Flickers are reflective elements for children and adults to reduce the number of collisions with pedestrians. Master class "Be more visible in the dark" (making flicker)

Pedestrian safety is the work of the pedestrian himself. And one of the main points here is to be as visible as possible to the driver, especially in the dark. What will help you to see you in the dark from afar? Special ones called flickers. What they are, how they look, act and why they are so relevant, we will tell you further.

Flickers are...

Not to be confused with the term that refers to the human perception of fluctuations in light rays emitted by artificial lighting devices, which are caused by voltage surges in the electrical network that powers these devices.

In our case, a flicker is a special accessory made in the form of a chevron, stripe, keychain, pendant, etc. with reflective particles, intended to be worn by pedestrians in the dark. The word comes from English. flicker What does “blink”, “flicker” mean? This name for reflective badges in our country was invented by specialists from the company “Modern Systems and Networks - XXI Century”.

Why are flickers needed?

Flicker today is a truly real way to protect yourself on the road. It's all about the action of this luminous keychain:

  • The product has an insert made of special ribbed plastic. The light from headlights, lanterns and other night illuminators, falling on it, is concentrated and reflected in the form of a narrow beam of light. As a result, the driver sees a bright reflective element in front of him at a distance of 350-200 m (with high beams). It is noticeable not only in high beams, but also in low beams.
  • When you cross a highway in the dark without flickers, the driver with low-beam headlights is able to see you at a distance of only 25-50 m. As sad statistics show, this run-up is sometimes too insufficient for the person behind the wheel to react quickly and brake in time.

  • The fact that a person with such a bright highlight is much more visible to the driver of a car has been confirmed by experiments and research. Thus, scientists from Norway found that a pedestrian with a flicker is 80% more visible in the dark and twilight.
  • Half of all road accidents involving pedestrians occur at dusk or darkness (according to information provided by Finnish researchers). The reason is that the driver did not notice in time a pedestrian crossing the road and not having a flicker with him.
  • It was found that wearing flickers by small pedestrians reduces childhood injuries on the roads by 6.5 times!

What can a flicker be like?

At first glance, flickers are badges, keychains, and accessories. They can be attached to clothing, a bag, a backpack, a bicycle or a baby stroller. Their variety today is great:

  • pendants;
  • keychains-toys for children;
  • badges with various prints;
  • reflective self-fixing bracelet;
  • reflective LED bracelet with clasp;
  • sticker that glows in the dark;
  • reflective cap;
  • reflective backpack;
  • reflective vest-cape;
  • glow in the dark belt.

Some manufacturers of children's clothing are beginning to produce models that already have reflective elements in their composition. In the Belarusian city of Vitebsk, two collections of clothing for women were presented, also including flicker inserts in the design.

Wearing flickers is a traffic police order

In our country, flickers are certainly an innovation. But, for example, in Scandinavia, where it gets dark early and lightens late in the cold seasons, just like in our latitudes, pedestrians wearing reflective stripes and key rings is a common thing.

However, today in many Russian cities there are events during which traffic police distribute flickers to everyone absolutely free. This is not only done as part of a formality, these reflective keychains and stripes are truly excellent pedestrian assistants in twilight and darkness.

Moreover, from July 1, 2015, wearing reflective inserts in the Russian Federation became mandatory for pedestrians crossing highways outside populated areas at night or in poor visibility conditions. This is prescribed by clause 4.1 of the traffic rules. For its violation you will have to pay a certain fine.

"Correct" and "wrong" flicker

A truly useful flicker is an element that has certain characteristics. Let's see how to distinguish it from an ordinary souvenir or children's toy keychain.

You should also not trust clothing manufacturers who replace traditional plastic for flickers with glass beads in order to reduce the cost of production. The effectiveness of such elements is much lower - they are visible from a shorter distance than “traditional” flickers. They are also useless when they get wet, such as in the rain.

How should flickers be worn?

Of course, the more a pedestrian glows in the dark, the better. The minimum recommended by the traffic police is as follows:

  • One reflective detail on the right and left hand.
  • One flicker on the front - on the belt or a badge on the chest.
  • One luminous element on the back - a patch on the back or backpack.

Thus, it is enough to equip yourself with four flickers so that you can be seen on the road from all angles.

Despite all the listed advantages, flicker will not be a panacea that will completely protect you from danger on the road. Wearing this element is effective, coupled with knowledge of at least the basic rules of the road, which will help you preserve your life and health. Only a competent pedestrian, be it an adult or a child, can be confident in his safety on the road. And the flicker is his faithful assistant in the dark.

Tatiana Belyakova

Master-class with children and parents

« Flicker - do it yourself»

"Competent pedestrian")


Target hands


Materials needed for work:

Paper figure templates

Glue stick



Rhinestones for decoration


- Master-class with children and parents

« Flicker - do it yourself»

(as part of a social project "Competent pedestrian")

Relevance: A large number of pedestrians, especially children, die on the roads as a result of accidents at night.

Target: Making crafts with your own hands. Explaining the importance of reflective elements for preserving life.


To form an idea of ​​the types of HVE

Practical training for parents in making CB appliques for clothing;

To increase parents' interest in the problem of children's use of SV elements.

To educate law-abiding road users.

To increase the effectiveness of efforts to prevent child road traffic injuries.

Materials needed for work:

Paper figure templates

Reflective tapes of various widths

Glue stick



Rhinestones for decoration


FLICKER is without a doubt,

traffic sign,

What does not stand still,

And he’s in a hurry with you everywhere.

He's not afraid of the dark

And it sparkles from the headlights.

Beacon is such a driver

He will always see it a mile away.

Attach to clothes FLICKER –

This is your bodyguard!

The situation with child road traffic injuries in the country remains alarming. The roadway is the greatest source of danger for all pedestrians, and especially for children, who have virtually no sense of danger in front of moving vehicles. A child, due to his age, is not able to adequately assess road traffic "picture" and understand the magnitude of the danger. A child who runs after a rolled ball thinks only about how to pick up the ball. At the same time, it doesn’t matter to him where to run for the ball - to the playground or to the roadway. A child, carried away by his task of picking up a ball, is unlikely to notice moving vehicles. Due to lack of experience, the child becomes lost, panic arises, and he begins to act inappropriately. Running out onto the roadway, the child, seeing a moving vehicle, tries to jump away from it and falls under the wheels of the next car.

The task of parents is to ensure their children’s safety on the road by holding their hand while moving along a pedestrian crossing. Child safety on the road is a series of prohibitory measures that need to be explained and memorized to the child.

From early childhood, the child needs to be explained the rules of the road for pedestrians. You need to teach children how to behave safely on the road by example! It is necessary to teach children how to navigate the road in different situations, to cultivate discipline in following traffic rules!

Poorly lit sections of roads are a common occurrence on our roads. In the evening, discreetly dressed pedestrians blend into the darkness. That is why it is necessary to equip children's clothing flickers.

Flicker- this is an element in clothing (sticker, badge, insert, bracelet, which has high reflective properties when light hits it. This reflective element is necessary to increase the safety of pedestrians on the roads at night or in poor visibility conditions. Flicker on a child's clothes - this is a real way to protect a child from injury in the dark on the roadway.

At night, the driver sees a pedestrian at a distance of 20–50 m, and if there is flickers this distance increases to 150–200 m.

Four flicker on a pedestrian’s clothing is the best option. But, naturally, the more flickers, all the better.

However, despite the presence flickers on clothes, pedestrians need to know and follow traffic rules and be careful on the road. In order for a driver to notice a pedestrian at night, he needs to go towards moving traffic.

Today we will make you DIY flicker

To do this, cut out various shapes from felt. (circle, square, rhombus, polygon, etc.)

Cut out the silhouette with scissors.

If desired, decorate with rhinestones.

We have this icon

Flicker is called,

But it’s not a simple icon,


Bright light from distant headlights

He will reflect at the same moment.

And with that reflection

It will save our lives.

If you're on the road,

You mean don't forget the flicker!

Take it with you

It will come in handy on the way.

Flicker lights up, playing,

I can be seen from afar.

Here's a truck

The driver slows down slightly!

I will never

Leave flicker at home.

I'll attach it to my clothes

And I'll go for a walk!


« FLICKER children's best friend in the world".

At the end of our lesson, we give a reminder on how to use flicker

A reminder for parents about the need to use reflective elements

Flicker(retroreflector) on clothes - today a real way to protect a child from injury on an unlit road. Its operating principle is based on the fact that light falling on a ribbed surface made of special plastic is concentrated and reflected in the form of a narrow beam. When the car headlights "snatch" Even if the reflector is small, the driver sees a bright point of light from afar. Therefore, the chances that a pedestrian or cyclist will be noticed increase many times over. For example, if the car has low beams on, the driver will see an ordinary pedestrian from a distance of 25-40 meters. And the use of a reflector increases this figure to 130-240 meters! A small pendant on a cord or a badge on a pin is attached to clothing, stickers - on a bicycle, scooter, backpack, bag. At first sight flicker looks like a toy. But its use, according to road safety experts, reduces childhood injuries on the road by six and a half times! Flicker is not afraid of moisture, no frost - you can wear it in any weather. But rely only on flickers are also not worth it. This is just one way to passively protect pedestrians. It is necessary to remember about raising a competent pedestrian from childhood. In order for a child not to violate traffic rules, he must not only know them - he must develop the skill of safe behavior on the road. A clear example from parents is the best lesson for a child! Dear parents! Teach your child the habit of following traffic rules. Make sure your child "lit up" on road. Take measures to ensure that your child has reflective elements on his clothes, making him very visible on the road. Remember - in dark clothes, a small pedestrian is simply not visible to the driver, which means there is a danger of being run over.


Master Class

"Make life brighter and safer"

(as part of the project “Light Mania - Family Game”)

Our today's master class is part of the large project “Light Mania - Family Game,” the goal of which is to popularize the use of reflective elements by children and adolescents and reduce injuries among pedestrians. One of the factors in the increase in the number of accidents involving children was the invisibility of young pedestrians on the roadway, especially in the morning and evening hours. About 22% of all children injured in road accidents are under 5 years of age. Improving the visibility of pedestrians, especially in conditions of insufficient illumination of the street and road network, can be achieved with the help of special reflective elements on clothing.

The possibilities for using CB elements are very wide: badges, keychains, pendants, stickers, self-fixing bracelets, armbands. All these types of SV elements are not only a means of passive safety for road users, but also a fashion accessory. SV reflectors are usually called flickers or glims.

The topic of our master class:“Making flicker - appliqués.”

Purpose of the work: to explain the importance of retroreflective elements for preserving life in the city road network.


· formation of ideas about the types of SV reflectors;

· practical training for parents in making SV appliqués for clothing;

· increasing parents' interest in the problem of children's use of SV elements.

Dear parents, we will briefly introduce you to the features of reflective materials. A retroreflector is a technologically complex combination of microscopic lenses that refract the light beam in the opposite direction, a reflective aluminum layer (mirror) and a durable fabric base. The reflector ensures visibility of the object more than 150m away. Therefore, our task is to protect the lives of children on the road using an SV reflector, or flicker. Flickers are already on sale. But you can make them yourself from reflective fabric and additional decorative elements.

Now you and I will make a flicker with our own hands that can decorate a hat, T-shirt, sweater or jacket, jacket sleeve or headband. Our flicker is an application of reflective fabric and decorative additions.

Making flicker – “Dog” applique

We will need: cardboard templates, reflective tape, scissors, thread with a needle, glue, bow, eye.

Stage 1. In front of you are cardboard templates and reflective tapes. We put the template of the dog figurine on the NE fabric and trace it along the contour.

Stage 2. Carefully cut out the figure.

Stage 3. We place a “dog” made of SV fabric with the reflective side up on the selected base (hat, jacket sleeve, T-shirt, headband, etc.) and sew the figure with an “over the edge” seam.

Stage 4. We decorate the dog with additional elements: sew a bow to the dog’s neck.

Glue the eye with Super Moment glue.

Flicker is ready. It will delight your child; clothes with it become brighter and more interesting. And most importantly, the flicker ensures the safety of the child’s movement in the street network.

Dear parents!

State budgetary educational institution

Basic comprehensive school No. 11 named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.G. Kudryavtsev, Syzran city district, Samara region

Master Class

on the topic of:

« Be more visible in the dark ».


Students of State Budgetary Educational Institution No. 11-4 grade

Teacher: Petraitis O.I.


Master class “Be more visible in the dark”

(making flicker - appliqués on a backpack (briefcase)

Location : GBOUOOSH No. 11, Syzran, 4th grade

Goal of the work : explanation of the importance of retroreflective elements for preserving life in the city road network.

Tasks :

Formation of ideas about the types of SV reflectors;

Practical training for children in making SV - applications for a backpack (briefcase);

Increasing children's interest in the problem of using SV elements.

Materials and tools : reflective tape, double-sided tape, scissors, pencil, templates, markers.

Preliminary work : The class is divided into 3 groups.

Progress of the master class:

1.Long awaitedDancall

Thishas begunlesson.

Alessonwill telleveryone


Earlyin the morning,Notin a hurry,


2.We doguyswarning:


So thatNotwere worriedeverydayparents,

So thatcalmwerebehindsteering wheeldrivers!


Allwouldtheirlearnto youNotinterfered.



Onpavement- Notplay,Notride,



Need toknowNotby hearsay.


Aseriouslyfor sure

Radio nanny (listen)

A GAME "This I, This I, This All my Friends"

ANowI suggestplayVgame.II'll startAYouanswerbehindmeBymeaning:ThisI,ThisI,ThisAllmyFriends!

1) Whofromyoucomingforward




2) KnowsWho,Whatredlight




3) WhofliesforwardSosoon,

WhatNotseestraffic lights?


5) WhofromyouVtramclose




5. Seethingmovementpavement:

They're runningauto,are in a hurrytrams.

Allberuleare true-

Hold onrightsides.



Pavement- Fortransport,


7.Gothroughstreetthere,a pedestrian,





Righttake a lookThen!


I'll pass bytrampath,

NeverNotforget it

What quickly you tram!

10.C sites tram, going down, Not forget

Right take a look: safe whether path?

Tram You behind Not go around

Easily under counter get in tram.

11.On roadway parts, children,

Not play V games these.

Run Can without glances

In yard And on site.

12.Case will end sadly,

Maybe be Not few troubles

After all road Not reading room

AND Not place For conversations!


IN school Youstudents,

A V theaterspectators,

A V museum, V zoo

All We visitors.

A stake on street You came out,

Know buddy, forward:

Everyone names became You higher,

Became You straightaway Children: A PEDESTRIAN

The song is performed to the tune of the song “33 Cows” :

In the center of a large city there are a lot of roads,

And, of course, it is important that everyone can cross them.

And that's why someone came up with the rules, friends,

These rules of movement, and walking, and driving

There is no way to forget.


Everyone is useful and needed.

We're walking around the city, we're walking down the street,

We don't bother anyone - we sing our song,

We are walking along the sidewalk, there is no traffic light nearby

We were on the road, but not at all confused

After all, it’s no secret to all of us:


Traffic rules, traffic rules

All children, without exception, should know.

Rules of movement from birth

Everyone is useful and needed.

13. The city we live in

It can rightfully be compared to a primer.

ABC of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet, above your head:

Signs are posted along the pavement.

Always remember the alphabet of the city,

So that no trouble happens to you.

(Children show road signs)

Pedestrian crossing sign

No Pedestrians

Be careful, children!

An intersection controlled by a traffic light.

REMEMBER ! (in unison) - there are so many difficulties on the road! (1 student)

REMEMBER ! (in unison) - there are thousands of cars on the roads!(2 student)

REMEMBER ! (in chorus) - discipline is important in everything(3 student)

REMEMBER ! (in chorus) – Traffic rules are a guarantee of safety! (4th student)

Teacher: Our master class today I would like to start with the problem.Winter. It's dark in the morning. People go to work. Schoolchildren are rushing to school. At this time of day, not all street lights illuminate the road sufficiently. (Children's answers)

Teacher: In conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians must avoid a collision; the driver must not only see the pedestrian, but also take all measures to avoid a tragedy. How to find a way out of the situation?(Children's answers)

Teacher: Retroreflective elements or flickers can come to our aid.(Children's message)

Flickers are products for children and adults in the form of stripes, chevrons or pendants to be worn at night to reduce the incidence of collisions with pedestrians.

Flicker (retroreflector) ) on clothes - today a real way to protect a child from injury on an unlit road. Its operating principle is based on the fact that light falling on a ribbed surface made of special plastic is concentrated and reflected in the form of a narrow beam. Flickers reflect the light of car headlights and allow the driver to notice a person on the road at a distance of up to 200 meters, even in the dark with low beam headlights. When a car's headlights "snatch" even a small reflector, the driver sees a bright point of light from afar. Therefore, the chances that a pedestrian or cyclist will be noticed increase many times over. Research conducted in Norway has proven that flickers in the dark reduce the number of accidents involving pedestrians by 80 percent.

A small pendant on a cord or a badge on a pin is attached to clothing, stickers - on a bicycle, scooter, backpack, bag.

At first glance, the flicker (this name was invented by Russian manufacturers of retroreflectors - the company "Modern Systems and Networks - XXI Century") looks like a toy. But its use, according to road safety experts, reduces childhood injuries on the road by six and a half times!

In Scandinavian countries (where, like us, in winter it gets light late and dark early), not only children, but also adults are required to wear reflectors on their clothes at night, everywhere, including on illuminated streets. The Finns, for example, have found that half of all injuries on the road occur in the dark or at dusk, so reflectors should be worn both when crossing the street and when driving along the road.

The more flickers, the better. Within the city, the traffic police recommends that pedestrians identify themselves with reflective elements on their left and right hands, hang one flicker on their belt and on the back of their backpack. Thus, the most optimal option is when there are 4 flickers on the pedestrian.

Manufacturers of clothing, especially children's clothing, have begun to actively use stripes made of reflective fabric. Unfortunately, retroreflectors are not sewn on all products, and, in addition, to reduce the cost in the production of clothing, they use retroreflective material with glass beads, the efficiency of which is lower. For example, in the rain, these stripes on a jacket or trousers cease to be noticeable, and the distance at which they “work” is less than that of flickers.

What are the best flickers? Buy flickers only in white or lemon colors. They are the ones that have the most optimal reflectivity so that a pedestrian is visible in the dark.By the way, orange bunnies, green squirrels, and fiery red hearts can hardly be called flickers. Most likely, these are bright souvenirs that are so loved by small children and women, whose handbags are constantly decorated with such toys.

But you shouldn’t rely only on flickers either. This is just one way to passively protect pedestrians. It is necessary to remember about other methods of solving the problem of children's road traffic injuries - about educating a competent pedestrian. Only together will they be able to ensure the safety of children on our roads.


Correct (certified) flickers:

Visibility - 400 meters

At a speed of 90 km/h the flicker glows for 8 seconds

At a speed of 60 km/h - 24 seconds

Incorrect flicker:

Visible at a distance of 80 meters

At 90 km/h visibility 3 seconds

At 60 km/h - 6 seconds

To buy a real flicker and not a souvenir toy:

1) ask the sellers if there is a certificate for flicker;

2) give preference to white and lemon colors;

3) choose the simplest shape: stripe, circle.

If the flicker is positioned correctly on your clothing, then when you cross the road, the driver will see you and slow down.

Particular attention to country roads. You never know what situations happen: your car breaks down, you get behind a train or a bus, you stay at a friend’s house, but you need to return to the city.

A person without reflective elements on the side of the road often puts his life in danger.

Flicker is not a panacea, but flicker is noticeable in the light of car headlights. Orange bunnies, green squirrels, fiery red hearts - they can hardly be called flickers, these are just bright souvenirs that little children and women love so much.

Remember, flicker does not exempt you from compliance

Traffic rules!

Teacher: Currently, there are many such elements. They are available for sale in stores.

Reflective chevrons

chevron base - reflective material3MScotchlite; on the front side of the material the image is made using embroidery, one of the most durable methods of application; on the back side of the material, heat-activated glue is applied to allow the chevron to be attached to a jacket, T-shirt, baseball cap, jeans, backpack, bag;

Reflective badges, pendants, keychains

are made of special reflective material 3M diamond class. All images are applied with special light-transmitting paints, which allows maintaining the light reflectance coefficient over its entire surface and does not interfere with efficient work on the roads.

Reflective armbands.

A reflective bandage is a wide rectangular piece of fabric of a bright poisonous color (light green, orange), onto which two parallel lines of a reflective element are sewn. Basically, the fastening is Velcro, it is easy to use and does not take much time. As a standard, the bandage is attached to the arm.

Reflective vests

Reflective (signal) vests are designed to ensure the safety of children in road conditions. Thanks to the bright lemon color, a child in a reflective vest can be seen from a considerable distance during the day, and a wide reflective strip running along the entire circumference of the children's vest makes the child visible from all sides even in the dark or in other conditions of poor visibility.

The reflector must be attached in such a way that when crossing the road, the light of car headlights falls on it.
It is recommended to attach reflective devices on both sides of clothing, backpacks, bicycles and strollers.

Teacher: Do you think we can now take measures to protect ourselves on our own?(Children's answers)

Teacher: Today we will try to apply a special applique to our briefcases using simple means: reflective tape and double-sided tape. Each group receives this material, as well as templates. By the end of the lesson, we will see what we can do.

Practical work:

Children work in groups: mark figures on reflective tape according to templates, cut them out, and decorate their briefcase. At the end of the master class, each group demonstrates their work.

FLICKER this is without a doubt ,

Traffic sign ,

What doesn't stand still ,

And with you he’s in a hurry everywhere .

He's not afraid of the dark


FLICKER is a reliable pedestrian protector!

It glows brightly in the rays of car headlights from a distance of up to 400 meters. FLICKER will make you clearly visible in the dark, which reduces the risk of hitting a pedestrian in the dark! How to wear a flicker correctly?

Flickers are microprismatic reflectors. This is not a talisman; its presence in itself does not guarantee safety. The driver must see the flicker - then he will notice you and have time to react. It is best to use two or more reflectors at the same time - on the right and left sides. Reflective tape can be tied on a sleeve or pant leg, and the pendant can be pinned to clothing. It should hang at knee height from the side of the roadway.

Reflective elements of only two colors - white and lemon - are certified and meet all requirements. Red, blue, green flickers are ineffective.

Master Class. Reflective tape applique

Master class by Olga Klyaritskaya from Moscow, took part in the master class competition - 2008.

Olga has been doing needlework since childhood. She made her first skirt at the age of 7. Now Olga is raising two charming daughters and, of course, actively sews for them.

Klyaritskaya Olga: “Since the birth of children, I have been fanatically sewing children’s clothes and getting a lot of positive emotions from the process. At the moment, this is what I use to relax.”

It should be noted that Olga never studied sewing and learned the basics of sewing herself. Today she sews beautifully and can realize almost any of her ideas.

Olga Klyaritskaya: “I used to use patterns from Burda magazines, now I come up with models and make patterns myself. I am fascinated by the technology of making garments, and I feel extraordinary joy when the idea of ​​​​a beautiful and simple execution of any element comes.”

For her competition entry, Olga chose a very original topic.

Klyaritskaya Olga: "We are destroying the legend that reflective inserts are an element of sportswear! What is this for? No one will argue that reflective inserts on clothing, especially for children, are elements of passive protection. What should girls do? I really don’t want to limit them to boundaries sporty style, and traditional reflective elements do not harmonize with ruffles and bows at all! Don't be upset, mothers of little charmers - a solution has been found!!! I bring to your attention a technology for organically introducing the above elements into a girls' wardrobe using the example of decorating a jacket."

Master class review

01. Source materials: main raincoat fabric (blue), finishing fabric (white), wide reflective tape, adhesive “gossamer”, threads for stitching.

02. On the back side of the reflective tape we draw an elegant flower.

03. Place the front side on paper (I prefer to use brown baking paper; unlike white paper and tracing paper, it never sticks to either the fabric or the “web”), and place a piece of glue of the appropriate size on top.

04. We cover the top with a second layer of paper and iron it with an iron heated to medium level, so that the “cobweb” sticks securely to the reflective tape.

05. We cut out the central parts of the petals; they can later be used in the ornament as leaves.

06. We place the resulting reflective tape with the adhesive side on the finishing fabric, “artistically” crease the fabric in the holes of the petals to give the flower volume and secure it with pins.

07. We place the workpiece with its front side on the same baking paper.

08. We put a “cobweb” on top.

09. Cover with a second layer of paper and heat with an iron, thereby gluing the tape and finishing fabric and at the same time applying the adhesive base to the workpiece.

10. This is what it looks like from the front now after removing the pins.

11. Cut out the flower. If the drawing was applied to the tape with something bright (with a pen, for example, as in my case), then restoring the lines is quite simple, since the outline is slightly visible.

12. Painfully and for a long time, we create a composition of flowers and leaves on the main fabric and glue them using an iron and, of course, baking paper. Now the elements are securely fixed.

13. One of the parts of my jacket started to look like this. Doesn't the reflective fabric look very organic here!

14. We attach flowers so that constant washing, active movements, falls and picking by little fingers do not turn the jacket and decorative elements into separate parts.

16. Photo with flash, this is roughly what it will look like in real life. Beautiful, is not it! The best thing is that with different lighting, such decor will look completely different. And how children, especially girls, like everything sparkling and shiny!