The story is about how a very nice lady left her baby in the maternity hospital. Those who leave a woman to give birth near a maternity hospital will be punished “A nurse for dad - suddenly he loses consciousness”

In response to the post "Saratov 4 maternity hospital - A woman gave birth in a car in front of the closed doors of the maternity hospital"

So, let's go in order:
"at 2 o'clock in the morning on May 21, the husband brought his pregnant wife to this medical institution with a suspicion of childbirth. A certain midwife said that these were false contractions and sent her home."

By “A certain midwife” they probably meant the doctor on duty. (Midwives do not have the right to examine a woman in labor or give advice) Indeed, the doctor stated that the contractions were false, BUT after that the woman signed a waiver for hospitalization.

“While the couple were driving from Solnechny to Odesskaya, they called the reception department and asked to meet them.”

At the same time, they didn’t say where exactly they were going, and the path from the sunny one is not the closest (the doctors couldn’t wait for them at the entrance for 20 minutes)

“At the entrance to the hospital they refused to let them through.”

The hospital territory is not a thoroughfare. Cars are only allowed through if the woman in labor is unable to walk there on her own.

Having driven the car into the hospital territory (yellow dotted line) and leaving the car at point A, the excited husband ran screaming to the nearest doors. They turned out to be the doors of Meltzer's box (blue arrow) (in which the light was not even on (everyone was probably drinking)) and a wardrobe for employees.

A couple of minutes later, the already very stressed-out husband found the right door with “emergency department” written in large letters. Next to it stood two ambulances that brought two other women in labor (this is also possible). Having run into the unlocked doors of the night emergency department, the husband finally found salvation in the person of the midwife on duty. During these 4 minutes, the wife managed to give birth to a rapid birth herself. (second birth).
The midwife on duty ran to open the Meltzer box for her (it opens from the inside), by which time the patient herself had reached the porch.
All subsequent manipulations were carried out in boxing. The certificate was taken along with all documents and returned (usual procedure). The child was born healthy.
There is nothing terrible in the fact that he was not born within the walls of a maternity hospital. Children were born both at home and in the car (those interested can look at the statistics). I wish happiness to the child and her parents

Health and strong nerves to everyone) TYTS

“This happened at about three o’clock in the morning. A woman registered in the Bazarno-Karabulaksky district, living in Leninsky, came with her husband to our clinic for further hospitalization in order to prepare for childbirth. The patient was examined by the obstetrician-gynecologist on duty. An instrumental examination was also performed examination (CTG), which confirmed the satisfactory condition of the fetus and the absence of labor. During a conversation with the staff, the expectant mother warned doctors that one of her family members was suffering from an infectious disease. In accordance with the requirements of the sanitary regime, my colleagues suggested that the expectant mother be hospitalized in a box for infected childbirth. But, since there was no labor at that time, the patient refused in writing to go to the hospital and went home. And two hours later she started having contractions, her husband brought her to the hospital again.

I looked at the CCTV footage. The woman's stay on the clinic premises was 4-5 minutes. Everything happened really very quickly. This happens, in medicine it is called rapid labor. While the on-duty medical team of the specialized box was opening the doors, and the husband was knocking on the windows of the emergency department, what was written about on social networks happened: a woman gave birth in the car. Now the woman in labor is with us. The baby and mother are doing well.

Marina arrived at our clinic early. There was a week left before the birth and she felt calmer this way. Everything was fine with her exchange card and she herself made a very pleasant impression. It was immediately clear that she was a well-mannered and well-educated woman.

Marina was very afraid to give birth herself, she asked to have a caesarean section, but the doctors insisted that it was better to wait for the contractions and try to give birth herself. And when the contractions began, Marina gave birth easily and quickly. A healthy and lovely girl was born - just a copy of her mother.

Marina showed no interest in the child, she was not even interested in the gender of the child, she immediately asked the staff to take the baby to the children's department. Of course, we were surprised by this, but we thought that the woman was simply stressed.

And the next day we realized that we were mistaken and it was not stress, but a completely conscious decision that Marina had thought about for a long time.

As it turned out, Marina decided to give birth to a child only in order to get rid of endometriosis. She did not intend to raise the girl, so she easily wrote a refusal form, and when she was discharged, she left her phone number.

- This is her father's phone number. We dated for only a short time and he didn’t even know about my pregnancy. You call, if he needs it, then let him take it. True, I’m not at all sure about this.

We called him, but we very much doubted that he would believe us. Imagine telling a man that he suddenly became a father, and his daughter was abandoned in the maternity hospital. As we expected, after listening to our story he simply hung up.
But literally an hour later he was already standing next to the head doctor’s office and insisted that he wanted to see his daughter.

The man turned out to be an ordinary worker from a car service center and he really needed his daughter.

He just had to prove his paternity and collect the necessary documents.

Fortunately, Marina was not stubborn, but agreed to help with the DNA procedure, and we quickly established paternity.

Well, then, having collected all the documents, the man carefully took his baby in his arms and carried him home. He simply glowed with happiness and kept repeating that now he was not alone...