Interesting entertainment and competitions for every taste or children's birthday contests at home: how to organize and conduct. Birthday contests for kids

Contests for the birthday of a child 8 years old

Fidgets love active fun, where you need to move a lot. Before the celebration, be sure to draw up a plan for the competition program so that everyone will be interested and have fun.

Eight-year-olds are no longer toddlers, but they love to have fun no less than preschoolers. The eighth birthday will be remembered by the birthday boy and his comrades if the entertainment program is full of various contests and competitions, where each child can demonstrate their skills and talents.

Contest "Find the treasure"

Eight-year-olds are very inquisitive, they are attracted by everything new and unknown. You can start a festive evening not with a feast, but with an exciting quest - the search for a "treasure". Spread notes with encrypted clues throughout the rooms. The guest will have to unravel his clue and send the team led by the birthday captain to the right place.
The entertainment will delight the children, and as a reward they will receive a candy treasure and an invitation to the festive table.

Competition "Designer from clothespins"

Required props:

  • multi-colored clothespins;
  • colored cardboard figures;
  • felt-tip pen, marker or pencil.

Between moving competitions, take breaks for quiet games so that the children do not get tired too quickly.
Figures cut out of thick cardboard of different colors are laid out on a large table. Nearby they put a basket with clothespins and lay out something with which it will be possible to finish the small details of their craft.
Each child chooses a cardboard figure for himself and clings clothespins to it so that something recognizable turns out: a sun with rays, a centipede, a hedgehog. Eyes, noses, smiles can be drawn with felt-tip pens or pencils.
This is a great competition in which children can show all their imagination and relax a little.

Magic Hat Contest

A fun competition for attention.
Music is turned on in the room, all participants freeze and close their eyes. The host selects one child and takes him to another room. In the place where the guest had previously stood, they put a hat. The music stops, all the kids open their eyes and try to guess who is missing in their company. Whoever guesses first wins.

Contest "Guess"

By the age of 8, kids know a lot of fairy tales and poems. They are happy to participate in the competition for ingenuity and memory testing.
The host thinks of a fairy-tale character and gives his description. For example: "He has a long nose, a paper jacket and an ABC." Participants must guess who it is and say the name of the hero. Who guessed - becomes the leader.
The game is interesting and will captivate the kids for a long time. Make sure that everyone can become a leader, in order to avoid resentment.

Competition "The most accurate shooter"

Required props:

  • air balloons;
  • darts from darts;
  • paper;
  • plastic bucket.

All guests of the holiday will want to participate in the competition for accuracy and dexterity. For its implementation, you need a couple of dozens of inflatable balls, a bucket for attaching them and darts from darts for well-aimed hits.
A bucket is installed on a chair in the middle of the room, a balloon is placed in it, on which a face drawn on paper is attached.
The participant receives a dart, and from a distance tries to hit and pierce the ball. Each player is given 3 attempts. Loud sounds when hit will provide an explosion of delight for the little guests.

Competition "Running Ball"

Required props:

  • balloon;
  • cup;
  • basket.

A mobile competition in which you need to show dexterity and accuracy.
Guests of the holiday are divided into 2 teams. The first participant is given a glass on which an inflated balloon is placed. The participant's task is to bring the ball on the cup to the finish line without touching it with his hands, and leave it there in his basket.
If the ball fell to the floor, the participant returns to the end of the team, the point is not counted. The winner is the one who, in the allotted time, transfers the most balloons to the basket.

"Prize Competition"

Required props:

  • symbolic souvenirs;
  • paints, pencils, markers;
  • paper;
  • colored cardboard;
  • glue;
  • 2 boxes.

To make your birthday memorable for a long time, it is better to end it with a contest with prizes.
This competition requires advance preparation. First, determine the exact number of small guests who will come to the holiday. Then cut oblong pieces of colored paper, divide them into two parts. On one side they write a task for the contestant, on the other - what prize awaits him. Cut the sheet in half and put in two different boxes.
The participant takes out a note from one box with the actions to be performed: draw a picture, glue an application, color a picture or any creative task.
After its completion, from another box, he pulls out the second part of the sheet of the same color. It indicates what prize the child receives, and the birthday boy solemnly presents it.

Funny children's, mobile birthday contests!

The happiest day for a mother, a day that cannot be forgotten, is the birthday of her child. However, the older the baby becomes, the more troublesome this holiday is for parents. However, these efforts are pleasant. A gift for a birthday boy and colorful invitations for his guests, a cake with candles and lots and lots of balloons, pick up games and entertainment for kids… It seems that nothing has been forgotten. To help you a little, we have collected the most interesting birthday contests for kids here! And you don't have to look for anything!

Bird market game

(children's competitions are good for both school and a child's birthday)

This is an Italian competition for teenagers. Six to eight people play. One player is the seller, the other is the buyer. The rest squat down and put their hands on their knees. They are chickens. The buyer approaches the seller and asks: “Do you have any chickens for sale?” - "How not to be, there is." – “Can I see?” - "Please". The customer comes in from behind the chickens and touches them one by one: “I don’t like this one, it’s too old”, “This one is wiry”, “This one is skinny”, etc. And finally, touching the selected chicken, he says: “I will buy this one.” The seller and the buyer raise the chicken by both elbows in the air, swing it and say: “You are a good chicken. Don't unhook your hands and don't laugh." If the selected chick starts smiling or laughing or unhooks his hands, he is out of the game.

Shot put competition

(A fun children's competition not only for schoolchildren - teenagers)

An inflated balloon is placed on the edge of the table. The driver is blindfolded and placed with his back to the table. Then he takes 5 steps forward and turns three times in place. Next, he must return to the table and blow the ball to the floor. Most likely, he will lose the correct direction and will blow off the ball from where there is none at all. It will turn out very funny!

A penny saves a ruble

To play, you will need small coins and several small cups. Participants are divided into teams with the same number of players. According to the number of teams, piggy bank cups are placed on the finish line. Each team lines up one after the other.

A coin is placed on the toe of the first member of the team. The player tries, without dropping it, to carry it from the start line to the finish line (three to four meters) and drop it into the "piggy bank". The player who drops the coin is out of the game. For each coin that hits the cup, the team is awarded one point. The team with the most points wins.

Game "Mirror"

The participants of the game are divided into two teams. One person from each team stands at a distance of three steps from the ball lying in the middle. The task of one of the players is to approach the ball, grab it and carry it to themselves, the task of the other is to protect the ball.
Rules of the game: Anyone who approaches the ball must make various movements around it: squat, turn their backs to the ball, even move away from it. And the defender must, like a mirror, repeat everything that the opponent does, and at the same time be on the alert. He can also pin the opponent before he takes one step away from the ball. All pairs play in turn, the players of the first team “take” the ball, the players of the second team defend it. In the second round, the teams change roles. The one with the most points wins.

"Find a shoe"

Preparation. Two or more teams of 10-15 players take off their shoes and gather in one pile 15 steps in front of them. Shoes should be well mixed so that from afar no one can recognize exactly their own. A game. Both teams line up and the first player in line runs to the pile and looks for his shoes. When he finds him, he dresses her and runs back to his team. The next player in line does the same, and so on until all team members are shod again. The game is most interesting when the shoes of the players do not differ in variety!

"Tape Pair"

(competitions for teenagers on February 14, doubles)
The host invites 5 boys and 5 girls to come on stage. They become around him. The leader has 10 ribbons clamped in his fist, the ends of which hang freely in different directions, but their middles are mixed up. A bow is tied at one end of each ribbon. The host invites all participants to take up these ends, the girls need to choose those ends on which bows are tied. At the expense of “One, two, three,” the host opens his fist, and all participants disperse around the hall. The first pair to unravel wins. Thus, each ribbon "tied" the pair with its ends.

Adjective Game - Happy Birthday to a Child

... and ... (child's name)! I congratulate you on your ... birthday! During this year, from ... and ... a baby, you turned into ... and ... a boy / girl! And it's all thanks to your ... mom and ... dad. May they continue to... love you and... educate you. I wish you to remain the most ... grandson / granddaughter for your ... grandmother and ... grandfather. And your ... grandmother Anya, let her still do not have a soul in you. ... let your mother's friend Aunt Lena love you like her own son, and her ... daughter Katenka will be crazy about you .... aunt Masha and ... uncle Vitya will always invite you to visit them and their ... sons Tyoma and Styopa will become your ... comrades. In general, grow up, (child's name) ... and ... Kisses and hugs. Your ... aunt Tanya.

Instead of ... - adjectives invented in advance are substituted. Better by those people who have not seen the text of congratulations. The cooler the adjectives, the more interesting the game will be.

"Theater director"

(great contest for school and birthday)

Tell the poem "Our Tanya is crying loudly" if
1) you have a toothache
2) you got wet in the rain and chilled
3) you got a speck in your eye
4) a brick fell on your foot
5) you have scabies
6) a wolf is chasing you
7) your parents hurt you
8) a fly stuck to you
9) your pants are falling off
10) you are in a very good mood)
Depict with facial expressions:
1) an athlete approaching the bar
2) a fan of the team that scores a goal
3) football goalkeeper
4) fencer
5) an athlete who ran 5 kilometers
6) a patient in the dentist's office.

"Who is faster"

The guests are divided into two teams, each team member comes out. They receive a large box and a matching set of items. Task: put the items in the box as soon as possible and close it. With each new member, the box is getting smaller, and the items are larger or more difficult to pack. But keep in mind, you must first try whether the items fit in the container. The winner is the team whose members can do it faster and do their job better.

“Egg Basketball”

Teams of three or more participants take part in the game, who are given raw eggs and one basket each. Team members take turns getting the egg into the basket. The team that manages to throw the most eggs into the basket wins this competition.

“Dance with a lid”

To play, you will need an ordinary pot lid. Participants are divided into pairs, clamp the lid of the pan between themselves and begin to dance to fast music. They must dance so that the lid does not fall, and if this does happen, the couple is out of the game. The remaining pairs continue to compete until the winner.

“Wrap it up soon”

For this game, you need to prepare two spools and threads 3-5 m long. A mark is made in the middle of the thread - with paint or a knot. The players stand opposite each other, holding each spool in their hands so that the thread is taut. On command, they begin to quickly wind the thread on the spool, all the time approaching each other. The first person to reach the middle of the thread wins.

sound engineer

This game requires sound accompaniment, and here you can not do without special devices. To do this, immediately find objects that can become sources of various characteristic sounds. A baking sheet and a metal spoon, ski boots and a board, clean tin cans, a saucepan with a lid filled with dry peas, a whistle and more will do.
Also, have a tape recorder and a blank cassette ready. Now you are ready to make a radio show. Tell, for example, "The Tale of Good and Evil." It might start like this:
“Once we were wandering through the forest and suddenly we heard someone's steps. (Put your hands into your shoes, and then slowly and heavily move them along the board). The footsteps were quiet at first but gradually became louder and louder. (You know how to do it). I turned around and saw a huge bear. I froze in fear, and then thunder struck. (Hit the pan several times with a spoon). I looked at the sky, from which large drops of rain fell (shake a tin can with dry peas), and the bear opened his umbrella and walked away ... ".
Turn on the microphone and get down to business.


Everything and everything turns into something else, but not with the help of words, but with the help of determining the expediency of actions. The room turns into a forest. Then the participants - in the trees, animals, birds, lumberjacks, etc. And if to the station, it means to a suitcase, a train, passengers. And if in the studio - into announcers, cameramen, "pop stars", etc. At the same time, someone can make noise design, depict props, etc.


First, the participants are invited to "discover" a new planet - inflate balloons as quickly as possible, and then "Populate" this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw figures of men on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner.

fun competition

You will need: an empty (glass) bottle, threads and pens (pencils).
1) tie a thread to the waist.
2) on the remaining end (15-20 cm) you tie a pen (pencil).
3) stand over the bottle (1 time lightly push the handle (pencil) and try to insert the end of the handle (pencil) into the neck of the bottle.
A very fun contest! Whoever does it first wins!!!

When a child turns seven years old, parents have to rethink their experience with home holidays. After all, their son or daughter is no longer a baby, but a person who has realized himself as a person. It is necessary to approach him in this way: with the recognition of his right to his own opinion, taking into account the complex processes that change his inner world.

Now you cannot spend a bright, memorable children's holiday without a good organization. Children 6-8 years old will get bored if there are no interesting games and exciting competitions with their own participation.

When compiling a program, make sure that it is not only fun, but also useful. After all, the company of children under strict adult guidance is a great opportunity to show their abilities, practice various activities, and learn how to build relationships with their peers.

What is radically new happening with a seven-year-old person, what should you pay attention to when preparing contests? Here are the main important points.

  1. Rapid physical development. At this age, the strength of the competition, requiring greater endurance and stress.
  2. Active socialization. Children of primary school age really like to feel part of the team.
  3. Sense of personal responsibility. A child can be entrusted with his own site, where he acts independently.
  4. The arrival of a best friend. Children begin to value friendship and trust friends sometimes more than their parents.

Ideas for contests at home

Competition "Pass under the bridge"

A very simple game-competition with which it is good to start an entertainment program. Adults hold the bar at the two ends, the children take turns passing under it. At each stage, the level decreases, so that first the tallest of the children passes “under the bridge” to his full height, then he has to bend down and finally crawl. The one who lasts the longest wins.

Contest "Guess"

In fact, this competition is a variant of the well-known adult "crocodile", or a game of charades. One participant must show this or that creature, the rest must guess it. Children 7-8 years old it is difficult to depict abstract concepts, so the conditions competition can be limited, for example, by specifying only animals, heroes of fairy tales or cartoons. If none of the guests has participated in such a game before, tell me that the most convenient thing is to imitate not appearance, but actions: how a bear walks, a cat washes, a chicken pecks, etc.

Competition scenario:

  1. Prepare picture cards in advance: take ready-made ones from children's loto sets, draw or stick on cut-outs from magazines.
  2. Put them in a box.
  3. The first "actor" chooses a card at random and tries to portray his character without words so that others can guess him.
  4. The guesser takes his place.
Advice. To begin with, it is better to prepare cards with pictures than with written names of animals. The picture will tell the children which features of the appearance can be played on.

For experienced players, you can remove restrictions from the conditions and set any objects or phenomena.

Competition "Fight with balls"

This is a sports team game that is best played in the yard, on the playground or in a clearing in the park.

You will need:

  • Prepare music:
    notebook with recordings of funny songs
  • music Center
  • or just radio

Competition scenario:

  1. Divide the site into two equal parts (for example, by pulling a rope or net), and the guests into teams. Give each team five inflated balloons.
  2. The task is to transfer them to the territory of the opponent. At the same time, you have to beat off the balls coming from the other side.
  3. Each round lasts as long as the song plays. Musical accompaniment is very enlivens the game and uplifting. The one with the fewest balls on their side wins.
  4. Agree on the number of rounds in advance: it should be odd.

Contest "Collect the word"

An excellent intellectual game for first graders. It gives you the opportunity to test your knowledge of letters and vocabulary, train your memory and powers of observation.

Prepare several envelopes of letter cards in advance. The set should include letters of one long word known to children (January, canteen, computer, dinosaur).

The competition can be both team and individual. Each participant or team is given an envelope with letters. The task is to collect a word from them. The one who does it correctly and fastest wins.

Contest "Collect a picture"

Another competition "at the table". Allows you to take a break from outdoor games, develops spatial thinking and the ability to foresee the result of your actions.

Prepare some colorful pictures (these can be postcards with flowers, illustrations for fairy tales, landscape drawings) and cut them into many curly parts. Distribute them to teams or individual players. The task is to collect the whole picture from these fragments.

Contest "Who will eat jelly faster"

This is a comic competition that can be used for a snack when the holiday is in full swing and the children have time to get a little hungry.

Another convenient place in the program is when the guests moved on to dessert.

For the competition, you need glasses or shallow cups with fruit jelly according to the number of participants.

Each of them gets their portion of jelly and an ice cream stick. The task is to eat it without additional appliances. The winner receives a prize, and the rest of the participants receive spoons to finish their jelly.

Competition "Chest with a surprise"

This game also has an element of competition, but the main thing in it is the ability to please every guest. Even if the child has not won in any other competition, here he will receive his prize.

You will need:

  • Box for the future chest.
  • Give it a beautiful appearance: paste over with colored paper, decorate with drawings or appliqué.
  • Make a hole in the upper part for the child's hand.

Put the gifts in the box according to the number of guests plus one. Pick them according to the age of the children: it can be a toy, jewelry for girls, a notebook, a pen, a set of pencils or felt-tip pens, a key chain, a candy, an apple or an orange.


Children 7-8 years old are already ready for long multi-stage competitions, if the conditions are simple and clearly stated. Therefore, for them, you can prepare a simple quest of three or four moves.

Divide guests into teams. Each of them should be supervised by an adult: he does not help complete the tasks, but checks whether the guys understood their conditions.

At each stage, the team receives a note describing the task. After completing it, the participants will find out where the next note-instruction is located. The latter must indicate the place where the prize is located. Of course, it should be collective: for example, a cake that the winning team will share with the losing team.

  1. Prepare both individual and team competitions.
  2. When forming teams, consider the wishes of the children. But try to keep them roughly equal in strength. If there are younger children among the guests, distribute them evenly among the teams.
  3. Alternate different types of competitions. After active competition, you need to conduct an intellectual game - and vice versa.
  4. Make sure every child wins and receives a prize at least once. Everyone should feel strong, beautiful and smart.

The host divides the children into several teams, depending on the number of guests. Each team is given a card with the same task - you need to guess the name of this character. The team that solves the puzzle the fastest is the winner. Example: 2nd letter of the alphabet + 21st letter of the alphabet + 18th letter of the alphabet + 1st letter of the alphabet + 20th letter of the alphabet + 10th letter of the alphabet + 15th letter of the alphabet + 16th letter of the alphabet. The result is BURATINO.

give me the right answer

The host must prepare a series of questions for children for this competition, the questions contain a small, but catchy, and suddenly someone will get caught. Sample questions: 1. A sleepwalker is a) a person who lives on the moon, b) a person who walks at night; 2. A Martian is a) a fictional alien who lives on Mars, b) a person who constantly eats a Mars bar and so on. The question is answered by the child who first raised his hand. If the answer is correct, the participant is given a tasty reward, for example, candy.

Who are you?

The host writes all the months of the year on a large piece of paper, and opposite them are adjectives, for example, cheerful, interesting, beautiful, kind, evil, and so on. Below he writes numbers from 1 to 31, and opposite them are the names of various animals, for example, a frog, a bear, a hare, a mouse, a snake, and so on. Each of the guests in turn goes to this sheet and names the day and month of his birthday, and the host compares him with who he is, for example, a funny bear or an angry mouse. The task of the participants is to show the best of their hero-beast.

Good and bad

The guys are divided into teams of 3-4 people, each team in turn names a good and harmful hero of one cartoon, for example, the Wolf and the Hare "Well, wait a minute", Pinocchio and Karabas Barabas, Cinderella and the stepmother, Leopold the Cat and mice and so on, the game goes to the relegation, whoever cannot name the heroes is eliminated, and whoever remains to the end will win and the whole team will receive a prize, for example, coloring pages with cartoon characters.

Truth in proverbs

For this competition, you need to prepare sheets with words from proverbs (according to the word per participant), for example, “If you like to ride, love to carry sleds” or “The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it.” The team members honestly close their eyes, and the facilitator pastes the words from the proverb (from the same one for all teams at the same time) on the participants (on the hand or on the stomach). On the “start” command, the guys open their eyes, read the words and line up in the right order to make a proverb. The team that completes the task first will be the winner. The game can be played in several stages, that is, to build several proverbs, and then determine the winner.

Animal analogy

In this competition, the birthday boy and his guests will have to show ingenuity and ingenuity. The host calls the pet, and the children must choose an analogue of the animal from wild animals, for example, a bull is a bison, a chicken is a partridge, a rabbit is a hare, a dog is a wolf, geese are swans, a cat is a lion, a rooster is a black grouse, a pig is a wild boar, goat - roe deer and so on. The game can be played both for individual participants and for teams. The team for the correct analogue receives a point. Whoever has the most points at the end is the winner.


The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people. Each participant receives an eraser, and each team receives a home-made map (glued sheets of paper on which fields with flowers and separate territories are drawn that were attacked by aphids (drawn green circles). At the “start” command of the team, or rather its participants, must destroy (erase with erasers) circles with aphids faster than rivals.The team that can do it first will win and receive a prize.

Catch a jumper

Each participant receives a jumper and everyone stands against the wall. The participants make the first throw with their eyes open and catch their jumper. After that, all participants are blindfolded. The guys throw jumpers at the wall and try to catch their jumper on the way back. Attempts are repeated until someone catches their jumper. This participant will be the winner.

Sleeves from fashion designer

Our birthday is a model. Among the guests, two fashion designers are chosen, who are given the task of making the most "clothespin" sleeve for Paris Fashion Week. And fashion designers have to make sleeves from clothespins. Each participant is given a bunch of clothespins and at the “start” command, our fashion designers begin to attach clothespins to the sleeve of the birthday man: one participant on the left, and the other on the right. The fashion designer who can attach more clothespins to his sleeve in a minute will win and receive a prize.