What kind of holiday is World Traumatologist Day and when is it celebrated? World Traumatologist Day (Traumatologist Day) Traumatologist Day history of the holiday

Traumatologist is one of the oldest professions, since traumatology itself is one of the first branches of clinical medicine. Bone fractures, joint dislocations and other injuries are the most “popular” herbs; it is rare that a person manages to avoid them, and therefore many, if not all, are doomed to meet with traumatologists. People of this profession are endowed with fortitude, a cool mind and determination. After all, often a doctor has to hurt a patient in order for everything to heal safely, but not every person will decide to take such a bold step. Therefore, only people who are self-confident, but not deprived of a kind heart, go into the profession.

The holiday dedicated to traumatologists is celebrated on May 20. On this day, every grateful patient can say thank you to his doctor for the valuable work he does. After all, every day dozens of people enter his office who, through negligence or an unfortunate accident, have been injured, and the specialist must not only sympathize or take pity on the patient, but also provide him with qualified assistance.

Traumatologist Day 2019 - congratulations

Injuries often happen -
This is our life!
It just happens quickly
Suddenly everything will be fixed for you!

The point is that, without a doubt,
A professional in action!
I want to wish you luck,
So that this holiday becomes

Bright, light, wonderful,
Good luck to you!
Rest carefully
It's a day at the traumatologist!

On Traumatologist Day, take
Congratulations from me!
You always live happily
I sincerely wish you!

Save people tirelessly
Treat injuries with a bang!
I'm in the situation given to you
I wish you joy and goodness.

And may success await you
And recognition awaits!
I wish you good health,
Move forward confidently!

Please accept congratulations,
May you be lucky in life!
You always succeed
Let the best come to you!

And also - go forward,
May success follow you
Value your business
There is no interference in it!

Let any expectations
They are only good for you!
Let him be rewarded for his efforts,
And good luck is always expected!

Postcard for Traumatologist Day 2019

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It is difficult to imagine a more multifaceted holiday than Traumatologist's Day. On the one hand, this date is dedicated to people of the most noble profession, who, due to the nature of their work, not only save lives, but, often, collect injured bodies piece by piece, restoring the ability to move and saving a disabled person from the unenviable fate. On the other hand, these doctors are daily faced with manifestations of human carelessness and stupidity, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity.

On this holiday, it is customary to honor traumatologists, expressing gratitude and admiration for their courage, tact and professionalism. Anyone who has had the opportunity to be in their confident hands knows what the minutes of delay in making a decision and providing assistance are worth. It is very important to find words of gratitude and support with the warmth of your hearts those whose everyday life is an ongoing battle with pain and suffering.

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Arms, legs, ribs, backs,
Fracture of bones, sternum.
Help will be provided quickly
You will improve the situation.

Our traumatologist, dear,
Brilliant and beloved
You help patients
You can fix their bones in no time.

You entered the profession
And I found my calling.
We will hasten to congratulate you,
Best wishes.

Traumatologist is your holiday today,
Traumatologist - today is your day!
We want to wish you happiness today,
Let sorrows and problems fade into the shadows!

At work you are attentive, serious,
You are patient, determined, smart,
Even if everything in your work is so difficult,
But we are very grateful for this!

Traumatologists - honor and praise to you!
The important day has arrived today!
Today we will shout “Hurray!”
We wish you success, lots of strength!

Your service is both dangerous and important,
And without you we are absolutely nowhere!
And your work is so difficult!
We always need you, doctors!

A doctor is a profession from God, it’s not easy to save people,
And a brave traumatologist can stitch up wounds
Dislocations and fractures are the destiny of a traumatologist
After all, our people are cheerful, a doctor is never idle!

On your professional holiday we wish you to relax,
Drink a glass for happiness, laze around a little
May peace, tranquility and love come to your heart!
So that you give your patients hope again and again.

Strength of character, strength of hand
Not everyone can be a traumatologist
They can count down the minute -
The main thing is life, the rest is not important.
Let the worries go away forever,
Letting light and joy into the soul.
Low bow for your honest work,
Dedication, courage, bravery.

Traumatologist Day is not celebrated in vain,
There are a lot of people, they help the state,
Their work is complex and requires a lot of knowledge,
It is very important to show maximum attention.

We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday,
And we wish you great success in your work,
Excellent health, patience, kindness,
Happiness, love, respect, life without fuss.

Happy holiday to you, traumatologists, we cordially congratulate you,
And with all our hearts we wish you success and great happiness.
And you can never foresee any injuries in advance -
Lightning speed is important here, your knowledge and attention.

And injuries await us at home, on vacation, on the road.
We also have a lot of industrial injuries.
But we sincerely always hope for your mercy,
That you will fight with zeal for life and health.

Traumatologist's Day - World Day of Struggle,
With a dangerous traumatic lesion,
Often you win back lives from the tunnel,
Beautiful surgical art!

I wish in your life and service,
I wish you constant success and glorious discoveries,
Let your house be like a spring pool,
Filled with happiness and love from all desired hearts!

On Traumatologist Day, we congratulate the Creators,
What can a person be put back together -
Small children, mothers, gray-haired fathers -
Sew up and straighten, calm, raise to your feet.

We will sing a toast to them with gratitude,
In which wishes of happiness, joys, victories,
So that together with your other half
You have discovered the most important secret in love!

Traumatologist is a very necessary profession,
We honor and respect your hard work.
Let work become like a friendly family for you,
Let there be more quiet moments.

May your hands always be light, strong,
Decisions will be quick and correct.
Let your efforts be saved
More people in the vastness of the country.

Carrying out arthroscopic surgery at the Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics and Neurosurgery

Today is World Trauma Day

Every year on May 20, doctors around the world specializing in traumatology and orthopedics celebrate their professional holiday. Traumatology is one of the most ancient branches of clinical medicine, whose history goes back many centuries. After all, people have suffered injuries and various injuries at all times.

The profession of a traumatologist is worthy of great respect and truly is a calling. It simply obliges you to be an attentive person, a specialist in your field, to be able to quickly and carefully make a responsible decision, to have high qualifications, and to constantly improve yourself. Often, not only the patient’s health, but also his life depends on the knowledge and skillful hands of an orthopedic traumatologist.

In our region, the main traumatology and orthopedic institution is the Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics and Neurosurgery. Its structure includes 22 departments and 17 operating rooms.

In the hospital's inpatient facilities, more than 13,200 patients annually receive specialized and high-tech medical care in urgent and emergency forms, and about 12,900 surgical interventions are performed. The clinic provides primary specialized medical care to up to 800 patients per day.

The Center provides primary specialized and high-tech medical care to patients not only from the city of Kirov, the Kirov region, but also to residents of other regions of Russia. These are patients with injuries to the musculoskeletal system, spine, central and peripheral nervous systems, and thermal injuries. So in 2015, the clinic treated 1,948 patients from other regions of Russia, in the 1st quarter of 2016 – 717 people.

The Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics and Neurosurgery is a clinic of modern medical technologies. The team is constantly improving and trying to use the latest medical advances with proven effectiveness to treat patients with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Thanks to modern medical equipment, the new medical technologies used provide a high level of medical care. The institution is licensed to provide high-tech medical care in traumatology and orthopedics, neurosurgery, combustiology, and thoracic surgery. In 2015, the clinic performed 1,808 high-tech operations, in the 1st quarter of 2016 – 543.

World Traumatologist Day is a professional holiday of specialists involved in traumatology. Among them are traumatologists, orthopedists, surgeons, drug and equipment manufacturers, and support staff. The holiday is celebrated by teachers, students, graduates of specialized educational institutions. Their patients, relatives, friends, acquaintances and close people join the celebrations.

In Russia in 2019, Traumatologist Day is celebrated on May 20. The holiday takes place at an unofficial level.

The essence of the holiday: to honor the work of traumatologists and draw attention to the problems of this area of ​​medicine.

Seminars, conferences, and advanced training courses are traditionally held for the holiday. The media broadcast and publish interviews with doctors.

history of the holiday

This area of ​​medical knowledge began to take shape in ancient times. Its development was due to the injuries that people received in everyday life and military conflicts. It became the basis of surgery.

World Traumatologist Day in Russia is informal. Doctors and support staff gather at the festive tables. Celebrations are accompanied by congratulations. Wishes for health and success in a responsible profession are heard from the lips of colleagues, friends, relatives, acquaintances and loved ones. Toasts are made and gifts are presented. Participants in the event discuss news, cases from clinical practice, share plans for the future, and exchange their accumulated experience.

Holiday traditions

World Traumatologist Day 2019 is marked by warm words addressed to medical workers and gifts. As a token of gratitude for the work of doctors, patients give money, sweets, and alcohol. Management gives speeches, noting the important role of specialists.

Television and radio stations feature prominent figures in the industry. Doctors who took part in complex operations give interviews. The main characters talk about their lives, share memories, tips for strengthening and restoring health. The results of new research, advanced achievements, and existing problems are discussed.

Students, following a long-standing tradition, fill glasses with alcohol during celebrations. Conferences, seminars, and advanced training courses are organized. Listen to reports on the state of affairs in the field of health care. Celebrations often take place outdoors, if the spring weather permits.

Daily task

Remember if you or your family members have ever sought professional help from traumatologists. Do you have any X-rays in your medical archive?

  • Bones have the ability to renew themselves. Bone tissue is completely renewed every 7 years, but this process slows down with age.
  • According to scientists, the most accessible and safe form of exercise is walking.
  • According to social research, children from poor families are more susceptible to injury. This is due to the fact that they live in houses with open fires, unprotected windows, unsafe stairs and roofs. Their homes often lack designated safe areas for play.
  • According to WHO, about 5 million people die from injuries and violence every year in the world, which accounts for 9% of total mortality.
  • The most common injury is a fracture of the radius.
  • According to global statistics, 82% of people who suffer a spinal cord injury are male. This is due to the fact that they are more likely to find themselves in situations that threaten injury: car accidents, sports injuries, falls.


“Traumatologists from all over the world! We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! We wish you always a wonderful mood and financial well-being! Thank you for your talent, courage and professionalism! We wish you not to stop on the path to the main goal of your life!

“Today, traumatologists are celebrating their professional holiday all over the world! May your heart always be kind and sensitive. I wish to receive only pleasant words of gratitude from my patients! I want respect from my colleagues and superiors. May there always be happiness in your home."

“Congratulations on Traumatologist Day! I wish your hopes and dreams come true. So that the joy of doing what you love brings inspiration and motivation. So that every working day is a step towards professional growth and development. Be happy, healthy and successful!


Scientific literature. A subscription to a medical magazine or a colorful atlas on traumatology will be an excellent gift for both a young specialist and an experienced doctor.

Visual aids. A dummy skeleton or skull, themed posters on traumatology will be an excellent present for a professional holiday and will decorate a doctor’s office.

Stationery. The main job of doctors is written work with medical documentation, so stationery will be a useful and practical gift. The doctor will be happy to receive a stylish pen, diary or organizer for writing instruments as a gift.

Certificate for a medical clothing store. A certificate for a medical clothing store will be a pleasant surprise that will allow you to update your professional wardrobe.


Who will apply the plaster faster?

Couples take part in the competition. Each couple is given a roll of toilet paper. One participant in a pair plays the role of a patient, and the second - a doctor who, using toilet paper, must apply a plaster cast to the entire body. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Words synonyms
Participants in the competition are given the task of coming up with words synonymous with the word “doctor.” For example: healer, medic, doctor, medical worker, healer, etc. The participant who can name the most synonyms wins.

Before the competition, it is necessary to prepare sets of medical uniforms: gowns with buttons, gloves, shoe covers, masks, caps, goggles. A set of clothes is laid out in front of each participant. On command, doctors must quickly put on all the items from the set. The one who completes the task faster wins.

About the profession

Traumatologists are involved in the restoration of human tissue and, if necessary, perform surgery. Therapy must take into account the patient’s condition and the characteristics of his body.

The path to the profession involves many years of preparation. It starts in higher education. Students master basic and special disciplines. These include physiology, anatomy, pharmacy and many others. Internship is the next stage - mandatory for obtaining a complete education. Its graduate becomes the owner of a medical specialist certificate.

Work is associated with high responsibility: mistakes made can cause irreversible consequences for the patient’s health or life. In many developed countries, traumatology is one of the highly paid professions. Its representatives are required to constantly confirm their qualifications and take an interest in new technologies and methods of therapy.

This holiday in other countries

In Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and other countries of the world, as well as in Russia, World Traumatologist Day is celebrated on May 20.

In any civilized society, the medical profession is treated with great respect. But since there are so many specializations in this area, it so happens that almost each one has its own separate holiday. This happened with World Traumatologist Day, which is celebrated on May 20 every year. Doctors working in this field help people recover from injuries, survive serious situations in life and return to normal. This holiday is of great importance in many countries, including Russia. But it is still not a public holiday.

history of the holiday

The history of this holiday begins with the emergence of the profession itself. It appeared in ancient times - such doctors became in demand for the reason that there were many wars and conflicts, as a result of which people received a lot of injuries. Then the skills of specialists began to be actively used for people who were injured at home, in everyday life. For a long time, traumatology was only a part of such a huge section as surgery. It should be noted that these 2 medical areas were previously inseparable.

But already in the 20th century there was a division. Traumatology has been recognized as an independent field that requires special attention. More specialized works began to appear, professionals who made discoveries in this area and improved techniques. Today this is a vast layer of knowledge, which is constantly updated with something new and significant.

Like all medicine, the field of traumatology is developing at a fairly rapid pace. And May 20 is another reason every year to remember the importance of such a profession, its impact on human life. After all, specialists in this field of medicine are directly involved in saving people from quite serious injuries received through negligence.