Dedicated to the Day of Oil, Fuel and Gas Industry Workers. Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers

It seems that modern man can do almost everything. He can move several thousand kilometers in less than eighty days, he can go into space, he can regulate the temperature in his home, he can control and make huge mechanisms work, etc. However, all this would be impossible if there were there were no people mining and processing coal, gas and oil.

Oil festival in the Russian Federation

It's no secret that the work of oil and gas workers is hard. In Russia, she has always been highly valued. In 1980, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR supplemented the decree on memorable and festive dates. On the first of October, the Day of Oil and Gas Workers was included in it and the first September Sunday was appointed as the "Red" date.

Most likely, this day was chosen for a reason. After all, it is in autumn that the issue of fuel becomes particularly acute. But do not think that "black gold" (as oil is popularly called) is used only as a fuel. Refined oil is used to make chemical raw materials and motor oil. It is the basis of detergents, various dyes, plastics and other things that a person uses in everyday life. Crude oil is used by builders (it fixes sand dunes). It is thanks to the value and indispensability of this natural raw material that we annually celebrate this holiday. On September 7, the day of workers in the oil, gas and fuel industry was celebrated in 2014.

Gas and oil play a significant role in the economy of the Russian Federation, so the country's leadership appreciates people who work for its benefit. Every year, congratulations on the day of the oil and gas industry are heard on TV screens, concerts and state receptions are held, at which the best workers are awarded.

How to celebrate this holiday

Most often on this day, company management organizes corporate parties for their employees. The celebration of the oil and gas industry is often accompanied by a variety of sporting events in which both adults and children take part. Concerts are held in many cities, famous artists and singers are invited, fireworks and fireworks are blooming in the sky.

How can you congratulate a person who has dedicated his life to this difficult profession? We bring to your attention some interesting ideas.

Festive roll call

The leader enters the hall and reads his text one line at a time. After each of them, the guests in the hall answer “Here!”.


So, today we celebrate the day of oil, gas and fuel industry workers. On this occasion, I have a toast, but has everyone come?

Are there drillers, bulldozers here?

What about welders and machinists?

Where are the operators, chemists, technologists?

Are geologists and metrologists here?

And KIPovtsy-well done?

And the labs? And the specialists?

Locksmiths and craftsmen?

Engineers and accountants?

Where are our leaders?

Are the tankers and drivers in place?

Have you all come? What good fellows! I raise my glass to you guys!

"Flaming" riddles

When the holiday of the oil and gas industry is in full swing, guests can be invited to solve thematic riddles. Here are some of them:

Black as night, oil product,

His stokers are looking forward to it.

As everyone says about him:

"It burns so brightly with a beautiful fire."

It will be brought to the road workers.

Well? Guessed? This is (the answer is fuel oil).

They will take fuel oil and mix

With gravel, with pebbles neatly.

Then add it little by little

When repairing roads repeatedly.

Oh, our route flies into the distance,

And what do we need? (the answer is asphalt).

Ladies and men were angry before:

“How tired of burning candles and burning torches!”

And they poured it into the lamps (the answer is kerosene).

It is run by KrAZ and KamAZ trucks.

Without it, MAZs and BelAZs do not go.

Right from the morning

They run tractors.

Jeep is also happy with it.

No other crap needed.

There is no better gift for an SUV

What is good, combustible (the answer is diesel fuel).

I invited my beloved to dinner.

Why do we need chandeliers? We don't need him!

I want to create a romantic atmosphere.

It might be a little awkward for us at first.

I'll take the candles. Looks innocent.

And they are made of (the answer is paraffin).

I see a brush in your hands, my friend.

So you decided to do the repair all of a sudden?

Well, keep it up! Move forward.

A great job is waiting for you.

Feel free to add passion!

And inspiration will be given to you by oil paints (the answer is paints).

Delicious and fast to refresh us

Delicious, hearty pizza will help.

You can also eat sausages.

Well, the ones that you have from last week.

Your iron horse also wants to eat.

However, your borscht is not appropriate here.

Our car eats that we will not eat.

After all, the best food is (the answer is gasoline).

So that for many, many years!

How to reveal nail beauty?

To always be in the face!

Just do it! So!

We'll take a wonderful one (the answer is lacquer).

Pioneer gas worker

Since the day of workers in the oil and fuel industry is most often celebrated by the whole team, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the personnel of gas and oil companies are becoming more and more rejuvenated. The traditional event is unlikely to please them. Young people, as always, are more attracted to humor, dynamism and a minimum of formality.

It falls at the very beginning of autumn, so you can arrange a holiday in nature. For example, to spend a holiday in pioneer style.

It is necessary to divide all the participants in the celebration into two teams, tie red ties around their necks and put them on their heads. The teams will take part in various competitions, and after active fun they will sit down by the fire, prepare a camp lunch, sing with a guitar and dance on the lawn. Such a holiday will surely leave a lot of positive emotions for all participants, regardless of age.

Golden fever

Do not delay too much with the official part. After all the congratulations on the day of the oil and gas industry are sounded, it is necessary to entertain the guests with something. For example, you can plan a themed party. One of the interesting ideas is a holiday in the style of "gold rush" (after all, oil is called "black gold"). Let the oil workers become real "gold miners" for one evening. The chief must be given a sheriff's star, the chief accountant - large wooden abacus, and the rest of the employees - wide-brimmed hats and scarves around their necks.

Arrange contests, joke, play - in general, fantasize.

By the way, this topic is also suitable for a corporate party for employees of a gas company (gas, as you know, is also called gold, only blue).

Where else is this holiday celebrated?

Coal, gas and oil are valued not only in the Russian Federation. Previously, the holiday of the oil and gas industry was celebrated by the whole union. A huge country fell apart, but in some states they continue to celebrate this day. In Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Belarus, on the first Sunday in September, they always congratulate their heroes of labor.

We fly into space and cover thousands of kilometers in less than 80 days on the roads of the world. We are able to operate gigantic machines and regulate the air temperature in our own homes. All this is possible thanks to people associated with the extraction and processing of oil, gas, coal.

History of the fuel industry

How to kindle a fire, the ancient people decided immediately - firewood, later coal. And oil, the existence of which was known already 6-4 thousand years BC, was used in construction in Babylon, for embalming mummies in Egypt, and only a few people noted its ability to burn and release heat.

Until the 19th century, oil was used only as a durable oil in church lamps in front of icons. In Russia, the first oil was brought to Moscow from Ukhta, in the north of the Komi Republic, in the time of Boris Godunov, it was then called “fire water”.

1846 (according to other sources - 1847) was a turning point in the history of the fuel industry - the first tower was built near Baku, and oil flowed like a river. By that time, they had learned to use it in the form of kerosene fuel for lamps and to purify it from harmful impurities.

Coal, despite the pace of development of oil fields, is still an important fuel for many sectors of the country's life. Gas production is also growing. All these natural resources never lay on the surface of the earth. A man won them back through great efforts and even at the cost of his life, therefore the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers is a holiday of serious, strong, strong-willed and courageous people who are able to overcome many obstacles.

Even in the southern regions, it is not easy to get oil and gas, and the work of a miner has always been considered the hardest in the world. Most of the oil and gas fields in Russia are also located in very difficult natural zones - in Siberia, in the Far East, in the Far North, where it is hard to simply survive, and work, in spite of everything, is three times harder.

Holiday of oil and gas workers in Russia

In Russia, the hard work of gas and oil workers has always been highly valued, therefore, on October 1, 1980, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR included in the Decree "On Holidays and Memorable Days" the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers, setting the date of the holiday - the first Sunday of September.

Perhaps the date was not chosen by chance: autumn is the time when you need to take care of fuel more than anything else. Therefore, industry workers are remembered more often. However, the extraction of oil, "black gold", as it is called everywhere, involves not only the fuel direction. Crude oil is used to fix dune sands during construction, processed oil is used for motor oils, raw materials in chemical production. It is the basis for the creation of plastics, synthetic rubber, dyes, detergents and other products necessary for a person.

Considering the huge role of oil and gas in the economy of the whole country, the Russian authorities value workers in this industry. Every year, congratulations and awards are held, the best at the state level, concerts and films are shown on television, telling about the hard life of natural resource miners. This holiday has become a way to unite people of the profession, exchange experiences and just an occasion for meetings.

Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers in other countries

Oil, gas and coal are valued not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. Once this holiday was celebrated throughout the Soviet Union. Now, when the huge country is no more, some states still keep this holiday and congratulate their courageous and strong heroes in the same way as in Russia - on the first Sunday of September. These are Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova. In other countries, the date was determined by their own, depending on local laws and customs.

1st Sunday of September - Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers

The first weekend of autumn is marked by a wonderful holiday - the Day of the Oil Worker (Gas Worker and Thermal Engineer). After seeing children off to school, on the first Sunday of September, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 01, 1980 “On holidays and memorable days”, the country is in a hurry to congratulate the workers of the oil and gas industry. How could it be without them, because "black gold" and "blue fuel" have been feeding Russia for more than a century.

IN Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers It is customary to talk about the success of the industry, the achievements of individual enterprises, the discovery of new deposits. Further development prospects are also discussed. And this is understandable, because this holiday can be considered one of the most important in the country, it is on oil and gas that the economy of the entire state is built today, which means that we must not forget about the people who make the “fairy tale come true”. But again the question arises that the attitude towards the oil industry in the country is not very positive, many consider it an “oil needle”, which prevents the country from developing in the field of high technologies, because there is always an “arrival” of funds, there is no need to think about the future . And you imagine how our life will change if today the country is left without gas and oil.

In Russia, the importance of the fuel and energy complex (FEC) is especially high. First, because of the huge resource potential. Secondly, the Russian fuel and energy complex has a unique production, scientific, technical and human potential. Thirdly, the important place of the fuel and energy complex is determined by climatic conditions, under which the provision of energy resources to the economy and the population of the country is a vital factor in the existence of entire regions.

The oil industry, which is one of the main branches of heavy industry, includes exploration of oil and oil and gas fields, drilling of wells, production of oil and associated gas, and pipeline transportation of oil.

In the Soviet years, the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers was of great importance for workers in this industry, because it became a kind of gratitude and support from the whole country for the discovery of new deposits and unusually hard work. Songs were written about the hard work of gas and oil workers, short films and feature films were shot. The country followed with interest the discovery of new gas fields and oil wells. Many guys dreamed of getting an education related to the petrochemical industry and going to the extraction of black gold.

But even today the Day of Oil and Gas Workers has not lost its significance and is celebrated on a grand scale. And at present, a worker in the oil and gas industry is a very honorable profession.

This is a great way to tell all these people how much they do for the country, because it is impossible to imagine that we would be with us if this wealth was not at the disposal of the country.

The president of the country sends congratulations to the oil workers. Representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, major oil companies, deputies and veterans of the industry address the employees of the industry with welcoming speeches at solemn meetings. Many industry workers are awarded medals and commemorative orders.

What can be wished to people who work in such a complex industry? Of course, health, happiness, as well as further success in this necessary, difficult and noble cause.

Congratulations on the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers

Congratulations on the Oilman's Day in verse

Oilman, engineer, well driller,
Your work is hard, honorable and courageous.
You are all heroes, all giants,
Strong, hardy, beautiful, like Atlanteans.
Congratulations on your professional holiday!
Mark it with a normal feast.
We wish you great luck
To make life richer
So that the earth bears fruit with oil,
So that work brings happiness!

Oil and gas are familiar words
The gift of the earth, already familiar even.
But a hundred times mother nature is right,
Giving us this treasure for our life.
Oil and gas - heat, movement, light.
But how hard is it?
Is everyone who is full and warm,
Remembers the creators of such a world?
And they are creating. They don't wait
No special confessions
Knowing that labor is eternally valuable,
Full of worries and trials.
May its bearers live in peace and goodness,
In health, in strength, so that we have them,
Everyone, to one, was gratefully honored and loved.

We congratulate you on the Day of the Oilman today,
And we wish only the best -

And then - it is profitable to sell it,
Become the richest person

And the cold pours into the floors,
The work of an oilman is useful to us,

And at the origins - just men!

Accept respect and hello,

Industry stands without oil,
And the cold pours into the floors,
The work of an oilman is useful to us,
Gives us warmth, light and life!
You have a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhealth, wagons of happiness,
Reach great heights in your life
So that you have warmth and harmony at home,
May everyone bring joy and truth every day!

Congratulations on the day of the oilman today,
And we wish only the best -
So that hundreds of thousands of tons from under the ground
You were able to get excellent oil,
And after - it is profitable to sell it, To become the richest person,
And, most importantly, stay healthy
Wealth is not necessary without health!

Congratulations on the Oilman's Day in prose

Dear oil and gas workers! Congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers! Your professionalism, work and skill are as valuable, necessary and important as oil and gas are in the development of the country. We wish you cubic meters of happiness, barrels of love and a fountain of health!

Today, on the Oil and Gas Industry Day, I would like to congratulate the people involved in the development of this industry. Congratulations to technologists, drillers and developers, oil and gas production operators, mechanics and transport workers! Your profession is difficult, difficult to learn, difficult to perform, but you can be proud of it, because you work in an industry that is incredibly important for the state. Risking your health, and sometimes your life, you go on shift every day to ensure the work of numerous industries across the country.
We wish you strength, good remuneration for such an important work, health and family comfort. Let your relatives be sympathetic to all the difficulties of your chosen profession and always wait at home near the family hearth. Happy holiday, Happy Oil and Gas Industry Day!

Dear oilmen (gasmen)! On this festive September day, let me sincerely and from the bottom of my heart congratulate you on this wonderful professional holiday - the Day of the Oil and Gas Industry! Let work give you only joy and success, workdays be calm and happy, let all colleagues respect you, and let your loved ones be proud of you! Happiness to you, prosperity and well-being!

SMS congratulations on the Oilman's Day

Short congratulations on the Oilman's Day

Oilman - honor and respect,
You are a wonderful and kind person!
Your friendship is more valuable to me than gold,
Happy Oilman's Day! Be happy forever!

Let the work - not romance at all,
Let often away from home.
I wish you on Oilman's Day
Prosperity, happiness, love!

On his professional holiday, I wish the hardworking oilman to live better and better, not knowing the boundaries of happiness!

May you, oilman, prosper
Extracting oil for us.
Happy Oilman's Day! I wish you health
And the work is first class!

Oil rockers, then cold, then hot,
Bushes of deposits, swamps, midges.
But let the salary grow, success awaits in a career ...
Happy Oilman's Day! Let laughter flow everywhere!

Voice congratulations on the Oilman's Day

Congratulations on the Oilman's Day on the phone you can listen to and send what you like to the recipient as a musical or voice greeting on a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on the Oilman's Day to your phone either immediately or by specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. Sound congratulations on the Oilman's Day on the phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving the congratulations by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Funny congratulations on the Oilman's Day

Happy professional holiday! May your life be as long as a gas pipeline, your career ladder as high as an oil rig, and your material well-being grow as steadily as fuel becomes more expensive.

The power of the country is swinging through the pipes,
And in tankers the size of the Titanic
And at the origins - just men!
Severe, with the profession of an oilman!

I wish you many years of happiness
Always to have a successful watch,
Accept respect and hello,
To always be successful tomorrow!

I congratulate all workers of the oil, gas and fuel industry on their professional day. I wish that the fire of love always burns in your life, there is a fountain of warmth and kindness from the soul, and the body radiates youth and vigor. Be rich, be happy and, of course, healthy.

Toast-congratulations on the Oilman's Day

Sad landscape ... Bottomless bowels,
And there is little blue in the sky;
Pipeline kilometers,
Around only tundra, snow - and you.
For you - fearless, strong, zealous!
For you, stretching from the veins!
Let's celebrate, oilman -
You deserve this holiday!

Oilman's Day 2018 is celebrated on the first Sunday of September. The full name of the holiday is “The Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers”. What date is the Day of Workers of the main budget-forming industry celebrated this year? The celebration falls on September 2.

Our everything

Yes, oil and gas are indeed our everything. Nature has not deprived the Russian Federation of minerals. Oil and gas fields can be said to feed the country. Revenues from oil exports are expressed in crazy numbers - hundreds of billions of dollars. And if we add gas exports, then the overall result will be very impressive. Even the export of weapons in the most profitable years brings in 20 times less. Maybe that's why some jokers suggest that the professional holiday of oil workers should be made the main one in the country.

Oil and gas revenues account for more than half of the total federal budget revenues. You should know that the financing of healthcare, science, education, as well as payments to state employees, pensions, and benefits for the disabled are replenished at the expense of petrodollars earned by oil and gas workers.

Growth in oil production

The reliance on natural resources and the rise in world prices allowed the Russian Federation to increase its export earnings by six times over the period from 2000 to 2008 alone. The increase in production is also impressive. So, in 1992, about 300 million tons of oil were produced, and after 20 years already over 500 million tons. Gas production is growing at a noticeable pace. The depth of processing is also improving, although at a slow pace.

Production is growing in the Far East, in Eastern Siberia. Investments are required in the development of the Arctic shelf. Experts have calculated that the benefits will be colossal, and the oil and gas in this region, at today's production rates, will last for 200 years.

The history of the holiday and the Russian oil industry

The holiday was established by the PVS of the USSR on August 28, 1965 as a well-deserved gift to oil and gas workers who developed the oil and gas fields of Western Siberia. It was also timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Russian oil and gas industry. On this day, oil and gas workers accept congratulations, awards and prizes are timed to coincide with this day.

Oil has been used in our country since pre-Petrine times. And in 1745 the merchant F. Pryadunov built an oil refinery, which became the first in the world. It produced kerosene, which was used for lighting. In 1823, in the vicinity of Mozdok, an oil refinery launched the production of fuel oil for the first time in the country.

And in 1864, mechanical drilling of wells began to be used in the Kuban and their walls were fixed with metal pipes. This year is considered the birth date of the domestic oil industry.

The industry now includes:

  • exploration of oil and gas fields;
  • drilling and construction of wells;
  • direct oil and gas production;
  • transportation and storage of fossil fuels.

Today, the Russian ruble is pegged to the cost of oil, so the development of the country directly depends on the efficiency of the oil and gas industry. Hundreds of thousands of people work in the oil and gas industry, some of them work in difficult conditions - on a rotational basis in the Far North.

Main products of oil refining:

Asphalt Used for road pavement
Diesel fuel Used as fuel in many industries
fuel oil Fuel for industrial furnaces and boiler plants
Petrol Fuel for aircraft and vehicles, solvent
Kerosene jet fuel
Petroleum oils Used as lubricating oils
Lubricants Used in engineering to reduce friction in mechanisms
Paraffin Used in medicine, cosmetology, nuclear physics and other fields

Oilman's Day: events

Solemn events, awarding the best, concerts, and of course congratulations from colleagues and relatives. The oil workers love their holiday. Working in harsh, sometimes dangerous conditions of a cold climate, away from family, traveling not for the sake of rest, but to change comrades on duty - a holiday is the time to feel the significance of the profession.

On the first Sunday of September, since 1980, by decree of the Supreme Council, a professional holiday has been established: Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers, which is often referred to simply as - Oilman's Day or Gasman's Day. This holiday is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in Kazakhstan, Belarus and other countries of the former USSR.

In 2018 oilman's day falls on September 2. On this day in Russia, the day of the oilman or the day of the gasman is celebrated by all those people who have connected their lives with the development of oil and gas fields, as well as their production and the design of equipment that is used in the process of extracting these minerals. In a word, oilman day or gasman's day- This is a holiday of all those people on whom the well-being of our vast country as a whole depends to a large extent.

In Russia, both the oil and gas industries are developing very intensively. New mining methods are constantly being developed and introduced. Methods of transportation, as well as processing of this type of minerals are being improved. About 15% of the total working population is employed in the oil, gas and heat sectors of the national economy. Due to this oilman's day in Russia or gasman's day deserves the status of a calendar holiday, but at the moment it is not. If you are interested in what date the oilman's day will be next year, then there is no specific date. In 2018, this holiday will be on September 2.

Congratulations on the day of the oilman, the day of the gasman

The oilman's day holiday, no doubt, inspires respect. Agree, it is difficult today to imagine your life without the benefits that we receive thanks to "black gold" and "blue fuel". Congratulations on the day of the oilman or happy gasman day hurry to present not only close people, but even the state. For example, September 2 concert on the occasion of this holiday. If your relatives and friends work in the oil, gas or thermal industry of the national economy, then you can prepare original congratulations on the oilman's day (gasman's day).

On our portal you will find artists of different genres who will gladly congratulate happy oilman's day 2018 in the most unexpected and pleasant way. Congratulations on the day of the oilman - on the day of the gasman you can prepare yourself in verse or prose. But in this case, the help of professionals will be in demand. Just imagine, congratulations on the day of the oilman in verses that are written for a specific person. Such a congratulation can be remembered for a lifetime.

Scenario of the oilman's day

On September 2, 2018, you can organize a real holiday on the occasion of the oilman's day (gasman's day), and on our portal you will find everything you need for this: vocalists and dancers, organizations involved in this professionally, and much more. The key to a successful holiday is oilman's day script, which you can also order from a professional screenwriter. You can prepare gifts for the day of the oilman, but a holiday is also a great gift that will definitely impress and be remembered for many years. Happy oilman's day 2018! Happy gasman day! We congratulate from the bottom of our hearts all those people who are connected with the oil, gas or thermal industry!