Hemorrhoids at 27 weeks of gestation than to treat. Treatment of hemorrhoids in the postpartum period. Is it worth treating hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a wonderful period in a woman's life. However, due to the changes taking place in her body, serious problems can arise. One of them is hemorrhoids during pregnancy.


The disease can be of two types: internal and external. If the second type can be diagnosed without problems, then the first type of symptoms of hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy is quite difficult to determine. It is manifested by unpleasant sensations, especially during defecation. Other symptoms include:

  • burning;

Such signs are more pronounced when walking or physical exertion.

Dozens of drugs for the treatment of the disease are offered on the medicine market, but many of them have contraindications for pregnant women. It is worth dwelling on the most suitable drugs:

  1. Relief is considered the most versatile drug. It is available in the form of rectal suppositories and ointments. The product contains shark liver, which has a high therapeutic effect. This tool can continue to be used after childbirth: lactation is not a contraindication.
  2. If you do not know how to cure hemorrhoids in pregnant women, give preference to Neo-Anuzol rectal suppositories. They are inexpensive, and can be used without restrictions, but only if iodine is tolerated.
  3. Posterizan in the form of a candle and ointment will help the expectant mother cope with the illness.
  4. Procto-glivenol is a good remedy but should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy. The rest of the time, it will help to cope even with a neglected disease.
  5. Hepatrombin is also not used at the beginning of pregnancy. It can be used as a preparatory stage for surgical intervention.
  6. How and how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy, if you want to use only natural products? are considered a mild but effective tool that promotes tissue healing at the site of the nodes.
  7. Heparin ointment is quite effective in the initial stages of the disease.

When choosing a remedy, you need to consult a doctor so as not to harm your health.

Strong hemorrhoids came out during pregnancy, what to do? First you need to go to the hospital. According to the size and general condition, the doctor will prescribe a treatment regimen. But usually, with a large node size, conservative treatment may not be effective, so other methods are used:

  1. In addition to conservative treatment, sclerosing therapy may be offered. This process involves the introduction of a drug into the node, which helps the vessels grow together, and then die off. For the complete death of the node, 7-10 days are enough. One of the benefits of this treatment is a quick return to normal life.
  2. - another effective method of treating hemorrhoids in pregnant women. It allows you to effectively treat even the internal type of illness. The node is pinched with a special ring that blocks the access of blood. This procedure is not dangerous for expectant mothers.
  3. (cauterization) using a laser or an infrared device helps to treat even stages 2 and 3 of the disease.
  4. Doctors rarely resort to surgical intervention, as it can harm a woman who is carrying a child.

Pregnancy and hemorrhoids, what to do in such a situation? Many people are afraid to use drugs for fear of harming the fetus. In this case, traditional medicine recipes will come in handy. Although in this case, a doctor's consultation is required, since the preparations quite often contain exactly those ingredients that are recommended by alternative medicine specialists.

To begin with, a means is chosen for the general strengthening of the body. Rowan juice can be an excellent option. It is squeezed out of berries and taken three times a day for 100 grams.

In the future, how and how to treat hemorrhoids for pregnant women depends on the condition and neglect of the sore:

  1. The regular potato worked well. They make a kind of candle out of it and insert it before going to bed.
  2. St. John's wort decoction perfectly copes with the disease. It is prepared as follows: pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grass with boiling water and leave to settle for an hour. You need to take it three times a day for 10 days.
  3. Local baths perfectly relieve inflammation. They are considered an effective way in pregnant women at home. To do this, prepare a decoction of oak bark, chamomile, flax seeds, taken in equal proportions. The mixture is brewed with boiling water. Ready broth is filtered and applied daily. The course should last no more than 4 weeks.
  4. For baths, a mixture of calendula, elecampane, chamomile, nettle, sage, yarrow and shepherd's purse is also suitable.
  5. You can prepare an effective ointment from garlic and sunflower oil. The head of garlic is poured with oil and boiled until it is charred. Then the garlic is crushed and mixed with the remaining oil. This is better than treating hemorrhoids in pregnant women with drugs.

The use of such natural remedies will not become stressful for the body, but will help to localize pain and promote the healing of affected areas.

Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is to maintain a proper lifestyle. Pregnancy is not a reason to forget about physical activity. Regular moderate activity will make it easier to endure pregnancy and reduce the likelihood of an insidious disease.

Excellent results are obtained by special gymnastics for pregnant women, which helps to cope with the disease at stages 1 and 2. With its help, you can maintain muscle tone, which is important for the expectant mother.

Another preventive measure is washing the anus with warm water and soap. For the toilet, it is better to choose disposable wipes without alcohol and fragrances. Linen should be bought from cotton, as with its help comfort is achieved.

Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is aimed at eliminating the following risk factors:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • chronic constipation;
  • passive lifestyle.

When deciding how to cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy, the causes of which are in violation of the diet, do not forget about the diet. With its help, you can significantly adjust the condition of the intestine. The diet must be balanced. It is divided into several meals (from 3 to 5). In order not to overload the intestines, you need to eat small portions. Other dietitian recommendations include the following:

  1. A healthy diet for illness contains a high fiber content and a minimum of spicy, fried and fatty foods.
  2. One of the main conditions for a speedy recovery is the complete rejection of fast food.
  3. You need to consume at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day. Preference should be given to green tea, juices (natural) and compotes.
  4. You need to consume dairy products.
  5. It is important to fill the diet with foods containing vitamins. It must contain the following products: apples, beets, carrots and cabbage.
  6. It is necessary to increase the amount of fruits and berries, as well as whole grains.
  7. The restriction should also apply to the rich dough.

Timely implementation of preventive measures will significantly reduce the risk of complications and further development of the disease.

Knowing how and how to cure hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy, you can immediately remove the symptoms, discomfort and improve the condition of the body of the expectant mother.

Hemorrhoids are quite an unpleasant disease, and according to statistics, up to 80% of the inhabitants of large cities suffer from it, and most of them are in the female population. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are diagnosed in 33% of women in the first trimester, in 35% of cases the disease is diagnosed in the second trimester, in women in late pregnancy in 42%, and after childbirth, hemorrhoids are found in 41% of puerperas.

Definition and classification

External and internal hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids is a disease in which there is an expansion of the venous plexuses localized in the rectum, blood stagnates in them, which leads to the expansion of blood vessels and the appearance of their tortuosity, resulting in the formation of hemorrhoids (bumps). Translated from Latin, the name of the disease means bleeding. The incidence of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is directly proportional to the number of births. If in nulliparous women it develops only in 20% of cases, then 50% fall on the share of women giving birth for the second, third, etc. times.

Also, hemorrhoids can be external, when the nodes are localized in the lower part of the anus, and internal - "bumps" are located in the upper third of the rectal ampulla. There is also a combined form of pathology.

The course of the disease can be acute and chronic, although they are stages in the development of the same pathological process.


The main reason for the development of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is the flow of blood to the uterus and its growth, due to which it compresses the walls of the rectum, which, in turn, leads to blood stasis, its thickening and the formation of clots, and then hemorrhoidal "bumps". Also, an important role is played by hormonal changes that occur during gestation. Elevated levels of progesterone relax the smooth muscles of the intestine, reduce vascular tone, and contribute to less frequent bowel movements and constipation. The increase in blood volume during pregnancy also leads to excessive expansion of blood vessels, including those in the rectum. A sedentary lifestyle, especially in the last trimester, has a noticeable effect on the development of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. But, fortunately, not all expectant mothers have this pathology. A number of factors predispose to the development of hemorrhoids during pregnancy:
  • congenital or acquired insufficiency of connective tissue;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • malnutrition (eating spicy, pickled and fatty foods);
  • violation of the stool and constipation (due to the pressure of the uterus on the intestines, which violates its innervation);
  • overweight;
  • tumor-like formations in the small pelvis;
  • decreased physical activity, which leads to venous congestion in the lower extremities and pelvis);
  • taking oral contraceptives before pregnancy;
  • abuse of laxatives;
  • heavy physical labor and heavy lifting.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of the disease are very diverse and depend on the form and stage of the process. Pathognomic signs of hemorrhoids are:

  • pain during bowel movements;
  • itching and burning, a feeling of heaviness or a foreign body in the rectal area;
  • seals around the anus, which a pregnant woman can feel on her own; seals are felt like warty growths, dense and do not disappear when pressed;
  • discomfort in a sitting position;
  • bleeding in the form of streaks of blood or drops, or bloody spots on toilet paper, a trickle of blood may appear after a bowel movement;
  • prolapse of nodes, indicating the progression of the disease.

chronic hemorrhoids

The disease begins gradually, when the progression of the process, characterized by an increase in internal hemorrhoids, reaches a peak, they begin to fall out of the anus. In such a situation, the woman feels the fullness of the rectum and the feeling of immediately emptying the intestines. Accompanying itching leads to scratching and bleeding. The skin of the anus is irritated by constant watery and mucous secretions.

Chronic hemorrhoids develop in 4 stages:

  • First
    At this stage, the patient is disturbed by discomfort in the anus. Defecation is accompanied by pain, often there is slight or moderate bleeding. During the examination, hemorrhoids are found, which have not yet fallen out. The rectal mucosa is hyperemic and inflamed (edematous), dilated capillaries are noticeable.
  • Second
    The stage is accompanied by prolapse of nodes during bowel movements, but they are prone to spontaneous return to the rectum. The pregnant woman feels the knots as a foreign body in the anus, itching, copious discharge, pulling pains in the rectal area join. Pain can radiate to the lumbar and sacral region.
  • Third
    At this stage, there are all signs of hemorrhoids, which are significantly pronounced. The dropped nodes are set only manually, and soreness accompanies not only the process of defecation, but also for some time after it.
  • Fourth
    At the last stage (the most dangerous), the “bumps” that have fallen out can no longer be manually corrected, fecal and gas incontinence joins, abundant mucus and blood discharge from the rectum appears. The fourth stage is dangerous by the infringement of the nodes and their thrombosis (acute hemorrhoids).

Acute hemorrhoids

Acute hemorrhoids, in fact, is a thrombosis of hemorrhoids, which is a complication of long-term chronic hemorrhoids. Depending on the intensity of the pain syndrome, 3 degrees of severity of the acute course of the disease are distinguished:

  • First
    During palpation, small and painful nodes are determined. The woman feels itching and burning in the anus, discharge appears, but without pus. The symptoms are aggravated after a bowel movement, but then gradually subside.
  • Second
    Thrombosed nodes become of considerable size due to inflammation and edema. Puffiness extends to the anorectal region. There is redness, both nodes and the area around the anus. The sphincters of the anus are compressed reflexively, which makes the digital examination of the anus painful. In the second stage of thrombosis, pain is almost constant and does not disappear, and their intensity is significant. The pains are aggravated while walking or sitting, and, of course, when trying to defecate.
  • Third
    Swelling and redness cover a significant area of ​​the anus. Large internal nodes protrude from the anus, having a bluish-purple color. Intense spasm of the anal sphincter can provoke a reflex spasm of the ureteral sphincter, which leads to urinary retention. At this stage, necrosis (necrosis) of the nodes is possible, which is accompanied by the appearance of black areas on them.

Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy To determine the tactics of treatment, all pregnant women with hemorrhoids are divided into 3 groups:
  • the disease proceeds without symptoms - in this case, diet and hygiene, exercise therapy and walks, laxatives, including medicinal herbs, are shown;
  • this group includes expectant mothers with severe symptoms of the disease (constipation and bleeding, itching and burning, which corresponds to stage 1 or 2 hemorrhoids) - anesthetic suppositories, baths with antiseptics or decoctions of medicinal herbs, lotions and dressings with ointments, oral medication are prescribed strengthening the vascular wall;
  • the third group includes pregnant women with frequent exacerbations of hemorrhoids and prolapse of nodes - such patients are hospitalized and surgical treatment is prescribed.


The basis of the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is diet. Therapeutic nutrition is aimed at the regulation of stool (at the same time) and the prevention of constipation. Spicy, smoked, spicy, salty and pickled foods irritate the intestinal mucosa, including the rectum, so they should be excluded from the diet. It is also not recommended to take fatty foods, confectionery and muffins, as it lingers in the intestines for a long time, thereby inhibiting its peristalsis, and provokes constipation. Avoid strong tea, chocolate and coffee, as they have a fixing effect. It is necessary to expand the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals (barley, rice, oatmeal and buckwheat), sour-milk products and dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots). The amount of fluid you drink should be at least 1.5 liters per day.

Physical exercise

An important role in the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is played by physical activity, it is especially important in the later stages of pregnancy, when a woman rests more than moves. "Disperse the blood" in the pelvis and lower extremities, strengthen the vascular wall and increase muscle tone will help daily walking and special physical exercises for pregnant womenstrengthening the gluteal muscles and muscles of the pelvic floor and abdominals. It is also recommended to take a horizontal position with a raised pelvic end twice a day for 15 minutes (improves venous outflow).


Do not forget about the hygiene of the perianal area. After each act of defecation, it is necessary to wash with cold water, do not wipe the perianal area, but blot it with a soft towel or soft and damp toilet paper (available in pharmacies). A cold shower increases the tone of blood vessels and normalizes the outflow of blood from hemorrhoidal "bumps", which helps to reduce them. With external hemorrhoids, sitz baths with antiseptics (furacillin, potassium permanganate) or decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile and calendula, St. John's wort and clover flowers) are prescribed.

Ointments and suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Gels and ointments for hemorrhoids With external hemorrhoids, wipes soaked in special ointments or creams are applied to the inflamed anal area. The effect of such ointments for hemorrhoids is to relieve swelling and inflammation, normalize the tone of the veins and strengthen their walls, thin the blood and prevent thrombosis. Recommended:
  • heparin ointment;
  • troxevasin ointment, gel;
  • hepatothrombin G (use in the first trimester is contraindicated, use with caution in the second and third trimester);
  • reparil - gel (contraindicated in the first trimester);
  • procto-glivenol (contraindicated in the first trimester);
  • levomekol and posterizan (appointed for anal fissures as wound healing agents);
  • venitan;
  • misvengal and others.
  • neo-anuzole (astringent, antipruritic and disinfectant effects);
  • hepatrombin G (contraindicated in the first trimester);
  • candles with diphenhydramine, novocaine, lidocaine and anestezin (anuzol), which relieve spasm of the anal sphincter and anesthetize the rectal area;
  • sea ​​buckthorn suppositories, relief, natalsid - a wound healing effect, as well as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Oral preparations

Tablets and capsules for hemorrhoids In addition to local therapy for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, oral medications are prescribed:
  • detralex, venarus (tablets) - increases the tone of the veins and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces venous congestion and extensibility of the veins (The drug is not recommended for lactating women);
  • aescin (tablets) - has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects, reduces vascular permeability, strengthens their walls. The use of aescin is possible in the second and third trimester;
  • doxium (capsules) - normalizes microcirculation, reduces the increased permeability of blood vessels and strengthens their walls, prevents thrombosis and thins the blood. Contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • ginkor-forte (use in the second and third trimester is possible);
  • venoruton (capsules, tablets) and troxevasin capsules. The use of the drug Venoruton is possible in the second and third trimesters.

Folk methods

Alternative methods are used along with the general treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy (non-drug and medicinal):

  • taking an infusion of lungwort officinalis;
  • infusion of a mixture of hay leaves, yarrow herb, buckthorn bark and coriander grains - taken orally;
  • a mixture of oak bark, chamomile flowers and flaxseed is used to make an infusion and ingestion;
  • infusion of St. John's wort, cudweed, field harrow, buckthorn bark, horsetail and plantain for oral administration;
  • candles cut from raw potatoes and lubricated with sea buckthorn or castor oil for insertion into the rectum (anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, strengthening blood vessels);
  • grated potatoes (treatment of external hemorrhoids) - apply a napkin with potatoes to the anus;
  • beetroot and rowan juice - laxative effect.


Pregnant women who have frequent exacerbations of the disease, and there are unreduced nodes, are shown surgical treatment of hemorrhoids. In case of loss of catch and the impossibility of returning them to the rectum, minimally invasive operations are performed:

  • sclerosis of nodes - sclerosing drugs (alcohol) are introduced;
  • ligation - the nodes are pinched by the latex ring, which leads to their necrosis and rejection;
  • laser coagulation;
  • cryotherapy;
  • infrared photocoagulation.

The operation is preferably carried out in the early stages of pregnancy or after childbirth.

In the event of emergency indications (massive hemorrhoidal bleeding or infringement and necrosis of prolapsed hemorrhoids), hemorrhoidectomy is performed (the nodes are excised), regardless of the gestational age.

Hemorrhoids in pregnant women are quite common. This is the most common disease of the rectum. At risk are multiparous people over the age of 30, as well as those who have a genetic predisposition.

According to statistics, approximately 50% of women in the position suffer from this disease. At the same time, the disease not only brings obvious discomfort, but also entails certain consequences.

If earlier scientists and doctors associated the occurrence of hemorrhoids with varicose veins in the anus, now it has been proven that the disease begins with the expansion of cavernous bodies. There are a number of factors that affect the development of hemorrhoids in pregnant women:

  • The most common reason is a sedentary lifestyle, it is also called hypodynamia in medicine;
  • Overweight, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • Wrong;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • Pregnancy in general is also the cause of the development of the disease, but a particularly acute period occurs after about 5 months;
  • Lifting weights, hard work.

It is worth noting that if a woman previously suffered from this disease, then during pregnancy it will also make itself felt. Re-pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids more often than five times.

Hemorrhoids are insidious in that they do not show themselves in any way. This is the main danger of the disease, because in the early stages it is much faster and much easier to cure it. At the initial stage, it is usually found on examination by a gynecologist.

To understand the causes of this disease in you, you need to understand the main factors that cause the disease to develop. There is a certain range of physiological characteristics of a pregnant woman, which, together with external data, create a certain environment for development.

Enlargement of the uterus

An increase in the size of the uterus is directly related to the growth of the child. Therefore, in the organs of the small pelvis, blood flow is significantly hampered, which creates stagnation of blood and reduces the tone of the walls of blood vessels.


It is considered almost the main cause of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. More than half of the patients suffer from it.

Due to the accumulation of feces, the walls of the rectum are overstretched, the walls of the choroid plexuses are constantly irritated.
Such mechanical irritation of the rectal mucosa causes carvenous bodies to grow. This is where the development of hemorrhoids begins.
With progression, the disease also develops.

Sedentary lifestyle

Another factor that provokes the development of hemorrhoids. Because of this factor, the blood flow in the pelvic organs also decreases, and in combination with pregnancy, this is the highest probability of getting a disease.

It is worth remembering that a sedentary lifestyle in pregnant women is fraught with other consequences, and therefore it is necessary for the expectant mother to move, albeit without fanaticism.


It is a fairly common occurrence that women walked quite calmly throughout their pregnancy, without experiencing any manifestations of the disease. But even at the final stage, hemorrhoids can occur. During childbirth, with strong attempts, the pressure in the abdominal cavity increases many times over.

At that moment the child's head passes through the birth canal in the rectum, the choroid plexuses are strongly compressed, and in some cases even injured. Moreover, the longer the duration of the attempts, the higher the risk of earning hemorrhoids. It is especially difficult in such cases for those mothers who have already experienced this disease before.

As mentioned earlier, it is possible to detect hemorrhoids at the initial stage in general only by chance, since outwardly it does not manifest itself in any way. At the same time, treatment at the first stage will not be required.

The early stage will require you to take preventive measures in general. First of all, you need to get rid of constipation. This is done with the help of a certain diet and hygiene of the anus.

Such treatment is carried out successfully at home and the results are excellent. But in addition to adjusting the diet and hygiene measures, it is worth considering that after 5 months it is contraindicated for a pregnant woman to sit or lie a lot. Walking and gymnastics should be included in the mandatory activity program.

There is a certain therapeutic gymnastics that allows you to increase the muscle tone of the anal region and the abdominal wall. Such gymnastics improves the functionality of the large intestine and reduces congestion in the veins. Depending on the state of health, it is imperative to do the following at least twice a day for about five minutes:

  1. Swing movements performed alternately with the left-right leg to the side, back, forward.
  2. High knees when walking.
  3. Body tilts from side to side.
  4. Tension of the buttocks with retraction of the anus. This position must be held for about 10 seconds.
  5. As a rest, take a position lying on your back. Place a small pillow under your pelvis. In this position, you need to be about 15 minutes three times a day.

All of the above measures are the best hemorrhoids in pregnant women, and therefore devote time to your health.

The second stage already has manifestations, and therefore it is impossible to do without drugs. In such cases, the issue is approached comprehensively, both from the outside and from the inside.

Symptoms of this disease are sharp pains in the anus, the appearance of bumps, which are also called hemorrhoidal, itching and burning sensation. In the rectum there is a feeling of something superfluous.

For external use include gels. They usually have a number of properties, including anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vasoconstrictive and laxative effects. They are not recommended for independent use. This is especially true for pregnant women. Doctors usually prescribe local treatment for pregnant women, since it is local remedies that will not have a negative effect on the child.
As the first remedy on the list, candles based on lanolin or cocoa butter are usually prescribed. They also contain painkillers (anesthesin, novocaine, and so on).

Anti-inflammatory properties have drugs based on glucocorticoid hormones. For example, prednisolone can also reduce the burning sensation. Other drugs are contraindicated in cases where there are infectious, viral, fungal lesions in the rectum.

Rectally administered always after the implementation of defecation. Moreover, the candle should be warm. The introduction is carried out in the supine position. In the anal canal, it must be held for several minutes until completely dissolved. The ointment is applied after a shower in a thin layer several times a day.

Widespread use in the treatment of this disease found drugs based on heparin. They are especially effective if there is thrombosis of hemorrhoids. A contraindication to the use is a violation of blood clotting.

Sphincter spasm is treated with dimedrol. Healing is accelerated if medicines based on sea buckthorn oil, vitamin A, shark liver are used.

The most complete therapeutic approach in the treatment -. So astringents, anti-inflammatory components and anesthetics are included in such preparations as procto-glivenol, anesthesol, ultraproct. Hepatrombin G contains prednisolone, heparin and an anesthetic. Relief Advance contains benzocaine and shark liver oil.

During pregnancy, categorically contraindicated drugs such as suppositories anuzole, bellatamine. They contain belladonna extract, which can cause miscarriage.

More powerful drugs are prescribed in the form of capsules. They are classified as vetotonics, that is, agents that strengthen the walls of the veins and increase tone. Application occurs in courses of two to three weeks. The most effective remedy of this group is detralex. Other pharmaceutical groups are also used:

  • Curantyl;
  • Aspirin;
  • Pentoxifylline;
  • Ginkor forte;
  • Troxerutin or troxevasin;
  • Laxatives: duphalac, prelax, forlax and so on.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to take these drugs during pregnancy due to their strong effect on the course of pregnancy: senna, phenolphthalein, buckthorn, bisacodyl. These laxatives provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage.

Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at a late stage

At a late stage, the disease is treated promptly. In the case of pregnant women, the operation is debugged for several months after childbirth. Until that moment, the patient is prescribed symptomatic treatment to reduce pain and the manifestation of the disease.

It is prescribed in cases where there is a prolapse of hemorrhoids without the possibility of reduction. Also, the operation is prescribed when there are complications: acute inflammation of the rectum, its infringement.

Emergency hospitalization is considered necessary when tissue necrosis is observed when hemorrhoids are infringed, as well as profuse bleeding. In advanced cases, during bowel movements, blood may drip or even flow in a trickle.

There are cases when it is impossible to consult a doctor on time or medicines do not help. Then you can try to be treated with folk remedies.

Among the first means is considered a candle, carved from raw potatoes. It is usually put on all night. Also, aspen leaves are applied to gemmoroidal cones for several hours.

Quite popular are tampons soaked in celandine juice. The tampon is inserted into the anus for about 30 minutes. Also treated with sea buckthorn oil. Buy it or make it yourself - it's up to you. Compresses are made from oil and gauze. They should be changed up to 4 times a day, and left overnight. To enhance the effect, oil can be taken 30 minutes before breakfast, one tablespoon.

But in fact, this disease is easier to prevent than to cure, and therefore you should simply carry out the prevention of hemorrhoids in pregnant women. First of all, it is worth doing the normalization of the chair.

If there is constipation, then it is worth dealing with its elimination. Take care of normalizing your diet. Eliminate fatty, spicy, starchy foods. The food should contain the maximum amount of fiber and dairy products.

The first steps to constipation are meals with excess amounts of proteins, fats, spices, and coffee. As a drink, it is better to switch to water - from 1 to 5 liters per day.

Hygiene measures are also considered prevention: washing after defecation, sitz baths, to which chamomile infusion or a weak solution of potassium permanganate are added. The temperature of the water should be warm and pleasant for the body. If you are not yet on maternity leave, then it is worth periodically changing the position of the body during work.

Hemorrhoids before childbirth

Before childbirth, hemorrhoids occur quite often precisely because of the pressure on the nodes. Most often, in such cases, ointments and lotions are prescribed, which are simply applied to hemorrhoidal bumps.

At this time, such remedies as Relif, Gepatrombin G, Neo-Anol, suppositories with sea buckthorn oil, Posterisan are most often prescribed. These drugs quickly defeat the disease. Doctors refuse to take pills at such times.

hemorrhoids after pregnancy

After pregnancy, hemorrhoids usually occur as a result of strong attempts during childbirth. The strongest load on the internal organs manifests itself in this way. In such cases, the treatment is not much different from that prescribed during pregnancy. But do not refuse to consult a doctor, because if you are breastfeeding, you need to adjust the list of medicines.
It should be understood that hemorrhoids are a very serious disease that leads to multiple complications. As a result, you can get comorbidities. If the treatment is not correct, the disease may worsen, which can lead the patient directly to the surgical table. Therefore, we advise you to definitely visit a doctor at the first sign of illness.

It is possible to stop hemorrhoids during pregnancy. To do this, a woman is prescribed specialized topical medications, folk remedies and a sparing diet.

Hemorrhoids of 3-4 degrees of severity are usually treated surgically. But to do this while carrying a child, of course, is impossible. Surgical interventions are allowed only after labor.

If the disease is at 2-3 degrees of severity, then you can get rid of it with the help of minimally invasive procedures (also after labor). Such surgical interventions are less painful than classical hemorrhoidectomy or desarterization.

Causes of the disease

Already in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman's body lends itself to a number of changes. Firstly, during the bearing of a child, progesterone begins to be actively synthesized. This hormone relaxes the pelvic floor muscles, thus preparing the body for labor.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that during pregnancy there is an increase in the uterus in size. The organ exerts high pressure on the mucous membrane of the rectum, and compresses the hemorrhoidal veins.

In the later stages, there is stagnation of venous blood in the small pelvis. Also, the fetal head creates additional pressure on the muscles of the pelvic floor. All these factors significantly increase the likelihood of developing inflammatory processes in hemorrhoids.

There are other predisposing factors, including:

  1. Prolonged constipation. Solid feces, when passing through the anal canal, damage the mucous membrane of the rectum, vascular and capillary plexuses. If you do not get rid of constipation in a timely manner, then the likelihood of progression of anal fissures and hemorrhoids will significantly increase.
  2. Unbalanced nutrition. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy often develop due to the fact that a pregnant woman does not follow the rules of a healthy diet, and eats too much food. There is such an unspoken rule that while carrying a child, "you need to eat for two." Girls take this rule literally, and increase the calorie content of the diet, eat a lot of sweets, pickles and fatty foods. In fact, this phrase only means that women need to consume more vitamins, protein and minerals that are found in vegetables, fruits, bran, cereals, dried fruits, lean meats.
  3. hereditary predisposition.
  4. Presence of chronic bowel disease. Hemorrhoids in pregnant women can be the result of colitis, proctitis, irritable bowel syndrome and other intestinal diseases.

Hemorrhoids "bumps" can also come out due to a sedentary lifestyle. During gestation, you do not need to constantly be in a static position. Hypodynamia negatively affects the health of the baby and the expectant mother.

The best prevention of the disease is regular walks in the fresh air. You can also visit yoga and water aerobics for pregnant women.

Symptoms of pathology

As you know, there are 3 types of hemorrhoids. Separate internal, external and combined type. The most common is internal hemorrhoids. Also, the disease is divided into 4 degrees of severity.

Each stage has its own characteristics. At the initial stages, the disease can proceed secretly, and not cause any characteristic signs. As practice shows, characteristic symptoms occur when hemorrhoids already pass to stage 2.

The characteristic signs of the disease are:

  • Itching and burning in the anus. These clinical signs are aggravated after the act of defecation.
  • The appearance of bloody discharge from the anus. Blood can also be found in feces. If the hemorrhoids are neglected, then severe anal bleeding may develop.
  • Pain in the anus. This clinical manifestation also increases after the act of defecation. Sometimes the pain is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness when walking and any other stress.
  • Constipation. Constipation can be both a cause and a consequence of hemorrhoids. Sometimes constipation is replaced by diarrhea.
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the anus. Acute hemorrhoids may also present with a feeling of incomplete bowel movement after a bowel movement.

In later stages, the inflamed nodule or nodules may come out. They are usually bluish and painful on palpation. Shedding is possible due to defecation, exercise, sneezing or coughing.

How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

With the appearance of characteristic symptoms of hemorrhoids, many women try to self-medicate. It is not necessary to do this, since it can only aggravate an already difficult situation.

Initially, a woman should contact a proctologist. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate diagnosis. Based on the data obtained, the doctor will decide how and how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy in a particular case.

Usually conservative therapy involves:

  1. The use of folk methods of treatment. They will help to effectively deal with the unpleasant manifestations of the disease. The best folk remedies are potato candles, warm baths with oak bark, compresses with aloe juice, lotions with sea buckthorn oil, cool baths with chamomile. The above recipes should be used with caution in the last weeks of pregnancy.
  2. Use of topical medications. Such drugs as Natalsid, Troxevasin, Relief, Heparin ointment perfectly help to remove the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and stop the inflammatory processes. Also, the reviews confirm that Vishnevsky's balm helps to cope with hemorrhoids.
  3. Take painkillers. They will help to alleviate the general condition, and stop the pain syndrome. Ibuprofen is a safe pain reliever during pregnancy.
  4. Give cleansing enemas. It is advisable to use them only if exacerbated hemorrhoids are accompanied by prolonged constipation.
  5. Follow a diet. Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy involves the rejection of fatty, fried and spicy foods. Some spices are banned - cayenne pepper, ginger root, turmeric, horseradish, mustard. Be sure to remove smoked meats, fast food, pickles and convenience foods from the diet. Preference is given to lean meats, cereals, vegetables, herbs, fruits, eggs, dried fruits. Dishes should be boiled or baked. As a dressing, use olive or flaxseed oil. Be sure to observe the drinking regime, that is, drink at least 2 liters of water.
  6. Adhere to the rules of intimate hygiene. After each bowel movement, wash the anus with cool water.

Additionally, venotonics can be prescribed, for example, Detralex or Phlebodia 600.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids

A conservative treatment regimen will not be effective in the later stages of hemorrhoids. In severe cases, the disease is treated surgically, but only after labor. Moreover, radical surgery is prescribed when the woman has already undergone postpartum rehabilitation (usually it lasts 2-4 months).

Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy (transanal resection), desarterization of hemorrhoids help to cure hemorrhoids of 3-4 severity. After the intervention, the woman will need to take a sick leave, and stays in the hospital for 5-8 days under the supervision of doctors.

Minimally invasive procedures will help get rid of such a dangerous pathology as hemorrhoids. They are produced on an outpatient basis and do not require hospitalization of the patient. Interventions at 2-3 stages of hemorrhoids will be effective.

The best minimally invasive procedures are:

  • Cryodestruction.
  • Radio wave therapy.
  • Ligation with latex rings.
  • Laser coagulation.

After minimally invasive or radical surgical interventions, a woman needs to undergo rehabilitation. She may be prescribed certain drugs (venotonics, suppositories, ointments, painkillers). It is mandatory to follow a diet and adhere to the rules of intimate hygiene.

Hemorrhoids are a delicate problem that you do not want to talk about out loud! Therefore, you endure in the hope of a miraculous recovery, anonymously browse all kinds of forums and read articles about miracle drugs that will overcome this ailment. In the meantime, you are far from alone, and this illness is not something shameful. According to statistics, about 80% of the adult population of megacities suffer from hemorrhoids. Our way of life is sometimes very expensive for us. It is we who provoke our body with our “sedentary work”, irregular and unhealthy diet, uncontrolled medication, alcohol abuse, etc. Heredity also plays a significant role. Unfortunately, pregnancy and childbirth also significantly increase our chances of getting this disease.

However, everything is not so hopeless, because for a long time in the fight against hemorrhoids, medicine has accumulated a significant arsenal of drugs for its treatment.

What is hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a disease that occurs as a result of overflow of blood in the venous plexuses (cavernous bodies) located in the anus. Such dilated, altered veins are called hemorrhoids.

Depending on the causes of occurrence, proctologists distinguish between primary and secondary hemorrhoids. Primary hemorrhoids occur due to improper lifestyle and heredity, as well as pregnancy and childbirth.

Pregnant women often become victims of this unpleasant disease in the second half of pregnancy and this is due to the pressure exerted by the enlarged uterus on the hemorrhoidal venous plexus. The appearance of hemorrhoids in the postpartum period is explained by strong attempts and pressure of the fetal head on the vessels during childbirth.

Secondary hemorrhoids can be the result of cirrhosis of the liver, some severe cardiovascular diseases, various tumor processes that disrupt blood flow in the veins of the small pelvis.

Signs of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

As a rule, hemorrhoids develop gradually. Doctors distinguish several stages of this disease. The first stage is characterized by:

  • manifestation of discomfort in the anus;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • minor bleeding;
  • during the examination, hemorrhoids are visible, the rectal mucosa is inflamed.

In the second stage, the following symptoms are added to the above symptoms:

  • discharge;
  • drawing pains in the anal region (may radiate to the lower part and sacrum);
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids.

In the third stage, all the painful sensations that accompanied the first and second are intensified, and the prolapse of hemorrhoids requires manual reduction.

The fourth stage is the most dangerous and can cause complications in the form of thrombosis, severe pain in the anus and massive bleeding.

In order to prevent the development of the disease, a pregnant woman needs to monitor her well-being and immediately consult a doctor at the first manifestations of discomfort.

How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

The treatment of hemorrhoids should be approached individually, since in many respects it will depend on the stage of the disease and on its manifestation. At the initial stage, when a woman may not even be aware of the development of hemorrhoids, you can get by with preventive methods: normalizing regular stools, correcting nutrition (aimed at improving intestinal motility), increasing physical activity (if you lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle) . We must not forget about the hygiene of the anus: during pregnancy, this issue is of particular importance, including the prevention of inflammation in the veins of the anal area.

In general, the prevention of hemorrhoids should be dealt with by every pregnant woman, then, most likely, it will not come to treatment.

At the stage when a pregnant woman already feels obvious signs of hemorrhoids, it will not be possible to do without complex drug therapy. Treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women is carried out mainly locally, since it not only provides quick relief from the condition, but is also safe for the fetus. Combined ointments, creams, rectal suppositories are used, which act in several directions at once: they have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive, laxative effects.

All drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy should be selected and prescribed by a specialist. And even more so, one cannot do without medical assistance at a late stage of the disease, when manual reduction of prolapsed hemorrhoids is necessary, and then surgical treatment. However, the decision on the timing of the operation is determined individually, depending on the severity of the disease and possible complications. Today, doctors have the opportunity to perform the so-called small or bloodless operations:

  • sclerotherapy - the introduction into the node of special sclerosing, "blinding" the walls of the node of drugs;
  • ligation - the node is pinched with a special latex ring, which causes rejection, the death of the node after 7-10 days;
  • infrared photocoagulation and laser coagulation (exposure to a laser or high temperature on the base of the hemorrhoid at 3-5 points, which causes a burn that causes necrosis of the node with its subsequent falling off within 7-10 days).

If the woman's condition allows her to avoid surgery during pregnancy, the doctor may decide to postpone the operation to the postpartum period.

In general, the treatment of hemorrhoids is not limited to the period of pregnancy. If a problem has arisen, then during the bearing of a child, doctors will try to stop its development and relieve symptoms, and after childbirth, you will have to take care of your health closely and undergo complex treatment for hemorrhoids, as it should be. However, often its insignificant manifestations with the birth of a child disappear by themselves, as they appeared.

Folk remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Traditional medicine offers its own remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids. There are recipes that, according to "practitioners", can be used during pregnancy. Many of them have been successfully tested by various women during the period of bearing a child, but still, the choice of a folk remedy for hemorrhoids during pregnancy should be taken seriously.

We bring to your attention some folk recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

To be taken in:

  • Swallow the peeled garlic cloves (without being digested, they will come out of the anus and cauterize the sores).
  • Mix until a homogeneous mixture of 300 g of prunes, raisins and dried apricots chopped in a meat grinder, as well as 200 g of natural honey. Take 1 tablespoon before main meals.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of viburnum berries with 250 ml of water, bring to a boil and boil for half an hour over low heat. Then add water to the original amount, bring to a boil and remove from the stove. Take 1 tablespoon before main meals.
  • Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves of the stone fruit, boil over low heat for 10 minutes and remove from the stove. After cooling, strain and take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.
  • Freshly squeezed juice of rowan berries take 100 g 3 times a day with cold water. Can be sweetened if necessary.


  • Make a strong decoction of onion skins and take sitz baths for 5-8 days.
  • You can also make baths from a decoction of chamomile or a solution of potassium permanganate.


  • Pour 2 tablespoons of flax seeds with half a liter of boiling water and boil under the lid for 20 minutes. Let it brew for an hour, strain and apply cotton compresses soaked in the decoction to the anus.
  • Washed and dried aspen leaves apply to hemorrhoidal cones, leaving for 2 hours. If any discomfort occurs, immediately remove the compress and rinse the anus.
  • 12 egg-sized potatoes, thoroughly washed and dried. Cover the chair with cellophane, put a mixture of one grated potato on it and, spreading your buttocks, sit in it so that the potato fits as close as possible to the sore spot. After 15 minutes, change the lotion to a fresh one. The entire session lasts for three hours. With advanced hemorrhoids, treatment can be repeated no earlier than a week later.
  • Moisten a piece of cotton wool with sea buckthorn oil and apply to the anus.


  • Dip a swab in freshly squeezed celandine juice and insert it into the anus daily before bedtime: first for 30 minutes, then for 45, then leave for 1 hour.
  • Lubricate the washed and dried geranium leaf with vegetable oil, roll it up and insert it into the anus, leaving it overnight. Repeat the procedure for 7 days.
  • Make a "suppository" out of raw potatoes and insert it into the anus, after making an enema from water.

Once again, we focus your attention on the fact that pregnancy is not the time for experiments. Even alternative methods of treatment may not be safe, therefore, they must first be agreed with the doctor.

For example, viburnum during pregnancy causes uterine tone, and baths can cause infection in the vagina. Cauterization with garlic generally sounds scary. So it's better to hang out here.

Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

And yet, back to the main thing: you will not need any treatment if you do not allow yourself to develop hemorrhoids.

A very important point in the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids is to get rid of constipation and normalize bowel function. This is facilitated by a diet that includes fruits and vegetables (broccoli, corn, carrots, ripe apples, beets, cauliflower, potatoes, raisins, prunes, dried apricots), honey and cereals (barley and oatmeal). Eliminate fatty meats, high-calorie dairy products, buns, alcoholic beverages, spicy, spicy, salty, marinated dishes from the diet.