Summer color type: makeup, hair color and wardrobe. What hair colors suit the “summer” color type? Stylist tips, photos

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Not long ago I read an article about color types, and was surprised to find out that my color type is summer, and not winter at all, as I always thought. In this regard, I decided to ask what shades a girl of the summer color type should wear, how to choose the right cosmetics and what you need to pay attention to when choosing accessories. I interviewed several girlfriends, re-read a mountain of information and now I want to write down all the knowledge I received in order to record it in my head, and at the same time help everyone else.


The summer color type is very, very beautiful, but if it seems to you that this is a saturated color type, then you are mistaken - light shades, cold tones, very low contrast. By the way, Slavic women very often have exactly this appearance. Many people don’t think she’s too interesting; due to the low contrast, the girl looks inconspicuous against the background of her brighter friends. However, with the right approach, this color scheme can be simply gorgeous (believe me).

By the way, for a long time these colors were the privilege of crowned heads - noble families chose suitable spouses for their offspring, because there was a belief that when a husband and wife were similar to each other, the children would turn out healthy and beautiful.

By the way, the natural summer color type is wonderful because if you really want to, you can easily transform it into a different type of appearance.


How to do makeup correctly for the summer color type? It should be light and sophisticated; it is better to abandon flashy shades - this way you will greatly simplify your appearance.

It is very important to choose a foundation well - there should be no yellowness in it, it is better to stick to a shade that is as invisible as possible on the skin. Use a base coat with shimmer particles - they will make your face look radiant and your skin will become much smoother. In general, it is important for a girl who has a summer color type to pay more attention to her skin - it’s good if it is light and porcelain.

The ideal lipstick for the summer color type should be as nude as possible, or have a cool shade. In general, cool tones in makeup will make your appearance more fragile and transparent, so in any color (even pink), choose the coolest tones possible. Be sure to check whether pearly lipstick makes you look older - many summer-type girls should stick to a matte palette. By the way, lipstick can be quite bright.

You should not use black color (with rare exceptions), it will be very noticeable, and the charm of fragile beauty will disappear. Use neutral shades of eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara and pencils. It is also good to have several colored mascaras for everyday makeup - they should not be too bright, calm shades of blue and gray are ideal.


It is best to choose a hair color for the summer color type in a natural range. Light eyebrows and not too bright eyes will make your appearance at least strange if you dye your hair crimson or red. Therefore, it is better not to go beyond natural, natural shades.

It's also a good idea to dye your hair a shade darker or lighter than your natural hair color - this way you can fill your hair with color, make it sparkling and multi-faceted.

Light caramel, platinum and medium brown shades will suit almost all young ladies with a summer appearance, if you choose the right hairstyle.

But the choice of hairstyle should be determined based on hair type. Mine are thin, soft, flowing and naturally curly. Of course, I really like straight, angular haircuts in the style of Cleopatra, but on my hair such hairstyles are only achievable with a lot of effort, for which I am definitely not ready. Therefore, my choice is a short, chaotic haircut in the spirit of Undercut.

For owners of coarse hair, it makes sense to think about haircuts that hold their length and shape well - for example, a bob or a bob. But if you have medium hair, then take a closer look at the cascade - this is the best hairstyle for a summer-type girl, and it leaves a lot of potential for styling.


How to choose good shades and colors for the summer color type? Pay attention to the cool colors. Warm colors are good only if they are quite soft and light - for example, pastel colors. But the cold range can be of almost any saturation.

Look at the selection of photographs - here are the main colors and their shades that will suit girls with a summer color type. You will also find one-piece looks and clothing selections here.

Save color schemes and palettes for yourself so that you can use them. In general, the most convenient way is to create a special folder on a social network to save all the images and colors you like there.

The fact is that social networks are a place where we go from a phone, a computer, and a tablet, which means that you will always have access to the colors and palettes you like. Then, when you see an interesting scarf in the store, you will not painfully choose between two colors, but will be able to open the table and choose the one that is closest to the color scheme you need.


Let's try to choose jewelry for the summer color type. Look at the pictures - maybe you like something? In the meantime, I’ll explain what you should generally pay attention to when choosing jewelry for your color type.

The most important thing that girls often forget is that jewelry should decorate. That is, in fact, they should make you better, and not just be beautiful. The second equally important aspect is saturation. Jewelry should not appear darker than the darkest color in your color scheme. That is, if you are a gentle fair-haired young lady with whitish eyelashes and eyebrows who uses only transparent hygienic lipstick, then you should not choose massive black earrings.

And of course, decorations should be appropriate. Pay attention to natural stones, wear rhodium-plated metals.


What clothes can a light summer color type or a high contrast (like mine) color type afford? Having dark hair gives me a slight advantage; I can wear dark clothes without fear of looking too boring. But girls with blond hair and fair skin can wear a stylish black suit only if they are ready to complement it with neat makeup, bright lipstick and nice accessories.

The photos convey an approximate wardrobe of the summer color type well - look at what images you can create.

Try to put together a capsule wardrobe for the summer color type in one of the proposed color palettes - study the examples and find your own solutions!

Now you know almost everything about the summer appearance color type, and you can choose almost any color combination. Let me finally give you some advice.

To understand what hair color suits your summer color type, try to determine whether it is lighter than your eyes and eyebrows, or darker. All light shades are definitely suitable, dark ones - only if they are only 2-3 shades darker than the natural hair color.

If you are doing makeup for a summer color type, refrain from clear, hard lines, because summer girls are more suited to smokey eyes than thick winged lines.

But for the summer color type, it’s better not to style your hair on purpose - soft and flowing hair suits your appearance better.

Want to try something more interesting? Try to imitate other subtypes. For example, use a copper color for your hair, and for the summer you can complement your makeup with henna patterns on your arms, legs or body - if necessary, clothes will hide this liberty, and you can add some warm colors to your appearance.

When choosing colors in clothes, use the appropriate color that your color palette offers. By the way, if you are interested in celebrities, then look at how celebrities with your color type look - use a minimum of basic cosmetics to repeat a successful make-up, and find for yourself the most advantageous range - warm or cold.

I hope you were able to figure out how to look better if you have a summer type of appearance, saved your color palettes, and the article as a whole was useful to you. I wish all the girls to look great and skillfully choose colors in clothes and makeup!

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Each person's appearance is unique. The “Summer” color type includes girls with cool skin undertones who do not have a very contrasting appearance. Their hair is most often brown, their eyes are gray, blue and brown. Their skin takes a tan well, and on hot days this can make it appear bronzed and warm. And already here we are faced with a paradoxical phenomenon: with a general cold type of appearance, there are details that are more characteristic of warm colors. All these “little things” significantly influence what hair color, makeup, and accessories suit a particular person. But still, the likelihood that representatives of the “summer” color type will suit “autumn” things is extremely small. There is a palette of shades that always suit owners of a “summer” type of appearance. Today I will discuss which colors suit the “Summer” color type in clothing and makeup, regardless of individual individual traits.

The best clothing colors for “Summer”

Look at the summer sky, flowers in the meadow, trees in the garden, drinks on your table. Nature reveals the fullness of life and all kinds of colors, fresh, gentle and calm. The soul wants coolness, and nature gives it in the transparent blue sky, fresh streams of silver-blue waters of a mountain river, in light clouds. In the forest, in the shade, a slight coolness, alluring mint bushes, friendly fir trees, white birch trunks. In the garden and meadows there are delicate flowers of various shades of pink. The whole world seems to be painted in cool and gentle colors. It is these shades that we see in nature in the summer that are most suitable for your appearance, helping to highlight your natural beauty.

Now let's move on to specifics and list these shades, at least the main ones, since not a single artist can list all the shades.

  • Yellow color is one of the most dangerous for cold color types, but also one of the best for them, if you can choose the right shade. The fact is that most of the yellow color scheme is filled with warm tones. But there are also cool shades of yellow, for example, the color of daffodils, which is very good for “Summer”.
  • Of the red shades, all those that have a slightly coolish, lilac tone will suit you. These are almost all shades of pink that are found in flower colors: from light pink, like delicate peonies, to fuchsia or phlox.
  • I advise you to pay special attention to the blue color scheme. Almost all shades of blue will suit you, but those blues and cyan colors that have a grayish tone are especially good for you. For example, blue-gray, the color of Niagara.
  • You shouldn't ignore green colors either. Those that are slightly blue will suit you. The most preferred one is mint color.
  • The warmest shades in the “summer” palette are brown. From this range, you will benefit from all shades of coffee, from lattes and cappuccinos to black coffee.
  • Lilac color is always cold, and cold color types, which include “Summer,” will not be prevented from using them. All light shades of purple will suit you, from blue-lilac to red-lilac.
  • Gray color deserves to take a special place in your wardrobe, especially smoky gray, silver gray, blue-gray.

In the picture below you can see a palette of shades that are ideal for the “Summer” color type. Pay attention to clothes of these colors - they will definitely suit you.

Decorations for "Summer"

Now let's talk about how to choose jewelry taking into account the color type of appearance.

Metals suitable for “Letu”:

  • White gold;
  • platinum;
  • silver;
  • tin;
  • costume jewelry alloys of appropriate shades.

Among the stones we can recommend:

  • topaz;
  • tourmaline;
  • citrine;
  • any other stones of those colors that correspond to the main palette, preferably transparent or translucent.

You can take a closer look at diamonds and artificial crystals in “summer” colors.

"Summer" makeup

The correct choice of shades of decorative cosmetics depends on the color type. I must admit: makeup can greatly change “summer” girls. However, you should not use this to “mow” someone else’s color type. A much better idea would be to emphasize your natural appearance by applying makeup in cool colors. And if you change anything, it’s not yourself, but your clothes.

  • As a foundation, give preference to cool beige shades. The color of the foundation should not be much darker or lighter than your natural skin tone.
  • Blush will also suit you in cool pink tones. Peach and bronze shades of blush will not suit you.
  • For eye makeup, use blue, mint, silver shades. Much depends on the color of your eyes. Whatever color type you are, you can safely use shadows of the same shade as the iris of your eyes.
  • Lipstick that suits you is soft pink, lilac pink, floral pink. It is advisable to give preference to light and delicate shades. In your case, it is better to avoid red or any dark lipstick. Golden shades will forgive you.

It is better to paint your eyebrows with black products, and also use black eyeliner. Traditional black mascara is your best choice, although if you use blue or gray it won't matter.

What color to dye your hair “Letu”

Many girls are interested in the question of whether it is so important to choose hair color according to the color type of appearance, and whether the color type will change if you dye your hair a different color. My answer is: by changing your hair color, you can change the subtype of appearance, but not the color type. The transition between color types is impossible, since the division does not depend on hair color, but on skin undertone. For this reason, “someone else’s” hair color will not suit you, spoiling your appearance no less than inappropriate clothing.

Belonging to the “Summer” color type, you can safely dye your hair in all shades of light brown, excluding warm copper-blond and honey. You can try platinum blonde. Blue-black, eggplant and other dark, cold shades of hair are contraindicated for you; bright red and chestnut shades will also spoil you. If you dye your hair the wrong colors, your skin will look unhealthy. Do you really need this?

The “Summer” color type forces you to choose cool and muted tones in clothes, accessories and makeup. But if you have exactly this coloring of your appearance, they will not turn you into a “gray mouse”: on the contrary, they will emphasize the tenderness of your skin, the depth and shine of your lake-transparent eyes, and the light silk of your hair.

For reasons of "hair chemistry" that I don't know, this hair seems to be the most difficult to achieve in a salon. This is the subtype that most often comes with the wrong hair color. Colorists refuse to do this color, inclining clients in favor of blond, red or something more “cheerful” for very muted, grayish skin.

Mild Summer hair can vary in darkness more than you might think. The base color of the hair is usually quite dark, but there is no black in the hair, eyelashes, or eyes. Shannon has the right hair, very indicative of her subtype. The yellow highlights are a little unusual, but they don't get in the way and the head overall looks very good.

Mild summer hair needs some volume, otherwise a woman may feel "dimply brown" or "mousy" compared to her friends. Mild summer feels more organic with the addition of a second color to the hair. Therefore, add light strands - highlights. But not yellow! The yellower the hair, the grayer and duller the eyes will be. Don’t fool around with the red one either: it’s very difficult to get him out later.

Make the strands light brown. Too much ash will look flat. Too light ones will look striped and discordant. Opt for cool brown coloring in the medium to light range, with a touch of warmth, but only a couple of shades lighter than your base hair color. Not apricot, not toffee, not caramel - they are all too warm. It should be a brown bud color, maybe cold caramel in the lightest hairs.

Do you see the same colors around the pupil of the eye? See how the good hair repeats itself in the center of the eye? Aren't natural colors the best?

The effects of hair coloring should not be obvious. This season is not meant to look shiny or glowy. Mild summer is not sunny. Don't listen to ideas about brightness of the whole head - just like bright colors in makeup. Just as people will only see dark eyeliner, too bright lips, they will only see hair highlight bars.

Do all members of the subtype have the same hair, or should they? Of course not. But the skin's reaction to color within the subtype is the same, so the best outfits, makeup, and hair will be very similar shades. General things are general, but there are always exceptions.

Nature creates many variations. Make your hair shade 2 levels lighter than your eyebrows and it will look fake, harsh and evil. Shannon's brows are cooler than her hair, but it works, and we opted for a similar eyeliner to support her makeup look.
Some seasons can wear dark eyebrows with much lighter hair, but not Soft Summer. Bold and unexpected ideas do not fit into the concept of a soft summer.

Translation by Mickey Marcy/Katya

selection of hair colors for Soft summer:

Still the same Jennifer Aniston and Giselle Bundchen.

Denise Richards

Jessica Alba.

Highlighting suits “Fly” very well. The main thing is that the lighter strands do not have a yellowish tint.

And also, when choosing a hair dye, make sure that the word ash is present in the name, which means a sign of coldness in tone. For example, light ash brown, ash brown, medium ash blonde, etc.

Hair shades for summer color type:

Hair coloring (recommendations for Light Summer)
“It is Summer who is most often dissatisfied with his natural hair color. He sees a mousy shade everywhere. Therefore, representatives of this color type dye their hair much more often than others. And, therefore, much more often they become victims of color experiments, alas, not always successful. So, what do you need remember Letu so that all his experiments succeed? The ashy tone of the hair of the summer color type occurs due to the high proportion of gray-brown pigment. But in general, the pigment in the hair of the summer type is noticeably less than that of the cold winter type. Therefore, if Letu wants to update the color hair through dyeing or tinting, you should still remain within your scale
Otherwise, you risk looking ten years older. The ideal colors are silver or platinum blonde.
My advice to you is to stop dyeing your hair dark in the future. The fact is that with its help you will not become a Contrasting Summer, and it will cause considerable problems with choosing makeup and wardrobe. I haven’t seen any photos with natural hair color, but I’ll give you my head, the current color adds a couple of years to you at best.
If you want to refresh the look of your hair, opt for thick highlights (using foil), 1-2 shades lighter than your natural color. It is advisable to leave the strands framing the face unbleached."

How to emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages of your appearance? How do some women who seem to not particularly care about fashion manage to look more attractive than ladies in perfectly fitting clothes from expensive brands and careful makeup? The answer to these questions is quite simple: it’s not about the style, but about the color. That is why it is so important to correctly determine the color type of appearance and select an image that suits you accordingly. However, before choosing your style, make sure that you are a summer woman.

Summer natural colors

Professional stylists use dozens of different pieces of fabric to find out the color type of a particular model. At home, this option, of course, is difficult - it is quite enough to acquire several paper samples of shades of warm and cool colors. How to use them? Apply it to your face and see if this color suits you - if the palette of ash pink, muted blue, or other cool colors suits you, then you are a summer woman. If your natural hair color has a sparkle of “gold” or red pigment, then you are a warm type (autumn, spring).

Stages of determining the color type of appearance

But when determining your appearance color type, remember that you may not be objective enough about your reflection in the mirror. Therefore, it makes sense to invite a couple of authoritative friends to the show. Well, if there are none, when trying on colors, pay attention to how the most problematic areas look: the nasolabial fold, the area around the eyes and small redness on the skin, characteristic of women of the summer type. For example, an unsuccessfully chosen hair tone can make the contour of the face heavier and highlight less significant signs of fatigue.

Important nuances

What else is important to consider when wanting to accurately determine your type of season:

  1. We carefully wash off cosmetics.
  2. If the hair color is not your own, we hide it under a white scarf.
  3. Turn off artificial lighting.
  4. We position ourselves in front of the window so that straight lines Sun rays didn't fall on your face.


The color type, not a verdict, is a hint for selecting favorable color shades that will highlight your natural beauty in the portrait area (near the face). These could be blouses, dress tops, tops, scarves, necklaces, earrings, glasses. This is especially true with age, at the first signs of aging. The uniqueness of the palette of subtypes is that all the colors are compatible with each other and you can safely combine them. All favorite colors NOT from your palette can be used in skirts, trousers, shoes, provided the colors are combined.

If you find your appearance (skin tone, hair color, eyes) similar to the photographs of stars or representatives of subtypes presented, we recommend saving the palette of shades to your smartphone so that you can experiment while shopping, trying on new colors from the palette. This will also help when choosing cosmetics for makeup and coloring.
And remember that there are no clear boundaries, because we dye our hair, change foundation, tan, use certain styles of clothing, which in themselves dictate the color. Each appearance is individual. Experiment, but highlight your beauty!

Summer shade palette

So, we figured out how to determine the summer color type of a woman. Now it's time to choose your look.
However, that’s not all, because the summer color type involves 3 more subtypes, determined by the combination of hair, skin and eye color. When choosing your individual style, such nuances must be taken into account.

SUMMER subtypes: representatives, looks, makeup, palette

Summer includes the following subtypes:

Light type (Light Summer)

Light type (Light Summer) corresponds to owners of light brown hair, pink skin and blue eyes.

Celebrity subtype Light Summer

Representatives of Bright Summer include: Reese Witherspoon, Michelle Pfeiffer, Naomi Watts, Cate Blanchett, Rosie Huntington.

A girl with a summer color type can create her own individual look by trying on a maxi-length silk or cambric sundress in a gradient color. The main thing is that the palette of watercolor stains should be cool shades. Sandals and jewelry will serve as style-forming elements. For example, an elegant look will be created by an elegant handbag and a thin chain with a cute pendant, while a casual hippie style will be supported by a backpack and jewelry made of beads, wood or matte stones.

Clothing options for the light summer subtype

The fashionable wardrobe of a woman with a summer appearance often includes ripped jeans and a daring look. In this case, it is better to replace the black leather of the latter with shabby brown “antique”; an alternative to shining rivets will be the delicate shimmer of antique buckles that seem to have turned green.

Light Summer Palette

The more natural you look, the more fashionable your look will be. So women with the “summer” color type don’t have to particularly emphasize their soft charm. However, if you feel uncomfortable without makeup at all, give preference to lipstick and blush in all shades of pink. More saturated berry colors would also be appropriate.

Makeup for the Light Summer subtype

Natural type (True Summer)

Natural color or contrasting SUMMER (True Summer) implies soft combinations of basic indicators. For example, grayish-blue eyes, dark brown hair, olive or beige skin.

Celebrity Natural subtype

Celebrity color type natural or contrasting summer (True/Cool Summer): Olivia Wilde, Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Emily Blunt.

When choosing shoes and bags, consider not only the color and style, but also the material. The best option would be products made from thin matte leather or suede in calm shades: wet asphalt, gray-blue, brown, muted green and similar cold shades that fit into the main wardrobe.

Choosing colors in clothes for Natural Summer

The vast majority of fashion designers recommend the romantic style, which has been in trend for many years, for ladies with a summer type of appearance. And indeed, pastel shades, floral patterns, flowing fabrics and feminine frills perfectly emphasize the soft charm of a summer girl.

Combination of shades in cool summer clothes

Color palette Natural/True Summer

Depending on the time of day, you can use either traditional black mascara or the newfangled lilac color. But it is better to use an eyeliner that is gray, brown, olive green or purple. Choose your eye shadow accordingly, although, as mentioned above, such careful makeup would only be appropriate at a party.

Suitable jersey for cool summer

Soft Summer

The soft type of woman (Soft Summer) corresponds to the owners of light brown hair with an ashen tint, ivory skin and blue eyes.

Celebrity subtype Soft Summer

Stars of the Soft Summer subtype: Jennifer Aniston, Keri Russell, Miley Cyrus, Sarah Jessica Parker, Natalia Vodianova.

Representatives of the Soft Summer subtype

When composing her wardrobe, a woman can choose any style in summer. It is important to remember that clothes for the summer color type should not be too bright. Otherwise, you risk getting “lost” in your own outfit.

Color in clothes for the Soft Summer subtype

A delicate palette determines not only the wardrobe, but also the important details that accompany it. So, avoid too dark toning, otherwise the soft glow of your hair and skin will fade into the background, and black glasses will dominate your face.

Palette of shades Soft Summer

If your skin has become darker and your hair color has become lighter during your vacation, do not be afraid to try on bright colors in your clothes, but do not forget about a sense of proportion in your makeup.

Makeup for the Soft Summer subtype

The summer color type is best suited to materials that do not drown out the soft, even intelligent, charm:

  1. Matte silk.
  2. Cotton.
  3. Knitwear.
  4. Jeans.
  5. Cashmere.
  6. Wool crepe
  7. Tweed.

Too heavy or shiny fabrics are inappropriate in a woman’s summer wardrobe - with them the elegance and grace inherent in this particular type are lost. Choose your print accordingly: an excellent choice would be a soft paisley pattern, exquisite Venetian glass patterns, watercolor fantasy stains, various ethnic patterns in light colors and a soft check. It is permissible to highlight your business image with a suit or sheath dress with thin, dim stripes.

Summer is the time for the hot sun, but for a lady with a pronounced summer color type it is better to stick to cool shades of hair. It doesn’t matter what color they are - light or dark... However, you shouldn’t “dark” them too much - it will make you look older.

“Summer” girls can be completely different - both contrasting and soft; both dark and light. Based on this, the hair color for the summer color type is selected.

Color type "Light Summer": choosing hair color

This type of beauty is called bright, sunny summer. It will go with light brown, ash blonde, as well as a light version of silver.

Platinum blonde

And platinum blonde! Noticeable, elegant, this color can be called the trump card of all the “suns”. Young people can combine such hair with a short haircut with a clear cut.

Ash blonde

Ash blonde is another color that hits the bull’s eye in this color type. No yellowness - you will be surrounded by an aura of aristocracy, and at the same time your hair will look very natural. For those who like to be the center of attention, masters can offer a pearlescent shade - it looks glossy, like a million dollars.

Vanilla blonde

Do you follow fashion? So you've already heard about vanilla blonde. It will decorate a girl with the “bright summer” subtype. The only thing is that you need to maintain this beautiful color with frequent visits to the salon.

Pink gold

Rose gold is another current guest from fashion magazines. It will suit a romantic girl, and you can achieve the most current look by highlighting such hair in several similar tones.

Wheat blonde

Wheat blonde, on the contrary, is a color that has always been relevant. With its help, you can surround your face with a miniature but very beautiful angelic halo.

Purple blonde

Are you trying to go blonde, but are you being yellowish? Choose a purple blonde. It suits both a girl and a strict lady, and can serve as both a base for experimenting with color and an “ambulance” in case of unsuccessful coloring.

Soft summer: dark blondes

Such women have eyes, hair and skin that are not too contrasting in color. From light blond to light brown - all shades of dark blondes will suit such a summer lady. The most interesting of this palette can be called chocolate blonde.

Light brown shades of the cold “family”

This hair looks natural, but not too noticeable. For a “soft summer” this is a good choice. These shades do not have honey or gold notes, but there are brown, pearl, ash, and dark tones.

Light brown

If you don’t want to rack your brains when choosing a color, try on light brown. It suits everyone, looks like home, and also gives you the opportunity to play with additional tones.

Color type "Contrasting summer": suitable hair color

If you have a fair face but dark hair, your color type is called “contrasting summer.” A cool, smoky shade (any of this range), brown, pearly blonde, as well as dark brown from the ash palette will best suit your beauty.

Dark blond

Do you think that dark brown is an inconspicuous color? This is only at first glance. It does not lie evenly on the hair, creating a picture of strands colored in all natural colors, from cold to warm tones.

Ash brown

If nature has gifted you with gray, blue or brown eyes, and to match them with fair or olive skin, take a closer look at ash brown. By the way, it covers gray hair perfectly, so a lady of elegant age cannot but like it.

Purple brown

Well, we can’t help but remember the super fashionable brown with a pink or purple tint. Celebrities often “try it on” - it makes your hair look so well-groomed and expensive!

Video: cool shades of hair for the “Summer” and “Winter” color types