How to do yellow peeling at home. Forms of release and composition of the product. What is retinoic peeling

The desire of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to preserve beauty and youth pushes them to the most unimaginable steps. Fortunately, the achievements of modern cosmetology and information accessibility have presented us with such an exhaustive variety of ways to achieve what we want, that every girl, regardless of age and skin characteristics, can choose an individual remedy and high-quality care for herself.

Retinoic or yellow peeling, as it is called due to its characteristic shade, is one of the most affordable and effective methods of facial skin rejuvenation. This procedure is considered a salon option, however, resourceful ladies got the hang of doing retinoic peeling at home, inventing their own recipes. Thanks to the regular conduct of such peeling, the skin acquires a second wind, a young and healthy look.

Features of retinoic peeling, indications and contraindications

Retinoic peeling is mainly based on the action of retinoic acid. This substance is a synthetic analogue of retinol, also known as vitamin A.

The acid has a bright yellow color. In addition to this substance, the procedure involves the use of other acids, in particular, ascorbic, phytic, azelaic and kojic.

Each compound has a specific effect on the skin, due to which the procedure produces a complex effect. Retinolic acid and other components promote accelerated cell division and active collagen production, resulting in rejuvenation.

The peculiarity of the method lies in the fact that, in addition to aging, it also fights other skin problems.

The procedure should be carried out if:

  • if you have photoaging;
  • mimic wrinkles began to form;
  • the skin has lost its elasticity;
  • you have acne or acne marks, as well as small scars;
  • the skin has an uneven tone and hyperpigmentation.

Yellow peeling is considered a fairly gentle procedure, however, its chemical composition imposes some restrictions on its use.

Contraindications to the procedure are as follows:

  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • damage to the skin;
  • allergic reactions;
  • benign neoplasms in the affected area;
  • radiation therapy;
  • intolerance to any of the components, in particular, vitamin C.

In addition, taking antibiotics less than two weeks before the start of the procedures is strictly not allowed.

Preparation for the retinoic peel procedure

The preparatory stage will require some effort from you, however, it is necessary in order to soften the epidermis and ensure that the components of the product successfully penetrate into the middle layers.

Also, preparation is aimed at preventing negative consequences.

Two weeks before the expected date of the procedure, it is necessary to refuse to visit the solarium or the beach, to exclude the use of scrubs and other exfoliating products based on highly concentrated acids.

How does a retinoic peel session work?

The procedure includes two stages and is carried out within two days. On each of these days, the cosmetologist repeats similar actions, which take about three hours. The specialist first applies salicylic acid to the face, after which a special mixture containing the active ingredient, that is, retinolic acid, is used.

As a rule, the composition is selected in accordance with the type of skin and its sensitivity. The tool can be applied to the skin in one or more layers. The signal to stop the manipulation is redness of the skin. A day later, all actions are repeated.

After manipulation, the skin may be a little red, and after a couple of days peeling begins, which then disappears on its own. This sign indicates the beginning of the process of renewal of the skin. The first day after peeling, a yellowish tint is visible on the face.

Care measures after retinoic peeling involve thorough moisturizing and protection from negative environmental factors. So, in the first couple of weeks after the session, it is advisable to avoid strong winds, frosty air and an abundance of ultraviolet radiation.

Retinoic peeling at home

Not all women trust beauty salons, preferring independent home procedures.

There are many preparations for retinoic peeling at home:

  • "Dimexide";
  • azelaic acid;
  • retinoic ointment;
  • peeling "Arcadia";
  • "Differin";
  • "Tretinoin".

All these drugs are sold in stationary pharmacies. Glycolic acid is also recommended for purchase, as it is necessary in the preparatory process.

To begin with, thoroughly cleanse the skin and lubricate with glycolic acid. As soon as it is absorbed, apply a peeling preparation.

Whichever recipe you choose, after 45 minutes of exposure to the face, you need to apply a neutralizing mixture. To do this, dilute water with soda in proportions of 1: 1. Do not be alarmed by the burning sensation at this stage - it will pass after a few minutes. Peeling is removed from the face with a soft damp towel after 6-7 hours of exposure.

Every woman wants to look 100%. This is especially true for the skin of the face. After all, a face, like hands, is a business card that can tell a lot about its owner. Therefore, it is important to maintain beauty and health as long as possible. Retinoic peeling can help with this for all skin types. It has a rejuvenating effect, helps to remove blackheads and also has many positive properties, which you will learn about below.

The procedure got its name due to the main component - retinoid. It is an artificial analogue of vitamin A, which promotes cell regeneration. A harmonious addition to the main component is folic, ascorbic and phytic acids, which are also present in the composition.

Sometimes in beauty salons you will hear the name yellow retinoic peel for facial rejuvenation. This is due to the fact that the main component stains the skin in a yellowish color. As a result, you will get a light tan.

The main advantages of such a cosmetic product are a low level of possible damage and consequences, a short rehabilitation course. This is a real guarantee of youth and beauty for many years.

Retinoic medium peeling and photo after the procedure

The median effects on the skin include those types of cosmetic procedures that affect the epidermal layer. Retinoic medium peeling, known to cosmetologists, is used to get rid of mimic wrinkles, acne and blackheads.

Median, unlike superficial exposure, allows you to correct deeper problems. Therefore, if you have scars or small scars, you can correct them with a special procedure.

How to use acid products at home, what types there are - you will read below in the article. You will also get acquainted with well-known manufacturers and choose the right option for yourself. If you want to verify the effectiveness of the procedure, then we advise you to view the photo after retinoic peeling further on this page:

Retinoic peeling of the face and its effect on the skin

Have you ever thought about how this or that cosmetic procedure goes, how it affects epithelial cells? Using retinoic facial peeling, you need to know about the process itself and its effect on the skin.

As we have already said, a retinoic mask is a product that contains acids. It is they that contribute to the regeneration of cells, which allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of the old ones. As a result, you get a rejuvenating effect.

It should be noted that when using such a mask, the skin does not dry out. It also increases the production of collagen.

Recall that collagen is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Therefore, the use of a retinoic mask helps prevent the appearance of mimic wrinkles. Another important property that should not be forgotten is the antiseptic effect.

Acid remedies are suitable for women with mature skin - 35-50 years old. Apply not only to the face, but also to the neck, arms, décolleté and eyelids. The procedure is recommended to be used once every six months, the course consists of 3-5 sessions. The process is painless and delicate.

Retinoic peeling: contraindications and indications

The safety and delicacy of the procedure does not negate the fact that retinoic peeling has contraindications for some cases. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • lactation or pregnancy;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • acne, herpes or warts;
  • liver disease;
  • allergy to mask components;
  • oral intake of retinoids.

Pay attention to the factors that prohibit the procedure. By neglecting the rules, you can disrupt important body functions. Even previous hepatitis diseases should be a reason to refuse the mask.

In turn, it is necessary to remember about the indications that indicate the need for application. Among them it should be noted:

mimic wrinkles;

decrease in firmness and elasticity;

pigmentation, including those left after pregnancy;

some types of dermatological diseases.

Opening a beauty salon at home: retinoic peeling at home

Who said that it is necessary to visit beauty salons in order to be beautiful? You have the opportunity right now to learn how to prepare retinoic peeling at home for yourself or a friend. So get ready to read carefully. After all, attention is the key to a successful procedure. We open a beauty salon at home from the preparatory stage, during which it is worth preparing everything you need.

The process consists of three stages - preparatory, main and final.

The first stage consists of a relatively long and intensive preparation. Two weeks before the procedure, stop visiting saunas or solariums. Do not forget to remove cosmetics that exfoliate keratinized skin and remember the cream with glycolic acid. Thanks to such actions, you will soften the surface of the skin, therefore, the procedure will be more effective.

The main stage of retinoic facial peeling at home is to apply a mask to the necessary areas (face, hands, neck or décolleté). The agent is applied for 15-40 minutes.

The final stage is the application of a special mixture to the retinoic mask, which will perform a neutralizing function. The composition of the mixture includes soda and water, according to the proportions of 0.5 x 1. Rinse gently with water after 7-8 hours.

Retinoic peeling "Mediderma" - the right way to get rid of problems

Acne, hyperpigmentation, skin aging, stretch marks - all this can be a good reason to use Mediderma retinoic peel based on vitamin A. There are two options for a cosmetic product - peeling cream and yellow night peeling. This is a sure and reliable way to quickly and effectively get rid of existing problems with the epidermis.

So, for example, the first drug contains, in addition to retinol, lactic acid, which helps to whiten the skin. Therefore, if you have stretch marks, this remedy is relevant. The second preparation, yellow night peeling, contains a smaller amount of retinol, as well as plant extracts. Thanks to this combination, the product perfectly copes with mimic wrinkles, smoothes and renews the skin.

Before you start the procedure at home, it is important to prepare the skin for a few weeks. You need to apply special products that contain a small amount of acids to certain areas. After the procedure with the retinoic mask is done, it is important to moisturize the skin and protect it from the sun.

There is another peeling from the manufacturer "Mediderma" - almond. Its main task is to promote skin regeneration and better collagen production, as well as to have a bacterial effect. What does the drug do well?

The mechanism of action of Cimel retinoic peeling

The well-known retinoic peeling "Cimel" will be relevant for acne. Its actions are aimed at preserving the living cells of the epidermis and stimulating the formation of new ones. The process and mechanism of action of retinol in combination with other components (emblic extract, kojic and salicylic acid, phytonadione) contribute to the production of collagen.

In turn, each component has its own properties. So, for example, emblica extract is an excellent tool for skin rejuvenation, kojic acid has a whitening property, salicylic acid has an antibacterial effect, causes softening and rejection of the upper layer of the epidermis. Phytonadione (vitamin K) helps to get rid of dull skin and circles under the eyes.

Thanks to this combination and shallow effect, Cimel products are perfect for people with sensitive skin. The advantage of this tool is a short post-peel rehabilitation period (2-3 days). After the procedure, you can not be afraid of direct sunlight. The result will last up to 6 months.

Progressive retinoic peeling "Arcadia"

Using Arcadia retinoic peeling to eliminate skin problems is the best solution, according to cosmetologists. Its components contribute to less traumatism of the skin and have a beneficial effect on regeneration.

It should be noted that the progressive preparation of the Russian-French manufacturer "Arcadia" has not a yellow, but an orange effect. Therefore, the remedy got its name due to its action to color the skin in orange. It is washed off a few hours after the drug is removed.

Features of the procedure:

  • acts softer;
  • no redness and swelling;
  • short period of rehabilitation.

In its composition, the peeling "Arcadia" has beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamin E. The combination of components provides an anti-inflammatory effect, skin lightening and rejuvenation. With this tool, you will not feel burning or tingling.

The drug should be used 1-2 times a year. In more detail about the regularity of visiting a beautician for you, the intensity should be discussed at an individual level.

Retinoic ointment as a remedy for skin problems

Retinoic ointment is a remedy created on the basis of vitamin A, helps to get rid of skin problems. Contributes to the treatment of acne, acne and other dermatological diseases. Peeling with rotinoic ointment is not easy, but it is necessary if you have direct reasons for using it.

Note that skin unaccustomed to retinol may react negatively. Therefore, it is necessary to give time for getting used to - for several days, apply the ointment in small doses.

After prolonged use (several months) you will be able to see a positive result. It is also recommended to use the ointment at night. This is explained by the fact that, like most peeling preparations, retinoic ointment reacts poorly to the sun.

In order for the effect to be guaranteed, it is important, in addition to the ointment, to use other means that will promote the regeneration of dermal cells. For this, a complex of vitamins of groups A, E, C is suitable.

The procedure should be stopped if each time there is discomfort, peeling or burning. Without a doubt, before use, you should consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist. After all, each person's skin is different. Therefore, relying on the success and stories of a friend about the effectiveness of a particular drug is not worth it.

Let the article be useful for you! Gentle procedures and beautiful results!

Retinoic peeling at home, the recipe of which is simple to use, gently and gently exfoliates the skin, while cells are quickly renewed and pores are deeply cleansed. The procedure promotes rejuvenation and healing. Home peeling will not only get an effective result, but also save time and money.

Indications for use

Retinoic peeling is a procedure using chemical solutions that affects the removal of the upper layers of the skin, cleansing it, making the relief even and improving the complexion.

Often the procedure is given a different name - yellow peeling. The yellow color of the skin is stained due to retinoic acid.

In addition to retinoic acid, peeling may include acids such as ascorbic, phytic, kojic, azelaic.

Cleansing with retienic acid will help in solving various problems:

  • hyperpigmentation;
  • acne;
  • comedones;
  • uneven terrain;
  • photoaging;
  • wrinkles;
  • keratomas;
  • hyperkeratosis.

Retinoic peeling will perfectly cleanse not only the skin of the face and neck, but also the hands and décolleté.

Preparation for peeling

Home retinoic peeling is similar to a procedure in a beauty salon.

Before peeling, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work:

  • two weeks before the manipulation, you should abandon the sauna, bath and solarium;
  • do not use scrubs and cosmetics containing highly concentrated acids;
  • instead of a regular cream, you need to use a cream with glycolic acid, which will help soften the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Yellow peeling should be done during the period of least solar activity. Plan to start the course in the second half of October, and finish by the first half of March. You will have time to do several procedures.

It should be remembered that cleansing with a retinoic component will take you a sufficient amount of time. During this period, your appearance will be far from perfect due to redness and peeling of the skin. Plan the procedure for the weekend, and best of all - for a vacation.


Preparations with retinoic acid are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. You can buy retinoic ointment.

retinoic peel recipe

  • glycolic cream;
  • retinoic ointment;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 1 st. l. water;
  • moisturizing cream.
  1. Cleanse your face and pat it dry with a paper towel.
  2. Apply a glycolic acid cream.
  3. Lubricate the skin with retinoic ointment.
  4. Apply a neutralizing mixture of baking soda and water over the mask after 45 minutes.
  5. Wash your face with warm water after seven to eight hours.
  6. Moisturize your face with cream.

During the procedure, you may feel a burning sensation. There is no cause for concern: the cream has reacted with the skin and the cleansing process has begun.

After peeling, strong peeling will certainly begin, which will last about a week. Do not assist natural exfoliation by hand as this can damage the skin. The best remedy during this period is intensive hydration.

In the first days, redness (erythema) will be observed, which will last for several days. Full recovery and healing of the skin will occur after a week.

To consolidate the positive effect, retinoic cleansing is done three times in a row, once every three weeks, and after six months the procedure is repeated.

Care after peeling

In the post-peeling period, the skin is very sensitive, so it needs gentle care.

It is especially important to maintain water balance, for this it is necessary to use various means with a healing, anti-inflammatory and nourishing effect every day. To moisturize, use natural creams and thermal water.

You need to protect your skin from direct sunlight. Before going outside, apply a high protection cream (SPF over 30) on your face.

At this time, try to avoid severe frost and gusts of wind so as not to subject your face to additional stress.


The impact of retinoic peeling can adversely affect health if there are some factors:

  • exacerbation of infectious diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • allergies to the composition of the peeling;
  • skin injury;
  • the presence of flat warts, rosacea;
  • eczema, seborrheic dermatitis;
  • preparation for motherhood, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Retinoic cleansing should be used with great care for sensitive skin to peeling components. To prevent allergies, it is recommended to take antihistamines. During the procedure, it is necessary to reduce the intake of vitamin A by mouth, and you should not use cosmetic preparations containing retinol for two weeks.

When undergoing treatment and taking medications, you need to consult a doctor about their compatibility with retinoic acid.

Retinoic peeling will help cleanse the skin, even out the relief and improve the complexion. Yellow peeling at home is a simple and effective procedure. The cost of materials and the procedure will cost you less than in a beauty salon. And you can choose any time for peeling!

Yellow (retinoic) peeling has won the sincere love of visitors to beauty salons. It helps to actively fight acne and wrinkles. In the salons, the course of procedures will be expensive: at least 15,000 rubles. For reasons of economy, a reasonable question is brewing: is it possible to carry out yellow peeling at home? Let's figure it out.

Features of yellow peeling

The procedure belongs to the category of mid-surface. This means that peeling removes only the uppermost, stratum corneum of the epidermis, without injuring the rest. However, the result after it is similar to the effect of medium peeling (it starts the processes of active tissue repair and the growth of new cells).

The peeling mass applied to the face has a bright sunny color. This shade gives her retinoic acid - the main substance of the composition. Retinoic acid is a synthetic derivative of vitamin A, which is important for youthful skin. Its content in the peeling composition does not exceed 30%. The “complete set” of other ingredients that enhance the activity of retinoic acid depends on the needs of the skin. For example, the mix might include:

  • other acids (ascorbic, phytic, kojic, azeloic, citric);
  • vitamins.

Peeling affects the skin in the following ways:

  • removes dead cells;
  • reduces the secretion of sebum;
  • fights skin pigmentation by slowing down the production of melanin;
  • has a lifting effect;
  • gives the skin elasticity / firmness;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • helps eliminate comedones, acne and post-acne;
  • narrows pores;
  • maximizes blood circulation;
  • promotes deep hydration of the skin;
  • fights wrinkles;
  • helps with unhealthy complexion;
  • protects the skin from bacteria, viruses.

Retinoic peeling is often carried out at the preparatory stages for plastic surgery. This procedure can be performed on the skin of the face, décolleté, hands, neck. Yellow peeling is also used to treat acne on the back or chest.

It is a gentle and atraumatic procedure. And the effect after it is really amazing: the skin looks hydrated, healthy, radiant, smooth.

Rentinoic peeling is suitable even for the most delicate areas of the face, for example, for the eyelids. The main difference between the procedure and other types of acid peeling is that the effect after treatment lasts up to 4 months. All this time, renewal processes take place in the skin tissues.

Retinoic peeling can be:

  1. One day. It is also called nocturnal. The cosmetologist applies the composition to the client's skin. Then the client goes home and there already uses another tool necessary to complete the procedure. This composition is left on the face overnight. Therefore, peeling is called night. This method is considered more gentle and gentle.
  2. two days. The cosmetologist treats the client's skin with special preparations for 2-4 hours. After this, the "ward" is released home, where after 2 hours he independently washes off the composition. The next day, the client comes back to the salon. There, his skin is again treated with retinoic preparations. This method not only takes a significant amount of time, but also has a longer rehabilitation period. Therefore, a two-day yellow peeling is much less popular among beauty salon clients than a one-day one.

Retinoic peeling is done as a course. Usually, the course of salon yellow peeling includes 4 procedures. The break between the first two is 2 weeks, between the next - a month. Courses of home retinoic peeling, as a rule, consist of 3 procedures. They are carried out with interruptions of 3 weeks. You can repeat the course of yellow peeling no earlier than six months later.

Who is shown yellow peeling?

Retinoic peeling is suitable for all skin types, even thin and sensitive. There are no special age restrictions either, however, people under 18 do not do it. The main "audience" of yellow peeling is women aged 30-35 who are faced with the initial signs of aging. However, the procedure is also suitable for girls aged 20-25 who suffer from acne or comedones.

Yellow peeling is indicated in the following cases:

  • skin pigmentation;
  • wrinkles;
  • skin aging;
  • acne or scars left after this disease (post-acne);
  • manifestations of photoaging of the skin;
  • loose skin, sagging facial contour;
  • shallow wrinkles;
  • bad complexion.

Yellow peeling is used to prevent skin cancer. Retinoids have the ability to damage abnormal cells that cause cancer.

Is it possible to carry out yellow peeling at home?

Retinoic peeling can be done independently. But you can’t do without the participation of a beautician. You will need his help in the following situations:

  • Identification of contraindications. In beauty salons, this issue is taken very seriously. The specialist will ask you in detail about the existing and even cured diseases, the characteristics of the body, and conduct a thorough examination. On your own, you are unlikely to determine with high accuracy whether yellow peeling is right for you.
  • Preparation for retinoic peeling. This procedure is not carried out "right off the bat". Preparations have been underway for about two weeks. At this time, you will need to treat the skin with products with a low content of acids (for softening). And it is better to entrust the selection of such drugs to a cosmetologist. Also, some may need additional procedures, such as almond peeling.
  • Selection of funds. As mentioned above, cosmetic products for yellow peeling can have different compositions. Only a beautician can accurately determine which products are right for you.
  • control over the procedure. The specialist knows perfectly well what mistakes can be made when performing retinoic peeling. He will be able to give you advice on the "pitfalls" of this face cleansing.
  • The choice of creams for use in the rehabilitation period. After yellow peeling, it is necessary to moisturize the skin frequently. The beautician will select the best creams for you.

It is recommended to undergo a retinoic peeling procedure at least once by a professional. You will get a rough idea of ​​how it is carried out. This will reduce the risk of errors during the procedure itself.

Preparations for yellow peeling

A set of preparations for retinoic peeling usually includes the following products (sold as a kit):

  • glycolic acid solution;
  • yellow peeling itself;
  • neutralizing agent.

You can buy such kits from cosmetologists. There are also shops selling professional cosmetics, but they often only sell products to specialists. That is, it is extremely difficult for a “man from the street” to buy these products outside a beauty salon. In addition, buying a kit from a cosmetologist has an undeniable plus: the specialist will select the products that are ideal for you. It is difficult to do this on your own.

The following brands are most popular for yellow peeling:

  • Yellow Peel;
  • Martinex;
  • Holy Land;
  • GIGI;
  • Carrot Peel;
  • Cosmedix;
  • Christina;
  • blockage;
  • New Youth;
  • Mediderma.

The cost of sets for retinoic peeling starts from 5 thousand rubles. Approximately the same amount on average will cost you one procedure in a beauty salon (3-5 thousand for a one-day peeling, a two-day session costs more - from 10 thousand). A set of funds is enough for several uses (usually 3) - it is more economical to do retinoic peeling on your own.

Preparation for yellow peeling

Preparation begins 2 weeks (with the consent of the cosmetologist, a little earlier, but no later) before the procedure. During this period, you will need to take the following steps:

  • refuse to visit the solarium, sauna, bath;
  • do not use exfoliating agents;
  • do not take vitamin A or drugs containing it;
  • do not attend laser cosmetic procedures;
  • use special creams with glycolic acid (let the beautician select them for you);
  • undergo cosmetic procedures, if necessary (for example, several sessions of fruit peeling).

Dark skin is more sensitive to retinoids, so the preparatory period for it lasts about a month.

How to do yellow peeling at home?

The time of exposure to the compositions on the skin depends on the characteristics of specific products. The funds of some manufacturers are kept on the face before applying the neutralizer for several hours, others - 15-45 minutes. Therefore, it is very important to carefully read the instructions for the peeling kit and follow it scrupulously. In general, the procedure looks like this:

  • The skin must be thoroughly washed and dried, then wiped with an acid solution (included in the peeling kit). This is done to soften the skin: it will be easier for the “main” composition to penetrate into its layers.
  • Apply the main retinoic composition. Maintain the time specified in the instructions.
  • Apply a neutralizer (also included in the kit). Do not rinse. Leave for the time specified in the instructions (usually about 8 hours). When using a neutralizer, you may experience a slight burning sensation on the skin. This is a normal reaction.
  • Thoroughly wash off all the formulations from the skin and apply a special cream to it (it should be selected by a specialist).

When performing yellow peeling on your own, keep in touch with your beautician. If there are any problems or complications, the specialist will be able to give you timely advice or provide the necessary assistance.

rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period lasts 1-2 weeks. Immediately after the yellow peeling, your skin will be tight and reddened. On the second day, it will begin to actively peel off. On the third and fourth days, peeling will intensify. Do not pick off the scales: you can injure the skin. Let them fall off on their own. During all these days, the skin may itch, become covered with red spots. On about day 5, redness, itching and peeling will begin to pass.

During the rehabilitation period, the following conditions must be met:

  • wash with mild, neutral soap;
  • moisturize the skin with creams (up to 3-4 times a day);
  • in the first few days do not apply decorative cosmetics;
  • for at least a week, protect the skin from sunlight with SPF products (from 30);
  • do not go to the solarium, sauna, bath, do not sunbathe naturally;
  • do not treat the skin with abrasive cosmetics (for example, scrubs) until the end of the entire course of yellow peeling.

After the procedure, you will need the following cosmetic products:

  1. moisturizing cream;
  2. thermal water;
  3. enzyme masks.

Let the cosmetologist select all these funds for you. He will also determine the necessary frequency of use of these products.

The skin begins to peel off strongly approximately on the second or third day after the yellow peeling. For this reason, the procedure is best done a couple of days before the weekend. Then the "period of active peeling" will fall exactly on the weekend. You can go to work with a more or less smooth face.


This gentle procedure also has contraindications. These include:

  • herpes (acute stage);
  • skin lesions with flat warts;
  • hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • rosacea;
  • allergy to retinol;
  • any chronic diseases in the acute phase;
  • the presence of wounds, scratches, rosacea on the skin;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • lung diseases;
  • fungal diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation, pregnancy planning.

Also, yellow peeling is not carried out after recent treatment with drugs such as Roaccutane and Isotretianoin. With caution, this procedure is suitable for blood diseases.

You can often find the opinion that yellow peeling is allowed to be done even in summer. Theoretically it is. Practically after it, skin pigmentation can begin in the sunny season (even when using protective equipment). Therefore, it is better to refrain from this procedure in the summer.

1 070 1 Hello! Modern cosmetology never ceases to amaze with a variety of caring procedures. Today we will talk about one popular type of chemical peel - retinoic face peel.

What is retinoic peeling

Retinoic peeling is a method of dry cleaning the skin with retinoids - synthetic analogues of vitamin A. This peeling is also called yellow because of the color of the applied composition, which is given just by retinoids.

Retinoids - These are derivatives of retinoic acid obtained artificially. Retinoic acid is endowed with multifunctional properties and is used as a drug for acne, psoriasis and skin photoaging.

Unlike natural vitamin A, retinoids are more active and have a quick effect. yellow peeling more designed for mature skin and is the best suited for age-related changes.

Retinoids act on the middle layer of the epidermis, activating cell regeneration and renewal. Retinoic chemical peel referred to as superficial peels, which have excellent exfoliating properties and are less traumatic.

Benefits of retinoic peeling :

  • not traumatic;
  • safe;
  • fast-efficient;
  • minimum complications;
  • short rehabilitation;
  • all-season procedure.

The effect of retinoic peeling :

  • regeneration of skin cells by exfoliation;
  • elimination of acne;
  • elimination of pigmentation and lightening of tone;
  • visually tightened and rejuvenating appearance;
  • increase in the protective mechanisms of the skin;
  • even tone;
  • cleansing the skin of toxins and microbes;
  • deep nourishment of the skin;
  • stimulation of the production of own collagen and elastin;
  • prevention of neoplasms;
  • cleaning from sebaceous plugs and normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Indications and contraindications for yellow peeling

Indications for retinoic peeling:

  • skin aging;
  • acne;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • pigmentation;
  • dry and dehydrated skin;
  • excessive secretion of sebaceous secretion;
  • photoaging.

As can be seen from the indications, yellow peeling is suitable for skin with age-related changes. Therefore, it is recommended to use retinoic peeling for the face from the age of 35.


  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • individual intolerance and allergic reaction to retiniodes;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • herpes;
  • fungal skin lesions;
  • the presence of open wounds, ulcers, pustules;
  • liver disease;
  • taking certain medications;

Also, with caution and according to individual indicators, yellow peeling should be used when taking antibiotics and retinoids, severe forms of diseases, after a recent tan. Retinoic peeling is not carried out for minors.

In addition, it is not recommended to use yellow peeling immediately after a number of cosmetic procedures - UVR, chemical or mechanical cleaning, some hardware procedures, etc. In this case, a break must be observed.

Carrying out yellow peeling

The retinoic peeling procedure can be divided into stages:

1). Consultation with a specialist– the cosmetologist will assess the condition of your skin, identify the existing problems and develop a scheme for further preparation for the procedure, determining the composition of the retinoic peel, the rehabilitation period, and identify any contraindications.

2). Preparatory– this stage includes a long-term preparation of the skin for chemical retinoic peeling. The duration of the preparation will depend on the composition of the ritinoic peel, the condition of the skin and other individual factors.

During preparation, the skin is thoroughly cleansed, masks and light scrubs are prescribed to soften and nourish the skin, special care products with glycolic acid, fruit acids, as well as creams or ointments with retinoids or retinoic acid are used. Such products will be recommended by a beautician.

The preparatory period may take from a week to 3 weeks. On average, two weeks are allotted for preparation. Longer preparation requires skin with a dark color and skin prone to pigmentation. The duration of the period can be significantly reduced with preparatory procedures at home.

It is the preparatory period that is very important, since the success of yellow peeling and the minimization of complications largely depend on it.

3). Peeling procedure- takes from 20 minutes to 1 hour in a salon and there are longer trains - up to 12-15 hours. This depends on the composition used, and more specifically on the concentration of retinoic acid. The higher the concentration, the shorter the exposure time and vice versa. Long-term formulations are more gentle. Along with retinoic acid, various auxiliary acids are present in the exfoliating composition.

The procedure itself consists in applying the composition in an even layer on the skin of the face. After a certain time, the mass solidifies in the form of a film, a mask. Then the mask is washed off or neutralized with a composition of water and soda. The composition for peeling has a characteristic yellow color, after application the skin takes on a yellow tint, which disappears on the first day.

Burning sensation and sometimes itching are typical during peeling. After removing the mask, there may be redness, tightness and swelling may occur.

There are different types of yellow peeling: classical And sparing.

  • Classic yellow peeling uses artificial vitamin A in its composition and it is more effective, aggressive.
  • The gentle yellow peel uses natural retinol and is less effective, but is suitable for very sensitive skin. Gentle retinoic peeling does not require special preparation and can be performed more often than the classic one.

At the first stage, the cosmetologist develops an individual course of peeling procedures and their frequency. It can be 3-6 sessions every 7 days or every two weeks, a month. Courses with different frequency of sessions are possible.

4). Follow-up or post-peel care- includes caring activities both after the entire course of yellow peeling procedures, and between sessions. This stage includes the use of moisturizers, masks, emollients for washing. It is important to use UV protection during the first few days, as the skin becomes more sensitive to the sun after peeling. The post-peeling period lasts for a month after the course of procedures.

During the first days, peeling, swelling and redness will be observed.

  • Exfoliation is a faithful companion of retinoic peeling and occurs approximately 2-3 days after the first procedure and can last for 3-4 days. It is invisible and mostly removed with washing in the morning.
  • Peeling is fine-grained. In no case should you peel off the skin yourself when peeling, but only natural removal when washing. The first peeling results can be seen after a week. The effect of retinoic peeling lasts for 4-6 months.

It is worth avoiding numerous tips on the usefulness of using hormonal ointments and creams in the post-peeling period. It is better to use products with panthenol.

Any cosmetic products used after yellow peeling must be approved by a beautician.

After a course of yellow peeling, cosmetics should be carefully selected in the first month after the procedures. Also pay attention to strengthening the immune system, a balanced diet.

It is necessary to avoid taking retinoids by mouth immediately after the course of peeling.

Possible side effects and complications

Possible side effects include:

  • hyperemia and swelling;
  • redness;
  • allergic reaction.

All these side effects disappear spontaneously and with proper follow-up care after a few days. If these phenomena persist for a week or more, you should immediately consult a specialist.

  • Other possible side effects include darkening of certain areas of the skin. But this effect is insignificant and not mandatory, it disappears with skin peeling.

It should also be noted that retinoic peeling is embryotoxic and therefore contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

  • Also, in the presence of liver diseases, retinoic peeling can exacerbate their course and adversely affect the state of the liver as a whole.

In cosmetology, superficial chemical peeling based on retinoic acid is a painless and safe procedure.

  • If you neglect the recommendations for preparing for peeling, then a possible complication may be the occurrence of cracks, rashes, and chemical burns. It is also possible the appearance of acne, herpes due to the fact that the skin after peeling is very sensitive and the protective barriers are weakened.

Retinoic peeling at home

There are a large number of ready-made formulations for using yellow peeling at home. These compounds have a gentle effect and a small concentration of retinoic acid. You can buy them in the form of masks, gel-like mass. The duration of the course will again depend on the condition of the skin, the desired result and the composition of the mask.

Before using yellow peeling, it will not be superfluous to consult a cosmetologist for recommendations on choosing the right composition and rehabilitation measures.

The stages of applying retinoic peeling at home are similar to the salon procedure. It is important to act strictly according to the recommendations in the instructions for the composition of the peeling and carry out the preparatory stage. To detect an allergic reaction, before applying the composition to the face, you need to do a test on your hand.

It is possible that the duration of the course and the frequency of sessions at home will differ from salon procedures. Post-peeling care consists in careful care and the use of protective agents from ultraviolet radiation.

The result of retinoic peeling will be noticeable changes in the skin condition:

  • tightness and elasticity;
  • clear contours;
  • minimizing wrinkles;
  • improvement of tone and evenness of tone;
  • brightening the complexion;
  • weakening or disappearance of pigmentation;
  • reduction of circles under the eyes;
  • "glow" of the skin;
  • velvety and healthy glow.

Yellow peeling allows you to visually rejuvenate the skin by 3-5 years and give the skin a healthy and even tone.