How to determine your size of women's tights. Women's tights and stockings: how to choose the size

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Perhaps there is not a single girl or woman who would ignore this detail of the toilet. All ladies wear tights and stockings. And we all know what hell the day can turn into if this thing is uncomfortable or the wrong size.

Perhaps nothing irritates us more than the need to constantly pull tights that are slipping down in a size that is too small, or, conversely, to straighten the “accordion” on our knees every five minutes because the “kapron” turned out to be too big...

Today we will tell you how to choose the right tights of the right size, and distinguish high-quality “nylon tights” from those that quickly lose their presentation.

Size chart for women's tights and stockings

Weight145 148 150 153 155 158 160 163 165 168
40-45 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2
45-50 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
50-55 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
55-60 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
60-65 2 2 2 2 3 3
65-70 3 3 3 3
70-75 4 4

for taller ones:

Weight170 173 175 178 180 183 185 188 190
40-45 2
45-50 2 3
50-55 3 3 3 4
55-60 3 3 3 4 4
60-65 3 3 4 4 4
65-70 3 4 4 4 4 5 5
70-75 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
75-80 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
80-85 5 5 5 5 5
85-90 5 5 5 6 6
90-95 6 6 6 6
95-100 6 6 6 6 7
100-105 6 6 6 7 7
105-110 7 7 7 7 7 8
110-115 7 7 7 8 8
115-120 7 8 8 8 8
120-125 8 8 8 8 8

How to choose your size of tights and stockings?

In most cases, to determine the size of tights and stockings, numbers from 1 to 8 are indicated on the packages. In this case, size 8 is the largest.

The most popular are women's tights from sizes 2 to 6, and they can usually be found in most stores. “Kapronki” of smaller and larger sizes can often be purchased only at specialized retail outlets, or ordered through online stores.

Tights can also be marked with standard clothing size designations: S, L, M...

In some cases, on the packaging, in addition to the size of the tights, you can see the following designations:

  • d – diameter of the product under the kneecap;
  • g - circumference at the hips;
  • ag – leg length (measured from the inside);
  • c – shin width;
  • B – ankle circumference.

These indicators are often indicated on models of very thick women's tights, or those that do not stretch well. These could be anti-varicose stockings, shapewear, etc.

On ordinary elastic tights, such parameters are not specified. The only thing that matters here is the size.

However, it’s not all that simple, and it’s not enough for you to remember the treasured number once, having successfully bought the caprons.

Every lady, when buying tights, should know that size indicators on models from different manufacturing companies often vary. That is, if you bought stockings from one company and size 3 fits you perfectly, it may well turn out that a “three” from another manufacturer will be too small for you.

When purchasing hosiery, be sure to read the size chart for tights and stockings. As a rule, on each package of stockings, on the back side there is a square, on the top of which the weight is indicated, and on the side - the height of the woman. Mentally drawing two straight lines from these points, you will see at the place where they connect the number with the size of tights you need.

If you are very tall or overweight, and the intersection of your measurements is outside the specified sizes, then look for tights from other brands, among which there may be those that suit you.

In the case when your data is close to the border between sizes, for example between 3 and 4, it is better to take tights with number 4.

Remember that stockings that are too small are extremely uncomfortable and impractical to wear:

  • They constantly slip;
  • They are difficult to “pull” and distribute along the leg;
  • The upper elastic band may “dig” into the body at the waist;
  • Due to the strong tension, they are much easier to tear. With the same effect on tights of your size and a smaller one, in the first case you will “plant” the puff, and in the second you will get an impressive arrow;

However, it’s also not worth playing it safe and taking much larger caprons. They are also uncomfortable to wear, and they don’t look aesthetically pleasing.

Therefore, do not be lazy, every time you buy this toilet part, carefully study the label and choose the right size.

How to choose stockings?

Women's stockings, as a rule, are marked according to the same principle as tights. However, they often contain other designations.

If you choose stockings that have sealed not only the toe, but also the heel, then they should have additional numbers from 8.5 to 13. They correspond to your foot size, and the larger it is, the higher this figure should be.

If you see the letters S, M, L on stockings, then you should not confuse them with the standard size designation. They show the length of the product: S – to the knee, M – slightly higher, L – to mid-thigh.

Never buy women's stockings that are smaller than you need. In this situation, they will unsightly tighten your thigh, and these “creases” will be visible even through clothes.

Also pay attention to the fact that the elastic band of the stockings is equipped with special silicone tabs that will “glue” them to your leg. Otherwise, you can only wear these stockings with a special belt.

“Thickness” of tights: determine correctly

The “den” indicator informs the buyer how dense the tights are.

Numbers from 10 to 15, these are very thin “kapronkas”, perfect for a warm summer day. As a rule, they are bought solely for aesthetic purposes, for an evening out, or for ladies working in offices where the dress code prohibits “bare” legs even in summer.

For the autumn and spring periods, when the first cold snap occurs, it is better to take tights from 20 to 45 den. They look aesthetically pleasing and prevent the “hostess” from freezing.

For the cold season, “kapronkas” with a density of 70 denier and higher are ideal. It is recommended to buy them under trousers. Two pairs of thick tights will last you the whole season. This is much more practical and pleasant than wearing stockings “decorated” with arrows under jeans.

Choosing the material of tights and stockings

As a rule, lycra, microfiber and acrylic are used in the manufacture of tights.

The first two materials are good because such products retain their presentation for a long time, heat well and do not deteriorate when washed.

But tights containing acrylic quickly become covered with cones. But at the same time they will protect you from the cold even on very frosty days. Therefore, you can choose them, and when they lose their visual appeal, wear them under your trousers.

When buying “kapronka”, be sure to pay attention to the presence of a gusset, which ideally should be made of cotton fabric.

Rules for wearing and washing tights and stockings

  • Tights should be washed either by hand or in a machine in the delicate wash mode, after placing them in a special bag;
  • It is better to dry these products at room temperature, and not on a hot radiator;
  • If the stocking is torn and you want to “save” it, then “unravel” the old tights and sew up the hole with a thin nylon thread. This will help make the seam as invisible as possible. Under no circumstances should you cover up any holes in your heel or toes with varnish. The varnish will harden, become hard, and you can rub an impressive callus on your feet;
  • Never wear tights or stockings with shoes that have an open toe or heel. Stockings in combination with sandals are also bad manners!;
  • When choosing the color of nylons, be guided by the fact that they should be at least a little lighter than your skirt or dress. The exception is the case when you purchase colored stockings, which should become the main accent of your clothing ensemble;
  • Watch your hands carefully! Nothing poses such a danger to fragile “kapron” as hangnails and broken nails;
  • When putting on tights, be sure to remove the rings, and try not to make sudden movements or tug at the fabric. Proceed carefully and smoothly;
  • If you wear stockings, remember that you can only wear them with a sufficiently long and loose skirt that will completely cover the elastic bands and will not tighten them. That is, your clothes should be such that it is not noticeable to you that you preferred stockings to tights.

What did you choose? Tights or stockings? Share in the comments!

Any perfect women's outfit can be ruined by unsuitable or low-quality tights. Even the smallest thing - a fold, a creeping loop, a twist - guarantees that fashionable and beautiful clothes will go unnoticed, and people will gossip about your inability to choose stockings or tights correctly for a long time.

How to choose good tights? Five secrets

Following Coco Chanel, all French women believe that Better 2 wrinkles on your face than one on your tights. Five secrets of the correct selection of tights will help emphasize the grace and beauty of the legs, tell about the delicate taste of their owner, and suitable tights will be the final touch to the ideal image.

1. Choose the density of tights

Depending on the density, all tights are marked with DEN symbols, which can be equal to 20, 40, 60, etc. units. This parameter means that a thread 9000 m long was used to make the tights, and their weight is 20 g, 40 g, 60 g, etc.

For summer time, tights in 15 and 20 DEN are ideal, because they are transparent, comfortable, thin and go with elegant shoes. In colder seasons, it is better to choose tights with a higher density. So models in 40 DEN are practical, durable and will not let you freeze in the fall and spring. Tights, the density of which varies from 50 DEN to 180, are mostly used to model the shape of the legs or for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. In winter, they definitely won’t be cold.

Each pair of tights has a different density in different areas. The area of ​​shorts or panties, heels and toes are denser than the rest of the tights.

2. Choosing the material of tights

Modern stockings and tights mainly contain lycra. This material allows the product not to stretch and retain its shape even after repeated washing. It is believed that the optimal lycra content in tights is in the range of 10-30%.

Microfiber is also included in some tights. It provides silkiness, strength, softness and elasticity. Products with microfiber are more expensive, but they definitely won’t tear the first time you wear them.
In cold weather, tights with acrylic in them will be a good choice. This material is an artificial wool and provides comfort, warmth and low cost. There is also a drawback to it - after a certain period of wearing tights, “pellets” appear on them, spoiling the appearance of the product.

3. How to choose your tights size

The misconception that smaller tights will make you look more elegant can lead to they will shoot out “arrows” and “crawl” already in the process of putting them on!

Tights must be selected according to size. It is designated by the Latin letters S, M, L, XL (smallest, medium, large and very large, respectively). More precise size criteria (height and body measurements) are indicated in special tables on the packaging.

4. Tights models

Since there are quite a few models of tights, you should know which ones are best to wear under which clothes:

  • Tights and shorts are contraindicated under a short skirt!
  • If you have a habit of not wearing underwear under tights, then choose models with a cotton gusset.
  • Clarisse tights usually have a healing effect. They are impregnated with either an antifungal agent, or an anti-allergenic composition, or the product is aimed at combating cellulite. These tights are most often sold in pharmacies.
  • For varicose veins and for legs prone to fatigue, it is better to choose models whose density is from 60 DEN to 100. Such products stimulate blood circulation, have a massage effect and are marked “Support!”
  • To correct your figure and visually reduce the volume of your buttocks and thighs, you should choose lifting and modeling tights.

By the way! The smell of tights matters. In the production of high-quality products, fragrances are used, which give the tights a lasting and pleasant aroma. This is an expensive technology, therefore it is inherent only in branded products. Also, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the packaging itself, which should contain information about the product and its manufacturer. The tights should be straightened, wrapped around a cardboard rectangle and carefully placed in the package.

5. Choose the color of tights

On sale you can find tights of a variety of colors and with a variety of patterns, but black, gray, brown, flesh (beige) colors are considered classic.

Bright colors are best chosen by young people because on mature women they will look funny. Chocolate, pink and blue shades are considered popular. It’s stylish to wear checkered, striped or mesh tights (both real and patterned) under short shorts or miniskirts.

Black tights or stockings with a red arrow look defiant, since they are an attribute of women of the “most ancient profession”. They are not acceptable to wear in the office. For a business suit, tights of restrained colors and classics are more suitable. And remember, according to the dress code rules, tights are worn to the office regardless of the weather and time of year!

Text - Serebryakova

Tights are a woman’s best friend; not a single woman’s wardrobe is complete without them. They have long ceased to be just a beautiful addition to a woman’s appearance. Modern tights perform many functions: they correct skin color, shape of legs and figure, and also protect from the cold. Some women can boast of having tights with a massage and healing effect.

All tights are divided into two types: classic and fantasy. Classic tights include products in black and flesh colors. All other variety, including different colors, textures, designs, refers to fantasy tights.

Each woman approaches the choice of tights, in particular fantasy ones, individually. When choosing a particular pair, she most often relies on personal preferences, body shape and clothing.

Product-test experts have come to help you understand the choice of classic tights.

How to choose tights?


The first thing that ladies most often pay attention to when buying tights is the amount of DEN (or DTEX) indicated on the package. DEN is the mass of a thread of a certain length, and not the content of lycra (elastane). So, for example, 40 DEN means that the tights are made of thread, 9 km of which weighs 40 g.

There is a common misconception that the amount of DEN in tights affects the tightness and transparency. In fact, whether tights are sheer or not depends on the fiber. For example, there are opaque tights 40 DEN and transparent tights 70 DEN.


You don't have to know your exact size. Almost every package of tights contains a convenient sizing chart, which you can use to choose the size based on your height and weight. We do not recommend that you choose tights of a smaller size, as they will press, slip, and tear faster.


As a rule, to make classic tights, chemical fibers - polyamide and acrylic - are used as a base, and elastane gives them good elasticity and strength.

Elastane is known by several names: Lycra (a DuPont brand), spandex (the name used in the USA and China) and Dorlastan (a Bayer brand). Elastane threads replaced rubber threads in the late 1950s. They are thinner, more durable, and are not susceptible to sweat, sebum and synthetic detergents.

  • 3-5% - elastane is contained only in the belt.
  • 10-21% - elastane is distributed over the entire surface, which means the tights are suitable for everyday wear.
  • 25-30% - in corrective, shaping tights. Due to their high elastane content, they are able to tighten the stomach, support rounded parts, and visually reduce weight. Ladies, please note: corrective and slimming tights often impede blood circulation, so they are not recommended for everyday wear.
  • 40% and above - such a high content can only be found in medicinal tights, which are sold in specialized stores and pharmacies.

In addition to elastane and polyamide, the product may contain natural fibers - cotton, wool, which make the tights warmer. If the declared cotton content does not exceed 3%, all the cotton is concentrated in the gusset.

A gusset is a diamond-shaped piece of fabric that joins two stockings. It reduces the load on the middle seam, ensures product strength, greater width and hygiene.

Another feature that directly depends on the composition of the tights is shine. The elastane content does not affect the shine of tights in any way. Whether the tights will shine depends on the properties of the polyamide fiber. Matte tights use polyamide threads of a special structure that scatter light.


As a rule, classic tights come in black and nude colors. You must remember that black tights visually slim and lengthen your legs. However, we advise you to be careful, since black tights do not suit every outfit, and can also highlight not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

Nude tights will go with almost any office or casual outfit. By choosing between nude shades, you can achieve different effects: tan for pale legs in spring or foundation to hide minor skin imperfections. In such cases, experts advise using tights that are a tone or two darker than your skin.


One of the main criteria for choosing tights is their warmth. Light tights 8-20 DEN are usually worn in the summer and in rooms where it is unacceptable to appear with bare legs. 40 DEN - medium option, for spring and autumn. For the cold season there are very from 70 to 400 DEN, which are often woven with the addition of cotton, wool and acrylic.

Microfiber is increasingly being included in tights. Microfiber is a fiber consisting of several dozen threads. It makes tights warmer and more pleasant to the touch.


To increase durability, good tights are equipped with padded toes and heels. The toe is one of the most vulnerable parts of tights, especially if you wear them with high heels.

A gusset is another attribute of good tights. Without this small detail, they fit worse, can rub and wear out faster. A good gusset is made from cotton, while simpler models are made from the same fiber as the tights themselves. The most budget tights do without this detail.

Convenient flat seams make the tights more comfortable and invisible under clothing. Many models are still sewn with voluminous round seams, which creates great inconvenience for women. They rub delicate skin, leave marks on the legs and show through under tight dresses.

What should you pay attention to?

As a rule, tights are very short-lived, so they end up being a very expensive purchase. Advice from our experts will help you choose comfortable and high-quality tights.

Explore the packaging:

  • The packaging must be new, and most importantly, of high quality. It should indicate the manufacturer, composition, density, color, care recommendations.
  • Study the composition of tights. The optimal elastane content is 8-20%. Tights containing more than 20% elastane will visually tighten the figure, but can impede blood circulation and are not suitable for everyday wear, and less than 5% keep their shape worse.
  • As a rule, on the packaging you can see illustrations of the structural features of tights: the presence of a gusset, shorts, padded toe or heel, massage effect, and others.

You can take a look inside the package:

  • What the packaging doesn't tell you about is the seams. Even if the manufacturer claims that the tights have comfortable seams, this may not be the case. We recommend that you examine them by touch. Good seams, when stretched, practically merge with the main surface.
  • The aroma will tell you about the quality of the product. A “chemical” smell may indicate low-quality fiber.
  • After opening the package you can inspect the belt. It’s good if the tights have a wide belt: it will prevent them from slipping, curling and will gently tuck in your belly.
  • You can also find out which tights are matte or shiny by looking inside the package. This is an important point; many girls prefer to wear only matte tights, but not all manufacturers inform about this property of the fiber on the packaging.

Rules of care

It’s so nice to find beautiful tights that are comfortable and match the color and texture. It is very disappointing to part with a favorite pair of tights after one or two wears due to holes or puffs. Want to extend the life of your tights? Pay special attention to proper care of them.

Most often, tights tear while they are being put on. Long or sloppy nails, rings and bracelets can cause lines on tights.

It is advisable to wash tights by hand at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. However, machine washing is also possible, but in a special bag and without the use of bleaches and brightening detergents.

You need to dry your tights away from the sun and hot radiators, otherwise this may have a bad effect on their elasticity.

Girls are not only trembling creatures, but also decisive ones. And if a lady decides that she will look stunning, then she will break into pieces, but will achieve such an effect. It is because of this character trait that girls manage to remain sexy even in severe frost. Nylon tights help keep you warm and at the same time highlight the beauty of your legs. They can be very thin or quite thick, which is important in the cold. But tights always give a slight tightening effect, visually slim and, of course, warm. All this is provided that you correctly determine your tights size.

And not every girl can correctly name this parameter. Sometimes you are tempted by the cheapness of the goods and the sizes of tights are selected by eye. And only later at home it turns out that they are too short or longer than necessary. So you shouldn’t rely on luck, but the tights size chart will be a big help in ensuring that you feel comfortable all day long.

How to determine the size of women's tights

Luck or the advice of friends will not help in the difficult task of determining sizes; only accurate numbers will help you determine the size correctly. Moreover, there is a table for marking the sizes of women's tights and stockings. All well-known manufacturers of such accessories adhere to it. In order to navigate using such a standard grid, you need to know only two basic parameters - height and weight. You just need to take the measurements correctly:

  • So, we measure height in centimeters, leaning barefoot against a straight surface.
  • You need to weigh yourself in light clothing, using a floor scale. The indicator is recorded in kilograms.

Often, a number of additional parameters are indicated on tights for women, for example, the volume of the hips, the length of the legs, the circumference of the leg under the knee, as well as the volume of the lower leg and ankle. But basically, such designations allow you to determine the size range of compression or slimming tights.

It also happens that the size chart differs between different manufacturers, so if you buy a model, you can get into trouble. There can be many reasons for this, so it is impossible to protect yourself from mistakes with one hundred percent probability. It is best to try products from different brands to check the sizes of nylon tights and draw your own conclusion on quality.

What's good about a table?

So, you decided to buy new tights, for which you came to your favorite store. Determining the right size will take very little time if you have a pocket version of the sign at hand. It shows height horizontally and weight vertically. In this case, the weight is indicated from 40 to 125 kg in “steps” of 5 kg. And the height in the table of sizes for women's tights is written from 145 to 190 cm with “steps” of 2-3 cm. The range in measurements is needed in order to choose the most suitable model of tights. The appropriate value will be right at the intersection of height and weight. Knowing this indicator, you can choose tights in almost any store. True, it is also important to take into account the length of the legs and their fullness.

Women's tights sizes table

Weight 145 148 150 153 155 158 160 163 165 168
40-45 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2
45-50 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
50-55 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
55-60 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
60-65 2 2 2 2 3 3
65-70 3 3 3 3
70-75 4 4

Table continuation

Weight 170 173 175 178 180 183 185 188 190
40-45 2
45-50 2 3
50-55 3 3 3 4
55-60 3 3 3 4 4
60-65 3 3 4 4 4
65-70 3 4 4 4 4 5 5
70-75 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
75-80 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
80-85 5 5 5 5 5
85-90 5 5 5 6 6
90-95 6 6 6 6
95-100 6 6 6 6 7
100-105 6 6 6 7 7
105-110 7 7 7 7 7 8
110-115 7 7 7 8 8
115-120 7 8 8 8 8
120-125 8 8 8 8 8

Tights or stockings?

If tights are numbered from one to eight in the standard table, then sometimes the letters (S, M, L) can also be used. There are also universal models, but their purchase is not always rational, since they are designed for a standard figure without taking into account possible features. So you can buy one size in order to have a pair of tights in reserve, but wearing them every day is not recommended.

Often girls prefer stockings to tights. First of all, it's a sexier thing. Secondly, they do not restrict movement and do not increase body temperature in the warm months. How do you know your stocking size? Yes, there are no special differences with tights. The sizing charts almost always match.

But there is another option. Which? You need to measure the size and length. In this case, the first indicator corresponds to the shoe size (from 8.5 to 13), and the second is designated by the letters S, M, L, but has slightly different background. The letters are deciphered as follows - Small (just above the knee), Medium (8-10 cm above the knee), Large - to the middle of the thigh.

On the packaging of high-quality stockings, the manufacturer prescribes the density of the product, which determines their suitability for the weather. For example, for summer, models with a density of 5-20 denier are suitable, and for frosts it is better to select models from 20 denier. Winter options have a density of 50-250 den and inclusions of acrylic and wool. On models with an anti-varicose effect there is the inscription Support, and the tightening effect is indicated by the short word Up.

How to choose women's tights: video