Intimate genital piercing. How to do an intimate piercing

There are male and female genital piercings, as well as male and female anal piercings. In women, the clitoris or folds under it are usually punctured - this enhances the sensations during stimulation. Clitoral piercing is recommended for women over 35 years of age and those who want new sensations for themselves and their partner. Piercing and decoration of the labia has a decorative function. This type of piercing heals within a month; during this time, sex is prohibited.

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In male intimate piercing, a puncture is made in the foreskin, glans penis, frenulum or testicles. Healing occurs similarly to female intimate piercings. The purpose of this procedure is to enhance the partner’s sexual sensations.

Intimate piercings for women are safe, while in men they can cause disruption of physiological functions and the formation of scar tissue.


Intimate piercing is contraindicated:

  • For blood diseases;
  • If you have lung, kidney or heart disease;
  • For skin diseases;
  • For diabetes;
  • With reduced immunity;
  • If you have allergic reactions to metals.

Prince Albert– a puncture is made into the base of the head through the urethra. A ring with a ball is used as decoration.

Ampallang- the puncture is performed horizontally through the head. In this case, the bar can pass both next to the urethra and through it.

Apadravya– a type of vertical intimate piercing. The puncture in the head is made in such a way that the lower ball is under its base. This type of intimate piercing stimulates the sexual sensations of both partners. For the wound to heal, abstaining from sex for several months is required.

Dydoes– a paired double-sided puncture of the head is inserted into small rods made of surgical steel.

Frenum prolongs erotic pleasure. In this case, the base of the head is pierced and a ring is passed through it, which goes around the penis. During sexual intercourse, the ring compresses the organ and delays ejaculation.

Main types of female intimate piercing

Inner Labia– piercing of the labia minora. A ring with a ball is used for piercing. The puncture heals quickly and does not cause any discomfort. Brings variety to intimate relationships.

Outer Labia– piercing of the labia majora. The piercing can be done along the entire length, but if it is done close to the perineum, pain may occur when sitting. A ring with a ball is used as decoration.

Hood- a vertical or horizontal puncture is performed on a thin fold of skin under the clitoris. A micro-bar or ring with a ball is inserted into it - they stimulate the clitoris during sexual intercourse or while walking.

Clitoris- vertical or horizontal puncture of the clitoris. This procedure is quite risky and difficult to perform. Performed at the center or base of the clitoris. Decoration: ring with a ball.

Possible complications

The intimate piercing area is rich in blood vessels, and a careless puncture can lead to complications:

  • Bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Puncture ruptures.
  • Nerve damage from clitoral puncture.
  • Displacement of piercing jewelry.

  • Difficulty urinating.

Precautionary measures:

  • For 2 weeks, wash the puncture site with a disinfectant solution (2 times a day);
  • Use only degreasing creams for genital care;
  • Refrain from visiting the pool, sauna and solarium;

Some women now decorate their bodies not only for beauty, but also for sexual pleasure. It is for this purpose that today cosmetology gynecology offers such a procedure as intimate piercing. Today there are many types of it.

“Christina” - piercing with a long healing period

Women rarely decide to give themselves this type of puncture. Firstly, it takes a long time to heal - within 4 months. And secondly, the anatomical features of many representatives of the fair half of humanity do not allow this. Finally, such a piercing can cause a lot of discomfort while walking, constantly twisting.

“Christina” is an aesthetic decoration of oneself. During sexual intercourse, no additional pleasure can be obtained with its help. This piercing is a puncture of the clitoral hood under the Mount of Venus. The decoration to be used in this case should be L-shaped.

The most popular vertical piercing

One of the most popular types of intimate piercings among women is a vertical piercing of the clitoral hood. This type of puncture heals within 4-8 weeks. A variety of jewelry options are suitable for this piercing.

This procedure is not difficult for a professional. The patient does not experience pain. After all, the fabric that needs to be pierced is very thin. The result of such piercing is not only beauty, but also stimulation of the clitoris during sexual contact with a partner.

Horizontal piercing is a wonderful pleasure

For aesthetic purposes, women also make a horizontal puncture of the clitoral hood. It heals within 6-8 weeks, which is also quite fast. With its help, you can also get additional sensations during sex. In this case, you need to choose the right decoration with one or two balls. The product must be installed so that these balls fall on the clitoris.

You cannot do this type of piercing yourself or with unverified artists. A preliminary consultation with a professional is needed to determine the sufficient blood supply to this area. Only after this an experienced specialist will do everything according to the rules.

Piercing of the labia minora – for yourself and for your partner

Most often, the labia minora are pierced in order to receive pleasure from clitoral stimulation. This is only possible if the decoration is installed quite high. During sex, the partner can get significant pleasure from such a piercing.

Most often, small rings are used as decoration for such a puncture. Many women even try to make several punctures in this place. However, it is worth remembering that this can lead to tissue stretching.

This type of piercing requires special care. It may bleed for the first 4-5 weeks. Therefore, it is recommended to use special pads immediately after the procedure. And in the future you will have to resort to hygiene procedures very often. After all, after every trip to the toilet you will have to rinse the piercing with warm water.

Piercing of the labia majora – just for beauty

When getting labia majora pierced, many women dream of instantly receiving a lot of pleasure from intimacy. However, this option serves only as decoration. The most pleasure can be felt from piercings of the clitoral hood. However, the popularity of such piercings does not decrease. Moreover, properly selected jewelry can stimulate the partner’s male penis.

This piercing heals within 2-3 months. A wide variety of decorations are used for it.

There are many more different types of intimate piercings for women. However, most of them, due to the anatomical peculiarities of some representatives of the fair sex, are simply impossible to implement. Therefore, just the desire to decorate yourself in this way is not enough. You should definitely consult a specialist.

Piercing, like tattoos, dates back to ancient times. Many Indian and African tribes have preserved the custom of piercing various parts of the body - for some peoples it is a symbol of courage, and for others it replaces amulets against evil spirits. Intimate piercings for women were common during antiquity. The girl’s intimate areas were pierced with a kind of “lock”, which only her future husband could remove. This ensured the purity of the young bride.

Closer to our times, the fashion for intimate piercings was introduced, oddly enough, by a man - Prince Albert

The most popular male piercing is also named after him. Nipple piercings also originally appeared on men - they were done by Roman soldiers to prove their masculinity. Later, such piercing became popular among women, in the Middle Ages. The revealing necklines of the time often left the breasts practically exposed, and piercings and dyeing of the nipples became fashionable. So female intimate piercing is not a newfangled trend, but simply a well-forgotten old thing.

Nipple piercings are one of the most popular types of piercings for women. Such a piercing is not visible to strangers, but can piquantly peek through clothing if you are not wearing a bra. As decoration, small rods or rings with a diameter of about a centimeter are inserted. Later, another decoration can be inserted into the nipple - a shield. It simultaneously consists of a ring and a barbell. The special design of such a shield creates the effect of excited nipples. The puncture can be done horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

Facial piercing as an expression of individuality. Opponents and supporters

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The most universal is the horizontal puncture. After the first piercing has healed, you can do a second piercing, receiving an original composition of jewelry. Nipple piercing is quite painful, but local anesthesia, for example, lidocaine, is often used for punctures. Nipples heal in 1-2 months. Contrary to popular belief, a high-quality nipple piercing does not interfere with breastfeeding.

Nipple piercings are also popular among celebrities. Rihanna, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Christina Aguilera and Janet Jackson can boast of piquant piercings

Genital piercing

Piercing of intimate organs is done by both young girls who are ready to experiment, and older women who want to diversify their sex life. The most common is labia piercing. It is quite simple and does not require complex care. The clitoris and hood are also pierced.

There are several types of female intimate piercing:

  • Inner Labia - piercing of the labia minora. It is done very quickly and painlessly, and also heals quickly. Serves for decorative purposes only.
  • Outer labia is a piercing of the labia majora, a direct descendant of the ancient “lock” piercings. It is more painful, so anesthesia may be used when performing it. It takes longer to heal than a piercing of the labia minora.
  • Christina is a vertical piercing that runs from the clitoral hood to the bottom of the pubic area. Due to anatomical features, it may not be suitable for everyone.
  • Hood - piercing of the clitoral hood. Very popular lately, but quite painful. It can be horizontal or vertical. According to reviews, it greatly diversifies your intimate life.
  • Clitoral piercing - less common than the previous type. Getting a piercing in this place is quite difficult, and an incorrect piercing can lead to loss of sensitivity.

However, a good clitoral piercing significantly improves the quality of sexual intercourse

  • Triangle is also one of the types of erotic piercings. It is done under the clitoris and connects the labia minora.
  • Princess Albertina - puncture of the urethral canal from below. It is quite difficult to perform, but it heals quickly.
  • Isabella - passes through the clitoris, connecting the top of the hood and the area above the urethra. A very difficult and rare puncture.

All types of genital piercings vary in complexity, degree of pain and healing time. But usually such punctures heal in about a month.

Does the tongue need decoration? Arguments for and against piercings

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Puncture. A metal rod in the tongue can bring new sensations during oral sex. Tongue piercing heals quite quickly, but is painful. In the first days after the piercing, it will be painful for you to eat and talk, and your tongue will become swollen. That is why the initial puncture is done with a fairly long barbell - about 2 centimeters. The tongue heals in about 1-2 weeks, and if you remove the jewelry from it, it will heal in just a day. The piercing itself is not as painful as a nipple piercing, but it can still cause discomfort.

A person with a tattoo or piercing does not surprise anyone now. It is perceived either as decoration or as a way of self-expression. But 25 options for modifications of the human body, made in a sound mind and solid memory, are stupefying. It's just hard to believe what a person can do with his own body.

Sharpening teeth is a common practice among many tribes. This usually affects the front teeth. A long time ago it was part of a religious ritual, but now it is just a cosmetic procedure.

Neck rings are also considered a traditional cosmetic procedure, because in many tribes it was believed that the longer the neck, the more beautiful the woman. So local beauties put rings on their necks, and not just like that, but at a certain angle.

The tongue is cut in half from the tip to the root. Some people feel that this step makes kissing more sensual.

A corset piercing is an incredibly painful modification in which two rows of piercings are made on the back and then laced up like a real corset. Because the pain is hellish. And the risk of infection is enormous, so most often this “decoration” is temporary.

If someone likes to wear all sorts of jewelry on their body, but does not want to get piercings, they can try magnet implants. When a magnet is under the skin, it immediately attracts metal objects. Now you can wear jewelry without piercings.

This action is also called stigmatization, a process by which a mark, usually a symbol or pattern, is left on the skin. As a result, the burn scar turns into an eternal decoration.

You can implant anything and anywhere, even balls of various materials into the genitals. They say that it is not only beautiful, but also enhances sexual pleasure during intercourse.

The iris is not the only part of the eye that can be tattooed. The white of the eye is also quite suitable. You can completely change its color, or you can limit yourself to some pattern.

A type of scarification when layers of skin are removed either mechanically (for example, using sandpaper) or chemically.

A strange phenomenon originated in Canada and became widespread in Japan. A saline solution is injected into the forehead, where a temporary swelling in the form of a bagel (doughnut) is formed.

During this procedure, a person is suspended from hooks implanted in his body.

Most people, when a speck gets into their eye, immediately try with all their might to get rid of it. And there are people who deliberately insert all sorts of jewelry into the eyeball and pay huge amounts of money for it.

During the scarification process, scars are formed on the body in various ways. As a result, either a picture or words appear on the skin.

The fashion for them appeared in 1994, when small objects made of silicone or Teflon began to be inserted under the skin. They are also called 3D implants.

In this case, the jewelry is not completely inserted under the skin, but partially. The process is also called skin perforation.

Typically, piercings involve a small piercing in which a small piece of jewelry is worn. Someone thought this was not enough, and he came up with an extreme option, piercing the most unexpected parts of the body and decorating them with very strange objects.

Lip piercing is the most popular type, but sometimes it takes on a very strange shape.

They either sewed or flogged

An alternative to tunnels can be sutured lips. Most often, such a procedure is considered ritual, symbolizing the need to close the mouth. There were also cases of expressing political protest in a similar way.

In African tribes you won’t surprise anyone with stretched skin, but the fashion has reached Western countries. Now everything is stretched: eyes, nose, lips, ears.

The procedure involves giving the ears a pointed shape at the top. To do this, a wedge-shaped piece of the auricle is removed, and the two edges are fused.

The history of plastic surgery knows several cases of incredible desire to give oneself the appearance of one or another animal. An American known as “Crouching Cat” decided to undergo 14 operations to transform himself into a tigress. And plastic surgeons, knowing about the eternal desire for beauty and ideal, especially of women, take the opportunity and offer everything to eliminate most often imaginary deficiencies.

Genital piercing is an integral aspect of sexual freedom, an opportunity to complement and decorate yourself and your sex life
It is equally important that it is made by an experienced, reputable professional in a safe environment and that the jewelry is made from a safe material.

What you need to know about intimate piercings:

1. Intimate peering - is it painful or not?
Clients notice that the pain during genital piercings is the same as during piercings on other parts of the body, if not less.
Some types of piercings (clitoral and glans piercings) can be more painful. But in general, any piercing is tolerable and done in the blink of an eye!

Jellyfish piercings are not yet popular among body modification fans, so they may be a good choice for those who want to break the ranks and opt for a different type of piercing. Anyone who is afraid of the pain of a piercing jellyfish can rest easy. Because it is a thin area, perforation occurs quickly and pain can range from mild to moderate, depending on the person's sensitivity. In addition, swelling, which may cause discomfort, should only last 3 and 7 days.

Although the outside of the piercing appears to be on the skin, inside, it has contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth. Therefore, the main concern is cleaning up food debris and should be done daily. Jellyfish piercing scars should take between 8 and 12 weeks to heal.

2. Does intimate piercing take a long time to heal?
The tissues of the genitals are extremely elastic and equipped with a large number of blood vessels - this contributes to the rapid healing of the piercing.
With rare exceptions, a genital piercing will heal completely within a month or two, while other tissue (ear cartilage, navel, nipples, cheeks) may
heal for six months or more.
Fast healing reduces the possibility of various infections getting into the puncture to a minimum.

Neck perforation, a type of piercing surface, is not yet one of the most popular in Brazil, although it is already quite common in other parts of the world. This piercing, which can be placed vertically or horizontally, consists of a shaft, slightly inverted or flexible and variable in size, with a ball at each end - only the balls will be visible on the skin.

Anyone who wants to get this piercing but is still unsure about what hurts their neck piercing may want to be quiet because the pain varies between mild and moderate, depending on the sensitivity of the person. Because the hole is quite shallow, it should not reach many nerve endings.

3. Is it easy for such a puncture to get infected?
No! Clothing protects your genital piercing from airborne dirt, which can cause infection and irritation to your facial piercing.
The main reason for infection in genital piercings is unprotected sexual contact. Fast healing reduces infection in intimate piercings to almost zero.

This type of drilling will require even more ongoing care and has a high risk of deviation if not properly applied and assessed. The back of the neck is a site of constant movement and friction - such as from clothing and hair - which makes it difficult for the skin to repair itself and makes it more prone to irritation. It is because of the constant movement that the healing time of nape piercings is slow and can take up to eight months.

Arm piercing is one of the types of piercing, but not very popular. Usually done with banana type jewelry, this hole requires more attention when caring. Because it crosses an area with a lot of nerve endings, it is one of the types of piercings that hurt the most. However, since the process occurs quickly, the discomfort does not last more than a few minutes.

4. Can I have sex after intimate piercing?
The piercer must explain not only the rules for caring for the piercing, but also emphasize
that during healing, all sexual and oral contact should be safe in terms of the exchange of fluids: either barriers (such as condoms) should be used,
or abstain.

A hole in the arm is one of the most time consuming to heal. This is because the area suffers constant friction and is more susceptible to contamination, which can lead to the development of harmful microorganisms. Therefore, it is necessary to take good care of your piercing. To avoid the risk of rejection and infection, the area should be disinfected throughout the day using antibacterial soaps.

Tips for hand piercing. If for some reason you cannot leave the piercing open, drilling is not recommended. This is because covering the area prevents oxygenation of the skin, which can lead to inflammation and rejection. A good tip to have less work with your piercing is to do it in the hand you use less, this way you risk damaging the piercing. If you like to use rings, try drilling the hole further away from the base of your finger - this way the rings on adjacent fingers won't constantly scratch the piercing. A septum piercing is a type of nose piercing placed in the center of the nasal cavity.

5.Is it possible for minors to have intimate piercings?
No, until the age of 18, even with parental permission, this is unacceptable! It is advisable to wait even 20-21 years.
But in fact, these punctures are most often done by adults in search of new sensations.

BOTTOM LINE: genital piercings are safe and easy to heal if done correctly by an experienced and qualified artist in a studio where sanitary standards are maintained,
if the client is caring for him and refrains from unsafe contact.
Punctures of intimate places are now chosen by many people of different ages, professions and morals in order to discover new facets of sensations, relax and love themselves and their bodies even more.

Drilling is quite popular and the most commonly used decorations are hoops and horseshoes. Septum piercing piercing? Drilling should not be done at home under any circumstances - it can lead to serious infections. In a specialized studio, a professional will clean and mark the area that will be pierced with a pen so that the piercing does not become crooked. A catheter will then be used. Since the region is tough and dense, the impact of the well will be greater than in other regions.

After the piercing, a professional will place and close the jewelry. After the procedure, the area should remain swollen for about five days. The pain of the piercing and the impact of the hole can range from mild to intense, depending on a person's sensitivity. During the healing process, the area may remain sore, especially with constant rubbing.

Types of female intimate piercing

1. Vertical piercing of the clitoral hood.
One of the most popular intimate piercings and for good reason: the complete healing time is fast (6-8 weeks), the piercing itself is no more painful than an earlobe piercing!
This type of piercing is anatomically suitable for most girls and looks very pretty, because you can put on beautiful jewelry with crystals or opals,
which will not only stimulate the clitoral area, but also decorate it!
Microbananas or J-bananas are placed into a fresh puncture, selecting the length depending on individual anatomy and personal wishes.

Asepsis of the area and jewelry is necessary to avoid the risk of contamination and contamination. Avoid touching your nose during the day and never touch your piercing with dirty hands. The brake is a membrane that connects the tongue to the mouth and lies just below it.

However, the area can be pierced without issue for the piercing to be applied, however, since it is an area with nerve endings, the process can cause moderate to intense pain, depending on the sensitivity of the person. If you want to pierce your brakes or any other area of ​​your mouth, you need to be careful about external piercings. This is because the mouth is a region prone to infection due to the passage and accumulation of food debris, saliva and possible friction with the teeth. To ensure safe healing, you need to take some important steps.

2. Horizontal piercing of the clitoral hood.
This type of piercing also heals completely in 6 to 8 weeks and causes minimal discomfort and discomfort.
However, it is mainly done for aesthetic purposes, since due to the anatomy it is quite difficult to achieve stimulation of the organs.
A horseshoe or ring is placed in a fresh puncture.

Oral hygiene is essential. After eating, thoroughly clean and brush your teeth, tongue and mouth to remove any remaining food. Then rinse it off with a mouth rinse. Repeat the process three to five times a day. To speed up healing and make it easier to cleanse your mouth, you can once take a sip of boiled water - already warm - with a spoon of sea salt before doing a full oral hygiene.

It is recommended to avoid hard foods, alcoholic and citrus drinks, very hot foods, cigarettes and saliva exchange for two to three weeks after drilling to reduce the risk of infection. Whether you are looking for more pleasure during sex or simply for aesthetic reasons, there are many men and women who have joined piercings in intimate areas of the body such as the clitoris, inner and outer lips of the vulva and penis.

3. "Christina"
Perhaps the most beautiful puncture! But, alas, it carries only aesthetic goals.
It is not suitable for everyone, but mainly for girls whose labia majora “cover” the head of the clitoris. But for an accurate verdict, you must definitely contact a specialist for a consultation.
If the anatomy is suitable for a classic piercing, then the jewelry must be L-shaped (Christina L-Bar). Only this form of jewelry is suitable for primary piercing!
The L-bar can be made in a standard metallic color with metal balls, or with crystals, beautiful natural stones or opals
This type of puncture takes longer to heal due to its location - from 6 to 8 months.

When you place a piercing, the body recognizes the foreign element and therefore the healing process is delicate. Complications can occur in any part of the body, but especially in the genital area, which deserves more care and sanitation. Female and male genital piercings, before, during and after application.

Before application: - The place must be complete without any debate. - A woman must wait three days after the end of her period. - A day before applying, it is suggested that sexual intercourse should be avoided even between committed partners. - The area should be depilated to facilitate antiseptic and marking of the area where the piercing will be applied. - Be aware of sexual abstinence, which may vary depending on where the piercing will be applied.

4. Punctures of the labia minora.
Healing is also fast - about 4-8 weeks
They are often done in pairs (symmetry of punctures), sometimes single or, conversely, numerous.
Such a puncture can stimulate the partner's penis during sex.
Basically, the jewelry chosen for primary piercing is a ring.

5. Piercings of the labia majora.
Complete healing takes a little longer than for small ones - 2-3 months.
Such punctures can also bring new sensations to the partner, if placed correctly.
Decorated with a fresh puncture - rings.

During the procedure: - Pipes in attendance - Infection control protocols in risk activities. - All materials used must be presented to the client properly sealed and sterilized to ensure the safety of both participants. - At the end of the application, anything that can be discarded must be done under the supervision of the client. - In the women's and men's buildings, the bandage must be placed indoors, so that soiling of the underwear does not contaminate the local puncture.

The nipples are an extremely sensitive area of ​​your body, so you should keep in mind the basic rules of skin care after a piercing: keeping the area clean and using a cream regularly to help you heal faster can help you maintain your piercing.

6. Triangle
Healing time is 2 to 3 months.
This type of piercing is not suitable for everyone due to anatomical features, but those who are suitable are very lucky!
This puncture helps to gain satisfaction during sexual intercourse or masturbation.
A ring with a ball or a circular ring of suitable size is placed in such a puncture.

7. Clitoris puncture.
This puncture is done very rarely, for two reasons:
Firstly, for a puncture you need a fairly large clitoris and the ability to “expose” it for a puncture, and secondly, this puncture is quite painful, which scares off many ladies.

Keep in mind that this area will hurt, and a lot, however, as with any piercing, it is pain that occurs very quickly during the piercing. Likewise, the experience of pain is personal, which is why some people will feel almost nothing while others will feel less pleasant. If you are afraid of pain during the piercing, you can talk to a specialist about using topical anesthetics.

It is likely that on those days the problem will increase, especially for a small tumor that occurs in this area. In this case, in addition to hygiene, you can apply ice to the nipple for 10 minutes every two hours, this will help reduce pain and inflammation.

Remember that in order to choose your piercing, you first need to contact the specialist for advice, trust his experience and recommendations.
There is absolutely nothing scary, very painful or embarrassing about intimate piercings, often everything is exactly the opposite!

Juliana Ralph

Genital piercing is most often done not so much for aesthetic purposes, but in order to get brighter and more intense sensations during sex. But can intimate piercings really bring something new and positive to your sex life?

Like all piercings, this type of penetrating nipple can also migrate or be rejected by the body. However, if it is well placed, this possibility is reduced since the piercing is generally deeper skin and theta is strong enough to support the piercing.

Many women worry about wearing bras after a piercing, it is best to wear a sports bra for the first two weeks and then you can wear any type of underwear. Christina: A superficial piercing is done above the clitoral hood so that the ball rests on the clitoral canal to increase clitoral sensitivity. Clitoral Piercing: Also called a clitoral jewelry, this piercing crosses the base of the clitoris, either horizontally or vertically. Care should be taken to ensure that the captured ring or curved barbell is placed so that it does not cause discomfort according to the anatomy of each capus and can be applied both horizontally and vertically. Care should be taken to ensure that the bar is placed so that the ball rests on the clitoris when stimulated. Outer lips: This piercing is historically associated with the practice of chastity. Today, this piercing is designed to improve sexual pleasure. Placement of jewelry should be done carefully to avoid discomfort to the wearer. Captive beaded rings or circular rods can be used. Small lips: This piercing is historically associated with the practice of chastity. This piercing is not recommended for retracted or small clitoris. . Note.

Since sexual relationships occupy a very important niche in a person’s life, many try to add variety to them by any means, including through piercings in intimate places. Videos and photos that can be found by searching on the Internet are sometimes simply shocking. Jewelry is installed on all parts of the body that are actively involved in sex: nipples, genitals and tongue.

There are other uses of such decorations in this region. However, not all are treated well by most experienced punchers to relieve inflammation. Therefore the above are the ones that are usually made safely. Look for qualified labor, don't take chances without spectators!

Male genital piercing. Despite its appearance, the application is very simple if it is performed with a urethral protection device, so that the exit of the needle does not cause internal damage. The same caution must be taken in Prince Albert Reverse.

Female piercing in intimate places, reviews of which are on thematic forums, is performed in different parts of the genitals. It is believed that a puncture of the clitoris or the folds above it can enhance the sensations from its stimulation. Piercing of the labia is more often used simply for their decoration. Men's intimate piercings are much more diverse. Representatives of the stronger sex pierce the glans penis, foreskin, frenulum and testicles. The purpose of this procedure is to provide special sexual pleasure to the partner.

Is there any danger?

It is worth noting that while piercing of intimate places is practically safe for women, in men it can provoke dangerous physiological changes. Among the dangers facing intimate piercings are:

  • infections. With any damage to the skin, there is a risk of infection, including when performing tattoos and piercing of intimate places;
  • ruptures. Since the skin of the genital areas is very delicate, there is a danger of ruptures or tears in the pierced areas;
  • loss of sensitivity. Piercing of intimate places is performed in close proximity to nerve bundles, therefore there is always a risk of nerve damage, which will lead to a decrease or complete loss of sensitivity.

Piercing is absolutely contraindicated for blood disorders, chronic diseases of the lungs, kidneys, cardiovascular system, and skin (psoriasis, eczema, furunculosis). People suffering from diabetes or poor immunity should not have their genitals pierced.

Drug addicts, alcoholics and people with mental disorders should also not get piercings in intimate places. You should also check for allergies to the materials from which the jewelry is made.

How to protect yourself from possible complications?

  1. Piercing in intimate and other places should only be entrusted to professionals who have a license and appropriate education.
  2. Make sure that the instruments in the salon are sterile.
  3. Choose high-quality jewelry made from biologically inert metals - surgical steel, titanium, gold, platinum.
  4. Follow all the specialist’s recommendations regarding the treatment of the puncture site and the duration of the healing period. You should not resume sexual activity until the wound has completely healed. This will take about a month.
  5. If you experience the slightest discomfort in the puncture area, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When deciding to pierce your genitals, you can watch videos about this process. You can find them through a search engine by entering a query, for example, “how to pierce intimate parts.” Also read reviews about the procedure on various forums. One more thing. This decision should be agreed upon with your sexual partner. Who knows, maybe he won’t like this innovation...