Perfect facial skin at home: secrets that are available to everyone

Facial skin can tell a lot about a person. Often, diseases of the internal organs are reflected on the face in the form of acne, sores and other imperfections. In addition, the condition of the skin can be used to judge how carefully and skillfully a woman takes care of herself. Sooner or later, any representative of the fair sex is visited by thoughts on how to make the skin of the face perfect. This question is not as complicated as it might seem. The main thing is to approach it responsibly.


Some women miss this stage, and it is extremely important. The skin needs to be cleansed at least twice a day. You shouldn't wash too often either. You need to know simple rules:

  1. Don't use soap. It dries out the skin very much.
  2. All cosmetics should be selected according to skin type.
  3. Any creams, foams and lotions for washing perfectly replace sesame, olive and corn oils. They not only remove makeup and impurities, but nourish the skin, filling it with beneficial substances.
  4. Wash with warm water only.

We open the pores

If you are thinking about how to make your skin beautiful, then this stage cannot be excluded. After washing, be sure to wipe your face with tonic. It will prepare the skin for applying the cream. If you are going to make a mask, then this procedure is done a little differently and takes more time. In order for all the nutrients to saturate the skin as much as possible, it must be steamed. In this case, it is recommended to use decoctions of herbs: lavender, calendula, chamomile, sage, and so on. The choice depends on your skin type. How to make your skin perfect, simple folk recipes will tell you. By mixing some herbs and preparing a decoction, you will get an excellent natural remedy with a high content of essential elements.

deep cleaning

When thinking about how to make your skin even, think about a scrub. It can be used up to twice a week. The scrub removes dead cells, allowing the skin to breathe and renew itself. This procedure is not only useful, but also pleasant. Thanks to it, skin color is evened out and the number of black spots is significantly reduced. Scrub does not have to be bought in the store. You can also do it yourself:

  1. Mix a spoonful of honey with lemon juice, wheat bran. Apply the mass for 10 minutes. Massage your face in circular motions and wash your face.
  2. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder and add sugar to it. Apply the mixture on a damp face with massage movements.

Much has been said about how to make the skin of the face perfect. It is obvious that one cannot do without a properly selected cream. It is applied at the end of any procedure you perform on the face. It must be used in the morning and evening. The cream saturates the skin with vitamins and protects from the harmful effects of the environment. Any beautician, answering the question of how to make the skin perfect, will tell you how to choose a cream. Always read the ingredients of the product carefully. The more natural ingredients it contains, the better. Be healthy.

Without beautiful skin, it is difficult for a person to increase self-esteem. Yes, and those around often form their impression of a person, given the well-groomedness of his face and body. Therefore, qualified skin care becomes an important component of social success. If it is not possible to visit a beautician, you need to learn the basic rules at home.

Face masks will fill the skin with life and health

Usually skin care comes down to double cleansing. In the morning, it is toned, moisturized. And in the evening they nourish, fill with useful components.

To minimize the negative impact of the environment, it is recommended to stop washing with tap water. Tap water contains many harmful components.

Periodically it is necessary to make masks, compresses - they will fill the skin with life and health. Such procedures are effective, useful, each has an invaluable impact. But in order for them to bear the desired fruits, a number of rules must be observed.

Skin type must be taken into account

Each skin type requires a different approach. In order not to be mistaken with the selection of funds, it is necessary to pass a test to determine the type of skin. It consists in the following:

  • You have to wash up and wait a couple of hours.
  • When the time is up, a small mirror is placed on the skin.
  • By those spots that remain on the mirror, one can judge the properties of the skin.
  1. - clear, pronounced spots.
  2. Normal - weak, small spots.
  3. Dry - the absence of any traces.
  4. Combined - the cheeks did not highlight anything, and the forehead and chin gave clear greasy spots.

Properties of skin types

Normal facial skin is elastic and soft to the touch.


Such skin is shiny, has sebaceous secretions. The pores are clogged, polluted, enlarged. You can notice redness, black dots, acne often protrudes.

The skin is thick and tight to the touch. The only advantage is slow aging: wrinkles on such skin form extremely slowly.


This is beautiful soft skin. Its surface is smooth, does not have a greasy sheen, peeling, enlarged pores. To the touch elastic, soft. The color is evenly colored, without spots. This skin type is rare. The reason is in the rhythm of life that is difficult for a person, malnutrition, and bad habits.


This is thin skin, dries quickly, wrinkles very early. Signs of peeling are almost always noticeable, it can turn red in spots. This type is sensitive to weather vagaries. In youth, dry skin is a magnificent gift of nature. But with age, she quickly loses her beautiful appearance. With enhanced hydration, you can prolong its youth.


This skin combines the properties of oily and dry. On the cheeks, it dries, and near the nose, on the chin, it becomes covered with a greasy sheen. To bring this type back to normal, it is necessary to combine various means.

Accounting for age characteristics

For mature skin, you need to buy special products targeted at the right age.

The functioning of all organs and systems undergoes several changes with age. Skin is no exception.

Therefore, funds for young beauties will not suit mature ladies. Each age requires suitable, gels, tonics, masks.

In youth, blood circulation is normal, sometimes even increased. The metabolism takes place at a sufficient speed. Therefore, any skin is well nourished, constantly updated.

Even the fact of skin aging from the age of 15 is not outwardly manifested in any way. If the skin retains the metabolism characteristic of youth, then it will look great even at 30. If there is no such predisposition, then signs of aging will show up earlier.

A common feature of any aging skin is the appearance of signs of dryness. Even with oily skin in youth, in old age people face such manifestations of dry skin as peeling and wrinkles.

Such signs occur due to lack of nutrition, slow metabolism, circulatory failure, low level of regeneration. In the ideal case, the skin after oily becomes normal.

The simplest procedures - cleansing, moisturizing - become a real problem in old age. Mature skin needs close care. Therefore, you should buy special tools focused on the right age.

In any case, external funds will not be enough. Therefore, you can not do without good nutrition, vitamins, minerals. Moisturizing should also go from the outside and from the inside.

To do this, you need to drink water in a normal amount. And, of course, you can not do without compresses and. You can cook and make them yourself. Folk wisdom has preserved many interesting recipes that are relevant to this day.

Cleansing methods

Washing is one of the ways to cleanse the skin of the face.

It is impossible to become the owner of healthy skin without regular cleansing. It is a mandatory procedure for everyone.

If a woman does not use, she must still cleanse her skin of sweat, accumulated dust, and sebaceous secretions.

But not all cleansing methods are equal. Each has its own characteristics. When choosing your method, you need to take into account many nuances.

Some types of cleansers can be purchased and some you can make at home. Common cleaning methods are listed below:


Water procedures are considered the most traditional. They are pleasant and helpful. Only the quality of tap water does not allow its regular use. Therefore, it is better to use purchased mineral water, herbal decoctions.

And as an aid, you need to take baby soap. It is softer and does not dry the skin as much as adult counterparts. Perfect for those with oily skin. Water in combination with soap allows you to dry the skin, remove sebaceous formations.

Foams for washing

Special cleansers are available in the form of a foam or gel. They remove dirt, but do not dry. Gels are used for skin with oily areas. And foams are the best option for normal or dry skin.

When buying a product, you need to look at what type of skin it is intended for.

Milk. Cream

Milk is indispensable for mature and dry skin

This is a traditional makeup remover. The greasy texture helps to quickly remove all decorative cosmetics without scratching or irritating the delicate surface of the skin.

Creams are easy to apply, they are able to cover the entire skin without leaving any gaps.

The consistency of milk, cream is such that it allows it to attract particles of contaminants, which are then removed along with these products. Milk, cream are indispensable for mature skin, successfully used to care for dry skin.

Tonics. Lotions

When choosing, you need to consider whether there is alcohol in the composition. In the presence of alcohol, you need to buy a lotion to care for oily skin. This component will dry out oily areas.

And if there is no alcohol, then this is a good option for dry and normal skin. Lotions with herbs work well. You can replace such a remedy with lemon juice, herbal decoctions.

Scrubs. Peelings

These products have a deep cleansing effect. Since this is a rather rough effect, peeling is not worth using every day.

This can damage the structure of the skin, provoke inflammation. When buying, you need to remember what type of skin you have. These features must be taken into account. Dry skin is demanding on the choice of peeling. It is possible to use sufficiently soft agents.

Strong ones won't work. Oily skin needs a good exfoliator to remove all the excess. But with dilated capillaries, it is generally better to abandon such procedures.

Hydration. Nutrition

To moisturize the skin of the face, you need to use masks

Any skin needs additional hydration, and complex nutrition is indispensable. Therefore, you need to stock up on creams, masks, compresses.

The main purpose of their use is to delay the appearance of new wrinkles in time. They also help to improve complexion, increase skin elasticity.

Moisturize your skin after cleansing. The tool should lie on a damp surface - then it will be better absorbed. When applied to a dry surface, you may not get the desired effect.

Moisturizing, like nutrition, is carried out daily. But masks and compresses are best done less often - once a week. Which mask to apply (nourishing, moisturizing, regenerating) is decided depending on the situation.

Numerous nourishing masks, moisturizing, restoring skin color can be purchased at the store, you can cook it yourself. are always natural and safe, so they have been popular for decades.

The absence of chemical components makes them hypoallergenic, acceptable for all categories of consumers. The exception is cases of individual intolerance. Since home masks do not require large financial outlays, they are affordable and not burdensome. After all, they are made from simple and well-known products.


Egg face mask gives an even color, eliminates new wrinkles

The use of eggs in face masks has ancient roots. It can be combined with other components. Effective mask with the addition of carrot juice, sour cream.

Such a tool, when applied to normal skin, fills with moisture, gives an even color, getting rid of new wrinkles, is a rich nutrient. Do not apply on eyelids and lips. The mass is left for half an hour, and then washed off with water.

Cottage cheese

This is the best component for masks designed for dry skin. You can dilute with milk, mix the mass with honey.

After applying to the face, except for the eyelids and the area around the lips, leave for 20 minutes. At the end of the time, rinse with water, use a moisturizing cream.

The main action of such a mask is color alignment, saturation with useful substances.


This component is used in masks for oily skin. Yeast is bred in kefir. Drip into the composition, add lemon juice. All ingredients are mixed until foam is formed.

The mask covers the entire face, except for the eyelids and the area around the lips. 15 minutes is enough for the effective effect of this mask. Wash it off with water at room temperature. This is an effective remedy for fat on the face, produces a whitening effect.


To make a mask for combination skin, you need to mix several opposing components. For example, wheat bran is combined with lemon juice. Before mixing, the bran is ground to a powder.

The resulting mixture is distributed over the face, the skin of the eyelids and lips is not touched. Exposure time - no more than 20 minutes. This natural mask can tighten pores, remove sebaceous deposits, saturate the skin of the cheeks with beneficial substances.

How to care for your face at home, see the video:

In contact with

Lineisi Montero

“I mix cane sugar and flower honey, put it on the skin, let it harden a little and roll it with my hands: you can’t think of a better scrub! Immediately after the procedure, I apply a moisturizer - with an excess, so that the skin absorbs as much as it needs. By the way, this is also my secret to recovering after fashion weeks, when you have tons of makeup on your face: just let the skin absorb as much as it wants, applying the cream over and over again until it remains intact on the surface.

Martha Hunt


Fotodom / Rex Features

“I have always envied Japanese women: they all have perfect skin! Therefore, when choosing cosmetics, I first of all looked at Japanese brands. As a result, I settled on sheet masks from SK II: they are brilliant! Made from 100% cotton and infused with the miraculous Pitera extract. There are vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, organic acids and some other secret complex. Works flawlessly!”

Greta Valese

“I am a beauty maniac. I made skin care a special ritual, with many details and tons of products. In the morning I wash my face, then I cleanse my skin with milk, then I use a toner, then a serum, then a moisturizer. Each stage lasts about three minutes, because I want the product to penetrate the skin. In the evening, I remove makeup, wash my face with mousse or foam, then tonic, then nourishing cream. Once a week I steam my face over hot water to open the pores, then I apply peeling for deep cleansing, then a moisturizing mask for 15-30 minutes, always in silence and with good music, after the mask - tonic, serum, moisturizer. Yes, I know I'm overthinking it, but I can't help it."

Willow Hand

“At one time, I was shocked by the idea of ​​the Dermalogica brand to divide the face into zones, assess the condition of the skin in each area and choose different products to solve each problem. I regularly go to the salon for this procedure, and they select my individual set of products according to the condition of my forehead, cheekbones, chin, and so on. I can almost guarantee that after Fashion Week it will be all soothing and anti-irritant.”

Fotodom / Rex Features

“I put on moisturizer all the time. Once every two hours, probably, otherwise it starts to seem to me that the wrinkles have already stretched through the forehead and lurked in the corners of the eyes ... Brrr! I always have Aveda's Botanical Kinetics spray, skin moisturizing cream or gel, and cleansing wipes in my purse to wipe my face before applying. What? Makeup? I paint only on the catwalk!"

Renata Zandonadi

“I am a big fan of Bioderma, they have a great cleanser and moisturizer. Fragrance free, no unnecessary extra ingredients. And I always use sunscreen, even on rainy days. For me, putting on an SPF cream is like brushing my teeth, I don’t even think about it.”

Jessica Bartha-Lam

“I wash my face with olive oil in the evenings: it cleanses the skin better than foam, gel, wipes and lotion combined. And after that, you don’t have to think about how much and what kind of harmful substances you applied to your skin. I also have a moisturizer based on olive oil, I order it in a pharmacy, the expiration date is only two days, but I am sure of the quality.”

Julia van Os

“I sleep with a vaseline mask on my face. Yes, I'm not kidding, it is. I apply Vaseline all over my face with a thin layer and go to bed. In the morning, the skin is amazingly smooth and velvety! No other cream does this. And the pillowcase is easy to wash!”

Madison Whittaker

“I guess I don’t have secrets to take care of myself. Except never wear makeup outside of work and never go to bed without cleansing your skin. A! And be sure to drink linseed oil in the morning: there are omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which are very important for the skin. I take two tablespoons of it a day. In secret: it's also a great way to detox for the gastrointestinal tract, you know.

Dasha Maletina

“After cleansing the skin, I immediately apply a mask, and only after it - a cream. I don’t pay much attention to brands, the main thing is that vitamin B12 is in the composition - it takes excellent care of the skin. ”

Pauline Horo

“I drink a lot of water, a lot of water, I don’t know, more than 2 liters for sure. I don’t eat anything harmful, fried or canned, and once a month I go to the beautician, who somehow conjures me. At home, apart from moisturizing cream and facial wash, I don’t have any cosmetics.”

How to get perfect skin at home without using a whole arsenal of expensive tools?

In this article, we will tell you everything! - a kind of business card.

Its appearance directly depends on the condition of the skin. At some point, more often after 30 years, defects suddenly begin to appear on its surface.

And if earlier, in order to thoroughly cleanse the face and use high-quality cosmetics, now it's time to expand the arsenal of products.

Follow our advice, and your age will be known only with the help of a passport!

How to make your face skin perfect at home in a month? We take into account personal characteristics

We do not think about it, but the skin is the same organ as the lungs or the heart.

Its function is incredibly important - protecting its owners from harmful environmental conditions, including pathogenic microbes.

They simply die on its surface under the influence of an acidic environment.

Sweat and fat remove waste products from the body from metabolic processes, hygiene plays an important role in facial care.

The skin in this area is incredibly thin. That is why the area around the eyes is the first to feel age-related changes and the consequences of a wrong lifestyle.

Our skin needs regular care.

By the way, if you want to save and, listen to the following recommendations:

  1. Eat a handful of nuts, seeds, or 2-3 tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily. The ingredients will naturally nourish the skin, help to avoid overdrying and small rashes.
  2. Drink two liters of pure spring water daily. Many of us experience constant dehydration, hence the fine lines around our eyes and mouth. Restore the water balance, and you will notice how much the situation has improved in general.
  3. How to get perfect skin at home in a week know those who prefer fresh vegetables and fruits. Increase the amount of raw foods up to 70%.
  4. Sports loads will improve blood circulation and overall tone.
  5. Meditate, relaxing your whole body before going to bed, try not to squint or use facial expressions too much during the day.
  6. Try not to sit too long at the computer, walk outside for at least a few 90 minutes without a reason.
  7. Get enough sleep every day, but no more than 9 hours per night.
  8. Junk food, lack of vitamins will primarily affect your skin. Develop a diet with enough fiber.

The owners of perfect skin do not exist. The peak of her beauty falls on childhood, but then we do not think what a treasure we have.

The rest are the owners of one of four types: dry, normal, oily, combined.

Older ladies have aging skin that needs more.

Only healthy women have normal, this is a rarity. She has a beautiful shade, imperceptible pores, the sebaceous glands work moderately.

Good blood supply, natural defense mechanisms make this type protected from frost, heat, dusty city conditions.

If you do not properly maintain the epidermis, over time it will go into the category of "dry" or "oily".

If you have already stepped over the hormonal threshold, then most likely you are the owner of oily skin.

Wide pores prevail here, the work of the excretory system is very active.

They will provide opening of pores, improvement of blood circulation of the skin, removal of toxic substances.

Steam baths for the face

The procedure will facilitate the resorption of seals, pimples pass much faster.

However, they should not be used for diseases of the epidermis, for dry skin types prone to irritation, and also if you have problems with the respiratory system.

For the procedure, you should remove makeup and remove all jewelry from the body.

Pour hot water into a basin and add (12 drops per liter) or herbal tincture (3 tablespoons per liter).

Bend your head over the basin and cover yourself with a towel. After that, apply a mask or make.

For normal type

  1. It will be enough to carry out the procedure once every half a month. Duration - 20 minutes.
  2. Mix 5 grams each: eucalyptus, St. John's wort, mint, linden blossom, fennel. Dilute with a liter of boiling water and let it sweat in a steam bath for about 30 minutes. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes.
  3. Are you wondering: how to get perfect skin remove imperfections and swelling at home in 1 day? Combine creeping thyme, lavender, hops with boiling water. Herbal mass should account for about 50 grams.

Masks should be as natural as possible

For dry type

  1. Replace hot water with herbal decoctions. Duration - once a month, no more than a couple of minutes.
  2. Mix dry mint, chamomile, linden leaves, dill. Fill it all with boiling water. Boil over low heat and proceed to cleansing.
  3. Use rose petals (they will need about 70 grams) with the addition of dandelion and bay leaf.

For oily type

  1. It is preferable to carry out the procedure once a week, about 35 minutes. After that, wash your face with cool water with freshly squeezed lemon juice. This normalizes the secretion of sebum.
  2. Oak bark, mint, lemon, lemon balm will help you in the struggle for beauty. Dry mix, take two tablespoons (with a slide).
  3. Use licorice, juniper berries, birch bark. Take a fragrant steam bath for about 25 minutes.
  4. Add a few drops of oil to boiling water: pine, tea tree, sage.

Combined type

  1. The scheme of use is identical with the previous type.
  2. Are you wondering how to make the skin of the face smooth, almost perfect despite the original characteristics? It is possible to produce at home! Recipes will help based on positive reviews: Dilute 100 grams of elderberry flowers with two glasses of water. A mixture of 50 and 70 grams of nettle and licorice will help balance the skin condition. Combined in equal proportions, eucalyptus with mint will cleanse the pores.
  3. Sage oil, anise and orange peel concentrate will help you.


Such lotions are the perfect end to the day for your face. They saturate, tone up and make up for the lack of nutrients. Making and using them is very simple, because this procedure may become your favorite.


  1. Prepare freshly squeezed pear and apple juice. Mix 80 grams of juice with 100 grams of cold spring water.
  2. Mix 50 milliliters of aloe juice with half a glass of water. Dip the napkin and place it on the selected area.
  3. Grind the tomato and cucumber into a fine gruel. Using gauze, squeeze the juice into a container. Dilute 1:3 and use.


  1. Pour boiling water over 10 chopped tablespoons of wild rose. Let it brew for about an hour. Now the compress can be used.
  2. Half a glass of mint has a glass of water. After steaming, blot the gauze and apply it all over your face.
  3. Take a calamus root and crush it as finely as possible. Dilute with boiling water, let stand for several hours. Cover the compress with polyethylene.

Long term storage

  1. Do you want to know how to make the skin of the face perfect, rested at home and in just a week? regain your youth? Many

Nutritious, fiber-rich diets:

All health begins with nutrition. Digestive problems will lead to skin diseases, so diet is very important for health. Taking in the right amount of trace elements and vitamins, you will help yourself maintain a healthy balance in the body. It is necessary to eat natural foods: fish, nuts, white meat, cereals, vegetables. Try to avoid processed and artificial foods. Omega 3 fatty acids are an essential element. This substance reduces inflammation on the skin, is found in walnuts, fatty fish. Eat only healthy foods to keep your skin looking radiant.

Drink water:

Water cleanses the body and removes toxins and waste. Our skin is 15% water. You must drink at least 2 liters of water per day. It relieves the skin of dryness and wrinkles.

Avoid the sun:

The sun contributes to the production of vitamin D. Morning sun from 7 am to 9 am is good for the skin. However, avoid the sun at lunchtime. UV rays are strong enough, they damage the structure of the skin, this can lead to cancer. Use sunscreen with an SPF above 45.

Moisturize the skin:

Moisturizing the body from the inside and out is important. Cleanse your face twice a day. Use cold water to wash.

Purify the skin:

How to get rid of dead skin cells? Regular exfoliation using natural ingredients such as oatmeal, orange peel or coffee will help. It will cope with the removal of dead cells, dust, impurities and make the skin smooth and flawless.

Get rid of makeup before bed:

Makeup is an integral part of any modern woman. It is important to completely remove make-up from your face, lips, and eyes with a gentle cleanser before bed. Otherwise, the pores will be closed, inflammation and acne may develop.

Leave Stress Behind:

Stress hormones cause the sweat and sebaceous glands to overwork. A warm bath and healthy sleep will help. You need 7-8 hours of sleep for an active mind and beauty. As an option to combat stress, a visit to the spa and swimming pool will help relax your muscles. You can also relieve stress with yoga or listen to relaxing music, read books.

Physical activity:

Physical activity is essential as aerobic exercise increases the flow of oxygen to cells, which helps in neutralizing the harmful effects of free radicals. Make it a daily habit to dance, ride a bike, jump rope, run, walk, anything that will make you sweat! Half an hour spent exercising every day will help the body eliminate toxins.

Get your daily dose of vitamin C:

One of the most important vitamins for healthy and flawless skin is vitamin C, which helps improve complexion and prevent wrinkles. Regular intake of vitamin C improves collagen production, brightens the skin, removes age spots and pigmentation, and enhances the skin's ability to protect itself from the harmful effects of the sun's harsh UV rays. Vitamin C is rich in food products: blackcurrant, broccoli, grapes, kiwi, strawberries, lemon, etc. Vitamin C can also be consumed in the form of food supplements. It strengthens capillaries, which contributes to better transport of nutrients to cells and tissues.

By adding these changes to your lifestyle, you are sure to look flawless. These tips are natural daily skin care tips that will help clear your skin from the inside out. Your body, mind and skin will feel fresh. It is important to stay in shape and enjoy it.

Few people can boast of beautiful healthy skin that does not require any care. Usually, we systematically carry out a certain sequence of procedures to help our skin fight against external influences and always remain firm and elastic. Cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing are the four essential steps to healthy skin. When choosing a care system, it is important to take into account many factors, such as age, skin type, season, and many others.


This is the most important step in facial care. Every day we wash our face in the morning and evening. When choosing cleansers, it is important to consider your skin type. Do not use soap for cleansing, as it can dry out the skin and disturb its acid-base balance. Also, do not abuse aggressive cleansers. They can provoke irritation and increased sebum secretion. Many people with problem skin make the big mistake of trying to cleanse their skin more often than necessary. There is also an opinion that tap water is not suitable for cleansing the face, as it contains harmful substances that can have a detrimental effect on the skin. Particular attention should be paid to removing eye makeup. The eyelids are a particularly sensitive and delicate area of ​​the skin of the face. Use only products specially designed for cleaning them. In the morning, washing with plain water without the use of cleansers is enough. The temperature of the water when washing should not be too high or low. Choose the optimal temperature that will not allow you to experience discomfort.

Using a toner will help your skin get rid of those impurities that the cleanser could not cope with. The tonic will also help restore the acid-base balance and moisturize the skin. It is also used to tighten pores. It is important that the tonic does not contain alcohol, otherwise you can dry out the skin.

This is the most important step in skin care. Regardless of its type, it is imperative to moisturize it before applying makeup. Moisturizing the skin makes it soft and protected. Forming a protective coating on the skin, the cream protects it from moisture loss. The main thing in the process of moisturizing is not to overdo it with a moisturizer, otherwise you can end up with clogged pores as a result. Also remember to use eye cream, as the skin around the eyes is particularly sensitive and functions differently than the rest of the face. Pay attention to the sun protection factor of your moisturizer. Sun exposure is one of the main causes of wrinkle formation.

The older we get, the more our skin needs extra nourishment. Nourishing night cream enriches the skin with nutrients while you sleep. In choosing a nutrient, do not chase expensive creams. It is best if you pick up one high-quality cream, and after 2-3 months change it to another. Most importantly, do not forget that the most effective nutrition for your skin is nourishment from the inside. Eat healthy food, take your vitamins, pay special attention to eating healthy food for breakfast, and your skin will glow with health!

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Helpful advice

In order to become the owner of a beautiful and healthy facial skin, you should:
- sleep well
- drink 1.5 liters. clean water daily
- adhere to proper nutrition
- spend more time outdoors
- move more
- do not strain the muscles of the face when reading, working at a computer


  • Khramova E., Facial care. Brief encyclopedia. - 2012
  • Face and body skin care: subtleties, tricks and secrets. - M., 2006

Human skin is an indicator of the state of the whole organism. Acne, peeling, oiliness, sagging, unhealthy appearance and others flaws visible to everyone around. Their appearance is a signal that something needs to be changed: habits, lifestyle, nutrition, cosmetics, and even, possibly, work or place of residence.


Skin, like nothing else, is an indicator of your condition and. Square skin an adult is approximately 2 sq.m, and its weight is up to 15% of body weight. If your body is full of strength and health, then the skin will have a healthy look!Here are some tips on how to have healthy, flawless skin.

Firstly, this is the correct mode of work and rest. After all, you make sure that your suit is clean, protect it from stains, try not to tear it. Of course, you do not overload your personal car, you try to carry out preventive maintenance on time. But your body, your skin should serve you much longer! Sophia Loren goes to bed at 8 pm. This habit helped her to work in the cinema with the maximum return for many years and create world masterpieces. But skin for her is one of the components of professional