and you will not wait for it at the issuance.

It is necessary to collect the “correct” suitcase from shoes. Gather and carefully pack it into bags and place it around the edges at the bottom of the suitcase. Pants and jeans at the bottom, put things more dense on top, things are easier on them. At the very top is a cosmetic bag, first aid kit and documents. You should have easy and quick access to them if necessary. Good advice: try to put everything in separate bags, especially cosmetic items. Anything can happen on the road, and so you protect yourself and things.

Make a list in advance of what you can buy at the place of arrival and not carry with you. These items include a beach mat, umbrella, inflatable items and sunscreen.
And here is how the video instruction for assembling the “correct” suitcase looks like

Here you have collected the right suitcase according to the list and have not forgotten anything. Now you can safely fly to meet rest, carelessness and fun. Have a nice holiday!