Why does the left breast itch on Monday. Itchy left breast. The meaning of signs for women

Signs and superstitions appeared during pagan times, but they are still an integral part of our lives, and they are trying to listen to them. Even in ancient times, when there were no medicines and modern technologies, people attached mythological significance to any changes in their body. They believed that parts of the human body could predict their future. They also knew that the body can tell you how to act correctly in a given situation, and help protect you from misfortune.

Different signs include different explanations and assumptions. By the way, when a girl's chest itches, there are many transcripts. There are many popular beliefs to explain this phenomenon.

The sign says: itching in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe right chest can indicate the betrayal of your loved one. Do not take it for granted and start to panic. Try to think about it and look at your personal relationships. They may change:

  • There will be a cold in communication between spouses.
  • The conversation will take on a rough tone.

You should not pay special attention to this if peace and harmony reign in your relationship. Belief in signs should not affect your family in any way. Cheating can be not only physical, but also spiritual: your chosen one can think or dream about another woman. If you take it easy, it will soon pass. According to old beliefs, the right breast reflects everything that has happened in your life up to the present moment. Not the best sign is if you scratch your right chest in a dream. This may indicate a betrayal of a loved one, after which he will not want to return to you.

In ancient times and to this day, people note that the right area of ​​​​the woman's body corresponds and responds to the abilities of the mental nature. It was believed that if the right gland is larger than the left, the youth of this girl will pass with great anxiety and trouble. However, the older generation tried to reassure the girls, saying that such problems would be solved on their own. It has often been noted that itching can be a harbinger of envy. If you have this feeling, then you should look among acquaintances or girlfriends for those who may envy you. But also do not ignore and do not take into account close female people.

If the chest has been itching for more than a day, this may indicate a large amount of suffering that has fallen to your lot. There is nothing wrong with this fact, every person lives a lot of good and bad things in his life. And you also need to know that soon a bright streak of life awaits you. It will bring you many pleasant changes in the future. In this matter, you need to be patient, perhaps in order to get closer to them, you should change something in your life.

And also, according to one of the signs, a strong itch on the right side can predict the spreading of dirty rumors about a loved one. In rare cases, these rumors will be based on real events. Most often they will be dismissed by a close friend. Such behavior will serve as a reason for breaking off relations with both the young man and the girlfriend.

One of the interpretations for an unmarried girl portends good news from relatives and friends. Perhaps soon you will be invited to a joyful event or wedding. For a married woman, the sign speaks of frequent domestic problems and quarrels, but they can be quickly and easily resolved.

If the left breast itches

If the left breast itches, this may mean that at this moment someone is thinking about you. It should be understood that this part of the body is considered intimate. A person whose thoughts are filled only with you can become your chosen one or loved one. It is possible that a secret admirer wants to see you in the nude. Such beliefs do not portend anything terrible. According to other interpretations, itching on the left side can threaten with a lot of unpleasant emotions, a lot of empty troubles and expenses, as well as an unpleasant visit of uninvited guests. But you will not have the opportunity to experience some serious grief and expenses.

About what the left mammary gland itches for, the sign says:

Speaking of personal life, a sudden itching in the left side of the body can be a guarantee of a successful relationship and subsequent marriage. Subsequently, your family life will become comfortable and smooth. However, this sign applies to people under 40 years old. It is generally accepted that the left side of the body is responsible for the emotional background and what mood you have at the moment. If it is good, then itching in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe left chest will hint at this.

The meaning of signs for single girls

If there is no loved one in your life at the moment, and the chest starts to itch, then it may turn out to be a slightly different phenomenon. For example, a feeling of itching in the region of the left gland means that a person with dark or black hair remembers you. The sign does not mean that a person is a close relative for you, he may turn out to be a good friend, comrade or just a colleague. And if the right breast constantly began to itch, then you are present in the thoughts of a blond, a person with blond hair. A sign for a pregnant woman suggests that the father of the child, being on a forced business trip, will soon return home.

Why do folk beliefs have such meanings? The fact is that even in the distant past, people came to the conclusion:

  • On the right side you are protected by a light spirit.
  • On the left side, a dark spirit guards you.

From this it came that the blond and the brunette think of you. It will bring a lot of joy to any girl.

Location of the breast

The same shape of the chest and its symmetrical arrangement is a good sign. This speaks of great joys in life and a small amount of adversity. A detailed study of this issue, according to one of the signs, predicts:

A way to enhance the magic of omens

Old signs say that if you want to meet a person who is now thinking about you, you need to perform some ritual:

  • Go to a mirror of any size and look into it for a minute.
  • Or go to the window and tap your finger on the glass several times.

After performing such simple and easy actions, it is believed that this person can show up or call. The meeting, which will soon take place, will have a pleasant character, and will also radically change your life. Therefore, do not miss your chance, justifying yourself with distrust.

You should not look everywhere for explanations in signs. If your chest began to itch strongly and regularly, then perhaps this problem is solved by visiting a doctor. It is worth going through the necessary examination and find out if you have any problems of a dermatological nature. . Sometimes young girls have breasts begins to itch before the onset of menstruation. If this happens regularly, there is no point in panicking, but a scheduled visit to the doctor will not hurt either. You just have to get through this period.

And also in many women, the breasts can constantly itch during the restructuring of the body due to pregnancy. There is nothing wrong with this either. Restructuring can occur in all organs and systems in girls in adolescence, they may also be bothered by itching in the chest area. Therefore, before panicking and turning to signs, it is better to carefully study yourself.

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Every woman seeks to know the secret of future events. You can find answers to many questions by listening to your body. From this article you will learn why the chest can itch.

Modern man is not very superstitious, therefore he practically does not pay attention to signs. And if, for example, a woman's chest begins to itch, then she perceives this as a physiological process and does not even think that the body can thus warn of pleasant or not very situations.

Unlike us, our grandmothers believed in omens, so they paid special attention to causeless and prolonged itching. They believed that if you listen to your body and inner feelings, you can find out your future and prevent trouble.

What does it mean if the chest itches?

what is itchy chest for?

There are quite a lot of different opinions why a female breast can itch. Some say that in this way the female body signals us about difficulties, while others argue that pleasant meetings and events await the fair sex in the near future.

You can find out whether this is true or false if you carefully monitor the signals that your body sends you. And now let's see what folk signs say about this.

Severe itching in the chest area means:
An abrupt change in weather
Approaching magnetic storm
Meeting with a long forgotten person
Pleasant changes in personal life
Possible problems at work

Folk signs - the left breast itches in women: meaning

reasons why itchy breasts
  • Since the female breast is associated with the intimate sphere of life, itching in the area of ​​​​this part of the body is most often associated with love relationships.
  • Some folk signs claim that this annoying sensation warns that a loved one is cheating on you right at this moment.
  • But besides this, not a very pleasant prediction, there are also those that promise pleasant changes in life.

Your partner thinks about you all the time
You are waiting for a romantic meeting with the object of adoration
Lover wants to see you naked
An unfamiliar man yearns for you
There is a chance that your salary will increase very soon.

The right breast in women itches: the meaning of signs

itchy right breast
  • As you know, the left side of the human body is responsible for emotions, and the right - for the mind. Therefore, if your right breast itches, then this may indicate that you need to take off your rose-colored glasses and take a sober look at things.
  • If you regularly have disputes with your employer or you doubt someone from your environment, then you do not need to look for the causes of problems exclusively in yourself.
  • No need to prove to people that you are worthy of their attention and understanding. Your life may well get better if you try to find a more interesting job and a new social circle.

In addition, itching in the right chest area indicates the following:
A loved one needs your help
Your girlfriend is jealous of you
Challenges await you in the near future
An old friend or colleague fell in love with you
Relations with the person with whom you were in a quarrel will improve

Why does the left breast itch in men: a sign

man's itchy chest
  • In men, as well as in women, itching in the chest area is most often associated with romance and love relationships.
  • Some predictions say that this is not a very pleasant sensation, it signals to a man that his chosen one is a talisman for him, which will help him navigate correctly in a given situation.
  • It may also indicate that a person will be able to quickly climb the career ladder and accumulate good capital.
  • If a representative of a strong male constantly monitors his body language, then he will not miss a meeting with his soulmate and will gain financial independence.

If a man itches his chest on the left side, then this means:
He will be able to solve all financial problems
Soon his personal life will improve
The second half will not be satisfied with an intimate life
Positive life changes
An old dream will come true

Why does the right breast itch in men: signs

itching in the chest area

The right male breast, with the help of itching, reminds us of conscience and compassion. Therefore, if such a symptom appears, then you need to look around and raise whether you are doing everything right in life and whether anyone needs your help. Remember, maybe you said a lot of bad words to your soulmate or offended an unreasonable stranger.

If this is the case, then try to correct the situation as quickly as possible and apologize for the harsh words. Also, itching in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body may indicate that soon all problems will end and a white streak will begin in life.

Itching in the right breast may mean the following:
You will be lucky in everything
Time to rethink your social circle
The emergence of a new sympathy
Perhaps you will receive an inheritance
Strong litter with a loved one

Why both breasts itch: signs

itching in the chest area

If two breasts itch at once, this may indicate that soon he may find himself in an unpleasant situation that cannot be resolved quickly.

Such people need to be a little more restrained and try to control their emotions and statements. This also applies to love relationships. No need to show excessive interest in the work of the second half and control its every step. This behavior can lead to the breakup of your couple.

Sorrow and tears come to you
There is a difficult conversation with an old enemy
You will not reciprocate the object of your adoration
There may be problems at work
Need to help a blood relative

It itches between the breasts: a sign

Severe itching between the breasts can promise easy money.

As you probably already understood, itching in the chest area does not always promise us pleasant meetings, moments and emotions. Therefore, if you itch between these two parts of the body, then this can be a harbinger of both good and bad life situations.

For this reason, always listen to your body and you will have the opportunity to minimize or avoid negative manifestations.

If it itches between the breasts, then this means:
A quick separation from a loved one
New meetings and acquaintances
You will be given an unwanted item
A friend asks for a loan
Pleasant love adventure

Signs: if the chest itches in the evening, what does it mean?

Constantly itchy breasts indicate your lover's feelings for you.

If the chest itches late in the evening, then this is a clear sign that your lover is thinking about you. If the itching does not go away throughout the day, then this indicates that your significant other does not forget about you for a single minute. In some cases, evening portends a stormy sexual relationship.

But if the pile is combed closer to midnight, then during the next day care must be taken. After all, there is a possibility that on this day on your life path you will meet a person who will bring not the best emotions into your life.

Evening itching means the following:
Your life will be calm and measured
It is likely that you will have a rival
It's time to radically change your life
Any of your initiatives will quickly bring you positive emotions.
You will meet a person who will radically change your worldview

What does it mean if the chest itches in the morning: signs

Sometimes the chest itches to change the weather.

Usually in the morning the chest itches for a cardinal change in the weather. If, for example, it rained heavily in the evening, then the weather should be sunny and warm until half of the next day.

If the alluring part of the female body itches at the same time every morning, then this means that you have chosen the right direction and your life will bring you exceptionally good surprises for a long time.

Positive Predictions:
You will meet your love soon
Get what you have been dreaming of
For a certain time you will be lucky
All your troubles are in the past
You can win a large amount of money

Itching in the chest area

Although it is believed that itching in the chest area most often predicts some positive changes, there are times when this physiological process warns us of minor troubles.

If you want to avoid negative emotions, then try to set yourself up in a positive way. When "itching" begins, think about what a wonderful vacation you will have, dream of a gift from a loved one or just a relaxing day off. It is likely that the right attitude will help you smooth out negative manifestations and troubles and failures will bypass you.

Adalina: When I was a teenager, at one time my chest was quite itchy. It got to the point that I could not sit quietly even for 10 minutes. Mom yelled at me and said that this is a bad habit and I should do everything to get rid of it. But my grandmother took this quite calmly and said that this is how my body predicts me about a good marriage and financial independence. In the end, it did. Although I got married early enough, I got a kind and wealthy husband.

Valentine: I always had itching in the chest area that started late in the evening and almost at the same time. But since I am not a superstitious person, I did not attach much importance to this. But somehow, sitting on the Internet, I read that this could be a sign of a betrayal of a loved one. At first I did not believe what was written, but over time I began to notice that my husband began to treat me somehow differently. I endured for a long time, and then decided to ask him about his feelings for me directly. He admitted that he cheated and feels guilty, but at the same time he loves me and does not want us to leave.

Video: Chest itches.

The people have long been composed of many signs relating to the human body. They were invented for a reason, for centuries our ancestors observed and drew conclusions. Some of them are funny and others are interesting. For example, these include predictive signs - the chest of any person itches. Explanations are different, in the presented material we will get to know them more closely.

When the chest itches, you need to find out signs that will predict a person's future

People are accustomed to trust their own body, because it sends the right signals to help understand what awaits a person in the near future. It often happens that itching in the chest can predict something or warn of impending danger.

Such predictions are used by the fair sex. It is especially interesting to know what itching means in the left mammary gland. From this side, a human heart beats, with which cordial, amorous deeds are associated.

The main folk signs, if the chest itches, which have been walking among the people for a long time:

  1. With itching of the left mammary gland in a female, this eloquently indicates the appearance of a secret boyfriend or admirer. The man is the owner of dark hair. The girl is advised to carefully look at her surroundings.
  2. According to another version, scratching the left chest indicates the imminent receipt of funds. How much money will arrive here depends on the intensity of scratching.
  3. Itching may indicate the receipt of an inheritance, the desired position, the return of an amount that has not been given for a long time. But often itching indicates a rise through the ranks. True, money is not always added.
  4. The left breast itches - congratulations, expect guests that no one expected to visit. Extra trouble and waste of money will fall on a person because of this “pleasant” visit.
  5. The most boring sign about an itchy left breast is a change in weather conditions for the worse. In this case, scratching predicts the appearance of heavy precipitation in the form of snow or rain. Or the temperature may rise sharply. Older people usually listen to such a sign.

Your left breast may itch because you have a secret admirer.

If a girl believed that a young man should appear in her life, then this moment can be accelerated. To do this, it is proposed to conduct a simple magical rite. As soon as the left breast itches, you need to approach the mirror image and tap it with your palm three times. After such manipulations, the man will soon appear.

Itchy right breast

Many believe that the female sex should expect the arrival of love adventures, because folk signs repeat this. If the chest itches on the right side, intrigues and carnal pleasures will certainly await the lady. True, such relationships do not bode well for her, they usually end badly.

But there are other interpretations that explain why the right breast can itch:

  1. If a girl is preparing with might and main for a solemn marriage, but for a long period her right mammary gland often itches, this is an unpleasant signal. Scratching wants to warn that the young man has another girl - her rival. The guy is cheating on her.
  2. With the often repeated scratching of the right breast, the sign indicates the sadness of relatives who miss the girl. Sometimes this suggests that relatives will soon come to visit.
  3. If, when scratching, the female feels unpleasant barbs, it means that the girl has many envious friends. Usually the mammary gland itches during the moments of discussion and “washing the bones”.
  4. If itching is felt in the chest in a dream, then there are some inconsistencies in signs. According to one version, a girl may have a long-awaited romance with a rich man. Another point of view says that a scratch in the right chest warns of the betrayal of a loved one. It can also be expected that the relationship will be terminated.

Your girlfriends may envy you if your right breast itches

Scratching the breast nipples have different meanings. If a single girl has an itching in the nipple, then a fateful meeting awaits her soon. If the nipple is itched in a family lady, then relations with a spouse can move to a different stage, passion can ignite with renewed vigor.

There are also common signs that relate to itching of the nipples in men and women. This indicates a break in friendly relations with the closest friend or girlfriend.

Both breasts itch - signs

If both mammary glands itch at the fair sex at the same time, this is an unfavorable sign, portending the coming of something bad into her life.

Difficulties may arise during this period in a woman's life. You will have to learn to control your emotions in order to manage the situation. There may be squabbles with loved ones.

If itching occurs in the area between the mammary glands, then various kinds of life situations may arise. One lady can meet her soul mate, and another woman will quarrel and end the relationship with her loved one forever.

When considering scratching both breasts from a financial point of view, the sign speaks of receiving a useless gift as a gift. In some cases, such an itch portends a request for a loan of a large sum of money. It is not worth giving, because you will have to wait a long time for the return.

Itchy male left breast

Explanations about scratching the male chest can have various explanations. As some folk signs say, if the chest of a man on the left itches, then positive news awaits him. According to another version, things will go badly for a man. In addition, the same sign can have a contradictory explanation.

Male breasts can itch to success in financial matters.

According to the first version, scratching the left male chest may indicate a likely romantic relationship. If there were difficulties in intimate life, they will successfully improve. A woman who appeared during this life period can become a kind of successful symbol and talisman for this man.

Another version says that in career and financial matters a man can expect success. The flow of funds is simply inevitable. If a male’s left chest is often scratched, it means that a comfortable existence awaits him, his old age will be secured.

According to the third version, signs do not have such rosy predictions. If you believe them, then in business a man can be traps from competitors, there will be large financial expenses. In family relations, there will be problems and disappointments in relatives.

Why does the chest itch on the days of the week

  1. Monday. The prediction concerns a change in weather conditions, even if the weather is fine outside. Be careful on the way.
  2. Tuesday. An uncomfortable feeling of itching in the mammary gland may indicate the presence of an illness. If additional signs are found, it is recommended to seek medical help. Do not delay treatment.
  3. Wednesday. If itching is felt in the right mammary gland, one should expect the unexpected arrival of uninvited guests, from which the person will feel discomfort. Still, you need to clean the apartment, bribe the necessary products.
  4. Thursday. If you feel itching in your right chest on this day, you can expect trouble. To avoid a scandalous situation and impulsive antics, it is better to tune in to the positive.
  5. Friday. A person is advised to carefully prepare, because a long journey awaits him in the near future. For example, you can get a last-minute ticket to a resort or visit some exotic island with your loved one. For men, itching in the chest portends the conclusion of a profitable deal for work.
  6. Saturday. A stranger / stranger may appear in a person’s life, who will later become the closest friend, comrade or lover / lover. Fateful meeting.
  7. Sunday. A tingling or scratching in the chest indicates the presence in the immediate environment of a bad person, a gossip who weaves intrigues behind his back.

When talking about your personal life, you do not need to give a lot of information, this will help protect yourself in the future. It is better not to tell anyone about your ideas, but to silently bring them to life.

Since ancient times, people have tried to find a hidden meaning in the most familiar phenomena that accompany our daily lives. For example, having felt an itch in one or another part of the body, they tried to understand what this sign portends. Numerous signs of this nature have survived to this day. To believe in them or not to believe is up to you, but you should not ignore such signs completely: perhaps through them your body is trying to tell you about something important.

It is believed that the breast on the right is responsible for the intellectual work of the individual and for her life in adulthood. There is an opinion that women who faced certain trials during childhood and adolescence then have a larger right breast than the left. It can also mean happiness and good luck in the future.

One of the folk signs interprets the itching of the right breast not too positively: this is a sign of betrayal on the part of a loved one. If the chest itches sometimes, it may mean that someone you know is yearning for you. Also, such an itch can be a harbinger of an early intimate relationship. It may also be a sign that you need to rethink your priorities.

But for men, itching in the right chest is a good sign. He talks about the end of the black stripe and the beginning of the white one. Now luck, in accordance with the sign, will accompany you in all areas.

The meaning of the sign may also differ depending on where and how exactly the girl’s right breast itches:

  • If the chest itches on the left, this may indicate that some dark-haired person thinks of you.
  • If itching appears on the right, then the blond is thinking about you. This distribution is explained by the fact that supposedly the devil is located on the left side, and the angel is on the right.
  • Sometimes itching in the chest is associated with the weather. On the right side, he says that it will rain or it will get colder.
  • If the chest itches in a dream, perhaps this is advice to take a closer look at the actions of your soulmate

The interpretation of the belief about why the left breast itches is usually liked by girls. It means that someone misses you very much and wants to meet you.

This can be explained by the fact that it is in the region of the left chest that the heart is located, which symbolizes something personal. It can be your man, and someone else who likes you if you don’t have a soul mate. People believe that the left breast speaks of a brunette man. So, if you are single for now, take a closer look at the dark-haired people around you. Perhaps something interesting is expected in your personal life.

In addition, the left breast can also itch for money, as some folk experts associate itching with wealth. In addition, as with the right breast, an itchy left breast may indicate that it will rain soon.

For the stronger sex, itching in the left chest can also be a very good sign. Like women, their chest area is most often related to love, romance and the intimate sphere. In accordance with some predictions for a man, this is a sign that his soulmate is for him a kind of symbol of good luck, a talisman that helps in many life situations.

The same symptom may indicate a successful career and financial well-being in the future. Therefore, if you are a man, and you feel an itch in your left chest, do not worry. The sign says that both in work and in your personal life you will be fine.

If a woman has two breasts itching at once, then this can be an alarming sign that you will soon find yourself in some kind of difficult situation. You should learn to exercise restraint and control emotions, be more attentive to the affairs and interests of your loved ones, otherwise you may lose your relationship with them.

If itching appears between the breasts, then this sign can have both positive and negative meanings. It can be new meetings, a love adventure in the future. But in accordance with other superstitions, this is separation from a loved one. There are more commonplace signs: someone will ask you for a loan or give you something that you do not need.

Signs are signs, but remember that there are scientific explanations for why the chest itches. If itching bothers you for a long time, additional pain or a rash appears, then contact a specialist. Do not forget that the skin in the chest area is very sensitive, so you can’t scratch it too much: it’s better to be patient. Otherwise, you can provoke skin irritation or, worse, infection.

Our body can tell us a lot. There are many signs and superstitions associated with it. Today we will tell you why the left breast itches. After all, there are several interpretations of this phenomenon. For many people, folk signs help to prevent negative consequences, and for someone to predict their happiness or fate. So, let's get to the fun part.

Notes in general

There are many folk signs and beliefs about scratching this zone. But do not forget that this part of the body can itch for other reasons. Constant itching, burning, pain in this area are the main signs that prompt a woman to get checked out by a homologist. And if the doctor tells the patient that she is all right, then you can safely believe in such signs.

The following superstitions and beliefs were noticed by our ancestors in ancient times. They are still in use today:

  1. It is believed that when a girl often itches on the right side, and it is larger in size than the left, it means that she will face great difficulties in her personal life. It is possible that this difficult period will last all youth. But in adulthood, her life will be happy, measured and calm.
  2. Folk signs say that if in her youth the girl's left side itches more often, and she is slightly larger than the right side, then the young lady will spend her young years carefree and happy.
  3. But if the breasts are the same in size, proportional, and periodically itch, then such a woman will have a happy, harmonious and cloudless life from the moment of birth to old age.
  4. If it itches and burns a place between the breasts in the very center - wait for the guests. Most likely it will be an old friend or acquaintance.

We examined the signs of breasts in general terms. Let's now find out what itching on the left and right side means.

Itchy on the left

Why does the left breast itch? This question interests many women. Considering that this chest is located in the zone of the heart, the signs will be associated with “love affairs”.

According to folk signs, if a girl's left side itches, then her lover thinks a lot about her and misses her very much. Other folk signs, if the left mammary gland itches and itches, say that the girl will soon have a pleasant romantic date, and with a brunette. Some believe that a sign has exactly the same meaning when both breasts itch. There is another sign, if the area on the left itches - soon you will meet your betrothed, whom you will marry.

If the left nipple itches and itches - such a sign promises you about intimacy with your lover. You feel itching between the chest, but a little to the left of the heart, a bad omen - you will be very annoyed. Moreover, the more you scratch this place, the more failures and disappointments you attract.

If you are single and no love relationship is expected in the near future, then scratching in the left area may be a sign of financial profit (winning the lottery, gambling, receiving a large inheritance).

A woman often itches her left side in the morning or afternoon - it means that her admirer not only yearns, but also intends to invite her beloved to the registry office. Scratching at night - a man perceives a woman as a temporary girlfriend for entertainment.

It itches on the right

According to experts, the right side of the human body is responsible for mental abilities, and the left side is responsible for the emotional state of a person. If you answer the question “Why does the right mammary gland itch”, then we can safely say that this sign can be associated not only with love, but also with money matters. There are several interpretations of this phenomenon:

  1. If a girl often itches her right mammary gland or she experiences itching, burning in the chest area on the right - this may be a sign of her lover's infidelity. For women, this can be a signal of her husband's infidelity.
  2. A rare sensation of itching on the right side for women can be a signal of the presence of a secret admirer who is simply going crazy with love for his beloved.
  3. If the right side often itches, you experience a constant burning sensation, you may soon have sexual contact with the man you like.
  4. There is another sign when a woman's right breast itches. Our ancestors associated this with a change in the weather. Most often, this foreshadowed heavy rainfall or a sharp cold snap.
  5. If it itches on the right in a dream, and you even woke up from this - a very bad omen. Your lover can betray you and leave the family forever.
  6. There is an opinion among the people that if it itches on the right side, then the blond is thinking about the girl. Experts in this field suggest that perhaps a guardian angel sits on the girl’s right shoulder, and the devil sits on her left.
  7. There is another belief about discomfort in the right chest - perhaps you have rivals who dislike you, envy and wish you harm.
  8. Itchy and itchy right nipple - you should be careful in dealing with older people. Disagreements and quarrels are possible

We examined the signs when women's breasts itch, and now let's figure out what such a sign means for men.