What does eau de toilette mean. The difference between perfume, eau de parfum, eau de toilette and cologne

The difference between eau de toilette and eau de parfum, perfume and...

Almost every one of us at least once in our lives had to face a difficult choice in a perfume shop - what to buy? After a dozen test sticks, a couple of sips of the aroma of coffee beans and a lot of doubts - you still decided on a perfume, but now you have a completely different dilemma - in what concentration should you buy it? Perfume, eau de parfum (toilet perfume), eau de toilette, cologne… what to choose? In fact, the difference here is not small, and it is not only in price!

All these types of perfumes consist mainly of aromatic concentrate, water and alcohol, and differ only in the ratio of these three components. As part of perfumery, a small amount of antioxidants and dyes are allowed, which do not affect the aroma of perfume in any way. The concentrations of aromatic substances for different types of perfumery in different countries differ, but always fluctuate within certain limits.

Perfume - Parfum or Perfume

Perfume (Parfum (French) or Perfume (English)) is the most expensive, most concentrated and most persistent type of perfumery, recommended for use in the evening and during the cold seasons. The spirits have strongly pronounced plume - final notes. Therefore, in the morning hours and in the heat, which enhances spicy and heavy aromas, it is better not to use perfume. The content of aromatic substances in perfumes ranges from 20 to 30% with an average of 23% in 90% alcohol. By the way, you can buy very high-quality copies of perfumes in the online store of licensed perfumery www.pour-femme.ru

"Eau de Parfum" or "Toilet Perfume" - Eau De Parfum (abbreviated as EDP)

Perfumed water (Eau de Parfum) is also used the term "toilet perfume" - in terms of concentration of aromatic substances, 11-20% of aromatic substances in 90% alcohol are between perfume and toilet water. Eau de parfum is also called daytime perfume. They can be used throughout the day. Eau de parfum differs from perfumes in that the "heart" of the fragrance is more pronounced in it, and the final notes are much weaker - plume notes. Well keep aroma within 4-6 hours. Excessive use of toilet perfume in the morning will not help to keep the fragrance for the whole day, but only makes it too harsh and flashy in the first hours.

Toilet water - Eau De Toilette (abbreviated as EDT)

Eau de toilette is a light type of perfumery, in which the top and middle notes sound the brightest, but the plumes are felt only slightly. The concentration of aromatic substances is 7-10% in 80-85% alcohol. Eau de toilette can be used several times a day and is suitable for all-day use, outdoor activities, hot climates and sports. Currently, eau de toilette is the most common type of perfume.

Cologne - Eau De Cologne (abbreviated as EDC)

Cologne (Eau de Cologne) is the lightest type of perfumery. Cologne is used mainly for men. The purpose of cologne is the same as that of eau de toilette, but the concentration of aromatic substances is even less - 3-6% in 70-80% alcohol.

Perfumed deodorant or Deo Parfum

Perfumed deodorant (Deo Parfum) is a perfume product that combines personal care products and the properties of perfumery. The concentration of odorous substances in perfumed deodorants can vary from 3 to 10%.


Perfumed body care products

In order to keep the smell of your favorite fragrance as long as possible, you can use perfumed body care products (body milk, shower gels, hair sprays, etc.). The components contained in them slightly fix the fragrance, do not allowing him to quickly escape. Perfumed body care products are cosmetic products (cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing) that use the base scent of a perfume. The content of this component in care products is usually not high, sometimes their concentration is less than 1%. But the layering effect of the smell, which is obtained by consistently using all the products of the line, significantly increases the persistence of the smell. For example, perfumed body milk retains the smell with an emphasis on heart notes for 2-3 hours.

How is eau de toilette different from toilet perfume?

  1. name
  2. toilet perfume???? I hear for the first time, but I know for sure that toilet water is less concentrated, perfumed is more persistent, perfume is even more persistent and concentrated, hence the conclusion that toilet perfume is more persistent than toilet water !!!
  3. Durability of course!
  4. The percentage of aromatic perfume composition, also sometimes they differ in composition
    T / v is more volatile and sillage due to the high content of alcohols, p / w is more dense and intimate, sitting closer to the skin.
  5. Well .... toilet water is understandable in the toilet, but what is the difference is also a mystery to me :-)))
  6. concentration.
    Eau de toilette are less concentrated and therefore less persistent than eau de parfum.
  7. toilet perfume, as far as I know, does not exist. there is only toilet water. What is the difference? in short:

    Eau de toilette (fr. eau de toilette, the official term appeared in the 19th century) is a perfume flavoring agent in the form of alcohol-water solutions of fragrant substances. Usually toilet water contains from 4 to 10% of essential oils, dissolved in alcohol 80-90% vol. Eau de toilette differs from perfume in a less harsh and less persistent aroma.

    in details:

    Perfumery has, firstly, aesthetic (actually perfumes, perfumes and means for flavoring the air) and, secondly, hygienic purposes (various means for refreshing and disinfecting the skin, colognes and toilet water) .

    Modern perfumery produces products for various purposes and of various types: liquid, solid and powdered. Perfumes, colognes and toilet water are the main products of the perfume industry. In addition, products for air freshening and aromatization (smoking essences, smoking paper), linen fragrances (sachets) and bath fragrances are produced. Fragrant and resinous substances contained in smoking and spraying products have a detrimental effect on microorganisms and not only refresh, flavor, but also purify the air. In addition, many fragrant substances, even in small quantities, are quickly absorbed into the blood and excite or calm the nerve centers.

    Aromas are different in concentration: perfume (parfum, extrait), concentration 2030%;
    perfume water, perfume water (eau de parfum, Parfum de Toilette Esprit de paifum Eau de parfum), concentration 15-25%; eau de toilette. concentration 1020%; cologne for men or the lightest feminine fragrance (eau de coiogne).

    Perfume perfumery for evening receptions. It is enough to apply a few drops of perfume to the places of pulsation - on the crook of the arm, temples, folds of the toktya, behind the ears, under the knees. Perfumes are alcoholic or water-alcohol solutions of mixtures of fragrant substances and infusions with a persistent odor. Depending on the variety, perfumes contain different amounts of compositions and infusions (from 5 to 50% of aromatic substances). The formulations of concentrated perfumes contain over 20% of fragrant substances. The strength of ethyl (wine) alcohol in spirits ranges from 96.2 to 60%.

    It is important to remember that floral perfumes of the same name, created by different perfumers, smell differently and have different shades. This is due to the different individual attitude of perfumers to a particular smell, depending on the taste and personality of the perfumer: they can be cool or dry, lyrical, soft, bright, temperamental or calm, sentimental, sad, etc., depending on the character and mood the perfumer who created the perfume.

    Perfumery water is specially created for business women. Unlike perfume, it will not irritate others, and yet it is more resistant than eau de toilette. The perfume water lasts 45 hours, so it can be used twice a day. It is applied in small amounts to skin and clothing, but not to silk, fur or pearls.

    Eau de toilette is suitable mainly for morning use and is ideal for weekends. It can only interact with clothing, but should not get on the skin. Eau de toilette is a water-alcohol solution of mixtures of aromatic substances and infusions with an alcohol concentration of 5968% and aromatic substances of 1-1.5%, suitable for rubbing the skin.

    Colognes are intended for refreshing and disinfecting the skin, the alcohol strength in them is 75-60%. In floral colognes 2-8% of fragrant substances, in triple 1, 21.5%.

    Perfumes made in the USA are often referred to as Cologne. In such cases, the fragrance usually means a concentration of 12 to 25 percent and corresponds to a French perfume or eau de toilette. In products for men, the concentration is slightly lower from 7 to 12 percent. They are applied to the skin by hand, like a liquid.

  8. I am allergic, therefore, in my opinion, it would be better not to take them out of the named room, especially cheap and fake ones ...
  9. Firstly, the first time I hear about "toilet spirits"!
    And eau de toilette, if you do not go into details of production technology, differs from perfumes, first of all, in the persistence of the smell. The "effect" of perfume is more protracted in time than that of eau de toilette. And the "dose" when used in spirits is less ....
  10. Alcohol content.
  11. Shelf life, i.e. water is used longer, but paper is not
  12. name, probably
  13. toilet spirits are more persistent!
  14. Let's start with the fact that there is no such thing as "toilet spirits" in nature... Is it possible to call an air freshener so majestically ... :)))

    Liquid with a pleasant smell in vials is divided into:
    -toilet water
    - perfumed water

    Perfume is the most persistent, eau de toilette is the least... Perfumed is the golden mean.

  15. They differ from each other in concentration and, accordingly, in the persistence of the smell.

    Eau de toilette - the concentration of the perfume composition in toilet waters is not less than 10% and not more than 15%. The main component here is an alcohol solution. This is the product group most often used by manufacturers, as this is the most successful form of aroma transfer - each note begins to sound at the right time with the right intensity. The duration of the eau de toilette is approximately 3 hours. The perfect choice to start the day.

    Toilet perfumes contain from 15% to 25% (in men 6-12%) of perfume extract, while staying on the skin for up to 5 hours. A good solution for both day and evening. The smell turns out to be more dense, making it possible to feel all the overflows and shades of the composition. As a rule, eau de toilette has a richer color and is produced in more complex, beautiful bottles than eau de toilette.

  16. Eau de toilette is taken from the toilet...
    And toilet perfume... It's even hard to say right away! !
    maybe smells?

Today, the choice of the “right” perfume is relevant not only for ladies, but also for the stronger sex. At the same time, only a small part of buyers tends to follow fashion trends when choosing a fragrance. Most remain true to themselves, evaluating the smell not in terms of fashion, but in terms of their feelings. But besides this, it is necessary to remember that the smell occurs in different variations, and to know the difference between eau de toilette and perfume or, for example, perfume from cologne.

How to choose the right scent?

Every year, the shelves of fashion boutiques and perfume shops are full of more and more new fragrances from well-known manufacturers and brands. Because of this, the choice of the most suitable perfume every day becomes more and more complicated. And this is a lot of variations: perfume, cologne, toilet and perfume water. How can an ordinary person know what is the difference between eau de toilette and eau de parfum?

The first step you need to take when choosing a perfume is to decide which scent you would like to purchase. According to the content of various components in the perfume, perfumes can be divided into three main groups: fresh, floral and spicy. In addition, smells can be divided into evening and daytime. The fragrance of daytime perfumes is more discreet and light, while evening perfumes are sharper and brighter. In addition, you need to know that there is a difference between eau de toilette and eau de parfum and perfume, but we will talk about this later.

The fragrance, chosen correctly, will emphasize the individuality of its owner. Among women, there is an opinion that perfumes should be chosen based on physical characteristics, such as hair color and age. This opinion can be safely refuted. The aroma must be chosen based on personal preferences and desires. It is also advisable, if you use perfume daily, to change the fragrance several times during the week.

In order to choose the right fragrance, you need to know that there are variations such as eau de parfum and eau de toilette. What is the difference? There is also perfume and cologne. The smells of these types of perfumes will hold for different times. In order to be able to navigate and choose the right fragrance, you need to know how perfume water differs from toilet water, as well as its differences from cologne and perfume. How to find out? We will advise you!

What is the difference between eau de toilette, perfume and perfume?

At first glance, everything is clear: eau de toilette is the least persistent perfume. Its main feature is a light, weightless aroma that disappears very quickly. Why? Because the concentration of the aroma itself in toilet water is the smallest. What is the difference between eau de parfum and eau de toilette? Eau de Parfum has a higher concentration of scent, which makes the scent last longer, while Perfume Extract is something more solid and persistent, i.e. the product with the highest concentration of aromatic substances.

Thus, we can conclude that you need to choose a smell in terms of how long its effect will be. However, in this difficult matter, everything is not so simple. Why?

As practice shows, the odor resistance does not depend on the concentration at all, but on the aromatic substances that are used in the perfume. The policy of the perfume house, often very curious, also complicates the choice of fragrance. In most cases, different variations of the same smell differ significantly from each other in aroma. Therefore, as strange as it may sound, it happens that what distinguishes eau de parfum from eau de toilette, in addition to the concentration of aromatic substances, is the smell itself.

Another discovery for you, perhaps, will be that perfume houses often experiment with existing scents. The addition of new substances to existing perfumes is done with the aim of discovering new fragrances.

Perfume extract

Those who are not very knowledgeable in the field of perfumery are sure that the perfume extract has the most persistent and bright aroma. True connoisseurs know that this is not so.

Often it is perfume extracts that have the finest aroma. However, it will be so unique that it will never be able to mix with other smells in a crowd. Perfume extract will be able to distinguish you from the crowd.

This type of perfumery has the highest concentration of aromatic oils - from 10 to 30%. Perfume extract lasts the longest on cotton. The aroma will remain for 30 hours.

Other than that, perfume extract is a bodily odor. For a long time, it remains on the body, while other variations contain a larger amount of alcohol, which, evaporating, spreads the smell around the owner. This is the main difference between perfume and other types of perfume products.

Eau de parfum

It is this option that is sold on the market in the largest quantity because it has such properties as good quality and low cost. What distinguishes perfume water from toilet water is the concentration of aromatic oil. In perfumery water, it is about 10-20%, while in toilet water it contains no more than 10%.

Eau de parfum is considered a daytime perfume, the smell of which will last up to four hours.

Eau de Toilette

Now let's talk about toilet water. It is considered the best summer version of a perfume. The concentration of essential oils in toilet water is about 4-10%. The smell lasts up to two to three hours. This is one of the most common types of perfumes for women, and for men, all perfumes are exclusively eau de toilette. Also, this perfume is the cheapest type of perfume.


Cologne has the lowest concentration of essential oils - only 3-5%. You should pay attention to the fact that if this perfume is made in the USA and says "cologne" on it, then this is not a cologne at all. The concentration of oils in it is equivalent to the concentration of perfumery water.

Do you want to know what is the difference between perfume, eau de toilette and eau de parfum? Read the article.

Many modern ladies do not know what is the difference between real perfumes, eau de toilette and eau de parfum. The difference lies in the stability of the aroma and other features. Let's take a closer look in this article.

Why is perfume called eau de toilette?

Real perfumes in women are associated with something expensive and French. Any woman knows about famous French perfumes with a unique aroma from Chanel. Why is perfume called eau de toilette?

This happens out of ignorance. People do not know what is the difference and what is better, and they think that they all refer to the same type of perfume. These are different "odorous" means. The differences are in the composition, the stability of the aroma and the time of use.

What is the difference between eau de toilette and perfumery water from perfumes in composition?

If a woman has real perfumes, then she will never call them eau de toilette or perfume water. This would be ignorance and even blasphemy. Differences toilet and perfume liquid from perfume are in the composition:

  • Perfume are made from different essential compositions, which are combined into one complex bouquet. They contain up to 22% of aromatic substances that dissolve in a 90% alcohol solution. Real perfumes should have an intense and concentrated aroma. This is an expensive type of “smelling” product, since natural flower extracts and oils are included in the composition. Usually perfumes are evening fragrances with persistent incense.
  • Perfumed water (Eau de Parfum)- a fragrant solution, in composition, close to a real perfume. But in its aroma composition there is only 12% of concentrated "odorous" raw materials dissolved in 90% alcohol. The main note in the composition is muted, the middle is pronounced. Perfume-water is used throughout the day. It is often referred to as daytime perfumes.
  • Toilet water (Eau de Toilette) has a lower concentration of aromatic substance - up to 10% in 85% alcohol. The main notes are reduced, the lines of high notes are strengthened. Such a light perfume water can be used several times during the day, as its fragrance is not too long lasting. It is good to use it in the summer when it is hot. The scent is not strong but refreshing.

On a bottle of aromatic liquid, you can often find the inscription: Eau de Cologne- This is a fragrance for men, implying eau de toilette, but the concentration of the perfume composition is reduced to 5% in 70% alcohol.

Deo Parfum is an eau de toilette with a refreshing aroma and hygienic properties. After shave- perfumed liquid used after shaving. In it, the amount of aromatic substances is reduced to 2%, but there are many substances that soften and moisturize the skin.

What is more stable, stronger and lasts longer: perfume and eau de toilette or perfume?

Every woman has a dozen bottles of fragrant liquids. But not everyone understands the purpose of these fragrances, and what is more stable, stronger and lasts longer. Every specialist in the field of aromatic substances knows which fragrance will be felt on the body for more than a day, and which one needs to be applied to the body again after a couple of hours.

  • The most persistent composition with a high content of aromatic substances.
  • You will feel the aroma of real perfume on your body for up to 2 days.
  • They need to be applied pointwise in a meager amount, otherwise the smell will turn out cloying.
  • Better to use in the evening. Perfume is applied only to the body.

Eau de parfum

  • It is equated to spirits, but in it the concentration of fragrant substances is slightly less.
  • Can be used every day during the day. This is a great replacement for evening perfume - the scent is lighter and not as intense.
  • It is also necessary to spray pointwise, but you can expand the application range. Don't overdo it so you don't smell like a flower bed.
  • It is not recommended to spray on clothes - this is a body perfume. Mixed with fabric can create an incomprehensible smell, and people who understand perfumes will definitely notice this.

Eau de Toilette

  • It contains little aroma substances in its composition, compared to other "odorous" liquids.
  • Its smell is not so stable, and you can use such liquids several times a day: after a shower, before going to work, walking, and so on.
  • If a drop of fragrance gets on clothes, then it's okay, the fragrance quickly disappears.

Now you understand what perfume, eau de toilette or eau de parfum is. A real lady should have all three of these fragrances for all occasions - expensive perfume for a shocking evening fragrance, quality and branded eau de parfum for daytime use, and good eau de toilette to smell nice after a shower and whenever perfume is inappropriate.

Which is better: eau de toilette and perfume or perfume?

Perfume, eau de toilette and eau de parfum with the same aromatic substance can smell differently. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question: what is better - toilet and perfumery water or perfume?

  • It's a matter of taste and personal preference., as well as suitability to the specific situation.
  • The general impression of the image and image is formed by a complex of factors, among which the fragrant composition emanating from a person is in a special place. Smells are perceived by the human brain on the subconscious. Therefore, any aromatic liquid will be good if it is of high quality, is the original, and complements the overall image of a person. A fake can spoil the impression of the image.
  • Eau de toilette should be in harmony with style. Perfumery water will create an aroma cloud around a person, perfume will leave a fragrant trail for a long time.

Choose fragrances from well-known brands, then you will be able to smell with unique and chic smells, leaving a trace of exorbitant tenderness and sensuality.

When is it better to use toilet and perfumery water, and when perfume?

As mentioned above, it is better to use toilet water after a shower, before a gym or a walk. Perfume water should be used during the day when you go to work or on other business, and use perfume if you go on a date in the evening, a romantic dinner.

What is the designation on the packaging of perfumery, toilet water and perfume?

Perfumes in general are distinguished by a similar composition: alcohol, water, dyes and a fragrant composition. But each product differs in the composition of fragrant substances and their concentration. What designation is indicated on the packaging of perfumery, toilet water and perfume? On the bottles with these aromatic products you will find the following notes:

  • Perfume - Parfum, Perfume or Extrait.
  • Eau de Parfum - EDP, Parfum De Toilette, Eau De Parfum and Esprit De Parfum.
  • Toilet water - EDT, Eau De Toilette.

Now you know how this or that aroma is designated. But remember that a fake may say "Parfum" (perfume), but in fact it is a low-quality liquid that cannot be called a fragrance. Therefore, buy perfumes and other scented products from trusted sellers.

How to distinguish perfume from perfumed and toilet water?

If you have never noticed the difference between perfume, perfume and toilet water before, then it's time to learn this. After all, a true lady should see this difference, and understand what and on what occasion to use. How to distinguish perfume from perfumed and toilet water? Here are the tips:

  • Pay attention to the labels on the bottles. They must correspond to each type of aroma, as described above in the text.
  • The durability of the fragrant composition of perfumes is twice as much than eau de parfum and several times more than eau de toilette.
  • The volume of liquid in the vial. Perfumes are more concentrated, so their bottle will be small compared to other "odorous" products.
  • The price of original perfumes is several times higher than Eau De Toilette. Perfume-water is slightly cheaper than real perfume.
  • Eau de toilette has a light and not concentrated smell. and the smell of alcohol can be traced in its notes, since the concentration of fragrant substances in such a product is low. In perfumes, on the contrary, you will feel only the aromatic composition.

Treat yourself to new flavors. Choose a fragrant composition that matches your image, style and image. Only in this way you will be on top and will differ from others in the originality and uniqueness of the finished image.

Video: Perfume or toilet water? Differences

Perfume is a combination of several essential oils combined into a common perfume composition. A mixture of fragrant extracts dissolved in a special alcohol composition with the addition of fixers of animal origin, dyes and antioxidants.

Each country and each perfume brand has its own perfume production standards. But on average, the concentration of essential oils in perfumes should be at least 20%, and in some products this parameter can reach 30-40%. The basis of the composition is ethyl alcohol with a strength of 90-96%.

Conscientious perfume manufacturers use the most expensive natural flower essences and high-quality natural ingredients to make perfumes. As a result, the aroma is very rich, concentrated and persistent. Perfumes are used mainly as evening fragrances and for attending special celebrations. The high concentration of aromatic components allows the production of perfumes in small bottles without atomizer. To perfume, just a few drops of liquid are enough.

On the label of real perfumes there is an inscription Parfum (in the French manner) or Perfume (in the English transcription).

Perfumes in perfume concentration are characterized by a complex aromatic composition and a long opening. They distinguish three clear “layers”, or three groups of notes:

  • top notes - the beginning of the sound of the fragrance, which creates a general impression from the first seconds of inhaling the smell, they quickly open up and sound for about 10-20 minutes;
  • “heart” notes - replace the top ones and are characterized by a long sound that will last for several hours;
  • base notes are responsible for the sillage of the fragrance, form that fragrant aura that will be felt by others at a distance.

Eau de toilette also contains an aromatic pyramid. But it is less pronounced, smells are mixed in it and it can be difficult to distinguish one note from another.

Types of perfumes and representatives of famous brands

In addition to classic alcohol-based perfumes, there are at least two more formats:

  • Oil perfumes - they do not contain alcohol and harsh aromatic notes. Made on the basis of oriental spices, plant pomace, organic, chemical and aldehyde compounds. They form a thin film on the skin, which does not evaporate for a very long time and intensively opens during movement and an increase in body temperature.
  • Dry perfume is a harmonious combination of fragrant and base oils, sealed with wax. They have a melting structure and high durability, since they do not contain alcohol and do not evaporate from the surface of the skin.

Pheromones are often added to dry and oil perfumes - special substances capable of a subtle smell.

Perfume is presented in the lines of many well-known brands:

  • Giorgio Armani Acqua di Gio Profumo;
  • Royal Crown Ambrosia;
  • Lancome Climate;
  • Lorenzo Villoresi Donna Blue Crystal;
  • Chanel Chance;
  • Tiziana Terenzi Vele;
  • Valentino Rockn Rose Couture;
  • Paco Rabanne Lady Million Absolutely Gold.

Perfume pros and cons

Many customers prefer perfumes only in the concentration of perfumes, and here's why:

  • stay on the body for 5-10 hours without losing their richness;
  • have a multi-stage, open gradually and do not “hit” in the nose;
  • high sillage - for several hours after the extinction of the central notes, the perfume continues to exude a delicate smell;
  • beautiful packaging and presentability - ideal for a gift;
  • economy in use - 2-4 drops are enough for one application.

This product has its own characteristics, which can conditionally be classified as disadvantages:

  • high price - the cost of branded perfumes of limited editions can reach tens of thousands of dollars;
  • lack of sprayer or dispenser;
  • the likelihood of “choking” the aroma - due to the economy, the duration of using a perfume can stretch for several months and no longer cause former delight;
  • due to the oily texture, perfumes can only be applied to the skin - they will leave greasy stains on clothes.

Eau de Toilette

Eau de toilette is labeled Eau de toilette by manufacturers. Its aroma is no less pleasant than the smell of perfume, but there are differences in the composition. The concentration of fragrant substances in toilet water is 8-10 percent, dissolved in alcohol with a strength of 85%. This is a light type of perfume that will be appropriate everywhere - in the daytime in the office, and at a party, and at a business dinner. The aroma of eau de toilette is less saturated and less persistent, in the perfume composition the proportion of top notes is increased in relation to the rest, and the sillage is practically absent.

This type of perfumery retains a confident smell for a maximum of two hours, after which the fragrance needs to be renewed.

For the manufacture of toilet water, manufacturers often use synthetic ingredients and fragrances. This allows you to reduce the cost of the product and make it more accessible to the target audience. Among this form of perfumery, mass-market products are most often found, but sometimes you can meet representatives of niche and elite perfumery.

Eau de toilette, unlike perfume, is presented in women's and men's versions, which makes it a more popular and versatile product. It comes in large spray bottles for easy application.

Classification of fragrances of toilet water and prominent representatives

The French community of perfumers has created a whole classification according to which fragrances are divided into 7 main groups:

  • - lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit;
  • floral - lily of the valley, jasmine, violet, hyacinth, narcissus, lilac, rose;
  • - cedar, sandalwood, vetiver, patchouli;
  • - amber, incense, labdanum, powder, vanilla;
  • leather - smells of dry skin with an admixture of floral notes;
  • - oakmoss, bergamot, patchouli;
  • - notes of oak and tree moss, lavender, bergamot, coumarin, fern.

Some perfumers distinguish ozone, herbal and into separate groups. This classification is relevant not only for eau de toilette, but also for perfumes. It allows you to better navigate the smells and choose the right scent for yourself.

The most famous fragrances in the concentration of eau de toilette:

  • Dolce&Gabbana Anthology L'Imperatrice 3;
  • Versace Bright Crystal;
  • Moschino Funny;
  • Calvin Klein CK IN2U Her;
  • Trussardi Delicate Rose;
  • Kenzo Leau par Kenzo;
  • Armand Basi In Red;
  • Nina Ricci Nina;
  • Chanel Chance Eau Tendre;
  • Hermes Un Jardin sur le Nil;
  • Bvlgari Omnia Crystalline;
  • Gucci Guilty;
  • Kenzo Leau par Kenzo;
  • Chloe Leau de Chloe.

Pros and cons of toilet water

The popularity of toilet water is due to several factors:

  • affordable cost - in the region of several tens of dollars;
  • the presence of a sprayer, which allows you to dose the perfume and apply it to the wrong side of the clothes;
  • convenient transportation - you can not be afraid that the bottle will turn over and the precious liquid will spill;
  • large volume and variability of bottles - you can purchase a sampler, a medium bottle for special occasions or a large bottle for every day;
  • water does not have a pungent odor and is not as intrusive as perfume.

Disadvantages of perfumes in the format of toilet water:

  • slight persistence of the aroma;
  • the absence of a pronounced plume and a multi-stage pyramid;
  • many fragrances are perceived as “cheap” and are not able to maintain the status of their owner;
  • in order to constantly exude a pleasant smell, you will have to carry a bottle of toilet water with you, which is not always convenient.

Perfume vs Eau de Toilette Comparison Chart

Criterion Perfume Eau de Toilette
Compound Alcohol - up to 96%, essential oils - from 20 to 40% Alcohol - up to 85%, essential oils - 8-10%
seasonality Evening time, autumn and winter Predominantly daytime, summer and spring
Dosage The volume of the bottle is not more than 50 ml From 50 to 200 ml, there are probes from 2 ml
Fortitude At least 6 hours in three deployment phases About two hours, with mild sillage and intensity
Popularity VIPs, representatives of bohemia, creative professions, politicians, businessmen Appropriate in different situations, popular among all categories of the population
Price From several hundred to several tens of thousands of dollars From a few dollars to several hundred dollars
Prestige A sign of good taste and material well-being The desire not to go unnoticed, the desire to be well-groomed, fashionable and interesting in any situation

Both perfumes and eau de toilette have advantages and disadvantages. Which product is better - you need to decide for yourself, based on preferences and lifestyle. Perfumers advise women to have both products in their arsenal - eau de toilette is suitable as the main daytime fragrance, and perfume can be left for a special occasion.