How to make a guy fall in love with you even more? Love spell by Cabot Tracy. Do not be intrusive and capricious. What not to do in the early stages of a relationship

We girls want attention, care and to be protected. I want love, and not just, but mutual, but sometimes we face a difficult question, how to fall in love with a guy we don’t know, or with whom we have known for a long time, if he doesn’t look at you yet, or even worse, he’s not free: in married or who has a girlfriend. You can’t order your heart, you want to have a loved one next to you. Don't be discouraged, there is always a way out - over the years, girls have tried different methods to make a guy fall in love with them, and these secrets are available to us too.

We make efforts on ourselves for the sake of our beloved guy

What do guys like in girls? Sexuality and femininity. When a girl becomes feminine, they look at her in a different way, since guys adore sweet and gentle representatives of the fair sex, against their background, men feel more courageous, because they want to be protected and protected. Simply put, it's in their physiology.

A sexy girl is capable of incredible things, it will not be difficult for her to fall in love with herself not only in 5-7 days, she can interest anyone in 2 hours and fill all their thoughts with one herself. But do not confuse sexuality with vulgarity, otherwise the process will be the opposite, imposing yourself will only repel you, and your image will be impious and easily accessible.

We change character for the better. We hide our bitchiness and irritability deep into ourselves and under lock and key. We are nice girls, with a good sense of humor (we know how to laugh at his jokes, but at the same time we don’t go too far ourselves - we don’t become clowns). This advice can or a husband, if your character played an important role in the breakup.

When we get to know each other, what is most remembered for one meeting, and how do we respond about people? For example, she was a good girl, she smiled so sweetly, and disposed to herself. Therefore, do not forget about a smile, it should become a business card, and if there are small problems with this, then you can whiten your teeth so that nothing fetters you.

AND helpful advice: there are people, when talking with whom, it’s unpleasant to communicate, since any of your proposals or ideas receive a negative opinion, such as: “well, I wouldn’t say that”, “I don’t think it’s exactly like that”, “but I look at it differently" and so on. And it's really repulsive. Be smarter, if you don't quite agree with the guy, answer better like this: "maybe you're right, I heard something like that", "interesting idea, but I think" and in this style; and believe me, you will win over anyone!!! And if people treat you well, then they are interested in talking with you, plus one point to win the heart of the guy they like. In a good scenario, this advice will help make a guy fall in love with you in one day or even in an evening, since it cannot help but notice that you both are similar in many ways.

10 tips on how to make any guy fall in love with you quickly and for a long time

Tips on how to fall in love with a guy you don't know or someone you rarely see

The first thing that can bring you closer is territorial proximity. Try to be in the same places where he is in order to catch his eye more often, so he will notice you. Not unimportant will be how you look, choose stylish or feminine outfits. Light makeup will add to your overall look.

Smile, do not hesitate to look into his eyes, “shoot with your eyes”, only so that he himself comes up to you to get acquainted. When meeting, be friendly, listen carefully, show that you are interested in all the heresy that he carries (it was also not easy for him to be the first to approach). And according to the knurled pattern - find common topics, agree on opinions, marvel at how much you have in common, and both agree on a meeting, even if it is not a date. Then follow the recommendations above.

How to make a married guy fall in love with you, or who has a girlfriend

If you decide to do this, then act only by white methods. Do not sink to meanness, spreading gossip about his soul mate, do not intrigue, do not slander, do not set up provocative situations. So you will not win anyone, but the reputation of a bad person will remain. His wife and just a girl did not deserve this.

There are three ingredients to success any wise wife knows them: the husband must be fed, sexually satisfied and have support in your face. If all three parts are fulfilled, then, as a rule, this is a happy family, without scandals and problems. Knowing this, you can manipulate a person. All couples quarrel, and they do it for some reason, which is directly or indirectly related to the listed components of the relationship.

Notice if he chokes on shop pies or semi-finished products, it means that he really misses the hostess, since no one likes to eat badly. By any chance possible, try to treat him with homemade food, it’s not for nothing that they say “a well-fed man is a satisfied man.”

You will talk, find common topics, understand that both have a lot in common. This is a good springboard for starting a friendship, and if you follow all the suggested tips, you can fall in love with your object of adoration.

He walks gloomy, downcast, and when he started talking with you, he beamed, then, most likely, there is a misunderstanding in his family. He has no one to talk to, he is not supported, and most importantly, he is not praised. For men, praise is very necessary, they feel their importance, so provide it to him. And he will put you on a pedestal among all women.

You can say a lot about the intimate component, intimacy is important for every guy, they need variety and not the shyness of girls, but rather the opposite. Due to the lack of all this, they themselves go to the side. If this suits you, then it is worth satisfying his urgent needs, you will become a goddess for him.

To take action or not is purely your business, there are times when a girl, and the question is already about who to prefer. Here the choice is more difficult.

how to make a guy fall in love with you at first sight?

It is difficult to answer unambiguously. This is the most unpredictable love. They either exist or they don’t, and they can fall in love both for beauty and for inner peace. As for the first, on the day when he sees you, you should shine with beauty, femininity and sexuality, otherwise no way. And the inner world needs to be constantly developed, read books, constantly learn new things, work on your feelings and character.

How to fall in love from a distance

And the real one? When a guy is far away, it is difficult to make you fall in love with yourself at a distance, except perhaps by correspondence. But this is subjective, in fact, people who are so close and similar in opinion, while corresponding with each other, may simply not like it and may not be suitable for a personal meeting.

Unfortunately, there is a large percentage of coincidence here, since in the lines we imagine ourselves better than we really are, or we want to seem different. If you nevertheless set your sights on success, then know that you should always praise the guy, take an interest in his life, his experiences and interests; put him at the head of all correspondence. He will appreciate it. Well, in the end, there is Skype, with which you can visually communicate, just get ready to look good in advance.

The suffering from unrequited love and the desire to get the most beautiful and smartest guy literally drives many girls crazy. Many believe that everything depends only on the actions of the stronger sex. However, in order to fall in love with a guy, you need to do a lot of work on yourself. Do not be afraid or embarrassed to take action. There are many tips to help you get the man you want.

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The young man will fall in love without even noticing how it happened. But not all men work standard love tricks. It all depends on the status, age of the object of adoration and other features.

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    If a guy is in a circle of friends, there is an opportunity to see him or correspond with him on social networks, or a girl studies or works with him, then it is much easier to attract attention. Most often, men choose as their favorite those ladies who are in their environment.

    It is much more difficult in a situation where the object of adoration lives in another city or he has a spouse. In this case, the girl has only social networks and fleeting meetings at her disposal.

    Social roles

    Although most of the representatives of the stronger sex say that the status of the girl is not important to them, the statistics say otherwise. The farther apart on the career ladder the partners are, the less common ground they have in common. It is much more difficult for a director to start a relationship with a simple technician, even if they work at the same enterprise and see each other in the canteen every day.

    Many will say, but what about the famous novels of directors and secretaries. The fact is that in this case we are talking only about an intimate relationship. Above the status of a mistress, such ladies can rarely rise. If we are talking about love, then status plays an important role for a man.

    Maximum useful information

    In order not to waste time, it is worth finding out at least the orientation of the object of adoration. There are situations when women seek the attention of a man who prefers same-sex relationships for years.

    You need to find out the interests, hobbies and hobbies of the young man you like. All this will help to become an ideal passion for him. If a man likes to read Dostoevsky, then you need to get acquainted with his most famous works, at least in a summary.

    Guys who are fond of sports, climbing and other extreme hobbies are preferred by the same active and fit women. If a man loves cars or football, then you will have to study all the latest automotive innovations and memorize the names of all the players of his favorite team.

    External Data

    The first thing a man looks at is the appearance of a woman. According to psychology, most of the stronger sex are visuals, so in order to arouse interest in the object of adoration, you need to learn how to use your femininity and beauty secrets.

    You need to find out what type of girls the guy likes the most. If he is a conservative, then he will not be impressed by a miniskirt and a deep neckline. Such guys like more restrained and mysterious ladies. If a man likes to go to clubs and have fun with a glass of something strong, then he probably likes more liberated women. Cutting-edge young people prefer to see their girlfriend in Gucci and Armani.

    It is worth finding out which girls the object of adoration met before. This will help to make a portrait of his type of ladies.

    • Always look well-groomed and tidy. This means that there should be no peeling polish on the nails, flickering on pantyhose, or eyeshadow clumps on the face.
    • Start hitting the gym, exercising at home, or going for a run in the morning.
    • Get rid of old clothes. Old greasy coats, mom's boots, worn-out sneakers and other unattractive things should be replaced with a new wardrobe. A girl in heels, dressed in stylish trousers and exhaling the aroma of a sexy perfume, looks seductive and attractive in the eyes of a man.

    The main indicator that a girl looks beautiful is passers-by men who cast admiring glances and make compliments. If others pay attention to the girl, then the chosen one will not miss his opportunity.


    To win over a young man quickly and without fail, you need to understand that with boring and dull people everyone will feel bored. Love and joy from communication are very close, so you need to radiate positive energy in a conversation or correspondence with a guy.

    Don't complain about school or work. It is better to tell the young man what positive aspects the lady sees in her activities. If a young man is fond of numerous hobbies, then the girl must be an interesting and versatile person. Few people are interested in communicating with a person who spends his free time lying on the couch. It is desirable that the hobbies coincide with the interests of the guy.

    Self confidence

    To interest a guy, it’s not enough to work on his appearance and start getting involved in a variety of hobbies. You need to be confident in yourself and your actions. It should be visible to others. Self-confident people who know how to laugh at themselves and easily step over all obstacles are more attractive.

    But don't get arrogant. No need to talk about your beauty or success. It turns people off. You need to behave confidently, but in such a way that the man notices this and himself notes the stunning appearance and mental abilities of the lady.


    Most breakups between partners, according to men, are due to the fact that ladies become gloomy and are constantly looking for reasons to quarrel. Partly it is. The representatives of the stronger sex love ease in relationships, so a girl who is ready for adventure is more likely to interest the guy she likes. Don't be afraid of something new. Men love to get out of their comfort zone. If a guy offers to ride a unicycle, go hiking, or learn how to dance the foxtrot, you should not refuse and say that this is stupid.

    Girls who love to fool around and are not shy about looking stupid make men feel tender. An arrogant lady who is afraid to smile or make a face once again is less likely to make a guy fall in love with her. Therefore, you should not date a guy with a stone face. If you want to gesticulate, laugh out loud and tell stupid jokes, you should not deny yourself this. But do not overdo it and forget about your sexuality and body language.

    Gestures and postures

    These are important elements that will help to quickly arouse tender feelings in a young person. Guys pay attention to body movements. Even before the girl begins to speak, the sign language will interest the young man.

    There are several ways to impress a guy:

    • Look into his eyes. A fleeting glance and an embarrassed smile attract attention. However, do not look straight ahead, a few seconds are enough, after which you need to lower your eyes, as if the girl is embarrassed that she is paying attention.
    • Don't cross your arms over your chest. This is a closed posture, which means that the person is closed to communication. Therefore, it is worth keeping your hands on your sides or gesticulating, then the guy will quickly feel a connection with the lady.
    • Keep your back straight. A stooped girl, even if she is dressed to the brim, looks rude and does not cause a desire to take the first step towards acquaintance. If you keep your back straight, then the guy will understand that the girl is confident in herself.
    • Tilt your head slightly. During a conversation, this gesture means interest.

    Be special to a guy

    A man must understand that a girl is unique in her kind and he will not find another like her. Therefore, you should not stick to any one role. You need to be yourself. If a lady is shy, then do not be afraid to show it. Men love women who are not ready to open their souls to the first comer. Let the guy see that the girl trusted only him.

    Today it is difficult to meet an honest partner for building a serious relationship. It is worth being frank with a guy, then he will understand that the lady is different from the rest of the mass of girls who constantly lie or tell stories about themselves.

    How to make a pen pal fall in love with you?

    There are many examples of how lovers met on the Internet. In the age of technology, this is not surprising, because it is much easier to write an email and find out all the necessary information about a person than to communicate in real life.

    There are 10 tips that will help you fall in love with a young man by correspondence:

    It is known that love is not always mutual. Often the guy you like in response does not show any interest. However, there are many ways to draw attention to yourself and even, perhaps, make you fall in love.

    However, these things should not be hasty. You won’t achieve reciprocal sympathy because of excessive shyness, therefore, if you really want to fall in love with a guy, you should at least temporarily learn to be proactive.

    It is unlikely that you can fall in love with a guy you like without having at least approximate knowledge in the field of male psychology. So let's list a few of their inherent features that experts in the field of relations distinguish.

    10 proven ways to fall in love with yourself

    Relationships can be motivated in many ways. So how do you make a guy fall in love with you? The ten most effective methods are listed below.

    Acquaintance by correspondence

    The first attempts to attract a girl's boyfriend usually start through social networks. The advantages of this method are clear. People enter all information about themselves into their accounts.

    In the process of correspondence, you can get to know each other well. Showing virtual signs of attention while at home is not so scary. By the way, you can order a professional photo session and post photos on the Internet. Beautiful images attract the opposite sex.

    How to fall in love with a guy by correspondence at a distance? If you started a constant correspondence, then you should talk more about yourself and ask about the hobbies of the chosen one.

    A close acquaintance can develop into a good friendship. And friendship between a man and a woman, as you know, does not happen.

    If you take the first step, acquaintance will definitely develop into a relationship.

    In general, strictly speaking, the correspondence should not last long. In a relationship, live communication is much more important. Therefore, it is best to put down the phone, close the laptop and go together, for example, to the skating rink. Who knows, maybe the next meeting will be a full date.

    How to make a classmate fall in love with you

    School years are the time of first love, timid kisses, skipping classes together. At the age of 13-15, teenagers call girls on first dates. But how to make the young man you like invite you? Here are some tips on how to make a guy fall in love with you at school:

    Most importantly, do not limit yourself to half hints, glances and some insignificant signs of sympathy. Often, girls who are faced with a misunderstanding begin to complex and worry that the guy did not like it.

    However, most likely, he simply did not pay attention to the hints. After all, even experienced adult men often miss such things.

    How to make your ex love you again

    It's no secret that many relationships end in a breakup. However, after a short break from each other, people who have cooled down after a quarrel again have affection. Often girls are looking for ways to get their ex back.

    To begin with, you should once again think carefully about whether you need to restore the relationship again. And will it be possible to keep them for a long time. Then be sure to analyze the causes of the past gap and work on the mistakes.

    You can start talking again with the help of mutual friends. Friends will arrange a meeting, they may even hint to the former that the breakup was a mistake.

    If the quarrel occurred due to some of your shortcomings, then you can simply correct yourself, apologize, talk.

    In any case, you should not try to restore relations with the help of intrigues. There is no need for pretense and humiliation. Be natural, and when the opportunity presents itself, just tell the man directly that you still care about him. Usually these words are the most powerful. Or at least keep your ex's respect.

    Use of love potions and love spells

    Desperate to get a loved one, women quite often resort to various occult practices. However, even if love magic really exists, then relationships built on a love spell are unlikely to end in something good.

    On TV, more than once they talked about the terrible consequences of witchcraft. No wonder it was banned for many centuries.

    Therefore, it is best not to turn to love spells, especially since the effectiveness of such a practice has not yet been proven.

    The influence of the zodiac sign on the character of a man

    You can learn about the character of a man by the sign of the zodiac. Even psychologists recognize that the date of birth plays a role in shaping a person's personality. Indeed, many, reading about the character traits inherent in the sign of the zodiac, begin to follow them on a subconscious level:

    When studying a young man you like, you should not limit yourself to information about the zodiac sign, because all people are individual, despite some common features.

    Signs that a guy is in love

    It often happens that a guy already has certain feelings for a girl, but is afraid to take a step towards her. However, the girl does not see signs of love in the behavior of the gentleman and is very upset.

    In order not to make this mistake, you should remember a few characteristic features of the behavior of a guy in whose heart a cherished feeling arose.

    1. The young man is worried, begins to do stupid things when he meets you. During a conversation, he cannot find the right words, often blushes;
    2. A guy in love will look for a meeting with you, but at the same time he may not decide to invite his beloved on a date;
    3. Another sign of falling in love is an increased interest in you. If you find out that a guy learned something about you from friends, it means that he likes you;
    4. A lover is always ready to help and tries to be near.

    Even if he is afraid to invite you on a date, you can help him with a more understandable hint or even take the initiative into your own hands.

    What to do after you manage to fall in love with a guy

    So, you managed to evoke reciprocal feelings in your chosen one. However, at this stage, the question may arise, but, in fact, what to do next. How do you get the idea to start dating? And how to behave on a date?

    Do not rush things. The guy himself will eventually decide to confess his feelings to you, especially since you have already given him enough hints confirming your sympathy.

    If you do not want to wait, you can directly ask him if you like me? It is unlikely that even the most modest young man in love will answer this question in the negative. Then the question of a date will be decided by itself.

    When meeting, you should behave as naturally as possible. There is no need to bother yourself with some behavior patterns, but you can take into account several mistakes, unfortunately, often made by women in relationships with men.

    1. No need to be too categorical and persistent. If a guy canceled a date, then he has good reasons for this. Roll up a scandal about this is not worth it;
    2. Control yourself, jealousy and tears push guys away;
    3. Do not be touchy: already on the first date, let him kiss you, and after a couple of months it is quite possible to think about greater intimacy.

    Summing up

    Real human feelings are so complex that it is simply not possible to describe them in a small article. But in a relationship, one most important rule can be distinguished - in any situation, always remain yourself. The best way to attract a guy you like is to be natural in communicating with him.

    There are some more tips in the next video.

    Let's face it - there is no guarantee that every guy in the world will fall in love with you. However, there are things that will interest a guy, because of which he will want to get to know you better, and this is not far from falling in love. Do you dream of getting a guy who has been eyed for a long time, or just want to become a girl that absolutely all guys will like? If you want guys to fall in love with you, this article is for you.


    Work on yourself

      Love your looks. To love you, a guy needs to admire you both inside and out, but it's easiest to start with what's on the outside. If you love your appearance and are proud of it, it will be noticeable, and the guy will appreciate your appearance. If you are not happy with the way you look, you should work on your attitude towards yourself and only after that think about how to attract a guy.

      Flirt with him. If you want a guy to fall in love with you, you will need to show your interest through flirting. Don't do too much - just joke around, tease him, be playful.

      Let him see what makes you special. If a guy falls in love with you, he will have to be sure that you are special, otherwise why did he fall in love with you and not with someone else? Show him that you are a unique person who is worth loving.

      • Be yourself. He needs to see who you really are, even if you seem to be a nerd, shy, or just afraid to open up to another person. He cannot love you if he does not know you.
      • Be frank with him. Tell him about your dreams and fears. This should be done only when you get to know each other better. If you've always wanted to be a chef or a party planner, it's worth telling him about it.
      • Tell him about your hobbies. Let him know what you get up in the morning for, whether it be learning French, volunteering at a homeless shelter, or hanging out with friends.

    How to pique his interest

    1. Date other guys if you're not already in a relationship. One way to get a guy interested in you is to show him that you like other men as well. This doesn't mean you should flirt with other guys right in front of him or try to make him jealous. Just go on dates with other men if you're not already dating him.

      • If he doesn't like it, say that you would be happy to date only him. Don't stop dating until it's clear that he doesn't plan on dating any more girls.
    2. Take an interest in them. If you want him not to lose interest in you, you yourself will have to work hard. He needs to see that he is important to you as a person. After all, you yourself want to fall in love, right? You can show your interest in the following ways:

      • When you interact with him, ask questions about his personal life. Ask him to tell you about his childhood, about his family, about his origins.
      • Take an interest in his studies or work. If he likes history or science, try to start conversations about these topics, and not brush them off.
      • Ask for his opinion. Find out what he thinks about everything from your new outfit to world events. Let him see that his opinion matters to you.
      • Learn to understand his mood. Be ready to lend support if he's had a hard day.
    3. Give him compliments. There is no need to overwhelm him with praise so that he understands that he is important to you, but from time to time nice things are still worth saying. Praise him personally by sending an SMS message or leaving a note. He will understand that you admire him.

      Be an interesting person. If you want him to continue to admire you, you must not only remind him that he is important to you, but also show that you are a smart girl with whom you can talk about everything in the world. If he feels attraction only on the physical plane or spends time with you because you are a cheerful girl, his love will quickly pass.

    How to keep love

    1. Maintain your independence. You may think that a guy will continue to love you if he sees you every minute of every day, but in reality it should be the other way around. Your boyfriend is more likely to love you longer if he sees that you have your own life, your friends, that you can spend time by yourself.

      • Don't try to fit your schedule around the guy's schedule. Continue to play sports, meet friends, pursue your hobbies. If you drop everything to be near him, he will decide that you do not value your personal goals.
      • You and your boyfriend don't have to have the same friends. Keep dating your girlfriends and let him date his friends. If you communicate with different people separately, your relationship will only benefit from this.
      • Keep going about your business. He will reach out to you even more if he knows that you have a busy schedule, and you can not always make time for him.
    2. Avoid routine. If you want the guy not to lose interest in you, you will need to come up with something all the time. Don't do the same thing every day because he will get bored with it. Relationships should always be exciting and new, no matter how long you've been together.

      • Be a happy person. Don't worry if he doesn't confess his love to you in the first month. In general, it will be better if he does not, because when he finally utters these words, it will be clear that he is serious.
      • Be yourself and love yourself. If he doesn't like you for who you are, he's not worth your attention.
      • Joke, show the guy that you are a funny person, that you have a great life and great friends. Depression and constant sadness are unlikely to fuel his interest.
      • In order for the guy to understand that you like him, clearly hint at it.
      • Look into his eyes and flirt with him. Meet as often as possible so he knows you have a place in your heart for him.
      • Don't rush things. It is worth hurrying up with a declaration of love, as a guy can be afraid of such an influx of feelings and retreat.
      • Don't be too intrusive. You don't want to lose him before you start a relationship. If it is not possible to see each other often, cherish the time that you have.


      • Don't spend too much time with him. He needs time for himself and also for his friends.
      • Don't change completely just for someone to love you. You can lose your sense of self, and if things don't work out, you will feel lost.
      • Don't rush things. Let everything take its course.
      • Straightforwardness is not always good, some guys are shocked by it.
      • If he does not respond to your flirting, then he is not interested in you. Don't be discouraged, move on - soon you will surely meet a great guy.

    Your soul has blossomed: butterflies flutter in your stomach, you are drawn to lyrics and romance. The world began to be full of bright colors, and you yourself look like a spring girl. And it's not about global warming, you just fell in love. This is a plus.

    And the downside is that the object of your adoration is completely unaware of this. Even hinting to a guy that you like him is not enough courage. So how can you make him fall in love with you so that the feeling becomes mutual?

    What is he - the object of your adoration

    How do you rate your chances of winning a man? If you are interested in this article, then it is probably low - overgrown with a bunch of complexes, absolutely not self-confident.

    And at this time, pretty girls are constantly spinning around your man, who are trying to please him and at least somehow arouse sympathy. Now look at him from the side - this will give you an idea of ​​how to win him over.

    His perception of the world according to the representational system

    There is nothing complicated about this - you just need to find out “where is his button”: which organ works more powerfully for him - eyes, ears or fingers. And about the organ that you thought about, there will be a separate chapter.

    Here, for example, is how he conducts a conversation with that woman who revolves around him. Where does his eye fall first?

      He "runs his eyes" along her figure.

      He listens with interest, looking into the eyes of the interlocutor.

      Shamelessly can touch her.

    In the first case, this does not mean that he is a lustful male, rather, he is a visual, who, when communicating, must evaluate the whole picture of what is happening in volume.

    In the second case, he is auditory, and every word said by the interlocutor is important to him.

    And in the third case, he is a kinesthetic who perceives the world through touch.

    Who is he psychologically

    This is also important, not even so much to win him over, but for yourself: maybe you fell in love with the wrong person, and the first impression is wrong. Well, yes, handsome, interesting, but what about his character? Even if you manage to achieve his "hand and heart", then will he not finish you off with his tricks?

      Choleric. Loud, fussy, despotic, in women he appreciates submission - to his majesty, the king. Wrangler and rowdy. There is always a lot of it.

      Sanguine. In general, a good guy, moderately fussy and moderately calm. It's easy with him - he is a merry fellow, the soul of the company.

      Phlegmatic person. Calm, restrained, laconic. It’s comfortable next to him, although some consider him a silent beech.

      Melancholic. Women always feel sorry for such a fool. He likes to complain about fate that he cannot achieve anything in life, and often blames someone else for this.

    So think about it, is it worth starting a relationship with such a man, does his psychotype fit your character? Will a choleric person overwhelm you, and is it worth it for a melancholic boy to wipe his snot? And how to behave with a phlegmatic person if your life is in full swing, and this man will not show his nose from home once again?

    love yourself

    Why do you think you don't have much of a chance? Why are other girls not afraid to get attention from your lover? Let's do your internal and external audit first.

    Appearance - from figure to hairstyle

    As for body volumes, a stereotype has become stronger among women that no one needs fat women, and they can only fall in love with their own cat. Male sympathy can be addressed to exceptionally slender girls with a chiseled figure.

    Plump women can be given standard advice in order to achieve at least a tolerable figure: if your fullness is ugly, then go on a diet and go to the gym. This really makes you thin. If you are too lazy, and there are a lot of excuses, then you can doubt your main goal - to fall in love with a man.

    As for appearance, thank God that in all times and countries women are allowed to adorn themselves, at least with the help of the same cosmetics. And there is no shortage. She smeared freckles, lengthened cilia, painted lips and is already a beauty.

    And of course hair, manicures, pedicures. Even if the guy is far from visual, he, like any man, will still not miss a single female detail on a woman's body. Especially when it comes to bed.

    your inner world

    It will not be about the features of your character - it is already difficult for an adult to change it. It's about learning how to win over a guy based on his interests and personal likes.

    Find out what he likes and what his hobbies are: let's say he likes dogs, computer games and outdoor recreation. This is what you should fill your inner world with now before you start communicating with the goal of pleasing a guy.

    Get yourself a cute dog, start playing the same computer game that he likes. And for sure, after you tightly enter his social circle, you will definitely go with him to the campground. And it is there that you will do everything so that he invites you to walk with him along the forest path.

    Just come on now without “la-la”: why do I need a dog, and I don’t like the forest! After all, your goal is to achieve his disposition for further relationships, and not from him! So act: change, based on his sympathies and tastes.

    Well, if you have already studied your boyfriend enough and are already ready to woo him, both internally and externally, then it's time for you to act. But the only way to do it so that he offered to meet, not you. You just need to push him to it.

    So, your first steps towards rapprochement:

      Try to be the first to start a conversation. Speaking of voice, this is important for auditory people. If you talk "fashionably" by changing your voice to the timbre of a little girl, you will scare him rather than arouse sympathy. Be natural.

      You can talk about anything, but the main thing is the topic. For example, you go to the same gym with him. Ask him to explain to you how to use this strange machine that looks like a rack.

      When talking, you need to behave easily and naturally. Somewhere joke, if you can. And if everything is “flat” with humor, then at least laugh at his jokes - he will be flattered. And in general - listen to him carefully, you will learn a lot of new things.

      Word for word, and you can at least make friends at first. And then, “completely unexpectedly” for him, during the conversation it turns out that you have a lot in common: both the dog of the same breed and the tents inspire both.

      If suddenly he tries to lure you into the next foray into nature, then rejoice, but do not twitch - everything has its time. For now, you just need to hint to him about a meeting without tents and overnight stays: I agree to a date - to take a walk somewhere in the evening, but there is no time for hiking yet.

      At least invite him to start a correspondence on the Internet: you will look at his page for photos of his tent camps, think about whether it is worth rushing to nature with his company, and then you will give an answer.

    Scared to take the first step? Do not be afraid, because your goal is to please the guy, so you need to be brave. If he does not immediately make contact, then at least you will learn how to use this “rack”.

    Five minutes to a couple

    Let's say you still managed to achieve his location and attract attention. Friendly meetings became more frequent, and he still managed to like you. There are a few steps left: strengthen the relationship, fight off the competition and win his heart.

    Strengthen relationships

    If you have already struck a guy with interests similar to him, then you should not stop there. Like any girl, you have your own hobbies with which you can pleasantly surprise him.

    For example, cooking. You have no equal in how you know how to cook vegetables on a fire. Or remember how the heroine Muravyova in the film "The Most Charming and Attractive" brought confectionery delights to her male colleagues in order to charm one of her colleagues.

    And you also have a “killer” and not quite feminine hobby. For example, extreme sports. You go rock climbing or ride a horse. Yes, at least on the rollers you make such “pretzels” that the professional will envy.

    Try to lure your boyfriend into your extreme hobby. If he hesitates to admit that he, as a boy, is
    not on the shoulder, then at least he will try to repeat everything after you - and this is still a tactile contact: to be in the same bundle, or to roller skate hand in hand.

    The more often such meetings on hobbies, the greater the chance to arouse sympathy. An evening cup of coffee in a cafe with a pleasant conversation will further strengthen the feelings between you. Thus, you will let him know that even a girl like you can become a faithful and best friend - and this is a huge step towards mutual love.

    Defuse competitors

    How do women usually try to get attention? Of course, by yourself! Antics, coquetry, their lovely volumes and other ladies' stuff. But in pursuit of ideal beauty, they often forget that all these efforts are needed not for narcissism, but in order to please a man.

    So these dolls sit alone, offended by the entire male gender that they did not choose her, the beauty. But each of them did not think about the most important thing: that in order to really please a man, in addition to yourself, you also need to cherish and cherish him.

    Therefore, there is no need to bring yourself to perfection. Small errors in appearance are not only allowed, but also play into your hands. So you will look much more natural among the artificial glossy glamour. Moreover, it is some shortcomings that give individuality.

    But there are tricks that imperceptibly set off the "doll" competitors from a real woman. Well, for example, imagine a party.

      High for kinesthetic. A well-chosen fabric in an outfit is not just a convenience for a woman. During a slow dance, a man will enjoy hugging his partner. Yes, and open areas of the skin of a woman should be tender and elastic. That is why your boyfriend will have a desire to invite you to the dance.

      Company conversation. In a general conversation, one should not be an upstart. If the party has gained momentum, then you should not show your intelligence by shouting over all the shrill fools in order to achieve universal admiration. Insert your 5 cents if they are in place.

      Conversation with a lover. Here it is more attentive - once again you should not remain silent, especially if competitors are spinning nearby. Just take the guy aside under some pretext to talk to him alone.

      Don't talk nasty things about others. Communication should not be translated into insulting the personalities of competitors. You can just say a couple of phrases in this vein: “She doesn’t quite understand everything yet, so she’s a little naive!”, Or “She just wants to please you, that’s why she behaves so ridiculously!” It seems that she did not offend, but she lowered the competitor one step lower.

      Don't skimp on compliments. The man will be pleased. Let competitors see only themselves alone, and you see a person in a man. Tell him some nice words about his appearance and wonderful character traits. He will melt.

      Induce jealousy. For a guy to be completely fascinated by you, and not by competitors, do not forget to seduce other guys as well. Do not direct all your attention to him alone: ​​do not stop communicating in the circle of men - somewhere flashing erudition, and somewhere flashing your knee from under the slit of the dress.

    Win his heart

    If you did everything right, and even relying on your own intuition, then consider that you have already managed to achieve your goal. Your relationship has reached the level where the border between friendship and love is practically erased.

    If your lover behaves in the same way as with his best friend, then it's time for you to hint to the guy on a more serious relationship. There will be nothing terrible if you touch his hand somewhere else or hug him - no one has yet canceled the sign language.

    The candy-bouquet period implies meetings in private, so try to communicate with the guy as far away from the crowd as possible. Thus, dates will become much more intimate, and conversations more frank, which will allow him to get to know you more from all the positive sides, which means that he will fall in love with you even more.

    Trust and care for each other - that's what should be the basis during courtship. Even if you are colleagues with him, and your boyfriend is in disgrace with the boss, you should take his side, and not the side of the boss, even if the boss is right. Betrayal will instantly destroy everything you built.

    But be prudent until your feelings are fixed by marriage, do not think that he is completely in your submission. Jealousy, tantrums, restriction of his freedom - this is all that will turn your man 180 degrees.

    Finally, an unusual technique

    Let's do a thought experiment.

    Imagine that you have the superpower to "read" men. Like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man - and you immediately know everything about him and understand what is on his mind. You would be able to get any man and have an ideal relationship and would hardly be reading this article now in search of a solution to your problem.

    Who said it's impossible? Of course, you won’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

    We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a PhD in Psychology, and her methodology has helped many girls to have perfect relationships and feel loved.

    If interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 seats specifically for our website visitors.

    Advice Execution
    At first, pay maximum attention to the person of the young manYou need to ask him questions about his tastes, hobbies, work, etc. If he himself is trying to find out information about the lady, you should not reveal all the cards at once, but you can’t answer with monosyllabic sentences
    Admire his successes and achievementsEven the smallest victories must be celebrated
    Look for interesting topics to talk aboutFor example, you can invite a guy to watch the same movie and after a few hours write off again to discuss it.
    Conduct yourself with dignityWith virtual communication, many behave more liberated and sometimes overdo it, so you should not overstep the boundaries. Men do not like vulgarity in the early stages of a relationship
    Don't be intrusiveIt is recommended to disappear from the network for a few days so that the guy starts to get bored
    Don't make conditionsIt must be remembered that the guy does not owe anything to the girl with whom he just texts. Therefore, you should not complain to him if he added a photo from the party or liked another girl
    Don't be overprotectiveYou should not be interested in whether the young man has eaten or put on a hat when leaving the house. A guy should not treat a girl like a mother
    Can't control a manIf he did not respond to the message or disappeared from the network for several days, you should behave as if nothing had happened
    Don't mess up communicationAny relationship needs to evolve, so you need to make an effort to move from virtual conversations to real ones.
    Develop as a person