How to make an offer beautifully and inexpensively. Marriage proposals that captivated Internet users

After long meetings, if you are sure that your girlfriend is the one you would like to see as your wife and mother of your children, the question arises: how to propose so that it is touching, beautiful and original? This is a pretty serious question. After all, you really want everything to work out and for you to be answered with consent! How to propose so that this day will go down in your family history as one of the most beautiful?

When making an offer, you need to remember that this step will most likely be the beginning of your life together, so it should be thoughtful and beautiful. Here are a few very important details, without which it is unlikely that you will be able to make a beautiful proposal:


All special occasions require champagne, celebration, fruit, chocolate, dance. This will create an overall romantic atmosphere, thanks to which the girl will remember your proposal for the rest of her life. The best accompaniment will be beautiful music.

As for the location, it can be almost anything. Just not at home! You can propose in a restaurant, outdoors, in another city - the main thing is that you like it there, and it is something unusual!

To beautifully propose to a girl, the place must be memorable, romantic, and generally match the reasons for its choice. Maybe your couple has your “special” places, remember them, choose the most romantic one and feel free to ask the main question.

Girls love it when their boyfriends remember important details of their relationship. You will move her to tears if you propose in the place where you met or kissed for the first time, where you took your first vacation, etc. Remember what is dear to her, what place she remembers most often, what photographs she keeps, etc.

And, of course, choose the right moment. If a girl needs to study for an exam at the institute, and you make an appointment with her in a restaurant at eight in the evening, it is clear that this is not the best day to propose.


Buy flowers - this is the first thing you need to take care of. Just give your favorite flowers. If a girl loves lilies and you give her roses, it will make you think about how well you know her and how much you want to bring her joy. Please note that some people like flowers in a basket, others in cellophane. But have you had time to find out what flowers your girlfriend prefers?

Wedding ring

This is a very important action and the main thing here is not to get into trouble. After all, the wedding ring needs to be chosen correctly. How to do it? You can go to jewelry stores and casually ask what the girl likes; you can ask a friend or the mother of your future wife to help you in this matter.

Be sure to find out in advance, before proposing to a girl, whether your bride wants to choose the ring herself! Because some girls are very scrupulous when it comes to jewelry. Many girls now know what kind of ring they want on their hand, so buy the rings together later.

You can also casually walk past a jewelry store window and casually ask what exactly she likes. Or you can ask her mother, sister or friend to help you choose a ring.


This is also very important. Just don’t repeat “hackneyed” phrases from movies. Better tell her how much you love her and how much you want to be with her. Listen to your heart, and do not give out a speech you have memorized - the words must come from the soul.

It would seem like a simple sentence, “Marry me!”, but sometimes it is very difficult to pronounce. The stage of creating a family is the most important decision for a loving couple and, of course, you want this moment to be remembered for a lifetime. There is no specific answer to the question of how to make an offer, but there are a number of tips.

You need to make an offer unexpectedly. After all, what could be better than a surprise, especially such a pleasant one. Choose a moment when the girl does not expect anything like that from you - and act! However, it should be understood that the environment must be appropriate; you should not propose, for example, in a supermarket.

The first option for proposing to a girl is quite common. You invite your beloved to a good restaurant. In order to make such an offer, you need to pre-book a table, buy flowers, buy a ring, put on a classic beautiful suit, prepare a speech - and at the right moment say the main words in your life.

Despite its popularity, this method is very effective and works almost flawlessly. Live music, which can be a violinist, can add efficiency and romanticism to this method.

The second option is that you propose to the girl publicly. In this case, options are possible both from a narrow family circle at some kind of general celebration, and proposals publicly, for example, on the radio. You can propose at a party or in a karaoke bar while singing her favorite song.

This method is especially effective in rooms where there is a small stage and a microphone, after reading a speech that lists all the advantages, as well as a story about the history of your relationship.

The next step should be a declaration of love and a marriage proposal. When giving a speech in such exciting conditions, it is best to have a cheat sheet on hand, since your excessive anxiety can simply ruin everything.

An extremely romantic confession can be made by booking a hot air balloon flight.

If you have enough money, you can propose to a girl during a trip to Paris, or, for example, on exotic islands. By the way, you can also hold a wedding ceremony there according to their customs. This is very spectacular and will definitely be memorable for both you and your bride.

If you and your fiancée are skydivers, divers, or are just planning to become one, you don’t need to be told how to beautifully propose to a girl. It will be unexpected, beautiful, romantic and, at the same time, extremely exciting.

You can invite your beloved on a trip around the city at night in a limousine or climb onto the roof and admire the starry sky. Why is there no place for a proposal?

Is there a concert of her favorite band coming soon? Make every effort, and she will learn about your intentions from the lead singer of the group. And you with the ring and flowers will be nearby.

You can also propose to a girl in an original way. To do this, you can organize flash mobs that have recently become popular for your significant other, involving a large number of mutual friends, as well as completely strangers who are ready to help you. It is noteworthy that with this method, the essence of a flash mob can be completely different and is limited solely by your imagination.

If your girl has strong nerves and doesn’t mind pranks, you can turn your proposal into a small action. Invite her out for a walk or dinner by asking someone or hiring a courier to deliver the ring box to her. And you can pretend that you are surprised too.

And finally, you can propose to a girl in contrast. Those. this should happen in the most everyday setting. For example, on an ordinary gray morning, when she is making coffee, you invite her to look out the window and see a banner pre-positioned there asking her to marry you.

Or place the ring on her in the most inappropriate and everyday place - on her dressing table, for example. This method requires two important things - a carefully thought-out continuation and at least 1 hour of free time for both of you.

Proposal to your girlfriend

Starting a family is an important life milestone, a responsible decision for every couple, and if you decide to be together through thick and thin, then it is necessary that the moment of your marriage proposal be remembered for a long time. Here are some tips that may be useful to the groom:

  • First and most importantly, to avoid surprises and discord in your future family life, weigh the pros and cons before making an offer. Talk to your future spouse about your upcoming family life, make sure that your ideals and values ​​coincide. When you make sure that you and your future wife are looking in the same direction, you can begin to take action. Make sure the two of you strive for this kind of life. But despite the talk about family life, the proposal itself should come as a surprise. Choose a moment when the woman is not expecting it.
  • When you decide to propose to a girl, you will need to tell her why you want to marry her. The most important thing here is not just to mint the cherished five words that almost all men pronounce. If you are concerned about how to make a beautiful proposal to a girl, then remember - it should be classic, but at the same time individual.
  • Explain to your future spouse why you want to marry her. For example, you can focus your speech on the fact that with her appearance, your life, and you yourself, have changed a lot for the better, that you really want your girlfriend to always be with you.
  • Talk to the girl's parents. Yes, such a ritual is no longer mandatory. Many years have passed since the daughter was considered the property of her parents, and her marriage necessarily required the consent of the father. But there is still something respectful about asking for the blessing of the bride's parents. This, moreover, will help, in the future, to establish good relations with them.

And last but not least, don’t expect your lady to say “yes” right away. Remember that making such an important decision takes time.

How not to propose marriage

In the desire to exceed the expectations of their beloved, many men begin to go too far. A surprise is great, but you shouldn’t hide your wedding ring in food, it’s no longer relevant. This has been shown in dozens of films, so you won't win any prizes for ingenuity.

There is no need to try to propose marriage to a girl at sports games; the stadium will not allow you to achieve the attention and concentration that such an event deserves. Don’t complicate your life with limousines and garlands of flowers and balloons. The head should be free from vain problems. The most important thing is you and her, and what connects you.

Don't expect a woman to say yes to you right away. You offer to spend your whole life with you. This is a difficult and quite serious decision. If your lady friend said, “I’ll think about it,” treat this with dignity and understanding and give her some time to think. This decision must be conscious and come from the heart.

Now you know how to propose to a girl. Good luck!

The natural development of a relationship between a guy and a girl: everything goes well, they see each other as life partners, then sooner or later the moment comes when the man proposes to his beloved. Many representatives of the stronger sex know that they should carefully prepare for this event. Here the main question arises: how to propose marriage? After all, this moment will never happen again, and I really want it to become a wonderful memory for my other half. To make your proposal moment unforgettable, you need to follow important guidelines.

How to prepare for a marriage proposal?

Before you give your beloved the treasured box with an engagement ring, you need to go through a serious preparation stage: firstly, buy jewelry, secondly, come up with the perfect way to propose, and thirdly, say the right words. Every girl dreams of this event becoming memorable and original, because she has watched so many films about happy love, secretly hoping for an equally beautiful recognition. Mistakes that a young man can make when proposing to his beloved:

  • A sentence from the category “Bring tea, please.” No everyday phrases and boring faces! During the confession, your eyes should shine with love for your girlfriend, otherwise there is a chance that the evening will be ruined, and such a proposal will make your other half think: is it worth getting married? Women, as you know, love with their ears, and this approach may make her feel like the guy doesn’t love her enough.
  • Suggestion "under the influence". There is nothing worse than asking your girlfriend for her hand in marriage if you are tongue-tied and your legs aren’t holding straight. Firstly, this will make her doubt the seriousness of this proposal (if she sobers up - will she forget?), and, secondly, it is ugly and disrespectful towards a beautiful lady.
  • Phone call. This type of offer can only be afforded by people who physically cannot be together (long business trips, sailing, difficulties with obtaining a visa). And in this case, it’s better to wait and tell the girl about your feelings in person.
  • The "since you're pregnant" sentence. Every man who respects himself and his girlfriend will definitely propose marriage if his beloved becomes pregnant, but in no case should this be put at the forefront. The other half is probably waiting for a proposal after the good news, but the main reason to get married should be love, and not an obligation to the unborn child.

It would not be surprising if after such attempts the guy receives a refusal or an uncertain “yes”, after which the girl wilts and then takes a long time to come to her senses. If a man doubts that he will receive a positive response from his soulmate, before the proposal, he needs to ask his beloved with hints whether she is ready to start a family. You need to ask how she sees the future, how many children the girl wants. Typically, representatives of the fair sex are happy to support such conversations if they want to connect their lives with this person.

Find the right engagement ring

If the young man has definitely decided that there will be a proposal, the painful stage of choosing an engagement ring begins. First of all, you want the jewelry to look so that a girl will enjoy wearing it all the time, but guys have a much more difficult time choosing the right size. The easiest way is to go with your beloved to a store, where an experienced salesperson will select the desired decoration option, but there will be no surprise, even if the reason is different - the girl will definitely guess. How to find out the size of your significant other without spoiling an unexpected confession:

  • Take the jewelry your loved one wears and use it to choose the perfect size. But not every girl puts rings on her ring finger or on her right hand. If the guy comes across just such a lady, then there will be no problems with choosing a ring to propose to: you should put the accessory on your little finger, mark with a pencil or pen the place of the best fit, and immediately go to choose a piece of jewelry. An experienced sales consultant will select the right ring based on these data.
  • Help from girlfriends. Many girls, even without further questioning, especially after many years of friendship, are aware of the size of the future bride’s ring finger. A young man should use feminine cunning to find out the necessary information. A friend can easily find out which ring will suit the future bride, and will also suggest a suitable jewelry decoration option, if the situation requires it.
  • Special means. The first way is to take a regular thread or rope, and while the girl is sleeping, carefully wrap her ring finger. Then the resulting length needs to be compared with the table, which is shown in the photo below on the left. Another way: trace the ring that your beloved is wearing along the inner contour, and then measure the diameter. See the size in the photo on the right.

Choose a special place

In order not to disappoint your other half, you need to choose not only a special, but also a suitable place for the proposal. Does the girl like to go to the theater? Then book the best seats in the stalls, and during or after the performance, give her an engagement ring. If she is a lover of increased attention from others, the proposal should be made in an appropriate environment, so that there are a lot of people around. For example, at a stadium or at a concert of his favorite city band, a young man will congratulate his beloved from the stage.

You shouldn’t drag your significant other into an environment that is uncomfortable for her - it’s unlikely that a lover of warmth and comfort will like a street proposal in front of everyone or even recognition in a restaurant. But the soul of the company will certainly rejoice if you involve friends and acquaintances for a spectacular and beautiful proposal. In this case, do not hesitate to use “cinema” attributes: butterflies and doves flying out of the box, hundreds of roses, etc.

Find the right words

The right words will be the defining moment of a good marriage proposal. A girl doesn’t just want to hear “Marry me”, she wants to receive a ring and a bouquet of flowers - this is the moment when excessive romance definitely won’t hurt. A young man, when proposing, must tell his other half why he chose her, what traits he values ​​in her, which made him not doubt for a second that she will become the only companion of his life. The surprise must be accompanied by a declaration of love.

It’s even better if the young man has some creative talents, for example, the gift of writing poetry or a good voice. A man can perform a touching song for his other half with a marriage proposal or send her a letter with touching words - it will be truly romantic and will definitely touch her to the core.

Ways to propose to a girl for marriage

Men from all over the world have come up with many ways to propose to their beloved: this is a classic option with a restaurant, musicians, a bottle of luxurious wine, cozy gatherings with a glass of martini on a picnic, and a quest adventure with tasks. If you want more original options, you can come up with an individual way to ask a girl for her hand in marriage. The main thing to remember is that the determining factor of consent will be the relationship, and not the degree of riskiness or surprise of the proposal.

In the sky in a hot air balloon

Every girl at least once dreamed of riding in a hot air balloon and seeing the world from a bird's eye view. Just imagine: a beautiful view of green landscapes, romantic music from the tape recorder speakers, good red wine, fresh snacks or her favorite cake and a young man suddenly taking out a box with a ring and getting down on one knee... The only thing a guy should seriously think about before organizing something like this sentences: will the girl be happy to rise up? If your beloved is afraid of heights, it is better not to take risks with this method.

During a parachute jump

Some representatives of the fair sex are real extreme sports enthusiasts; it costs them nothing to bungee jump from the height of a four-story building, sit on the most dangerous ride in an amusement park, or jump with a parachute. The last type of proposal is suitable for such girls. If your beloved has already jumped with a parachute several times or has always dreamed of doing it, invite her to a double jump. The instructor will secure the young man together with his significant other, and during the jump, while the couple is still flying without opening the fabric, it’s time to ask the cherished question!

Using balloons

Balloons are a decoration for any holiday. They lift your spirits, are pleasing to the eye, and will also be a wonderful decoration for a marriage proposal. A guy can use balloons simply as decoration - give his other half an armful of helium balloons, or make them an active proposal tool. For example, it will be interesting if a girl starts going down the stairs to work, and there there will be balls tied to the railing with letters that spell out the question: “Will you marry me?”

On radio or television

A universal way to announce your feelings to the whole world is to propose on the radio. If a girl turns on a certain radio station every day, then she will probably be delighted to suddenly hear her name, and then touching words of love. The most important thing is to make sure that your significant other is next to the tape recorder, otherwise the girl may miss the text of the sentence, or even not pay attention at all. A more effective way is to buy a few seconds of airtime on a local channel for a proposal with a clip of photographs, and watch TV together in the evening.

In the form of an inscription under the window

For those who love extra attention, a young man can arrange a proposal that all the neighbors will know about: write a text on the asphalt in large letters, stand next to a bouquet of red or white roses, call his beloved on the phone and say: “Look out the window.” Your other half will definitely be delighted to see your loved one, who tried so hard to please her. The only thing to be careful with is the ease with which the paint washes off. It is unlikely that the neighbors will be happy with another inscription forever sealed on the asphalt.

How to push a guy to propose?

If a girl has been living with a guy for a long time, they have a close, trusting relationship, and still no proposal comes, you should try to push the young man to make a responsible decision. The other half may begin to start a conversation about what they would like the wedding to look like, future children, a new apartment - it would be appropriate to talk about this after the wedding of friends or acquaintances. If this doesn't work, the guy's good friends will come to the rescue: you will need to ask them to talk to him, telling him about their plans for the wedding, family and an original proposal.

Video selection of beautiful marriage proposals

Many young people want to capture the moment of their proposal forever, and with modern video recording tools, this is easier than ever. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a professional camera or a recording on a friend’s smartphone: any visual memory of this event will allow the couple to enjoy fresh impressions years later. Below you can see how young people made beautiful proposals to their girlfriends.

Creative way to make an offer on a house

Many girls prefer comfort to noisy places and large crowds of people, so for their beloved, a young man must come up with an unusual way of proposing at home, and the hero of the next video succeeded. The guy created a photo album for his lady love, where the letters were marked in bright colors. Leafing through it, the girl saw a question that moved her to tears:

Romantic proposal in a restaurant

Some try to make an original proposal that no one else has ever had, but the eternal classics always remain relevant - good wine, candles, rose petals can hit a girl’s heart. Watch a touching video in which a young man makes a gorgeous proposal to his beloved to live together as husband and wife:

Every girl dreams of an unusual, bright, romantic confession and marriage proposal! About a moment that would make her so happy and be remembered for the rest of her life! But, for some reason, young people are reluctant to fantasize, preferring the traditional banal way of suggesting: “Let’s get married” or “Move in with me,” that the girl, instead of enjoying the happy moment, is upset about this situation for several more days. To make this moment unforgettable, you need to know exactly what women really want.

We offer you as many as 50 original ways to propose marriage to a girl and win her heart!

1. Do it the old fashioned way: get down on one knee with a rose in your mouth and a ring in your hand. The location here is no longer important: an expensive restaurant or a noisy intersection, the edge of a forest or the very center of a metropolis. The main thing is the unique romance of the gesture itself.

2. Arrange with the waiter to bring her favorite dessert with a ring inside. (Be careful that she doesn't swallow it).

3. Invite her to the theater and ask the administrator to allow you to go on stage and propose immediately after the performance.

4. Show up at her office in the middle of the day with a red rose, a bottle of champagne and a glass with a ring in it.

5. Write with chalk on the street under her windows: “(girl’s name)! Will you marry me?”

6. Call your local radio station and ask them to air your proposal live at a time when you know she/he will hear it. Dedicate a song to her, for example the romantic “I’m Flying Away with You” by Oxygenz

7. Gather all your friends and family together in some cafe, restaurant or home, and propose your hand and heart.

8. Gather your friends and family around her house and give them signs that say, “Will you marry me?” and stand in front of everyone on one knee, holding the ring in your hands.

9. Arrange with someone to bring her a telegram to work, where your romantic feelings will be described. A couple of minutes after the presentation (she still has to read all this), go in yourself and ask your question.

10. Create an Internet page on the Internet: everything about your life together. Photos, places that mean a lot to both of you. Send her an SMS with the address of your page and a few romantic phrases. The most important thing: do not forget to write your cherished question on the main page of the site.

11. Take a large box, put a smaller one in it, then an even smaller one, and put a ring in the last smallest box. It will be more interesting if each box is decorated as a gift (she will be interested in unwrapping them all). Or you can take a plastic box or something glass and fill it all with foam, and put a ring at the bottom. No one has ever given your girlfriend such a gift!

12. Find a large box and bring it to your loved one at work. Decorate it (the box, not the girl) beautifully and have someone tell your friend that a package has been brought for her. At this time, climb into the box yourself and when she opens the gift, she will see you there - the man of her dreams with a ring in his hand. Go for it!

13. Call her to nature (picnic) and there, “to the sounds of the nightingale,” tell her about your feelings.

14. Get up early, prepare her favorite breakfast, don't forget the rose and champagne. Wake up your beloved with a passionate kiss and ask your question.

15. Or get up a little earlier than your beloved, put a letter with beautiful declarations of love and a ring on your pillow, and retire to the shower. May your awakening be pleasant.

16. Scatter rose petals all over her bed and place a wrapped ring in the center, tell her that you bought her a gift to show how much you love her. When she opens it, tell her that you want to spend the rest of your life with her.

17. Prepare a romantic dinner and place napkins around with inscriptions, for example: the person sitting opposite wants to marry you. Or slide a napkin (use cloth, not paper!) through the ring, and when she unrolls the napkin to place it on her lap, she will find the ring.

18. Take her on a date to the place where you first met, and bring along a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses to celebrate your engagement (after you propose to her).

19. Bake a cake or order a cake from the store that says, “Will you marry me?

20. Buy your beloved a watch and write: “Let's get married”!

21. Pour her a glass of wine and put a ring on the bottom; when she finishes the drink, the ring will appear.

22. New Year's idea: Hang a ring on the tree and challenge it to find a new ornament.

23. If you are dining at a restaurant, ask the waiter/waitress to write, "Will you marry me?" chocolate cream on a saucer, around her dessert.

24. Prepare her a bath with fragrant candles, throw rose petals into it and after your beloved is comfortable in it, lower a rubber ducky with a ring into the water in front of her.

25. Serve her oysters in bed and place the ring in the shell.

26. Write your sentence on a piece of paper and place it in the bottle. When you're on the beach, pretend you fished it out of the sea. Let her open the bottle and read the message.

27. Write your proposal on glow-in-the-dark stars and tape them to the ceiling.

28. Explain your proposal in detail in the heat star labels in the dark on the ceiling. When she goes to bed, she will definitely see them.

29. Stick arrows in various places in her apartment and tell her that if she goes all the way to the end, she will see the surprise you have prepared. The last arrow will point to you holding the ring.

30. Write your proposal in the cold on the windshield of her car.

31. Invite your girlfriend to go to football (hockey) - after all, your favorite team is playing! Ask the commentator to say your sentence.

32. Make an offer after returning from the store. Let the ring seem to accidentally get lost among the purchases. For example, if you know for sure that your loved one will not miss the chance to enjoy hot donuts, place the ring next to them, and at the same time prepare a touching speech.

33. Go to the beach and write in big letters on the sand: “Will you marry me?”

34. Invite her to take a boat ride and ask your question.

35. Take her up in a hot air balloon, take a bottle of champagne with you and propose and propose romantically.

36. Invite her to a concert of her favorite band and ask one of the participants to propose on your behalf, in such a situation everyone will make concessions to you.

37. Go treasure hunting. Make a small chest, put the ring in it and lock it with a key, and hide the key. Place your clues about the location of the key everywhere (you can at work, at home, throughout the city - use your imagination!). When she finds the key, she can unlock the chest and find the wedding ring.

38. Write a sentence in verse and recite it under her window.

39. Organize a birthday party, invite friends and family and propose.

40. Give her a thick album with dates, full of photographs, memorabilia and various comments. The last date should be the date of the day on which you present your gift, and in front of it, let the question be written in beautiful letters.

41. Invite your beloved to take a break from the hustle and bustle by going to Venice, Prague, Paris for the weekend to breathe in the romance of these cities and make the most unforgettable declaration of love.

42. A rainy day is not the time to be sad at home, especially for two people who love each other. Pull on your colorful rubber boots and waterproof jackets and go ahead and conquer the wet sidewalks. Carefully drop something into the puddle and let it pick up the ring itself.

43. On such a day you can afford a luxury car, expensive champagne and a sparkling ring. Give your loved one a real holiday, let her enjoy this time to the fullest. You will need a personal driver who will take you to a picturesque place, leave you for a while, and then rush off to celebrate such a significant event.

44. Are you waiting for your loved one to come home from work? Prepare her a hot bath with plenty of foam, light an aroma lamp that emits the scent of lemon, and decorate everything with rose petals. Let your loved one relax, and then kiss and put a ring on her finger. A beautiful offer in a pleasant environment.

45. Pamper her by waking her up after a sound sleep with a cup of aromatic coffee and a light breakfast served in bed. Place the rose and the ring box on the tray. With sleepy eyes, she may not immediately notice it, but how much joy there will be when she discovers a pleasant surprise. A good start to the day, a prosperous start to a new life together.

Getting married is a very important and responsible step. Moreover, not only the preparation for the wedding, but also the marriage proposal preceding it is of no small importance. Every girl deep down loves romance and dreams that the proposal will be special, unusual and touching. Many men do not know how to behave in such situations and doubt how to propose to a girl. It is up to you to arrange a special holiday for your loved one. But in order for everything to go beautifully and with dignity, you will have to work hard. However, if you put in a little effort and try to show all your tender feelings, the proposal will probably turn out perfect, and you will make both you and your bride happy. In this article, we will offer you some wonderful ways to prove to your beloved that you are serious and ask her for her hand in marriage. Which option to choose is up to you.

Find out what she likes

It is important that the solemn and important day when you propose is not only beautiful and touching, but also appeals to your girlfriend. It's no secret that every woman has her own preferences, character and life position. What suits one person may not suit another's taste. Therefore, in the preparation process, you must take into account the interests of your beloved. This is the easiest way to make the perfect proposal that will captivate your girlfriend and convince her to give you a positive answer.

  • Just think about what your chosen one loves, what she is interested in. And then the right solution will naturally come to your mind. For example, if a girl loves the theater, propose to her right on stage, during the performance. Make an agreement in advance with the theater administrators, and at the end of the performance, get up on stage and take the plunge. This has become a very common practice lately, and theater workers usually respond very kindly to such requests and try their best to help the groom make the perfect proposal.
  • If your sweetheart is into music and loves listening to the radio, ask her for her hand in marriage live. It will be great if a girl, listening to her favorite program, hears a proposal, and then the romantic music you know starts playing. Such an act can melt the heart of any woman.
  • For extreme sports lovers and scuba diving fans, there is another great option for a romantic step. When going on vacation with your loved one, purchase a ring in advance. During your next scuba dive, take out the box with the ring, show it to your loved one, and she will understand everything without a word. Of course, this is a rather extreme method, but it will certainly touch the heart of a scuba diving fan. From the category of equally unusual and exciting options - an offer in the sky. If you and your loved one are fond of skydiving, you can give her the treasured box with a ring right during the next “flight”. The riskiest suitors in such cases, trying to convince the girl to say “yes,” tell her that they will not pull the ring until she agrees. This, of course, is not an option for the faint of heart, but you must agree that such a proposal among the clouds and blue sky is very romantic.

In a word, look for what your girlfriend loves, and you will surely be able to prepare a memorable proposal that will melt your beloved’s heart and leave no doubt in her mind.

Classics of the genre

If you are one of the conservative people who honor traditions and do not like to take risks, you will probably like the classic methods that have stood the test of time and are always relevant. Among these traditional options are the following popular ways to ask your beloved for her hand in marriage:

  • Don't know how to propose to a girl? At the restaurant. This method is quite simple and uncomplicated, but at the same time almost all women, without exception, like it. Choose a good place in advance, buy a ring, negotiate with the restaurant staff. The most important moment during this gala evening is, of course, the presentation of the ring. It may unexpectedly “appear” in a glass of wine, or you can hide it in a cake or pastry. The main thing is to carefully plan and prepare everything. This is one of the win-win options that will always be relevant.
  • There is another traditional answer to the question of how to propose to a girl beautifully. At home, you can also arrange this solemn moment in a very romantic and touching way. Imagine that your beloved wakes up in the morning, and you greet her with a tray with a variety of goodies, on which, in addition, there is also a ring. Confess your love to the girl and ask her to become your wife. Or do it a little differently: wake up before your lover, leave the ring on your pillow and leave the room. When she wakes up, the girl will find the long-awaited box next to her and will immediately understand everything. This method is very simple, but sweet and touching. It is suitable for those who do not like excessive theatricality and prefer simplicity and conciseness in everything.
  • A classic way to make a romantic proposal is to have a plane fly by with a banner waving behind it. The main thing is to arrange everything so that your girlfriend is in the right place at the right time, sees the plane and is able to read the inscription on the poster. If you manage to arrange everything correctly, you are guaranteed a positive result.

If you want to make a particularly good impression, go with your chosen one to the city of love - Paris. A proposal at the top of the Eiffel Tower is a classic and timeless option that has already made many thousands of couples happy. The enchanting air of Paris, the lights of the city at night, the best French wine, you and your beloved on top of the Eiffel Tower - what could be more beautiful?

All these methods have stood the test of time. Despite the fact that grooms tried them many years ago, they still remain very popular and relevant. Each of these options will appeal to absolutely any woman, regardless of her age, character, tastes and preferences.

The most romantic proposals

Every woman needs romance. But if your girlfriend is one of the most delicate, sensitive and dreamy people, you will have to come up with something truly exciting and romantic to make an unforgettable impression on her. Offers you some of the most beautiful ways to ask for your hand in marriage:

  • If you want to conquer your beloved on the spot, there is a great solution on how to propose to a girl. In winter, invite her to the skating rink and confess your love right in front of everyone. It’s good if you manage to come to an agreement with the employees of the skating rink and add a romantic ambiance - at the moment of the proposal, the lights may shine, your favorite music may play, and in a slow dance you confess to the girl that you want to become her husband. A positive result is guaranteed.
  • A great option to ask a dreamy and romantic person for your hand in marriage is a bottle with a note. The girl should "accidentally" find it in the sea off the coast during your summer vacation. Every woman, uncorking a mysterious bottle with a message, will feel like a real treasure hunter. And, after reading the mysterious message (where you ask her to become your wife), she will probably be touched to the depths of her soul.
  • In order to implement the next method, you will have to come home earlier than your bride. Prepare a bath for her with foam and relaxing essential oils, place candles, flowers everywhere, prepare champagne, fruits and sweets. When your beloved comes home from work, she will certainly be pleased with such a pleasant surprise. And when she is basking in the bathtub, you will tell her your cherished words.
  • Do you want to be truly romantic? Invite your girlfriend to the planetarium. When you enter the hall, your bride's favorite flowers will be there and her favorite music will be playing. Then the lights will go out, the stars will light up and the inscription “Be my wife” will appear in the sky. This method is very beautiful and quite original and unconventional. Of course, it will require preliminary preparation.
  • If your girlfriend is sentimental and loves looking at old photos, this is your chance to make a touching proposal. Give her an album with photos of you together. Choose the most memorable and bright moments of your relationship. The last page of the album should be blank. Make the inscription “Our wedding date” there. And put a big question mark. This is a clear way to state that your intentions are as serious as ever.

Don't be afraid to be romantic. Try to show in your proposal the full depth of feelings that you have for your girlfriend, and she will definitely appreciate it.

Original options

Many girls have an original character and do not like standard solutions. If your chosen one is one of these women, you will have to try very hard to impress her. We advise you to choose one of the most original and unusual options to ask a girl for her hand in marriage:

  • Purchase special phosphor wallpaper that glows in the dark from a specialized store. Cut out large letters from them, from which you will compose an inscription (for example, “marry me”). In the absence of your loved one, stick these letters on the wall, ceiling or shelf. When she turns off the light and goes to bed, the treasured inscription will shine in the darkness.
  • For the next option you will need a large number of helium filled balloons. Each ball should have one letter, and in the end they should form an inscription (special balls with letters according to your order can easily be made at any holiday agency). The balls need to be tied along the stairs that your girlfriend walks every day (at the entrance of the house or in the office). Climbing the stairs step by step, your beloved must read the inscription. At the very top you will be waiting for her with flowers and a ring. Like any other proposal in public, such a confession will look touching and touching.
  • If you want to be truly original, be unexpected. A sudden proposal is the most unusual and boring way to ask your beloved for her hand in marriage. Just behave naturally, be yourself and in the moment of everyday normal conversation suddenly say: “Be my wife.” Such a proposal will certainly be unexpected and pleasant, and an unremarkable day will be illuminated with extraordinary colors.

If you want to get even more ideas on how to propose to a girl beautifully, Videos will also help you.

Every girl dreams of receiving a beautiful and impressive proposal. However, if you think about it, this is not so important. It doesn’t matter where exactly you ask for your hand in marriage, in what setting, at what time of day, etc. The main thing is sincerity and genuineness of feelings. If you truly love your girlfriend and your passion is mutual, any proposal will be romantic and wonderful.

In what month to get married, read in I.

It's no secret that every girl dreams of hearing three cherished words from her beloved man. And to begin with, “I love you” should sound, and only then, after some time, you can safely move to a new stage - “Marry me.” A marriage proposal must be remembered for a lifetime for its surprise, originality and a lot of positive emotions. But how to do this? You should not make a banal proposal; a person of the fair sex is unlikely to appreciate this.

How not to propose to a girl?

Remember the most important thing - your actions must be thought out to the smallest detail, guided by knowledge about what your life partner loves and what she dreams about. Check out the list of how not to present a ring and say three cherished words:

  • no matter how casually, you shouldn’t talk about the wedding and especially do it on the go;
  • In a drunken state, you should not propose marriage either, your behavior will show disrespect for the fairer sex and it is unlikely that she will reciprocate your feelings;
  • You cannot be distracted from an important matter, especially at this moment listening to music, chewing something or looking dreamily out the window;
  • You definitely can’t make an offer over the phone;
  • after passionate and wild sex, you cannot decide to take such active actions;
  • based on the preferences of your significant other - if she doesn’t like to draw extra attention to her person, you shouldn’t put on a show;
  • hide the ring in food, after such a wonderful dinner the girl can go straight to the dentist to have her teeth treated.

But the most important thing is that you must be 200% confident in your girlfriend, and you need to talk to her parents in advance and let them know. It is not necessary to ask permission; in the end, you do not live with your parents, but with their daughter.

Make an action plan

Before you decide to turn your plan into action, you should definitely talk with your chosen one about the future together and do it as if by chance. You need to choose the ring yourself, and you shouldn’t run around the city at the last moment in search of “that perfect piece of jewelry,” everything should be done in advance. Try to draw up an action plan, and if nothing original comes to mind, then you should definitely use the services of special agencies for organizing such events. If you want to do everything yourself, then don’t forget about the most important thing - all women love romance, flowers, fireworks.

10 ways to propose if you live together

Modern society is increasingly promoting civil marriage, which allows you to live under one roof without any stamps in your passport or any additional obligations. But every person of the fairer sex wants that treasured ring on her finger and a stamp in her passport so that her loved one will call her his wife, so it is so important that this moment be remembered forever:

  1. You should replace all the jewelry in the box with an engagement ring, and you should definitely do this before going to some special event that you have planned in advance. Going to the theater or for a romantic dinner.
  2. Write the cherished phrase “Will you marry me” on the ceiling with bright stars. When she turns off the light in the evening, her beloved girl will see this and be pleasantly surprised. Don't forget to prepare a delicious dinner, buy flowers and champagne.
  3. Hang a sign with the cherished phrase on the dog’s collar. On the one hand, it is very sweet, romantic and touching. These words will be an invitation to enter a person’s life forever.
  4. You can turn a banal and boring trip to the supermarket into a real adventure. It’s worth hiding your ring in one of the paper boxes with your favorite desserts.
  5. If your girlfriend loves coffee, you can turn your morning breakfast into something special. A special form with the inscription “Marry me” will inspire your beloved from the very morning.
  6. Breakfast. Tell the girl that you will be the one preparing breakfast today and go to the kitchen. But before that, you should definitely lay out the treasured confession of grapes on the table, completely unnoticed, and the reaction will not be long in coming.
  7. Magnets on the refrigerator. It seems like such a small thing, but it will help you propose to your loved one in an original way. It will be enough just to write a phrase and wait for the answer that the girl will write to you.
  8. During renovation. Let them know that you want to repaint your bedroom in different colors and ask your girlfriend to advise you and choose a paint together. Half the wall should be painted over with a roller and the cherished phrase should be written.
  9. Arrange a quest for your beloved. You should definitely disguise this game as another greeting, for example Happy Birthday. When she solves your riddle and sees your loved one with flowers in a funny suit on the balcony, she will understand everything and make the right decision.
  10. Finger ring. But you can simply take and put the ring on your chosen one’s finger; this method can be safely called classic, but this does not lose its magic and peculiar magic.

We propose to a girl in an original way: TOP 15 ways

  1. If there is a dolphinarium in your city, you should call in advance and arrange that you will come swim with the dolphins. A charge of positive emotions is definitely guaranteed, and as soon as the girl gets out of the water, she needs to be distracted and at that very moment a dolphin with a box on her nose will appear and delight your beloved with a ring.
  2. An option for real extreme sports enthusiasts is a helicopter flight, sightseeing and that same marriage proposal. It's ideal to go somewhere beautiful where you can spend time just the two of you.
  3. You can simply write a cherished phrase on the asphalt without unnecessary pathos and fuss and in the morning, as soon as the girl wakes up and looks out the window, give her a huge bouquet of roses.
  4. You can also wish someone a happy birthday in an original way and present them with a treasured ring as a gift. To do this, you just need to make a little effort, buy several boxes and hide a ring in one of them. Surely your significant other loves to unpack gifts. She will open each box with special impatience, clearly not expecting to see a wedding ring at the bottom.
  5. Valentine's Day and New Year are holidays on which people all over the planet make wishes. And your girlfriend will receive a ring as a gift. You can prepare in advance and go to celebrate the holiday in another country.
  6. What person of the fairer sex does not dream of a fairy-tale prince on a white horse? All you have to do is make a little effort to find a horse and impress your chosen one to the depths of your heart. You will definitely remember such a gift-impression for the rest of your life.
  7. Dedicated to those who love skating and roller skating - you can leave your girlfriend at the skating rink for a while and use the speakerphone to tell her how much you love her and propose.
  8. A date on the roof of a multi-storey building will create a romantic atmosphere. Candles, champagne flowers and, of course, a ring are the main attribute of this evening.
  9. Write a handwritten letter to your girl about how much she is dear to you and how you feel about her. As soon as she reads it to the end, you can safely go in and ask the main question that requires her answer.
  10. You can recreate your first acquaintance, that is, simply invite her to the place where you first met. Don't forget about sweets, champagne and a prepared speech.
  11. A ride in a hot air balloon at sunset will in itself create a reverent atmosphere and at such a moment you will need to get down on one knee and present the ring.
  12. Make a video, there are so many bloggers around now, you can safely borrow a few ideas from them and bring them to life as soon as possible. Invite a girl to the cinema and ask that your little film be shown before the main film adaptation, the girl will definitely be delighted with everything that happens.
  13. Write poetry and you can learn her favorite song with the guitar. Your beloved clearly does not expect such a surprise if you have never written poetry before, much less played the guitar.
  14. On the seashore, you should write a proposal in the sand, lay out a blanket in advance and serve a romantic dinner with sweets and champagne. Your significant other will definitely be delighted with such a sweet surprise.
  15. Give your loved one a foot massage and when she relaxes, put a ring on her toe.

Such a significant event as a marriage proposal does not happen every day, so it is necessary to look appropriate at this moment. A man must take care of his appearance in advance. You shouldn’t wear a T-shirt and jeans to an expensive restaurant; your clothes should be appropriate for the event. A person of the fairer sex must definitely appreciate your appearance, but with all this, an atmosphere of relaxed comfort should reign. Many girls like the way a man looks in a classic suit, and if you wear it, you will definitely please your significant other with this appearance. And vice versa, if she doesn’t like some things in her wardrobe, then it’s stupid to wear them on such a special day. Appearance is, first of all, a reflection of a person, and you can only feel confident if you know what you want from life. Therefore, it is so important to demonstrate that this day is special in your life and casual clothing is completely inappropriate in this case.

If the other day you decided to propose marriage, then you definitely need to start training. Try to rehearse your speech, you can do this in front of a mirror. The most important thing is that it should not be pretentious; try to control yourself and control your statements, intonation and voice. The most important thing is that you need to explain why you have emotions and feelings for her and why you want to live hand in hand with her all your life. Thanks to this training, you can get rid of uncertainty and remove excessive emotionality. Every word spoken should sound sincere and simple, and the speech should not drag on for three hours. Try to limit yourself to a time period of ten minutes, without long sentences and unnecessary words, because from the outside it will look very strange. It's like you've been memorizing these phrases for months in a row.

Show your imagination

Any person of the fair sex will be very pleased if her boyfriend tries to organize some kind of surprise for her. It’s just very important to do this at the right time, if you had a fight - you shouldn’t try to make amends and go to your beloved with your marriage proposals, she simply won’t appreciate your impulse and will probably refuse. Even if you are not a romantic, but have always dreamed of surprising your soulmate, you should definitely think through everything to the smallest detail and prepare for the most important event in your life. Maybe these are just words for you, but for a girl it is a very responsible and serious step. The reaction will definitely be emotional, you can be sure. But everyone shows emotions differently, and if a girl is silent and asks for time to think, it means that she really needs to think it over and think about whether she is ready to throw in her lot with you. Don’t be trivial, you understand perfectly well that such a serious and responsible decision requires concentration and creativity.

The girl’s mother, sister and best friend can help you not only organize a marriage proposal at a decent level, but also decide on the choice of ring. Trust people who have known your chosen one since early childhood. They probably know much more about the habits, innermost dreams and desires of the person who already lives with you under the same roof. Act, words should always be supported by actions, and only in this case you will definitely do everything in such a way that you will see the lights of reciprocity and happiness in the eyes of a dear person.