How to get rid of wrinkles around the lips at home. How to remove deep wrinkles around the mouth at home forever? Crow's feet around lips

It is impossible to stop the running of time, and it is inexorable to a beautiful female face. Wrinkles around the mouth appear among the first. But you really don’t want to part with your youth and beauty. How to restore elasticity to your skin and get rid of these unwanted wrinkles? You can talk about this for hours. And you need not to talk, but to do! Because it would be possible to eliminate this problem, the main thing is to pull yourself together, start and not stop until the bitter end.

So, today's article is devoted to how to effectively remove wrinkles around the mouth. And first, nevertheless, we will find out the reasons why they (wrinkles) can occur.

Mimic wrinkles around the mouth: causes

Unfortunately, mimic wrinkles come before age-related wrinkles. They are formed just in those areas that are most susceptible to facial expressions: the corners of the mouth, the area above the lip. Here the structure of the skull and the location of the muscles on the face play an important role.

Here are 10 factors that can do a disservice:

  1. The area around the lips is always in motion. And the circular muscle of the mouth is fused with a rather thin skin, which is why it stretches. In addition, there is very little subcutaneous fat. This is the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles in this area.
  2. Time. Decrease in collagen production with age also affects the condition of the skin.
  3. Head position during sleep. If it is wrong, then the skin wrinkles. In youth, you can see how quickly everything is restored. But then it stays forever.
  4. Fast weight loss.
  5. Smoking. No matter how trite, but this habit gives a 100% guarantee that wrinkles on the face will appear very early. This also includes an unhealthy lifestyle in general.
  6. Sun, cold, wind. Natural factors can also affect the elasticity and smoothness of the skin.
  7. If you take care of your face incorrectly or do not pay attention to it at all, then you can quickly achieve an undesired effect - mimic wrinkles.
  8. Absence of teeth. Leads to a change in the face.
  9. Genes. They play an important role.
  10. chronic diseases.

Wrinkles are very different:

  • Mimic . Crying, laughter, any emotion or grimace is subsequently converted into such wrinkles.
  • Age . Collagen deficiency is to blame here.
  • deep . Folds and furrows around the mouth. Here they are the most difficult to eradicate, most likely even almost impossible. But it can be significantly reduced.
  • Surface. They occupy the upper layers of the skin. Even an amateur in this matter can easily cope with them (if, of course, he wants to).
  • Purse-string . Thin mesh around the lips. Usually she likes to appear somewhere, and is again associated with a lack of collagen. Salon procedures help a lot here.
  • Puppets . These wrinkles go from the corners of the lips to the chin, creating the expression of the unsmiling princess.
  • transverse . Settles on the chin.
  • Wrinkles at the corners of the lips .

How clinics and beauty salons can help

How to remove wrinkles around the mouth? This will help modern cosmetology. You just need to force yourself to walk to the nearest good reliable salon. Here they can offer means and methods for every taste and budget. For example:

  1. Injections. There are several types of them:

Cream from Vanessa called Liqiuskin works great on smoothing the epidermis, and also relaxes the facial muscles very well. It's worth it from 2 thousand to 3800 rubles.

But TriumphTechnologiesGroup offers everything for 2500 rubles enjoy a unique anti-aging cosmetic product, cream with black caviar extract - CaviarMoisturizingcream.

In general, global manufacturers cannot sleep peacefully until all wrinkles on women's faces are smoothed out, and something new is constantly appearing, although the old has not lost its properties. It is better to buy such things in specialized salons, shops or, possibly, pharmacies. They always come with an instruction in which you can clearly see the composition, properties, and indications with possible limitations.

How nutrition, healthy lifestyle and wrinkles around the lips are connected

In order for the skin to remain young, beautiful, elastic and elastic for as long as possible, in addition to proper care, it also needs useful vitamins and elements that food can provide. What if the food doesn't supply it? That's right, the skin, and the whole body suffers from this.

  • Make sure that your diet is complete, with the correct ratio of BJU.
  • What else does beautiful skin love? She needs "normal" fats. They are in eggs, good butter (just do not overdo it!), Fish, nuts, olive oil, cod liver and.
  • Protein food prevents the premature appearance of an "ugly mesh" around the mouth. Everyone knows that the right protein food contributes to the restoration of obsolete body cells, i.e. young. Just what you need after 30 years!
  • Cell regeneration is very important, so regular is no less useful. Only at least eight glasses a day! Ideally two liters.

Smoking, alcohol, excessive facial expressions, sleepless nights - these are all relatives of an unhealthy lifestyle, and enemies of beautiful skin. You need to take this into account when making a wish to have a face without wrinkles.

Once again about the benefits of sleep: its deficiency produces a stress hormone, and it has a bad effect on health in general, and not just on the skin. It’s good when it’s 8 o’clock, and even go to bed until 23.00. Your body will only thank you.

We cannot keep our face completely still for days, so wrinkles will still be there. But we can do everything to make them almost invisible by influencing them with a whole range of measures. And following these tips:

  1. Once again about smoking. We need to break this habit forever. Yes Yes! Take your will and yourself into a fist and quit all the same. There are a thousand ways in the world to calm or entertain yourself. And then, when it becomes easier to breathe, and every cell will rejoice at getting rid of this addiction, wrinkles will smooth out quietly, and the skin color will become healthier.
  2. If you believe the advertisement, then "Orbit" or "Dirol" have only useful properties. Yes, they are. They bring money to manufacturers because we buy them. And we chew, and do not think that we harm the youth of the skin around the lips. We must take note: no more than 5 minutes after eating, if it is very necessary. And that's all. Not more!!!
  3. You have to learn to control your expression. Let it be a light half-smile. Only not a dull and sour grimace, full of noble discontent. At any moment you need to remember about your skin! And if you accustom yourself to always half smile, you will notice how over time your psychological state will improve, your mood will be elated and sadness will go away.
  4. Warmth and sun is good. But only with filters from 30 or 50. Ultraviolet rays have a vile ability to age the skin, we must not forget about it. When in the sun (not necessarily on the beach, even in the city) don't forget to use a lip balm with 20 SPF protection.
  5. Fans of such gymnastics as Facebook building, of course, are honored and praised. The main thing is not to overdo it, because, as already mentioned here, there is no fat in the area around the lips and the skin is very thin, and active gymnastics, on the contrary, can stretch it instead of a tightening effect.
  6. You should not start using face cream after 45 years, when all the wrinkles you need have already formed, and now you need to painfully get rid of them. And at least, barely noticing any changes. It will pay off, 100%!

Taking care of yourself is work! Daily and endless. But the result is worth the effort!

Facebook building is very important for maintaining the beauty of your lips. These videos will tell you all the subtleties and secrets of skin care around the mouth. Don't be lazy and check them out.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. We are always waiting for your comments and advice from personal experience that will help other girls to remain attractive and keep their youth for a long time.

Wrinkles around the lips, whenever they appear, are an insidious thing. First, they always add years to us. Secondly, they irreversibly change the facial expression, giving it a squeamish and displeased expression.

In the lip area, cosmetologists and surgeons distinguish:

    purse-string wrinkles - small vertical wrinkles around the lips,

    puppet wrinkles, which go almost vertically down from the corners of the lips to the chin,

    deep nasolabial folds from nose to lips.

Today we will talk only about the causes of purse-string wrinkles.

Where do purse-string wrinkles around the mouth come from?

The first purse-string wrinkles near the lips can appear quite early, and, alas, every year they become only deeper and more noticeable.

There are several reasons for their appearance. Some of them can be eliminated and thereby prevent early wrinkles.

Expert comment:

Third reason, along which appear mimic wrinkles around the mouth is a facial expression. Active articulation, for example, in singers, wind players or teachers, is very often the cause of vertical and horizontal wrinkles above the upper lip.

If you have a habit of puckering or pursing your lips, add that to the list of causes of wrinkles. Even frequent laughter may well cause wrinkles around the lips. What to do? Naturally, no one calls for abandoning facial expressions - but it is worth paying attention to it.

Fourth reason, very close to the first - the activity of the circular muscle of the mouth. Do you often drink drinks through a straw and can't imagine life without chewing gum? Wrinkles on the lips are practically guaranteed to you. To reduce the risk, do facial exercises, massage your lips - and again, make sure that the tension of the lips does not become habitual, constant for you.

Fifth reason. Smoking. One of the most common causes of wrinkles around the lips. Why? Not only because of the very tension of the near-mouth muscles, which was mentioned above.

Nicotine destroys elastin and collagen fibers, that is, it turns the already not too moisturized skin around the lips into thin and dry “cigarette paper”, on which creases instantly appear. not without reason the second name of purse-string wrinkles is smoker's wrinkles.

Sixth reason not related to the tension of the perioral muscles. These are disproportions of the facial skeleton, micrognathia, malocclusion, missing teeth or abrasion of the enamel.

At the same time, even if you have naturally beautiful teeth, they wear out with age, the bones of the skull become thinner - this is a natural process.

Therefore, before starting treatment with a cosmetologist, it makes sense to visit an aesthetic dentist - today there are methods for raising the bite.

Seventh reason- the weather. Temperature changes, excessive dryness and ultraviolet radiation harm the lips. The latter penetrates deep into the skin and has great destructive power, starting the aging process.

Eighth reason- imbalance in nutrition. Rapid weight loss, poor nutrition, insufficient fluid intake accelerates skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles on the upper lip .

Now we know the enemy by sight. It remains to understand whether it is possible to get rid of purse-string wrinkles.

How to remove wrinkles above the lip at home

Let's be realistic: complete elimination of wrinkles around the lips is impossible, because we chew, talk and use facial expressions every day. However, there are ways to make wrinkles at the corners of the lips less noticeable.

Let's start with a few basic things, then look at free correction methods and finish the story with ultra-effective tools from the arsenal of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons.

Well, now a few folk recipes that are designed to help you hate wrinkles without leaving home. So, in order for the skin around the lips to remain smooth longer, our grandmothers advised:

    Make "lip" masks from products containing a large amount of moisture and fat: cucumber, yogurt or sour cream.

    Do not forget to include in the diet foods containing vitamin B2: nuts, dairy products, grain bread, leafy green vegetables.

    When applying a cream or mask, massage along the lines around the lips and from the lips to the chin - this will make the treatment more effective.

The age and external attractiveness of a person are primarily determined by the condition of the skin of the face. Wrinkles and folds that inevitably appear here and there add a year or two to one of us, and sometimes even a dozen extra years to others.

Wrinkles around the mouth (near the lips) not only visually age the face, but, in addition, give it a sad, tired and dissatisfied expression. It turns out that by removing these shortcomings, we return to ourselves both youth and beauty “in one bottle”.

That's just how to do it? And is it possible to do without serious invasive procedures? the site analyzes in more detail, shares its quite optimistic conclusions and asks for recommendations from expert cosmetologists from eminent metropolitan aesthetic clinics:

Why wrinkles appear around the lips and what they are

The main reason for the formation of annoying folds in the perioral region is a regular and very significant load on the circular muscle of the mouth. It works almost non-stop - during a conversation, eating, expressing emotions ... And since its bundles are attached directly to the dermis, and not to the bones, like other muscles, each time it contracts, it stretches the skin in different directions.

In addition, there is practically no fat layer in the area around the lips and there are very few sebaceous glands. As a result, we have thin, poorly hydrated (even with proper care) skin, which is also constantly exposed to any external influences - from ultraviolet to urban gas emissions. Add to this the natural age-related decrease in the production of collagen with elastin, and it becomes clear why many people have noticeable wrinkles and folds in the mouth area by the age of 20-30. Additional "risk factors" are:

  • dramatic weight loss, which further thins the fat layer in the perioral region;
  • some professions associated with additional activity of the circular muscle (opera singing, playing wind instruments, etc.);
  • hereditary factors: features of the bite and structure of the skull, the genetically determined condition of the skin around the lips and the skin of the face in general, etc.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a well-known state as "smoker's skin". Adherence to this bad habit causes significant damage not only to our health, but also to our appearance:

  • first of all, in the process of smoking, the perioral muscles become unnecessarily tense, which lays the “base” for the appearance of wrinkles;
  • in addition, nicotine destroys elastin and collagen fibers, making the skin less elastic and elastic, causing wrinkling during any mimic activity;
  • and chronic oxygen starvation, which leads to the abuse of tobacco smoke, reduces the production of new collagen and slows down the regeneration of skin cells.

The wrinkles around the lips themselves can be divided into several groups that have different basic mechanisms of manifestation:

  • Purse-string wrinkles- vertical folds above the upper and below the lower lip. They come in various depths and lengths. To their appearance are: thinning of the subcutaneous fat layer, deterioration of the tone and condition of the skin, age-related changes, smoking, professional activities associated with increased articulation.
  • Nasolabial folds- wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle, leading from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. It is believed that they are the ones that age us visually to the greatest extent. "Nasal lips" begin to form in early youth, but at first they are smoothed out due to the tone and freshness of the skin. By about the age of 30-35, these wrinkles become noticeable even at rest. The degree of their severity largely depends on the anatomical features of the face and the activity of facial expressions and articulation of a person (for more details, see the article "").
  • Puppet wrinkles- they are also called "puppet lines" or "folds of sorrow" - labio-chin folds directed vertically down from the corners of the mouth, visually separating the lower lip and chin from the rest of the face, like puppets (for which they got their name). They give the face an unhappy or sad expression. The main reasons for their appearance are a general deterioration in the quality of the skin and the tone of the muscles responsible for the corners of the mouth.

How to remove wrinkles around the lips

The process of smoothing the skin comes down to solving several problems that have long been known to cosmetologists and plastic surgeons: it is necessary to tighten what has sagged and add volume where it has become lacking. For this, both active external influence and mobilization of the internal resources of the body are used:

  • Injection procedures- in most cases, we are talking about filler preparations, with the help of which hollow subcutaneous areas are filled and, as a result, fine and medium wrinkles are smoothed out. In addition, "" is also carried out for therapeutic purposes - for moisturizing and general skin rejuvenation.
  • Hardware procedures- with their help, work is being done on the quality of the skin: its tone and elasticity increase, the internal processes of collagen and elastin production are launched.
  • plastic surgery- allow you to get rid of the deepest wrinkles caused by stretching and flabbiness of the skin. Usually carried out at an older age, when cosmetology alone no longer gives the desired result.

As is the case with most other anti-aging techniques, the optimal course is selected individually by a cosmetologist or surgeon, based on the current state and characteristics of the patient's body. Usually it consists of several diverse procedures that complement and reinforce each other, but fillers are almost always one of the mandatory elements of the program.

Injection techniques

The "gold standard" in the fight against wrinkles not only around the mouth, but also on any other parts of the face. They allow you to get a quick and pronounced result. But, unfortunately, not eternal: the procedure must be repeated every six months or a year.

What is the point?
Injections of preparations based on hyaluronic acid of different density can solve the problem of insufficient volume in the skin fold. The duration of the result depends on the type of filler used, on average - about 6 months.
Neurotoxins can relieve muscle spasms, due to which you can smooth out "puppets" and, sometimes, "nasolabial folds", however, in the latter case, fillers will almost always be more effective. The average duration of the effect is 6-8 months.
, Injections of hyaluronic acid and various bioactive substances that provide the skin with the necessary hydration, start regeneration processes in it, increase elasticity and tone. These procedures are not able to remove deep folds, but help get rid of purse-string wrinkles for up to 1 year.
The introduction of high-density hyaluronic acid using special techniques to create a fibrous scaffold that holds the skin in the desired position and prevents gravitational ptosis of soft tissues.
It is usually done as an adjunct to any type of wrinkle treatment. It is an injection of the patient's own platelet-rich plasma, which starts the processes of skin rejuvenation and regeneration. The effect and its duration largely depends on the characteristics of the individual organism.
Filling skin folds with the patient's own purified fat taken from other areas of the body (usually from the abdomen or thighs). Some experts consider the effectiveness of the method insufficient, since over a short period of time the body absorbs from 30 to 50% of the injected fat suspension, that is, wrinkles become noticeable again.
Photo 1 - correction of vertical wrinkles above the upper and lower lip with Juvederm Ultra filler:

Photo 2 - smoothing marionette lines and nasolabial folds with Radiesse filler:

Hardware methods

As independent procedures, they are not as effective as injections. But, unlike the latter, they have a more prolonged effect, allow not only to smooth the skin, but also to improve its tone, which is a good prevention against the appearance of new wrinkles and the deepening of existing ones.

What is the point?
Treatment with laser beams, after which there is a complete renewal of the upper layer of the skin. As a result, wrinkles become less pronounced, the skin is rejuvenated and toned. A fairly effective method that provides results for up to several years.
Impact on the skin with electromagnetic waves that stimulate the production of collagen and thus provide the effect of tightening and reducing wrinkles. This procedure must be completed in courses of several sessions, as a result, fine wrinkles are smoothed out and nasolabial and labio-chin folds are significantly reduced.
Myostimulation The target area of ​​this procedure is the subcutaneous muscles, the impact is carried out with a pulsed current, which returns them to tone, relieves spasms and tightens the skin, improves blood and lymph circulation.
Iontophoresis, electrophoresis, etc. Borrowed from physiotherapy, methods of saturating the skin of the perioral zone with nourishing, moisturizing and tightening substances.
Various types of hardware peels (gas-liquid, mechanical, microdermabrasion, etc.) Their main purpose is to improve blood and lymph circulation, start regeneration processes, stimulate the sebaceous glands, activate fibroblasts that produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

Surgical techniques

The heaviest "artillery", which is used to work with deep age folds and pronounced gravitational ptosis of the face.

What is the point?
Lifting of the skin and soft tissues with biodegradable threads, which, among other things, solves the problem of deep nasolabial folds and marionette wrinkles.
Special agents are applied to the skin of the perioral zone, exfoliating dead and dead cells, triggering regeneration processes (as after a burn). A rather painful procedure, carried out in an operating room, under general anesthesia, and involving a full rehabilitation period. Provides an effect lasting several years. Sometimes, as an alternative, several sessions of a less traumatic median peel are possible.
To work with only the perioral area, it is not advisable to carry out such a serious intervention, but in general, during any lifting operation affecting the lower 2/3 of the face, all types of wrinkles around the mouth are also eliminated.

Prevention of the appearance of perioral wrinkles

It is impossible to completely avoid or stop the formation of skin folds around the lips, but by adjusting your lifestyle and adding special care products, you can slow down this process for a long time. The main recommendations of cosmetologists are as follows:

  • Mandatory cessation of smoking and chewing gum
  • Daily self-massage of muscles and skin around the mouth
  • Regular use of moisturizing and regenerating creams, nourishing masks and other products whose action is aimed at improving skin condition. They should contain: vitamins A, E, C, retinoids, coenzymes, antioxidants, peptides, fatty oils, collagen, keratin, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, glycol, etc.
  • UV protection - regular use of products with SPF filters when going outside, while sunbathing or visiting the solarium
  • It is advisable to learn to control your negative experiences that cause muscle contractions in the perioral region. Do you purse your lips in anger or curl them in displeasure? This speeds up the appearance of wrinkles. To be fair, positive emotions are sometimes also reflected on our faces (take, for example, laughter, which accelerates the appearance of “nasolabial folds”), but it would not be entirely reasonable to refuse them too.

Expert opinions

“We mostly use injection techniques, which, in my opinion, are the most effective for correcting the area around the mouth. Surgical facelift can not always cope with wrinkles, because its main task is to eliminate excess skin, not depressions. It is hyaluronic acid-based fillers that “fill” these zones from the inside can help with this.

Also, in the fight against mimic wrinkles, laser skin resurfacing helps us, but the combination of two methods is ideal - laser ablation and injections. Patients who undergo a course of 2 laser resurfacing and 1-3 injections (depending on the need) see the most visible results. ".

cosmetologist, plastic surgeon, Arbat Estetik:

“To eliminate purse-string wrinkles, we prefer to combine several methods at once: as a rule, an injection of 5 units of Botox and the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the lip contour give a good result, if necessary, laser correction of the remaining small wrinkles can be carried out in the future. Hyaluronic acid is also used to lift the corners of the lips and smooth out the nasolabial folds. Insertion techniques can be varied: both with a needle and with an atraumatic cannula. Basically, high-density preparations are used to solve such problems, which give a good long-term result.”

The skin on the face is thinner and more sensitive to external influences.. And if you consider that it is always open, unlike other areas of our body, then you need to understand that the influence of weather conditions, sunlight, poor ecology, city dust and car exhaust gases is very severe.

In such difficult conditions, the epidermis of the skin “wears out” much faster. Today we will figure out why the area around the mouth is vulnerable, why it is so prone to the formation of mimic wrinkles, which become more aggravated with age, give a tired, bleak look.

Causes of mimic wrinkles in the mouth

What types are there?

Wrinkles here are divided into four main groups.

  • Purse-string wrinkles, expressed as vertical folds above the upper lip and under the lower lip.

    Folds directly on the lips are also called purse-string wrinkles.

  • Wrinkles coming from the corners of the mouth, obliquely, towards the chin are called - puppets.
  • Nasolabial folds, they go from the nose to the lips, vertically.
  • "Furrows"- wrinkles on the chin itself.

How to remove wrinkles at home?

In this section, we will tell you how to remove facial wrinkles from the mouth at home.

We have already said above that our skin is very vulnerable around the mouth.

Superficial and deep wrinkles can form here, the shape, depth and number of which are the sum of many factors of influence.

Attention! The vulnerability of the skin is due to the increased mimic load on this area of ​​the face, and the area around the mouth, along with the area around the eyes, is subject to the appearance of wrinkles.

Therefore, various means must be taken carefully and immediately understood that it is not always possible to get rid of wrinkles in this area the first time.


The most elementary way to counteract mimic wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle is the regular use of creams and masks.

This will not solve the problem completely, but to some extent it will make mimic skin wrinkles less obvious by increasing the overall tone and density of the skin, and sufficient moisture.

If creams for the skin around the lips, although in a small assortment, are still produced, then you can hardly find specific care products in the form of masks on sale. This is because in terms of using a mask, any nourishing and moisturizing face mask will do for this purpose.

So, lip care cream. What should they contain in order to have a smoothing effect on mimic wrinkles in this zone?

  1. Moisturizing ingredients, among them vitamin E, which retains moisture in the layers of the skin, and vitamin A (retinoids) are especially important.
  2. Antioxidants prevent the aging process.
  3. Stimulators of the natural processes of collagen synthesis in the skin are pentapeptides, they are able to restore the skin to its former elasticity.

This list of substances is very important for skin care around the lips.



Firm "Natural Element" offers Botolift mask especially for mimic wrinkles. Muscle relaxant, Botox effect.

In general, there are few masks for sale for this area, mostly non-specific masks are used, focused on general facial skin care, or from the category of folk recipes.

Anti-wrinkle face masks are not only an ambulance that will help at the first signs of wrinkles, but also an effective tool in the fight against age-related skin changes that have already appeared.

It is worth dwelling in more detail on oils, they are perfectly involved in solving the problem of wrinkles in the mouth area.


How else can you get out of trouble?

There are many innovations in the field of beauty technologies in the modern world, and they also solve the problem under discussion in various ways.

Important! The effectiveness of these methods depends on the professionalism of the specialist who works with you and the quality of the devices and drugs used by him.

  • Modern cosmetology offers, for example, Mesothreads, when threads of a special property are introduced into the problem area and, being absorbed, create a collagen frame that smoothes the skin.

    Mesothreads for facelift.

  • Botox, which blocks muscle contractions in mimicically overloaded areas, is injected with a special substance in the appropriate places.
  • Biorevitalization is a correction with the help of hyaluronic acid, which creates a powerful effect of moisturizing the skin.
  • Mesotherapy, which involves the introduction of active substances, vitamins, elastin, collagen into the skin.
  • The use of chemical peels that free the skin from dead cells, causing active regeneration and the creation of a new, young layer.
  • Exposure to microcurrents.
  • Galvanic devices for smoothing wrinkles.

Folk recipes


As a preventive measure against wrinkles around the mouth indispensable, in addition to care products, special gymnastics.

  1. Get full cheeks of air, and press them with your palms (make sure that the skin does not wrinkle, do the whole set of exercises in front of the mirror). Hold this position for a few seconds. Repeat 15 times, it is better to start with five, increasing gradually.
  2. Roll the air from one side to the other, puffing up the right, then the left cheek.
  3. Pronounce vowel sounds, straining the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lips, expressively singing these vowels - A, O, U, I. Each vowel - five or ten times.
  4. Round the lips and hold as much as possible in this position, to the limit of possibilities. Repeat three times and finish with a vibrating sound, releasing air so that the lips vibrate, make something like a snort. So the muscles will shake up and relax, take the optimal position, come into the appropriate tone.

The skin will smooth out, acquire a healthy color.

When caring for the skin around your mouth, remember that in many ways It is intensive moisturizing of the skin that helps to avoid premature wrinkles in this area.. And moisture comes through the environment in a natural way and with the help of moisturizing creams only in part, and most of it comes from within, it is supplied to the skin cells by an amazing and complex system of our body.

To ensure this quality delivery, good functioning of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, as well as proper and sufficient fluid intake in the form of clean water is required. Approach the issue comprehensively, create youth and beauty not only for the present, but also for the future.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following information: "how to remove deep wrinkles around the mouth at home forever?" and discuss the article in the comments.

Wrinkles around the lips, whenever they appear, are an insidious thing. First, they always add years to us. Secondly, they irreversibly change the facial expression, giving it a squeamish and displeased expression.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Injections - the last century! The anti-wrinkle remedy is 37 times stronger than Botox...

In the lip area, cosmetologists and surgeons distinguish:

    purse-string wrinkles - small vertical wrinkles around the lips,

    puppet wrinkles, which go almost vertically down from the corners of the lips to the chin,

    deep nasolabial folds from nose to lips.

    Today we will talk only about the causes of purse-string wrinkles.

    The first purse-string wrinkles near the lips can appear quite early, and, alas, every year they become only deeper and more noticeable.

    There are several reasons for their appearance. Some of them can be eliminated and thereby prevent early wrinkles.

    Expert comment:

    Third reason, along which appear mimic wrinkles around the mouth is a facial expression. Active articulation, for example, in singers, wind players or teachers, is very often the cause of vertical and horizontal wrinkles above the upper lip.

    If you have a habit of puckering or pursing your lips, add that to the list of causes of wrinkles. Even frequent laughter may well cause wrinkles around the lips. What to do? Naturally, no one calls for abandoning facial expressions - but it is worth paying attention to it.

    Fourth reason, very close to the first - the activity of the circular muscle of the mouth. Do you often drink drinks through a straw and can't imagine life without chewing gum? Wrinkles on the lips are practically guaranteed to you. To reduce the risk, do facial exercises, massage your lips - and again, make sure that the tension of the lips does not become habitual, constant for you.

    Fifth reason. Smoking. One of the most common causes of wrinkles around the lips. Why? Not only because of the very tension of the near-mouth muscles, which was mentioned above.

    Nicotine destroys elastin and collagen fibers, that is, it turns the already not too moisturized skin around the lips into thin and dry “cigarette paper”, on which creases instantly appear. not without reason the second name of purse-string wrinkles is smoker's wrinkles.

    Sixth reason not related to the tension of the perioral muscles. These are disproportions of the facial skeleton, micrognathia, malocclusion, absence of teeth or abrasion of the enamel.

    At the same time, even if you have naturally beautiful teeth, they wear out with age, the bones of the skull become thinner - this is a natural process.

    Therefore, before starting treatment with a cosmetologist, it makes sense to visit an aesthetic dentist - today there are methods for raising the bite.

    Seventh reason- the weather. Temperature changes, excessive dryness and ultraviolet radiation harm the lips. The latter penetrates deep into the skin and has great destructive power, starting the aging process.

    Eighth reason- imbalance in nutrition. Rapid weight loss, poor nutrition, insufficient fluid intake accelerates skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles on the upper lip .

    Now we know the enemy by sight. It remains to understand whether it is possible to get rid of purse-string wrinkles.

    How to remove wrinkles above the lip at home

    Let's be realistic: complete elimination of wrinkles around the lips is impossible, because we chew, talk and use facial expressions every day. However, there are ways to make wrinkles at the corners of the lips less noticeable.

    Let's start with a few basic things, then look at free correction methods and finish the story with ultra-effective tools from the arsenal of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons.

      Quit smoking. Absolutely, forever. For this, not only lips will thank you, but also eyes, and ovaries and every cell in your body.

      Stop believing advertising tales about the benefits of chewing gum. It is only for the benefit of chewing gum manufacturers, but not for you. Of course, there are times when you need to quickly clean your teeth after eating - but for this it is enough to chew gum for five minutes. Anything more is harmful for both teeth and youthful lips.

      Learn to control your face.

      Do you look eternally dissatisfied, your lips are tense, your face has a displeased grimace? Get rid of the habit of curling your lips or pursing them - this does not decorate anyone, but why do you need something that looks ugly now and in the long term will form wrinkles of grief on the face near the lips?

      A slight half-smile is what should be his "background expression".

      Be careful with the sun! Undoubtedly, the sun, air and water are our best friends. But only when using protective products with SPF filters of at least 30, or even 50. Otherwise, your best friend is quite capable of making you outright disgusting - for example, drying out already dry skin.

      Do not forget about protective cosmetics. Creams and masks that you use should contain vitamins A, E, C, retinoids, coenzymes, antioxidants, peptides, fatty oils, collagen, keratin, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, glycol and other skin-friendly ingredients.

      It would be good to start using them not from the age of 45 in order to treat already formed wrinkles near the mouth, but at least from 25, that is, at the moment when the processes of age-related changes are just beginning.

      If you love Facebook building, be careful. On the one side, gymnastics for the face- a wonderful thing, a simulator that allows the muscles of the face to remain taut, relieves bryley, double chin and other unpleasant things. But an excessive load on the perioral area is fraught with the formation of wrinkles: do you remember that there is almost no fat and sebaceous glands?

    Well, now a few folk recipes that are designed to help you hate wrinkles without leaving home. So, in order for the skin around the lips to remain smooth longer, our grandmothers advised:

    Make "lip" masks from products containing a large amount of moisture and fat: cucumber, yogurt or sour cream.

    Do not forget to include in the diet foods containing vitamin B2: nuts, dairy products, grain bread, leafy green vegetables.

    When applying a cream or mask, massage along the lines around the lips and from the lips to the chin - this will make the treatment more effective.

Expert comment

How to effectively remove purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip

There are many ways to smooth out purse-string wrinkles and make wrinkles in the corners of the lips invisible.

    Hyaluronic acid filler injections (Volbella, Equio) fill every wrinkle and thereby smooth them out. The indisputable advantage of gels is that they allow you to solve all the problems of the mouth area - in particular, restore volume to the lips and smooth out the labial chin folds under the lower lip.

    For the natural correction of purse-string wrinkles, the doctor must master a special microtechnique for administering the drug. Otherwise, an excess of filler distorts the smile and makes facial expressions robotic.

    Biorevitalization Ial-System unstabilized hyaluronic acid provides hydration and effective correction of fine wrinkles around the mouth.

    Introduction collagen based product after 2-3 weeks it tightens the skin, reduces flabbiness, smoothes wrinkles and folds.

    Mesotherapy with vitamins, microelements, collagen, elastin, etc. The effect appears slowly, but is more stable and delays further aging of the skin.

    Botox- one or two injections will relieve muscle spasm, thereby smoothing purse-string wrinkles and lift the corners of the mouth. If Botox in its classic form is contraindicated for you, a more gentle procedure is performed mesobotox or the introduction of a peptide Argireline.

    Mesothreads set along the contour of the lips. After resorption, the thread leaves a framework of collagen fibers, which strengthens the skin and smoothes wrinkles.

    Plasmafiller– Swiss plasma therapy Regen Lab– naturally starts the processes of skin rejuvenation and restoration, smoothes wrinkles.

    Chemical peel improves the condition of the skin around the mouth, enhances cellular metabolism and blood flow - small wrinkles are smoothed out, large ones become less noticeable.

  1. Laser peeling with a fractional laser Asklepion starts the renewal of the upper layer of the skin. As a result, purse-string wrinkles disappear, the skin is rejuvenated.

Feedback from Natalia, 46 years old:

In more complex cases, to solve the problem and eliminate wrinkles require the use of surgical methods:

    Lipofilling – filling of skin folds with own purified fat. This technique perfectly rejuvenates the skin, gives volume to the lips and smoothes purse-string wrinkles.

    Thread lift Velok, Happy lift, spring fred. Skin and soft tissue lifting with biodegradable threads solves the problem of nasolabial folds and wrinkle marionette.

    SMAS lifting in the complex rejuvenation program, in addition, it allows you to get rid of the deepest wrinkles in the mouth area - nasolabial and labiochin.

To solve the problem of wrinkles in the lip area, sign up for a consultation with a beautician by phone:

in Moscow +7 495 723-48-38, +7 495 989-21-16,

in Kazan +7 843 236-66-66.

Our specialists:

Anna Smirnova

Elena Vlasova

Elmira Baltacheeva

Andrey Iskornev

Maxim Vasiliev

Book an appointment online and get a 30% discount on a consultation!

A woman is an emotional being. She wasn't used to holding back her feelings. And if he laughs, then from the heart. But here's the problem - mimic wrinkles are formed from frequent smiles. And, looking in the mirror, the woman no longer wants to smile. Is it possible to avoid such trouble?


To tighten facial muscles and


wrinkles near

mouth do special exercises daily. Pull your lips into shape


smile broadly. Buy some balloons and inflate them several times throughout the day. Try to whistle, and then close your mouth and move the air inside it in a circle. From one cheek to the other. Then tilt your head back and exhale slowly. Repeat this exercise 2-3 times. In order to reduce

wrinkles around

mouth stick out your tongue as often as possible, trying to reach your chin with it. All these exercises increase blood flow to the mouth and thereby strengthen the muscles.

Try to smooth facial expressions

wrinkles a mask consisting of a mixture of a teaspoon of sour cream and carrot juice with grapefruit pulp. Mash the egg yolk with


in equal proportions. Apply a mask to the area

mouth for 15-20 minutes. This procedure can also be carried out using camphor oil instead of glycerin. Mix a tablespoon of yeast with a small amount of liquid sour cream. Wait until the fermentation process begins, and use the resulting slurry as a mask. Keep it on your face for a quarter of an hour. Mix a beaten egg white with a little lemon juice and add a pinch of salt to the mask. Carefully move and apply to the skin, like other masks for a quarter of an hour.

In order to

get rid of wrinkles

Apply herbal compresses

Use for this any oil that is available in your home. Simply saturate a clean cloth with it and apply to the area.

mouth. Cover the top with a warm towel. The procedure takes about a quarter of an hour. After the time has passed, wash your face and wipe the skin with a piece of ice. It is also desirable to use a nourishing cream after any medical procedure. As compresses, use freshly squeezed grape or raspberry juice. Not bad


in the fight against mimic wrinkles, a compress using a decoction of oak bark.

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How to hide facial wrinkles with makeup


  • mimic wrinkles around the mouth in 2018

How to remove mimic wrinkles from the mouth

Thin lines near the mouth can appear at any time in life, their appearance is equally unpleasant at 25 and 60 years old. One of the reasons that wrinkles around the lips appear at a young age is smoking. But more often, the inevitable aging process leads to the formation of perioral (periolabial) skin folds. Find out what can be done to prevent early wrinkles around the mouth.

Why is it necessary to get rid of ugly "time marks" on the lips?

Postponing aging, preventing changes in appearance with age - these are some of the most discussed problems among close and unfamiliar people. Scientists have found an explanation for the phenomenal interest in anti-aging issues. The duration and quality of life have increased, people have more opportunities to lead an active lifestyle until old age.

But deep perioral skin folds shamelessly betray the true age of women and men. How to remove wrinkles around the lips, do it quickly and painlessly? The choice of methods for the prevention and correction of this cosmetic defect is very wide - from exercises to plastic surgery. It is necessary to try in every possible way to push back age-related changes.

Why do wrinkles appear around the mouth?

Beauty and freshness disappear gradually, slowly, but inevitably, the main external signs of skin aging appear - wrinkles. Become noticeable "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes (they say that they appear only in kind people). A dense network of small skin lines appears around the lips - purse-string wrinkles. Oblique folds appear, going from the corners of the mouth down to the chin, as if a person is about to cry.

Many movements of the muscles of the face associated with chewing food, articulation, laughter, exacerbate the situation. Thinking about how to remove wrinkles above the lip, some are considering the option of contouring. But after intradermal injections of hyaluronic acid, the causes of the appearance of folds near the mouth remain, because they are not one, but a whole complex.

Factors predisposing to the appearance of wrinkles around the lips:

  • the influence of external stimuli (cold, UV, low-quality cosmetics);
  • internal age-related changes in the integumentary tissue;
  • low content of fat and moisture in the skin near the lips;
  • high activity of the circular muscle of the mouth;
  • smoking.

Video on how to remove wrinkles around the lips

What are some homemade ways to make the skin around the mouth younger?

The proposed brief characteristics of the main methods for preventing and eliminating wrinkles above the lip do not claim to be complete coverage of the whole variety of methods. The descriptions provided in the table will receive a number of explanations below. But first, let's get some general information.

How to remove wrinkles on the lips yourself at home

Preventive massage, lip exercises. Wash your hands first and cleanse your face. Alone, sitting in front of a mirror:
- lightly and gently stroke the skin from the lips to the ears;
- massage the skin around the mouth with light circular movements, moving to the cheeks;
- draw lips inward, while depicting a smile;
- part your lips in a smile, gently grab your cheeks near the cheekbones and hold it for a few seconds.
Massage movements are useful in all cases, but are more effective against newly appeared wrinkles; maintain skin tone.
Cosmetic masks. Apply the selected product to the lip area with a thicker layer than the cream. Cosmetic procedures, homemade and purchased ointments and creams prevent the early appearance of wrinkles on the lips, help smooth out the “fresh” skin folds around the mouth.
Medical and cosmetic ointments, creams. Apply ointment or cream, lightly rub into the perioral area in a circular motion.

Before using masks and creams, it is recommended to find out from the beautician the features of caring for your skin type.

What do cosmetologists offer to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth?

Age-related changes lead not only to the appearance of folds near the lips. Their shape and volume change, which becomes an aesthetic problem, especially for women. Answering the question of how to remove wrinkles near the lips, cosmetologists assure: lip contouring and other manipulations in the clinic and beauty salon completely relieve the imperfections of the lower part of the face acquired with age. Often one visit is enough, but sometimes a second session is required.

Procedures in the clinic and beauty salon:

Mask (healing, moisturizing, nourishing). General cosmetic procedure. Improvement of skin tone, smoothing of recently appeared wrinkles. From 700
Facial massage + mask. 2500
Contour plastic (non-surgical removal of wrinkles). The procedure is carried out by a cosmetologist in the office of a beauty salon or clinic. - During the session, the specialist injects hyaluronic acid or restylane under the skin with the thinnest needle into the area of ​​wrinkles in the corners of the lips and around the mouth. The folds around the lips are smoothed out, their contour is leveled, the skin becomes smoother.
The beautician performs Botox injections by injecting small doses of the toxin into the skin around the mouth.
Plastic surgery. Lipofilling. The doctor transplants the patient's own adipose tissue, taken from another part of his body, into the area of ​​skin folds near the lips. The integumentary tissue saturated with subcutaneous fat is smoothed out. From 15 750

What anti-wrinkle creams to use at home?

For effective care of the area around the lips, cosmetic products with retinol and fruit acids are suitable. AHAs are substances that smooth out the wrinkle-prone layer of the skin. Retinol performs the function of a regenerating agent in the cells of the epidermis.

With sensitive skin, you should be more careful in choosing cosmetics with AHA, avoid scrubs with fruit extracts.

The use of innovative creams from world brands reduces the number of wrinkles in the perioral area:

Perfectionist CP+R wrinkle corrector. Manufacturer - Estee Lauder. The tube is equipped with a convenient applicator for applying the product. The composition contains an innovative anti-aging serum and peptides that complete the work on wrinkle correction. The price is about 3000 rubles.

Cream Liqiuskin. Smoothes the epidermis, at the same time has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the face. Brand - From Vanessa. The price is 2000–3800 rubles.

Caviar Moisturizing cream (with black caviar extract). Moisturizing and anti-aging cosmetic product from Triumph Technologies Group. The price is about 2500 rubles.

Ointments and creams are best bought in salons, pharmacies or specialized stores. Instructions for the preparation should be attached in order to familiarize yourself with the list of active ingredients, indications and contraindications.

Worried about wrinkles around the lips? How to get rid of age-related skin changes?

  1. Apply moisturizers and masks with aloe vera.
  2. Use a lip balm, it keeps it from drying out.
  3. Regularly carry out procedures at home to exfoliate dead cells of the epidermis. Scrub lips and perioral area with a clean, soft toothbrush in light circular motions, then rinse and moisturize with balm.
  4. Apply sunscreen to the skin around your mouth.
  5. Lubricate the area around the lips with egg white. After the thin film dries, rinse off with warm water.

Looking young is not only a fashion trend, but also a natural human desire of the 21st century.

When prevention is already late, there is only one thing left - to eliminate the wrinkles that have arisen. Cosmetic clinics offer reliable options, but they are not suitable for everyone at a price. There are simple homemade ways to make your skin smoother and more radiant, delay its aging and prolong youth.

Nika Zakrevskaya | June 8, 2015 | 4676

Nika Zakrevskaya

Every year, age continues to give us new manifestations of old age. Here are the crow's feet "inherited" around the eyes, the contour of the face floated and those treacherous wrinkles around the mouth! So we, women, are entering the next phase of the fight against age-related changes.

Wrinkles around the mouth begin to "stretch" just after 40. And even if this unpleasant manifestation is inevitable, push back its approach as much as possible. The main thing is to know the enemy in person. Or rather, what are these notorious wrinkles around the mouth.

Types of wrinkles around the lips

Nasolabial wrinkles. They appear on the face because of the wonderful habit of smiling broadly. It's unfair, you give the world a smile in all 32, and your face will pay with mimic folds! We are trying to get rid of this type of wrinkles in the first place, since they run in a vertical furrow from the base of the nose to the corners of the mouth.

Marionette wrinkles. Here they are those very traitorous signs of age. Lay their vertical path from the corners of the lips down to the chin. Such a metamorphosis occurs due to a weakening of muscle tone and sagging of the skin. Needless to say, such a mournful expression that we see in the mirror does not decorate us.

The older we get, the more age-related changes appear on the face.

Purse-string wrinkles. They are also called smoker's wrinkles. The comparison is so-so. You may not smoke a single cigarette in your life, but these wrinkles will find you anyway. Because they are age related. This network of vertical wrinkles above the upper and lower lips is the result of weakened muscles and a lack of collagen.

Well, today there are a large number of means and methods of getting rid of age wrinkles. Let's try the proven recipes of traditional medicine before turning to the most radical of them (plastic surgery and hardware cosmetology methods).

Folk methods for getting rid of wrinkles around the mouth

Cream No. 1. Take 120 g of white wax and melt it in a water bath. Whisking constantly, pour in 250 ml of almond oil. Then add 130 ml of rose water, stir and cool the resulting mixture. Add 15 drops of rose essential oil to the chilled composition. Apply moisturizer to problem areas around your mouth in the morning and before bed.

Cream number 2. Mix in a saucepan 200 g of pure beeswax, 6 handfuls of marigold flowers and 750 ml of olive oil. Put the mixture on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Then leave to cool overnight. In the morning, filter the solution and pour into an airtight container. Use as a cream in the morning and evening.

1. Try not to provoke the appearance of at least facial wrinkles. To do this, no matter how bad it may be for you, do not twist, bite or purse your lips.

2. Always use lipsticks and lip glosses with moisturizing effect and UV protection.

Even when it seems like it doesn't make sense, don't stop moisturizing your lips anyway.

3. Do not use cleansers that are aggressive to the skin, especially to the most delicate part of it - around the mouth. Use only moisturizing cleansers and make-up removers.

4. Often do a light mechanical peeling of the skin around the mouth to remove dead cells. To do this, use a terry glove and mild cleansers.

Prophylaxis for the skin around the mouth

Properly selected cream makes a significant contribution to the fight against aging of the skin around the lips. Every day, caring for the face as a whole, do not forget to pay special attention to problem areas. Apply moisturizer over your upper lip. Creams based on fruit acids and retinol fight wrinkles very well.

The antioxidant retinol is one of the most effective skin aging retarders that makes skin look younger and healthier.

Fruit acids nourish and smooth the skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles, and retinol restores epidermal cells, which also has a positive effect on skin elasticity.

Gymnastics against wrinkles around the lips

Gymnastics is the most effective way, if not to get rid of wrinkles for good, then at least to significantly postpone their appearance.

You will always have time to resort to anti-aging injections. It’s better to start doing lip gymnastics as early as possible

  • Pull out the lips with a tube. Do this as often as possible throughout the day. Perform 15-20 times.
  • Alternately inflate and deflate your cheeks! Do this 15-20 times.
  • Open your mouth, round your lips as if you want to make an "o" sound. Perform the exercise 15-20 times.
  • Push the lower jaw forward and tightly compress the lips so that the muscles tense up to the ears. Then relax your lips and return the lower jaw to its place. Exercise 3 to 10 times.
  • Inflate your cheeks again and move the air alternately from one cheek to the other, as if rolling an apple. Do 3 to 10 times.
  • It is useful to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, while relaxing the lips. Do the reception from 3 to 10 times.
  • Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, this time pursing your lips. Repeat 3 to 10 times.
  • Push your lower jaw forward again and close your lips tightly to tighten the muscles up to your ears. Then relax the lips and return the lower jaw to its place, resisting the exhalation and fixing the corners of the mouth with three fingers of each hand. Perform 3 to 10 times.
  • Take a deep breath through your nose, hold your breath as much as possible until the face turns red as a result of a rush of blood. Then, puffing out your cheeks, exhale the air through your mouth with jerks, with tension. Perform the technique 3 to 10 times.
  • Inhale through your mouth, squeeze your teeth, and pull the corners of your lips to the sides. Exhale through clenched teeth, stretch your lips with a tube. Run 3 to 10 times.
  • And finally, inhale through your nose, draw in your cheeks. Exhale through your mouth. Perform the exercise 3 to 10 times.

And yet, with age, we do not lose our beauty. It changes, becomes deeper, rather internal. And even if external manifestations inexorably hint at old age, we will still find a way to cope with them.