Proper use of face oil at home. cosmetic oils

A blend of facial oils rich in natural elements. At home, it is easy to create unique compositions for the freshness and youthfulness of the skin. Cares and moisturizes, protects and heals, stimulates all renewal processes. Natural products are perfectly perceived by the skin, do not cause addiction and irritation.

Benefits of Blending Oils for Skin

  1. nutrition and hydration;
  2. strengthening of blood vessels;
  3. Improvements in complexion;
  4. Acceleration of cellular metabolism processes;
  5. Treatment of acne, acne and comedones;
  6. Regulation of the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  7. Acceleration of blood circulation;
  8. Smoothing wrinkles;
  9. Whitening age and photo pigmentation.

In order not to cause harm, you should not use it before visiting the beach or solarium, burns may occur or the pigment will not be distributed correctly in the tissues. Before applying, be sure to test for possible allergies. To avoid problems and you constantly look well-groomed and young, you need proper skin care. I recommend creating cosmetics with your own hands, if there is no desire, then carefully study the composition of the products that you buy.

Application of a mixture of oils for the skin of the face

It will not be difficult to make a mixture of oils for the face, as the basis of a preventive or rejuvenating massage. Effective products in the daily care of problematic, flabby or acne dermis replace moisturizing creams. You can prepare a mixture of oils to enrich ready-made emulsions, tonics, balms and gels. It is also easy to enhance the effect of homemade masks with oilsby adding another essential composition to the main components.

Facial Oil Blend Recipes

Home facial easily replaces many of the cardinal aesthetic treatments offered in salons. Regular nutrition and toning, replenishment with vitamins and acids allows you to always maintain elasticity, freshness, and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Natural ingredients reliably protect against the aggressive sun, dry air and temperature changes.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Wrinkle Oil Blend

Result: homemade recipes restore elasticity, softening and smoothing even deep wrinkles.


  • 4 ml of flax oil;
  • 3 ml of walnut oil;
  • 2 drops of violet ether;
  • a drop of limet ether.

Preparation and method of application: first combine fatty bases, then introduce aroma products to it. Treat a clean surface along the massage lines in the evening after removing makeup. Can also be used instead of a moisturizer after washing or scrubbing.

Video recipe: Skin care around the eyes at home

Acne oil blend

Result: help cure purulent acne, remove comedones skin care recipes. They have excellent antiseptic and bactericidal action preventing the spread of infection. Does not dry the skin, nourishes it enough, relieves itching and irritation, polishes the structure.


  • 5 ml of almond oil;
  • a drop of bergamot essential oil;
  • 2 drops of lemon essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: after combining the components, distribute with clean hands on problem areas of the face sixty minutes before bedtime. After the lapse, blot the excess with a cotton pad.

Blend of oils instead of cream

Result: it is worth preparing a mixture of oils with your own hands to rejuvenate the skin, maintain freshness and elasticity. The natural composition perfectly softens, protects from ultraviolet radiation, saturates cells with regenerating elements.


  • 20 gr. shea butter;
  • 6 drops of grapefruit essential oil;
  • 4 drops of rose essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: heating the nutritional base, introduce esters and mix well with a cosmetic spoon. Pour the finished product into a jar, store in a cool, dark place. Apply morning and evening in a very thin layer over the entire surface of the face, can also be used for massage.

Video recipe: Super cream of oils for wrinkles and acne

Vitamin E oil blend

Result: effectively against wrinkles on the face, age-related pigmentation, as well as to correct the oval line, prepare a natural remedy.


  • 10 ml wheat oil;
  • 2 drops of patchouli essential oil;
  • 2 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 15 drops of tocopherol.

Preparation and method of application: Introduce flower and leaf aroma liquid and beauty vitamin into a bottle with nourishing wheat oil. Shake well before use. Apply to the cleansed surface with fingertips after sunbathing, or ten minutes before make-up.


oil blend for oily skin

Result: tightens pores, makes the skin smooth and matte, prevents the appearance of acne.


  • 10 ml mango butter;
  • 2 drops of orange essential oil;
  • 3 drops of cypress essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: add citrus and wood esters to a bottle of mango moisturizing oil. It is enough to apply a little on the fingertips and treat the skin along the lines of lymph movement, and after ten minutes, blot the excess with a sponge.

Oil blend for dry skin

Result: provides nutrition, softens peeling, strengthens the immune potential of the dermis. To restore the balance of lipids and moisture, use a natural product for two months.


  • 10 ml rice germ oil;
  • 2 drops of chamomile essential oil;
  • a drop of geranium essential oil;
  • a drop of mandarin essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: heating a bottle of rice oil with warm water, introducing a composition of fragrant liquids into its contents. Shake vigorously before use. You can enrich ready-made emulsions, use as a base for make-up or replace a nourishing night cream.

Oil blend for problematic skin

Result: homemade recipes strengthen facial vessels, relieve swelling and redness, and help to cope with acne. Natural remedies help to remove toxins from the skin.


  • 10 ml of jojoba oil;
  • 4 drops of lemon balm ether;
  • 2 drops of clary sage essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: having combined all the components in one jar, warm it up on the fingertips before applying, and only then distribute it on the skin. To restore the dermis, use at night, to maintain a healthy color and moisturize, add to the foundation.

Hydrating Blend

Result: for moisturizing all skin types, regeneration of integument after exposure to the sun, as well as in the rehabilitation complex after chemical / hardware peeling.


  • 5 ml olive oil;
  • 5 ml of pomegranate seed oil;
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 3 drops of ylang ylang essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: add a combination of essential oils to the composition of fatty vegetable oils, pour the finished mixture into one bottle. Distribute with light driving movements over the entire surface of the face. It can be added to cosmetic ice or to enrich the finished tonic.

Rejuvenating Blend

Result: anti-wrinkle essential oils, in combination with nourishing ones, allow you to perform a complete facial skin care. Blood circulation is accelerated, metabolic processes and oxygen respiration are improved, the production of collagen and elastin in tissues is increased.


  • 10 gr. cocoa butter;
  • 2 drops of lemongrass essential oil;
  • a drop of neroli essential oil;
  • 2 drops of jasmine essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: holding a bottle of solid coconut oil in hot water, when melted, aromatic liquids can be injected. If stored in a cool place, the mixture will harden, therefore, either the jar should be with a wide neck, or each time warm up a dense cosmetic composition. Use in a complex of anti-aging procedures, the basis for preparing lifting masks and conducting a massage course.

Video recipe: Natural face cream from oils at home

Hello everyone. Are you worried about water wrinkles on your face? We'll fix everything. Cosmetic oils for the face will help get rid of fine wrinkles, significantly reduce deep furrows. Watch our review of natural oils that can turn back time

The best anti-aging products

They say that skin aging begins after 25 years. How sad! But we will try to find reliable natural remedies that will help not only stop this process, but also turn back the clock.

We will talk about vegetable and essential oils that will help get rid of wrinkles.

Oils obtained by cold pressing the contents of seeds, sprouts, fruits, grains have such a set of components that will help us rejuvenate the epidermis.

Composition of oils

What is included in the composition of natural remedies.

  • Vitamin complex.
  • Trace elements, vegetable carbohydrates.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Collagen, elastane.

Did this little list inspire you? It seems to you that it is better to choose ready-made and no problems? Indeed, manufacturers praise their product in every way, promising complete elimination of age-related grooves.

Girls are ready to spend a lot of money to get a magical remedy, either with pearl dust, or with the addition of algae, or silver.

Of course, the cream is easy to use. But what a disappointment awaits women who, having spent a lot of money, did not get the proper result! Because the cream works only on the surface of the epidermis, without affecting its lower layers. Yes, and it only works when you use it.

In addition, chemical additives are added to the cream to give it a pleasant smell and extend the shelf life.

Benefits of natural oils

Adherents of home cosmetics use oils instead of cream and are very pleased with the result.

From personal experience. My friend throughout her life uses simple vegetable oil, even removes her makeup. Today, well into her 50s, she looks much younger than her age without spending money on expensive creams. Here are some natural remedies for you!

In addition to getting rid of wrinkles, they help get rid of acne, remove the mesh around the eyes, moisturize the skin, and stimulate cell renewal.

If you already have deep furrows, oils will not be able to completely remove them, but they can soften, make them less noticeable. But they will not allow new grooves to appear. The use of oils for a month will already give a visible result.

Now it remains to find out: what are the best means nature has prepared for us. The main thing is to find YOUR product. Before use, be sure to pass a sensitivity test. Apply a little to the crook of the elbow, look at the reaction of the skin. The cost of all products is from 200 to 400 rubles per 100 ml. It is spent sparingly, so it lasts for 1-2 months of daily use.

Let's begin to study the benefits and contraindications of natural products with flaxseed oil.

- one of the most affordable and useful products that have no contraindications. Suitable for aging, inflamed epidermis. Perfectly moisturizes the skin, removing fine wrinkles, relieves acne. It can be used by ladies over 50 to look young and attractive.

olive oil- one of the most harmless products. Contains antiseptics, antioxidants, vitamin E, fatty acids. It can be used in its pure form, as well as added to face masks.

An essential product for dry skin. Perfectly nourishes, removes wrinkles and acne. Girls with oily, inflamed skin are not recommended to apply in its pure form.

Pomace from rosehips or wild roses recommended for dry skin. Girls with oily and problematic skin are not recommended.

This excellent anti-aging agent due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin C in it has a positive effect on all layers of the skin.

Wheat germ oil saturates the skin with vitamin E, which slows down the aging of the epidermis. Can be used after plastic surgery and for baby skin care

If you have a flaky, wrinkled, inflamed dermis, then use this wonderful product.

Sesame is suitable for all types of epidermis. Especially useful for the skin around the eyes, perfectly removes swelling. Treats many skin diseases.

Needs no introduction. Perhaps this is the most famous ether, saturated with vitamins of youth - C, A and E. It is useful in the treatment of various skin diseases, burns, cuts, acne.

How to use? It can be used in its pure form, added to store creams, homemade masks. Particularly suitable for aging, dry skin. Stops the aging process, removes pimples, freckles, "mesh" under the eyes.

apricot oil useful due to the high content of vitamin F, a set of unsaturated fatty acids, "beauty vitamins" - groups B, A, C. This harmless product can also be used by children. Eliminates acne, pimples, cellulite.

If you have withered, flaky, inflamed dermis, then this remedy will help remove age-related changes, as it has a rejuvenating effect.

Peach oil

The herbal product is made from peach pits. Due to its light consistency, it is well absorbed, suitable for separate application under the eyes. You can lubricate the eyelashes.

The product is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis.
It contains vitamins of group B, vitamins A, C, E. Suitable for girls who are allergic to cosmetics.

Especially useful for moisturizing dry, fading sensitive, inflamed dermis. Removes the "mesh", makes it possible to achieve a velvety effect, reduces redness, unevenness.

Castor oil

Pressed from the seeds of the castor bean, a poisonous plant. The processed product does not contain harmful substances, so it can be added to masks.

It cannot be applied in its pure form. The main active ingredient is ricinoleic acid, which has a quick effect of softening the epidermis.

Can oily skin be helped?

Nature took care of the owners of problem skin. If you use the gifts of nature correctly, you can normalize the production of sebum, cleanse the pores, and relieve inflammation.

Natural product effect:

  • Brightens the skin.
  • Dissolves the film of fat on the face.
  • Cleans pores with subsequent narrowing.
  • Saturates the skin with oxygen.
  • Improves metabolic processes.

How to choose a useful product? First of all, it is necessary to check for sensitivity of the dermis. If redness appears after the test on the crook of the elbow, then this remedy should not be used.

To care for oily skin, you need to choose a base product that does not have an allergic reaction, then add 3-4 drops of ether to it. The most useful for oily epidermis are pomace from grape seeds and jojoba.

Caring for a problematic dermis is a little more difficult than for a dry one. Therefore, some of the products cannot be used in their pure form, they can only be added to masks.

home cosmetics

Masks for problematic dermis:

With white or blue clay

  • oatmeal powder - 1 tbsp
  • kefir - 2 tbsp.
  • clay - 1 tbsp.
  • 2-3 drops of tea tree oil

Mix all ingredients. Apply to the face with a layer of 2-3 mm, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with water with the addition of lemon juice. The mask has a cleansing, anti-inflammatory effect. It is better to apply the mixture in the evening 1-2 times a week.

with hercules

  • From the withering of the dermis, it is best to use jojoba oil.
  • hercules, ground into powder - 2 tbsp
  • jojoba - 1 tsp
  • kefir - 2 tbsp.
  • citrus or mint oil - 2-3 drops.

Apply the mixture on the face also for 20 minutes, then wash with warm water.

You can make an excellent one suitable for problem skin: add a few drops of ether and lemon juice to green tea decoction (1 cup). Use as a cleanser.

After a week, make a new tonic. Instead of tea, you can use decoctions of calendula, mint, chamomile.

How to preserve natural beauty

Every woman uses a whole range of measures for facial care, forgetting about massage. In order to do this procedure with great effect, you need to choose an oil for massage.

Why do you need a facial massage:

  • Prolong the youthful state of the epidermis.
  • Improve blood circulation.
  • Remove fatigue from the face.
  • Give muscles tone and strength.
  • Nourish, moisturize the dermis, relieve skin problems.

Before starting a massage, you need to choose a basic tool. The best base is olive oil.

It is followed by almond. It is great for aging dermis. The product is perfectly absorbed, reaching the lowest layers, removes swelling, has a lifting effect.

As mentioned above, the base can be jojoba oil - a source of collagen. Beauticians recommend using it only after 30 years.

The most effective base product

Avocado oil is recognized by almost all cosmetologists as the most effective base for masks and massage.

This tool perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, most importantly, rejuvenates the skin of the face. It can be used in its pure form, since its fats are close to those of the human epidermis.

All useful substances penetrate deep into the cells, providing a rejuvenating effect. A very important action of avocados is to strengthen cell walls, thereby tightening the skin of the face.

Active Additive

The active component in the form of concentrated ester must be added to the base oil.

For oily dermis, it is better to take citrus ether.

Herbal ether is an excellent active additive to the base base.

  1. Thyme - for oily epidermis.
  2. Bergamot - for a matte complexion.
  3. Mint - removes redness.
  4. Chamomile - improves metabolic processes.
  5. Jasmine - restores cells.
  6. Cloves - provide oxygen to the cells.
  7. Cinnamon and ginger - remove puffiness.
  8. Eucalyptus - for oily dermis.

It is not at all necessary to take only one ether, you can take 2-3 ethereal agents, drop 2-3 drops of each into the chosen base, then do a massage.

It often happens that oils clog pores, but the most common reasons for this are: the wrong choice of oil, improper application, or the quality of the oil leaves much to be desired.

This video is just about simple rules that will help to avoid this.

The composition of care oils can be selected individually and you can use the components that you like best, in addition to those listed in the video.

Base oils for dry skin: avocado, castor, walnut, linseed, peanut, walnut.

Currently, all cosmetic brands have begun to add facial oil to their skin care products. It has been experimentally proven that a mixture of vegetable oils has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and can significantly transform it. Oil structures are especially relevant for dry, dehydrated and irritated skin. However, they must be used with caution, as if used incorrectly, skin damage can be done. In this article, we will tell you how to use face oil at home.

The main benefit is to soften and moisturize the skin. Since oil preparations have a specific chemical structure and properties, they penetrate much deeper into the dermis than conventional cream structures. They also make the skin smooth and soft, nourish and moisturize it. If you apply a moisturizer after the oil, you can achieve even more hydration and soften the epidermis. In addition, they contain many nutrients, antioxidants and fatty acids that protect and restore the skin, rejuvenate it, smooth and eliminate wrinkles. Sometimes moisturizing serums and emulsions are not as effective as facial oil structures.

They are helping:

  • regenerate and renew the skin;
  • nourish and moisturize;
  • fight wrinkles;
  • take care of the delicate skin around the eyes and lips;
  • treat acne in teenagers;
  • heal cuts, wounds and scratches;
  • have a tightening effect (lifting);
  • improve complexion.


Cosmetic oil is:

  • basic;
  • ethereal;
  • active.

Base (fixed or oil carriers)

Base oils are raw materials obtained from those parts of plants (nuts, seeds, seeds) that are characterized by the highest fat content. They are used to make cosmetic products. They can be used in very high concentrations and not be afraid of the consequences. Oil carriers can be used by everyone and can be safely mixed with each other. As a rule, they are of plant origin, but not all. For example, emu oil and fish oil are also considered basic, but they are of animal origin. All base oils have different beneficial properties and their use in a cosmetic composition depends on this fact. For example, bath and body products, face lotions, lip balms are produced on the basis of oil carriers. What oil structures are included in the product depends on their color, properties, aroma and shelf life.


They are obtained by extraction and distillation from the bark of plants, leaves, flowers and other fragrant parts of plants. Unlike real fats, they do not leave stains on the body and clothes, as they quickly evaporate (evaporate) already at room temperature. The term "essential oils" is somewhat of an oxymoron, since ether and oil are different substances in nature. They can only be conditionally classified as oil structures, they are rather esters with a concentrated aroma. Over time, oil carriers can become bitter, that is, deteriorate, and essential carriers can oxidize and lose their positive characteristics. This chemical group of substances, when applied undiluted to the skin, can cause severe irritation and allergies. They are active on their own and cannot be used independently, without a base one. They should not be confused with active oils, because any esters can be attributed to active oil structures, but not every active one is essential.


These oil structures contain ingredients that must be dosed into the skin. That is, with their long-term use in its pure form, you can cause significant damage to the skin. For example, if you take borage oil and constantly apply it to the skin to moisturize, you can achieve the opposite effect. The skin will not be moisturized, but on the contrary, it will experience a lack of moisture. This product, instead of benefit and moisturizing, is harmful because the indications and dosage are incorrectly selected. This category of oil structures has a penetrating property (they are enhancers) and promote deep penetration of water-soluble ingredients. In other words, they make the skin more permeable. So, lipids become more watery and mobile, contributing to the rapid loss of moisture, which leads to severe dehydration of the skin.

Can oil be used instead of cream or is it better with cream?

Many women use oil instead of cream, considering it a more useful product. After all, a natural plant product cannot be dangerous and harm the body. However, this is a very gross mistake. When using oil structures for the face, a cream is also needed, since our skin, in addition to fat, also needs water. No matter how strange it may sound, but natural vegetable oil contributes to the dryness of the skin. When we apply it, our sebaceous glands stop secreting sebum, believing that there is too much of it. This can only be done in the case of very oily problem skin. But any skin needs to be both lubricated and moisturized.

The natural oil structure can perform several functions - nourish, prevent the evaporation of moisture, but being a fat, it is not able to moisturize the skin by 100%. Therefore, you need to use oil in conjunction with a moisturizing product. It is used as an additional tool that can nourish and moisturize, but it cannot act solo, but only in tandem with other moisturizing preparations. Then it will be the right and competent care.

In addition, oil structures are not able to regenerate the skin, because they do not have regenerating active ingredients.

It should also be said that they cannot replace all skincare products. The skin still needs a variety of cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing preparations. Women who try to do this cause irreparable damage to their skin.

Are security measures necessary?

It seems to sound strange, but there are safety measures regarding oil preparations. The mistake many people make is believing that the natural cannot be harmful. Maybe even how. Some oil structures greatly dry out the skin, while others cause a strong secretion of sebum (sebum). Therefore, you need to know what components are contained in it. This is a whole science - the art of mixing oils. It is better not to do this on your own, but to take advantage of what smart people have already done. Thus, active oil structures cannot be used in their pure form, but some basic ones can - they will not bring harm. So argan oil, almond and sesame oil are basic, they can be used in any proportions. But blackcurrant, pomegranate and raspberry oil cannot be used in its pure form, you can dry out the skin.

Who can use

Oil products are versatile (if dosed and used correctly) so they are suitable for people with any skin type. With a dry tone, they need to be combined with a moisturizer, emulsion or serum to saturate the epidermis with moisture. You can apply a few drops of the base product to the skin and then use a moisturizer. With a normal, oily and combination tone, you need to be very careful in using and choosing oily products. They can dry out and dehydrate the epidermis, as well as clog pores. These products include: cocoa butter, coconut and wheat germ.

How to apply at home

To master this science at home is difficult, but impossible. You need to follow some rules and have the necessary knowledge. We will briefly describe the rules for its use:

  1. Base and essential are two different products, they should not be confused in any case. The concentration of active substances in esters is very high, so they are produced in small glass bottles. You need to use them carefully, as you can get a burn on your face.
  2. Esters cannot be used in their pure form. They need to be mixed with other bases. Be careful, they cause severe allergic reactions.
  3. If there is irritation or redness of a certain area of ​​the face, then the use of the drug should be discontinued.
  4. You can not mix more than seven esters in one product. The best option is a combination of two or three types.
  5. It is contraindicated to use pure active oil products. They are used in combination with any moisturizer.
  6. Any oil products should be checked for individual intolerance.
  7. Some oils are contraindicated to apply before going out in sunny weather, they can be phototoxic (that is, release toxins under the influence of ultraviolet radiation).
  8. Avoid contact of oil preparations with eyes and other mucous membranes. If this happens, the eyes should be well rinsed.
  9. The oil product can be used in tandem with any moisturizer, however, that does not contain sunscreen (it can reduce the protection factor).
  10. Persons with a dry tone can use it both at night and in the morning as a base for decorative cosmetics.
  11. For oily skin, a few drops of an oil product can be applied to adjust the degree of oiliness (it prevents sebum production).
  12. Oil preparations are recommended for women whose skin needs enhanced nutrition, especially in the winter season, when dry and frosty air dehydrates the skin.

If you follow these rules in the process of care procedures, then problems should not arise.

The best oil textures for the face

Our top includes the best light oils that are well absorbed into the skin and do not form comedones. So, our top oils:

  1. Sesame (for all skin types);
  2. Avocado (for dry);
  3. Rosehip (for aging and dehydrated);
  4. Grapeseed (for combination, normal and oily);
  5. Jojoba (for oily and breakout-prone);
  6. Macadamia (for dry and dehydrated);
  7. Argan (for sensitive and dry);
  8. Camellias (for any skin type);
  9. Shea and shea (for fading and, oily and combined);
  10. Pomegranate (for fading, oily and combined);
  11. Amaranth (for fading, normal and dry);
  12. Squalane (for combined).

Which ones to watch out for

Beware of all citrus esters and oil bases that exhibit photoreactivity. For example, under the influence of ultraviolet light, they can change the complexion. Undesirable oils for consumption include:

  1. Pink;
  2. Ylang-ylang;
  3. Geranium;
  4. lavender;
  5. Peppermint;
  6. Neroli;
  7. Lyme;
  8. rosemary;
  9. Grapefruit;
  10. Eucalyptus;
  11. Bergamot;
  12. Lemon;
  13. sandalwood;
  14. orange;
  15. Jasmine.

So, we have talked about all types of oil preparations used for the face. We learned how to use them, which ones to combine, and which ones to use in their pure form. To properly use oils at home, you should follow the above rules and then they will only benefit the skin of the face.

It is important to choose the right oil for moisturizing the face according to the type of skin. Below you will find a description of the 10 most effective oils for moisturizing the face. Each of them has its own consistency and texture, which is suitable for a particular type of skin. Choosing the right moisturizing oil for your skin, you will replenish your cosmetic "arsenal" with an effective natural remedy. Any natural oil can be used both as a main and as an auxiliary skin care product.

№1 Apricot kernel oil

Skin type. Apricot Kernel Moisturizing Facial Oil has a light texture and is great for oily, combination and problematic skin as a base treatment. Also, apricot kernel oil is an effective remedy for the care of aging skin and a reliable assistant in the fight against wrinkles and wrinkles. Suitable for daily skin care of the eyelids, around the eyes and décolleté.


Vitamins: A, C, F

Minerals: potassium, magnesium


Apricot kernel oil helps retain moisture, preventing dryness and flaking. Apricot kernel oil for the face is well absorbed, promotes cell regeneration, restores radiance and healthy color to the skin. Also, apricot kernel oil is known for its rejuvenating and tonic effect.


Apricot kernel oil can be used alone or mixed with other oils. For use in its pure form, it is applied morning and evening in a small amount with massage movements and light tapping with fingertips.

To moisturize combination, problematic and oily skin, as well as to fight wrinkles and wrinkles, the following recipe will be useful.


  • apricot kernel oil - 5 ml
  • jojoba oil - 5 ml
  • avocado oil - 5 ml
  • sandalwood essential oil - 2-3 drops

All of these oils are mixed, applied to cleansed skin in the morning and evening. The oil can be stored at room temperature for up to 2 weeks.

Make-up after using the composition can be applied after 5-10 minutes.

#2 Olive oil for face moisturizing

Skin type. Normal to dry, flaky skin.


Vitamins A, E, D

Phosphatides, phosphorites

Fatty acids: oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic


Olive oil for moisturizing the face helps retain water in the cells, softens and nourishes, strengthens the cell walls. Olive oil slows down the aging process, accelerates regeneration, returns a healthy glow to the skin of the face.


To moisturize the skin, olive oil is used in its pure form and as part of masks. In its pure form, it is enough to apply a small amount of oil with massage movements in the morning and evening on previously cleansed skin. Oil residue can be removed with a dry cloth.

Olive oil can be mixed for normal skin with jojoba oil or apricot kernel oil, for dry and flaky skin with castor oil or wheat germ oil in equal proportions.

№3 Castor oil for facial skin moisturizing

skin type: dry, sensitive, problematic skin


Acids: ricinoleic, linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic

Vitamins: E


Castor oil for facial moisturizing has a number of specific characteristics. Castor oil not only helps to retain moisture in the skin cells, it relieves inflammation, irritation, eliminates dryness and flaking. With regular use, castor oil makes the skin velvety, healthy, radiant.


In its pure form, castor oil heated in a water bath is applied to the skin of the face with massage movements 1-2 times a day.

Castor oil can be used as a makeup remover. The method of application is no different from the usual store means.

To moisturize normal to oily skin, castor oil can be used in a 1:1 ratio with jojoba, grape seed, or rosehip oil.

To enhance the moisturizing properties of any of these oils, after applying the oil on top, you can apply a moisturizer for the face. So the oil will contribute to a deeper penetration of the cream and enhance its properties.

#4 Avocado oil

skin type: for all skin types


Vitamins: A, E, D, B, K, PP

Minerals: potassium, zinc, squalene, lecithin

Fatty acids: oleic, palmitic, linoleic, stearic


Softens, nourishes, retains moisture in cells, promotes regeneration, stimulates blood circulation and restores healthy, well-groomed appearance to the skin. Effective in the fight against wrinkles and fine lines. An excellent tool not only for moisturizing, but also for healing the skin of the face.

Recipes with avocado oil to moisturize the skin of the face

Avocado oil for moisturizing the face is used both as the main and as an auxiliary component. It will help restore the natural moisture balance of the skin. Use avocado oil effectively as a cleansing and moisturizing lotion before bed.

Face mask with avocado


  • avocado - 1 pc.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • olive oil or avocado oil - 1 tbsp.

Mix all components, apply on face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. This recipe is especially suitable for dry and aging skin.

#5 Almond oil

skin type: for all types. Almond oil is suitable for moisturizing dry, normal, sensitive, irritated, oily and combination skin.


Vitamins: A, E, B, F


Almond oil moisturizes dry and normal skin and helps to keep it in good shape, relieves irritation of sensitive skin, eliminates inflammation of problematic skin, and with oily and combination skin, almond oil helps to narrow pores. With regular use, almond oil returns a healthy color and shine to the skin, the skin becomes velvety, all imperfections and shortcomings are gradually smoothed out (inflammation disappears, wrinkles and scars become less noticeable).


Almond oil for moisturizing the face is used both in its pure form and together with auxiliary components. In its pure form, it is enough, like other oils, to simply apply daily in the morning and evening on cleansed face skin. In the morning, you can use almond oil as a regular moisturizer, allowing the oil to absorb for a few minutes and wiping off any residue with a dry cloth. In the evening, you can remove makeup with almond oil or simply use it as a lotion undiluted. It is not necessary to use a cream after such a procedure, the skin will receive the necessary nutrition and hydration anyway.

Mask: almond oil for face moisturizing:

  • almond oil - 5 ml
  • castor oil - 5 ml
  • macadamia oil - 5 ml

All oils are mixed, applied to the face for 15-20 minutes with massage movements, the remnants are removed with a dry cloth. For normal and oily skin, it is additionally recommended to rinse the face with a pre-prepared chamomile decoction.

Each facial oil from the provided list gently nourishes the skin, restoring its healthy radiance and natural beauty. With regular use of natural oil to moisturize your face, you will not need other daily care products, the skin will receive all the necessary components.

№6 Peach oil

skin type: sensitive, normal, flaky skin, oil can also be used for oily skin. Peach oil for moisturizing the face is good because it does not leave a greasy sheen. Its texture is slightly heavier than that of apricot kernel oil.

Composition of peach oil

Vitamins - A, B, E, C, P.

Minerals - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, iodine.

Unsaturated and saturated fatty acids - oleic (67%), linoleic (35%), palmitic (8%), linolenic, stearic, palmitoleic, arachidic and others.


Peach oil will help retain moisture in the cells, it can quickly soften and eliminate tightness, eliminate dryness and flaking. Peach oil will help in facial skin care and will be an excellent remedy for wrinkles and wrinkles at the initial stage. Due to the fact that the oil almost does not leave a greasy sheen and is quickly absorbed, it can be used for oily skin. (But owners of oily skin should not forget about cleansing procedures. For example, scrubs). An additional advantage of using peach oil for face moisturizing is that this oil makes any skin more velvety and attractive.


Peach oil for moisturizing dry and flaky skin

  • 1 tsp peach oil

Mix the oils and apply on cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes. Remains are removed with a dry cloth.

Peach oil for oily and sensitive skin

  • 1 tsp peach oil
  • 1 tsp aloe juice
  • 1/2 tsp vitamin E

All ingredients are mixed and applied to the face for 10-20 minutes. Then the face is rinsed first with warm and then cool water.

Peach oil for moisturizing normal skin

  • 1 tsp peach oil
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 2-3 drops of neroli essential oil

We mix everything, apply on cleansed face skin and hold for 10-15 minutes. Then blot the rest with a dry cloth. Then you can wash your face with a decoction of herbs or apply a moisturizer.

All the nuances of using this oil in the article

№7 Wine oil fence stone

skin type: oily, sensitive, combination


Vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids.


The oil contains essential vitamins to nourish the skin. The minerals and acids that make up the oil help improve cell metabolism, strengthen cell membranes and help retain moisture inside the cell. The light texture of the oil makes it suitable for oily skin care, as it does not leave a film and shine.


Mask universal for moisturizing the face

  • 5 ml jojoba oil
  • 5 ml grape seed
  • 1-2 drops of sandalwood, patchouli or jasmine essential oil

The mask is applied to cleansed facial skin for 15-20 minutes, then the remnants are removed with a dry cloth. This composition can also be applied to the area around the eyes (for 5-7 minutes)

All the necessary information on the use of this oil in our article

#8 Moisturizing Coconut Oil for Face

skin type: Coconut oil can be used for any skin type, but is most suitable for dry, dehydrated skin with the first signs of aging.


More than 80% of coconut oil consists of fatty acids: lauric (up to 55%), oleic acid (up to 10%), palmitic (up to 10%), caprylic (up to 10%), stearic (about 3%). Vitamins: E, K and choline. Minerals: calcium, iron and zinc.


Coconut oil contains a large amount of fatty acids (lauric, palmitic, etc.) necessary for skin health. Fatty acids are responsible for the barrier layer, restore cell membranes of the lipid layer, and promote moisture retention. Regular use of coconut oil helps to restore the optimal balance of fatty acids and repair the damaged barrier. As a result, the skin of the face receives the necessary hydration, nutrition and becomes healthier and more well-groomed. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin acquires a healthy glow.


Coconut oil for moisturizing the face is good to use as part of the following mask:

  • 5 ml coconut oil
  • 5 ml avocado oil
  • 5 ml sweet almond oil
  • 2-3 drops of sandalwood essential oil

All components of this mask are selected to provide the skin of any type with maximum nutrition and hydration. By making a moisturizing facial mask with coconut oil once every 1-2 weeks, you help your skin get the extra nutrition it needs to maintain youth and beauty for a long time.

№9 Rosehip oil

skin type: ideal for the constant care of aging skin and the prevention of wrinkles.


Vitamins A, C, E. Minerals: potassium, magnesium, copper, iron. With a lack of these trace elements in the diet, the use of rosehip oil is the best fit.


Fatty acids contribute to skin hydration and moisture retention inside the cells, as well as the creation of a strong cell membrane. The minerals that make up this oil are necessary for cellular metabolism and intensive nutrition. Vitamins C and E work as antioxidants, vitamin A promotes active tissue regeneration.


To moisturize the face and smooth out wrinkles and wrinkles, a mask with rosehip oil and olive oil is suitable.

  • 5 ml olive oil
  • 10 ml rosehip oil

The order of application is usually as follows. Cleanse your face with a toner or facial cleanser. Mix the oils until the most homogeneous consistency. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas with a cotton pad. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Then remove the remaining oil with a dry cloth.

#10 Wheat germ oil

skin type: Wheat germ oil is recommended for normal, dry and flaky skin.


Vitamins: A (and other carotenoids), B, E, PP, F (Omega-6). Minerals: selenium, zinc, iron. Fatty acid.


Nourishes, promotes moisture retention in cells, protects against UV, SPF20, restores firmness and elasticity of the skin. Effective in the fight against wrinkles and fine lines. Can be used to care for the skin around the eyes.


Oil for moisturizing the face and fighting wrinkles is effective in the following recipe:

  • 5 ml castor oil
  • 5 ml wheat germ oil

Usually they are mixed in a ratio of 1:1 for dry skin, 1:2 for normal and 1:3 for oily. If you decide to use wheat germ oil for the face and castor oil, then it is better to heat the mixture a little in a water bath.

Precautionary measures

Before use, any indicated means should be checked for personal intolerance. Apply a small amount of oil or prepared mixture to the skin on the wrist or elbow, leave for 10-15 minutes and evaluate the effect. If you don't feel any discomfort, then this remedy is for you.

Important! When using oil to moisturize the face, do not forget that the oil itself does not contain moisturizing ingredients, it only helps the cells retain moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to use other moisturizing cosmetics in addition to oil. And also, make sure that there is always enough fluid in the body.

Have you heard that plant oils are good for the skin and want to try them in your arsenal of products? Do not hurry.

First, find out what are the differences between them. Only by learning how to use it correctly, you will get the desired result.

In this article:

What is the difference?

For many, this will be a revelation, but essential and carrier oils are used in different ways.


Essential oils are called fragrant volatile substances obtained from different parts of the plant - flowers, roots, leaves, etc. They are responsible for the aroma, they are obtained by extraction, pressing or distillation.

Essential oils are not applied to the skin without a base, since redness, irritation, allergies, numbness, burns, dermatitis are possible.

For the same reason, do not allow contact with eyes.

An exception is oily skin care, when the product is applied pointwise., processing inflammatory elements. Although in this case, some cosmetologists recommend diluting them.

Before using essential oils for the face, they are added to the base, which can be cream, wax, milk and other care products. Standard proportion - 5-7 drops per 15 ml base, for spot application - 1 to 1.


These are oils that are extracted from the fruits, kernels, seeds of plants. Other names are also used - transport, vegetable, cosmetic, basic. They are liquid and solid, or butters, which are obtained from fruits, etc. To add ethers to butters, they are first drowned in a water bath.

This is an independent product that is used in its pure form.

Main differences

Essential oils are potent agents that consist of terpenes and terpenoids, and have a versatile effect on the body - soothe, excite, relieve spasms, regenerate tissues, heal burns, wounds, relieve cellulite, etc.

Such esters are conditionally called oils, since they do not contain fatty acids. If you drop the substance on a sheet of paper, then after drying there is no greasy spot left. The remaining trace indicates a poor quality product. Coloring of paper in yellow and other colors is allowed.

Transport oils have a mild effect on the body. They contain phytosterols, vitamins, especially tocopherol, micro and macro elements. Butters are high in saturated fatty acids. The purpose of this product is to help the esters penetrate the skin.

How to apply oil on the face?

When applied correctly, the oil penetrates deeply without leaving a greasy film on the surface. The skin becomes velvety, smooth, and the result is noticeable after 1-2 applications.

Before using an unfamiliar product, try it on the skin of the wrist or the inside of the elbow. In the presence of allergic diseases, a three-level test is carried out before using the esters:

  1. Oil is dripped onto the handkerchief and the scent is inhaled throughout the day.
  2. The essential oil is mixed with the base oil (1 to 4), applied to the skin in the elbow bend area and the reaction is observed for 24 hours.
  3. Take a five-minute bath with 2 drops of ether.

If no rashes, redness, dizziness, nausea, weakness appear on the skin, the remedy can be used. Testing is carried out with pure and mixed oils.

It is better to refuse the remedy not only if the above symptoms appear, but also in the case when you do not like the smell.

The product is applied to the face in the following sequence:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the skin of makeup, dirt, grease.
  2. They treat the face with a tonic or spray to further moisturize the epidermis: under the influence of oil, the water balance will be restored faster.
  3. 2-4 drops of oil are rubbed between the fingers.
  4. Gently pressing fingers, apply to the skin in the direction of the massage lines, from the center to the hairline.

How to use essential oils for the face: they are enriched with creams. To do this, 2 drops of the product are mixed with 10 ml of cream and applied as usual.

However, not all cosmetologists agree with this use of aroma oils. They claim that store-bought cosmetics contain “hard”, low-quality ingredients. Since ethers penetrate deep into the skin under the influence of conductors, they can also conduct dangerous components there, which under normal conditions work only on the surface.

If you need to act on individual inflammatory elements, the agent is applied as follows:

  1. Cleanse the skin.
  2. A cotton swab is dipped in oil.
  3. Apply the product on acne, pimples.

The frequency of skin treatment in this case is 2-6 times a day.

Storage rules

In order not to degrade the properties of the product even before the expiration date, it should be stored correctly:

  • choose dark glass bottles - blue, green, brown: this will protect useful substances from destruction under the influence of sunlight and from oxidation, especially omega acids;
  • tightly close the dishes after each use (well, if a dispenser is installed);
  • safe temperature for preserving properties - up to 25 ° C (should be specified on the package), in a dark place (closed drawers, but not in the bathroom);
  • keep away from heat sources to avoid rapid oxidation.

Before using cosmetic facial oil, aroma oil or a mixture of them, check if the shelf life has expired due to the risk of allergies.

Light, liquid ones spoil earlier than thick ones and butters. Particular attention should be paid to the storage of conifers, as they have low stability. The best place for them is the refrigerator..

Storage rules apply to both pure oils and mixtures.

Useful video

How to do oil massage?

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