Fonvizin foreman read a summary of the events

"Brigadier". Comedy in five acts, written by the innovator of dramatic art Denis Fonvizin in 1769. The satirical comedy is realistic.

Fonvizin very accurately portrayed the conflict between virtue and immorality, intelligence and stupidity. The playwright wanted to show an environment where apathy, lack of spirituality and mental limitations reign, which means that there can be no talk of any kind of enlightenment.

The desire for European trends will not take root where it becomes just an unsuccessful parody. To start talking about the high, you must first overcome your own ignorance. D. created a whole study of the mores of society, which he embodied in The Brigadier.

So what is the plot of the famous play?

The play tells about a rather ordinary everyday situation - a wedding. Brigadier Ignatiy Andreevich and his wife Akulina Timofeevna want a marriage between their son Ivan and the adviser's daughter Sophia. The girl is incredibly beautiful and smart, unlike her close fiancé.

Ivan was recently in Paris, from where he picked up newfangled ideas, and now he inserts French words everywhere, considering himself "a Russian body and a French soul." Sophia is not at all happy about such a marriage, unlike her mother, who has read too many romance novels.

In contrast to the stupidity of his wife is the Counselor, as well as Ivan's parents, who are ordinary Russian nobles who do not see the need for grammar. True, the further events develop, the more strongly it is felt that other characters do not differ much from Ivan in their judgments.

People who decide to become a family do not have common interests: the foreman is a military man, Akulina thinks only about the household, and the Counselor is only busy with his legal career. Ivan does not want marriage and calls his parents animals, and Sophia loves Dobrolyubov. But, the adviser insists on marriage, hiding another more piquant reason for his decision. He fell in love with a foreman, and the foreman with an adviser.

Behind all these fake feelings and Ivan's ignorance, only Dobrolyubov and Sofya look real. Only lovers do not have a chance to be together for a reason quite familiar to that society: a man has no money. It seems to Sophia that everyone around her is in love, only the love of these people is dishonorable and shameful, and hers is based on good intentions and bright feelings.

It soon turns out that Ivan falls in love with the adviser and even confesses his feelings to her. They suit each other, for both are delighted with everything French. This scene, of course, is noticed by the rest of the relatives. An attempt to blame each other ends with the realization of the guilt of everyone in this house.

The foreman asked for the love of the adviser, and she was delighted with Ivan, and the adviser confessed to the foreman. As a result, everyone disperses to their homes, and the wedding will not take place. Sophia is glad of this, who is now allowed to be happy with Dobrolyubov. Her love won, as did spirituality over ignorance. “They say that it’s bad to live with a conscience: now I have learned that living without a conscience is worse than anything in the world!” These are the words the Counselor says, recognizing his unworthy behavior.

Perhaps it is with this phrase that one can sum up what the author wanted to say, who wanted to show the immorality of society, the multitude of their vices and the need to raise their spiritual level.


* Brigadier;
* Ivanushka, his son;
* Brigadier;
* Advisor;
* Counselor, his wife;
* Sophia, counselor's daughter;
* Dobrolyubov, Sophia's lover;
* Advisory servant.

The action takes place in the village of an adviser, to whom, on his way home from St. Petersburg, the foreman with his wife and son stopped by.
Act one

Advisor's estate. Rustic furnished room. The brigadier, in a frock coat, walks and smokes tobacco. His son, in dezabile, coaxing, drinks tea. The adviser, in a kazakin, looks at the calendar. Near the tea table sits an adviser in disabille and, simpering, pours tea. The brigadier is sitting at an odal and knitting a stocking. Sofya also sits at an ode and sews.

The conversation is about the close wedding of Sophia and Ivanushka. The adviser, Avdotya Potapyevna, believes that her stepdaughter was lucky, "she goes for the one who was in Paris." Ivanushka is unhappy with this marriage because his fiancee does not speak French. The adviser and the foreman begin to praise each other. The adviser, Artamon Vlasich, likes the practical foreman, Akulina Timofeevna; the brigadier, Ignatius Andreevich, is conquered by a sentimental and cutesy adviser. “God save you from having your head filled with anything other than amiable novels! Throw, my soul, all the sciences in the world, ”advises the adviser of the future son-in-law. Ivanushka proudly admits that "he himself, except for novels, did not read anything." Sophia thinks the groom is a fool. At the end of a meaningless conversation, everyone agrees that no one needs grammar and cannot be useful in life.

A servant enters and announces the arrival of Dobrolyubov. Everyone goes out into the garden. The adviser and Ivanushka remain in the room. The counselor complains about her husband's stupidity and narrow-mindedness. She is dying of boredom in this backwater, all day trying on hats and fortune-telling herself on the cards. Ivanushka taunts his parents, sighing, saying that for twenty-five years he has been living not with his parents, but with animals. They thickly sprinkle their speech with distorted French words. Then Avdotya Potapyevna and Ivanushka begin to guess each other on the cards and gradually confess their feelings. Seeing Sofya and Dobrolyubov approaching, the couple decides: “We must certainly leave them alone, so that they eventually leave us alone.”

Dobrolyubov and Sophia enter. The adviser and Ivanushka are removed. It seems to Sophia that "except for the foreman, everyone here is in love." “The difference is that their love is ridiculous, shameful and dishonorable to them. Our love is based on an honest intention,” Dobrolyubov replies. He complains about his small income, because of which the adviser does not agree to marry Sophia to him. The girl "small wealth does not frighten." Dobrolyubov hopes that soon his situation will change for the better thanks to the lawsuit won. In order not to arouse unnecessary suspicion, the lovers return to the guests.
Action two

Enter Counselor and Sophia. She tells her father that she does not want to marry Ivanushka. The counselor is convinced that "father and children should think alike." He says that before the son was responsible for the father, and the father for the son, and recalls the times when he was a judge.

In this article, we will consider in detail the work "Foreman" (Fonvizin). A summary and analysis of this comedy written in 1768 is presented below.

Ignatii Andreevich, the foreman, and Akulina Timofeevna, his wife, want to marry their son Ivanushka to the daughter of Artamon Vlasich (advisor). The girl's name is Sophia. The foreman's family is visiting the adviser in the village. Future relatives are talking about the wedding. With this scene, Fonvizin opens his work "The Brigadier". A summary of the conversation is as follows. Ivanushka has already been to Paris, he constantly inserts French words into his speech. His father doesn't like it. Ignatii Andreevich advises his son to "be diligent in business", calls to read the "military charter" and the "article". Akulina Timofeevna is an economic woman who considers expendable notebooks to be the best reading. The adviser recommends that the future son-in-law familiarize himself with the decrees and the code. And his wife, Sofya's stepmother, Avdotya Potapyevna, prefers "amiable novels" to any other reading. Ivanushka completely agrees with her from the work "Foreman" (Fonvizin), the summary of which interests us. Sophia is not happy about the upcoming marriage. She thinks her fiancé is a fool. On the contrary, her stepmother is delighted with him and his "Parisian" manners.

Conversation of future relatives

The conversation of future relatives is not glued. The brigadier is only interested in military affairs, his wife is in the economy, while the adviser is only interested in legal issues. And the adviser and Ivanushka find all these topics base. The conversation is interrupted due to the arrival of Dobrolyubov. The brigadier with his wife, Sofya and the adviser go to meet him.

Fonvizin continues his comedy "Foreman" with a declaration of love. A summary of this scene is as follows. Ivanushka and the adviser are left alone. They find mutual understanding quickly. Ivanushka scolds her parents, and the adviser scolds her husband. The young man admits that he does not like Sophia, and he does not want to marry her. Ivan and Avdotya, guessing on the cards, declare their love to each other. The adviser tells Ivanushka that Sofya has long and mutually loved Dobrolyubov.

Sophia's conversation with Dobrolyubov

When Dobrolyubov and the bride appear, Ivan and his adviser leave, leaving the lovers alone. Sophia guesses that feelings arose between her stepmother and Ivanushka. She also notices that her father looks tenderly at the foreman, and the foreman admires the adviser. Only Dobrolyubov and Sophia love each other "based on honest intentions" love. However, Dobrolyubov's poverty prevents this marriage. But he hopes that his wealth will increase when the trial is over.

Sofya asks her father not to force her to marry Ivanushka. However, the adviser does not even want to listen: the groom has "fair villages." Artamon Vlasich says that a daughter should please her mother-in-law in everything. The true reason for such stubbornness of the adviser is his love for the brigadier. Artamon Vlasich, having given his daughter to Ivanushka, will be able to see Akulina Timofeevna often by kinship.

The scene of a declaration of love to the brigadier Artamon Vlasich

The pious adviser is ashamed of his sinful love, but at the sight of the brigadier he cannot but tell her about what he feels. The simple-hearted woman, however, does not understand anything, since the adviser strews her speech with many Church Slavonic expressions. When he kneels before Akulina Timofeevna, Ivan suddenly appears. Fonvizin (comedy "The Brigadier") describes how he applauds and laughs at the sight of this scene. A dumbfounded adviser comes out. The son explains to the foreman that Artamon Vlasich is "amorous" with her.

The woman is furious. She wants to tell everything to her husband. However, the adviser tells Ivan that this secret should not be divulged: if the brigadier suspects something, he will immediately take his son and wife home. Avdotya Potapevna and Ivan convince the brigadier that it was only Ivan's joke, the adviser was not "amorous". Having believed, the woman calms down.

Ivan threatens to challenge his father to a duel

The adviser and Ivanushka happily notice that they are "of the same disposition", "of the same taste" and "of the same mind". However, the adviser still has a drawback in the eyes of the young man: she is Russian. This "misfortune" Ivan hopes to make up for by taking his beloved to Paris. Avdotya Potapyevna tells him that the brigadier is in love with her. Ivanushka gets excited: he is ready to challenge his own father to a duel. Brigadier enters. He wants to drive his son out of the room and talk to the adviser alone. However, along with Ivanushka, Avdotya Potapyevna also comes out.

Ivanushka's story about France

The brigadier scolds his son for "tomfoolery", as well as addiction to French. The young man replies disrespectfully. Then Ignatius Andreevich threatens with beatings. The adviser, who appeared at this time, protects Ivan from his father's wrath. She persuades her lover to tell about how he lived in France. Ivanushka says that he has become more French than Russian. The foreman and adviser are delighted with the story, but the foreman is annoyed. Annoyed at his father, Ivan leaves, and his mother follows him. The brigadier expresses his love for the adviser. Since he uses military themes in his speech, the woman pretends that she cannot understand him.

The position of Dobrolyubov and Sophia

Dobrolyubov tells the adviser that the trial has already ended and now he has 2,000 souls. It turned out that the judges were bribe-takers, so Dobrolyubov was forced to turn to "higher justice." And finally, justice has prevailed. Dobrolyubov asks the adviser for the hand of his daughter. The counselor is happy about this, but her husband doubts and does not give a definite answer.

Sofya and Dobrolyubov hope that the adviser's greed will induce them to agree to their marriage. At the sight of the brigadier's tears, the lovers interrupt the conversation. It turns out that Akulina Timofeevna was again scolded by her husband. This is a man of a tough temper, who is heavy on the arm. Once he pushed his wife as a joke so that the woman almost died.


Dobrolyubov, Sofya, the adviser and Ivanushka start a game of square dance (card). The brigadier does not know this fashionable game, therefore she is forced only to observe. The foreman and adviser are playing chess.

The wife of Igraty Andreevich recalls the game of pigs. The woman, talking about this fun to the adviser, takes away the cards from the players. Ivanushka is angry, the foreman takes another opportunity to scold his wife. The brigadier is offended and leaves.

Artamon Vlasich reproaches the brigadier for mistreating his wife. In turn, Ignatius Andreevich hints that the adviser is not indifferent to Ivanushka. However, Artamon does not believe this. The brigadier is sure that there is no such fool in the world who would have thought of falling in love with Akulina Timofeevna.

The brigadier persuades her son to marry. However, Ivan's parental example does not inspire. Besides, he doesn't like his fiancee. Akulina Timofeevna says that the choice of the betrothed is the business of the parents, not the groom. She herself, for example, never even spoke before the wedding with Ignatius Andreyevich.

Details of Ivan's past

Ivanushka and the adviser talk about their love, as well as about the danger that awaits them from the foreman and adviser. Ivanushka talks about his education. It turns out that before his trip to France he was brought up by a French coachman, to whom he owes his love for this country.

The mystery is revealed

The brigadier and adviser find Ivanushka on his knees in front of the adviser. The secret is revealed. Ignatius wants to beat his son, and the adviser intends to recover money from Ivan for dishonor. Dobrolyubov, Sofya and the foreman who entered immediately find out what happened. Sophia refuses to link her fate with Ivan. The foreman and adviser agree with this.

Then the adviser and Ivan tell all the secrets that they know about. Ivanushka says that the adviser is in love with the foreman, and Avdotya - about the foreman's love for her. The adviser and the foreman part in great anger. Ignaty Andreevich takes his family away. Ivan and the adviser say goodbye touchingly - the foreman and adviser can hardly separate them.

The adviser stays with his daughter and wife. Dobrolyubov again asks for Sophia's hand. Avdotya Potapyevna, Artamon Vlasich, and Sofya herself express their consent. These events end the comedy of D.I. Fonvizin "The Brigadier". The issue will be discussed below.

Time of creation of the work

The first comedy by Denis Ivanovich was born in 1769. During the great events that took place at that time in public life, Fonvizin wrote his work ("The Brigadier"). The history of its creation is closely connected with them. At that time, preparations were in full swing for the opening of the Commission, which was involved in the drafting of a new bill - a code that was supposed to affect all the nobility. Perhaps it was no coincidence that he made the nobles Fonvizin ("The Brigadier") the main characters of his comedy. shows that most of them, moreover, were negative characters.

comedy characters

Through an almost vaudeville form in which all the characters, except for the foreman, flirt with each other, the unattractive qualities of the so-called "masters of life" suddenly appear. Fonvizin ("The Brigadier") casts great doubt on the merits to the homeland of the service nobility. The main characters - the nobles - are presented in it by no means in the best light. At the same time, arbitrariness in relation to the serfs of the "noble class" is shown in bright colors. Here the stigma falls not on criminals or robbers, but, at first glance, on decent citizens: a nobleman from the military, an official, and also a young man who is fond of French nonsense.

Staging features

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin decided to put "The Brigadier" on stage, taking advantage, first of all, of Diderot's advice, who suggested "transferring the theater to the living room." An action takes place in one of the rooms of the adviser's house. The spectators who watched the production were amazed at how believable and natural the characters looked in such an environment. It seemed that this was a real house, not a theater, and the audience was with the main characters in the same room.

Genre traditions and innovation

From the point of view of the genre, this work was created taking into account the classic traditions of high comedy D.I. Fonvizin. The "brigadier", a brief summary of which was discussed above, basically followed the tradition. This is evidenced, first of all, by the sketchiness of the characters and the static nature of the action. However, Denis Fonvizin still allowed himself some digression from the classics. "Brigadier" is proof of that. That is why Ivanushka, the son of the brigadier, who does not pretend to have serious feelings due to the underdevelopment of nature, nevertheless showed something sincere at parting at the end of the play. He even, one might say, for a moment saw the light, saying that if he had been brought up by a Russian who loved his nation, perhaps he would not have been like that. Denis Ivanovich used this digression only to make the scene more believable, to bring it closer to reality. He did not limit himself in his comedy to ridicule and enumeration of the unpleasant aspects of the life of the nobles. The author, first of all, seeks to determine their preconditions, to reveal social predetermination.

Moral issues raised by Fonvizin ("Brigadier")

Analyzing the work, it should be noted that Fonvizin was interested in the question of why such people appear. The brigadier himself partially answered him in the work, regretting that he did not send his son to the regiment, but allowed his wife to spoil him. and the rude character was late to the negative effects of being spoiled and fashionable upbringing. It dawned on him only when he felt them on himself in full. The older generation (foreman and adviser) was typical of the nobility of that time. Bribery of state officials in Russia in the 18th century reached its climax, so that empresses Elizaveta Petrovna (at the end of her reign) and Catherine II, who replaced her in power, had to fight it at the highest level. Both of them strongly opposed bribery in state structures.

According to Fonvizin, education is a means that can cure all the ailments that exist in society. Therefore, the primary task of our time should be the education of true nobles, who are Sophia and Dobrolyubov in the comedy. These heroes are distinguished by education, intelligence, love for the fatherland, humanity, high morality, respect for their native language and culture, as well as awareness of their duty.

The influence of comedy on the further development of the genre

Fonvizin's comedy "The Brigadier", of course, could not but influence the further development of the genre as a whole. It provided future authors with many new opportunities for revealing the characters and images of their characters. Fonvizin's comedy "The Brigadier" is a work in which the provisions of a whole new direction in dramaturgy were laid down. Other playwrights picked up the achievements of Denis Ivanovich and developed them even more. This manifested itself especially clearly in the work of Sumarokov, in particular, in such a well-known comedy of his as "Cuckold by Imagination". The writer here brought to the stage the provincial landlord life, like Fonvizin ("The Brigadier"). We will complete the analysis of the work on this - we have highlighted the most important points, you can already supplement it yourself.

  • Brigadier;
  • Ivanushka, his son;
  • Brigadier;
  • Advisor;
  • adviser, his wife;
  • sophia, councilor's daughter;
  • Dobrolyubov, Sophia's lover;
  • Advisory servant.

The action takes place in the village of an adviser, to whom, on his way home from St. Petersburg, the foreman with his wife and son stopped by.

Act one

Advisor's estate. Rustic furnished room. The brigadier, in a frock coat, walks and smokes tobacco. His son, in dezabile, coaxing, drinks tea. The adviser, in a kazakin, looks at the calendar. Near the tea table sits an adviser in disabille and, simpering, pours tea. The brigadier is sitting at an odal and knitting a stocking. Sofya also sits at an ode and sews.

The conversation is about the close wedding of Sophia and Ivanushka. The adviser, Avdotya Potapyevna, believes that her stepdaughter was lucky, "she goes for the one who was in Paris." Ivanushka is unhappy with this marriage because his fiancee does not speak French. The adviser and the foreman begin to praise each other. The adviser, Artamon Vlasich, likes the practical foreman, Akulina Timofeevna; the brigadier, Ignatius Andreevich, is conquered by a sentimental and cutesy adviser. “God save you from having your head filled with anything other than amiable novels! Throw, my soul, all the sciences in the world, ”advises the adviser of the future son-in-law. Ivanushka proudly admits that "he himself, except for novels, did not read anything." Sophia thinks the groom is a fool. At the end of a meaningless conversation, everyone agrees that no one needs grammar and cannot be useful in life.

A servant enters and announces the arrival of Dobrolyubov. Everyone goes out into the garden. The adviser and Ivanushka remain in the room. The counselor complains about her husband's stupidity and narrow-mindedness. She is dying of boredom in this backwater, all day trying on hats and fortune-telling herself on cards. Ivanushka taunts his parents, sighing, saying that for twenty-five years he has been living not with his parents, but with animals. They thickly sprinkle their speech with distorted French words. Then Avdotya Potapyevna and Ivanushka begin to guess each other on the cards and gradually confess their feelings. Seeing Sofya and Dobrolyubov approaching, the couple decides: “We must certainly leave them alone, so that they eventually leave us alone.”

Dobrolyubov and Sophia enter. The adviser and Ivanushka are removed. It seems to Sophia that "except for the foreman, everyone here is in love." “The difference is that their love is ridiculous, shameful and dishonorable to them. Our love is based on an honest intention,” Dobrolyubov replies. He complains about his small income, because of which the adviser does not agree to marry Sophia to him. The girl "small wealth does not frighten." Dobrolyubov hopes that soon his situation will change for the better thanks to the lawsuit won. In order not to arouse unnecessary suspicion, the lovers return to the guests.

Action two

Enter Counselor and Sophia. She tells her father that she does not want to marry Ivanushka. The counselor is convinced that "father and children should think alike." He says that before the son was responsible for the father, and the father for the son, and recalls the times when he was a judge. “The guilty used to pay for his guilt, and the right for his truth; and so in my time everyone was happy: the judge, and the plaintiff, and the defendant. Our brother, the judge, for the common good, can interpret manners for twenty-one decrees, ”says the adviser. He tells Sofya that she “should not interpret the decree to marry according to judicial custom,” but would go, as ordered, for Ivanushka. “Just imagine my misfortune: I will be the wife of such a fool who is filled with some French nonsense, who has not only love for me, not the slightest respect,” says Sophia. The adviser answers her that the groom has a good dignity - a fair amount of villages, and Sophia should honor the groom and please her mother-in-law. Then the adviser makes the daughter: “Go to the guests and, as if from yourself, tell your future mother-in-law that I, I instruct you to please her.”

Sophia leaves. The adviser remains alone and admits to himself that he is marrying off his daughter against his will to Ivanushka “only so that I can more often see my beloved matchmaker by kinship.” Brigadier enters. The counselor begins to speak to her about his sins and "weak flesh". The brigadier cannot understand his hints. Then the adviser kneels down and confesses his love to the foreman. At this time, Ivanushka enters. The adviser sees him and jumps up, and Ivanushka laughs and applauds. The adviser, dumbfounded, leaves. The brigadier still does not understand anything. Ivanushka explains to her mother that the adviser is "amusing" with her. The brigadier is offended.

The counselor enters. Ivanushka laughingly describes to her the scene he has witnessed. They whisper. At this time, the foreman is going to go to her husband and tell him everything. Son and adviser grab her by the floor. They convince the foreman that Ivanushka was joking. The brigadier calms down and leaves. The counselor and Ivanushka are left alone. The adviser accuses Ivanushka of frivolity - if the brigadier found out about everything, he would take his wife and son away from the estate. Ivanushka declares: “I am frivolous, otherwise I would have imitated the French badly.” He tells the adviser that he would like to go with her to Paris. The adviser informs Ivanushka that the foreman is in love with her. Ivanushka threatens to challenge her father to a duel, because there was also such a case in Paris.

The foreman enters to call the guests to the table. He sends his son to the bride to be alone with the adviser. Ivanushka does not want to leave. The adviser gives him her hand, and Ivanushka, simpering, leads her to the table. The brigadier, holding a grudge against his son, walks behind.

Act Three

The Brigadier enters with his son. The foreman is ashamed of his son. Ivanushka is unhappy that they want to marry him to a Russian. “My body was born in Russia, but my spirit belongs to the French crown,” he declares to his father and adds that he is not obliged to respect his father. The foreman gets angry and threatens to beat his son with a stick. Brigadier enters. The brigadier tells her that her son has completely lost his mind. He scolds his wife for spoiling her son, for not letting him enlist in the regiment. Ivanushka yawns. The brigadier threatens to grab two ribs from Ivanushka.

The adviser enters and intercedes for Ivanushka. She is delighted with Ivanushka and asks him to tell about his stay in Paris. “In Paris, everyone honored me the way I deserve. Where they didn’t see me, everywhere everyone had joy on their faces, and they often declared it with such extraordinary laughter, which directly showed what they think of me, ”says Ivanushka. The adviser and foreman are delighted. The brigadier doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. Willow-

noushka, annoyed, leaves. The brigadier rushes after him.

The brigadier and adviser remain alone. The adviser says that he is too rough with his son. The brigadier threatens: "Sooner or later I'll knock the French spirit out of him." He says that "the son's stories are a wasteland." Taking advantage of the moment, the foreman hints to the adviser about his feelings. The adviser pretends not to understand the hints. Then the foreman admits: “Your eyes are more terrible to me than all bullets, cannonballs and buckshot. One of their first shots has already shot right through my heart, and before they slap me, I surrender to your prisoners of war. The counselor still pretends not to understand. “I am like a brave commander, and you are my fortification, which, no matter how strong, can do everything in it,” says the brigadier.

Enter Counselor and Dobrolyubov. He informs the adviser that his case in court has already been decided in his favor. The brigadier, annoyed, exits. Dobrolyubov informs the adviser and adviser that he now has two thousand souls. The adviser's attitude towards Dobrolyubov immediately changes. “If someone has two thousand souls, it seems to me that they can reward all vices,” he says. The adviser tells Dobrolyubov that the time has come for him to get married. “I don’t want to marry anyone when you don’t agree to give up your daughter for me,” says Dobrolyubov. The adviser replies that now he is not against this marriage, but now he cannot decide anything and postpones the decision of this issue until the morning.

act four

Dobrolyubov and Sofya alone. Dobrolyubov hopes that his marriage to Sophia will have a happy outcome. Sophia doubts it. She knows that her father is in love with the foreman. “Self-interest makes the same miracles out of a person as love does,” Dobrolyubov tells her. “Covetousness rarely wins love,” Sophia objects.

The brigadier enters, wiping her tears. She complains that her husband scolded her for nothing, for nothing. Sofya and Dobrolyubov are outraged by the foreman's attitude towards his wife. The counselor and Ivanushka enter. The adviser invites Ivanushka to play a game of cards. They serve a card table. The adviser, Ivanushka, Sofya and Dobrolyubov begin to play square dance. The brigadier does not know this game. She sits down and watches.

The foreman and adviser enter and begin to play chess. The brigadier does not understand anything in a quadrille. She begins to remember how she used to play mariage, fools and pigs. Then he grabs cards from the table and runs up to the adviser to show how they play pigs. The adviser looks at her with tenderness. The brigadier throws chess. Ivanushka jumps up and complains that it is impossible to play. “Listen, wife! Wherever you go, you mess up everywhere. Whoever has no mind, approaching one, can interfere with everyone, ”says the foreman. The adviser intercedes for the foreman. The brigadier and adviser tell him not to mind his own business. The brigadier steps aside. The adviser sends Sophia to her.

The adviser tells the foreman that he is "treating his wife very badly." “She is out of place sad, not cheerful for good, healed, there is a lot of sin, inopportunely,” the brigadier answers him. Ivanushka says that even a dog, not only mother, should not be wished for death. The brigadier calls his wife a fool and accuses her of raising a worthless son. The adviser again intercedes for the foreman, arguing with the foreman. “She is humble, like a lamb, industrious, like a bee, beautiful, like a bird of paradise, and faithful, like a turtle dove,” the adviser says with a sigh.

The adviser and Ivanushka leave, and the foreman and adviser continue to argue. Each of them believes that the wife of the other is the best. They soon find themselves alone and decide to go where everyone is.

Act Five

The brigadier persuades Ivanushka to marry. He replies that he would like to be a hundred miles of French from her when it comes to his marriage. “Our business is to find you a bride, and your business is to get married,” the foreman says to Ivanushka. Ivanushka is outraged by these words. He begins to speak French with his mother, realizing that she does not know this language. The brigadier is offended and leaves.

The counselor enters. It seems to her that the brigadier is jealous of her son. The adviser tells Ivanushka that their love must be hidden. Ivanushka replies that the foreman is minding his own business. The adviser complains about her husband, then asks Ivanushka who taught him French. “Before my departure for Paris, I was here at the boarding house of a French coachman. I owe him alone for my love for the French and for being cold towards the Russians, ”Ivanushka answers her. The adviser declares: “From now on, in my heart I will maintain true reverence for the French coachmen. Your happiness and mine that you got caught by a French coachman. Then she once again reminds Ivanushka of caution.

At this time, the foreman and adviser enter and see how Ivanushka throws herself on her knees in front of the adviser. They are outraged to the core. Ivanushka jumps up from his knees. The adviser scolds him in a rage. The brigadier is going to beat his son. The adviser laments that the villainous wife has deprived him of honor.

At this time, the foreman, Sofya and Dobrolyubov enter. The brigadier tells his wife about the antics of her son. The brigadier does not believe this, she does not allow the thought that the son can love someone other than Sophia. “It is impossible for honest people to get angry over such a trifle. Among people who know the world, they laugh at this, ”says Ivanushka. The brigadier replies that he would bruise the sides of someone who would drag his wife. The adviser threatens to sue Ivanushka and declares that he no longer wants to have him as his son-in-law. Then Ivanushka says that he saw the adviser on his knees in front of the brigadier. The brigadier threatens to mutilate the adviser. He, frightened, asks for forgiveness. At this time, the adviser cannot stand it and tells how the foreman prayed for her love. The brigadier and adviser quarrel completely. “Now let's get out of such a house, where I, an honest man, almost became a loafer,” the brigadier shouts. Ivanushka and the adviser, saying goodbye, throw themselves into each other's arms. The brigadier and adviser rush to separate them. The brigadier and his family leave the councilor's estate.

Remain adviser, adviser, Dobrolyubov and Sophia. Dobrolyubov asks for Sophia's hand. The adviser agrees. “Be you prosperous, and I, for all my sins, have been punished enough by the Lord: here is my hell!” he says. “I wish you a happy fortune, but I am condemned to suffer to death: here is my tartare,” says the adviser. Sofya and Dobrolyubov are happy. The adviser addresses the public: "They say that it is bad to live with a conscience: and I myself have now learned that living without a conscience is worse than anything in the world."

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Genre and literary direction

"The Brigadier" is a traditional farce sideshow for the 18th century. Each individual storyline seems to be a deviation from the poorly drawn main one (the love of Dobrolyubov and Sophia). The comicality of each plot situation becomes an end in itself. Combining separate intermedia passages into one plot is a whole art. "The Brigadier" is a classic comedy. Each character is a typical character, written in one or two strokes. In "The Brigadier" there are features of a sitcom: the situations in which the characters find themselves are comical. This is either a violation of the intimacy of the explanation of lovers, or an imaginary (adviser) or real (foreman) misunderstanding of amorous courtship or flirting.

As befits a classic comedy, the action in The Brigadier is static, and the characters are sketchy.

Theme and problems, plot and composition

The theme of the comedy is connected with the satirical ridicule of the moral vices of society. The problem allows us to talk about where these vices come from, why negative characters are like that. It is no coincidence that the comedy is called "The Brigadier", although the foreman is not the main character. But he, as a representative of the older generation, is responsible for why his son is vicious. The brigadier himself at some point realizes that he was too soft with his son, allowed his wife to spoil him and did not give him into military service. He keeps threatening to beat Ivan, but it's too late.

Another problem is related to bribery of officials. By the time the play was written, a decree had been issued to combat bribery. Accustomed to taking bribes, the adviser did not see the point in further service and retired to live in a village acquired by bribes.

Another problem is the predilection of young people for everything foreign. Ivan turns in separate French words and admits to the adviser that he was taught by a French coachman. The counselor also babbles in French, but despises her teachers. Fonvizin ridicules such "education". For him, the ideal of enlightened nobles is Sophia and Dobrolyubov. They are smart, modest, educated and love the fatherland, respect their parents and their native language.

There are 5 actions in the Brigadier. They are united by the marriage of Ivan and Sophia. But in fact, the plot breaks up into separate episodes, each of which is associated with a vicious love couple. At the same time, the virtuous lovers Dobrolyubov and Sophia cannot be considered the main characters, they play too little a role, they do not connect all the storylines together. The storylines connect at the end, when the love affairs of the characters are revealed.

Heroes and images

The positive characters Sofya and Dobrolyubov are not spelled out in detail. They connect all the storylines and pronounce the author's enlightening ideas about the benefits of education. Sophia is an obedient daughter and does not go against the will of her father, although she explains her unwillingness to marry, so that the adviser even becomes ashamed to force her. But the adviser has his own interests: he wants to communicate more with Ivan's mother, the brigadier, with whom he is in love.

Negative characters make love couples and triangles. The comic is that the foreman, surprisingly similar to the club-headed Box from Gogol's "Dead Souls", does not even understand that the adviser lusts for her. The adviser and Ivan in the triangle adviser - Ivan - the foreman seems to be made for each other. They have the same vices: they are prone to idleness and entertainment, they despise everything Russian and admire the French. At the same time, they are just as ignorant as the foreman and foreman, who do not know letters and consider it unnecessary. The diligent brigadier spares no money for a grammar book, so that the spouses do not teach reading and writing to their son, and the adviser tore the grammar into papilots. The vice of an adviser is hypocrisy, ostentatious piety and bribery. The foreman beats his wife, treats her worse than a horse. He is the third extra in the love triangle, the adviser pretends not to understand his hints, and the son is ready to challenge him to a duel.

The brigadier even causes sympathy. According to Fonvizin, she is very stupid, but she is the only one who does not try to seem smarter than she is. The adviser, on the contrary, considers her a smart and prudent woman, which she is in economic matters.

Negative characters' topics of conversation are as limited as they are. The brigadier discusses military affairs, the adviser talks about the courts, Ivan talks about France, the adviser talks about outfits, and the brigadier talks about the household.


The conflict in classic comedy is always external. Heroes are carriers of certain character traits, positive or negative. In the confrontation between vice and virtue, vice is ridiculed, and virtue triumphs. Dobrolyubov wins the lawsuit, despite the bribery of the judges, because he appeals to higher authorities. He becomes wealthy, and the adviser no longer interferes with his marriage to his daughter.

Artistic originality

The novelty of the comedy was that the action was transferred to an ordinary landowner's house. The audience felt like they were part of the play. Comedy is replete with everyday details, signs of the times. The characters even play cards and drink tea.

The speech of the characters deserves attention. The foreman compares everyone to animals, is rude, and constantly scolds. The adviser does not lag behind him. His speech is full of Church Slavonicisms and swearing. This fact leads to a comical situation when he hints about his love for the brigadier, drawing church analogies and using Old Slavonic words. His piety is external, hypocritical, as is the education of Ivan and the adviser, who speak French. The brigadier and the brigadier keep asking Ivan to speak Russian.