The infant hiccups after eating. Why does a newborn baby hiccup. Is it normal if a newborn often hiccups after feeding. Hiccups after feeding

Young mothers are often worried about hiccups in newborns after feeding. It is worth understanding the reasons that cause it. In most cases, this condition is short-term and harmless. But it is a signal that the baby is experiencing discomfort.

Why do babies hiccup

Hiccups in both young children and adults occur due to involuntary contractions of the diaphragm. This is a muscular septum that separates the organs of the abdominal and thoracic cavities. At the same time, the airways are also reduced, resulting in a sharp sound. The baby begins to hiccup in the womb. But even after birth, this happens to him quite often, especially after feeding. The fact is that the organs and systems of the crumbs have not yet “ripened”, and the diaphragm is characterized by mobility and increased sensitivity, it quickly responds to any stimuli.

Ignoring hiccups is not recommended, as in rare cases it is a sign of a serious infectious or viral disease, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, or disorders in the central nervous system. But do not panic every time the baby's diaphragm begins to contract. A symptom of pathology is frequent and prolonged, for several hours, hiccups. If this is not the case, then the newborn has a non-dangerous physiological condition that does not bother him at all.

The main causes of hiccups in babies after eating:

  • swallowing air while feeding;
  • binge eating.

Hiccups, including after feeding, may not be directly related to food intake. If you remove the reasons, then it will practically cease to bother. And as the child grows and develops, this problem will completely disappear.

Swallowing air

Most often, children hiccup due to the swallowing of air in the process of eating. Air enters the stomach, it expands and presses on the diaphragm, and it begins to contract. This condition is considered a physiological norm. But it is worth remembering that air entering the stomach and then into the intestines can provoke colic - a common problem among babies in the first months of life.

You need to take care that the baby does not swallow air. If he is breastfeeding, then the capture should be checked. Perhaps the mother is not putting the baby to the breast correctly. Discomfort and cracks are also signs of a feeding error. Another problem is that the mother has a lot of milk, her breasts are “stone”, which makes it difficult for a newborn to suckle her. Because of this, he takes it incorrectly.

A similar cause of hiccups is also relevant for formula-fed babies. Perhaps the mother is feeding the bottle incorrectly and the baby is uncomfortable. Or a bottle opening that is too large makes the process difficult.

Overeating and colic

Overeating is also quite common. Parents worry about how well the newborn is gaining weight and strive to feed him. Mothers forget that the baby is not always able to recognize the feeling of satiety and eats everything that is given to him. The stomach expands, putting pressure on the diaphragm, and hiccups appear.

This problem is more relevant for artificially fed children. Especially if the mother does not adhere to the regimen of meals or gives the baby too much volume. It is necessary to focus on the instructions for the mixture.

To check if the hole on the nipple of the bottle is not too small or too large, you need to turn it over. If drops do not appear or the liquid begins to pour out very quickly, then the nipple needs to be changed. Otherwise, the baby will swallow air while eating.

But even with natural feeding, you can encounter a similar situation. Just in this case, adhering to clear intervals between feedings can do harm. Breast milk is digested faster than formula. Therefore, the baby is very hungry at the time of feeding, greedily pounces on food and cannot stop in time. No wonder many modern pediatricians recommend feeding children on demand.

Sometimes hiccups in newborns occur due to too much milk from the mother. A baby must get rich hindmilk in order to be satisfied. With an excess of the front, a feeling of satiety will not come to him, and overeating will occur.

Colic in a baby may be accompanied by hiccups. The nutritional system in infants develops in the first three months of life, gases do not always come out on time. If after a meal the child hiccups, groans or cries, presses the legs to the tummy, then the point is precisely in colic. To help the baby, you can massage the abdomen or apply a warm diaper.


If hiccups bother the child often enough, then it is worth taking preventive measures to remove it. Such recommendations would be helpful.

  • Feed babies who are breastfed on demand. This will reduce the chance that the baby will overeat. In addition, the mother's breasts will not be too full between feedings, which means that it will be easier for the baby to suckle her.
  • If the hot flashes are strong, the chest overflows, then it is worth expressing a little milk. Just do not get carried away, otherwise there is a risk of greatly disperse lactation.
  • It is important to learn how to apply correctly. You can do this on your own or contact a lactation consultant. The child must completely capture the halo. If the mother is feeding the baby from a bottle, then it must be held at the right angle.
  • It is best to feed your baby when he is in a good mood. If he cries and is naughty, then you should try to calm him down.
  • A breastfeeding mother must adhere to a diet. The magazine website recommends that a number of foods, such as cabbage, be excluded from the diet for a while. They cause increased gas formation, due to which hiccups in babies and other unpleasant sensations begin.
  • After feeding is complete, it is helpful to hold the baby upright. This will help the air escape, which will help to avoid colic and hiccups.

Other causes of hiccups

Not always a newborn hiccups after feeding for reasons related to the characteristics of the developing digestive system. In some cases, even if the mother follows all the recommendations for preventing hiccups, she will still begin.

Hiccups can be a sign of emotional distress. The nervous system in newborns is unstable, they quickly fall into an overexcited state. They can react to anything: a loud sharp sound, too bright light, a stranger, a new environment. As a result, the baby is tense, and the diaphragm contracts. Mom needs to be patient and calm the baby in a difficult situation for him. After a few months, the nervous system will get stronger enough and the reaction in the form of hiccups will stop.

Hiccups often appear when the child is cold. Thermoregulation in newborns is far from perfect; their body still does not know how to maintain a stable body temperature. The baby can easily hypothermia or, conversely, overheat. You need to touch the arm and back of the child. If they are cool, then most likely he is cold. You need to try to warm him up by wearing warm clothes.

How to help a child

If the hiccups in the newborn still began, then it is not at all necessary to fight it. The baby at this time does not experience discomfort, most likely, he is in a good mood after feeding. Soon this condition will pass on its own. But if you wish, you can try to remove the hiccups.

The easiest way is to give a drink. It can be water or breasts if the little one does not drink water yet. The method is quite reliable, it is also suitable for adults. The hiccups will pass very quickly.

You can also take the baby in your arms and vilify him a little in an upright position, pressing his stomach to you. Air will come out, the intestines, thanks to the warmth of the mother's body, will relax and be freed from gases. The child's well-being will improve, and the pressure on the diaphragm will stop.

If you know why a newborn hiccups after feeding, then you can help him. We'll have to think about whether the baby swallows air along with food and whether he gets too large portions. If there are doubts that hiccups are a normal physiological state of a toddler, then it must be shown to a pediatrician and a neurologist.

Finally, your baby was born, and you return home with him from the maternity hospital, the pleasant chores of caring for the baby begin. At first, inexperienced parents may worry about any sound made by the baby, if he sneezes, cries, grunts or hiccups.

You could be familiar with the hiccups of your little one even in utero, babies begin to hiccup while still in their mother's tummy. In this way, they train the respiratory muscles and develop the diaphragm.

Often, parents ask themselves the question - why does the newborn hiccup after feeding, is everything in order or do you need the help of specialists?

What is called hiccups

Hiccups, like many other conditions of the body, is a reflex act.

In the body of an adult or a child, the abdominal and thoracic cavities are separated from each other by a special partition - the diaphragm.

The diaphragm is a special strong partition, consisting of muscles and connective tissue. Its contractions aid in the act of breathing and the regulation of intrathoracic or intra-abdominal pressure.

With a sharp and rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm, hiccups occur. For adults, hiccups are relatively rare, and often persistent hiccups are a sign of pathology.

In children, the muscles and nerve plexuses in the diaphragm are still immature, and hiccups are quite normal and relatively physiological for them. Due to it, the development of the diaphragm occurs, the maturation of the nervous regulation and gradually the hiccups disappear.

Causes of hiccups in newborns

The reasons why a newborn hiccups after each feeding may be different. The main factors that provoke hiccups in newborns include:

  • accumulation of gases in the intestines of the child;
  • overstretching of the baby's stomach;
  • muscle tension;
  • excitation of the nervous system by any external and internal influencing factors.

Whatever the reason, if a newborn hiccups after feeding, he has irritation of the muscles or nerves of the diaphragm, which creates a kind of muscle cramp and a sharp muscle contraction with a characteristic sound and movement.

Accordingly, if all irritating factors on the diaphragm are eliminated, hiccups also pass.

Most often, a newborn hiccups after feeding, when freezing or excited, after prolonged crying.

In extremely rare cases, persistent and prolonged hiccups can be a sign of damage to the nervous system during childbirth as a result of hypoxia, trauma, or the influence of negative factors.

Ways to help a newborn

A newborn baby often hiccups after feeding as a result of a greatly distended stomach. This can happen for two main reasons:

  • The child ate too much, usually this happens with artificial people, with an incorrect calculation of the amount of feeding. In infants, this happens less often, they themselves regulate the amount of sucked milk. Excess food in the stomach greatly stretches the weak walls, as a result, the stomach begins to press heavily on the diaphragm. In response to irritation and pressure, the diaphragm begins to contract, and the newborn hiccups after feeding.
  • A second factor in hiccups can be swallowing excess air from improper attachment to the breast, greedy sucking, crying while feeding, or an improperly sized formula bottle with a large opening.

How to help the child in these cases?

First of all, you need:

  • Follow the correct attachment of the child to the breast, so that when he attaches not only the nipple itself, but also most of the breast halo, there were no sounds during feeding, except for sips of milk.
  • Feed him more often so that a hungry baby does not greedily pounce on food and does not suck too actively and quickly. If the first portions of milk flow too quickly, you can squeeze the breast a little before applying the crumbs to the breast to reduce the rate of milk flow.
  • Give him the opportunity to burp air after feeding by holding him vertically with a column and patting his back.
  • An artificial child needs to strictly calculate the volume of the mixture for one feeding, give water, a pacifier in between them, carry it in his arms if the child is worried. Do not dilute the mixture and feed the baby.
  • It is important to choose the right nipple and the size of the hole in it, as well as a bottle with an anti-colic system so that the baby does not swallow excess air. Today, special nipples with an air valve and an ergonomic shape are sold. The size of the hole should be as small as possible so that the mixture only drips slightly from the bottle, but does not flow, the child should suck out the contents of the bottle.

If the child has accumulated gases in the intestines, he may also hiccup after feeding. The period of colic with excessive gas formation lasts in children from about three weeks to three months.

This is due to the immaturity of the intestinal wall, enzyme deficiency and the formation of microbial flora. The digestive system is actively learning to work properly, and gas and colic can become side effects of this study.

This is a completely natural process, although it can bring discomfort to the child, and anxiety to parents due to crying and hiccups. A distended bowel loop increases intra-abdominal pressure and puts pressure on the diaphragm, irritating its muscles and nerves and causing hiccups.

If the newborn hiccups after feeding with bloating, you can do the following:

  • When breastfeeding, mom should take a closer look at her diet, temporarily excluding gas-forming and irritating foods from it. It can be fatty foods, sweets, cabbage, legumes, spicy dishes. Also, bloating can manifest individual reactions of intolerance to certain products. It is important to keep a food diary in the first months of feeding and note in it all the reactions of the child to the foods introduced into the mother's diet.
  • With IV, it is important to choose the right mixture for feeding the child. For children with sensitive digestion, it can be goat milk, low lactose or hypoallergenic. With a properly selected mixture and the calculation of its volume for feeding, colic is sharply reduced.
  • With the accumulation of gases, you can massage the abdomen, “bicycle” with legs, lay it on the tummy, put a warm diaper on the stomach, and even put a gas outlet tube.
  • You can use preparations of plant and synthetic origin from gaziki - Sub-simplex, Bobotik, Espumizan, dill water, fennel or chamomile decoction.

Often a newborn hiccups after eating with excessive muscle tension in the diaphragm. In young children, the state of increased muscle tone (hypertonicity) is normal.

That is why children react to any external stimuli by increasing muscle tone, including the diaphragm. Newborn hiccups. Massages, baths with decoctions of soothing herbs, carrying on hands will help.

Similarly, the child reacts to changes in temperature - often hiccups are provoked by changing clothes or if the child is naked for some time. This does not mean that he is very cold, it means that the skin receptors perceive a change in temperature and transmit signals to the brain.

He also reacts to them by contraction of muscles and their excitation, including the muscles of the diaphragm. To help cope with such hiccups, socks and warming the baby in his arms with the heat of his body help.

Similarly, bouts of hiccups can be caused by other external stimuli - bright lights or harsh sounds, strangers in the house, they excite the nervous system of the crumbs.

In the first months of life, while the child is adapting to external conditions, try to reduce exciting stimuli to a minimum.

When should you see a doctor?

If the child hiccups constantly, or hiccup attacks are accompanied by severe anxiety, crying, blue nasolabial triangle, these may be signs:

  • damage to the nervous system;
  • fetal hypoxia during childbirth or during pregnancy;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • lung lesions;
  • diseases of the digestive system.

In these cases, it is necessary to visit a pediatrician and find out the causes of hiccups, as well as the appointment of adequate treatment, depending on the identified pathology.

Other related information

  • Basics of caring for a baby: what you need to know?

In a family where there is a baby, parents carefully monitor his health, so such a physiological manifestation as hiccups in newborns causes them justifiable concern. Meanwhile, experts have proven that even an unborn baby can hiccup - for example, at a six-week period, the fetus already has hiccups. In infants, it appears very often, it can last for several minutes, or it can last for an hour or more, which causes discomfort in the child, preventing falling asleep. In order for hiccups not to raise panic among mothers, you need to know the causes of the appearance and find ways to stop it in the baby.

Hiccups are a normal physiological reaction of the body, and the baby can hiccup even before birth - in the mother's tummy

Reasons why a newborn hiccups

In order not to worry in vain, parents should know: if a newborn hiccups, this is a physiological phenomenon of natural origin. It can pass on its own, but if the hiccups continue for a long time, then it must be removed. Before looking for ways to eliminate it, you need to clarify why the baby has this phenomenon? Pediatricians see the causes of hiccups in the following:

  • She often appears as a result of spitting up after sucking milk, which is explained by the physiological characteristics of the child's body.
  • If the mother notices that the newborn hiccups all the time, then you need to look for the immediate causes of this condition. In pediatric practice, it has been noticed that one of the most common is aerophagia - a pathology when air is swallowed in large quantities, and then it is burped out. Aerophagia is a bad sign, as frequent burping leads to weight loss in the baby. To eliminate such a reason, you need to change the position of the baby, then a burp will come out, and he will calm down. You can establish aerophagy by a voluminous tummy, crying while sucking.
  • Although pediatricians consider hiccups to be normal, it is still better avoid triggers: it can be a rush of mother's milk during sucking, the wrong position of the baby at the breast, fast sucking when he is hungry, overeating. When feeding with milk formula, such factors will be an improperly prepared papilla (the hole is larger than normal) and an unfortunate position of the bottle.

It is the wrong, non-physiological posture of the child that can be the cause of squeezing the diaphragm and letting air in. You should carefully monitor how parents and relatives hold the child in their arms.

What to do if the newborn hiccups after feeding?

If overeating has occurred and the newborn hiccups after feeding, then the mothers themselves are to blame, especially the young ones, who do not yet have sufficient experience in caring for children. They often worry about the amount of sucked milk and feed the baby - this action provokes pressure on the diaphragm. When an overeating of a baby occurs, it is not difficult for a mother to establish; for this, nutritional control can be introduced - for example, change the volume of milk or milk formula in subsequent feeding. In order to eliminate overeating, you need to use preventive measures:

  • There is a lot of controversy in pediatrics about how it is better to feed the baby - on demand or by the hour. It has already been established that babies overeat from mothers who feed by the hour. This is explained by the fact that the child has a small volume of the stomach and a portion of milk is only enough for a short time. It is very difficult for the baby to wait for the next meal, so during sucking he is hungry. The baby begins to suckle greedily at the breast, resulting in an overload of the baby's stomach with a large amount of food. The newborn after feeding in this case hiccups.
  • It should also be borne in mind that breast milk is conditionally divided into two types: anterior and hind. Experts note that the back has a higher fat content, and it is with them that the baby can get enough. In a mother who has a lot of milk, the baby is quickly saturated with the anterior, and then only with the posterior, more saturated. It turns out that by the end of feeding the baby is already full.
In order not to overfeed the baby, mommy must calculate the amount of necessary mixture or milk per day according to the table
  • In infants up to 3 months observed in the intestines flatulence. This is due to the underdevelopment of the gastrointestinal tract, so children may have colic, causing hiccups. Mom can easily determine if her baby has colic, because at this moment he is restless, trying to raise his legs, the tummy is elastic, even hard.

What other reasons cause hiccups?

Often a newborn hiccups and without any connection with feeding. Mom is worried, because she follows the pediatrician's instructions for feeding, and the baby's hiccups do not go away. It is important to understand here that there are other reasons for its appearance. Experts believe that the provoking factors are:

  • Excited state during emotional upheaval. Due to the weakness and instability of the nervous system, infants may become frightened of something unusual (for example, unfamiliar surroundings, loud sounds, bright lights), while an anxiety condition develops, leading to diaphragm spasm.
  • Everyone knows that hypothermia is a sure sign of hiccups in the crumbs. A caring mother should touch the nose, arms, legs of the crumbs, if they are cold, it means that he is frozen. Hypothermia can occur due to poor thermoregulation in children, so it is necessary to maintain a constant body temperature, wear socks, a blouse so that the child does not freeze.
  • Sometimes there is hiccups in a dream, pediatricians also give a scientific and practical explanation for this. If a newborn sleeps and hiccups in a dream, it means that the diaphragm contracts, the vocal cords close, and a sound that frightens parents is obtained. The baby wakes up on its own, as it becomes difficult for him to breathe. To eliminate discomfort and help the baby, the mother needs to take it to her chest, hold it in an upright position and press it with her stomach to warm and soothe.

Pressing the baby to her in a vertical position, the mother contributes to the gradual discharge of air and the normalization of the position of the internal organs

Preventive measures for hiccups

A mother who adheres to such simple but important rules can always prevent hiccups in a baby. To do this, you must follow the preventive measures that pediatricians advise using:

  • Feeding is best done at the request of the baby. In this case, reduce the portion of food, and make the intervals between feedings more frequent.
  • In order for the baby to be better saturated with hind milk, you can express milk (front) if the mother has a strong rush of it.
  • It is necessary to capture the mother's breast while sucking correctly, and the mother herself can help the baby. If feeding is done with a bottle, then the nipple should be with the correct hole and be at (we recommend reading:) the right angle so that the baby does not choke on the liquid. The classic rule is that a baby should drink from a bottle with little effort.
  • Feeding should only be done when mother and baby are comfortable. If the baby is worried, it is better to wait a bit, pick it up, calm it down and only then feed it.
  • So that the baby does not get cold, you need to constantly maintain body temperature, check with the touch of your hand t of his arms and legs.
  • When breastfeeding, the mother should consult a pediatrician about her diet and follow a diet so as not to cause gas in the baby.

If, nevertheless, the newborn hiccups

What to do if the baby still has hiccups? Mom should take the baby in her arms and warm his tummy with her warmth to get rid of colic. Hold the “column” against your chest, wait until the baby has released excess air, and the hiccups will stop.

Another way to stop hiccups can be plain water. You should give the baby some water to drink to get rid of prolonged hiccups.

When should parents worry?

Parents need to know that hiccups are not a pathology, they do not require treatment, there will be time to get rid of them, but if this condition lasts all day, it causes discomfort and inconvenience to the newborn. To stop it, you should contact a pediatrician - he will help take appropriate measures, carry out prevention and prevent the development of any complex disease (various infections, pneumonia, gastrointestinal tract).

Explaining why a newborn hiccups, in video lessons, children's doctor Komarovsky emphasizes that infant hiccups should not disturb parents, since this is a normal phenomenon, it manifests itself even before birth. You just need to be able to properly deal with this phenomenon, and it will go away with age. Nevertheless, it is necessary to consult a specialist for advice, then it will be possible not to overlook the medical problem.

Sometimes even such a seemingly common occurrence as hiccups causes concern for parents. Most often, hiccups are not a sign of any disease and only cause discomfort to the child.

Why does a newborn have hiccups?

As in an adult, the process of hiccupping in a newborn is caused by contractions of the diaphragmatic muscle that separates the abdominal and chest cavities in response to irritation of the vagus nerve. The tendency to frequent hiccups in infants is associated with the immaturity of the nervous system and, as a result, its excessive excitability in response to external or internal stimuli. With age, the susceptibility to hiccups decreases.

The most common irritants that cause hiccups in newborns are:

  • a decrease in body temperature in response to a low ambient temperature - simply put, the child becomes cold;
  • fear from any unexpected stimulus (light, sound, stranger, etc.);
  • swallowing air when feeding or while crying;
  • when overfeeding with breast milk or formula (read about that in these articles);
  • immaturity of various parts of the digestive system (for example, with colic, flatulence);
  • consequences of fetal hypoxia;
  • in very rare cases, it may be pneumonia and some diseases of a hereditary nature.

It is not uncommon for a newborn to hiccup after feeding, which can be caused by swallowing air or overfeeding.

Features of hiccups in newborns

Hiccups in newborns, as previously noted, are no different from hiccups in adults: a characteristic sound occurs and contractions of the abdomen and chest are clearly visible. If at the same time the baby no longer shows any signs of anxiety in the form of crying, vomiting, profuse regurgitation, blue nose or fingertips, then you should not worry.

How to eliminate hiccups in a newborn

It happens that hiccups, although not accompanied by any more alarming symptoms, still interfere with the child, and then the mother wants to come to the rescue if:

  • hiccups are frequent;
  • lasts more than 15 minutes;
  • hiccups interfere with the sleep and wakefulness of the newborn (prevents falling asleep or disrupts sleep).

In these cases, the hiccup-causing stimulus should be identified and removed. Here are the most common causes of hiccups and how to fix them:

  1. The child is cold. The thermoregulation of a child, like most body systems, is still not sufficiently developed, therefore, the comfortable room temperature for a newborn differs from that for an adult. The easiest rule to follow is to dress your child one more item than you are wearing. Whether the baby is comfortable can be judged by the temperature of the tip of the nose and ears. If they are warm, then everything is in order, the child is not cold. Compliance with these simple rules will help you quickly get rid of hiccups caused by hypothermia.
  2. Swallowing air when feeding or overfeeding. To distinguish this type of hiccups from others is quite simple - it always occurs after feeding. You can correct the situation by properly applying to the breast and capturing the bottle. The correct position eliminates the capture of air during feeding, which, leaving the stomach, can provoke hiccups. To ensure that the baby does not take in air during breastfeeding, the top of its head should be higher than the nipple. After completing the feeding, the child must be held vertically to remove accidentally trapped air, that is, wait until, and only then lay him horizontally. Newborn hiccups caused by overfeeding are more common with artificial feeding, because sucking formula from a bottle is much easier and faster than breastfeeding. Therefore, the feeling of fullness may come later than expected, and during this time, with an excess of the mixture in the bottle, the child manages to suck out more than. Excess food will put pressure on the diaphragm and cause hiccups. Periodically, it is necessary to monitor the size of the hole in the nipple - the mixture should not pour, but flow out drop by drop. The bottle itself should be positioned so that the nipple is constantly filled with mixture during feeding, thus eliminating the swallowing of air.
  3. Immaturity of various parts of the digestive system. The resulting pain and excess gas irritate the diaphragm and cause hiccups. The baby signals his feelings by pressing his legs to his stomach and crying loudly. The simplest thing that can be done is to stroke the child's tummy clockwise to release the gas. In especially difficult cases it is possible.
  4. Fright from an unexpected irritant. Naturally, if this is a one-time irritant, then the best thing a mother can do is calm the child by taking him in her arms. The closeness of the mother will help relieve stress and eliminate hiccups. Another thing is if this irritant acts periodically - for example, a mobile phone ringing. Then it will be enough to change the ringtone to a calmer one, and the problem of hiccups will go away.
  5. Hiccups caused by various diseases. In this case, it can be advised to drop a little chamomile decoction under the tongue of the newborn, and if this does not help to measure the temperature. It is known that pneumonia can cause persistent hiccups in newborns, while outwardly no longer manifesting itself.

One of the disturbing conditions in infants is hiccups.

This is not a reason for parents to be very excited, but even if such a slight discomfort occurs, I want to help the child get rid of it.

They call the occurrence of a strong, short breath, which is characterized by an involuntary, stereotypically repetitive character. Such a breath provokes a closed or sharply narrowed glottis, which is affected by convulsive contraction of the diaphragm.

What causes hiccups in a baby?

Unfortunately, there are no clearly defined causes of hiccups in newborn babies. There are several provoking factors that contribute to its occurrence. Loving parents can easily figure out what the matter is. After all, it is they who understand best of all what their child wants, why he is naughty and how he can be helped.

If a child has hiccups, then perhaps he:

  • afraid of something, such as a bright light or a loud sound
  • overeating causes the stomach to stretch, causing the diaphragm to contract, causing hiccups
  • gasped for air in the process
  • cold for a walk or it's cold in the room
  • needs a drink

If the child stopped hiccuping already fifteen minutes after the onset of hiccups, then you should not assume that this condition poses a danger to the health of the baby.

Another thing is when a child hiccups for a long time and this condition is periodic. In this case, you should consult a doctor to identify the organic or functional cause of the dysfunction of the child's body.

Parents should be aware that hiccups are one of the symptoms, diseases of the digestive system or spinal cord injury, so if the child hiccups for twenty minutes, action should be taken.

Methods for eliminating hiccups

The most common cause of hiccups is, as a rule, air entering the stomach during

feeding. In this case, you should take the child in your arms in an upright position and walk for a while, holding him a little to yourself. After a while, the baby will burp, getting rid of unnecessary air inside him, which will put an end to hiccups.

The reason for the intake of air into the baby's body during feeding may be a nipple or a bottle in which the holes are too large for food to enter. As a result of the rapid receipt of food, the child tries to swallow it so as not to choke, so air and food are simultaneously swallowed.

It is also possible that when breastfeeding, the baby does not grasp the nipple correctly and, if the situation is corrected for the better, the hiccups will stop bothering the baby.

You can cope with hiccups by putting the baby to the chest or offering him water.

Cold hands in a child indicate that the child is cold, so he needs to be warmed.

If the cause of hiccups in an infant is irritating factors, then they should be eliminated, that is, take the child to a quiet, calm place where he can be vilified in his arms.

If the child is overfed, frequent. In this case, you need to monitor the size of its portion. Constant overfeeding is the result of improper feeding. In this case, you should check with the pediatrician the amount of food required for the child in one feeding.

Hiccups that occur frequently can become chronic, so you should temporarily reduce the amount of food consumed for the child, as well as monitor his reaction. To prevent starvation of the child while reducing the amount of food consumed at a time, you should increase the number of feedings throughout the day.

Preventive actions in the fight against hiccups

For every loving parent, the peace and health of their baby is very important, therefore

One of the reasons for the appearance of hiccups is the ingress of air into the body when feeding a child.

By adhering to certain rules for caring for newborn children, many problems can be avoided.

For example: in order for the baby not to be bothered by hiccups, you should often pay attention to the condition of the nipple on the baby's feeding bottle. An artificially fed baby can bite through it. Then the food will flow much faster, causing hiccups. The number and size of the holes on the nipple should correspond to the child's ability to eat normally, without complicating the process.

Each feeding of the baby should end with a burp, which indicates the normal assimilation of food. To do this, after the child has eaten, you should hold him in your arms in an upright position. The regurgitation usually occurs within a few minutes.

Hiccups are not a pathology, therefore, do not require medical treatment. Rather, it is a reaction of a small organism to improper feeding and. After all, almost all hiccupping babies do not pay any attention to this, so it is impossible to say that hiccups give the baby pain.

A baby who hiccups can continue to do his own thing. For example: deal with toys, respond to the attention of parents with a smile or a kind of gurgle.

Of course, if a child is naughty with hiccups, one can suspect the presence of some kind of illness. By correcting some shortcomings in caring for a newborn baby, parents learn how to raise their children properly. Most often, hiccups go away on their own, and growing up, all children forget about it completely.

Watch the video about hiccups in an infant:

Children can hiccup, even while in the womb, this is a completely normal condition. All the muscles in a child undergo a kind of test and from time to time come into a tonic state, including the diaphragm. If the baby often hiccups, parents begin to worry if everything is fine with the baby. If the period of contraction of the diaphragm is prolonged and this begins to cause discomfort to the baby, mothers and fathers are trying to find a way that is suitable for the baby to get rid of hiccups.

Why does hiccups occur?

Hiccups occasionally occur in all babies and last from 5 minutes to half an hour. Since this muscle can respond to external and internal stimuli, the causes of diaphragm contraction can be different:

  1. The connection in the brain-diaphragm area has not yet been fully worked out, the vagus nerve is excited for no reason, and the muscle begins to contract on its own, and as a result, the baby hiccups.
  2. Overeating can often cause hiccups, in which case it appears when the newborn eats or has just finished eating. The baby's stomach stretches, and the enlarged organ begins to put pressure on the diaphragm, which causes its contraction.
  3. Hiccups in infants can be triggered by swallowing air that occurred while drinking milk, while attacks may be accompanied by regurgitation.
  4. The gasses that fill the intestines can put pressure on the diaphragm, such hiccups in infants are usually accompanied by whims and crying, as the child suffers from colic.
  5. Thirst may be the reason why a newborn often hiccups.
  6. The ingress of food from the stomach into the esophagus causes bouts of short-term hiccups after feeding.
  7. Hypothermia causes a contraction of the diaphragm, which is why a child in the street begins to hiccup.
  8. Emotional outbursts, such as laughter or fear, often cause air to enter the esophagus and cause hiccups in newborns.
  9. Nicotine is often the reason why children hiccup.

The above reasons cause only short-term bouts of hiccups, which after 5-30 minutes go away on their own or when the discomfort is eliminated. The food eaten will gradually be assimilated, the gas will move further in the intestines, and the baby will warm up - and then the irritation of the diaphragm will stop and the newborn will get rid of hiccups.

Rarely, there are cases when hiccups in newborns are a symptom of a serious illness. If your baby has prolonged debilitating contractions of the diaphragm, consult a doctor immediately.

Inflammation occurring in the respiratory and digestive organs can irritate the diaphragm, causing it to contract.

The appearance of prolonged hiccups that torment the baby for several days may indicate encephalopathy or problems with the spinal cord; in this case, the attacks are so strong and debilitating that the child becomes difficult to breathe.

What to do?

The algorithm of your actions to stop an attack or prevent its occurrence largely depends directly on the causes that cause it. In order to decide how to stop hiccups in a newborn, analyze after which it arose, then you will understand what to do.

Binge eating

When a newborn hiccups after feeding, a possible cause of diaphragmatic contraction is overeating. Watch the amount of food, if it is too large - reduce the serving. It is not scary if the milk or formula is not eaten by the baby in the quantities recommended for age, most importantly, notify the pediatrician about the decrease in volumes, explaining the reason. If reducing the portion helped to get rid of the seizures, but the newborn now began to ask for food more often - feed him on demand.

Swallowing air

  1. Hiccups in a newborn can be triggered by air entering the stomach. Excess gases in the digestive system not only cause irritation of the diaphragm, which may cause discomfort to your baby, but also lead to intestinal colic. The child will begin to have an excruciating stomach ache, and you are guaranteed sleepless nights.
  2. Watch how the newborn grabs the nipple or silicone nipple - they must be completely placed in his mouth, otherwise, when sucking, milk will enter the stomach along with air. The enlarged digestive organ will put pressure on the diaphragm and irritate it. To help the newborn get rid of the hiccups that have arisen for this reason, it will be necessary to remove excess air from the stomach, which affects the muscle and causes it to contract.
  3. After completing the feeding, you need to hold the baby vertically - “column” so that excess air comes out. This procedure should also be done when the child, having laughed or frightened, begins to hiccup.
  4. If your newborn baby drinks formula or bottled expressed milk and hiccups during meals or after eating, the hole in the nipple may be too large and the milk flows out too quickly.


If a newborn hiccups while walking in cool weather, and you suspect that he is cold, touch his handles or nose. If they are not hot, then it will be obvious that the child has become cold, and you should return home and dress warmly. If an attack of hiccups manifested itself in the apartment, then you do not need to wrap the newborn at home heavily, it is enough to put warm socks on his legs and mittens on his hands. The blood in the periphery will warm up, and the hiccups will disappear.

Warm milk or water can relieve a baby of hiccups better and faster than wearing lots of clothes. You can also lift the baby in your arms and help him warm up with your warmth.


Nicotine is a strong irritant, and inhalation of nicotine smoke often causes a physiological reaction in the form of hiccups.

Smoking is very harmful and detrimental to the health of not only the person with this bad habit, but also all the people around him who inhale smoke containing combustion products and nicotine. That is why it is important that a child whose body is just starting to work is protected from smoking family members. Nicotine negatively affects the health of newborns, when caustic smoke is inhaled, the harmful substances contained in it immediately spread throughout all the cells of the baby's tissues.

As soon as the child is protected from the smoke containing nicotine, the bouts of toxic hiccups will also pass.

Nicotine, getting into the lungs of a child, irritates the nerve endings, which leads to a contraction of the diaphragm. Hiccups of toxic origin can occur constantly when inhaling smoke, and is a signal that secondhand smoke causes significant harm to the child.

Dear parents, you have brought home a precious package. Worries about the successful outcome of childbirth and fears about the birth of a healthy child were left behind. Now you watch his behavior hourly. It seems to you that he cries a lot, sleeps little, and sometimes the newborn hiccups, and this happens quite often. Is this normal or a symptom of some disease? Parents want to know the answer to this question, and we will try to help them with this.

... go to Fedot, from Fedot to Yakov, from Yakov to everyone ...

Hiccups are caused by contractions of the diaphragm, which separates the abdomen from the chest cavity. The baby's breathing is disturbed, and he makes a characteristic loud sound. Most often, hiccups disappear after 10-15 minutes, and sometimes its attacks are much longer. Many parents believe that this is a completely useless reflex. But doctors, after repeated studies, came to the conclusion that it performs the function of protecting the body, for example, from overeating.

Causes of hiccups in newborns

There are several reasons why hiccups occur in infants.


One of the reasons is banal thirst. The child is thirsty because he dries up the mucous surface of the mouth and digestive canal. He needs to be given warm water, and everything will immediately become normal.

To adjust is the sacred duty of every parent. If the baby is breastfed and stutters, give him the breast. If you feed him with milk mixtures, then often offer ordinary water - more than necessary - he will not drink, but he will quench his thirst if necessary.

Remember - lack of drinking can lead to other troubles. So, dear ones, watch day and night!

Powerful emotions

Many kids afraid of loud noises, a sudden flash of bright light, an unexpected touch. And from all this they can begin to hiccup.

Binge eating

Hiccups in a newborn after meal appears for the reason that food, stretching the ventricle, causes contractions of the diaphragm. The result of this can also be colic in the gastrointestinal tract. It is better for parents not to overfeed the newborn. It costs more to give him food, but less.

Do not overfeed - otherwise he will grow up fat!

And there is another danger. If severe hiccups occur, the child may spit up, and after spitting up, hiccup again. So that this does not lead to sad consequences, do not put the baby who has just eaten in the crib, especially on the back. Hold it vertically in your arms for several minutes until calm breathing is restored.

And worry - everything is explained by physiology: the baby is in a horizontal position most of the time, but eats a lot. By six months, these minor annoyances usually go away.


If baby swollen intestines, then it can exert pressure on the diaphragm. This will help the use of tubes for the removal of gases and massage of the abdomen. And the main thing is the proper nutrition of a nursing mother and her child.


Why does a newborn hiccup? There is an opinion that babies hiccup when they're cold. This can happen if they are in drafts or dressed inappropriately for the weather.

You need to know that children rarely get supercooled if their parents treat them with care. Rather, they are overwhelmed and dressed warmly. After all, the mechanisms of thermoregulation in infants are not the same as in adults. A baby may feel hot, while an adult does not feel it.

To find out if the baby is cold, you need to try his skin on his knees and elbows or the back of the neck. Normally they are warm. The exception is the case when the baby is actively moving. Then it is considered normal if these areas are cool.

Air in the digestive system

Since the walls of the stomach and intestines in newborns are thin, they tend to easily stretch and compress the vagus nerve. This happens if the child has overeaten or gases have accumulated in the intestines. Of course, this causes hiccups.

It happens when a mother feeds a child, her milk suddenly arrives, and the baby does not have time to swallow it. In this case along with milk, air enters his stomach.

You need to feed correctly like this: for a while, remove the baby from the breast and wait. When the baby catches his breath, feeding can be continued. After the baby has eaten, it must be held in an upright position. This helps to expel air from the ventricle.

If there is a large hole in the nipple, the baby will also swallow air. So make sure the hole is small. The nipple should be completely filled with milk. If the milk bottle is turned upside down and a droplet appears on the nipple, and not a jet outflow of liquid, then the size of the hole in the nipple is correct. Bottles with air outlet tubes are now on sale.

A couple of minutes in an upright position after feeding is the best remedy.
- The air that I swallowed with milk must come out of me!

Hiccups as a result of the disease

If the newborn hiccups rarely and this does not last more than 10-15 minutes, then you can not worry about his health at all. His nervous and digestive systems are not mature enough. Up to a year, this physiological state is considered normal.

But when it occurs regularly (within 2 weeks) and lasts a long time (more than 20 minutes), then it is necessary to visit the local pediatrician. This condition, although in very rare cases, indicates that the child is sick. And diseases can be very serious:

  • Spinal cord and chest injuries.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Aneurysm in the diaphragmatic region.
  • Damage to the central nervous system.
  • Worm infestation (it is necessary to pass tests confirming or denying the presence of helminths).

These diseases are dangerous. They sometimes require appropriate care, urgent and long-term treatment in a hospital.

We treat hiccups with folk remedies

However, the best prevention and necessary remedy for all diseases is sleep. But when you need it, it's often not easy. And sometimes vice versa - and beware at night: play, sing and download.

So that dad does not oversleep work - read with him our section, which is dedicated to children's sleep:.

To understand how to get rid of hiccups, you need to establish its cause. Some of them are described above. So, if the baby is cold, it needs to be warmed up, give warm water. If you're nervous, calm down. A newborn mother can press her tummy to her and stroke her back. At best, when the bodies come into contact, there should be no clothes.

But experienced mothers who have encountered this problem with their children advise:

“My husband and I put a warm diaper on our son’s tummy, sometimes we wore a “column” to our stomach. They also gave milk and warm water. Everything passed."

“My Igor often hiccups after feeding. I put it on my chest. Just a couple of sips of breast milk - and the order.

“We get rid of in a playful way. “Hiccups, hiccups, go to Fedot, from Fedot to Yakov, from Yakov to everyone!” I repeat this rhyme to my Arishka all the time, she is having fun. And by the way, it's gone."

“I know this method: you need to raise your right hand up. It helps with almost everything. When my daughter choked, it also helped.”

“100% of parents know how to make children,” said the famous children's doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky, “99% do not know what to do with them later.” We hope that our simple tips will help young parents cope with the phenomenon of hiccups in newborns. And if your dear little man is cheerful, healthy and smiling - there is absolutely no reason to worry.

Hiccups in infants are most often a physiological condition that develops with a reflex contraction of the diaphragm. However, young parents who do not have experience in caring for a newborn may panic, not understanding the mechanisms for the development of this condition.

observed quite often. Especially often this condition appears in the first month of a baby's life, which is due to the immaturity of the intestine. Over time, it begins to occur less and less and gradually completely disappears.

Most of all, hiccups bring anxiety not to the child, but to the mother. After all, the worst thing for her is that there is no way to instantly stop hiccups, and she does not know how to help the baby.

Why do small children hiccup? This happens as a result of internal and external factors:

  • . It is the most common cause of hiccups. Why does a newborn hiccup after feeding? When a large amount of food enters the baby's stomach, its walls stretch and put pressure on the diaphragm. As a result, it begins to reflexively contract.
  • Swallowing air. With or an incorrectly selected nipple to the bottle, air is swallowed. As a result, the stomach stretches and presses on the diaphragm.
  • Feeling of thirst. The child may have a reflex contraction of the diaphragm when he is thirsty.
  • Exposure to external stimuli. With sharp and loud sounds, the sudden inclusion of bright light, the baby's nervous system may react by contracting the diaphragm.
  • Hypothermia. Babies may begin to hiccup when cold. This happens quite often, since the processes of thermoregulation in the baby's body are still very imperfect.

On average, hiccups in babies last about 10-20 minutes, no longer. In some situations, this time period may be shortened or lengthened. It depends on the measures taken by the parents. Indeed, despite the fact that there is no effective way to stop the reflex contraction of the diaphragm, it is possible to influence the causes of hiccups in newborns and, if possible, stop it.

How to stop hiccups after feeding?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the reason why the baby. After all, if a child hiccups after eating, completely different actions should be taken than if the diaphragm contraction began as a result of hypothermia.

Why does a baby hiccup after feeding? The main reason for this phenomenon is the swallowing of air along with food. Therefore, you need to raise the baby, press it a little to yourself and walk around. Air is lighter than food, it will rise up and the baby will be able to burp it. Since quite a lot of air can get into the stomach of the crumbs, when getting rid of it, the pressure on the diaphragm will decrease significantly and the hiccups will disappear. At subsequent feedings, make sure that the baby takes the breast correctly. After all, with improper application, air can enter along with breast milk. The same probability exists if the feeding is artificial and the nipple and the size of its opening are incorrectly selected. If the hole is too large, the food comes in very quickly, and the child swallows it with air. When these factors are eliminated, this phenomenon in an infant can pass without a trace, and the mother will forget about what hiccups are.

Why does a child hiccup after feeding if air cannot enter the stomach? Another very common reason is overeating. Basically, a newborn baby who is breastfed will stop suckling on his own when satiated. However, with some pathologies, the child does not feel full and regularly overeats. That is why the baby hiccups after feeding. The baby's body reacts to overeating with profuse belching, in some cases there may even be vomiting with a fountain. To prevent this, the baby needs to be fed often, but not for long.

If lactation is not established and the child is bottle-fed, he may not feel full. Most often, such children drink the entire portion of the mixture from the bottle, regardless of its volume. And if it is calculated incorrectly and there is a lot of it for the baby, overeating occurs. In this case, the main thing is to notice overeating in time and take measures to prevent it, so you need to reduce the one-time portion of the mixture. Unlike babies who are breastfed and breastfeed on demand, babies need to be formula fed on a regular schedule and at regular intervals.

How to stop hiccups with other causes of this condition?

If the child has cold hands, it is likely that hypothermia was the cause of the hiccups. Therefore, the baby needs to be warmed up immediately. Indeed, in addition to the occurrence of hiccups, hypothermia can lead to the fact that the baby gets sick.

Newborns may react with hiccups in response to fright and stress. This can be a sudden turn on of bright lights or loud noises. It is necessary to calm the baby, pick it up, walk around the room with him, talk, sing a calm song.

In some cases, babies react negatively to strangers. Therefore, during the first month of a baby’s life, he should be limited from communicating with strangers, not visiting crowded places, not visiting, avoiding stressful situations.

Why does a baby hiccup if there is no apparent reason for this? In fact, not all causes can be identified at a glance. Alternatively, the child may want to, but cannot say so. You can give the baby a drink or just attach it to the breast if he is breastfeeding.

However, if hiccups last for a long time, appear several times a day and lead to exhaustion of the baby, you should definitely consult a doctor. This may be the first sign of many serious diseases of the bronchopulmonary and central nervous system that require serious and long-term treatment.

A newborn baby is very fragile and defenseless, so his parents make every effort to ensure that the baby develops normally and grows up active and healthy. And it is not surprising that any change in the state of the child, for example, hiccups after the baby has eaten or is cold, causes anxiety and anxiety among loving mothers and fathers. Why does a baby hiccup and how to deal with this unpleasant problem?

If hiccups are bothering your newborn baby, it should be stopped immediately.

Hiccups in young children, including infants, are practically no different from hiccups in adults.. It manifests itself in the form of contractions of the chest and tummy of the baby and is accompanied by a characteristic short sound.

If the baby feels calm and does not have symptoms such as vomiting, blue fingertips on the arms and legs, then there is no reason for alarm and panic.

If the baby cries or shows signs of anxiety during hiccups, then it is necessary to find out the causes of this problem in order to effectively eliminate it.

Why do newborns have hiccups?

Most newborn babies suffer from hiccups and this is considered a natural physical process, so parents should not be scared. Moreover, Babies can hiccup while still in their mother's belly. due to ingestion of amniotic fluid.

In infants, hiccups can last several minutes to an hour and this is considered normal.

Despite the fact that this problem worries parents, hiccups do not cause any discomfort to babies and do not harm their health.

Possible reasons

  • Often, a cat also occurs while breastfeeding a baby. It could be both due to an excess of milk, and through improper sucking by the baby of the breast. It is possible that the baby captures only the mother's nipple with his mouth, and not the entire halo, as a result of which air enters his digestive system.
  • Among the common causes of hiccups in newborns is increased gas formation . In this case, mom should reconsider her diet and not eat foods that are harmful to the baby (cabbage, legumes or nuts).
  • Overfeeding an infant can also make him hiccup.
  • Artificial nutrition can also cause hiccups. For example, the problem might be in too big nipple hole on the bottle or in the wrong position of the infant formula container.
  • Hiccups in a baby begin even when he cold or chilled . In this case, you should change the baby into warmer clothes and feed immediately.
  • Another possible cause of hiccups in a newborn is sudden fright . This can happen from loud noisy music, too bright lights, or a sudden slam of a door.
  • Wrong posture while eating a newborn can also provoke hiccups. The baby should be kept strictly upright while eating.

If the hiccups in an infant lasts more than two days, then this may indicate serious disorders in his body, for example, lesions of the spinal cord or brain, as well as diseases of the liver or stomach. With such prolonged hiccups, parents should immediately seek help from a pediatrician.

How to eliminate hiccups that occur in a newborn after breastfeeding

Overfeeding can cause hiccups after feeding a newborn baby.

In most cases, loving mothers become the cause of hiccups in a baby, without knowing it.

Due to inexperience, young women often overfeed the child, afraid that he would not remain hungry.

From an excessive amount of breast milk, the baby's stomach swells and presses on the diaphragm, which causes him to hiccup. If the cause of hiccups is an excess of mother's milk, you should reduce the frequency of feeding the newborn or reduce the number of servings at a time.

Improper suckling of the mother's breast

Incorrect nipple latching during feeding can cause hiccups in a newborn baby.

Sometimes this unpleasant and frightening problem can be provoked by improper suckling of the mother's breast. Many babies only latch onto the nipple with their lips, as a result of which a lot of air bubbles get into his stomach, which causes the baby to hiccup.

To solve this problem, it is enough to carefully monitor that the baby captures most of the mother's breasts along with the nipple and halo during feeding.

Too much breast milk

An excess of breast milk is another possible cause of hiccups in newborns. The fact is that the milk of nursing mothers is divided into two types - anterior and hind.

The foremilk is thinner while the hindmilk is richer and more nutritious.

When feeding, the baby sucks out a large amount of foremilk and by the time it gets to the rear, it is already saturated. The solution to this problem may be to express breast milk into a separate container immediately before feeding the newborn.

Binge eating

Pediatricians name another cause of hiccups in babies, which is also associated with overeating. It consists in child's diet . Some mothers feed their babies on demand, while other young women set certain hours for feeding.

It is for those mothers who feed the newborn by the hour, babies often suffer from overeating.

Children's doctors explain this by the fact that the baby has time to get hungry until the time comes for the next meal. As a result, he greedily sucks his mother's breast and overloads the stomach, as a result of which he begins to hiccup. This problem can be avoided by reviewing the feeding regimen of the newborn.

As a rule, if a baby’s hiccups are provoked by improper breastfeeding, then fixing this problem is quite easy, it is enough to change the frequency of meals or the amount of food consumed by the child .

Hiccups in a newborn are caused by increased gas formation

Gas colic can lead to hiccups in a newborn baby.

Almost all newborns under three months of age suffer from increased gas production, which and hiccups. In this case, how to help the baby cope with this problem?

If a mother is breastfeeding her baby, then she should be more careful about her own diet, as some foods can cause gas bubbles to form in the baby's intestines.

What foods should not be consumed

  • legumes such as soybeans, beans or peas;
  • White cabbage;
  • sweet pastries and confectionery, especially with rich cream;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • nuts, especially peanuts;
  • chocolate;
  • pickled and.

Most often, proper and balanced nutrition of a nursing mother reduces the risk of increased gas formation in newborns and helps in eliminating problems such as hiccups.

artificial feeding

To avoid hiccups after feeding, choose the right formula for your baby.

It is more difficult for those parents whose baby is bottle-fed or supplemented, for example, when the mother does not have enough milk . In this case, it is very difficult to find the right infant formula that would not cause colic and hiccups in the child.

When choosing food do not rely on the advice of friends and acquaintances , because the body of each baby is individual and what suits one newborn, another can be harmful. As a rule, parents use trial and error to select the ideal formula for feeding their child.

Do not neglect such a process after feeding as burping. After all, at the same time, the baby gets rid of excess air bubbles, leading to increased gas formation.

Hiccups and hypothermia

With an icon from hypothermia, be sure to do a warming massage.

In some cases, hiccups in an infant can be provoked by hypothermia, for example, while walking or while changing clothes.

Caring parents immediately try to wrap the child warmer, but this is not quite the right decision. The fact is that the baby hiccups not because he is cold, just his body is just starting to get used to the environment and adjusts its thermoregulation mechanism to protect itself.

Do not wrap the child in many blankets or put on him several clothes. It is best to give the baby an intense but light massage of the whole body to restore blood circulation, and the hiccups will gradually stop.

Hiccups from fright

Frightening loud noises can trigger the onset of hiccups.

Many parents make a common mistake when they surround their newborn baby with silence. Subsequently, the baby is very frightened of any sounds unusual for him, such as a cell phone ringing or a knock on the door, and immediately begins to cry or hiccup.

If the hiccups in a newborn are provoked by fear, then you can calm him down by picking up and eliminating the cause of the unexpected sound.

Methods for dealing with hiccups in newborns

When hiccups, give a newborn baby to drink some water!

Although hiccups do not cause discomfort to the baby, sometimes it prevents the baby from eating or sleeping peacefully.

How can parents eliminate the symptoms of hiccups in a child? Get rid of hiccups ordinary water will help . The baby should be given clean, cool water to drink from a spoon, or by filling a baby bottle with a small amount of liquid.

Sometimes this method also helps: the mother should take the baby in her arms, hug her and walk around the room with him for a while. The main thing is that the baby is upright, this helps to eliminate hiccups.

Can also be used to eliminate hiccups short conspiracies, although many pediatricians are skeptical of this method. Most likely, it is not the spell itself that is effective, but the quiet monotonous voice of the mother when it is read, from which the newborn calms down and gradually stops hiccuping.

Hiccups on artificial feeding

Undosed nutrition with a mixture can provoke hiccups!

It is quite difficult for mothers of formula-fed babies to determine that the baby has already had enough, and in such situations, the problem of overeating is also possible. As a result, the baby begins to hiccup, which makes his parents look for ways to eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon.

As in the case of breastfeeding, when formula-feeding a newborn, it is necessary to reconsider the frequency of nutrition and the amount of mixture used by him. The best way to feed your baby more often, but in small portions . Thus, the baby does not have time to be very hungry before the next meal, and he does not pounce on food so greedily.

Wrong nipple

An improperly fitted bottle nipple can cause hiccups in a newborn.

A common cause of hiccups in babies is an improperly fitted nipple on a baby bottle. If the hole in the nipple is too wide, then the baby will swallow the mixture in large portions, which can cause hiccups. The hole in the nipple should be small and narrow so that food does not flow out of it in a continuous stream, but oozes out in small drops. So the baby will make some effort to get access to food, therefore, absorb food more slowly.

After feeding, the newborn should not be laid on the back, but it is advisable to carry it in your arms for several minutes so that it is in an upright position. This will make it easier for him to digest the food he eats.


Hiccups in a newborn are not a serious disease, but a natural physiological process, and as the baby grows older, these unpleasant, but harmless symptoms will stop over time.

Video about hiccups in a newborn