How do you get pen ink stains out of clothes? Note to the hostess: how to remove ink from clothes

A streak left on your favorite clothes from the ink of a ballpoint pen is a very unpleasant surprise. It requires the fastest possible solution so that the paste does not have time to penetrate deep into the fabric. But if this happened, then it will still be possible to remove the stain from the ink of a ballpoint pen. This will help several well-known means that easily remove dirt from clothes.

You can not use the first option you like. First you need to check what material the clothes are made of. And you need to choose a method only taking into account the type of fabric. This will help to avoid useless actions that do not give results, and keep clothes whole and beautiful. The fabric methods are divided into several types:

If we talk about color, it is not recommended to remove stains from white fabrics using products that can stain or lead to yellowing. On bright clothes, you should not use alcohol mixtures, because after them a pale spot may appear.

Several effective ways to remove ink stains - video:

Scotch tape, eraser

One of the easiest and very effective methods to remove ink stains is to use tape and a stationery eraser. They do a great job with the paste left on the skin.

How to use:

  1. Strongly stick a strip of adhesive tape to the problem area, and then tear it off.
  2. Go over this place with an eraser in the same way as when erasing a pencil.

If this method is not enough, then it will simplify the task for the following tools.


An ink stain is usually easy to wash with soapy water. When cleaning, be careful not to damage the upper layers of the fabric.


  1. Grind laundry soap, dissolve in water. The mixture should be cloudy and slightly thick.
  2. Apply it with a sponge to the desired places. With light movements, wipe off all traces of the handle.
  3. Wash using the machine.

If there is no laundry soap, then ordinary baby or dishwashing detergent will replace it well.

In this method, you will need a ready-made soap solution. It will act as an effect amplifier. Salt will easily corrode old stains, saving the owner from the problem.

What to do:

  1. Wet ink marks with soapy water.
  2. Sprinkle them with salt, wait about two hours.
  3. Wipe the treated area with a dry cloth and rinse.

You can also sprinkle the item with salt for a few days without using soap. Then it will only be necessary to collect all the grains and wipe with a cotton swab soaked in glycerin or turpentine.

Lemon juice

As a rule, freshly squeezed citrus juice is used to clean white things. However, this should be done carefully so as not to leave new stains on them.

How to clean an item:

  1. Squeeze the juice from one lemon, mix with salt to get a thick slurry.
  2. Apply to ink strips for half an hour.
  3. Wash clothes.

The exposure time depends on how old the stain is. It may deviate from the specified within 15 minutes.


This method of getting rid of ink from clothes made from delicate materials is applicable to absolutely any thing. You will need to make a special paste.

How to proceed:

  1. Mix baking soda with water to make a thick paste.
  2. Spread it on the traces of the pen. Wait 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse all areas with warm water.

This is a safe method that will not harm any kind of material.

Another way to remove a stubborn ink stain from a ballpoint pen from “delicate” clothes. The use of mustard gives an amazing effect, without causing any harm.

How to use:

  1. Pour a sufficient amount of dry mustard powder on the scribbled areas.
  2. After waiting a day, wash these areas in warm water.

If it was not possible to wash a delicate thing, then you should resort to other methods. But do not forget about the dangers and risks.


Regular milk works great. It easily removes ink marks from your favorite clothes, making them beautiful again.

How to properly clean:

  1. Warm up the milk, put a thing in it.
  2. Take out after 30 minutes, clean and wash.

No less effective will be the use of yogurt. If it is, then it needs to be applied to all the necessary points for 15 minutes, then just wash the clothes.

Special means show high efficiency of their application. Any of them should be used according to the instructions.

How to apply stain remover:

  1. Pour the product on the problem area. Wait the required time.
  2. Wash in a machine with air conditioning.

Also, such substances are allowed to be added to the wash along with the powder.

Hydrogen peroxide with ammonia

A mixture of two popular products easily copes with most pollution. The pen is no exception. This method is most effective when removing stains from a thick cotton shirt.

How to proceed:

  1. Mix peroxide and ammonia in a teaspoon, dilute in a glass of water.
  2. Pour over the marked areas. Let it soak in, waiting a few minutes.
  3. Wash the item.


Using vinegar is an effective way to restore the original look of any thing. But it is not applicable to delicate fabrics, because it can damage them.

How to flatten ink:

  1. Heat acid to 60°C.
  2. Treat all traces with it for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash clothes.

In the same way, a mixture of acetone and alcohol is used, the proportions of which should be equal.

A popular option for cleaning clothes from "drawings" with a ballpoint pen. It can also be dangerous for delicate things, but it allows you to remove ink extremely efficiently and quickly.

How to apply:

  1. Mix both components in equal amounts.
  2. Carry out the treatment of all blue stripes, rubbing them with force.

It remains to wash the thing in the usual way. It is recommended to add a conditioner to avoid the presence of an unpleasant odor.

You will need a small bottle of ammonia. It will help to quickly get rid of traces of the pen from the fabric.

What do you need:

  1. Dilute ammonia (st. L.) in water (200 ml), heat.
  2. Moisten any clean rag with the solution, apply it to the desired point.
  3. Iron the areas with an iron.
  4. Put a classic wash.

Such a substance is suitable for white things, and shows the greatest performance when working with cotton or linen.

Unusual means

If the listed options are not suitable or do not show results, then at home it will be possible to apply several more unusual methods:

Such products can damage the fabric. You should be very careful when using them.

Removing stains from a ballpoint pen - video:


Each of the present methods has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. They can remove ink blots of any complexity. The main thing is to be careful not to harm your clothes.

All people have periods in their lives when they work with pens for writing. Children at school, students in pairs, office workers at work. It happens that the handle can leak, this happens especially often in the summer. And if it is currently in the pocket of a white shirt or jacket, then it will be quite difficult to clean the fabric white. According to modern school rules, in elementary grades, children should write only with ink pens in order to work out their calligraphy as well as possible.

But these school rules have their drawbacks, because as soon as an ink stain appears on clothes, it becomes a problem for everyone in the house. After all, the consequences of this can be different. If you do not remove the ink in time, but throw the clothes into the wash with everything else, then the color can spread to all other fabrics, and then the problem will become even greater.

Key Rules for Successful Ink Cleaning

In order to qualitatively and cleanly remove ink from fabrics, you need to thoroughly study the whole topic, how this can be done. This is the main thing in achieving the result. After all, only when you know all the nuances, and you know the rules for using funds, then you can do everything right. In such a situation, funds that relate to kitchen and food products or first aid will come to your aid.

Another important rule that you need to know in order not to harm even more is to learn the gentle products that you can use to wash the ink off and not ruin the colors. If whiteness, acetone, cleaning acid, or other harsh chemicals are used before colored fabrics, the chemical will "eat" the color along with the ink, creating an even bigger problem.

Never soak clothing with an ink stain, or rub it off. Because it will expand the stain. It is necessary to restore the tissue with careful, unsharp movements, clearly following the instructions. When choosing towels for recovery, it is worth giving preference to paper towels, they absorb moisture and dirt better, so they will better cope with their task. If there are no paper towels, natural cotton can come to replace them, it also has good qualities.

And lastly, start the process of removing stains only when you have prepared everything in advance, and are sure that in theory you know well what to do and in what sequence.

How to remove ink stains from white clothes?

When you have to wash white things, doubts come to mind every time whether it will be possible to completely remove the stain and return the shirt or blouse to its former light appearance. The advantage of white things is the absence of other colors on the surface of the fabric. This makes it possible to use aggressive detergents in their restoration, which will bring cleanliness and freshness again. A cautious way is a combination of hydroperite tablets, vinegar and potassium permanganate. One tablet is dissolved per 50 grams of water, and several crystals of potassium permanganate in vinegar are dissolved in the second container. Then, with one cotton swab, a purple solution is applied to the stain, and the second, a solution of hydroperite. After the procedure, rinse everything under running water.


In bleaching white things, a chlorine-containing agent "whiteness" is very often used. Since she eats all the colors in her path, there is no better way to find a black ball spot on a white shirt. To begin with, you will have to wash the stain under normal running water, or with soap, to get rid of any particles of ink that do not adhere firmly. And after that, soak a piece of cotton cloth in bleach and carefully rub the liquid into the stain and its contours. Leave to stand for a while so that the chemical has time to work. After 30 minutes, check the situation, if necessary, moisten the contaminated area again. Check again after 30 minutes. When you see that the dye has completely left the thread structure, and you managed to clean the fabric from the inside, you can start hand washing and get rid of the stamp completely.

To achieve the best result, after local removal of the stain with bleach, it is recommended to soak the product completely in a solution of water with bleach. This will help to even out the color in the same shade over the entire surface. That is, to restore the same range of white color, so that there is no sign left in place of the blot, as if the fabric had burned out in the sun.

Hydrogen peroxide

If your clothes are dirty to the ink blot, then a fairly simple method of removal is available using hydrogen peroxide and ethyl alcohol. You need to moisten the spot with ethyl alcohol, and drip a few drops of peroxide on top. Hydrogen will enter into a chemical reaction and split the "black" molecules, thus making them easily excreted. After the procedure, it remains only to wash the thing with laundry soap.

ammonia and ethyl alcohol

To remove a blot from natural things, the Internet recommends turning to a mixture of ammonia and ethyl alcohol. You need to mix one part of ammonia (aka ammonia) and two parts of ordinary alcohol, then generously moisten the contaminated area with the mixture. After settling, wash as usual. But before you let it dry, neutralize the ammonia with vinegar. It will stop all chemical reactions taking place in the fabric, and vinegar is also used to remove odors and fix color.


Liquids containing acetone are recommended for cleaning only synthetic fabrics. They can save you from traces of ballpoint, gel, ink, and fountain pens. We remove the paint as follows: mix alcohol and acetone in equal proportions, heat the mixture, soak gauze in it, spread it on the surface of the stain and stroke it. The solution must penetrate the fabric, break down the ink and pull all its particles to the surface. And thanks to the temperature of the iron, the gauze will pick up all the dirt.


A fairly convenient tool that helps to scrub stains from things with your hands is toothpaste. It must be applied directly to the contaminated area, and washed after a while. It is best to use white paste, because if it is colored, then you will have to rinse it out for a long time to get rid of all the excess.

How to remove ink stains from colored clothes?

In our conversation, it was already mentioned that when trying to remove an ink trace from a fabric that has different colors on it, you need to be very careful. After all, if when removing a stain from a white fabric, you can only make a shade in color on the surface of the fabric. What can we say about a colored surface, where, with carelessness, simply irreparable consequences can be caused.

Non-aggressive solvents will help you in this situation, which will remove the stain without affecting the long-term colors on the fabric that were originally incorporated into the structure. It's alcohol combined with vinegar, or even hairspray. Oddly enough, it is a good solvent. You just need to spray a large amount of varnish on the surface and blot with a clean cotton swab. It is important to have time to do everything on time and not leave it for a long time, because in this case the varnish will simply dry out. But there is no need to rush too much so that the chemical has time to carry out the necessary reactions. Fresh and still wet varnish will dissolve the black color and help to wipe it off easily. Instead of varnish, an aerosol deodorant can become, it can also wash off dirt effectively.

How to remove ink stains from jeans?

Jeans are a very interesting fabric. Its characteristic will tell you that it is made of especially coarse and durable threads. That is, if a little ink from the pen gets on the jeans, and still has time to dry there, then quickly clean everything and wash away the traces of the crime, you definitely won’t succeed. You'll have to put in a little effort.

There are several ways with different ingredients such as alcohol, hairspray, baking soda, vinegar, and others. The fastest way is to prepare a paste with baking soda and warm water, as well as a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply the paste to the contaminated area, and rub the paste into the fabric with an old toothbrush. Only each time before rubbing soda, the brush must be moistened in a solution with vinegar. It helps to fix the color of the fabric, that is, to get rid of evil spirits, while not washing off the paint.

How to remove an ink stain from a shirt?

Regardless of the clothes, it is difficult to wipe off the ink, but it is real and worth a try. The correct method for a shirt depends on the fabric from which the product is sewn. And also from the flowers present on it. Methods can be chosen from those described for other fabrics, but for a shirt, the dish detergent method will be effective. You will need:

Lay a paper towel under the clothes, pour water on the contaminated part lightly and leave for 5 minutes to dissolve. Then wipe off as much of the ink as possible with paper towels. After this procedure, prepare the mixture in a bowl: for 1 cup of warm water, add 1 tablespoon of dish detergent and 2 teaspoons of vinegar. Soak a piece of white cloth in the solution, rub part of it into the product, and simply wet part of it and put it on top for 20 minutes, and then wipe off all other residues with it. And at the end we carry out the usual washing.

How to remove ink stain from leather?

It is quite difficult to remove pen stains from the skin, because if you use aggressive methods, you can ruin the color. It is better in this case to use oily products such as glycerin or milk, which could darken the fabric even more, rather than remove the dye. It is worth remembering that you can use vinegar, it only fixes the color with its chemical qualities, so it is used after restoring black for leather clothes, it will fix the final result best of all.


Wine vinegar is available at home in many housewives. And it can also be used in removing the smell and color of ink from fabrics. It is necessary to mix some vinegar and a little cornstarch, until a pasty mass is formed, apply it to the surface, leave it to stand for several hours, and when you are sure that the contamination has left your clothes, rinse and send the product to be washed.

If the above method does not help, you can make a solution with 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of white wine vinegar and 1 teaspoon of dish detergent. And in it, additionally soak clothes for half an hour. Then wash.

Remove ink from silk or wool

To remove ink from wool, use pure gasoline. Just treat the stain with a product, and when you managed to wash it clean, wash the product in warm water with washing powder. Instead of gasoline, you can still use kerosene, these products have similar qualities. It is allowed to use salt and lemon juice or acid, you need to sprinkle the surface with salt and pour liquid on top. For silk, you can use methods with alcohol, salt, acid, but in no case gasoline, kerosene, or other oily products, since stains will remain on delicate fabrics after grease, and then you will have to look for ways to remove grease stains from clothes. Separately, mustard paste can be applied to silk fabric, and when it dries, scrape off and rinse the residue.

Remove ink from suede

Salt is used for suede fabrics. A thick layer is poured with ordinary table salt on the stain, after which it is left to stand even for 2 days. When the kitchen “helper” absorbs all the dirt to the maximum, wipe it with a rag, cotton pad or soft washcloth dipped in turpentine. After that, carefully wipe with a clean, dry towel, and polish.

Remove ink from cotton

Cotton is a natural fabric, and this gives the right to use various cleaning methods on it to remove dirt. From natural fabrics, clothing for military personnel is often made. Therefore, if you are a person liable for military service on duty, and you need to wash off a pen that has leaked in your pocket, we recommend that you pay attention to quick available methods of help.


A fairly common way is soda. After all, it is not a highly aggressive chemical, and cannot harm. It only helps to break down the necessary molecules, oxidize and soften water, and remove pollution faster. Stir the mixture of baking soda and warm water until a paste is obtained, then apply it to the desired area for 25-30 minutes. After the procedure, wash off the paste with ordinary water, pour the blot with purified turpentine, and wait until the dirt dissolves, after that it goes to the wash.

To enhance the effectiveness of ammonia, and to remove dirt well, ordinary baking soda will help. This is a common household chemical that every housewife has in the kitchen, and if not, then you can easily buy it at any grocery store. While mixing, add one teaspoon each of baking soda and ammonia to 1 cup of warm water. Stir, pour the stain first, and then soak the clothes in the solution for several hours. At the end of everything, you need to stretch it.

How to remove fresh ink blots

If you want to get fresh ink off your favorite clothes, you need to use a gentle cleanser so your items don't get lost. Milk is one of these. The stained thing must first be cleaned with wet wipes or paper towels to get rid of the part of the ink that is easily released. Then soak the product in a bowl of cold milk for half an hour, and wash it. Or if there is sour milk in the house, then you can use it. After all the preliminary preparation, put a few pieces of thick, white sour milk on the stain. I emphasize, not a rare serum, but thick pieces. Leave until the ink from the fabric turns into milk, then rinse with water, rub with a bar of soap and hand wash.

How to remove an old ink stain?

Adults are usually more careful about their clothes than children. This is quite normal, only sometimes it creates some inconvenience for parents. Of course, this cannot be called law. Some adults can amaze even children with their negligence. But in the case of children, it happens that the mother finds an old stain on the clothes, where it will be quite difficult to get rid of the ink. But even in such cases, it is necessary to look for ways to clean things, achieve results, but do not throw away clothes and run to the store for an update.

Turpentine from ammonia

In combination with ammonia, they use the good old way, where turpentine (white spirit) is in the spotlight. Its effectiveness can be assessed by washing an old stain from a colored fabric. To complete the task, you need to make a mixture of components. After mixing the substances in equal proportions, dilute the solution in liquid glycerin and soak the item for a while, then wash it with gentle movements. When you clearly see that the fabric has released the ink and the result is almost achieved, you need to wash the clothes in a way that is convenient for you, and do not forget to rinse thoroughly. Thus, it is quite easy to remove an ink stain from your favorite things at home. Glycerin can be used in combination with hairspray.

Ink stain remover

When you work on a computer, you probably often meet with the task when the mouse moves to the print button, from which the printer begins to do its job. And it's good to work when all the equipment is working properly and there are no problems. But when the ink from the printer gets on clothes or a sofa, everything becomes sad. And as you know, acrylic paints are not so easy to deal with, just like ink paints. Therefore, the most correct decision in this situation would be to buy specialized stain removers in chemical stores. Similar to those used in dry cleaners, where specialists, knowing all the secrets, are able to quickly, efficiently and effectively achieve a good result.

The main adviser for everyone will be the words: be careful. Because if you keep the ink out of the fabric, you won't have to ask those questions. And when the problem has already happened, then the advice for you will be a detailed study of all information about cleaning. This will allow you to get rid of unnecessary problems and not get into new ones. Make sure that your printer works properly so that all children's pens are new and working.

As a precautionary measure when working with chemicals, we recommend that you test the effect of the chemical stain remover on an inconspicuous part of the product, so that in case of an incorrect reaction, the situation can be quickly corrected. The second rule is to carry out washing only after the stain has been completely treated and removed. Spot cleaning is carried out starting from the edges and moving towards the middle, so as not to make the stain even larger. For a better study of this topic, we recommend that you watch the video, which tells in more detail what and in what sequence you need to do to achieve the effect. If you have your own effective and effective methods, tell us about them in the comments, perhaps they will help someone else solve their problems.

Ink stains on clothes - although not the most pleasant phenomenon, but very common. Especially in the summer, when high temperatures cause a pen to suddenly leak in a shirt pocket, leaving an unpleasant mark. In this article, we will look at the most effective options for how to remove ink from clothes using special chemicals or improvised tools that can be found in any kitchen or home first aid kit. Remember - do not leave the stain for later, act immediately.

First of all, you need to prepare the surface. To do this, hold the contaminated area in water for 10-15 minutes, or wipe it with a generously dampened cloth. It is desirable that the latter contains alcohol. This will soak the stain and make it easier to remove it from the fibers of the clothing.

  • treat the ink stain while it is fresh;
  • do not rub, smearing it, but get it wet;
  • do not dry with warm air and do not rinse with hot or warm water. Otherwise, the stain will be more difficult to remove from the clothes.

Chemistry is a true helper

Looking for how to get ink out of a pen? You don’t need to go far - any stain remover that has the inscription OXI on the package will help to cope with the scourge. The composition of such products contains 15-30% oxygen-containing bleaches that penetrate into the pores of the fabric.

  • « ACEOXIMAGIC» for colored laundry. How to use: Pour 3 tablespoons of powder with hot water until the consistency of yogurt and pour on the stain. Hold for 5 minutes and be surprised: there is no trace left of the stain!
  • A series of stain removers "Antipyatin". Available in different versions: in the form of a concentrate, powder, soap. The active substance is active oxygen. How to use: apply to the contaminated area, leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse. If the result is not effective enough, repeat.
  • Sarma Active. In addition to active oxygen, the composition also contains sulfates (15-30%), carbonates (15-30%) and phosphates (5-15%). Removes even old ink stains. Suitable for both machine wash and hand wash. Does not contain chlorine, which means it is safe for the fabric.

improvised means

It is not always possible to use specialized stain removers. Then you have to apply the proven "grandmother's methods" of how to remove ink from a ballpoint pen.

IMPORTANT! Before trying any of the following on clothing, test on a small, inconspicuous piece to see if it changes the texture or color of the fabric.

  • Alcohol. Excellent ink removal from cotton fabrics. If the mark is fresh, pour a little alcohol on it, wait 3 minutes and wash it. If the ink has dried up for a long time, then mix alcohol and vinegar in equal proportions, and wipe the contaminated area until it is clear. The combination of alcohol and soda also effectively removes ink. Apply a mixture of one teaspoon of alcohol and two teaspoons of baking soda to a cloth and gently blot the ink area with it.
  • Glycerol. Apply some glycerin to the ink stain, leave for an hour. Rinse with lightly salted water and wash with laundry soap.
  • Acetone. It will help to remove the ink, but this is a very aggressive agent that can ruin the fabric. Do a little reaction test first. Pour acetone on the stain, wait 20 minutes. Wash in soapy water.
  • ammonia and soda. In equal proportions, mix ammonia and soda. About a teaspoon of each substance. Soak the item damaged by ink in the resulting solution for several hours. If you need to remove a stain from a dense fabric, add medical alcohol instead of soda.
  • Vinegar. You can heat the vinegar to 50 degrees and apply it to the ink blot. Rinse thoroughly under cold water afterwards. This method, how to remove ink from clothes, removes even old stains well.
  • Lemon. Squeeze lemon juice onto a cloth, leave for 20 minutes. During this time, you can add a little juice several times. The ink should dissolve.

Leather and jeans

Leather requires special care, and jeans are difficult to wash due to the density of the fabric. For purification of both types of material, the methods discussed in this article are suitable. We note the most important points on how to remove ink from leather and jeans:

  • A mixture of ammonia and baking soda is suitable for fresh stains and is only safe for light skin tones and fabrics. On the dark ones, white spots may remain.
  • It is better to remove ink from denim in several stages. First, apply alcohol to the fabric area, then, without rinsing, add a little hydrogen peroxide. After 15 minutes, rinse with cool water and wash with laundry soap.
  • A greasy hand or face cream is one effective way to remove stains from the skin. Apply it for a few minutes, then wipe with a cotton pad. If necessary, wipe the cleaned area with a damp cloth. This method can also be used as a preparation for stain removal.

Happy cleaning!

How to get ink out of clothes

Knowing how to wash the ink blot from hard surfaces (walls, laminate, parquet, furniture), clothes, toys, leather, you can quickly return them to their original appearance. Use Amway, Whiteness or folk ingredients: ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, citric, acetic acid. Treat the object with the prepared solution. Minor dirt will be wiped off immediately, and the old ones should be in contact with the product for at least half an hour, after which you need to wash it off. As a last resort, use refined gasoline, acetone or thinner, but such substances are very aggressive and can affect the color of the surface, the quality of the fabric.

Families with children are sure to encounter pen / felt-tip pen drawings on walls, linoleum, furniture, and other surfaces. Naturally, no one will redo the repair or buy new furniture. In such cases, the task is to restore the property. But it is possible if you know and ink ink jet printer.

We wash the skin from a fountain pen

Knowing how to wash ink from your hands, face, you will get rid of stubborn stains without damaging the skin.

A feature of ballpoint pen paste is its stability and rapid absorption into the skin, so it is important to start washing the skin as soon as ink traces are found.

Methods for washing the paste from the skin of the hands:

  • Washing dishes and washing by hand. Prolonged contact with water and detergents dissolves ink marks and removes them. As a nice bonus, you will receive clean clothes and kitchen utensils.
  • Steaming hands. Boil water, pour into a basin. Dip your hands in hot water (when the boiling water cools down a bit) and steam for about 30-40 minutes. You can add a little soap or powder, bath salt. Finish by scrubbing your soapy hands with an old toothbrush.
  • Cleansing folk remedies. Fresh ink stains or from hands with ordinary hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, nail polish remover, ammonia. Pour a little on a cotton pad, rub the contaminated area.

You can clean your face with folk methods. But avoid using nail polish and alcohol so that their vapors do not get into your eyes. Treat the skin very carefully, adhering to safety precautions.

Important! In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water.

Tidying up fabrics

Cleaning fabrics is much more difficult. The main condition for cleaning is timeliness. The more clothes are in contact with the ink blot, the more intense the paste is absorbed into the material. For each type.

You can get a swab from a ballpoint pen everywhere: at school, at work, even in public transport. And the main problem of this kind of pollution is that they can quickly eat into the fabric and are not amenable to ordinary washing.

The most important is the time after which they began to remove the stain - the smaller it is, the more likely it is to return the purity of the thing. Therefore, it is very good if you have dry absorbent paper on hand (napkin or paper towel).

It is necessary to immediately blot the stain by pressing the napkin firmly against the clothes.

But you should not use something wet and try to wipe off the ink - you will only aggravate the situation by expanding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontamination.

After the initial treatment, as far as possible, proceed to the main stage of removal. How can you remove the stain left by ink from a ballpoint pen? There are several fairly simple, albeit not fast, ways.

  1. Alcohol. Take a piece of cotton wool and soak it in alcohol. Press the cotton swab against the dirt. After removing the lump soaked in alcohol, rinse the area with cold water. Repeat the entire process as many times as needed to completely remove the ink.
  2. Milk. You will need enough milk to soak your damaged clothes. More precisely, its contaminated part. Heat up the milk and dip the area of ​​the item with the ink into it. Leave for a couple of hours. Change the milk every time it gets dark. When you see no traces of contamination, rinse the clothes and wash them with laundry soap. Instead of regular milk, you can use sour milk. You just need to put a piece of it on the stain and change as the color changes. Further actions - as with ordinary milk.
  3. Mustard. Mustard powder is suitable for cotton and woolen clothes. Dilute the powder with water to a state of sour cream 20-30%. Apply mustard to the stain, wait for it to dry, and remove from the item. Wash then in soapy water.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide. Ideal for whites. It must be mixed with ammonia, applied to a cotton pad and wipe the stain towards the center. Repeat until the ink disappears. Then wash the thing well.

Now you know how