Preparing for adoption - documents for a foster family. Foster family - what is it? What is a foster family in the legal field? Can adoptive parents

"What if I want to give it back":

What fears do adoptive parents have?

and how to deal with them

80 percent of children living in children's institutions in Russia are teenagers. It is most difficult for them, because they are often looking for babies in the family. But older people also need help, love and care. You can support a child left without parents in different ways. You can help him improve his knowledge, introduce him to new professions, give him the opportunity to gain social skills, become his friend and mentor.
Or you can become a foster parent. And here many have frightening questions that prevent them from making the right decision. Marina Lepina spoke with psychologist Natalia Mishanina, head of the psychological service of the Arithmetic of Good Foundation, about what moments most often worry potential and already established adoptive parents and what you should prepare for in advance.

“I want to help, but I'm afraid to take a child from an orphanage - they are all children of alcoholics or drug addicts.

And they will grow up the same"

Not all hereditary is confirmed. Alcoholism is not inherited - it is a social history. If we immerse a person in a different environment than the one in which he was brought up and lived, we see positive changes in the development of his personality. We are 50 percent biological and 50 percent social. So it depends only on us, adults, how the child will develop.

If we provide a safe environment, the child is comfortable, he is loved, then he begins to develop rapidly. Lyudmila Petranovskaya notes that the child begins to develop from a point of calm. So thoughts from the series “the apple does not fall far from the apple tree” are a myth.

Look not at heredity, but at the history of the child, at his inclinations. People are not born alcoholics. The parents of this child also had some inclinations, positive qualities, but they could not realize them. So, by the way, it often happens. Children turn out to be responsible, talented, creative, diligent, although their parents led an asocial lifestyle.

See how the child behaves, what he is inclined to, what he loves and knows how to do - just develop him. So we can lead him away from the possible influence of the negative of the past.

“Why are we teenagers? They have already grown up, they hardly need a family.

A child needs a family at any age. And teenagers need a family first of all. Because there should be a significant adult nearby. It should help to get life skills, and no one in the orphanage will instill such skills. There is a myth that in the orphanage children are taught everything, they are watched there. Not at all - there children belong to themselves and are consumers of what they are provided with. And when a child leaves the orphanage and enters society, we observe the trauma of freedom. They don't know what to do with it, they haven't received resilience skills. Because these important skills can be formed in a child by a person whom he will trust, from whom he will take a copy of his life. Another psychologist Lev Vygotsky said that a small person will develop according to the scenario that an adult puts into him.

Therefore, a teenager really needs an adult nearby - even if not a family, then at least a mentor who will help move through life.

If you want to become a parent for a child, then yes, you can say that “daddy-mother” is not so important for a teenager - but he desperately needs a close adult. Advisor, assistant. Who will lend a shoulder and help
in difficult times. Why
Are teenagers so scruffy?
Yes, because during the life in the orphanage they forbade themselves to show emotions. But if there is an adult nearby whom the child trusts, he will thaw.

Emotions need to be shown, even necessary, so as not to get sick, not to explode.
In the orphanage it is different: you show emotions - it means you are weak. You will be killed. They get used to this style of communication.

And from adults, these children have already received betrayal, deceit. And they think that adults will deceive, adults will not support. So they lock up their emotions. Feeling hurts, these kids think so.

It often happens that a child has entered the family, everything seems to be going well, and suddenly he does some incomprehensible, bad deed - and this repels the adoptive parents. They even think about giving it back. And when you ask him why he did this, the child replies: “Because I began to become attached. And I'm afraid that when I get used to them and love them, they will refuse me, give me back. I'd rather not get attached. It's better to have them back now."

With a trusting relationship, the child begins to open up, this has already been proven. Adolescents often begin to communicate more sincerely with mentors, revealing to them those things that they did not talk about with their peers. They are just like us, they are just afraid to show their emotions.

“Teens are cold, callous. We will not break through this ice, we will no longer melt their feelings, there will be no interaction.

We will not be able to become necessary to him "

“I thought that if I just love a child, then everything will be fine, but it turns out that children from shelters have a completely different psychology, and they need rigid boundaries and a hierarchy. This is true?"

The child will come to you with his past. There may be so much unchildishness in it that an adult may not be able to cope with it. Therefore, you need to be prepared to take a child into the family. To study the psychology of an orphan child, to understand how his history and past affect his future. Maybe there was a terrible tragedy. Although, in fact, the fact that he was deprived of his family is already a tragedy. An injury that will affect his behavior in the future. And it is difficult to melt it with love alone. Love is one of the ingredients of success. We need a sequence of actions, confidence in their correctness, stamina. In general, an adult should be internally stable. You must know where you are taking your child. Understand what is happening to him, accept his situation. Do not panic, because he himself is scared and difficult.

Therefore, boundaries, rules, discipline are needed. This will help to go through the adaptation period and facilitate the lapping stage. Experienced foster mothers say that it is better to “tighten the screws” first, and then gradually loosen them, than vice versa. On the contrary, it may not work.

“What if it becomes hard for me, I can’t cope?

Do I want to give it back?"

Everything is better to agree on the shore. Foster parenting is not easy. And you need to calculate your resources and capabilities. To do this, you should go to a psychologist. And think: how ready am I as a person to cope with these situations? Is my family ready, how will the new family member affect the interaction with the rest, will this affect the comfort of the children who already live in the family?

What is most often associated with the desire to return the child?
With unfulfilled expectations. “I thought it would be good to study, but he doesn’t pull”, “he has such an angelic face, and he is rude, calls me names”, “I hoped he would grow up as an assistant, but he does nothing.”

But it won't be possible to say "I'm leaving you". You have to be ready to take responsibility for your decision. Adopting a child is a very serious step. You have to be ready to understand his traumatic experience, his character, maybe even love for his birth mother.

Preliminary work with psychologists will help to work out the impossibility of a return. Yes, such cases do happen, but extremely rarely, for example, when a child has a serious mental illness. But even this is not a reason for every parent to abandon a foster child.

“I’m afraid of his blood relatives. What if he leaves me and goes to them? How to share it with his own mother?

A child can leave you only if it is not possible to build relationships in your foster family. If warmth, care, respect, kindness reign in the family, he will not leave you. If you can build a trusting relationship in which everyone is happy, he will try to keep it. This has nothing to do with his interaction with blood relatives, if any. It is better to maintain these relationships - within reasonable limits, if they do not harm either the child or your family. This process, of course, should be taken under control by the guardian. And this requires the highest, perhaps, the level of professionalism of foster families.

What you need to know if you want to become a foster parent:
10 most important tips

Be sure to go to the Foster Parent School

You need to approach this consciously, evaluate your capabilities. Ask yourself questions: how will this change my family, my life? What will happen in our common life in 5 years? After 10 years? And so on.

You must have a place for a foster child - both physically, that is, in your apartment, and psychologically - in your soul and life. Perhaps your life is already maximally filled with deeds, hobbies, worries. Is there a place in it for a new person, for a new relationship? Does an adopted child fit into your picture of the world?

If you have your own psychological difficulties, traumas, negative experiences, work them out

It is worth working with a personality psychologist. “Otherwise, the trauma of the child will be delayed, clinging to the traumatic difficulties of the adoptive parents. That is, you first need to strengthen yourself, and then go to the child, ”explains the psychologist.

You can not use the child as a way to heal yourself and lick wounds

A child will not be able to plug a spiritual hole or wound, you can only do harm with this. You will not be able to give him support, stability. “A child needs a stable adult. Not a child will become a kind of spiritual treatment for you, but you will become a resource and support for him. He needs you as a significant adult for his survival, personality formation and development,” says Natalia Mishanina.

You need to make sure your loved ones are ready to accept a child.

Grandparents who are worried about you, the future adoptive parents, should not be confronted with a fact. This can disrupt relationships within the family. Prepare all loved ones.

Separate work should be done with blood children

They should be ready just the same. Adopting a child into a family should still be a common decision. If there is sharp resistance, it means that the family is not mature. “At the Arithmetika Dobra Foundation, we have the School for Hosting Children course, we have trainings to increase family resources and work out emotional burnout for both children and adults. It is extremely important that children who are already in the family are not harmed either physically - you can’t, for example, narrow their living space, take away a room, things - or mentally, when the foster mother is completely given to the new child, and her own feels a sense of uselessness. The family should also prepare for these nuances in advance and not make mistakes,” Natalia Mishanina notes.

Burnout is possible - the main thing is to catch this moment in time and correct the situation

Never blame yourself "I'm a bad mother, I failed." Be sure to work through the situation with a psychologist. It will also help to communicate with experienced resource foster parents - participate in communities of foster families.

Get ready to let go

Any children - both blood and adopted - grow up and fly out of the nest. The child is not our property. Maybe you took him into the family at the age of 15-16, so little time has passed, and now he is already 18 and he wants to separate? The desire of an adult child to start an independent life is natural - support him in this, help him. If he is able to be independent, you have fulfilled your task as a parent and mentor.

Don't beat yourself up "I can't love him"

Treat your mission as a foster parent as a very important task. Love is not always born, but trust, respect, attention to each other appear. You should not rely on unconditional love either on your part for the child, or vice versa, so as not to be hurt later by its absence.

Think ahead about your role in your relationship with your child.

“If you take a teenager, do not tune in to the role of “parent”, “mother”, it is better to try to build friendly, mutually respectful relationships,” the psychologist advises. “And it makes no sense to enter into competition with blood parents. “I care about you, I support you, I help you - this is how I show my love as a foster parent” - it’s better to set yourself up in such a working way. And if attachment, friendly warmth and, moreover, love are added to such goals, then this is real happiness for the entire foster family.

Most of the country's population confuses such concepts as "guardianship" and "foster family". It would seem that in both cases, a minor child lives together with adult citizens who have assumed the responsibility for the upbringing and material maintenance of the minor.

What is a foster family, and how to properly obtain such a status? In practice, obtaining such a status may not be as easy as it might seem at first glance. The candidate must meet certain requirements regulated by law.

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What is a foster family

So far, the most common form of raising kids who are left without support from their biological parents and other relatives is a foster family. Thanks to this arrangement of care for minors, families manage to ensure that children feel like full-fledged people who grow up in affection and understanding.

How to apply for a foster family? As a rule, parents limit the registration of guardianship, since there is no need to officially adopt such children.

Depending on the living conditions, employment of parents, they can accept from 1 to 4 minor children into their family.

Important! According to the norms of the legislation, a pupil from an orphanage can live with his adoptive parents until he reaches the age of majority.

At the legislative level, family-type orphanages are separately identified, which are slightly different forms of raising and caring for a child. In this case, parents have the opportunity to take care of 10 children at once, for each of which they will be regularly transferred money.

At the same time, kids should know that they do not live with their biological parents. In addition, social services regularly check the level of residence of such families, following the plan.

Unfortunately, some of the minor children who are brought up by guardians have some kind of mental problems and illnesses. In this case, adults, together with psychologists and social workers, must do everything so that the child adapts to new living conditions, opens up.

How is a foster family different from foster care?

Some citizens believe that there are no fundamental differences between guardianship and foster care. In practice, however, there are significant differences between the two concepts.

  1. When checking the documents of potential parents, more loyal requirements are applied to them than to guardians.
  2. Unlike registration of guardianship for the right to care for and raise a minor child, in order to obtain the right to have such a status, parents need to submit a large package of permits. Also, an agreement is concluded between foster parents and the social service, which adults should be guided by when building their relationship with the ward.
  3. Foster parents are guaranteed child support, while guardians have a vague rate. Consequently, some social workers may refuse to pay funds to guardians, since such a right is not expressly established in legislative acts.
  4. If the child lives in a foster family, the law and the contract allow visits from their relatives and close people. In the case of guardianship, the social guardianship authorities may restrict the minor in such a right.

Of course, there is no significant difference between these concepts. However, due to local nuances, the foster family becomes the preferred option for formalizing the responsibility of an adult to educate and care for a minor child.

Conditions for the appointment of guardianship

Within the framework of the legislation, a clear answer is given to who exactly can be a foster family.. According to the norms of legislative acts, obtaining such a status is possible for the following persons:

  1. Ordinary families in which there are minor children or parents who have reached old age.
  2. Families in which, for some objective reasons (for example, for medical reasons), there is no child.
  3. Separate cells in which there is only a father, or only a mother.
  4. Single persons who have citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  5. Persons who permanently reside together and are in the status of civil spouses.

In addition, obtaining such a status is possible only if the following mandatory conditions are met:

  1. Parents must be officially employed.
  2. Guardians should not have restrictions on illnesses that affect the ability to care for and educate a minor.

How to apply for foster family status

Registration for a minor child

First of all, potential parents need to know that in order to obtain such a status, they need to apply to the guardianship and guardianship authorities located at their place of permanent residence. Therefore, even if the child is in an orphanage in another region of the country, documents should be handled at the address of his future residence.

The procedure for obtaining such a status is as follows:

  1. First of all, persons interested in obtaining such an opportunity must collect the necessary package of documents and submit them to the local guardianship and guardianship authority.
  2. Within 3 days from the date of checking the documents, an authorized specialist must check the papers. In addition, during this period, the PLO must travel to the place of future residence of the minor in order to make sure that the living conditions will comply with all the norms defined at the level of legislation.
    Based on the results of such a study, it draws up an act of checking the living conditions.
  3. After checking, employees must make a decision within 10 days. If it is satisfactory, then the adoptive parents go to the minor for a personal acquaintance.
    During this period, the child may be sent for a medical examination to identify the presence of any diseases.
  4. If the future family manages to find contact with a minor child, then they draw up a statement about the desire to take this baby with them.
  5. Based on the received application, the guardianship and guardianship authority draws up an act of transferring a minor child to a foster family. Based on the results of signing this document, the baby is transferred to the family.
  6. After obtaining the right to raise and care for a child, parents can apply for a payment.

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Decoration for the elderly

The algorithm for registering a foster family to take care of an elderly person looks similar to that for obtaining such a status when raising a minor. To obtain such a right, you must:

  1. Collect all the documents with which you need to apply to the guardianship and guardianship authority.
  2. Within the period specified at the legislative level, PLO employees must check the documents and living conditions in which the elderly person will be.
    Based on the results of such a check, an act is drawn up.
  3. Within 10 days from the moment of inspection of the dwelling, the PLO employees make a decision. If it is positive, the family is given the opportunity to interact with the older person they wish to adopt.
  4. If people agree to take care of an elderly person, an appropriate document is drawn up, according to which the family acquires the status of a foster family.

What documents are needed for registration

The main document that applicants for the status of a foster family must provide is an appropriate application. However, this paper will have no value without supporting supporting documents:

  1. Certificate of earnings of the candidate, received at the place of the last performance of the applicant's labor duties.
  2. Certificate from the personnel department of the organization, which confirms the fact of official employment.
  3. Information about the composition of the family.
  4. A document confirming that a potential foster family has the right to own a dwelling suitable for permanent residence.
  5. A document from the department confirming the absence of a criminal record for each family member.
  6. The original certificate from the registry office on the official registration of marriage. The provision of such a document is required only if available.
  7. Autobiography (compiled by each family member in the form of a separate document).
  8. Written consent to receive such status from each member of the family.
  9. Copies of passports of each member of the future foster family.

What conditions should be in the contract

The agreement on recognizing a foster family must contain the following information:

  1. Conditions of detention, establishment of an educational and educational process in relation to a minor child accepted for residence.
  2. The rights and obligations that adoptive parents and their ward have.
  3. The obligations that the PLO imposes in relation to the foster family.
  4. The period of validity of the agreement on obtaining the status of a foster family.
  5. Grounds, as well as the consequences of the early termination of the obligations of parents to provide and educate a minor.

It is worth taking into account the fact that this list of conditions is not exhaustive and can be changed by the guardianship authorities.

What are the responsibilities of a foster family?

The duties of adoptive parents are defined in family law. In particular, this category of citizens is obliged:

  1. Providing the child with everything necessary for a normal life.
  2. Protection of the interests of the ward child in court and other state institutions, if necessary due to circumstances.
  3. Do whatever is necessary to provide the minor with all necessary medical services.
  4. Providing support and care during adaptation.
Important! Adoptive parents must fulfill the duties of the biological father and mother in full. Otherwise, their contract for the right to raise a child may be terminated.

What rights does a child have

Children placed in a foster family can receive all the social guarantees and rights that the state has endowed them with. That is, they have the right to receive alimony from their biological parents, as well as various benefits.

The only exception will be that the receipt of these funds will be made by his new guardians. In turn, the body of guardianship and guardianship assumes the obligation to control the correct distribution of the funds received - they must be directed to meet the needs of the child and his maintenance.

Seeing families with adopted children, people can admire the courage of those who took responsibility for someone else's child, are ready to devote their lives to him, give him a decent upbringing, education, give him warmth and care. Some may say that this is done only in order to receive assistance from the state, and this, unfortunately, also happens. But most often, adoptive parents become natural parents who really have good intentions.

The reasons for this may be different. Tragedies happen in some families, they lose their child and want to make up for the loss. Others do not have the opportunity to acquire their own child. Someone's blood has grown and left their father's house, and so I want to give someone affection and warmth again. There are just people with kind hearts, it is difficult for them to get past other people's pain and they are ready to raise non-native children together with their own.

Foster Family: What is it?

Of all the forms of family arrangement, people who want to take on the upbringing of a baby most often prefer this particular one.

They take on the same function as trustees, but unlike the latter, the state pays them for this.

An agreement is concluded between foster parents and the guardianship authority, which is the legal basis governing their interaction.

By it, in fact, is understood the mutual provision of services - the state allocates funds, and the unit of society takes up the upbringing of a child deprived of care from relatives.

According to the law, one cell of society should not raise more than 8 children (this number includes their own). However, this is not a strict limit, and in some circumstances 10 or more children are given to raise. This opportunity is given by the guardianship authorities due to certain circumstances. First of all, this issue is played by the material and moral readiness of people to take responsibility for so many new members of the cell of society.

Both a married person and a non-married person can take a baby into the family.

What to do to become foster parents?

If you want to adopt a baby, you must first contact the guardianship authority assigned to your area where you live and apply for a certificate that confirms that you can do this. The choice of families is carried out by this instance.

To apply for the opportunity to become a foster parent, you must provide a package of documents, including:

  • A document issued at the place of work, which indicates your salary, position. The certificate must be duly certified;
  • A document that confirms that you have housing (this may be a document of ownership);
  • A copy of the document confirming that you are married (if so);
  • Certificate from a medical institution on the state of health.

Representatives of the instance study the living conditions of a potential foster family, draw up an appropriate act, and, on the basis of this document and the application of persons wishing to adopt one or more children, draw up a conclusion.

In addition to these documents, there is a need to study the personal qualities of these persons, the features of their relationship with other family members, especially if they live in the same living space.

If possible, the desire of the child himself to become part of a new family is taken into account.

As for the criteria according to which the moral readiness of people to raise a baby is assessed, family law does not give precise definitions. In this regard, such an assessment is carried out on an individual basis by representatives of the guardianship authorities. To do this, the applicants' relationship with other children is analyzed, if there are any in the unit of society, regardless of whether they are adopted or relatives.

When it comes to the admission of children with health problems of varying degrees and severity, the authority must also assess the presence in the family of special conditions for their upbringing and development.

If the applicant is denied the right to take the baby, he must be informed of this within 5 days from the date of this decision.

First of all, they can refuse to persons who, for one reason or another, are unable to give him a decent upbringing.

First of all it is:

  • Persons whose incapacity due to mental disorders is confirmed in court;
  • People with drug, alcohol and other types of addiction, which is confirmed by the competent authorities. By their actions, such persons can injure the psyche of the child, and their dependence significantly worsens the financial situation of the family;
  • Candidates for adoptive parents who have been limited or completely deprived of parental rights in accordance with a court decision;
  • Former guardians or adoptive parents who were deprived of their rights by a court decision due to improper performance of their duties;
  • Persons whose condition does not allow them to raise a child. The legislation defines a list of diseases that can become an obstacle to the adoption of a baby in a family.

In the event of a decision in favor of the applicants, prospective adoptive parents may choose a new member of their family from institutions that support children without parental care. It is the responsibility of the administration of this institution to familiarize the applicants with the conclusion about the state of health of the baby, his personal file. In addition, you can ask the appropriate authorities to help you choose a new member of your community.

If you need help in matters of upbringing, you can contact one of the specially created centers that conduct appropriate courses. Representatives of guardianship authorities will tell you how to do this.

Rights and obligations

They are governed by the Family Code.

The rights and obligations of adoptive parents primarily include responsibility for the child to society, proper education, care for the state of health (both moral and physical), development (physical, moral), creation of the necessary conditions for education. The foster family is obliged to prepare the child for the forthcoming independent life. It is important to understand that all these duties must be fulfilled without violating the main principle - the rights of parents should not be exercised to the detriment of children.

Foster parents do not have the right to insult, humiliate, oppress the rights of children and their interests. It is unacceptable to use inhumane methods of education, bordering on violence, rudeness, physical strength, moral suppression.

Adoptive parents are their legal representatives, who assume obligations to protect their interests and rights. On their behalf, they can make transactions, give permission to make a transaction on their behalf to other persons. The rights of adoptive parents include the placement of a child in a preschool and educational institution.

Their rights include demanding the return of a child if it is held illegally by other persons, regardless of whether they are his blood relatives. This requirement can be expressed in court.

The foster family has the right to demand protection of his rights by going to court.

Today, hundreds of programs focused on . Despite this, the number of children deprived of parental care does not fall. The way out of this tragic situation can be foster family.

The concept of a foster family

A foster family is a family placement option for an orphan child or a child whose natural parents were. For its formation, the territorial guardianship department creates an act and an agreement.

The status of a foster family is regulated by articles of the Family Code of the Russian Federation 152-155 (), and is accompanied by.

Formation of a foster family

Article 152 of the RF IC strictly spells out the regulations according to which the care program is implemented. The foster family is formed on the basis of agreements. This agreement is signed by the parents-custodians and representatives of the child (guardianship authorities).

The contract specifies:

  1. Responsibilities of parents. Namely, to raise a child, to organize for him quality conditions for life. To carry out leisure, to respect, to help the child adapt to life outside the orphanage.
  2. Guardianship responsibilities. The state department is called upon to control the upbringing and maintenance of a child transferred under the admission program. In this regard, the foster family has the right to payments in 2017: one-time allowance – RUB 16,350.33(for each child), monthly payments (40% from the average salary of a parent for the last year), monthly remuneration to parents for each child under 10 years old - RUB 7,857.64 who has reached the age of 10 8 756 rubles. Guardianship authorities also undertake to provide other social support to the family (the list of benefits is established individually, depending on the capabilities of the region).
  3. Complete information about the child, his birth parents.
  4. Contract time.

Termination of a guardianship agreement is a rare legal practice. But these situations happen. By law, such cases are regulated by Article 153 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

So, treaty about the foster family is broken if:

  1. Expired.
  2. Foster parents no longer want or cannot take care of the child - health problems, material support.
  3. The guardianship authorities revised their decision and refused to guardianship of the parents. This happens if the family notices unfavorable conditions for the child to live.
  4. One of the parties to the agreement violated its terms.

Important: if the foster family is ready to take care of a frequently ill baby, with developmental disabilities or a disabled child, then the future place of residence should meet the vital needs of the foster child.

Guardianship is always in the best interests of the child. Therefore, if the child has already reached the age of 10, no contract will be signed without his consent. The interests of younger children are represented by guardianship authorities.

The procedure for the formation of a foster family

We will describe step by step how to take a child from an orphanage or a baby home and create a foster family:

  1. Transfer of the mandatory list of documents to the territorial guardianship authority.
  2. Employees of the department within 3 days will check the submitted documents, enter the information into the database, and inspect the living conditions of the applicants.
  3. Waiting for a decision on the appointment or not appointment of the applicant as a foster parent takes about 10 days from the date of submission of documents.
  4. If the issue is resolved positively, parents receive a referral to orphanages to get acquainted with the child and his personal file. If necessary, the child can undergo additional medical diagnostics.
  5. In case of a positive outcome, the parents write a statement of their intentions to take the child into the family.
  6. Preparation of an act on the transfer of the child to a new family.
  7. Signing an agreement.
  8. Calculation of social payments.

To start the procedure for registering a foster family, you must contact the Department of Guardianship and Guardianship at the place of residence.

List of documents

  • certificate from the place of work of future parents. It should indicate the position, average salary, give a description;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • documents for an apartment or house (owned by parents);
  • a certificate from the police confirming the absence of a criminal record;
  • health certificate;
  • autobiography;
  • written consent of all family members of the applicant.


Let's define the main points of the article:

  1. Adoptive parents- persons who are ready to help an orphan child or a child whose parents are deprived of parental rights in the upbringing.
  2. When accepting a child into a family, parents must understand that he will retain contact with his relatives and his last name.
  3. The process of registering a foster family is complicated, but the requirements for parents are more loyal, in contrast to the adoption procedure.
  4. Children who have fallen into a foster family and parents who have taken on their upbringing are entitled to material assistance from the state in the form of benefits.
  5. Before starting the registration procedure, the family should evaluate their capabilities and not be guided only by material gain. Foster parents should become his assistants in life, a role model.

The most popular question and answer on foster families

Question: My husband and I are foster parents for an abandoned child from the hospital. What are the legal benefits for foster families? Alina.

Answer: Alina, since the child was placed in a family from a maternity hospital and is abandoned, the number of benefits is much wider than with ordinary adoption. Firstly, all food (up to two years) and medicines (up to three years) are paid by the state. With a court order, you are entitled to a lump sum payment as well as monthly child support.

At the same time, the child retains all rights: he receives housing (the right to housing of biological parents or a new one, from the state), studies free of charge in the same way as orphans. A mother who does not work, but is raising a child, these years are included in the pension experience.

The children themselves receive a large number of lump-sum benefits at various stages of life: when applying for a job, when changing educational institutions. All kinds of content are also saved.

Today, foster parents receive 40% from their weighted average earnings for the year, but not less than 3 minimum wage set for the region.

Home and shelter kids are equally big-eyed and touching. But some in the morning with a run dive to their parents under the covers, while others wait year after year. Even strangers, but mom and dad. We do not visit them for various reasons. Sometimes because we don't want to or we can't. Sometimes - simply because we do not know who and where really hopes to meet. "MK" will help children deprived of a family meet with those who are ready to make their childhood dream of a home come true.

This spring, the Moscow authorities officially recognized that children should grow up in families, not in orphanages. The Department of Education has prepared a targeted program "Overcoming social orphanhood and developing family forms of raising orphans and children left without parental care". Its main goal is to promote the idea of ​​adoption, guardianship and patronage among Muscovites.

Meanwhile, some orphanages have long been actively engaged in the placement of children in families. ‛Take us… at least for a visit!“ - this is the name of a large project started by the Moscow boarding school No. 8. His goal is to give his pupils, all 120 people, to foster families. In a year and a half, 14 children were placed "in good hands".

Few? Yes. But we must bear in mind that the G8 is a correctional institution. And a little more than 100 people go under patronage throughout Moscow a year.

Adoptive parents do not stand in line here, so the director of the boarding school, Vadim Menshov, decided to take up patronage. Its difference from adoption is that an adult enters into an agreement with the boarding school and, as it were, becomes its employee - a foster caregiver. Patronage can also be short-term, when a child is taken only on weekends and holidays. Employees of the boarding school visit the child in the family and help if necessary. For example, the "child" does not obey, swears, he has enuresis. With careful attention, all these sharp corners can be smoothed out.

At first, we visit the family every day! - says the deputy director for patronage Tatyana Evdokimova. - An orphanage has a completely different psyche than an ordinary child. He is used to getting everything ready, so he does not know how to be grateful ... Tatyana Ivanovna shows the statistics. Since September 2004, 113 people have applied to them. Of these, 90 looked and left: they realized that they were in a hurry ... At this moment, Ira, the future foster caregiver, a spectacular girl of about 28, enters the office. She draws up a patronage for 8-year-old Tajik Rustam. To my question why she did this, she answers: - I no longer remember when and why I decided that I should help the orphanage. Somehow it worked out. And then I met Rustam ... For now, I will take him for the weekend. I believe that there are no other people's children. God gives them a soul, so there is no difference, their child, someone else's ... It is known that threatening diagnoses like oligophrenia orphanages receive precisely because of their stay in orphanages. And that, once in a caring family, a child with such a diagnosis can literally blossom. For example, out of 7 children with oligophrenia who were taken on long-term patronage in the G8, 6 are already studying not in a correctional school, but in a regular school. …Every time someone is taken into a family in a boarding school, the whole school starts to worry: “Why not me? I'm good too!“ And the boarding school staff explains to the children: the fact is that not everyone knows how boys and girls from the boarding school need friends. But they will definitely find out. And everyone will be taken. At least visit.


A wonderful hostess - hospitable, neat and thrifty, helps the teacher teach the younger girls to order. Very talented, she can do everything - knit, embroider, sing and dance.


In his life, Andryusha had to go through many trials and tribulations. But, in spite of everything, he remained good-natured and affectionate. Dreams of living in a real family.


Has leadership qualities, can organize other children. Strives to make everything better and more beautiful than the rest. She loves to draw and sings in the choir.

What forms of placement of children in the family exist?


You have all the rights and obligations of a parent. But you don't get help from the state.


You have almost all the rights of a parent, but guardianship authorities are required to be nearby, watch and control. A monthly allowance is paid for the child, and you are assisted in organizing the education, recreation and treatment of the child. At the age of 18, your pupil is provided with housing.

foster family

replaces the child's stay in an orphanage or shelter for home education. It can accommodate from 1 to 8 children. A foster family is created on the basis of an agreement between foster parents and guardianship authorities. The term for placing a child in it is determined by the contract and may be different. Usually, a child is placed in a foster family if he is not eligible for adoption or guardianship, or if he cannot find guardians or adoptive parents. The adoptive parent is considered a caregiver, so he is paid a salary and his seniority is counted. In addition, monthly payments go to the child, he is assisted in the organization of education, recreation and treatment, special-purpose funds are paid for the repair or purchase of furniture. At the age of 18, the child is allocated housing.


also replaces the placement of a child in an orphanage. All responsibility is shared between the foster caregiver (i.e. you), the orphanage, the child's parents (if any) and the guardianship authorities. The patronage educator receives a salary, his seniority is counted. There is a short-term (up to a year), a long-term (over a year) and a day off.


Can a single woman take a child into a family?

A married couple, one of the spouses, and even an unmarried person can adopt a child, arrange patronage or guardianship. But the guardianship authorities treat single adoptive parents more cautiously, carefully studying the motives for adoption and the family situation in the house. Most likely, a lonely person will be offered patronage.

Can they forbid taking a child on the grounds that a person is 50 years old?

There is no upper age limit in the adoption law. Everything here is at the discretion of the guardianship authorities. And if a woman at 50 wants to adopt a 9-month-old baby, most likely, she will be dissuaded from this in the interests of the child. In general, there is only one age limit - the difference between foster parents and a foster child must be at least 16 years. So if you are a pensioner, you will also most likely be offered patronage.

What if I'm disabled?

There is a list of diseases in the presence of which a person will be refused. These are: tuberculosis; malignant oncological diseases of all localizations; drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism; infectious diseases before deregistration (HIV, hepatitis C, syphilis); mental illness in which patients are recognized as incapacitated or partially incapacitated; all diseases and injuries that led to disability of groups I and II, excluding the ability to work.

Where to go first? To an orphanage?

First - to the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the place of residence for acquaintance. The task of a specialist is to listen to you, find out the motive for adoption, understand how fully you are aware of the responsibility of such a step, whether your housing, family and material conditions comply with the requirements of the law. In addition, he must explain your future rights and obligations, accept the application, register it and issue the necessary forms. Don't be surprised if you don't receive a warm welcome at first. The fact is that people with mental problems or those who, with the help of adoption, want to solve their housing or material problems, often turn to guardianship. In addition, random, disinterested employees often work in guardianship authorities, for whom you simply create problems.

What documents are needed? There are a lot of them?

The first documents for adoption are an application for registration as a candidate for adoption (a sample will be given to you at the guardianship authorities), as well as a short autobiography and copies of: passports and marriage certificates (if you are a member of it). Then you will be asked for papers that relate to housing and material security: a copy of the personal account and an extract from the house register, if the housing is municipal. If privatized - a certificate of registration of ownership. From the accounting department from the place of work - a certificate indicating the position and salary or a copy of the income statement. The third and fourth steps are visits to the polyclinic and the ROVD. From the police, you must bring a certificate of no criminal record for an intentional crime against the life or health of citizens. And doctors will make you a medical report on the state of health of a person who wants to adopt a child (form No. 164 / y-96). True, for this you have to bypass the PND and the narcological dispensary and take certificates that you are not sick with tuberculosis, HIV infection, and so on. Approximately the same list will be required when registering guardianship, patronage or foster family.

Are there any restrictions on living space and salary?

Yes, it is required to have a living space sufficient to accommodate a child in compliance with sanitary standards. True, to date, no “sanitary” housing standards have been established in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. So the guardianship authorities will look at whether there will be enough space for the child to sleep, play and study. An income statement must confirm the existence of a minimum subsistence level per person. In Moscow, for a child, it is now equal to 3784 rubles 7 kopecks.

Can a person choose a child in an orphanage?

No, the orphanage does not have the right to discuss the candidacies of children without the permission of the guardianship authorities. Having collected all the documents and received the Conclusion on the possibility of being an adoptive parent, you inform the guardianship authorities who you actually want. Let's say "a fat boy of seven". And experts begin to look for a suitable child according to questionnaires. If there are no such boys in the area, they will be searched through a regional operator. With patronage a little easier. Now many orphanages themselves are looking for educators for their children. So you can first come there, talk, and then - in custody. This will speed up the process, but still in the morning - documents, in the evening - a child.

How long does it take to register a child in a family?

Under guardianship - about 2 months. For adoption - a little longer, as it goes through the court.

How much money should be spent?

Not a penny - not for forms, not for state fees in court.

Is it true that there is a huge waiting list for adoption?

Myths about queues are supported by greedy officials and people with overly stringent requirements. Let's say the adoptive parents want to adopt a completely healthy 3-month-old girl with golden hair. It is clear that there are few such children. Some want to resort to imitation pregnancy, but picking up a newborn is also difficult. Experts advise either to prepare for an indefinite waiting period for a suitable child, or to be less critical of his appearance.