How to make fashionable ripped shorts from jeans. Making your own shorts from old jeans

Useful tips

12 birthmarks and moles beautifully covered with tattoos

Jeans- a piece of everyday clothing that almost everyone wears. Denim or denim has become so popular that today denim can be seen everywhere.

The main merit of this wonderful material is strength and durability, which is why the old jeans that you are tired of do not have to be thrown away. Denim can be made into a wide variety of items, from recycled other garments to dainty accessories, jewelry, rugs, pillows, and more.

We offer you some tips on how update old jeans or turn them into another item of clothing.

How to make ripped jeans

The biggest problem with old jeans is that they end up they just get bored. After a while, even your favorite jeans want to be replaced with new ones or at least updated. If you feel bad about throwing away weird jeans, use the following tips: by remaking them.

As you know, jeans are the only item of clothing on which holes will not look indecent. On the contrary, many jeans owners love to rip their jeans. Surprisingly, holey jeans always look very stylish.

To work you will need:

- Old jeans

Chalk or thin bar of soap

- Scissors

Let's get started:

1) Lay your jeans out on a flat surface. Mark with soap or chalk the stripes where you suspect make incisions. It is better to think about their location in advance so that there are no unpleasant surprises. Then, using scissors, start making cuts.

2) When all the cuts are ready, pull out from the edges several threads to give the impression of wear and tear. Can you wash jeans? in a washing machine and dryer, then the threads will stretch out on their own.

3) You can make cuts along the entire length of the legs on both sides, or you can make cuts only in a few places.

4) The slits on the jeans can be left as is, or you can add a small detail: sew lace on the inside.

How to dye jeans

To make old jeans look new, you can dye them, and the pattern depends on your imagination. Original version - drawing on a space theme.

To work you will need:

- Old jeans (dark color)

Spray bottle with bleach in the proportion of 2 parts bleach to 1 part cold water

Acrylic paints of different colors

Old toothbrush

- Small containers for mixing paints

Let's get started:

1) Lay the jeans on the floor, spreading a protective film first.

2) Spray the jeans with bleach in different places. Be careful not to spray too much. Wait until they appear orange spots(a few seconds) and then spray more if you wish to intensify the stains.

3) Mix first batch of paints and start using a sponge to apply it around the orange spots. Rinse the sponge periodically to ensure the colors are not too uniform. You can experiment with color.

4) Do the same with the other side.

5) Highlight some places white paint.

6) To make stars, use liquid white paint diluted with water, and an old toothbrush. Dip the brush into the paint and then use your finger to spray it into some areas. You will get star clusters.

7) Repeat all procedures on the reverse side, and then pay attention to places around seams. Treat them with paint and bleach as well.

8) Wait for the paint to dry well (about a day). Your new jeans are ready!

Decorating jeans with beads

You can decorate your old jeans to give them a completely new look. rhinestones and beads. One option is to add beads to the bottom of the jeans.

To work you will need:

- Old jeans (preferably tight ones)

Beads and rhinestones of different shapes



- Needle and thread

Let's get started:

1) Using a ruler, measure the edge of the jeans and fold them several times to the desired length. Carefully use a needle and thread sew the edge so that it does not turn around.

2) Sew one at a time beads in random order. Think about the pattern in advance. Combine large beads with smaller ones.

3) Rhinestones can be glued using glue.

The decorations are ready!

Jeans with a pattern

Jeans with original designs are always in fashion, but not everyone knows that you can make designs yourself using felt-tip pens for fabrics or paint with a stencil. A very easy way to use regular old lace instead of a stencil.

To work you will need:

- Old jeans (preferably white or light)

Felt pens for fabrics of different colors


- Lace

Let's get started:

Jeans with a similar pattern should wash only in cold water, and also do not dry them in a machine. Fabric markers are wash-resistant, so if you use regular paper markers, they may damage the fabric after washing.

1) Get started from the bottom edge. Insert the cardboard into the leg to prevent the design from imprinting on the other side.

2) Place the lace on top; you can secure it to the pant leg with pins. Think over what colors will you use.

3) Draw a picture dotted through lace along the contours.

5) After completing the drawing, remove the lace, you should get something like this:

6) You can combine several colors. Thus apply drawings along the entire length of the jeans and on the reverse side.

The drawing is ready!

Another easy way to apply a pattern to jeans is using a stencil and liquid paint for fabric.

To work you will need:

- Old jeans

Fabric paint

Stencil in the form of a flower


- Sponge

Let's get started:

1) Attach the stencil to the jeans using tape.

2) Using sponges apply paint.

3) Paint may be applied unevenly, e.g. in some places more intense, then the effect will be very original.

4) Draw a picture in different places of jeans at both sides. At the end you can make a small stroke with a brush: draw leaves.

5) The drawing is ready. Let it dry well and you can put it on updated jeans!

Shorts made from old jeans

One of the most common wardrobe items that come from old jeans are shorts. They are the easiest to make. To do this, you just need to arm yourself with scissors and carefully measure everything in advance. We invite you to learn how to do original stylish shorts made from old jeans bleached in solution.

To work you will need:

- Old jeans



Bucket or other container

- Bleach

Let's get started:

1) Using scissors cut off the legs of jeans to make shorts. You should cut slightly at an angle.

2) Hang the shorts on a hanger and place them in a bucket of bleach for about by 1/3 for 3 minutes.

3) Leave the shorts to dry about an hour and then rinse them in clean water and leave to dry for the night. As they dry, the whitening will become more noticeable.

4) Trim the edges of the shorts using scissors to create small fringe.

5) You can also do cuts.

6) As a result, the top of the shorts will remain blue, and bottom – white.

Some tips for working with bleach:

When working with bleach, always use latex gloves to protect the skin of your hands.

Work with bleach on the street or on the balcony to inhale as little toxic fumes as possible.

Always water with bleach flush down the drain immediately after work.

It is better not to bleach stretch denim as it is mixed with spandex, a material that can produce an undesirable yellow color when bleached.

Before bleaching your jeans, carefully study the material. If it has a yellowish tint in light areas, it is likely that the yellowness will remain after bleaching.

Sometimes some indigo paints may acquire during bleaching yellow tint.

Try bleaching first piece of test material. If you just made shorts, you can test the bleach on a cut leg.

You should not expect that after bleaching the fabric will become perfect white color. If you want this exact color, you should use a special white fabric dye.

The threads that were used to sew the product may not react to bleach and may remain the same color as at the beginning.

Short denim shorts

The shorts do not have to be cut straight and then fringed, although this is the easiest way. For example, you can do something like this original processed edges:

To work you will need:

- Old jeans



Cardboard and paper

Sewing machine

- Pins

Let's get started:

1) First, prepare template for patterned edge. To do this, use a piece of cardboard, paper and a pencil.

2) Pin the pattern to the legs and cut off the bottom of the jeans according to the drawing.

3) Process using a sewing machine hems of shorts to prevent fringe from forming.

Denim shorts with lace

If regular cut-off denim shorts are too boring for you, you can dress them up original parts, for example, with lace like this. Lace, as you know, looks very stylish with denim.

To work you will need:

- Denim shorts



Needle and thread

- Pins

Let's get started:

1) Cut off the edges of the shorts triangles as shown in the photo.

2) Cut from lace two triangular parts so that they cover the cut out triangles. Attach them with pins.

3) Using a needle and thread, carefully sew lace to shorts, hiding the stitches.

You can also trim it with lace shorts pockets.

Skirt made from old jeans

Skirts are often made from old jeans. They are a little more difficult to make than shorts and require more patience. There are several options for making skirts from old jeans. The easiest way is to sew flounces made of another material to the top. We are offering to you example of a children's skirt. Using the same principle, you can sew a skirt for adults.

Option 1:

To work you will need:

- Old jeans


Cotton or other suitable material

Needle and thread


- Sewing machine

Let's get started:

1) Old jeans are completely cut off the pant legs.

2) In the end you should succeed basis for a future skirt.

3) Prepare two strips of fabric for flounces, length about 1 and 1.5 meters. The width of the stripes will depend on the desired length of the skirt. Sew both edges of each strip using a sewing machine. These are blanks for shuttlecocks. One of them, which will go to the bottom, should be longer. The photo shows three strips, two of which will be sewn together to create one long strip.

4) Sew the flounce along the length double line. Do the same with the other shuttlecock.

5) Then pull out one of the threads of the stitch to assemble the skirt. Don't pull it too tight, try the ruffle on the denim base so that it matches its width and can be easily sewn to it.

6) Attach the flounce to the denim base using pins along the very edge.

7) Using a sewing machine, sew the flounce to the base, stitching it from the inside.

8) The second flounce is sewn on to the edge of the first. It is much longer than the first one, so you should also tighten the thread so that it matches the width of the edge of the first shuttlecock.

9) Process the edge of the second shuttlecock using sewing machine.

Option 2:

For the second version of a skirt made from old jeans you will need not one, but two pairs of pants. This original skirt looks very unusual and is especially suitable for those who want to hide less than perfect legs.

To work you will need:

- Old jeans (2 pairs)



- Sewing machine

Let's get started:

1) Cut off the first pair of jeans that will be the basis for the future skirt. internal seams, opening them. There is no need to touch the external seams on the sides.

2) On the reverse side, cut out the old seam until until the curved part ends

A skirt made from old jeans is ready!

By the way, instead of the second pair of jeans, you can use some original cotton material, making inserts from it in front and behind, which looks very impressive.

Denim shorts are a trend this season, but this does not mean that they will go out of fashion next year. Some pieces, like cropped jeans, remain stylish at all times.

In many boutiques, such items of clothing are unreasonably expensive, often more expensive than the denim trousers themselves. But you can get such a fashionable item almost for free by making it yourself and with your own hands from old jeans, which, most likely, are in every woman’s wardrobe. And it’s a shame to throw them away, since they haven’t worn out yet, and it’s no longer fashionable to wear such models.

Which jeans to choose for shorts?

Not every base is suitable for short pants. Pants that are too baggy and loose will result in the same shorts. It is unlikely that you will feel comfortable in them.

Too tight will result in an overly narrow product. Just imagine that the bodice and trousers tightly fit your body, and in the places where they end, your legs will look somewhat swollen and puffy. It was as if your body had been squeezed out of your clothes by an incomprehensible mass.

Stretch jeans are also not the best option for converting them into women's shorts. The fabric contains plastic threads and elastic bands, which, when cut, tend to twist and pull the entire fabric along with it. If you don’t want to suffer with constantly curling trouser legs, then avoid stretch jeans.

The best option for making fashionable shorts from old jeans can only be 100% denim trousers with straight, slightly tight legs. By the way, khaki pants can also be turned into shorts, the main thing is that they also consist of cotton, which can be checked by the label.

What should be the length of denim shorts?

Before determining the length of a future wardrobe item, you need to tidy up the old one. Most likely, the jeans that you chose to have the cutting operation performed on them have been lying around for a long time (at best, washed) without use. Therefore, in order for them to settle slightly and the shorts obtained from them not to be shorter than the selected size, it is necessary to wash the trousers in any available way and dry them thoroughly.

Only then can you begin to determine the length of the new product. And it can be completely different. From old jeans you can get:

  • Capri. To do this, you need to put on old jeans and determine where your mid-calf is and leave a mark on the product at this place. Capri pants look original with both sandals and heels. Therefore, if you do not want any drastic changes, slightly shortening the legs is just the thing for you. For this solution, the best option may be tube jeans or even well-fitting denim trousers.
  • Bermuda. Their length is up to or above the knee by a couple of centimeters. This is a completely stylish and comfortable solution for every day. Both loose-fitting denim trousers and slightly tight ones are suitable for them.
  • A classic of the genre – medium-length shorts. That is, those short pants that are about 8 - 12 cm above the knee are made shorter only by the most daring, and longer - they turn out to be something similar to Bermuda shorts. Even heavily worn jeans are suitable for this option - it will even look more impressive - with scuffs and holes on the knee of the legs.
  • Short shorts. As mentioned above, this is for the bravest with beautifully contoured legs. Nowadays there are many lovely creatures who wear shorts that are too short. Such that the burlap pockets are visible from under the legs. The question immediately arises: why are pockets needed if you can’t even put a handkerchief in them? So when choosing the length of denim shorts, pay attention to such little things.

How to cut old jeans to shorts at home?

In order to cut old trousers, strange as it may sound, you need to put them on. And then, using a regular or special tailor's chalk, mark the approximate line of the circumcision site. Next, after removing the jeans, use a more precise and thick line to specify the cut location. What should you consider?

  • If you want to get denim shorts with fringe, then keep in mind that with it, the product becomes shorter over time. Therefore, you need to add a couple of centimeters from the established line down so that the final length of the resulting product matches your desire.
  • If you plan to make shorts from jeans without fringe, then the cutting line should be moved down one centimeter.
  • If you want to get a standard sewing hem at the cut site, then you should lower the cutting line by 7 centimeters.

Have you decided on the cutting line? Place the pants on a completely flat surface. A table is considered the best option, since it is at the right height for work; it is convenient and comfortable not only to eat, but also to perform any work on cutting fabrics. If you are not the happy owner of a large table that can accommodate in its area the entire subject of further cutting, you can also use the floor.

Now take a ruler and use the same chalk to draw an absolutely straight line; it is unlikely that it turned out to be a straight line by hand. Repeat this manipulation with the other pant leg. The result should be a V shape with an obtuse angle. If this angle is brought closer to an acute angle, the result is shorts that greatly and disproportionately expose the thigh portion of your legs.

The next step for you should be to cut the legs along the line. Please note that for this operation you need good scissors, not dull and not “chewing” the material, but obedient and sharp, otherwise you will ruin all the work done and will not receive satisfaction from the result.

But don’t panic if suddenly you don’t get a perfectly smooth and straight cutting line. It's okay, small errors can easily be corrected by fringe and hem.

Cut off? Now it's time to try on your work! So how is it? Are you satisfied with what you got? Do you think it's a little long? But if you plan to roll up the panties, they will become much shorter, keep this in mind.

The hem can be made on a sewing machine or hemmed by hand. Bend the edge, it is best to use an iron to get a curved edge around the entire circumference of the leg and feel free to sew it on a typewriter.

Fringe is the easiest to get, since you don't need to do anything yourself. Simply wash your denim shorts in the washing machine as normal. If the resulting fringe is not enough for you, wash it again.

You can add exclusivity to a new piece of clothing by making some kind of embroidery on it, decorating it with a lace ribbon, sewing beads on a special ornament, or painting some fashionable pattern with acrylic paints.

The casual effect has been on the list of fashion trends for the 2nd season in a row and extends to almost everything from makeup to clothing. In particular, ripped shorts never go out of fashion, able to fit into almost every look: from sporty to glamorous. In addition, such an element of the wardrobe can be made independently in a few minutes.

How to make ripped shorts with your own hands?

In order to make torn shorts with your own hands, in addition to the usual tools in the form of chalk and scissors, you need to find a thin and long crochet hook, which can be replaced with a gypsy needle, as well as a stationery knife, a toothbrush and a razor.

Regardless of what material you start making holes in the shorts, work only along the longitudinal threads. If you inadvertently switch to transverse ones, the product will instantly break down and will only be suitable for home use or disposal. That is, from the desired area where the gap should form, only the longitudinal threads are removed with a sharp knife, and the transverse network remains intact: it is convenient to do this with a long gypsy needle or hook. To make the process easier and to avoid any unpleasant incidents, take a stationery knife and sharpen it as well as possible. He should immediately cut the thread, and not saw it.

The same effect can be achieved if you work not with a knife, but with a stationery razor. After the location of the hole has been marked, you need to go through the threads with a toothbrush, a tool to remove pellets, or simply with your fingers, breaking the transverse threads left untouched. They need to be slightly separated from each other.

If you decide that the holes should be large and there should be no threads left in them, the transverse ones are removed exactly to the edge of the hole, after which you need to singe the cut area. Or you can go over it with an overlocker, but in any case it is necessary to fix the cut. After this, the longitudinal threads can begin to be pulled out with a needle or crochet like a fringe.

There is also an interesting way to create holes in shorts that works best with denim: it involves the use of a pumice stone or a special grater, which is used for a dry pedicure. The smaller her knives are and the higher the frequency of their location, the faster and better the holes will be made. It is necessary to rub this tool with strong pressure over the fabric in the right place until the threads begin to thin out.

An important point that cannot be overlooked concerns measuring instruments: measurements are taken with a centimeter tape, but markings on fabric are often done using a ruler, which creates errors. This is because the divisions on different instruments are not identical to each other. Because of this, professional cutters also recommend setting aside the required values ​​for the fabric using the measuring tape used to measure, and using a ruler only to draw an even line, if necessary.

Making shorts from jeans

If there are no old shorts that can be used up, jeans will come as a replacement. It is easiest to work with such a fabric, since it does not need additional processing of the edge, which protects it from fraying. In addition, it is on denim that various scuffs look as advantageous as possible. To do this, prepare the most sharp scissors, a bar of soap or chalk, a long ruler and a centimeter tape.

First, jeans need to be turned into simple shorts, choosing the optimal length for them. Doing this by thoughtlessly shortening the legs is not worth it: when put on, it turns out that the thing does not fit at all as we would like. Therefore, it is advisable to find an assistant who can make markings when the jeans are put on you. If no one can help, it is easy to mark the edge by measuring the length of the shorts or skirt you have. But it is impossible to independently measure without errors on an item already worn.

Depending on how short the shorts should be, the cutting line is selected. Here you immediately need to decide how exactly the bottom will look. The most attractive look are torn shorts, in which the lower edge has a fringe, which means that it is almost not processed in any way. But if you want to keep it even, you need to calculate the increase that will go into the hem. The same applies to the edge that is deliberately bent up and out. In any case, do not forget that the length of the back panel should be 0.7-1 cm longer than the front.

The edge can be processed last or dealt with before the stage at which artistic tears will be created on the shorts. According to the classical pattern, it is folded inward twice, maintaining a width of 0.5 cm, after which it is hemmed along the top line with small stitches. To create a cuff, the fabric folded outwards needs to be ironed, and only then hemmed, and it is recommended to do this manually so that the seam is not visible on the front side. If you want to leave the bottom edge untreated, it is best to decorate it with fringe, which can be created with a regular crochet hook by pulling out the longitudinal threads one by one.

Now, on the product laid out with the front panel facing up, it is necessary to make markings: to indicate the locations of future holes and their scope. It is strictly not recommended to be overzealous with the latter: when worn and during washing, the holes will spread wider, and after 2-3 times the artistically torn shorts will turn into something that can only be worn at the dacha, since there will be no whole fabric left at all. In addition, stylists remind that the larger the holes, the more volume they visually give to the legs. This should be taken into account by girls who want to adjust their figure with clothes.

Ripped shorts: photos and finishing ideas

Ripped denim shorts already look stylish in themselves and rarely require any additions, but many girls lack a certain individuality in such a thing, which can be added through interesting decor. In particular, lace is very popular today, which can play even with such a controversial material as denim. This combination of tenderness and sporty negligence has long been seen at the shows of leading designers.

Lace can serve as a lining, or it can become an independent finishing detail. In the latter case, it acts as a cuff or fills in the missing area: for example, if a part of the fabric was cut out from the side seam, lace is placed in its place, carefully attached to the front side. If the material is used as a lining, most often its cut should fill the entire panel from the wrong side, since otherwise the seam will be visible from the front side, which will spoil the appearance of the product.

A controversial, but still relevant trend on the world's catwalks is pockets peeking out from under the bottom edge in short, torn shorts. It is most interesting if the material of the pockets differs from that used when sewing the main product, and the holes are neatly located on them. To get a similar wardrobe element, the bottom edge of the shorts is cut as short as possible, and the pocket itself can even be lengthened by making a fake overlay on the reverse side, choosing a contrasting color, texture or fabric for it.

In addition, torn shorts can be decorated with more conventional details such as rivets, beads and ribbons, as well as paint. Today, this method is in high demand: at home, both complex gradient dyeing of fabric and the simpler application of stains and drops randomly located on the fabric can be done. Any of the options, with the proper imagination, turns simple torn shorts into a designer item.

When the heat sets in, tight and skinny jeans have to be put on the back shelf of the closet until the fall. In summer, girls prefer dresses, sundresses, skirts, overalls and shorts. During this period of time, many young ladies have a question: how to make shorts from jeans to get a stylish and original piece of clothing? A few tips will help you create a truly creative thing.

The first thing you need to do to get a fashionable product is to choose the right jeans for this procedure. There are several recommendations here:

  • if you choose old women's jeans that fit loosely on your figure, the shorts will turn out to be too baggy;
  • when choosing narrow skinny jeans, there is a risk of getting a product that is too tight: the legs at the end of the shorts will look puffed up, this will require additional cutouts from the altered product, which will lengthen the time for processing the edges;
  • when making shorts from old jeans with your own hands, you should not use stretch materials: after cutting they will look ugly - the plastic threads will come out, which will cause aesthetic discomfort to the fashionista;
  • Pants made from pure denim will become popular; they have a straight cut. Such jeans will not fit too tightly on the leg, nor will they be loose, which is exactly what is required for sewing stylish shorts.

In addition to denim material, you can choose cotton trousers of any color, also cutting them to the desired length.

Deciding on the length

Before making original shorts from old jeans, it is recommended to wash the product well. This should be done in the usual mode in which jeans were previously washed. After washing, the material will sag a little, which will cause difficulties when determining the length.

In order for the jeans to fit your figure again after washing, you need to put them on yourself and walk around the apartment for an hour - after which you can choose the length.

There are several length variations that are popular among young people and the mature generation.

Length Description
Cropped shorts The most popular option among girls under 25 years old. When altering, you can make shorts with a turn up - this way they will look stylish and simple at the same time. This wardrobe item is suitable for those with slender legs.
Bermuda They remind everyone of the well-known breeches: the length is slightly above the knee or covers it. Bermuda shorts are suitable for daily wear, for walking, meeting with friends. They are combined with T-shirts, T-shirts, tops.
Capri The standard length of capris is the middle of the calf muscle. To accurately determine this length, just put on jeans and run soap or chalk along the line of the calf muscle.
Mid length shorts The option above the knee by 10 cm is considered the classic length of shorts. Such products will not expose your leg much, but will not make you feel hot on a hot day.

It is worth remembering about the presence of pockets: now it has become fashionable for cropped shorts to have pockets casually visible from under this wardrobe element. Whether to leave it this way or hide the pockets inside is up to the fashionista to decide.

How to trim smoothly

When the length problem is solved, you need to move on to cutting the shorts. To cut your jeans beautifully and evenly, it is important to follow a few simple but effective rules. To begin with, you should arm yourself with sharp tailor's scissors - ordinary stationery scissors will not work, they simply will not take thick denim. You will also need a piece of soap; you can replace it with white chalk.

The best way to cut jeans evenly for shorts is to first mark the lines on yourself. To do this, put on jeans, fasten them on the belt, and check that the product fits perfectly on the figure. After this, they go to the mirror, arm themselves with chalk and draw two even, identical lines at the level of the future cut. The jeans are removed and cut along the lines with scissors.

To ensure that the legs do not differ in length, before cutting the jeans, take a measuring tape and measure the distance from the trouser to the drawn line - the segments on both legs should match.

  • if future shorts are decorated with fringe, it is necessary to take into account the fact that over time they will become shorter: therefore, it is necessary to measure the length with a margin;
  • Don’t forget about seam allowances if the shorts have a classic style;
  • if the model has a hem, you need to leave an additional 7 cm for hemming and finishing the edge.

Before making a hem or otherwise decorating the product, it is recommended to process the edges using a sewing machine: subsequently the threads will not come out of the jeans.

Decoration methods

The most popular and easiest to make is the decor of new shorts with fringe. To make such stylish shorts, you just need to arm yourself with tools that are found in every home.

You shouldn't put cut-off jeans in the washing machine in the hope that the fringe will appear on its own after washing. This technique can lead to damage to household appliances.

How to make shorts from old jeans was described above, but to make the decor yourself, you can use 3 methods. You can make torn edges, paint the item and decorate it with lace and rhinestones.

Torn edges

To make frayed edges on shorts yourself, you need to prepare sharp fabric scissors, a blade, or a sharp object to make the torn areas. When all the tools are ready, you can start working:

  • you need to take one leg of the shorts, bend it in half, and make neat cuts horizontally;
  • using a sharp object, pull out the transverse fibers of the jeans;
  • when a characteristic hole is formed, it is necessary to pull out a little thread closer to the edges.

In this way, you can make fashionable shorts from jeans: they can be of any color, made from denim or cotton. The resulting fringe can also be made original using tweezers. It is necessary to carefully pull out the protruding threads so that each of them turns out to be a different length.


Another fun way to transform shorts made from old jeans is by dyeing them. This method is no different from dyeing ordinary cotton pants. To work, you will need special fabric paint, washing powder, salt, vinegar essence and a washing machine. When choosing a coloring composition, you should pay attention to acrylic and aniline options. Painting is carried out in several stages:

  • powder dye is diluted in water according to the instructions on the package;
  • add 3 tablespoons of salt to the solution and send the liquid to the drum of the washing machine;
  • The temperature is set to 95 degrees on the control panel of the device, shorts are also placed there and the wash is started.

When the program is over and the bell rings, the shorts are removed and rinsed in cool water with vinegar added. This move will help fix the paint on the fabric. The last step is to rinse the product in warm water and dry it. It is recommended to hang dry denim shorts.

Use of lace and rhinestones

Another interesting option is shorts with lace. Stylish denim products are ideally combined with lace of various structures and colors. If you add rhinestones to the fabric, you can get a fashionable wardrobe item. The work process looks like this:

  • a strip of lace 5 cm wide is cut into 2 pieces, the length of a shorts pocket;
  • lace is sewn on top of the pockets so that they are visible;
  • if desired, you can decorate the lower part of the denim with lace;
  • Rhinestones are attached to the edge of the pocket: they can be glued with superglue or purchased rhinestones with rivets on the fabric.

Now, knowing how to make shorts from old jeans with your own hands, you can go in search of the necessary material. Self-made original shorts will be individual and unique.


Shorts are such a versatile wardrobe item that they suit any gender and age. Thanks to Coco Chanel, they firmly occupied their niche in the fashion world. Shorts are divided not only into men's and women's. They come in very mini ones - which barely cover the hips, classic ones - covering them halfway, Bermudas - covering the hips to the knees, then there are breeches and capri pants - below the knee length.

The models of shorts amaze with their diversity. They can be flared, there are short-skirts, fitted, tight-fitting and many others. Shorts with torn edges are all the rage right now. Such shorts are usually decorated with various belts or spikes, and today we will tell you how you can make them yourself without leaving home.

Making shorts

In order to make regular shorts at home, you can simply cut off the jeans and ruffle the edges of the cut with a needle.

Now choose the right color. If you have dark fabric, you should not take light shades; the resulting color will be dirty. So go for bright colors like emerald, raspberry and purple to give your new look a summer feel.

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What is a tiny pocket on jeans for?

If you need to lighten your shorts, then take Domestos, stir the shorts in a basin and use it. Now they can be painted any color.

Diagonal stripes on shorts

To dye trousers with stripes using fabric dyes, follow this sequence:

  1. Prepare a solution of soda ash, dip your shorts in it, hold for twenty minutes, then squeeze out. This procedure is necessary to impart stability to the paint.
  2. Lay the shorts out on a flat surface and pour the dye into the dispenser. You can use a syringe or a plastic bottle with a hole in the cap.
  3. Mark areas to be painted and apply paint. Where the colors run together, be very careful that they don't mix together and turn into mud. If the gloves on your hands get very dirty, prepare several pairs and change them every time you take out new paint.
  4. Now turn the shorts over and paint the unpainted areas with the desired colors. Lightly dampen the cloth with water and simply rub the paint into it. Make sure hard to reach areas are well painted. Then let the paint dry, the drying process will take six hours, then rinse in cold water and then machine wash. That's it, your pants are like new.

Shorts made from old jeans

Shorts are not only everyday wear, but also part of an evening outfit that does not violate decency. After all, a girl can feel more confident in them, bending over, turning and getting out of the car, without risking breaking the rules of decency.

The hottest trend right now are shorts like DipDey and DipDey. To do this, you just need to take jeans, turn them into shorts, simply by cutting them off and lightening them. Lighten shorts using Domestos or Whiteness. You take them, dissolve them in water at a ratio of one to one, and then lower the part of the shorts that needs lightening into it.

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Or you can moisten the areas that require lightening with water and apply Domestos to them. After which the jeans should be washed and, if necessary, the procedure should be repeated.

Adding originality to shorts

Start by making denim shorts by drawing a chalk line at the length you want and cutting off any excess fabric. If you want ragged edges, it is best to cut the fabric with a zigzag.

You can print any pattern on cotton fabric and hem it to the cuffs of your shorts, this will give them individuality.

You can make scuffs on jeans using sandpaper. You will also need a sharp blade for cutting holes. Make slits in the shorts. Then pull out the frayed threads and get a fringe. Then you can use an emery sheet to make the abrasions.

You can also buy lace that will be attached to the shorts using special glue and an iron, making your appearance irresistible.

Fashionable shorts

Shorts will always remain in fashion, no matter how changeable it may be. They are firmly rooted in everyday life, becoming a necessary part of the wardrobe of a fashionista, businesswoman or sportswoman.

If they need to be hemmed, they should be done in accordance with the instructions below, having previously treated the edges with an overlocker, then folded and hemmed with special threads or glued with denim glue, making a stitch on top for security.

Shorts for all occasions

The most fashionable shorts lately are those that are a hybrid of a skirt and shorts. This wardrobe item will become indispensable both during a picnic or on vacation, and during a business meeting. Only the cut will change. This item is universal and goes with almost anything.

Also, overalls will look great in the office in combination with shoes or sandals.

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