Photoshop broken face. An example of professional retouching in Photoshop

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Hello, dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. There is a lot to retouch portraits, but if you want to achieve an amazing effect, then you have no choice, you have to use Photoshop. It will allow you to create such a result that you can even hang it on the wall, even use it in a glossy magazine. All friends and acquaintances will envy your photo, and most importantly, no particularly complex manipulations.

Today I will tell you how to retouch a face in Photoshop professionally. The work is easy, but painstaking. It may take you at least an hour. But the result will exceed all expectations. It was exactly like that with me.

I will not hide it, I took one of the first videos on YouTube and tried to repeat it and did not even particularly hope for a high-quality result, but it turned out to be perfect. You can read the text with step-by-step pictures, or you can immediately go to the end of the article and try to do everything exactly the same as in the video. For beginners, I would recommend the first option, but it's up to you.

To do this, drag the topmost slider slightly towards blue, and the bottom one towards blue.

I open "Tone" - "Shadows" and do the same.

Don't be afraid, the photo won't be that blue. Hold Alt + Del, everything will return as if in its place.

Now select a white brush and stroke the pupils on the portrait. You may have already worked with . Now you are doing just that.

Lower the opacity of the layer to make the picture look more natural.

Add another adjustment layer - hue/saturation.

We make the picture less saturated.

Now Curves.

Align the colors to your liking.

The face at the moment does not look quite natural, it is too pale. Go to the red channel. And try to revive it a little.

The same can be done with blue and green.

The opacity of this layer is also better to make a little less. For naturalness.

Again merge all previous layers into a heap.

Select the filter - sharpening and add contour sharpness to the portrait.

Set the effect to 50 and the radius to 1.

Once again go to the Unsharp Mask filter, but this time set the effect to 100 and the radius from 1 to 2.

OK it's all over Now. This is how our photo looked originally.

And also upon completion of all work.

Video instruction

I believe that the text and video mode will help you understand all the intricacies and add an excellent result. If you don’t understand something in the text, you can always go to the video and vice versa. For example, I could not understand initially how to reduce all layers into one. But then I figured it out.

Well, if you want to learn how to masterfully, thoroughly, professionally and thoughtfully retouch any photos, I can advise you on the course « Photoshop for photographer » in it you will find a detailed analysis of each tool and learn how to apply them, pursuing a specific goal and knowing what you are doing and why. You will be able to learn how to use the professional program masterfully.

OK it's all over Now. See you soon and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

In that Photoshop tutorial You will learn how professionals do skin retouching. The skin will look healthy and, most importantly, without the “plastic” effect or blurring.

I hope you enjoy our Photoshop tutorials. Let's get to the lesson...

1. Open a photo in Photoshop.

In this photo retouching tutorial, try using high resolution images where you can see skin texture.

2. Duplicate the layer and paste it into the group.

To do this, click Ctrl+J to duplicate the layer and then ctrl+g to place the newly created layer into a group. We call the group “Airbrush”, and the layer “Blur” (Blur).

We will use the "Blur" layer to blur the skin. Then, we will add another new layer to bring back the natural texture of the skin.

3. Select the "Blur" layer.

To blur the current layer, use Surface Blur filter. This filter is similar to the Gaussian Blur, the difference is that it leaves the edges more detailed. We need to blur the layer so that the skin is smooth but without blurry edges.

4. The result of applying the filter Blur on the surface.

Your drawing should look similar to mine, the details of the eye should be intact.

5. Create a new layer and place it above the blur layer.

Name the current layer “Texture” and change the Blending Mode to harsh light(Hard light). The existing layer will be used to add texture to the skin as well as adjust the tone of the skin.

6. The texture created in this layer will not really be noticeable in the final image.

It can be seen if you apply a large increase. But, despite this, the skin will not look too smooth or “plastic”.

Below is a prototype of the result.

7. Make sure you have the "Texture" layer selected.

Click Shift+F5 or go to the list Editing > Fill(Edit-Fill). Set the Fill tool settings as in the picture below.

8. Next, select the menu Filter > Noise.

This will add a slight noise to the image, which will avoid the “plastic skin effect”. Applying a filter can make your photo look too sharp. In the next step, we will fix this by applying a filter Gaussian blur(Gaussian Blur).

9. Choose from the menu Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.

Set the blur radius to 1 pixel.

10. Now we will take a color sample from this layer.

To begin, select the Eyedropper tool. Take a sample of the skin color that seems more suitable to you, you may not be completely accurate, since we will drastically adjust the color later. In the color palette, click on the Lilliputian triangle in a circle and select a model from the pop-up list HSB. We need to know the HSB values ​​for the next step.

11. Open the panel Hue/Saturation, pressing Ctrl+U.

Check the box Tinted and check the parameters to match the parameters HSB from the top step.

12. Select the "Airbrush" group in the layers panel.

Then we go to the menu Layer>Layer Mask>Hide All(Layer - Layer mask - Hide all).

This will create a layer mask filled with black that will hide the entire group. In this layer mask, we will paint the areas where we want to add retouching.

13. Press D on your keyboard to set the default background color to black and white.

Choose a tool Brush with the following settings.

Zoom in to 100% and paint over the skin. Don't worry if your skin tone looks wrong. This is because we didn't choose the exact color when we used Hue/Saturation with a tint on the Texture layer. Simply, then it is very difficult to do. We will come to the correct result a little later. Use the following photoshop hotkeys to change the brush size and hardness:
* Decreased brush size: [
* Increase brush size: ] * Decrease brush softness by 25%: Shift + [
* Multiply brush softness by 25%: Shift + ]

Where you've painted over the skin, your layer mask should have areas of white, and the skin should look smooth.

14. Now we are going to correct the color of the skin.

We've talked about this before in this Photoshop skin retouching tutorial. So select the “Texture” layer and click Ctrl+U. Change the settings to get a normal skin tone.

IN " Color tone” settings are usually correct. But I increased it by 10 units, adding a yellow tint to reduce the red areas.
Settings " Saturation” often have to be significantly reduced. Adjust the setting until the skin tone looks good but not pale.
Brightness” on the contrary, requires minor changes, when you adjust it, you will see how sensitive this parameter is. If the Brightness is fine-tuned, the photo will look more natural.

15. Restore skin details.

Let's go to the list Picture > External channel(Image - Apply Image). In the window that appears, set the following settings.

Final results.

Here you see the final photo after applying the airbrush technique.

As you change the range of the image, you will notice that the slight bumps in the skin are still visible. Even on the lower right image, the result looks natural due to the Texture layer. Outside of this layer, the image would look like a solid color without noise.

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In this tutorial, I will show you how to do quick face retouching in Photoshop. Face retouching in Photoshop is a daily task for many photographers and designers. Since there are many photos to be processed, and processing tasks are typical, the least labor-intensive and most effective retouching method is required, which allows you to achieve acceptable results quickly.

The main task of face retouching is to hide visible defects in the skin of the face without losing its texture.

Earlier, we discussed with you the most simple retouching methods using the Clone Stamp (S) and the Healing Brush Tool (J). Today I will talk about an alternative method of retouching used by photographers.

I found a photo on the Internet with which I will work. The girl in the photo has problematic skin hidden under makeup, we will try to make it smoother and more uniform with a quick face retouch in Photoshop.

Getting Started

Open the photo - Ctrl + O.

Go to the layers palette - F7, duplicate the layer with the original photo CTRL + J, so that there is something to compare the result of the lesson with.

Color correction

Let's adjust the brightness and contrast a bit.

Go to the menu "Image - Adjustsments - Brightness / Contrast" (Image - Correction - Brightness / Contrast). I increased the brightness value to +40, and, on the contrary, lowered the contrast to 40.

Removal of large defects

We remove large irregularities in the old fashioned way with the Healing Brush Tool (J).

We take a sample of normal skin with the help of the Alt key, the cursor is filled with the texture of the taken sample, click on the pimples to smooth out large protrusions on the skin.

We take a sample of clean skin next to the fragment that we want to smooth, since the overlay takes into account the substrate, which means that the lighting of the edited area is taken into account.

Align the skin

After getting rid of large defects, go to the menu Filter - Blur -Gaussian blur.

We set the blur radius to such a level to smooth out the texture of the skin, hiding bumps and enlarged pores.

I set the blur radius to 23px.

Add a mask to the layer by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the layers palette.

A white mask will appear next to the layer in the layers palette.

Pay attention to the squares for choosing the main color and background color, they have become black and white.

The mask works in our case in this way: with a black brush we erase areas that we do not need, with white we restore what has been erased.

Switching between colors is done with the X key.

Take the Brush Tool (B) standard round brush with soft edges, choose black color.

We erase parts of the photo that should not be blurred: eyes, background, lips, nose, ear, hand (in general, everything except the skin).

If we made an inaccuracy somewhere, switch to white color (X) and restore the erased fragment.

It should look something like this:

Restoring the texture

Go to the first source layer (select it in the layers palette). Turn off the visibility of the second blurred layer by clicking on the eye next to the layer thumbnail.

Open the channels palette Window – Channels (Window – Channels).

We go to the "Channels" tab, turn on / turn off the channels in turn, Red, Green, Blue. We select the channel on which the skin texture is most clearly visible (one of three).

I chose the red channel.

Select the entire image - Ctrl + A and copy the selected channel - Ctrl + C.

Turn all channels back on (click on the top RGB channel).

Go to the layers tab - F7, paste the channel - press Ctrl + V.

The copied channel will appear above the source layer.

Move it to the very top of the layers palette, above the blurred layer.

Go to the menu Filter – Other – High pass (Filter – Other – Color Contrast).

I set the radius to 2.5px, you can set the value to your liking experimentally - move the slider and see how the image sharpness changes.

Change the blending mode of the last layer at the top of the layers palette to “Linear light” (Linear light), layer opacity (Opacity) set to 50%.

Take an eraser with soft edges Eraser Tool (E), erase the excess.

Finished with the skin.

In conclusion, I treated the red inflamed eyes a little.

I will tell you in detail about eye retouching in one of the following lessons.

That's all. My result:

Photo before processing:

In this tutorial, we looked at how quick face retouching is done in Photoshop. This method of retouching is not unique, but it allows you to relatively quickly get rid of visible defects on the face, make the skin smooth and, very importantly, preserve the texture of the skin.

I hope you enjoyed the lesson.

One of the new features in Photoshop CC 2016 is Face Aware Liquify, which makes it easy to change facial expressions to add a smile or frown, as well as to reflect more complex emotions.
However, if you use this tool ineptly, the result may be too unnatural. To avoid this, remember that adding a smile, for example, involves not only changing the position of the corners of the mouth, but also the expression of the eyes and facial muscles.
With this tutorial, you will learn how to properly use the Face Aware Liquify feature. In this case, we will go in small steps and constantly compare the changes with the original photo so as not to overdo it with editing.

First open your photo, duplicate the layer (Ctrl+J). Next go to the menu Filter> Plastic (Filter> Liquify)- a dialog box will open.

Make sure it's selected Face tool (A)(icon on the left panel with the image of the face and shoulders). Then photoshop will automatically analyze the image for the presence of faces and mark them with brackets.
You may notice that when you move the cursor over parts of the face, dots and lines appear: in the area of ​​​​the eyes, nose, lips, and along the contour of the face. Next, we will look at all this in more detail.

So, let's start with the contour of the face. Dragging the upper and lower points of the contour lengthens / shortens the oval of the face. In this case, we need to slightly increase the forehead, leaving the chin unchanged.

Tip: If you are photographing a person with a beard, lengthening the chin can create the effect of a fuller beard.

Points on the cheekbones and jaw allow you to adjust the bone structure of the face. Smiling often widens the jaw a little (this can also be used to give the face a more masculine look).
Also, if you narrow the points of the jaw and cheekbones, facial features will become more elegant. In this case, we slightly narrowed the face, while increasing the width of the jaw.

Now let's move on to the eye area. There are 4 dots and a dotted line here. First, click and drag the eye area to move it. You may notice that photoshop does not distort the eye when moving.
The screenshot below shows an example of how far the eye can be moved. This was done only to demonstrate the capabilities of the tool, to continue the lesson, we will undo the changes. (Ctrl + Z).

So, the square marker is responsible for the size of the eye, changing it proportionally. Three smaller dots allow you to manually change Eye Height and Eye Width.
In this case, we scaled down the size of the eye a bit proportionally (square marker) to make it look more realistic, since the eyes in the photo were initially enlarged due to the glasses.

Moving the dotted line up/down changes the tilt of the eyes. In this case, we will not use this option.

Tip: On the menu Properties on the right you can find all these functions in the form of sliders, as well as setting Distance between the eyes (Eye Distance).

The two outer points of the contour change Nose Width, the midpoint changes Nose Height.
Zoom out a bit for this photo. Nose Width just for aesthetics. These settings can also be changed using the sliders on the right.

Change Nose Height no need.

Finally, we move on to the lips. The two dots on the sides of the lips control the width of the mouth, allowing you to widen the lip line if needed.

Step 12 Step 12

The thickness of each lip individually can be changed using brackets above and below. To proportionally change the size of the mouth, use the option Mouth Height on the panel Properties on right.

There are many ways to retouch skin in Photoshop. Often, after retouching, the skin looks unnatural. We will show you several ways to smooth the skin of the face while maintaining the texture of the pores.

Step 1 - Removal of skin defects

Tools and Patch ideal for skin retouching.

Tool Healing Brush (Healing brush)works the same as Clone Stamp (cloning stamp). Healing Brush (Healing brush)- allows you to correct skin defects, taking into account their environment. Similar to the clone tools, the toolHealing Brush (Healing brush)uses certain areas of the image (skin) for copying. But unlike a stamp, a toolHealing Brush (Healing brush)takes into account the structure, lighting, shadows of the processed area of ​​the image (skin).

Patch Tool is a mixture Lasso (Lasso) and tool Healing Brush (Healing brush). Patch allows you to restore a selected area by cloning pixels taken from a neighboring area or sample. LikeHealing Brush (Healing brush), the Patch tool takes into account the structure, lighting and shadows of the processed area of ​​the image (skin). That is Patch creates patches on the image. You specify where the patch will be located(Destination - destination)and how will you "darn" her(Source - source) .

What tool for what?

Using Patch you can retouch large areas of the skin, such as wrinkles. By usingHealing Brush (Healing brush)it is worth retouching small details. If you are processing portraits of private individuals, be sure to ask in advance if freckles, scars and moles need to be removed. Small pimples can be removed without asking the customer. In this example, we will show how to useHealing Brushsmall skin anomalies can be removed.

Choose a toolHealing Brush (Healing brush)
- Set clone source by clickingAlt + left mouse buttonin the corresponding place of the image
- Move the tool over the areas of the image that need to be restored.

So we remove all small pimples and small problem areas on the face.

Step 2 - Skin color

After processing Healing Brush (Healing brush) and Patch (Patch), the skin may look uneven. Some parts of it may be lighter, while others are darker. In order for the skin to appear fresher and cleaner, this deficiency must be corrected. At the same time, it is important not to affect or disturb the light-shadow pattern.

First, we will increase the effect of uneven skin. The fastest way is to create an adjustment layer Vibration and move both sliders - Vibrance and Saturationto the right to about +100. The value depends on how dark your face is in the picture. The darker the face, the less you need to move the slider to the right.


Now you can clearly see where there is a color imbalance. By the way, adjustment layer Vibration can be used to detect extra tones in an image.

Create a new layer with 50% gray fill. To do this, go to the menuEditing - Fill (Edit - Fill)and in the drop-down list of the dialog box, select 50% gray . Blend Mode -Overlay (Overlap). This mode works as follows: all pixels whose brightness is greater than 50% gray will brighten (for light) and darken (for dark) light and dark areas, respectively, the rest, whose brightness is below 50%, will become transparent.

Now take a soft brush with an opacity of 5-15 percent. Set the toolbar to dark gray as the foreground color and light gray as the background color. With the X key, you can quickly switch between them.

That's what's happening - you see it in normal mode.

Adjustment layer Vibration can be disabled or removed.

Adjustment layer Vibration appeared in Photoshop CS4. If you are working with early versions of Photoshop, you can useChannel Mixer. Here you need to check the boxMonochrome (Monochrome)and move the sliders of the red and green channels to the left, and the blue channel to the right. So I have the same effect in black and white as the dynamics adjustment layer.

Step 3 - Smooth skin with pore texture

Option 1 - Blur the skin - the classic way

Filter the easiest (classic) way to get smooth skin.

Merge all visible layers onto a new layer CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+D and turn it intosmart object (Smart Object). Advantage smart object (Smart Object)is that the degree of blur can be changed at any time.

Now choose from the menuFilter - Blur - Gaussian Blur (Filter => Blur => Gaussian Blur).

We choose the radius at which the skin is sufficiently blurred.

Add to smart object (Smart Object)black mask (by clicking on ALT ) and with a white brush (transparency about 50%) paint over the places where we want to see the effect of the filterGaussian Blur. The filter should not affect the contour of the face, hair, eyes and mouth.

We regulate layer transparency, set to about 40-70%. The pores reappeared on the face.

Option 2 - Blur and sharpen in one layer

Blurring the skin with the Gaussian Blur filter loses some detail and fine pores. The more blur, the more loss.

The second popular skin smoothing method is blurring combined with sharpening.

As in the first option, all visible layers are merged into one layer. CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+E .

Choosing a blend modeVivid Light (Bright light)and invert the contents of the layer with CTRL + I. This blending mode is similar toOverlay (Overlap)with the difference that pixels are not multiplied, but added and not divided, but subtracted.

Important: Convert the layer tosmart object (Smart Object)so that you can change the blur and sharpen filter settings at any time.

Choosing a filter Gaussian Blurwith a radius of about 3-4 pixels. Click OK.

Then apply the filterHigh Pass (Color Contrast). For this we go to Filter > Others > High Pass (Filter> Others> Color Contrast). In the filter choose a radius from 22 to 30 pixels.

Filter High Pass (Color Contrast)often used to sharpen an image.

With the help of a layer mask, you can apply the filter only to the areas where you want to see its effect.

Try changing the blend mode toOverlay (Overlap).The advantage of this method is that the pores of the skin remain on the face after blurring.

Option 3 - Blur and sharpenusing Blending Options

As in the first and second options, all visible layers are merged into one layer. CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+E .

Convert layer tosmart object (Smart Object)and apply blur filterGaussian Blur - Gaussian Blur or Surface Blur - Blur on the surface. Then go to Blending Options (for this you need to double-click on the layer in the layers window) and select the option Gray (Grey) in the color zone.

Now you can decide whether you want to reveal the skin blur and hide the pore texture (to do this, select the upper slider) or to reveal the pore structure from the bottom layer (to do this, select the lower slider).

In this case, we choose the blur effect. We move black slider right. Pressing ALT, you can split the slider triangle to create smooth tonal transitions. Do the same with the right white ) with the slider by moving it to the right.

If you disable all other layers and leave only this one enabled, you will see what happened.

For comparison, blur and sharpen from the second option.

And at the end of a little advice. If the texture of the pores does not appear as you expected, you can put it on a separate layer. Go to channels. Select blue channel STRG+A, copy it STRG+C and paste into the document STRG+V .

Then in Blending Optionsyou can remove all the light areas, leaving only the dark details in the pores. Change the mode of this layer to Luminosity (Brightness) .

You can add a layer mask to this layer to hide or reveal pores in certain places. This is what this layer looks like (all other layers are turned off).

This is what the effect looks like:

Before and after retouching: