The electronic test may be wrong. Can a pregnancy test go wrong and why does it happen

Medicine knows the mass of studies that a person can undergo. Surely every woman leading an intimate life, at least once, resorted to using a pregnancy test. It is about him that will be discussed in this article. You will find out if pregnancy tests can be wrong, and in what cases (according to statistics) this most often happens. It is also worth mentioning the responses of women to whom the study gave the wrong result.

How does a pregnancy test work?

First, let's talk about how this device works. On the strip, which you can purchase at the pharmacy chain or supermarket, a substance consisting of two parts is applied. On the one hand, the test is impregnated with a reagent, which is displayed only when the device is used correctly. On the other end, a reagent is applied, which only appears if you are pregnant.

It is better to use a pregnancy test immediately after waking up. It is in the morning hours that the concentration of the hormone needed for research in the urine is maximum.

Pregnancy test error statistics

Can pregnancy tests be wrong? Absolutely yes! Statistics show that the error occurs in five out of a hundred people. Based on this, we can say that the probability of an incorrect result is approximately 5%.

It is worth noting that tablet (regular) tests for diagnosing pregnancy give an error much more often than inkjet or electronic ones. It's all about the price of the material. Many manufacturers save costs by applying poor quality or expired reagent to the strip.

Can pregnancy tests be wrong?

As mentioned above, an error can occur in a number of cases. However, most tests show the correct result. Let's try to figure out whether pregnancy tests can be wrong if they show two strips or a negative result. We will also find out in what cases and with what probability an error may occur.

First place in statistics: early research

Can early pregnancy tests be wrong? Of course they can. This is the error that occurs in most cases. Many women can't wait to find out if conception has occurred. Ladies go to the pharmacy for a strip to determine fertilization almost the next day after sexual intercourse. In this case, the study almost always gives a negative result.

So, can pregnancy tests be wrong? If it shows one strip, then, most likely, the level of hormone production is still quite low. No matter how much you want, you will not see a positive result, although in the future you will find yourself pregnant. That is why all manufacturers recommend conducting a study only from the first day of delayed menstruation.

Second place in statistics: late evaluation of the result

A pregnancy test can give a false positive result if you take it at the wrong time. So, most often, manufacturers give a woman 10 minutes to get acquainted with the data. After that, the urine begins to evaporate from the strip and the manifestation of the reagent may be noticeable. Most often it looks like a gray or depressed stripe. Much less often, this mark may acquire a pinkish tint.

Women are very impressionable. Seeing such a picture, they begin to recognize the result as positive. That is why this error occurs so often.

Third place in statistics: low-quality material

Can pregnancy tests be wrong when menstruation is late? They can! If you are sure that pregnancy has come (there is early toxicosis and delayed menstruation), and the test still shows a negative result, then why is this happening?

Most likely, you got a not very high-quality test. Perhaps the manufacturer saved on costs and applied a low-quality reagent. Also, if stored incorrectly, the test will show a negative result even if conception has taken place.

According to statistics, this type of error occurs very often, but it still happens less often than in the case of a premature study.

Fourth place in statistics: pathological pregnancy

Can pregnancy tests be wrong? In the early stages, the production of chorionic gonadotropin, which reacts and shows a strip, is very low. It is also reduced if the pregnancy has a pathology.

So, with an ectopic pregnancy, the test may show a negative result, although in fact a fetal egg is present in the woman's body. Also, with the threat of termination of pregnancy, a false negative result of the study can be obtained.

Fifth place in statistics: misuse

Whether pregnancy tests can be wrong, you already know. Consider the following reason for the inaccurate result. So, the test may show one strip due to the fact that the study was carried out incorrectly.

Most often, the error occurs due to the fact that the woman consumed a large amount of liquid before testing. In this case, the concentration of urine became lower, and consequently, the level of chorionic gonadotropin in it decreased.

Also, a negative result in the event of pregnancy may be due to the fact that you did not follow the instructions exactly. Tablet tests must be lowered into the test liquid strictly up to the line. Otherwise, the hormone may not react with the substance that is applied to the strip.

Improper use of a pregnancy test can lead to a positive result in the absence of pregnancy. This phenomenon occurs most often in inkjet tests. The instructions clearly indicate how many drops of urine should be applied to the window with a pipette. If you increase the volume of the test liquid, then it can simply soak the strip and cause the manifestation of the reagent, which in your case should not be.

Sixth place in statistics: malignant disease

Can pregnancy tests and hCG be wrong? There is a chance of getting an incorrect result, but it is worth noting that it is very low.

If your test device showed the presence of pregnancy, but you are sure that conception could not take place, then there is a possibility of a serious disease of the adrenal glands or other organs. In this case, a formation appears in the human body that will secrete a hormone similar in structure to chorionic gonadotropin. As a result, the test recognizes the presence of a substance in the urine.

This pathology is very dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.

What to do if a pregnancy test fails?

So, you know the error statistics. If you think that the test shows an incorrect result, then it is worth conducting the study again. In most cases, two or more identical results are never false. The only exception is early testing, in which you see a false negative answer.

Can pregnancy tests be wrong: reviews

Women who have conducted such a study more than once in their lives say that electronic tests are the least likely to make mistakes. There are no stripes on them that should appear. After reacting with urine, you get a result that lasts throughout the day. The display shows a clear answer to the question of whether there is a pregnancy or not.

Inkjet tests are also quite accurate, but reviews say that they are inferior to electronic ones in several ways. Many inkjet tests are highly sensitive. Thus, to obtain a positive result in the urine of a woman, there must be a high concentration of hCG. This is not possible in the early stages. That is why the fair sex acquire standard strips, which have a lower sensitivity and, as a result, can give an erroneous result.

Do your testing right. Always read the instructions before handling.

Even our mothers, in order to determine pregnancy, were forced to go to the antenatal clinic. Today, in every pharmacy store, you can purchase tests to detect pregnancy, which in a couple of minutes will dispel doubts about the completion or absence of conception. But many women have experienced erroneous results from such test inventions. Can a pregnancy test be wrong, why is this happening and how to achieve a reliable result?

All home devices for detecting completed conception operate on the same principle - they are configured to detect a hormonal substance in urine - chorionic gonadotropin, which is often called the pregnancy hormone. This substance is always present in the blood of pregnant women, since it is produced by the fetal membrane of the embryo (chorion). Often, such a substance is produced in non-pregnant women against the backdrop of a recent miscarriage or abortion, and also due to hormonal pathologies.

In the first couple of weeks, the content of gonadotropin is low, but it gradually increases and already at 8-10 weeks reaches maximum levels, after which it starts to decrease again. In the urine, the gonadotropic concentration is much lower than in the blood, therefore, the fact of conception by a blood test can be determined more reliably and at an early stage. But today's variety of pregnancy tests is characterized by a fairly high accuracy, so it allows you to detect pregnancy from the first day of delay.


Today, there are few varieties of home tests that have their own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages.

These are the most famous home diagnostic tests today. Do pregnancy tests lie? Of course, any express test can show false information. And most often this happens due to improper use and non-compliance with the rules in the instructions.

How to use

The question of whether pregnancy tests are wrong is asked by many women. If you are faced with a situation where one test gives negative values, and the other - a positive result, then any woman will begin to doubt. To exclude the uselessness of the device, it is recommended to examine the integrity of the packaging before home testing, as well as familiarize yourself with the expiration date. Usually, each test is accompanied by detailed instructions, which describes each step in the diagnosis. Just follow all the recommendations for operation, then there will be no doubt about the reliability.

How long is pregnancy determined by a test

Many girls unknowingly ask when a pregnancy test can reveal the presence of conception. Manufacturers recommend testing after 3-5 days of delay. This rule works with all test varieties, however, jet ones are considered more sensitive and are able to establish the fact of pregnancy about a week and a half after fertilization.

The most important indicator is the gonadotropic sensitivity of the device. Typically, manufacturers indicate this indicator on packages in the form of 10, 20 or 25 mIU / ml. The lower the index, the greater the sensitivity of the device and the higher the probability of the reliability of the result. Usually, cassettes and inkjet test devices have sensitivity up to 20 mIU / ml.

What does a faint line mean?

If the test gave a weak line, then this may indicate a slight concentration of gonadotropin, which is typical for a short gestation period, an ectopic or missed pregnancy, a threatened miscarriage, etc. Such results are usually considered positive, but only after a couple of days you need to undergo additional testing.

In some cases, a faint line indicates a false positive value. This usually happens if a woman has taken drugs containing hCG, has recently experienced a miscarriage or abortion, or has uterine chorionepithelioma (trophoblastic tumor).

Reasons for false negatives

According to statistics, the frequency of false negative tests is higher than false positive ones. This error can be caused by several factors.

  • Too low concentration of urine. The higher the urine concentration, the more likely the test will not cheat. That is why the diagnosis is recommended to be carried out in the morning, using the morning portion of urine for research. And on the eve of the diagnosis, you can not drink a lot of fluids, take diuretics, etc.
  • Early testing. Sometimes a test can give an incorrect result if the test is done before a missed period. Although many modern home tests can determine the completed conception even before the fact of a missed period, doctors still advise starting the testing procedure a couple of days after the delay. And to confirm the result, repeat the study after 3-4 days.
  • Pregnancy of a pathological nature: frozen (when the fetus died and does not develop) or ectopic (when the fetal egg is attached in the fallopian tube). In such situations, gonadotropin is not produced, although the fetus is still present in the uterus or outside its body.
    late ovulatory period. If during the previous cycle ovulation came late, then the onset of conception is possible only shortly before the start of the next menstruation. At the same time, the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin simply does not have time to reach the level determined by the test.
  • Renal disorders leading to malfunctions in the urinary processes.

It is in such situations that the test strip can most often err in the direction of a negative value.

If the result is false positive

It's not just negative pregnancy tests that are wrong. Can a pregnancy test lie, showing the presence of pregnancy, i.e. giving a false positive result. Similar in gynecological practice also occurs, but somewhat less frequently than false-negative variants. It often happens that gestation is spontaneously interrupted almost immediately after conception, a woman does not even suspect that she has conceived. If testing is carried out in such a situation, then the results are positive, since hCG is produced, but upon re-examination in a couple of days, the gonadotropic concentration will decrease and the indicator will become negative.

The test can give false positive values ​​in more dangerous situations. One of these is the presence of tumor formations of a hormone-producing nature, for example, there are formations that themselves produce hCG, which is what the test strip recognizes during the study. Hormonal metamorphoses can also cause a positive value on the test strip. In such a situation, the test may be wrong due to cycle failures, delays, reproductive disorders, etc.

Recent miscarriages (spontaneous) or abortions also often cause a false positive indicator, because a small amount of hCG may still remain in the body. If the in vitro fertilization technique was used for pregnancy, then it is recommended to take the test in such a situation about a couple of weeks after the embryo transfer. By itself, the IVF method is not capable of influencing the results of the testing.

Other reasons

The test can also deceive for other reasons. Such factors include insufficient quality. In low-quality test strips, when wet, the control risk often spreads towards the “pregnancy line”, which makes the latter appear a little, which can be taken as a positive value. If the storage conditions of the test are not observed, an erroneous result is also likely. If not a single feature appears on the test strip during the study, then such a test is considered defective. Sometimes the control strip is absent, and only “pregnant” appears, which also indicates unsuitability.

If a woman violates the requirements specified in the instructions during home diagnostics, then it may soon turn out that the device is wrong.

  • If you evaluate the results later than described on the package, then the probability of error will be high.
  • Distorts the data and the presence of protein in the urine. Why? It’s just that the impregnation of the strip differs in protein origin, therefore, upon contact with protein from the urine, a reaction occurs, and the device gives a positive value.

It is impossible to say for sure whether the true results are determined or not at home. To do this, you need to undergo laboratory and hardware diagnostics in a clinic.

How to get the most accurate results

If the testing was carried out by a woman in compliance with all the rules, there are no pathological reasons to doubt its reliability, then there is practically no difference which test the woman used. Its results can be trusted by 99%. Even gynecologists confirm that tests are very rarely wrong, and when re-examined, they give a reliable result.

To know for sure that pregnancy is present, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound diagnosis. Today this is the only way that irrefutably proves that a normal uterine pregnancy has occurred. Ultrasound will be able to detect a fetal egg after a delay in a week.

When the first study showed negative values ​​​​in the presence of a delay, it is recommended to repeat the test again after a couple of days. With a positive result, contact a gynecologist, and with a negative result, repeat the test again after three days. After the third study, regardless of the results, you will have to go to the gynecologist. If there is a delay, and the test is negative, then it is necessary to identify the reasons for the absence of menstruation. If the indicators are positive, then you need to register with the antenatal clinic.

Many women who dream of having a child look forward to the date of the onset of menstruation and hope that menstruation will not begin.

Others, after each unprotected intercourse, are nervous and afraid of becoming pregnant. In both cases, at the slightest delay, the girls run to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test.

How a pregnancy test works

All devices for detecting pregnancy, regardless of type, respond to an increase in the content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the biomaterial. It is a hormone produced by the future placenta.

Its amount in the biomaterial of a pregnant woman increases approximately one week after fertilization. During this period, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. It is this process that leads to an increase in the level of hCG, as a result of which it becomes possible to diagnose the presence of an interesting situation.

In the urine of a non-pregnant woman, the level of hCG does not exceed 5 mIU / ml. On the 10th day from the day of fertilization, it rises to 25 mIU / ml. In this regard, the correct test result can be obtained as early as 1,2,3 days of delayed menstruation, and even more so later.

The test strip reacts to the amount of the hormone because it is saturated with a special reagent. It consists of antibodies to hCG and has a diagnostic zone and a control zone. Upon contact of the reagent with the biomaterial, the antibodies react with hCG. A bar is displayed in the control zone, regardless of whether the woman is expecting a child or not.

The second strip appears in the diagnostic zone and indicates that the girl is pregnant.

It turns out that one strip means the absence of pregnancy, and two strips - its presence.

Such types of tests as electronic, inkjet or tablet work on the same principle, since the same test strip is located inside the body of the device. The tablet and inkjet devices have a window in which the diagnostic control zone of the test strip is located.

The electronic device is slightly different from the other two. He does not have a window, but there is a display. In this case, the device reacts not only to the level of hCG, but also to the level of luteinizing hormone.

After contact of the receiving part of the device with the biomaterial, the analysis begins. Its result is displayed on the display in the form of a plus or minus, or a funny or sad smiley.

Additionally, such a device shows not only the absence or presence of an interesting position, but also the period in weeks, as well as days favorable for fertilization.

Can diagnostic errors occur?

Manufacturers of pregnancy tests guarantee the reliability of the result from 95 to 99%. And no brand gives a 100% guarantee, which means that tests can be wrong.

First of all, the veracity of testing depends on the correctness of its conduct. Therefore, it is better not to be lazy and spend a few minutes studying the instructions that came with the device. Carry out the procedure in strict accordance with the recommendations.

In 1998, in order to understand how accurate devices for determining pregnancy, an experiment was conducted. With full observance of the instructions, 97.4% of tests turned out to be correct.

If the girls neglected the requirements of the instructions, then the reliability decreased to 75%. This experiment once again confirmed that the instruction is very important and must be strictly followed.

How often does it happen

As mentioned above, if the instructions for using the diagnostic tool are followed, the probability of an error is small.

Correctly conducted testing rarely gives an erroneous result, but it is better to purchase several different devices at once and repeat the procedure in two or three days.

Why a pregnancy test can be wrong

So, we have already found out that most often the test gives an erroneous result due to its incorrect use.

But this is not the only reason. Due to certain factors, the test is wrong both in the negative and in the positive direction.

Why a negative result can be false

Reasons for a false negative result:

  1. Little time has passed since fertilization. All accompanying instructions indicate that the procedure should be carried out if they did not begin on the expected date of the onset of menstruation. The result will be more reliable two to three days after the delay.
  2. Pregnancy is ectopic or frozen.
  3. Testing was done in the evening. This applies only to those cases where the diagnosis was carried out before the delay.
  4. The woman drank a large amount of liquid before the procedure.
  5. The device was of poor quality or expired.

Why a positive result can be false

Reasons for a false positive result:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system of a woman - for example, with a trophoblastic tumor, the level of hCG increases and the test can react to it;
  • recent abortion;
  • with a hormonal failure, if a girl uses drugs that contain hCG;
  • menopause;
  • poor quality of the device;
  • use of an expired device.

How to understand if the test is wrong

It is impossible to find out on your own whether a false result or a reliable one. In this regard, doctors recommend doing the test twice. The second procedure is best done two days after the first. In the case when both tests were negative, but menstruation never occurred, you should definitely consult a doctor.

If the result is positive, you should also visit a doctor. Only a specialist will reliably find out if the test was wrong.

In both the first and second cases, the patient is given an ultrasound, with the help of which the result is confirmed or refuted and the cause of the error is clarified.

What to do if a test fails

The action to be taken in the event of a test error depends on the cause of the false result. As mentioned above, you should definitely contact your gynecologist to understand why the testing was false. If the cause is a disease of the female genitourinary system, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

When the result of the procedure was positive, and the ultrasound sensor did not find anything, it is worth taking a blood test for hCG. If the gynecologist does not refer you to it, contact a paid clinic to be sure of the result.

An ectopic pregnancy is the most dangerous reason why the test is wrong. In most cases, it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding, but sometimes there are no symptoms.

In an ectopic pregnancy, the embryo cannot develop and dies. The body rejects it and a miscarriage occurs. A much more favorable outcome for a woman will be if the doctor diagnoses the pathology in time and performs an abortion, since after a miscarriage there can be disastrous consequences up to the loss of reproductive function.

How to avoid mistakes

To minimize the chance of error, observe the following rules:

  1. When purchasing the device, be sure to study the integrity of the package and the expiration date.
  2. You should not buy a device that is too cheap, as inexpensive materials of poor quality are used for its production.
  3. Test after a delay in the morning.
  4. Strictly follow the instructions for use.
  5. Do not overexpose the device in urine or remove it too soon.
  6. It is forbidden to turn the moistened test with the receiving part up.
  7. During the waiting period for the result, the device must be placed on a flat horizontal surface and protected from dust or dirt.

Brief instruction in video format:

What tests are considered the most accurate

There are 4 types of pregnancy tests:

  • test strip;
  • test cassettes;
  • jet;
  • electronic.

The first type is considered the most unreliable, since these devices are cheap and poor quality materials are often used for their manufacture.

Test cassettes are more reliable, but practically no different from test strips. Only the methods of carrying out the procedure are different. The test strip is immersed in urine, and the tablet device has two windows. In one, with the help of a pipette, you need to drop the biomaterial, in the second it displays the result.

Inkjet and digital devices are considered the most truthful. They are also the most expensive. The sensitivity of such tests starts from 10 mIU / ml, which means that such a test is able to detect the presence of an interesting position even before a missed period.

The testing procedure itself is more convenient than in the first two options. Biomaterial does not need to be collected in a special container. It is enough just to substitute the device under a stream of urine.

Regardless of which test you choose, doctors advise repeating the procedure after two days. It is best to buy a device from a different brand.


Whether pregnancy tests make mistakes is a controversial question.

If the device is selected correctly, the expiration date is normal, all the requirements of the operating instructions are met, the procedure is carried out in the morning and after a delay, then the probability of error approaches zero. But due to the fact that the result can still be false, it is best to contact a specialist in case of any suspicion.

How many emotions every woman experiences while waiting for the result of a pregnancy test! Whether she wants to be a mother or vice versa, she is afraid of this - the expectation of the result does not leave anyone indifferent. Fear, excitement, anticipation - and all this in just a few seconds or minutes. And now, the result is ready - a woman exhales either with relief, or with disappointment, or she cries out of fear, or still from happiness ... The bouquet of emotions is truly diverse and strong in any case. But the question is - can a pregnancy test be wrong? Is it worth it to spend so much nerves on it? Let's try to figure it out together.

In order to evaluate the accuracy of pregnancy tests, it is necessary to understand how they work. And it is absolutely the same, regardless of the brand, cost and principle of operation. Any pregnancy test responds positively to the presence of the hCG hormone in the urine. It appears from the moment of conception and increases exponentially, doubling every 2-3 days.

The bottom line is that in the early stages, the concentration of the hormone is negligible, and pregnancy tests do not have such sensitivity to instantly respond positively. So a pregnancy test is wrong if it is used for too short a period. That is why test manufacturers unanimously indicate in the instructions for use that in case of a negative result, it is worth repeating the test every other day - if pregnancy occurs, then the amount of hormone in the urine will increase significantly to show a positive result. Here is just one of the reasons why a pregnancy test is wrong.

And there may be several reasons besides those described above.

When is a pregnancy test wrong?

  1. As already mentioned, the test with a small delay may be wrong. Insufficient amount of hCG in early pregnancy has a direct relationship with a false negative result.
  2. A low level of the hormone in the blood may also indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy. This is one of the main signs by which you can recognize it at the very beginning. That is why at the first signs of pregnancy, you should see a doctor as soon as possible! The sooner - the less consequences.
  3. With the threat of a miscarriage, a reduced content of hCG is also observed, which will lead to a negative test result.
  4. Poor manufacturer. Do not give preference to the cheapest tests. But in fact, the most expensive ones also make no sense - unless packaging and a preliminary determination of the gestational age are important to you.
  5. Expiration date. Pay attention to this parameter, and you yourself should not store such things - it is better to buy tests immediately before use.
  6. Incorrect use of the test. Regardless of the type of test, it is better to use the first urine in the morning, and do not drink a lot of liquid the day before. So the urine will be concentrated, the content of hCG, if any, will be easier to recognize by sensitive components.
  7. After an abortion, hCG does not immediately decline, so tests may show a false positive result for some time.
  8. The test may give an error in the presence of diseases that affect the hCG hormone. For example, a false positive result can be obtained with the formation of a hormone-dependent cyst, and a false negative result with kidney disease.
  9. Some drugs, such as Profazi or Pregni, can affect a slight excess of hCG. Wait two weeks after the last dose and only then do the test.

How often are pregnancy tests wrong?

Based on the foregoing, it is safe to say that if you use a quality pregnancy test and follow its instructions, the probability of error is very small. Correctly made verified tests are extremely rarely wrong, but it is still advisable to buy 1-3 pieces at once and do them at intervals of several days.

Now you know how to protect yourself as much as possible from a false pregnancy test result. Now let's see what types of pregnancy tests are, so that you have 100% of the necessary information and find exactly what you need in the pharmacy!

Types of pregnancy tests

test strip

The most budget and affordable option. The test costs really a penny, and you can find it in absolutely any pharmacy. It is necessary to collect morning urine in a special clean container, lower the tip of the test into it for a while, then remove it and wait for the result to appear. One strip - no pregnancy, two - yes. Everything is extremely simple and takes a few minutes.

Inkjet pregnancy test

Considered one of the most reliable pregnancy tests available today. It can be carried out at any time of the day due to increased sensitivity, but in any case, morning urine is always more preferable for research.

An obvious plus is hygiene, because urine collection is not required for the test. It is enough to place the desired end of the dough under the jet and wait for some time for the result to appear - in the form of one or two strips.

Digital pregnancy test

In the previous version, the strip may be barely visible, which is confusing and does not allow you to correctly interpret the result. It is much easier with digital or electronic tests - the result is displayed on a small display on which “Yes” or “No”, “Pregnant”, “Not pregnant”, “+” or “-” is written in black and white. High accuracy and increased sensitivity allow you to test at any time of the day.

An e-test can fail like any other if it is overdue, incorrect, or too early. Just repeat it in 2 days in case of a negative result, if there is a high probability that it should be positive.

Reusable pregnancy test

An ultra-modern option, but not yet popular enough in our country because of its high cost. Typically, the test is equipped with 20 replaceable cartridges, that is, it implies 20 attempts to use. The cartridge is inserted into the test, after which the usual manipulations are performed with it. But to read the result, you do not have to wait, as usual. It is necessary to insert the test into the USB connector of the computer at hand and read the result. Yes, yes, outwardly such a pregnancy test resembles an ordinary flash drive with a display. It is on it that the result is displayed: plus or minus, yes or no, or even the option shown in the picture below. Reading the amount of the hCG hormone allows you to determine the period and even calculate the PDR - the preliminary date of birth. If the result is negative, then the smart test will calculate favorable days for conception in the next cycle!

How to choose a pregnancy test

So, we have identified 4 main types of pregnancy tests. But no matter how they differ from each other, their principle of action is the same - everyone reacts to an increase in the hCG hormone in the urine! So when choosing a pregnancy test, proceed from your financial capabilities and your own preferences.

Most Internet users consider inkjet or digital to be optimal in terms of price / quality ratio. Test strips are inconvenient in that urine must be collected, which is not hygienic and cannot be done everywhere. Reusable tests are of course interesting, but they are unlikely to establish the PDR with an accuracy of up to a day, it is better to take this information from a doctor. Although for the first time you can try the most expensive ones, but practice shows that rare couples get pregnant from the first attempts, especially since 2 or even 3 tests can take a cycle. So calculate the budget and buy the test that you liked the most according to the description.

When it comes to brands, there are a lot of them. All of them are good in their own way, Evitest or Clearblue are quite popular, for example. Although, despite the popularity, sometimes you can hear the opinion that the Clearblue test is wrong - like many others, if they are done incorrectly.

How to do a pregnancy test

Whatever test you choose, try to follow these simple rules to get the most accurate result possible:

  1. Use only morning urine, even if the test says you can use it at any time of the day. The first urine is the most concentrated, it contains the maximum amount of hCG, which makes it easier to confirm pregnancy as quickly and accurately as possible.
  2. Do not drink a lot of liquid the day before - it dilutes the concentration of urine, which can negatively affect the result.
  3. Regardless of which test you choose, it will not be superfluous to wash yourself before using it - this way you will clean the urine of unnecessary impurities.
  4. Read the instructions carefully before use, each test has its own. The more expensive and "tricky" the test, the more complicated the process.
  5. Observe expiration dates, do not use expired tests.

Summing up

The choice of pregnancy tests these days is really chic. Every whim for your money! But remember that any pregnancy test can be wrong, and a positive result does not always mean pregnancy itself. It only says that you have an elevated hCG hormone, and in rare cases this may not be caused by pregnancy at all. What caused this and whether the test tells the truth, only your doctor can tell. If menstruation never comes, and the tests constantly show a negative result, it is also worth contacting a doctor, and in the near future! Never self-medicate, the human, and especially the female body is much more complicated than you think. The cause of this or that event can be a lot of cases, and we know about only a small part of them.

Video " Can a pregnancy test cheat?

May be wrong. Moreover, a pregnancy test error can be triggered by completely different factors. Most often, errors are due either to incorrect use of tests, or to use too early, when the sensitivity of the system does not allow detecting a pregnancy. However, there are a number of pathological conditions in which the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood and urine increases. And since the pregnancy test is based precisely on the determination of an increased concentration of chorionic gonadotropin, then, in such a situation, it will simply make a mistake by showing a positive result.

The entire set of pregnancy test errors is divided into two large categories - false positive and false negative results. False positive results indicate pregnancy in a non-pregnant woman. And false-negative errors, respectively, do not reveal a pregnancy in a woman, when in reality one already exists.

False positive results, as a rule, are due to various diseases accompanied by an increase in the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood and urine of a woman, for example, tumors of the genital organs, kidney pathology, etc. Therefore, if a false positive pregnancy test result is detected, it is recommended to undergo an additional in-depth examination. And false-negative results are usually associated with incorrect use of the test, too short a gestation period, or poor-quality urine.

In general, errors in pregnancy tests can be due to the following causal factors:

  • Too little pregnancy. When using tests with a sensitivity of 20 - 25 IU / l, pregnancy can be determined no earlier than the 15th day from the moment of the intended conception. And when using tests with a sensitivity of 10 IU / l, pregnancy can be determined from the 7th day from the moment of the alleged conception. Thus, if a sensitivity test of 20 - 25 IU / l is used on the wound of the 15th day from the moment of conception, then it will show a negative result and be mistaken. Accordingly, a test with a sensitivity of 10 IU / l will also show a negative erroneous result if it is used earlier than the 7th day after intercourse. A period of at least 15 and 7 days after intercourse for tests with a sensitivity of 25 IU / l and 10 IU / l, respectively, must be observed regardless of the delay in menstruation, since sexual contact that led to conception could occur 2 to 3 days before the start of the next period. For example, a woman could become pregnant 2 days before the onset of menstruation, and then a test made on the 3rd day of delayed menstruation will show a negative result, which will be erroneous, since the gestational age is too short, and the sensitivity of the system is insufficient to determine it;

  • Poor urine quality. For the test, only morning urine should be used, since it contains the maximum concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin, on the basis of which pregnancy is determined. In daytime urine, the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin may be low and therefore insufficient for a positive pregnancy test result. That is why when using daytime or evening urine for a pregnancy test, it may be wrong;

  • Incorrect use of the test, such as judging results too early or too late, or applying urine incorrectly, etc. That is why you should strictly follow the instructions for using the pregnancy test;

  • Pathology of the kidneys. Against the background of kidney disease, too little human chorionic gonadotropin may enter the urine, as a result of which the test will give a negative and, therefore, an erroneous result;

  • pathology of pregnancy. So, against the background of an ectopic pregnancy or a threat of miscarriage, the level of chorionic gonadotropin is reduced, as a result of which the test may show a negative erroneous result;

  • Weak attachment of the fetus to the wall of the uterus. In this case, there is pregnancy, but too little chorionic gonadotropin is produced. In such a situation, the result of the pregnancy test will be negative and erroneous;

  • Taking medications designed to stimulate