Tanning products in a solarium - why are they needed and where to buy? Types and properties of professional tools. Properties of sunlight: benefits and harms

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Tanning in a solarium or studio

Characteristics of solarium lamps

Depending on the cabin design, modern solariums divided into 4 types:

  • Horizontal- the cabin is a bed with a cover, on which lamps are installed to evenly irradiate the human body from all sides;
  • Vertical- the cabin is similar to a shower room, only lamps are installed around its entire perimeter;
  • Solarium chair– an armchair in which it is possible to expose certain parts of the body to radiation, for example, the face, hands, neck, etc.;
  • Turbo solarium- equipped with a cooling system, as a result of which it works for hours without overheating. According to the type of construction, it can be both horizontal and vertical.
The basis of the work of any solarium is lamps, which are divided into two types, depending on the type of ultraviolet rays they produce. So, fluorescent lamps produce mainly UVA rays, and a little UVB, and metal halide lamps produce only UVA rays. Accordingly, in solariums with fluorescent lamps you can "burn out", but not with metal halide ones.

In solariums with metal halide lamps, people with all skin types can sunbathe, even very light and poorly tolerant to the sun. And in solariums with fluorescent lamps, not all people can sunbathe, but only those who normally tolerate the sun. For people with sensitive skin maximum allowable amount UVB rays, at which they can sunbathe in a solarium with fluorescent lamps, is only 0.7%. Sun tolerant people can also tan in tanning beds with up to 2.4% UVB.

The service life of fluorescent lamps is 500 - 600 hours, and metal halide - 800 hours. After the lamp has been used for this number of hours, it must be replaced, even if it is not broken and functioning, because its radiation becomes dangerous and may short time cause the development of skin cancer.

The newer the lamp, that is, than less hours she worked - the stronger her radiation. Accordingly, in such solariums you need to take a minimum session. sunburn. In addition, the duration of the session should also be reduced by 30-50% in solariums with a power of more than 160 kW and in those booths with more than 26 lamps.

How to sunbathe in a solarium?

In order to get beautiful and even tan and not harm your health, you must observe the following rules for sunbathing in a solarium:
1. Do not go to sessions daily, take a break between two episodes of insolation lasting 2-3 days.
2. If the skin turns red after visiting the solarium, then the next session should be postponed for 7-10 days.
3. The general course for getting a tan is 5-6 sessions in the solarium.
4. To maintain the intensity of tanning, it is enough to visit the solarium once a week.
5. Before you start sunbathing, ask and read the documentation for the cabin.
6. Before starting the first tanning session, find the "stop" button, and immediately press it if you feel bad.
7. Before turning on the solarium, you should protect your hair with a cap, your eyes with glasses, and the nipples of your breasts with stikini. Lip balm should be applied.
8. Cover fresh wounds or abrasions with a plaster, as well as skin areas with spider veins.
9. If desired, to enhance the effect of a solarium, use special cosmetics.
10. During the day before and after a tanning session, you should wash only with shower gel or soap without a washcloth or scrub.
11. Before going to the tanning bed, you should wash yourself to remove cosmetics and perfumes from the skin, which can cause stains after a tanning session.
12. Always respect the length and frequency of tanning sessions.

The optimal frequency and duration of solarium sessions depends on the skin type. Currently, people with various types skin is recommended to visit the solarium according to the following schemes:

  • Light eyes, red hair, very fair skin that easily "burns out" and turns red sharply - you can't sunbathe in a solarium even for a few minutes.
  • Blond hair, light or brown eyes, White skin, which tans a little, but often "burns out" - the first session in the solarium is 3-5 minutes. Then you can spend another 4 - 5 sessions with an interval between them of 2 days, each subsequent time increasing the time spent in the solarium by 1 minute.
  • Dark eyes, dark blond or Brown hair, light skin that tans well and sometimes "burns out" - the first session in the solarium is 5 minutes. Then another 4-5 sessions are carried out with an interval between them of 2 days, lasting 10-12 minutes each.
  • Brown eyes, dark hair, swarthy skin that tans well and almost never "burns out" - the first session in the solarium is 7 - 10 minutes. Then another 4-5 sessions are carried out with an interval between them of 2 days, lasting 12-15 minutes each.

How to sunbathe in a solarium for the first time?

The rules for tanning in a solarium for the first time are the same as in general. But in addition, you need to carefully monitor your subsequent state, fixing all the changes that occur, so that, if necessary, you can adjust the tanning program, making it as harmless as possible.

How to sunbathe in a vertical and horizontal solarium

Any specific rules about how to sunbathe in an upright and horizontal solariums, No. All rules are the same for any type of solarium.

We need the sun for a full physical and mental health We owe our existence to him. When used with the right tanning product, sunlight has a unique effect. beneficial effect on the human body. The heat of the sun improves mood, activates metabolism, relaxes muscles and promotes the production of endorphins.

The choice of means for sunbathing

Sunscreen like any other cosmetic product, you need to choose according to your skin type, which is determined by the sensitivity of the skin and its ability to produce a special pigment - melanin:

  • pale skin is the most sensitive and almost incapable of producing melanin. Its owners most often experience sunburn, they need to choose the means with the greatest protection;
  • in those with skin light shade tan is also acquired with difficulty. For this type, you need to purchase sun protection with effective protection;
  • dark shade skin. Owners of this type usually tan easily. They are recommended funds with medium degree protection;
  • swarthy skin. As a rule, people with this type of skin are brown-eyed, with rather dark hair. Melanin is actively produced. Such people need minimal sun protection.

When choosing a product, bathing enthusiasts need to pay attention to its water resistance. However, the opinions of cosmetologists on this issue differ. Many experts believe that the film formed by such a tool is not the best way out, and they advise using any protective creams, updating them after each bath.

The type of remedy also depends on the condition of your skin. If you recently did a peeling, you need to choose a cream with a higher protection factor. A sunscreen should provide the necessary protection and protect against sunburn.

Choice of form of protective equipment

The selection of the consistency of the sunscreen preparation also depends on the skin type. For normal or dry skin suit cream, and for oily or combined - oil or emulsion.

It should be noted that the oil has a low protection factor and is not recommended for people with a light skin tone. It can be used with a dark shade. But the milk fits perfectly, but requires additional application. Owners oily skin it is recommended to use a variety of gels that do not leave an unpleasant shine on the skin.

To find out how the chosen form of the product suits you, apply it to the elbow area before use. After half an hour, look at the reaction. Redness and itching should not be.

Beach tanning products

For tanning under open sun means for long-term protection from solar radiation are needed. Today, a variety of choices cosmetic creams and sprays is very large, so you can choose exactly the tool that is necessary for a particular type of skin. But even the right remedy will not be fully effective if you sunbathe during peak solar hours. It must be remembered that optimal time for a uniform swarthy shade - morning and evening hours, when ultraviolet radiation is much weaker. The cream is applied with light massage movements, and after leaving the water, re-application is necessary. Soft skin face demands special care, she needs a light emulsion with a high degree protection.

Solarium cosmetics

Tanning products in a solarium are very different from cosmetic preparations For sunbathing on the beach. The cabin needs to be enlarged skin pigmentation behind minimum terms. For this, bronzers and various tanning activators are used. Special cosmetics for the solarium does not contain protective filters and makes the tan deeper, provoking the production of melanin, and also protects the skin from dryness.

This cosmetic contains useful material, moisturizing vegetable oils and elements with a cooling effect. Obligatory components of skin care products for a solarium should be antioxidants that neutralize the action of free radicals, as well as aimed at combating premature aging. Such cosmetics received a lot positive feedback and is popular with salon lovers.

Folk remedies for sunburn

Among the variety of tanning cosmetics, do not forget about homemade products. cosmetic recipes and food products that allow you to purchase beautiful shade skin. The body receives necessary nutrition and has a greater degree of protection from ultraviolet radiation, while producing the substances necessary for tanning.

The desired skin tone will help to get all the products that contain antioxidants. These include carrots, tomatoes and eggplants, Brazil nuts, apricots, and many others. Very efficient and useful method- juice therapy. You need to start a course of juice therapy a few weeks before the start of the vacation.

Folk remedies for tanning in a short time will help to get a tan of the most various shades. It does not require additional costs and is absolutely safe for health. To get an even shade, you need to wipe the skin coffee grounds or strong tea, - it turns out a kind of self-tanning.

Folk remedies that help to tan effectively:

  • Apply peach or almond oil, this will provide an even tan and additional skin protection.
  • Strongly brewed black tea is an excellent prevention against burns. Wipe your body with a cotton swab dipped in tea and enjoy sunbathing.
  • Cucumber or cucumber tincture will help prevent the appearance of unwanted freckles.
  • Rubbing with infusion of chamomile and string contributes to the appearance of a swarthy shade.
  • Carrot mask will help to maintain the tan obtained on the beach or in the solarium. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream.
  • For quick tan use carrot juice with glycerin.
  • To eliminate white spots on the skin that are not amenable to tanning, rhubarb root is excellent.

A few reviews

Tanned skin looks attractive only when it is well-groomed, moisturized and has a pleasant velvety tone. Therefore, she needs careful care. Properly selected products will keep the skin beautiful and healthy, and the tan will look amazing.

Not everyone prefers to sunbathe outdoors. Many choose a solarium in which pigmentation is carried out evenly. At the same time, there are some rules for tanning in a solarium, which will be discussed in the article.

This method of getting a tan is fast and relatively safe. With it, an even chocolate shade of the skin is obtained. To tan you need to go to the room with ultraviolet lamps repeatedly. It is important to follow the safety recommendations so as not to harm the skin.

How often can you go to the solarium?

Tanning in a solarium is especially in demand among the fair sex in winter and spring. Many women want to find an even chocolate skin color and therefore visit the solarium often. But it should be borne in mind that there is no need to rush in this matter. Often it is forbidden to go to such procedures.

For gaining even shade skin needs 4-6 treatments. Dermatologists use a universal formula for the frequency of trips to the solarium: 50/48 (50 - maximum number sessions per year, 48 - the minimum number of hours between them).

The principle of getting a tan is that ultraviolet radiation causes injury to the skin. The latter, in the form of protection, forms a special component - melanin. With him it turns out brown shade need 1-2 days to calm down after injury.

Skin types

When choosing suitable mode tanning in a solarium must take into account the characteristics of the skin. There are 4 types of epidermis for which dermatologists have developed rules for the frequency of procedures:

  1. Celtic. This type is about 2% of Europeans. They have light pink and white skin, freckles and red hair, light eyes. The pigment is almost not formed, therefore, due to the sun, burns may occur. With this type of skin, you should not go to the solarium. It is allowed no more than 3-5 minutes under the lamp and no more than 1 time per week.
  2. Nordic. It includes light-skinned Europeans with blue, gray, green eyes, there may be freckles, light, Brown hair. These people have skin sensitive to the rays of the sun, so burns easily occur. You can go to the solarium, but be careful. Preferably no more than 2 times a week.
  3. Central European. This group is the most common, it includes 80% of the European population. Such people have slightly dark skin, no freckles, and hair color can be from blond to brown. A tan is perceived normally, but a bronze skin tone may result. They are allowed to perform the procedures 3-4 times a week.
  4. Mediterranean. It includes 8% of the inhabitants of Europe. Representatives of this type have dark hair, eyes, dark skin. They almost never burn in the sun. Tanning occurs quickly, the resulting shade lasts a long time. You can visit the solarium regularly, but you should not do it every day, otherwise you can cause dry skin.

There are 2 more types of epidermis - Indonesian and African American. By nature, such people have a dark shade, so they do not need to sunbathe.

Procedure time

If a tan in a solarium is obtained for the first time, then its duration should be minimal. Best of all, no more than 5 minutes, if the dermis is not very sensitive to the sun's rays. Then the duration of the procedure is set individually:

  1. With fair skin, it is advisable to perform the procedure for no more than 10 minutes. But you should start with 3.
  2. If the skin is light, sometimes burns, but can sunbathe, then the first session is 3-5 minutes. Then the duration can be increased to 10-15 minutes.
  3. For brown-haired women with not very fair skin, the duration of the visit is 20 minutes.
  4. Swarthy sessions should be carried out for 20 minutes. They need several procedures to get an even tone.


Before getting a tan in a solarium, you need to determine if it is allowed to do so for health reasons. You should consult with your doctor. It is advisable to visit a dermatologist, oncologist and gynecologist. There are contraindications to sunbathing with artificial ultraviolet light. In addition, there are drugs that increase sensitivity to the light of the sun, so allergies can occur.

Contraindications include:

Children under the age of 16 are not allowed to attend such procedures. Their skin is not yet fully formed and is very delicate, so burns form on it. If there are many moles on the body and age spots, then such sessions should be excluded.

It is necessary to postpone the procedure if you have recently visited a beauty parlor and performed beauty procedures, such as peeling, skin resurfacing. It is better to wait at least a month. It is advisable to refuse exposure to artificial ultraviolet radiation after epilation. Procedures are prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, menstruation.

You can not attend procedures while taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs, antidepressants, medicines that restore pressure. Ultraviolet reduces the effectiveness of drugs, in addition, there may be negative reactions.

What is necessary?

To get the right tan in the solarium, you need to prepare for this procedure. This will require following items:

  1. Towel, slippers. Many salons give out disposable hygiene items. But it's better to take them with you.
  2. Hairband. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation adversely affects the hair. You can protect them with a scarf or bandage. Tanning studios may offer disposable caps.
  3. Sunscreen. This requires special cosmetics. Classic beach products will not work.
  4. Glasses. They are issued in the solarium, it is necessary to use them.
  5. Swimsuit. This attribute is recommended. It is important to cover the nipples and genitals. Some women sunbathe in the nude. In this situation, you need to cover the genitals with stickers on the nipples and panties.
  6. Makeup remover. Before visiting the salon, you need to clean your face of makeup.
  7. Cosmetics after sunbathing. Such products have a moisturizing and soothing effect.


According to reviews, a tan in a solarium will turn out to be of high quality only if the skin is well prepared. It is advisable to do this in several stages:

  1. Skin peeling. Before the procedure, you need to perform a light peeling or scrubbing. But you should not do them in special salons. Light peeling can be done when visiting the shower an hour before the procedure.
  2. Face make-up removal. This condition is mandatory. You need to wash off makeup in 2-3 hours.
  3. Applying lip balm. Their skin is delicate, thin, which is why under the influence of ultraviolet radiation it dries out and flakes off.
  4. Protection of moles and age spots. For this, napkins are suitable. Protection is also needed for tattoos.

Bright skin

What kind of tanning in a solarium to choose, it is advisable to consult a specialist. With light skin, protective cosmetics should be used. It is advisable to choose a cream with bronzers. They are tanning activators, but show action under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the procedure will not harm.

If the skin is sensitive, it is necessary to choose products based on vegetable oils - olive, sandalwood. Such representatives rarely need to visit the solarium, so it is important to keep the results of the sessions for a long time. For this, products with vitamin D, watermelon extract are used.

dark skin

In this case special cream is mandatory. This will enhance the result, moisturize the epidermis. Do not use special cosmetics it is possible with allergies and with oily epidermis. To enhance the natural darkness, you should take a cream with a bronzer according to your color type. Creams with accelerators and cosmetics with a tingle effect are suitable. The latter accelerates blood flow, allows you to get an even color for a short time.

No cream

In some cases, it is allowed not to use special cosmetics, but to choose vegetable oils. It has to do with allergies. Humidifiers are considered Coconut oil, shea, avocado, walnut, olive. You can apply the product in pure form or combination.

It is advisable to use oils before the session. They are applied all over the body. Not suitable mineral cosmetic oils. Pores are clogged with them, an airtight film appears and thermal burn.

The secrets of tanning in a solarium from specialists will help you correctly perform these procedures. In addition, they will serve as protection against possible harm.

Now there are 2 types of solarium - horizontal and vertical. They are used in Sunburn in them has its own characteristics. It is comfortable to lie horizontally and relax. The body tans almost everything, including the feet. But there is a risk that those areas that were in the folds when lying down will not be tanned. They will become pale. With horizontal placement, the upper body is tanned. The lamps in such cabins are weaker, so you will have to stay in them longer.

You must stand throughout the entire procedure. But it does not have to touch any surfaces, which is more hygienic. The top is covered with a tan better. In such devices, powerful lamps, so the procedure lasts less time. With this session, the skin dries out and dehydrates less.

Thus, it is necessary to follow all the rules for getting a tan. This will allow you to get a uniform shade and prevent negative consequences for good health.

Your dream is bronze smooth skin? To achieve such a result, it is not necessary to spend long hours under the exhausting sun. The most effective and simple solution available at any time of the year is tanning in a solarium. After several sessions, the skin acquires a chocolate tint, even if it is naturally pale. The main thing is to know how to sunbathe in a solarium.

Instillation of tanning in the solarium

First of all, a girl should visit a doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications to tanning. It is not recommended in the presence of hypertension, dermatitis, bronchial asthma, diseases of the skin, liver, thyroid gland. Sunburn can be harmful if a woman undergoes hormonal therapy, drinks antibiotics, diuretics, psychotropic drugs.

In order for the skin to acquire a noble color, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Use only special cosmetics for the solarium, which has protective properties that activate the pigmentation process. Products intended for sun tanning are not suitable.
  2. Before the procedure, do not take a shower, do not use soap, so that the skin is not left without a protective fatty film. You also don't need to epilate.
  3. To get a good tan, wash off cosmetics from your face and skin, otherwise it can contribute to the formation of age spots.
  4. Remove contact lenses before the session. To protect the eyes, special goggles are offered everywhere, which you should definitely use.
  5. Panties should be left on the body, the bra should be removed, and it is recommended to protect the nipples with special stickers or cover them with your palms.
  6. After the procedure, rest, take a shower and use a moisturizer to replenish moisture.

How long does it take for a tan to show up after a tanning bed?

Dark color on the skin appears due to irradiation of the body long waves during the production of melanin. The intensity depends on the power of the lamps, the number of sessions and other factors. When does a tan appear after a solarium? The time depends on the type of skin and the amount of melanin content. In dark-skinned people, the result is visible after the first procedure, the rest require more sessions. If a girl is just starting to tan, a certain amount of pigment must first accumulate. After each procedure, the time of tanning is reduced, resistance is increased.

How best to sunbathe in the solarium for the first time

Start with minimum quantity time, taking into account the phototype. For example, owners fair skin, gray, green, blue eyes and blond hair for the first time should sunbathe for about 3-5 minutes. Do not be greedy - a quick tan will do more harm than good. The safest solarium for the first time is considered to be vertical, in which the ultraviolet is distributed evenly. Before the procedure, drink mango or carrot juice to get better faster. beautiful tan.

How long to sunbathe in the solarium

Experts recommend up to 10 procedures, but sometimes 6-7 with a week interval is enough. Further, the resulting shade should be maintained by visiting the salon every 7 days. A quick tanning option is 2-3 visits per week for 14 days, then 8-10 minutes every week. It should be clarified with specialists what power the apparatus has, how much time can be spent in the solarium at a time.

Duration of one session

How long do you need to sunbathe in the solarium? It depends on the type and characteristics of the skin. The Celtic is considered the most sensitive, which is characterized by freckled skin, red or blonde hair, gray ( Blue eyes). In women of this type, the skin is prone to burns, and they should choose lamps with low power. The duration of one session is no more than 3 minutes. Dark-skinned, with brown, black hair, gray or brown eyes girls are allowed sessions lasting up to 10 minutes. To achieve the result, they need several procedures.

How often can you sunbathe in the solarium

Do not strive to be in the solarium every day in a row. There is a rule according to which there should be no more than 50 procedures per year, and the time interval between trips should be more than 48 hours. The optimal frequency is 1-2 visits per week. The course is about 10 procedures. The skin must have a rest, so do the courses no more than 2 times a year. To keep the shade longer, use special fixatives and moisturize the body daily.

Is it possible to sunbathe in the solarium every day

Schedule your visit appropriately. Every day you can’t sunbathe under any circumstances, even if you smear yourself with the right cosmetics, use stikini or choose a turbo tanning bed. If you always went to one place, you are familiar with the device, but there was a long break, be sure to check how your skin reacts to artificial ultraviolet. This recommendation is due to the fact that changes could occur in the body.

How to intensify your tan in the solarium

During tanning, the skin loses a lot of moisture due to the heating of tissues and increased sweating. In order to protect it from ultraviolet light, reach faster chocolate color, it is necessary to use special cosmetics. If you ask experts about how to quickly tan in a solarium, they will definitely advise you to use stimulants and fixatives. Learn more about them.

Oil for quick tanning

Useful tool, which protects against ultraviolet radiation and activates the pigment responsible for skin color. After application, tanning oil in a solarium is absorbed through the pores, has a positive effect, forms a protective film on the outside. Popular cosmetical tools:

  1. Garnier. Designed to provide durable, beautiful color skin. Contains basic and apricot oil.
  2. Sun. Helps to enhance the noble color, intensively moisturizes the skin.
  3. Floresan. Like the previous products, it enhances the result of tanning. The result may appear after one application.

Suntan drops with beta-carotene

How to get a tan in a solarium, taking drops? These are products that can be drunk during active tanning and after it to maintain a chocolate shade. Our most affordable is Vetoron, which can help even girls with pale, very white skin. It should be taken by diluting 10 drops in a glass of water. In summer, the remedy can be drunk every day, but not more than 3 months. Beta-carotene, getting into the body, is converted into vitamin A, enhancing the tan.

Video: how to tan faster in a solarium

Hello dear readers!

We all love to bask in the sun. But today it is not necessary to wait for summer to get a beautiful and even tan. You can do this in the solarium. But even here there are secrets that I want to tell you about. How to get a beautiful tan in a solarium, you will learn the secrets and tricks now.

The benefits of a solarium for our body are undeniable. And although doctors do not recommend frequently contacting this type of cosmetic services, a small session will benefit your soul and body.

  • Ultraviolet rays contribute to the production of vitamin D in the body, which in turn is necessary for the absorption of calcium and strengthening nails, hair and bones.
  • Basking under the dim light, you get moral pleasure and improve your mood.
  • There are filters on the equipment in the beauty parlor. They protect the skin from gamma rays, so tanning in a tanning bed is considered safer.

At the same time, if you do not properly prepare for the procedure, you can get burns, and even skin cancer can become a consequence. But you, dear readers, are not threatened: we will get acquainted with some secrets.

Preparing for a tan

The preparation process is no less important than the procedure itself. Proper tanning in a solarium can only be obtained if certain rules are followed:

  • Check with your doctor. Some people do not link the effects of radiation to health. At the same time, some diseases can go into sharp shape after visiting the office. If you have dermatitis, liver disease, hypertension, hormonal disruptions, a solarium may be contraindicated for you. Under certain hormonal disorders you can get uneven tan. Taking certain medications is also a contraindication, since when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, they can manifest themselves in the form of an allergy.
  • Use special cosmetics. Experts will tell you what means to choose to enhance the tan. Protective creams and gels will make it more even and will prevent excessive drying of the skin. To enhance the effect, apply moisturizing cosmetics after the procedure.
  • Don't wash with soap before tanning. Soap removes the fatty protective film from skin and you might just get burned.
  • Don't wear perfume.

Secrets of a beautiful tan

And now a little about how to get a beautiful tan in a solarium.

The residence time and the strength of the radiation will depend on the type of skin.

  • For fair skin, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays is not recommended. For the first visit, 3 minutes will be enough. During subsequent procedures, you can increase the time interval up to 5 minutes.
  • Light covers that lend themselves to tanning, but can quickly burn, do not need to be kept under ultraviolet radiation for longer than 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes. You need to start with a 3-5 minute session.
  • With a light, but rarely burning dermis, you can get a beautiful chocolate shade in 5 sessions of 20 minutes (but not more than 3 times a week).
  • Swarthy ladies will need several procedures of 20 minutes each.

  • Before the session, it is advisable to consult with the manager or specialist of the institution. This is necessary to determine the duration of the first procedure. Subsequently, if there are no contraindications, you can increase the residence time to 20 minutes.
  • Before the session, you can not use perfumes, cosmetics, creams and any ointments, except those intended for the solarium. When they are heated, surprises may await you.
  • Be sure to wear dark glasses and remove lenses.
  • Put a panama on your head so as not to dry your hair.
  • Ladies over 30 are better off sunbathing in a bra.

How long is the result visible? You will usually notice changes in skin tone after the first treatment. However, to achieve the effect you need at least 5 sessions.

How to enhance the tan in the solarium?

The following tips will help you improve your tan:

  • Make sessions shorter in time, but visit the beauty parlor more often.
  • Before the procedure, drink a glass of cocoa or eat a few pieces of chocolate.
  • Moisturize your skin with lotions and creams.
  • Use sunscreen products.

Then you will be irresistible.

What to do after?

Dear readers, do not rush after the solarium to do household chores or rush to work. Choose a day for the procedure when you can come home, relax, slowly drink a cup of tea.

Remember that your skin needs rest. Apply moisturizers and lie down for a while. Then your tan will thank you.

Until we meet again, friends!