How to dye suede shoes. How to dye suede shoes: easy ways

01/17/2017 2 5 640 views

Suede shoes are always beautiful, stylish and comfortable. But not everyone knows how to dye suede shoes at home, and indeed, how to properly care for them.

Insufficient and poor-quality care for such expensive shoes can only lead to the fact that next season you will have to look for a new pair. Below will be presented several ways to paint suede material, as well as recommendations on how to care for it.

How to prepare shoes for painting?

Before you start painting suede shoes in the desired color, you first need to prepare it and do it right so that the result is of the highest quality and lasting.

  • suede shoes need to be cleaned of visible traces of dirt;
  • be sure to wash the sole;
  • if the product has decorative elements, then if possible they should be removed;
  • pull out the laces, if any.

For painting, you need to choose the most suitable room, it is desirable that there is access to fresh air, because the coloring matter has a strong and unpleasant odor.

During painting and some time after, animals and children should not enter the room. Do not dye shoes in a room where food is stored.

Be sure to take care of the safety of the floor, and spread old newspapers, as it can get dirty during the painting of shoes. If you use an aerosol, then you will need to protect the walls as well or choose a room where there are no things that can be spoiled.

If the product has inserts of a different color, or there is a sole of a light or vice versa, dark color, all these areas must be sealed with masking tape so as not to accidentally paint.

Some models of shoes have a light lining or fur, in order not to spoil the inside, you can fill the product to the top with newspapers. Any dirty spots must be removed before the staining process, otherwise they will not be able to be removed after.

Folk remedies

In order to get a completely different color of shoes, you need to use special means for painting, but you can return the previous look and remove the shiny areas with the help of some improvised means.

Milk with soda

During wear, slightly worn places appear on the shoes, most often this is due to the friction of the shoes against each other. This spoils the appearance very much, but you should not despair, because you can fix the situation.

  1. Dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of milk.
  2. Apply with a cotton pad soaked in liquid to the desired areas and leave to dry.
  3. Finally, comb with a special brush to fluff up the pile.

Vinegar solution

Suede shoes are not protected from greasy traces. You can remove them with a solution of vinegar.

  1. A small amount of vinegar is diluted with water.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in liquid and wipe the desired area with it.
  3. After drying, there should be no trace left on the suede.

You need to be very careful with vinegar, because suede can react to it completely unexpectedly. Before you start removing greasy stains, you need to check how the suede behaves when interacting with the solution, for this it is applied to an invisible area.

If, nevertheless, during cleaning, the color of dark suede has changed a little, then you can use fucorcin, which, if used correctly, will return the original color of the shoe.

Coffee grounds

If the shoes have been worn for more than a year, worn, slightly lighter spots appear on it. You can eliminate them with coffee.

  • natural coffee is brewed, after which the cooled coffee grounds are applied to suede and left to dry;
  • after a few minutes, the mixture is removed with a stiff brush.

Coffee grounds are a natural dye, before going out in treated shoes, you need to apply a water-repellent mixture to it. In addition, this method of coloring is only suitable for products that have a black or brown color.

You can also remove greasy places with the help of bread crusts, which rub the desired areas.

How to choose and use special paint?

The choice of paint consists of several stages:

  1. The choice of colors is quite diverse, and you can buy them at any shoe store. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is better to consult with the seller, he will help you choose the most suitable mixture in terms of composition. Be sure to specify right away that you need paint specifically for suede.
  2. In order not to be mistaken with the right shade, it is better to take shoes with you. For new shoes, you can use a slightly tinted paint that matches the color of the suede. For heavily worn shoes, it's best to use a shade or two darker to make sure any scuffs are covered.
  3. If you decide to radically change the color of shoes, then you need to consider that not all paint can cope with this task. In addition, if the shoes are dark in color and the paint is bright, then the original shade will still show through the dyed tone. To avoid such a nuisance, it is better to paint in dark colors, for example, in blue, brown, black.
  4. You can buy a coloring matter in various packaging and consistency: aerosol, foam, liquid composition, cream paint. Which option is right for you depends on the structure of the suede. So, it is better to paint a large pile with a liquid composition or creamy paint. For thin women's boots, a spray or aerosol is ideal, which, thanks to a convenient bottle, is easy to apply over a large area.
  5. For those who decide to change the design of the shoes on their own and add some patterns, it is recommended to use special acrylic paints that are not afraid of moisture and dirt.
  6. In some cases, hair dye is used, choosing the darkest shades. The disadvantage of such staining is that the color does not last long enough and the procedure has to be repeated often.

Having decided on the type and color of the paint, you can proceed to the staining process itself.

It is necessary to prepare in advance:

  • coloring matter;
  • a special brush for suede;
  • sponge
  • gloves;
  • final care product.

Prepared shoes must be placed on the newspaper. Brush over the entire surface to fluff up the pile a little. You need to inspect boots or boots for scuffs, if any, pay special attention to these places.

You need to paint shoes only with gloves. Apply the substance evenly, with a sponge, driving in movements. Those places that are a little more worn, it is better to treat with cream paint first.

After applying the dye, you need to put the shoes to dry in a well-ventilated place, but away from heat sources. As soon as the paint is absorbed, the pile must be recombed and a caring mixture applied.

Spray painting

Spray painting shoes is easy. Shake the bottle well before starting. Place the shoes on the newspaper and start spraying paint at a distance of 30 cm.

In order for the coloring to turn out uniform, the balloon must always be kept at the same distance from the boots.

After applying the first layer, you need to let the paint dry, if the result is not satisfactory, then the procedure is repeated until the color of the product acquires the desired shade.

When the dyeing process is completed, the shoes must be treated with a special caring composition so that the pile is soft.

Video: how to dye suede shoes yourself?

Prevention and storage of suede shoes

In order for suede shoes to last as long as possible, they need to be properly looked after.

  1. Do not wear boots or shoes in cloudy and rainy weather, as suede can become coarse after contact with water.
  2. A few hours before going out, shoes should be treated with water-repellent impregnation.
  3. Methods for dyeing suede shoes at home


If you just want to give yours a more saturated color or eliminate some defects that have appeared in the process of wearing, then it will not be difficult to paint them. To do this, you need to purchase the paint that matches the color of your boots and apply it to the suede. Remember that the paint must be in a spray can. Just spray it on the boot, carefully painting over the damaged area.

If you want to radically change the color of your suede boots, then ordinary shoe paint will also come to the rescue. The easiest way is to recolor any in . To do this, in any shoe department or store, buy a specialized black spray paint. Then proceed directly to staining. To do this, cover the floor in the room where you will paint with newspapers or plastic wrap, put on rubber gloves.

Take the boot and start applying paint to it. Movements should be smooth and accurate so that stains do not appear on. It would be ideal if you paint over one strip and let it dry for a little - about 5 minutes. And only then apply the second. So you will clearly see the border between them and will be able to apply paint more evenly. After staining, let the boots dry, and then evaluate the result in the light. If you see any flaw, then fix it with paint.

You can make brown boots if you paint white suede with the same specialized spray. The coloring technology is the same as in the first paragraph.

If you do not trust yourself or are simply afraid of ruining your shoes by making paint stains on it, then leave the painting job to professionals. Take your boots to any shoe repair shop. And the very next day you will receive them in a new color or in an updated old one. However, this method (when repainting) also, unfortunately, does not guarantee an ideal result.

Helpful advice

Do not forget to prepare your boots for painting - dry them and clean them. If gloss appears on them, be sure to rub the damaged areas with a regular school eraser, then treat the boots with a special brush designed to care for suede shoes. And only after that proceed to painting. If you follow all the rules for preparing for staining, you will get the perfect result.

Boots from suede cause a rather contradictory reaction among women, despite the fact that the collections of fashion designers offer to wear them at any time of the year. But those who have already tried to wear such shoes know that a lot of the prejudices associated with it are due only to the inability to choose boots made from natural materials and properly care for them.

You will need

  • Shop selling quality shoes


High-quality from this material serve for a long time, they are not afraid of moisture and snow. Before suede boots, it is worth listening to modern fashion trends. Suede shoes can be absolutely any height, both on, on or on. Suede over the knee boots or not high boots are suitable, and in the winter season you can use uggs or suede high boots. Couturiers offer not to give up suede boots and. Light boots without are perfectly combined with short skirts and dresses.

When choosing suede boots, you should pay attention to the naturalness of the material. Suede is leather turned inside out and treated in a special way. Only in the case of natural suede, boots made from it are comfortable to wear, especially in cases where the foot is deformed. The degree of naturalness can be recognized by the smell, which does not have the aroma of synthetics.

High-quality suede should have a fine and uniform pile, a uniform color without streaks and worn areas. The wear of individual sections of suede indicates its low quality. Internal seams should be soft and not press on the skin. If shoes are chosen for winter, then the fur should be sufficiently dense and uniform, if it is too thin, then the legs will freeze in the cold. This also applies to the thickness of the sole. No matter how elegant stiletto boots may seem, besides the fact that they are quite difficult to move on ice, thin soles will not provide protection from the cold. Equally important is the zipper, if it is fastened too tight, then the likelihood that it can break is quite high.

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Helpful advice

When purchasing suede shoes, you need to know that it has the ability to stretch much more than leather. Therefore, shoes must be taken in their size, otherwise there is a chance that they will break and become large.

Suede is a very capricious material, so special care is needed for products made from it. Suede shoes, as a rule, should be cleaned after each trip to the street, but this is not always possible. Beautiful boots fade over time and lose their original appearance. How to update suede boots?


If you have been lying on your shelf for a long time, then first you should clean them from dust. To do this, you can use a special brush for suede, which has synthetic bristles on one side and zigzag rubber fingers on the other. Dust should be cleaned with a synthetic fluffy brush, and with a rubber one, obstructed places should be restored. You can also quickly clean your boots with a regular vacuum cleaner and a carpet cleaner.

To refresh the color and clean stubborn stains, you can use a variety of improvised means. For example, take semolina and a soft cloth, sprinkle some semolina on suede and wipe this place several times with a cloth. Crumbling semolina usually has a dirty color. You can also update the color with ammonia or milk. To do this, simply wet a napkin and wipe the boots with it.

It happens that the villi of suede stick together over time, so you need to fluff them. To do this, take a brush with rubber fingers and clean the boots with it, for the best effect, wipe the slick area with a solution of milk and soda before cleaning. You can also use the finest sandpaper or a special brush with metal bristles, but be careful if the suede is of poor quality, you can damage it. If this does not help, boil some water and hold the boots over the steam. After this treatment, the suede will be wet, let it dry completely and only then continue.

To care for suede, you need to purchase two necessary products: suede spray paint and water-repellent spray. After you have cleaned and fluffed the suede material, take a water-repellent spray, apply it all over and let it dry, repeat this three times. At the end, take an aerosol paint and spray over the applied spray.

Suede shoes looks very rich. True, and you need to take care of her more carefully than for shoes Yu from other materials. Usually, to maintain shoes in order, it is recommended to use special protective sprays, they not only protect shoes but also refresh the color. But what if the color of the shoes has become too faded or you want to repaint the suede in a completely different color? Dye the suede shoes not so easy.


In order to radically change the color of suede shoes, it is better to contact a dry cleaner or a household (if one is still in the city). But it often happens that it is quite difficult to pick up paint by color even there. Two colors with which there are no problems are black.

If you want to dye your suede shoes c, then choose the right paint by consulting not only with the sellers of the store, but also with the workers of shoe shops. The latter often have to work with shoes yu, they are better versed in the characteristics of the material and its wear.

Make sure you get the suede dye from the store, and not the usual compound that refreshes the original color. Check if the product sheds after dyeing with the product. Italian paints have also proven themselves well. Usually, the norm of paint recommended for coloring is not enough for a satisfactory result, so it is better to take paint with a margin.

Do not paint indoors. Compositions for coloring suede have a rather pungent odor. Dye suede shoes. Before you start painting (especially if you are using spray paint), make sure that the floor or furniture you are painting on is properly protected. Lay down newspaper or a plastic bag.

Prepare shoes to coloring. Suede must be clean and dry. Scrub the surface with a special brush for suede with fluffy bristles or with rubber “teeth”. If necessary, use other methods to deep clean suede.

Apply paint to shoes very slowly and carefully, carefully painting over the suede. To avoid streaks, apply the paint in an even layer, holding the spray can at the same distance in different areas. One layer is not enough for full coloring. Wait a little while the first layer is fixed, then apply another one. Determine the number of layers yourself, focusing on the effect obtained.

If you paint shoes, on which shiny places appeared from prolonged wear, treat them with a brush dipped in paint. joint between shoes yu and welt is also recommended to paint over with a brush. Maintain the color of suede shoes obtained after dyeing with the help of compounds.

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Suede shoes are a stylish and comfortable detail of your look. However, over time, such a delicate material as suede begins to shine, fade and become covered with a whitish coating. Timely and proper care will return the shoes to their original appearance.

You will need

  • - flannel napkin;
  • - rubber brush for suede;
  • - water-repellent spray;
  • - eraser;
  • - stain remover for suede;
  • - ammonia;
  • - water;
  • - aerosol spray paint.


If you want shoes in excellent condition for a long time, do not wear them in wet weather. Moisture very quickly destroys the structure of the material and spoils its appearance. Do not use suede shoes for long walks. Before the first exit, be sure to treat it with a special water-repellent spray. It will protect the suede from the harmful effects of dirt and dust. Apply the product evenly on the surface and dry it for 12 hours. Repeat the procedure periodically.

Dry your shoes thoroughly before removing dirt. About dry and dusty, you can use a special brush for suede or a flannel cloth. A fairly effective tool for dealing with stains is a special shoe or regular eraser. It not only removes dirt, but also noticeably raises the pile and visually renews the suede.

Even the strongest things that have survived all the hardships and hardships with us, sooner or later begin to grow decrepit. It fades, scuffs appear, an unpleasant gloss. This is life) Fortunately, we have the opportunity to extend the stay of our favorite things in our wardrobe. One has only to cheat a little, using long-tested products, and you yourself will restore suede at home so that no one will think that these boots are 100 years old at lunchtime.

This is the result you can get if you do everything right

After applying the methods described below, you will see that suede at least looks much better and not everything is as sad as it seemed. Well, as a maximum, everyone will ask where you bought such nice brand new boots). Let's get started!

We restore suede.

The first step is preparatory. Before you begin work on self-renewing suede, it must be cleaned of dirt and stains. How to do this, I wrote in a previous article. If you skip this step, then not only will you not revive your shoes or handbag, but you also run the risk of smearing earth and dust on it, exacerbating the situation at times. The second action is the main one. Raise the pile, remove scuffs and grease with effective home methods.
The third act is the final one. After all the manipulations, it is necessary to dry the product thoroughly away from heating devices.
Then impregnate a dry, clean product, whether it be boots or a sheepskin coat, with special products that protect against moisture and dust. This must be done twice, with complete intermediate drying.

We paint suede at home: shoes and clothes.

If you did not have enough methods for restoring suede or its condition is close to a coma, then immediately begin painting procedures. Let's break everything down for convenience.

Professional tools.

Point zero. Buying paint.

Point one. Get rid of the public.

For the time of painting, “send” the family, along with the pets, to visit or for a walk so that they do not inhale harmful substances.

Point two. Warm-up.

Point three. Basic.

Spray painting. Spray the product slightly angled at a distance of 20-30 cm. from the object, trying to apply the paint evenly, at the same distance. It will be better if you yourself move around the object so as not to touch it, turning it over and not smearing the paint. Apply the first layer let it dry. Evaluate the result in the light. Then apply the next layer, carefully painting over the places that you previously “whitewashed”. On the Internet, it is advised to paint “in stripes”: first apply a strip, dry it and apply the next one in order to see clearly dyed and unpainted places.
Often paint not only adds color, but also protects against moisture and dust.

Coloring with liquid paints. They are sold in the form of a bottle with a sponge on the neck, and sometimes without it.

Point four. Bonus.

Bonus first. How to dye uggs economically. I read that especially advanced citizens use wool dyes.
  • It must be diluted with water according to the instructions. The plus is obvious - a big savings in money, because they are much cheaper than specialized ones. In addition, you can adjust the intensity of the color yourself by diluting.
  • There is also a minus - although the color saturation depends on you, it is not so easy to pick it up. By the method of scientific poke and nothing more. Make a sample, dry, understand - dilute more or leave it like that.
  • Most likely, after such painting and complete drying, it will be necessary to treat the surface with a weak vinegar solution to fix color and dry completely again.
Bonus second. How to make a drawing on suede using the example of ugg.
  • First you need to draw a picture on the desired area. For a light product, a simple pencil is suitable, for dark ones, special white pencils and markers are sold. In sewing stores, you can also find markers, crayons and pencils that disappear after a certain time after application.
  • Cover all the places that you are not going to paint with a film (you can pin it with needles) or lightly cover it with masking tape.
  • It is better to apply paint with a thin brush.
  • Dry each layer.
  • If you apply several colors, do not apply the next one until the first one has dried out, otherwise the colors on the border may “mix”. But maybe that's what you need?
  • Let it dry for 24 hours and apply a protective spray for suede products.
  • Zy.Sy. If you have nothing to lose - do it drawing on suede through a stencil using spray paints in spray cans) Individually and creatively)

Point five. Final.

  • After painting, the product must be thoroughly dried in a natural way in a ventilated place.
  • After complete drying, comb the pile with a brush and treat with a protective spray twice with intermediate drying. After that, the thing can be used or sent for storage.
  • Clean up the "painting room", throw out used tools that are no longer useful.
  • It is advisable to wash yourself completely with soap.

The last point is saving.

If you understand that you are no resuscitator and the product has not improved, contact the professionals. Such operations can be carried out in dry cleaners, shoe shops or suede factories. It will be more expensive, but the result will be better. Most likely, in popular colors, like black or brown, they will be more willing to paint, with colored ones, you may have to tinker and persuade them to bring their own paint. But nothing is impossible when it comes to the well-being of your favorite thing.

It's worth it.)

Home remedies for dyeing suede.

Professional suede paints are expensive, have chemical odors, and come with some hassle. Not everyone likes it. For those who want not expensive and environmentally friendly methods, I offer the following options. Remember that the thing should already be clean and dry.

You can dye dark brown suede coffee grounds. If you drink coffee, leave it until it's about the size of a cup. The time will come - fill it with a third of boiling water and let it get a little wet and brew. If you are not a coffee lover, for painting coffee suede - boil about 150-200 grams of ground coffee. You can buy the cheapest coffee in the supermarket specifically for this purpose.

Coffee-drink, thick-paint.

Apply wet grounds with a sponge, brush or hands and gently rub into the material until the desired color is reached. After rubbing, it is best to slightly blot the suede with coffee water and leave for a day.

I haven’t seen it anywhere on the Internet - is it possible to use instant coffee? Perhaps it also gives a good effect, why not? If someone has tried or knows that such a trick can be done - tell us in the comments, we are all interested)) And it will come out even cheaper, by the way.

For black suede, rubbing gives a good result. black transfer paper. And for a dark blue suede jacket, you can use blue carbon paper.

White, milky suede is dyed with a mixture of fat milk, talc or crushed white chalk, magnesia and turpentine. For cooking, everything is taken in equal quantities. Apply the resulting product for an hour, then comb and dry.

These options do not give such a lasting result as when painting with aerosols, but they save money, do not harm the environment, and they can be repeated endlessly until things go to a better world.

For Eco Suede the staining process is the same, with a difference only in the means. It needs special ones suitable for artificial materials. Be sure to check this by reading the manufacturer's information on the bottle. Make a choice in favor of Eco-suede, take care of animals).

I tried to find all possible options for painting suede at home and take into account possible problems. I hope the article helped you and the staining process was successful. Share, brag about your success in updating suede boots, shoes or even a whole sofa))

How to dye suede shoes?

How to choose paint to dye suede shoes

If you contact the workshop, then you will most likely be offered only 2 colors - black and brown. And if you want to not only update your boots or boots, but also radically change their color, it is better to choose a dye in specialized stores.

  1. Don't take generic paint, no matter how the seller proves to you that it is suitable for all types of shoes. Buy one designed specifically for suede.
  2. Take paint with a margin, otherwise it may end in the middle of work.
  3. Ask who is the manufacturer. The best recommendations are received by dyes from Italy and Germany.
  4. It is more convenient to use paint, which is sold in aerosol cans. It allows you to achieve a more even coloring.

To dye suede shoes that have been worn for a very long time, it is better to use a solvent-based paint. Old boots may have shiny areas that need to be painted over more carefully.

How to dye suede shoes at home?

Before starting work, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the shoes and protect light elements from staining. The sole can be sealed with adhesive tape, and the emblems or metal lining can be removed. If the shoes have laces, then they must also be removed.

  • The easiest way to paint suede shoes is to spray paint all over the bottom and shaft. But to do this, you need to protect in advance all surfaces near the place where the work will be carried out. One layer will not be enough to evenly color, so you will need to wait until the shoes are dry and apply a few more layers.
  • Liquid paint is applied to boots or shoes with a brush or a foam swab. It is necessary to work with gloves, as it will be very difficult to wash off the paint from your hands. First, glossy, worn areas are processed, and after they dry slightly, the dye is applied to the entire surface.
  • Dyeing suede shoes is not difficult at all. The main thing is to choose high-quality paint and follow the instructions. But in a few days you will be able to put on your favorite old boots that will look like new.