There is a question: should a decent girl get a tattoo? What tattoos can not be stuffed

A tattoo made with the sense and hands of a real master will adorn your body for many years and become a unique touch to your image. But in order for the drawing to turn out to be truly bright and beautiful, the tattoo must be properly looked after.

Why is it so important to pay maximum attention to the tattoo in the first three days?

One way or another, you will have to take care of the tattoo done for a lifetime. For example, it is not recommended to expose the drawing to too strong sunlight - this will make it fade faster. In addition, the tattoo needs to be renewed periodically - as it tends to fade simply over time.

But especially careful attention to the drawing should be paid in the first three days after visiting the tattoo parlor.

  • Firstly, a fresh tattoo is a wound surface - an open skin injury. With a lack of care, an infection can get into the tissue - and then the healing process will slow down, bring a lot of discomfort, and the beauty of the tattoo will be in question.
  • Secondly, in the first three days, the dye applied under the skin only “seizes”, and the epithelium injured during the tattooing process heals and recovers. Both the lack and excess of hygiene during this period will lead to the fact that the clear contours of the pattern will blur, the pigment will lose most of its brightness, the picture will become deformed and become ugly. To avoid such troubles, you must carefully follow all the recommendations for proper care of the tattoo.

In the normal course of healing, just three days is enough for the initial mild inflammation in the tissues to pass. After this time, pronounced redness of the skin, severe pain should disappear.

Of course, you will have to wait at least two weeks until complete healing - and it is quite possible that then you will still need a slight correction of the pattern. This is completely normal, and most tattoo artists do a second procedure for free. And so that the correction does not turn into a global redo of the entire work, we will tell you more about how to care for a tattoo at first.

What to do immediately after getting a tattoo

So, you visited the tattoo parlor, chose the drawing you liked, and an experienced master applied it to your body. We note right away - of course, different tattoo artists have an unequal level of skill. But as a rule, this is expressed in the complexity of the drawings that the master is ready to take on, in the harmony of proportions and other aesthetic parameters. But the appearance of the tattoo after its healing is already under the responsibility of the client. In other words, if a bright and colorful drawing faded two weeks after application, blurred and erased in places - most likely, the reason lies precisely in the wrong care, and not in the poor quality of the dye or the inexperience of the master.

Immediately after the end of the work, the master will temporarily close the fresh tattoo - as a rule, with an ordinary cling film, sometimes with an absorbent bandage made of an elastic bandage. In the first case, the film will need to be removed no later than four hours later - otherwise the tattoo will begin to “reproach”, since the film does not let air through.

The cloth bandage can be worn for up to twelve consecutive hours. But here it should be especially emphasized that we are talking about a special absorbent surface that does not stick and does not dry out to wounds. If the master used a regular gauze bandage - which happens quite rarely - then you need to remove it immediately upon returning home.

After you remove the bandage or film, the tattoo will need to be gently rinsed. Don't be alarmed if you find some blood and lymph - as we mentioned, a fresh tattoo is a wound and these phenomena are quite normal. You need to wash the drawing with clean warm (or even slightly cool) water, you can also use baby soap or chlorhexidine solution.

It is strictly forbidden to process a fresh drawing with substances containing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. In addition, a wet tattoo should be gently blotted with a sterile towel - without rubbing movements.

Finally, after you wash your skin and let it dry completely, the tattooed area will need to be treated with ointment. Usually, for this purpose, it is recommended to buy special formulations designed specifically for the care of tattoos. If such a remedy was not at hand, you can use Panthenol, Bepanten or baby cream for delicate skin. Do not forget that you also need to apply the ointment very carefully - do not rub it into the skin and do not press, just smear the composition over the tattoo and remove the excess with a cotton pad or napkin.

Caring for the drawing in the first three days

Basic care in the first few days is about the same as in the first hours. The tattoo is in the phase of active healing - therefore, it must be regularly washed and treated with healing compounds.

How often should a fresh tattoo be washed? It depends on the speed of healing and how intensely the damaged skin releases blood and lymph. Hygiene procedures should be carried out at least three times a day - but not more than once every four hours. When washing, you must adhere to all the same rules:

  • The tattoo is washed with clean warm water without the use of alcohol-containing substances;
  • Wetting is carried out very gently and gently, without rubbing the skin with a towel.

After each wash, the same healing ointment is applied to the drawing, the excess amount of which is simply removed - it is still not necessary to rub it.

In the first two or three days, a thin crust will necessarily form on the surface of the healing skin, which will cover the tattoo. What should be done with her? Almost nothing. It is strictly forbidden to tear it off, rub it and scratch it - this way you will not only increase the risk of infection, but also ruin the tattoo.

After a while, the crust will fall off by itself. In the process of hygienic procedures, its small particles will spontaneously lag behind the fresh skin - so you can simply wash off the peeling crust in a natural way. if a small area of ​​the crust was nevertheless torn off - treat the micro-abrasion in the usual way, and if this affects the final appearance of the drawing, agree with the tattoo artist on a correction.

How to behave until complete healing

The first few days are considered the most responsible and difficult - however, the process of complete healing takes much longer, about two weeks. The obligatory correction of the final drawing is carried out only after a month or a month and a half.

Throughout this time, the tattoo also requires careful care. What rules must be followed so that the drawing remains bright, clear and beautiful?

  • As already mentioned, direct exposure to sunlight is very harmful for a tattoo. An excess of ultraviolet radiation negatively affects even old drawings - and it can even have a devastating effect on a fresh tattoo. Therefore, for the first few weeks, the drawing must be “hidden” from the sun, choosing clothes that completely cover the tattooed area.
  • The pattern needs good ventilation. Therefore, even closed clothing should be loose enough - do not wear lightweight outfits with a high content of synthetics, give preference to spacious things made from natural fabrics.
  • Of course, during the healing of a tattoo, you can and should wash - but for a while, give up the pool, long baths, and even more so swimming in salty sea water. Limit hygiene procedures to taking a shower- moreover, it is desirable to cover the place of the tattoo with a film during washing or at least lubricate it with a greasy protective cream. Of course, it is not recommended to rub the skin with a washcloth.

In addition, until complete healing, it is recommended to refuse to go to the gym - or at least minimize sports. The fact is that during exercise you sweat - and even with good hygiene, this can lead to skin irritation at the site of the tattoo.

You will also need to stop taking alcohol - it has a devastating effect on the dye injected under the skin by increasing blood pressure. It is good if you do not take any medications during the healing period of the tattoo - some of them, coming into contact with the pigment, can cause allergies.

Wearable drawing is not just a beautiful decoration, but also a serious intervention in the body. There are a lot of contraindications to tattoos, and they concern even perfectly healthy people. Before you go to a tattoo parlor, it is important to study the recommendations of doctors and specialists so as not to put yourself at risk and not frame the tattoo artist.

Diagnosis: diabetes

This disease provides for a wide variety of restrictions, so the attending physician will be able to answer the question of who should not get a tattoo. A compensated form of diabetes allows you to visit a tattoo parlor, and with a decompensated and subcompensated type, a session can be fatal. The fact is that during drawing a picture, adrenaline is produced in the body, which sharply reduces the amount of glucose. Its deficiency can lead to hypoglycemic coma. This, as a rule, occurs only in the case of a severe stage of the disease.

The skin of diabetics is prone to pustular lesions, because of this, the tattoo will heal almost twice as long as usual: 40-60 days. It should be remembered that you can not apply a pattern to the injection site. It is also necessary to more carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene. The risk of wound infection in people with diabetes is much higher than in other cases. In addition, during the session, a person will constantly be tormented by hunger and there will be a desire to eat something sweet. You should not be afraid, because this is a normal reaction of the body to a decrease in sugar levels.

Strict prohibitions

A categorical contraindication to tattoos in people suffering from thrombocytopenia, fibrinopenia, hemophilia. All these diseases are associated with poor blood clotting. Mechanical intervention can lead to the fact that a person simply bleeds out during the session. In addition, the pigment is poorly applied under the skin, so it is almost impossible to keep the pattern on the body.

Oncology, HIV infection, hepatitis, impaired immunity are also absolute contraindications to tattoos.

Relative contraindications

Acute intestinal infection, as well as inflammation of the respiratory tract (ARVI) can become an obstacle to going to a tattoo parlor, so they are considered relative contraindications. These diseases reduce immunity, so wounds heal longer than usual. It is also possible the appearance of pustules and rashes. During a tattooing session, there is a risk of losing consciousness against the background of pain and a stressful situation for the body.

Inflammatory processes, as a rule, are accompanied by fever and even fever, therefore, they are contraindications for tattooing. Going to a tattoo parlor in this state will turn into real torture and become a real threat to health.

According to statistics, more than 90% of people suffer from allergies. The paint, which consists of caustic chemical compounds, can cause a severe allergic reaction, so it is worth consulting with your doctor in advance. Anesthesia agents can also cause skin redness, itching and inflammation, which will complicate the work of the master. With asthma, runny nose and conjunctivitis, it is better to refuse to apply a tattoo.

Temporary restrictions

In addition to absolute and relative contraindications, there are also other factors that affect the quality of a future tattoo, the healing process and the comfort of staying in a tattoo parlor. It is worth rescheduling the procedure for another time in the following cases.

  • Colds and fever will become a real obstacle to the work of the master. There is a risk not only to infect others, but also to undermine your own health. The body is already in a state of stress, and mechanical interference and pain will only aggravate the situation.
  • Alcohol and drug intoxication are usually equated with absolute contraindications. No self-respecting tattoo parlor would accept a client in such a state. In addition, blood pressure rises from alcohol, the body will “push out” the pigment from the body. As a result, instead of a spectacular bright tattoo, you get a pale spot.
  • It is also better for women during menstruation to refrain from going to the salon. The body these days is particularly sensitive and vulnerable, so the pain may seem stronger than usual.
  • During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, it is undesirable to conduct a session. In the first case, this can provoke premature birth. In the second case, the pigment absorbed into the blood can enter the milk and provoke an allergy in the baby. You should not put yourself and your child at risk: consider that motherhood in the first three years is a contraindication to such experiments on your appearance.

Before visiting the tattoo parlor, it is advisable not to drink coffee and energy drinks, so as not to increase the pressure. It is better to come to the session well-fed and rested, so that the procedure is as comfortable as possible for you and for the master.


Those who have already got a tattoo have a difficult job of caring for the drawing. It is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene in order not to infect and keep the tattoo in its original form. Possible complications in the form of a rash, inflammation and purulent wounds. In this case, you should treat the skin with Chlorhexidine and use anti-inflammatory ointments (such as Levomekol).

It is better for allergy sufferers to undergo a course of treatment with anti-allergic drugs in advance, and after the session, smear the tattoo site with Fenistil-gel.

Tattoos are getting more and more popular every year. Not only brutal guys decorate their bodies, but also fragile girls. But, what are possible? After all, pinning the wrong picture, you may look stupid, and you may be mistaken for a close-minded psycho or gay. To prevent this from happening, it is important to know the main types of tattoos that should not be used.

What tattoos are better not to fill?

Among the most undesirable tattoos is an ornament or pattern on the lower back. Many girls find it cool. But the pictures above the booty are vulgar. By making such a move, you, as it were, invite everyone to your intimate places. Therefore, do not complain that everyone is harassing you!

The same applies to guys. The tattoo on the lower back of a guy is a symbol of homosexuality. The same applies to tattoos, where the navel appears. This part of the body is associated with the anus. And the guy who did something on the navel is considered gay in certain circles.

Also, don't prick people's faces. Skin is not paper. You will not be able to realistically create a "delicate image". And over time, the tattoo can become distorted. And then your loved one will become like a zombie. Therefore, it is better not to experiment.

What else can not be stuffed on the body?

Do not abuse hieroglyphs, signs and foreign words in general. Such tattoos can:

  • Carry a double meaning;
  • Mean not at all what you think;
  • Bring bad luck (if these are magical signs);
  • Mislead your friends;
  • Attract the unhealthy attention of others to you.

Many signs and symbols are impaled incorrectly, which noticeably changes their meaning. As a result, instead of the hieroglyph "courage", you can get "I am blue" or something like that. And you definitely don't need it.

Do not abuse all kinds of talismans and amulets. They carry a double meaning. Even a star in a circle is interpreted in different ways, and not only as a symbol of Satan. Therefore, you can bring trouble on yourself from where you did not expect.

What tattoos are highly undesirable?

It is highly undesirable to make tattoos with names on the body:

  1. mothers;
  2. children;
  3. Relatives;
  4. Favorite people.

First, you expose your feelings in this way. This may attract undue attention. For example, everyone loves mom, but this does not mean that her name should be pricked on your ass. Moreover, the mother herself will definitely not like it.

Also, you can quarrel with many relatives. And their names will remain on you as an eternal reminder of the conflict. The same goes for your loved ones, who can be a quarter of a car in your life!

The names of children (especially small ones) can bring them misfortune. It is believed that a child under a certain age should not be shown to anyone at all. And even more so, you don’t need to make his name on your hand.

Do not pin up various jokes or comic pictures. After a few years, your drawing will deteriorate, and the joke will be forgotten. As a result, you will be left with an incomprehensible image on your body, and you will have to remove an unnecessary tattoo.

In order not to get into trouble, you should start with small temporary tattoos. So you will understand how it all suits you in general.

Before creating a picture, look in different sources for what it means. For example, some types of ordinary flowers may mean the symbol of a prostitute in an oriental or other translation.

Do not tattoo on the face, stomach, back, chest. Your ardor can quickly subside, but an oil painting (or rather a needle) will remain forever. It is better to make a drawing on the shoulder, arm, leg or shoulder blade. It will be quite decent and not too defiant.

“Put a tattoo on the body” is a thought that flashes through many. Now the tattoo is fashionable, modern, is a method of self-expression or a way to join the subculture. At the same time, very few are consciously approaching the choice of a tattoo sketch. But a tattoo can change not only appearance, but also fate. A few tips to keep in mind when applying images.

The desire to look stylish and brutal can play a cruel joke on a young man, making him a laughing stock or an object of illegal actions. Below are examples of tattoos that are best avoided:

6 tattoos girls shouldn't get

Young girls should especially carefully choose tattoo sketches and their location. After all, a tattoo is not only a way of expression, but also a way to attract men, an object of sexual games. What should not be placed on the female body:

4 types of tattoos that no one should get

The types of tattoos listed below should be avoided by both girls and guys:

  1. Tattoo on the face. Makes a repulsive impression on many people. It can interfere both in personal life and in the professional field. And when applying for a job, it will most likely alienate a potential employer. It is impossible to remove a tattoo without traces. Scars, uneven surfaces will remain in place.
  2. Hieroglyphs. Due to ignorance of the translation, you can find yourself in a delicate situation. Tattoo artists do not speak Japanese or Chinese. One wrong move can completely change the meaning. Hieroglyphs can change meanings in combination with other characters.

Advice. If a decision is made to apply hieroglyphs, you should consult with a linguist. The recommendation of an expert will cost less and faster removal of tattoos.

7 reasons why you shouldn't get a tattoo

And finally, why you should not get a tattoo at all:

First, it hurts. During the procedure, the skin is pierced from several tens to thousands of times per minute. Ink is injected into each hole. If you do not suffer from masochism and are of sound mind, then in order to get a tattoo, you need to have a good reason. Indeed, in addition to pain during the process itself, the place where the tattoo is applied will still heal for two weeks.

The second reason is medical contraindications. Employees of medical institutions warn of the negative consequences of a tattoo for people with skin diseases, diabetics, suffering from blood incoagulability.

The third reason is the negative impact on fate. Each tattoo has its own meaning. Tattoo masters are sure that a tattoo changes a person's life. These changes are not always positive.

Another reason is youth. Outlook on life is changing rapidly. And tattoos may differ from the views of the owner.

One of the most significant reasons is the possibility of infection. Many tattoo parlors do not follow the rules of normal hygiene. Tattoo fees can be too high.

The sixth reason is skill. Tattoo artists have different experience and qualifications. In the hands of some, an image of art may turn out, while others will only spoil the appearance of the client.

The last seventh reason is the monotony of tattoos. Very few people can pick up or draw the original sketch. For most people, the choice comes down to flipping through tattoo artists' magazines. But the samples contained there are rather banal and hackneyed.

Before visiting a tattoo parlor, you should weigh all the pros and cons. A tattoo is not a choice for one day. The decision to apply jewelry should be balanced and take into account possible temporary changes in both the spiritual and physical condition of a person.

Hi people! Today I decided not to write about muscle pumping topics, various nutritional issues - let's take a break from this for a bit. Today I want to discuss with you a topic that has been of interest to me for a long time. These are tattoos that people make for themselves. I hope you are also interested in this topic.

Not so long ago, a cool fitness center "King Fit" was opened near my house. There is a very cool gym, a swimming pool, saunas, a bunch of all sorts of yoga circles, rooms for children and a bunch of everything!

Immediately across the road, opposite King Fit, there is the Europa entertainment center and there is also a fitness center on the top floor. Within a radius of 1 km, you can find at least 3 more basement-type gyms. So my area is very sporty. I very often see really muscled guys here, bald, bearded, very trained girls with gorgeous figures - well, just like from the picture.

Sometimes you can meet fitness couples who walk by the handle - it's so interesting to watch this. A huge pumped-up uncle with a traced relief goes by the hand with a fitness lady. And now in the summer there are so many of them in general. In my life I have never seen such a concentration of sports people on such a small piece of land.

But you know what else I see here very often? Tattooed people, and often it is the visitors of these fitness centers. Boys, girls, teens and seniors. Some tattoos are small, while others have whole pictures stuffed into the skin.

When summer comes, everyone strips down and rushes to put their tatoos on display. I don’t know how it is in your city, but I have a real tattoo epidemic here. Although I have been living here for the 3rd year, for some reason, this summer I seriously paid attention to this.

Sometimes the tattoo looks more or less aesthetically pleasing, but sometimes it's just frankly ugly. When I look at such people, I immediately have the thought “What made a person make this tattoo?”. Why do people even do this?

For me, as for a person who has not stuffed himself with a single tattoo, this topic is quite interesting. I also observe a well-developed network of tattoo parlors in my city. On the screen below, I showed the concentration of these establishments at a given time in my city (the picture can be enlarged by clicking on it):

As you can see, it's a pretty small network. All this prompted me to discuss the topic of tattoos on my blog. Do they need to be done? Why do it? What are the consequences and dangers, both physical and moral. How serious is this?

I think you will be interested in this topic. In general, the question of whether it is worth getting a tattoo is a topical one and I will try to discuss it from the most important aspects. Let's go... Are you with me?

Why should I get a tattoo?

To begin with, I would like to draw attention to the very meaning of tattooing on your body. What motives usually move a person who wants to paint his body?

“Although our skin is the barrier that separates us from others, it also tells everyone around us about our inner world”

After talking with some tattooed acquaintances, surfing the Internet, I came to the conclusion that there are 1000 reasons to get a tattoo and one. But here are the most common ones I've found:

  • Firstly, these are just decorations for many people, and nothing more. If you ask them "why?" They won't give you a clear answer. “It’s just beautiful ...” - the maximum that they will answer you.
  • A person wants to show that he is the master of his body and that no one dares to tell him what to do with his body. I want to draw, I don't want to draw.
  • Some try so hard to stand out from the general crowd (although there are people with the same tattoos).
  • Many see this as true art.
  • There is also a cosmetic component. Cover a scar, mask some unsightly place with a beautiful pattern, etc.
  • For some, this turns on in a special way. The reasons for this are known only to them.
  • But there are those who get tattoos because it is fashionable and many people do it that way.
  • For some, a tattoo reminds of some kind of joy or pain.
  • People also believe in a certain mystical meaning of tattoos and believe that this tattoo can affect their fate.
  • For some people, a tattoo gives a huge incentive to motivate. Since this is a serious step that a person is considering, preparing for this, then after the implementation of his plan, he can feel the power to change in different areas of his life. He is looking forward to change. “I decided to get a tattoo - why not start running in the morning?” Something like that.
  • Sometimes the drawings on the body are interconnected. One means one thing, the other complements the meaning of the first and the overall picture or the whole story is obtained.
  • Teenagers usually want to show that they are already adults. If this is a boy, then this is a tattoo on the shoulder or on the calves, which even the most inflated guy on the planet does not have a gait and other funny signs of the usual show off. Such "macho men" can usually be seen with a cigarette in their mouth, a bottle of beer in their hand, with a dead body, thin legs, but with a very important look. In the spring, when it is just beginning to warm up, they rush to roll up their pants to show a fashionable tattoo on their caviar. He himself is still in a jacket, but his legs are already bare. A familiar picture?
  • In some cases, tattoos mean that a person belongs to a group or organization.
  • The person wants to protest. Usually this is about teenagers who rebel against parenting or something else.

This list of reasons can be continued for a very long time. In addition, you understand that if you wish, you can invent new reasons for yourself, only known to us.

But some special reasons are revealed only in some stories from life.

I read about one 35-year-old girl who works as a lawyer. She stamped her ex-boyfriend's initials on the back of her hand.

They remind her that once, because of him, she almost lost herself. She was psychologically captivated by that guy and developed an abnormal addiction to him. And when he left her, she could not recover for a whole year.

But then the girl shows a tattoo on her neck, which depicts wings. She says it symbolizes her freedom from that terrible addiction. So this is how it happens... Seriously, with meaning...

Another girl decided to get a tattoo after watching the movie The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Since at her work you need to observe a strict style of clothing - the girl likes that her personal dragon lurks under these official clothes.

The trucker father has tattooed on his skin the image of his little son, whom they do not see for a long time. This gives the feeling to the father that the son is always there.

And here is the loving couple. On the body of each of them there are special signs. They mean a symbol of eternal devotion. They broke up for 5 years, but remained faithful to each other. Then they reunited and live together.

It's time to consider the most important points that you definitely need to think about before making a conscious decision - to fill a tattoo or well, to hell with it ...

The main types of tattoo

Of course, it makes no sense to list all types of tattoos. Why? Yes, because new species are constantly appearing. Let's list the more or less common:

Non-standard (in my opinion) include drawings in the style of engraving, bitmaps of the "dotwork" style, the style of minimalism, stencil, Polynesia (the style in which Dwayne Johnson's tattoos are made), etc. And the very concept of standard-non-standard in this developing you is rather doubtful here.

Physiological moments

Now few people compare tattoos with criminals. Yes, there is such a stereotype, but recently it has significantly lost its influence against the background of blue youth. Fewer people now think so.

Only one thing can be said here - those prisoners who are equal in this case made tattoos with completely different materials and with a completely different technique. Real pros do everything with modern tools, disposable needles and for a pretty substantial amount.

I asked about the cost of doing tatoo work in Krasnodar and found out that it was 6-8 thousand rubles. for 3-4 hours of work. That is, an hour costs about 2000 rubles. But the price varies depending on the region of residence, of course. In Moscow, they will take 3-4 thousand rubles per hour of work. In short, not cheap.

Removing a tattoo is twice as expensive as getting it, and it hurts more.

Now let's look at the most important physical points. Think about them before you paint your body.

1. "What will happen in old age?"

This is probably the first thing you hear from people who are against tatoo. Some worry about the physical side of the issue - how a tattoo will look on sagging skin in old age. Others are more concerned about the moral side of the issue - how reasonable a grandmother with a tattoo on her lower back will look.

Well then. Personally, I fully support these fears, primarily of a moral nature. But the truth is that the generation that values ​​purity of body and spirit is a thing of the past. The vast majority of people who do not care about their own or other people's health, especially moral.

An interesting fact: pediatrician Timothy Roberts from the University of Rochester Clinic (USA) conducted a special study. He interviewed 600 16-year-old boys and girls and found out that they entered into intimate relationships 83% those who had a tattoo, and only 36% not tattooed teenagers.

And when people of my generation grow old, they will hardly be surprised by a tattooed grandmother, because they grew up surrounded by all this.

As for the purely physical side, here you need to pay attention to several facts:

  1. The tattoo is not applied to the skin once. She must be constantly looked after during healing, and then throughout her life.
  2. Approximately once every 3-5 years, adjustments are made, additional elements are added.
  3. In my life, I saw one professional person who worked with me in a furniture store as a furniture assembler - his name was Sergey. He also professionally beat tattoos at home, multi-colored. On the example of his body, I saw what it means to “add elements”.
  4. Paints can fade, blur, the skin tends to be deformed.
  5. Experienced masters know how to position the tattoo, taking into account the aging of the skin and its flabby condition in the future.

But old age is old age, and even the coolest tatoo-pro will not save from its consequences, so the tattoo will no longer be the same, it's 100%. It's worth thinking about.

2. Risk of infection

This is possible only in the case of extremely poor performance. If disposable needles are used, this is excluded.
Therefore, if you have already decided to get yourself a tattoo, do it only in a reputable salon, and not in some kind of “ridiculous” basement. It seems to be obvious, but this problem still exists.

People still get infected with AIDS, hepatitis B and C, get sepsis, suffer from allergic reactions - and all this is the result of a non-sterile process.

In addition, many dermatologists call the skin a "vindictive organ." They warn that the effects of tattoos can appear years later. Our skin was not designed for this.

3. It's for life

Since we are talking about real tattoos here, and not about children's transfers from candy wrappers, you need to be prepared for this. Are you ready to live with it for the rest of your life? Do you realize this?

In some seasoned tattoo parlors that have already proven themselves, there are always warnings that “temporary tattoos do not exist.”

On the palms and feet, tattoos live for about 2 weeks. In these places, a very active renewal of the skin.

If you are told that you can fill a temporary one, then this means either that the paint will not be driven deep into the skin, or that permanent makeup paints will be used.

Always find out these moments in the most detailed way, let the master tell you everything. There are many cases when people fell for scammers who make tattoos that blur over time.

4. Pain threshold

Everyone has his own. One woman shared her observation. She said that beefy, rude men often get very hurt when they get tattooed. At the same time, tender girls often say that they did not feel anything at all.

Therefore, it makes no sense to take seriously the words of others like “don’t piss you - it’s like a mosquito bites.” You will only have your own feelings.

According to the feelings of people who have been under a needle, it is most painful to tattoo the chest, back and ribs.

Psychological and moral aspects

And now let's get in touch with subtle matters, which I believe are key in this matter. Neither the pain threshold nor the price for a tattoo are basic in this matter. Everything starts from the head.

1. "The human body is beautiful in itself"

With this I agree 100%. Personally, I think it is. But the truth is that now many people do not look beautiful at all due to their heredity, others kill their appearance with a wrong lifestyle. If it happens that one is added to the other - well, then it's generally tin ...

Therefore, for such people, a tattoo serves as a kind of compensation. She doesn't make them prettier, but at least she draws attention to them. It's stupid and sad at the same time. It is a pity that many focus on appearance, but this is what the world around us, advertising, and an imposed lifestyle are prompting for today, so this phenomenon is not surprising.

Others will fall into a kind of philosophy on the topic “this tattoo is an extension of my body”, “this is a part of me”. And only man knows the motives of these words.

2. Complete personality renewal

This problem cannot be understood by those who carefully thought out their tatoo. Since it becomes “a part of themselves”, as mentioned above, they don’t even think about the fact that they will get bored with the drawing someday or that they will begin to relate to it differently.

If the tattoo was made out of stupidity, it is removed with a laser. But in addition to the hasty decision to fill the picture, there is also a complete transformation of a person's personality - his inner essence.

Few people really believe in such a transformation now, but I can say from experience that I have seen thousands of such people by virtue of the circles where I communicated and still communicate. Over the years, I get to know more and more of these people.

I remember one man, whose name is Vitya. Even before the war in the Donbass, he lived in my city of Gorlovka. His body was so “tattooed” that when he walked along the beach in swimming trunks, many people wanted to take a picture with him. Some threw monkeys, boas, with which they offer to take pictures on the beaches and take pictures with him ... He is blue from head to toe, he was in prison.

But then this man began to study the Bible (not to read, but to study). What he learned from there completely transformed his personality beyond recognition. To hide those shameful tattoos that he got done in the troubled times of his life and which have become hated by him now - even in the heat he wears a long-sleeved shirt to this day.

So when you decide whether to get a tattoo or not, keep in mind that your consciousness can change dramatically over time. This cannot be ignored by thinking people.

3. "Blue disease"

This is a kind of diagnosis for people who have become addicted to tattoos. Often it has purely sensual roots. That is, these people have become addicted to that drive and adrenaline, even the pain that they receive during the operation of the needle.
Some stages of this mental disorder can be distinguished:

  • First comes the obsession with the very thought of making a tatoo.
  • Then the person decides to make the first tattoo.
  • Next comes planning. How many more drawings need to be applied to the body and when it needs to be done.
  • When most of the body is already covered with drawings, they begin to annoy a person, he feels powerless, he can become depressed, he no longer likes the way he looks.

In order not to fall into this disease, psychologists advise a simple method - just do not make the first tattoo. Just...

4. Sacred meaning (only for a special category of people)

I want to warn you right away that this item is only for believers. The rest - feel free to pass by, as this info will not have power for you. And it's not worth laughing at.

If you believe that we appeared as a result of evolution, this information is not for you. And a believing person is one who recognizes that there is a spiritual world, God, that there is an enemy of God, the Devil (not in the form of a faceless evil that lives in a person’s soul, but as a real spiritual person), that there are evil spiritual personalities (demons) that influence people.

It should also be clarified that a believer also means someone who takes the Bible seriously and trusts its message (the information that it carries in itself). Because it is this book that gives us answers to the most fundamental questions about the past, present and even future, about life, death and the meaning of everything. No wonder it is called the Word of God.

Since I am a believer and have been studying the Bible for many years, I know what I am talking about. Moreover, not only theory but also my own life experience, real cases from the life of people whom I know personally - all this convinces me of the veracity of the following.

At first glance, this question does not fit into the format of this article. But that's just how it seems. Unfortunately, the sacred side of the coin in the “tatush” issue is far from worrying everyone. Or worries in the wrong direction. And now, actually - to the point ...

One does not give a damn about the fact that the symbols that they put on the body have magical powers and are still used in witchcraft practices. Others, on the contrary, try to delve into it and inflict them, naively believing that this will make them special, some carriers of an unknown force.

Time passes and this man runs headlong to the same salon to reduce his magical tattoo, which he recently filled. Masters of tatoo services unanimously say that it is magic tattoos that are often reduced, because their carriers suddenly realized that they had made a mistake and that their life had changed dramatically for the worse.

This is very serious guys. Very. You can't joke with this. It's all real. If we consider the most ancient history of tattoos, the very origins, then in almost all cases we will find that the meaning of drawing drawings on the skin was closely connected either with the worship of spirits or with pagan rites.

Only the peoples, territories, the drawings themselves differ, but the essence remains the same. For example, among the Maori people, who live in New Zealand, tattooing is a whole sacred rite associated with the world of spirits. There, tattoos are made not with needles, but with the technique of incisions with special chisels.

Today, of course, no one bothers with this anymore. For example, in the 1800s, the tribes of Borneo began to exchange designs of their sacred tattoos among themselves, until their true meaning was completely lost.

What can we say about our time, when people have ceased to understand the essence of even the simplest things in life. They are not only in the meaning of tattoos, they cannot figure it out in their lives.

The edges were erased, the meaning was blurred, the meaning was lost. Moreover, we see that people's opinions on various issues are transformed over time. BUT... some things remain the same. The spiritual world remained unchanged. Yes guys. It exists and whether you believe it or not, it has an impact on people. Many of my friends have learned this the hard way.

Now think about this. If a person puts on his body a special magical sign that is used to communicate with the world of spirits, then isn’t this regarded as a kind of invitation, a call? A person clearly expresses his consent to the participation of evil spirits in his life. And if these magical symbols, runes, pentagrams had their effect before, then what has changed now? Fashion? Yes, she has changed. But how did it affect the spirit world? No way.

We are talking about the dark representatives of the spiritual world, demons. According to the Bible, they are misleading people all over the earth. They are also responsible for spreading the most dangerous lies - false religious teachings that dishonor God (such as the existence of a fiery hell where a loving God allows a sinner to suffer forever for 60-70 years of his sinful life).

Magic is one of the methods demons use to mislead humanity. Therefore, there is no white or black magic - all these are the addresses of one office and all this is bad in the eyes of God.

Rest assured, the demons have worked hard to bring humanity into the frame of mind it is in right now. Is it any wonder that there is a fashion for magical symbols in the form of a tattoo on the body? Not at all. People stigmatize themselves with this evil spirits left and right, often not realizing what's what, what danger it carries in itself, what consequences.

I'm not going to convince anyone of this, but I myself was convinced of this. I personally know some people who used to be closely connected with magic and communicated with spirits. They told amazing, terrible things that happened to them. And only with the help of God, thanks to their titanic efforts, having spent a lot of time on this, they were able to free themselves from the demonic influence.

They didn't have any special tattoos, but they did have special items that they used in the occult. The first thing they did was throw them away. So do you really think that tattoos matter less? And can you just throw them away when the time comes? Think about it.

For believers, for Christians (not just for those who wear a cross, follow muddy religious rites of dubious origin, but for those who understand the essence of their faith) it will be useful to remember that the following command is written in the Bible:

"Do not make cuts on the body for the sake of a dead soul and do not apply tattoos on yourself ..."

Leviticus 19:28 (1512 BC)

These words were spoken by God to the ancient people of Israel. Do they concern us now? Yes. Despite the fact that now people almost do not take into account the opinion of God, they are not interested in the Bible and what is written there, God's opinion about tattoos has not changed, especially if you take into account the mystical meaning of many tattoos. In the same way, the attitude of demons towards those tattoos that are directly related to them has not changed. And they don't care if it's fashionable now or not.

On August 1, 2018, the famous "Zombie Boy" (Reed Genest) committed suicide in Canada. The guy was only 32 years old and he was a tattoo model. He covered 90% of his body with tattoos of a mystical-demonic nature. Bones, skulls, ugliness and stuff like that.

Before his death, he wrote in the social. networks a poem with a mystical meaning which mentions "Ancient Narrow Gate of Death". About his hobby for the zombie theme, he said that this is not just a hobby for horror films - "everything goes deeper". It is interesting that the guy himself spoke about his obsession with life, that is, he wanted to live brightly and simply live.

Everyone says that the guy had mental problems, so he committed suicide. Lady Gaga, who worked with him, commented very sensually on this event. She regrets that in our time the mental state of a person is not brought to the fore. But few people understand what is really behind this mental disorder in a guy. Of course, I can't say anything for sure, but I'm 99.9% sure that demons are behind this. They are the cause of mental illness in such cases.

And what about the tattoo, you ask? With his tattoos and other areas of his life, this guy invited demons into his life. He gave them permission to influence him and eventually destroy his life.

I just wanted to show you with a concrete example that the connection with mystical affairs and the passion for this whole otherworldly topic often leads to just such outcomes. It's real! This is not a joke, friends! Therefore, you should not mess with the demonic theme of tattoos. Even if you are only interested in the aesthetic side of the drawings now, in the future you may be tempted to delve deeper into it and simply get sucked into it.

Draw your own conclusions. All our decisions have consequences. A tattoo is a serious decision. If you decide to do it, then in no case do not mess with magic in any of its manifestations. Forget about any runes, pentagrams, etc. My advice to you. Get by with neutral sketches.

On this note, I end this article. The decision is yours, friends... And most importantly - take your time...

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