How to choose clothes for newborns. How to choose clothes for a newborn? How to dress your baby in the hospital

There is a part, happiness is here, happiness is nearby! The birth of a child is a huge joyful event in the life of every family. Probably, every mommy remembers this wonderful time, when there is very little left before meeting with the baby. This feeling is right there.

Shopping trips to choose clothes, diapers, a crib, a stroller. For me, this moment was perfect. So much beauty is produced in our time for crumbs that the head is spinning. I want to buy everything. But, moms, tell yourself "stop"! It's better to go for things for the newborn with a prepared list so as not to overfill. As it was in my case. Many of the items I bought were never even worn. And some things were just not comfortable to wear.

On the recommendation of a seller from a children's store, I purchased undershirts that turned out to be unnecessary for me. The seller said that they are allegedly more convenient to put on a newborn. I bought 7 pieces in different sizes. But since the material was dense and not stretchy, it was very difficult to slip a tiny pen into a small sleeve.

On the advice of a friend, I took a slip for a newborn, very tiny, which turned out to be small for us right away. And the suit for discharge took a very large size. Arriving home, I saw that the size was for a 3-month-old child. A lot of other things were bought in advance: various bodysuits, bonnets, hats, booties, etc. Why am I saying this? Moms, do not buy too many clothes for the baby, especially for growth. First think: will the newborn be comfortable in this thing. Now is not a scarce time when it was hard to get clothes for a child. At any time you can buy everything you need. If you can not go shopping, then the online store will help you. For example, on the site you can order all the necessary things for a baby, and delivery takes place by courier at a convenient time for you.

Looking at the outfits every time, I imagined how I would dress the baby. It brought me so much happiness and joy. Several times I shifted the packages that I collected for the maternity hospital. I thought about what to wear immediately after birth.

And so I first became a mother, and now this time is remembered with a smile. They brought me a child. Here she is, my girl, my Varenka. How much happiness! After all, she was so long-awaited.

At that time, I never wore diapers, undershirts, sliders. She looked at all the attire with horror and fear: how could such a tiny baby wear them, even her hands were shaking. It’s good that an experienced mother of five children was lying with me in the ward, she put a diaper and a suit on Varya in no time. Showed and explained to me how to do it. Only after giving birth to a baby, I realized what things are convenient for a newborn to wear and how to choose really necessary and high-quality things.

Many superstitious mothers do not buy things for the baby in advance. But still, a minimum set of cosmetics and clothes for the baby should be prepared. Basically, shopping for a baby begins with clothes. To us personally useful:

Overalls, 4 pieces. It was the most comfortable clothing;

Thin caps, 2 pcs.

Thick caps, 1 pc.,

Fleece overalls (can be velor), 1 pc. for cool weather;

Thin diapers, 4 pcs.

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Flannelette diapers, 4 pcs. (I swaddled my daughter. We didn’t sleep well without swaddling. I woke myself up with my hands);



If the date of birth falls on the cold season, then the list will need to be supplemented with warm clothes.

Someone will add bodysuits and sliders to this list, someone’s undershirts are comfortable, and someone can’t imagine a baby’s wardrobe without a sandbox. Buy 1-2 pieces of each item, and you will immediately find out whether this piece of clothing was created for your baby or it is better to put it away. Listen to your feelings, and not to the opinion of friends or sellers in the store.

When choosing things for the baby, follow these rules:

No synthetics. Only 100% natural materials.

Clothing should be pleasant to the touch.

Manufacturers are verified and certified.

The seams are soft, the threads are thin.

The colors are not bright, delicate, pastel colors.

The patterns are loose and simple. The less ruffles, rivets, rhinestones on clothes, the better.

And you make a list of things that will be convenient for you. May every purchased item bring you great pleasure.

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From this article you will learn:

  • What clothes will the baby need in the hospital
  • How to dress a newborn for discharge
  • What does a child need for everyday wear?
  • How to dress a newborn depending on the season
  • How to choose clothes for a child
  • How to care for baby clothes

The birth of a baby is a completely new stage in the life of parents. It opens not only with positive emotions and pleasant chores, but also with many questions that worry moms and dads. One of them is how much clothes a newborn needs. Small children grow very quickly, so you should take care of buying everything you need in advance. In this article, we will talk in detail about what you need to buy a baby and in what quantity.

How to dress your baby in the hospital

The newborn will need the first clothes already in the hospital, and it is better to start shopping after the 25th week of pregnancy. Packing in bags is recommended, as most maternity hospitals do not allow travel bags. Sign each bundle with a bright marker, indicating what and how much is in it.

All packages must be shown to the husband or someone from close relatives. Tell them exactly what will need to be brought before and after the birth, and what will be needed for discharge. Worried about the appearance of the baby, mothers often seek to purchase absolutely everything that is designed for newborn babies. When planning how many clothes a newborn needs in the hospital, it is enough to include these things in the list:

  1. Diapers. You will need to take one pack of the smallest diapers to the hospital (for babies up to 4 kg). In case the baby is born large, buy a few more, but larger (up to 6 kg). It is enough to take only a couple of pieces to the delivery room. The rest of the pack is taken to the ward where you will stay until discharge.
  2. flannelette and chintz. Even if you don't plan to swaddle your baby, it's still worth bringing a few diapers with you. They can be used as bedding.
  3. . You will need to take two pairs of sliders to the delivery room. Take a few more sets to the ward. Usually mothers take 2 pairs for each day. You can buy it with a wide elastic band or with fasteners on the shoulders. It is better to purchase both models at once, so you can later understand which clothes are more comfortable.
  4. Undershirts taken at the rate of using one per day. Prepare one for the delivery room, four for the ward. This is the minimum quantity, and how many pieces you take is up to you.
  5. . For the maternity hospital, it is enough to take three pieces.
  6. "People". This jacket is very comfortable for cold weather. For the first time, two pieces will be enough for you. If you take undershirts and sliders to the hospital, the "little men" will not be useful to you.
  7. . In newborns, thermoregulation has not yet been established, so their legs freeze all the time. It is imperative to take several pairs of socks to the maternity hospital: one for the delivery room, two more for the ward.
  8. . Take three to the hospital. One of them will be useful in the delivery room, two in the ward.
  9. Blanket. When choosing a material, consider the time of year. The blanket should be warm enough for the baby.
  10. Scratches. They are put on the hands of a newborn so that he does not accidentally injure himself.

What does a newborn need for discharge

When wondering how much clothes a newborn needs, don't forget to include an envelope for your baby. It is convenient to use for swaddling when discharged from the hospital. Manufacturers offer us a huge range of such blankets, differing in color, material, swaddling method. In winter, an envelope can come in handy as an alternative to overalls.

Another advantage of the envelope is that it can be easily used as a blanket. Dense fur - good for winter walks, thin - for summer. In stores you can find a wide selection of knitted, fur, fleece products.

When buying an envelope for a newborn, check the quality of the presented models. They should have neat seams and a minimum of fasteners. Choose colors that are gentle, pleasing to the eye: blue, pink, pastel, white.

In stores, you can find envelopes where the upper part is made in the form of a blouse, and the bottom has a standard shape. The model is convenient because the baby's hands are free in it. There is also plenty of room at the bottom to move the legs.

How many clothes does a newborn need for the first time

How much and what kind of clothes should a newborn buy in summer? Here is a complete list of things to wear every day. However, it should be borne in mind that in the cold period (winter, autumn), the baby will need warmer clothes:

  • . This is a very comfortable type of clothing for babies, which has gained great popularity among mothers. The bodysuits do not lift up, allow the child to freely move arms and legs and greatly simplify the laying of the baby. For the summer period, you can buy body shirts, body t-shirts or long sleeve models. Take 2-3 pieces of each kind. Bodysuits that have fasteners in the center or around the shoulders are considered more comfortable.

  • Undershirts. This clothes for babies is more familiar, and most parents prefer it. Cotton models absorb moisture well, do not irritate the skin of the child. Make sure that there are no additional elements on such shirts: ties, buttons, buttons, as all of them can rub the delicate skin of the baby. How many vests to buy a newborn for the summer - decide for yourself. Usually two or three are enough.

  • . Shoulder straps are more comfortable. How many of these clothes a newborn baby needs, decide for yourself. Usually they buy at least four models from thin fabric and four from dense.

  • . It is enough to buy three light models and two warm overalls.

  • Although the weather is usually quite hot in summer, thin ones are necessary for a newborn. It is enough to buy two or three pairs.
  • . In summer, it is necessary to protect the baby's head from wind and sunlight. Usually buy two or three models of lightweight fabric.

This set will be quite enough to make the baby feel comfortable in the hot summer period. When choosing how much and what clothes to buy for a newborn, consider the convenience of each product. Buy models made from quality materials such as cotton and knitwear. It is permissible to choose clothes from a mixture of natural silk and wool. It is better not to buy from synthetics. Also avoid synthetic decor, large patterns with a dense backing, pockets. All these elements make the clothes multi-layered, and the baby will be hot in it.

For walks on the street you can buy special suits. When choosing them, consider the temperature outside the window and the sensations of your baby. For warm weather (from +20 °C), you can dress the child in clothes made of thin fabric, for cooler weather, warmer sets are suitable.

autumn clothes for small children should be selected taking into account the upcoming cold weather. Gradually, you can look after warmer sets for the house and the street. To the basic set of things you will need to buy:

  • . This is a warm suit that can be purchased for a newborn at the beginning of autumn, when the weather is still warm outside. Under such a jumpsuit, it is convenient to wear a vest or bodysuit made of light fabric.

  • Thin blanket. When thinking about how much clothes you need to buy a newborn in the fall, do not forget about such a standard thing as a blanket. They can cover the child during walks and at home. A simple product can replace a transforming envelope or a warm suit. Typically, a blanket is made of synthetic winterizer with a terry lining. These materials are not very warm, so they are perfect for the first half of autumn.
  • knitted hat with ties will be indispensable for autumn walks.

If your child was born in the fall, then the jumpsuit must be purchased from size 62. If you want your baby to carry it until the end of autumn, feel free to take a size 68 jumpsuit. For blouses and sliders, the minimum sizes are suitable (up to the 56th).

IN winter period You can't get by with just one set of clothes. You will need both insulated suits for a cold street, and light, thin things for a comfortable stay at home. In general, the wardrobe of a baby born in winter should be larger than that of “summer” children.

How much and what clothes do you need for a newborn in winter:

  • Slips- a very popular type of children's clothing for the cold winter period. They are comfortable to wear both under insulated street clothes and at home. They are especially relevant for cool rooms. You will not be mistaken if you buy a newborn 6-7 sets at once. Three of them should be made of thin fabric, the rest should be warm, flannelette.
  • Baby bodysuits These are special clothes for babies. The product completely covers the body of the baby, fastens at the bottom. In stores you can find body shirts, body t-shirts, as well as models with long sleeves. In winter, it is convenient to put on a bodysuit under a slip or overalls. For a newborn baby, 2-3 pieces with sleeves of different lengths will be enough.
  • Rompers with blouses can serve as an excellent replacement for slips. Sweatshirts with rivets in the center or with a smell on the side are considered more comfortable. How many sets of such clothes a newborn needs, decide based on your convenience. For example, you can purchase 3-4 pieces of sliders (materials - footer and knitwear) and 2-3 blouses.
  • Beanie needed both for the street and for the house (after bathing). Drawstring caps are considered more comfortable, as they do not slip and do not interfere with the baby. One knitted hat will suffice.
  • Warm socks wool or fleece. They are usually worn over slips. So the child's feet always remain warm. You need two pairs of these socks.
  • Diapers. In winter, diapers are needed throughout the day and night. But in order to avoid the appearance of diaper rash on the skin of a child, you need to remove them for a while. You can also use various baby creams and diaper rash powders. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of diapers, first buy a newborn one piece from several manufacturers. So you can empirically determine which option is better.

When the baby is at home, monitor the temperature in the room. Too high can even harm the health of the child. The best option is +22 ° С. The set of clothes described above is designed specifically for such conditions.

Also, don't forget about fresh air. Even in winter, you need to do at least one ventilation in the room. If you use heaters, you need to take care of sufficient air humidification. To do this, you can purchase a humidifier or use improvised means: put a container of water or cover the battery with a damp cloth.

How much and what kind of clothes a newborn needs for winter walks:

  • Fleece walking overalls, which is put on the slip. On top of it, put on a warm winter overalls or an envelope. One such jumpsuit will be enough.

  • Warm winter overalls. This item is a must have in every kid's wardrobe. Choose the thickness of the suit individually, depending on how many degrees outside the window. So, for example, for warmer latitudes, the amount of insulation in it should be about 180–200 g / m 2. For cold winters, heaters of about 300 g / m 2 are suitable. Also for the winter you can buy a transforming overalls.

  • Winter hat. It should be warm and soft. It is advisable to choose a product from natural material. If you use woolen models, wear a knit cap down.
  • Blanket or blanket. Regardless of how many clothes are worn, in the cold of a newborn, you need to additionally warm with a thick blanket or blanket. You need to keep track of how many degrees it is outside. A blanket will be needed at -20 ... -25 ° C, as well as with strong and gusty winds.

It is very inconvenient to dress the baby in sweaters and non-stretching blouses. It is better to choose things with fasteners that can be worn without much worrying the little one. Knitted things should be finely knitted so that the fingers do not get tangled. Avoid clothes with a lot of ribbons, ties and other decorations, as they can get into the child's mouth.

Let's move on to the question of how much clothes a newborn needs for the first time. spring. For this time of the year, you do not need to buy many sets of warm outerwear, as by the next cold season (by autumn) the baby will already grow up.

If the baby was born in the spring, then you need to buy not only things for the spring season, but also start planning how much clothes the newborn will need in the summer. For babies born in early spring, you will also need warm clothes for walking. It is also worth considering that in apartments the heating is turned off quite early, and it can be cool in the house for some time. For this occasion, it is worth buying a couple of sets of warm home clothes.

Newborn babies have very delicate and sensitive skin. Therefore, to avoid irritation on the skin, use only natural fabrics in clothing. For example, flannel, terry, cotton, stockinette and interlock. Try to choose spacious models that will not tightly adjoin the body.

Clothing that comes into contact with the skin should not have internal seams, so as not to irritate and rub it. The rest of the items worn on top can be sewn in the usual way. It is better that all the threads are made of natural cotton.

When determining how much and what kind of clothes your newborn needs, consider the comfort of the child. For example, pants with a tight elastic band should definitely be excluded. The most comfortable models with a wide, loose elastic band.

It is necessary to buy children's clothing only from trusted sellers whose products are of good quality. If you buy Chinese-made items, make sure that they do not have an unpleasant chemical smell. Inexpensive clothing manufacturers often fail to comply with important safety standards. Therefore, approach the issue of choosing products with maximum responsibility.

The first clothes should not be very bright, contrasting. Such things negatively affect the psyche of the baby, the condition of his skin and health. Pick up a newborn sets in gentle, pastel colors.

If you are not afraid of bright colored things, keep an eye on the quality of the fabric you choose. When using low-quality dye in production, clothes can harm the health of the child. In addition, bad paint will wash out almost immediately, and the product will fade.

How to care for newborn clothes

No matter how many clothes you buy for a newborn up to a year old, they should be washed as often as possible. To do this, use special baby products (soap or powders). Wash clothes only in hot water (approximate temperature +90 °C).

You can add conditioner to the wash. However, make sure that it is designed specifically for children's clothing. Such products have a safe chemical composition.

Washed items must be ironed. Exposure to high temperatures kills bacteria remaining in clothes.

Before putting things on your baby, cut off all tags and paper labels. They can irritate and rub the baby's skin.

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Congratulations on your long-awaited pregnancy! Very soon, you and your loved ones will have happy chores associated with the birth of a baby.

It is worth worrying about the dowry for the newborn in advance. If you are a very superstitious person, then check out the abundance of children's products, make a detailed list for your loved ones, that is, which you will like the most.

Buy clothes according to the season, considering what time of year your child was born. In the first months, the baby grows very quickly, adding 2-3 cm per month.

In addition, clothes for a newborn should not press. Better if it is one size larger. Keep in mind that there should be room for a diaper in the panties, and undershirts may shrink a little after washing. But you shouldn’t buy too much clothes for growth - the baby will not be comfortable in it, especially after the tightness in his mother’s tummy.

Foreign manufacturers of children's clothing usually indicate on the labels not the height of the child, but the age. For example: "0-3", "3-6", "6-9". These are all months of a child's life. Remember that all these sizes are quite relative, babies have different builds.

Domestic manufacturers often indicate the height of the child, starting from 50. The most common is 56. It is he who is positioned for newborns.

It happens that the size of the child's breast is also indicated on the label. You can meet children of the same height, but with different chest sizes.

Correspondence of the size, height and months of life of the child (for full-term babies)

  • Size 18, height 50-56 cm. From 0 to 3 months.
  • Size 20, height 62-68 cm. From 3 to 6 months.
  • Size 22, height 68-74 cm. From 6 to 9 months.
  • Size 24, height 74-80 cm. From 9 to 12 months.

Matching height and clothing size for non-term babies

  • Height less than 38 cm - 10 solution.
  • Height 38-42 cm - size 12
  • Height 42-46 cm - size 14
  • Height 46-50 cm - size 16

Clothes for babies are sewn from 100% cotton. If there are any synthetic fibers in the material, then they cannot be more than 10-15%.

For premature babies, be sure to choose natural fabrics so that the baby's skin can breathe.

Let's take a closer look at cotton. It can be different in density, so cotton fabric has different names:

  1. Kulir is a thin, knitted fabric. Products from it are thin and light, perfectly breathable. The price of the material is relatively low, and the wear resistance is high. Lycra is often added to the cooler to make the material more elastic.
  2. Interlock is a delicate fabric, without synthetic inclusions. This fabric is so soft that it is almost not felt when in contact with the body. Interlock retains heat well. It is suitable for the smallest, and even premature babies.
  3. Footer - natural, knitted fabric. On one side it is perfectly smooth, and on the other side it is surprisingly soft. Suits with fleece for newborns are made from it.
  4. Velor - cotton fabric with a fleecy surface, velvety in appearance. Synthetic fibers are added to velor, so it is desirable that such a suit has a lining made of natural fabrics.
  5. Mahra is a fleecy fabric. The baby will be cozy and warm in clothes made of terry cloth, this material is very pleasant to the body.

Bet on convenience!

Clothes for newborns should not have tight elastic bands, ribbons around the neck. Seams should ideally be on the outside. If there are internal seams, then they should be soft. Before buying, check that all buttons and fasteners close easily. Do not buy clothes with a fastener on the back! Even if it seems to you that the button is very small, it will be noticeable to the newborn. After all, at first the baby will spend a lot of time lying on his back, and this clasp will put pressure on him, the child will be capricious.

Please note that if you choose clothes for a premature baby, then the seams must be external. As for the ties and fasteners, they should be kept to a minimum.

These things should be in the wardrobe of a newborn:

  1. Cap. You will need a few pieces, for walking on the street, to put on after swimming.
  2. Undershirts and shirts. Best of all, button-down shirts, the ties on the undershirts get confused, the undershirt rides up and interferes with the child.
  3. Sliders. If you plan to do without diapers, then it is advisable to purchase more of them.
  4. Mittens (anti-scratches). Do not forget to take them to the hospital - babies are born with long nails.
  5. Socks. Newborns have cold feet.
  6. Warm socks. Needed in winter.
  7. Body. Very comfortable clothing for babies. They come in long and short sleeves.
  8. Warm suit. Suitable for cool weather.

Toddlers often get dirty, and in order not to do laundry every day, you need to have several copies of these clothes.

If your child was born in winter, then also buy a warm hat, winter overalls, a sheepskin envelope for walking.

Dress for the weather!

If your baby was born "unexpectedly", between 28 and 37 weeks, then such children have a violation of thermoregulation of the body. Babies often get cold, if the temperature in the apartment (or on the street) is less than 20 degrees, then you should put on a second layer of clothing. Do not overdo it! Premature babies both quickly freeze and quickly overheat.

Try to ensure that the clothes of the newborn do not have decorative elements that the baby can put in his mouth. When the child starts walking, choose clothes with covered knees, because babies often fall.

In the summer, do not overload the child with clothes. The ideal option is a bodysuit, thin socks, a cap or a scarf made of light fabric. It is important to put a hat on your child's head to avoid sunstroke. It is desirable that it be white. It’s good if there is an elastic band or ties on the panama hat, children often take off their hats.

Winter clothes

The most important thing in the bitter cold is to choose the right overalls for winter walks. The temperature regime of the overalls depends on the insulation, the fabric on the outside and the model itself. The outer fabric must be water-repellent, protect the child from the wind, and be durable.

If your region has severe winters, then choose wool or natural down from fillers. Such overalls will provide warmth to your baby at a temperature of -35*C.

For warm winters, artificial insulation is also suitable. This is a synthetic winterizer and a shelter. Such overalls are much cheaper, suitable for temperatures up to -15 * C.

Please note that the seams on winter overalls must be double stitched and not wet.

For children who are starting to take their first steps, you can not buy too voluminous overalls. It will be difficult for the child to move.

Types of heaters

  1. Sintepon. Fully synthetic material. It has low air permeability and hygroscopicity. Overalls made of such material are not durable, the synthetic winterizer rolls up and wrinkles when washed.
  2. Shelter. Most likely, you are familiar with the name holofiber. Shelter is the same. It retains heat very well.
  3. Fluff. It happens duck, swan, eiderdown. Good choice for winter. This jumpsuit is warm, soft and durable.
  4. Wool (sheepskin). The only minus of overalls on sheepskin is the price. In all other respects, he is the best.

Follow the tips for choosing clothes for newborns, rely on comfort and natural fabrics. Thanks to your care, a baby who has just been born will feel comfortable and protected in our adult world. Happy shopping and good health!

The appearance of a child in the family is associated with many new concerns, one of them is the choice of clothes for the newborn. Good parents are aware that the baby's wardrobe must meet the most stringent requirements. Today, many mothers and fathers prefer not to swaddle the baby, but to dress him almost like an adult from birth. However, not everyone knows how to choose the right first everyday things for a baby. We will talk about the types of vests and panties, as well as how to understand the modern assortment of bonnets for babies.

Baby clothes should be safe, hygienic and natural.

Varieties of children's clothing

First you need to figure out what clothes for newborns from 0 to 3 months exist. The wardrobe of modern boys and girls has been replenished with new products that our mothers and grandmothers have never heard of. In the table, we have classified the most popular models for babies and children up to three months.

Table of the most relevant things for newborns:

NameAppearanceMain functions
Bodysuits are popular among parents of babies. They are a long sleeved T-shirt that fastens between the legs.The body does not slip out from under the sliders, exposing the body. They are sewn from different types of fabric, they can be designed for summer and winter.
Special pants for babies can be elastic, as well as straps. The second are fastened on the shoulders with buttons or buttons.These panties are comfortable for crawling, they should not slide down.
Blouses that do not have fasteners, but only wrap around the chest or back. Sometimes the vest can be tied under the throat.The vests are suitable only for the smallest. Due to the lack of fasteners, this toiletry item is used as underwear when swaddling a baby.
Most models of blouses have fasteners. Sometimes they fasten with buttons, less often with buttons. They are a kind of substitute for undershirts.It is better to combine blouses with panties with straps. Otherwise, they will look untidy - the hem of the blouse often slips out of the sliders with an elastic band.
Overalls or slips ("little men")Children's clothes for the whole body - panties with a blouse in one set. Can be fastened in different ways - front, back. Many models make it possible to change the diaper by unfastening between the legs.Overalls can be insulated, designed for walking. "Man"-slip, sewn from thin knitwear or fleece, suitable for home, sleep and crawling.

Optional accessories:

NameAppearanceMain functions
BeaniesFor the home use bonnets sewn from knitted fabric. They tightly fit the head of the baby, have ropes that are tied under the chin. Caps for walking are sewn from denser materials - they are beautiful and sit freely on the baby.The headgear is designed to protect the child from the sun, wind or frost. Picking up a hat or cap is not easy - you need the chosen model to sit well.
Socks are an indispensable item for a baby's toilet. For summer, you can buy several pairs of thin knitwear, for cold weather - terry or wool.Socks are used not only to protect the legs from the cold. Socks sometimes fix too loose sliders.
bootiesBooties are a piece of clothing that imitates shoes.A 3-month-old baby cannot walk yet, so the task of booties is the same as that of socks. "Slippers" look elegant and are well fixed on the leg with a cord or Velcro.
Handle protectionThe hand protector is similar to a mitten, however, without a separate “house” for the thumb. In the people, such mittens are called "anti-scratches". They can be tied around the wrist, or they can be fixed on the arm with an elastic band.Anti-scratches are designed so that the baby does not scratch himself.

Booties (we recommend reading:)

Clothes for the first days

When going shopping for newborn clothes, it is impossible to consider everything. In this regard, it is advisable to act, focusing on the standard set of baby equipment. We have compiled a list of products needed by the baby immediately after discharge from the hospital:

  • bodysuit with short or long sleeves, depending on the season - 2-4 pieces;
  • sliders with elastic and straps - 3-5 pcs;
  • blouses or vests - 2-4 pieces;
  • knitted caps - 2-4 pcs;
  • socks - 2-4 pairs.

For discharge from the hospital, when happy parents order the services of a photographer, you need to prepare a traditional set: elegant overalls, a bright envelope, and a hat. Then the photos and videos of the baby's first appearance "into the world" will remind parents of happy moments.

Later, in this jumpsuit and hat, mom will be able to go for a walk with the baby. If it is winter or late autumn, the vestment should be warm, if it is summer, a fleece “man” is enough. It is advisable to choose all products according to the size, which is determined by the growth of the crumbs.

Elegant jumpsuit can then be used for walks and photo shoots

You will also need diapers. Their number depends on whether parents use diapers. If mom and dad plan to use disposable diapers and not swaddle the baby from the first days of life, 4-5 diapers are enough. They are convenient to use in order to cover the crib, mattress in the cradle or stroller, changing table. Also, diapers will be needed for each visit to the pediatrician.

If parents do not plan to use disposable diapers, they will have to buy more diapers. How many pieces will be needed? The more the better - an average of 15-20 units. It is also advisable to purchase a couple of pieces of waterproof diapers.

Clothing for the season

When choosing clothes for your baby, you should consider the time of year. Children under one year old grow much faster than 2-4 year olds. Buying overalls "for growth", which will be needed only after six months, is not worth it. No one knows how the baby will grow up, what size it will fit. It is advisable to purchase products designed for 2-3 months. If the baby was born in the summer, you should not buy things for him intended for the winter, it is advisable to do this later. Below we consider what clothes a newborn will need, depending on the time of his birth.

In the summer, the child needs light clothing that will protect against drafts and sunlight.


In hot weather, the baby sweats just like an adult, so you need to choose several sets of light blouses and panties. Do not try to dress the baby warmer so that he does not catch a cold. In this way, you can achieve the opposite result - the child will sweat and cough from a light breeze. List of children's things that are suitable for summer:

  • Bodysuits - They may have short sleeves or none at all.
  • Sandboxers - such vestments are a shirt or T-shirt combined with shorts. Sandboxes (rompers) are comfortable in that they do not fit the body like a bodysuit. These clothes are loose, rompers do not rub, they are usually not hot. However, sandboxes are better suited for older children who are already starting to sit - from 4-5 months.
  • For cool days, you need to have warmer clothes - knitted button-down sweaters (not pullovers), flannel overalls, thick cotton jackets and pants are comfortable to wear (we recommend reading:).


The main toilet for a newborn for winter is a warm and comfortable overalls (see also:). His choice should be taken seriously. Primary requirements:

  • Overalls should be designed for winter. It is impossible for a newborn to wear demi-season clothes at sub-zero temperatures.
  • It is desirable that the top layer of the product is waterproof - usually coated canvas is used.

The top layer of the overalls must be waterproof.
  • A good jumpsuit fastens easily and quickly. This quality will help not to overheat the baby in the process of putting on outerwear for a long time. It is optimal if the overalls are equipped with two long and reliable zippers.
  • It is desirable that winter overalls have a hood. It will be required not only to protect the baby's head from wind and snow, but also to cover the neck.
  • When buying, you immediately need to check with the seller whether the overalls can be washed. The same information is on the product label. If the filler is down, then the overalls will have to be dry-cleaned, which is not always convenient. Firstly, the service is not cheap, and secondly, while the product is being cleaned, the baby will not be able to go for a walk. Budget models are sewn with synthetic winterizer or holofiber, they can be washed in a typewriter (we recommend reading:).
  • The jumpsuit is usually equipped with mittens and shoe covers. Most often they are sewn from the same material as the main product. Then they are attached to the sleeves and legs with the help of zippers, buttons.

Instead of overalls, you can use a warm envelope. A warm hat is also useful for winter walks - it should sit freely on the head so that a cap can be worn under it. In this case, the cap is designed to cover the ears and cover part of the forehead.


In autumn and spring, you need to be especially careful about your baby's clothes. This time is insidious - in March-April the sun warms the air during the day, and closer to the ground the temperature is lower. Do not forget that the child in the stroller is lower than the mother, so he may be colder. At the same time, you should not overheat the baby so that he does not sweat.

Overheating for a baby is just as dangerous as strong cooling.

Demi-season overalls are the most relevant product for spring and autumn. Let the baby be dressed in the same way as in winter, only outerwear should be appropriate for the season. The demi-season overalls are thinner than winter overalls, it will not be hot in it. At the same time, children's overalls are sewn from waterproof fabrics, and they may also have a detachable lining.

If the mother is in doubt about how to dress the baby in the off-season, she should be guided by her own feelings.

There is a universal rule: a child should have as many layers of clothing as an adult, plus one more layer. For example, mom put on two layers for a walk - a tracksuit and a jacket. So, the baby will need the bottom layer, intermediate and top.

To make it easier to navigate how to dress a child depending on the weather, we have collected the available information in a table. At this age, the gender of the child does not matter - the attire for boys and girls can be identical.

Table of types of clothing depending on the season

Child's ageWinterSummerOff-season
The first days in the hospitalIn any season, the child will need: "little man", bodysuit, vests, sliders, caps
NewbornAn insulated envelope or overalls (or both), a warm hat. From below, the child should have two more layers of clothing: a cap, a little man, as well as a vest, panties.Envelope made of light fabric, man overalls, vest, panties. Socks, anti-scratches, cap and summer hat.Demi-season overalls or envelope, fleece (flannel) "little man", vest-blouse, pants.
0 to 3 monthsDiapers, bodysuits, little men, undershirts, panties, blouses. Envelope or overalls for winter, bonnets and hats. Anti-scratches, socks, booties are desirable for the house.Diaper, light blanket for the stroller. Sandboxes, bodysuits, sliders, undershirts, bonnets. 1-2 pieces of fleece overalls, a pair of knitted blouses. Socks, booties.Diaper, warm blanket in the stroller. A demi-season envelope or overalls, a hat for walking, caps. Body, undershirts and panties.

All of the above for newborns and children under three months is the most relevant. It is important not to go to extremes, buying a huge amount of all kinds of things for the baby - the mother may not have time to use everything. In addition, the baby grows quickly, and sliders and vests will become small for him in a short time. It is better to purchase clothes in small batches as needed, focusing on the current needs of the crumbs.

In order not to waste time shopping while your baby is still very small, you can buy clothes for the first 3 months during pregnancy.
You need to focus on a height of 52-62 cm and a head circumference of 35-40 cm.

Rule One
Children's clothing should be made from natural fabrics
All baby clothes for newborns are made from 100% cotton and differ only in density. The thinnest fabric - satin stitch, interlock - is used for sewing children's underwear, vests, pajamas.
Thicker fabrics - footer, flannel, terry, velor - sew sliders, overalls, children's suits and tight caps.
True, synthetics are often added to velor, so when buying things, pay attention to fabrics. And it is better that velor clothes have a lining layer of thin cotton fabric.

Rule Two
Children's clothes should be comfortable
1. Undershirts and shirts should not swing open on the chest and back of the child, ride up, slide off the shoulder.
2. On the arms, legs, and even more so on the neck of the child, there should not be a tight elastic band.
3. Before buying, carefully check the ease of fastening and unfastening buttons, clasps and other fasteners.
4. Do not buy clothes with buttons on the back for your child, even if you think that they are not noticeable. In fact, they can press, rub, the child will feel discomfort and act up.
5. Ideally, the seams on the child's clothes should be on the outside. If the seams are inside, then they should be soft. The seam thread must be 100% cotton.
6. Clothing should be easy to put on and take off from the child.

Rule Three
Clothes must fit the baby
1. It is better to buy new things as the child grows. But if you still decide to buy clothes for the first time in advance, then take a size or two more. The average height of a newborn child is 52 cm. But you should not buy a lot of things for this particular height, because very soon they will grow out of them (in the first month, some children grow by 4-6 cm). Literally 2-3 types of things are enough (body, sliders, undershirts). It is better to immediately take clothes for a height of 56-60 cm. Consider the stock on the pants for the diaper.
2. However, you should not buy too big clothes for your baby. The child in it will feel uncomfortable, because he is accustomed to tightness in his mother's tummy. In addition, in too spacious clothes, it will be difficult for the baby to keep warm.

What kind of clothes does a baby really need in the first months of life?

Cap - 3
Vest / shirt - 10
Sliders - 10
Cotton jumpsuits with buttons on the front – 3
Mittens-scratches - 2 pairs
Socks (booties) - 3 pairs
Warm wool socks - 1 pair
Body with short sleeves - 3
Long sleeve bodysuit - 3
Warm hat - 1-2
Body suit - 2
Winter overalls - 1-2 (with different temperature conditions)

Clothes for the first summer
In hot summer weather, the child does not need to wear anything other than a light blouse or bodysuit. The main thing is that summer clothes pass moisture or air well.
While your baby is walking in the stroller, 2 sets of clothes for hot and cool weather are enough for him. The clothes of the baby should not have decorative elements (bows, buttons, etc.) that are easy to tear off and put into the mouth.
As soon as the child begins to walk (at about 10 months), you need to buy more things for walking, because children often fall and play in the sand.

You will need 5-6 T-shirts, 5-6 pairs of pants or long shorts, 2-3 suits for warm and cool weather, and 1-2 blouses for cool weather.
The main thing is that the knees are closed, otherwise abrasions cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is better for a daughter to buy summer dresses only before she starts walking, or already from the moment when the baby confidently stands on her legs (closer to 2 years).
It is very important that in the summer the child wears a bonnet or panama for a walk, otherwise there is a risk of heat stroke. It is best to choose hats in white or red colors, as they reflect the sun's rays well.
Ties under the chin will not be superfluous, because many children like to take off their panama hats.
Be sure to buy your baby a few pairs of lightweight socks. After all, no matter how comfortable the baby's shoes are, they can rub the delicate skin on the legs.
The requirements for socks are the same as for basic clothing - the naturalness of fabrics and convenience. The elastic should not be tight and not leave marks on the legs of the child.
Decorative elements of clothing - stripes and embroideries - on the inside should have a duplicate material that covers all seams and thickenings. Or they must be made as an application.
The child's body should not come into contact with rigid seams.

Clothes for the first winter
The choice of overalls for winter walks is an extremely responsible matter. There are a great variety of overalls in stores, and each manufacturer claims that his item is the warmest and most modern.
How well winter clothing will protect against frost (clothing temperature) depends on the type and thickness of insulation, outer fabric, clothing cut, wind strength and time spent outdoors.
Therefore, we can only talk about the average temperature of comfort - any of the heaters is able to provide protection from the most severe frosts, but only on condition that the child will be outside for no more than 30 minutes.
In addition, you need to focus on the region in which you live. Warmers recommended for regions with low temperatures are wool and natural down (they can withstand temperatures down to -35 * C).
For regions with warm winters, artificial insulation is more suitable - synthetic winterizer and shelter - their comfort temperature is up to -15 * C.
The upper fabric used in the autumn must withstand pressure up to 10,000 mm of water column, which makes it practical in wet weather and repels dirt.
Seams on winter overalls should not get wet and should be double-stitched for durability.
The sleeves and legs of overalls for older babies should not be voluminous - this will limit the movement of the child.
When choosing overalls, you need to focus on the region in which you live. For regions with low temperatures, it is better to take natural insulation - wool or down, and for regions with warm winters, a shelter or synthetic winterizer is suitable (these materials are designed for temperatures up to -15 * C)

Varieties of heaters
1. Sintepon - synthetic non-woven material. It has a relatively low hygroscopicity, breathability, and wear resistance. When washing, it will wrinkle and roll.
2. Shelter - different manufacturers call this synthetic material in their own way - holofiber, isosoft, thermolight (if the seller in the store tries to convince you that the properties of these heaters are somehow different - do not believe it). Shelter retains heat very well. And the high breathability of the material allows you to create clothes with good thermoregulation.
3. Down - eiderdown, swan, duck and goose. The advantages of this natural insulation are good thermal insulation and air exchange, lightness, softness, durability.
4. Sheepskin (wool) - high-quality wool does not cause skin irritation and allergies. It is best to buy clothes made from Australian merino wool. It does not prick, absorbs moisture well and at the same time remains dry. The only negative is that sheepskin-based envelopes and overalls are much more expensive than their counterparts made of artificial insulation. The average price of such a product is 7500 rubles.

For children's outerwear, not only insulation is very important, but also the fabric from which it is made. For autumn and spring, it is better to buy overalls with a "membrane" that allows moisture to pass from the inside out, but not vice versa. The fabric from which the overalls are made must withstand a pressure of 10,000 mm of water column - such a fabric does not get wet and repels dirt. For the material from which the winter overalls are made, water-repellent properties are not so important - after all, at low temperatures, the water simply freezes.

Determine the size of the baby
It is better to buy clothes for a newborn one size larger, for more comfortable wearing, given the space for a diaper and a slight shrinkage of the product after washing.
Very often, manufacturers (especially foreign ones) on the labels indicate the numbers “0-3”, “3-6”, “6-9”, etc., indicating the age of the child in months. One digit - "1-2", "3", etc. - indicate how old the child is.
Other manufacturers on the labels indicate exactly the height of the child, starting at 56 (in rare cases, from 50). You need to understand that all these are too general values, and when choosing clothes it is better to focus not on the numbers on the label, but on the complexion of your child.
For kids with a strong (full) physique, it is better to take clothes 2 sizes larger, for kids with a fragile or average build, it is enough to add one size.

Often, manufacturers indicate on the label the size of the baby's breasts. So overalls of the same height can be produced with different chest sizes - for example, 56/43 (height / chest girth) or 56/47. The circumference of the chest is measured just below the armpits - along the protruding part of the shoulder blades.
Going for clothes, also measure the girth of the head to determine the size of the hat that the baby needs.

First shoes. Taking measurements
The first thing to do when choosing shoes is to measure your baby's foot to determine the size.
To do this, place both of the baby's legs on a hard, flat surface with the whole foot and circle each with a pencil (usually the length of the feet is the same, but sometimes the difference between them can be 6 mm). Hold the pencil strictly vertically.
Measure the distance from the heel to the tip of the thumb with a ruler. While walking, the foot stretches a little under the weight of the body, and the toes move forward, so add another 1.5 cm to the resulting length: 9 mm for foot movement and 6 mm for growth. During the season, the baby's leg will grow up, and this stock will certainly be filled.
Previously, only the metric system was used in Russia, where the size of children's shoes was indicated in centimeters and equaled the length of the foot. The interval between sizes was 5 mm.
Today, many Russian manufacturers indicate the size according to the pin-mass system - 1 pin is equal to 0.66 cm. If the length of your crumbs foot is 13 cm + 1.5 cm of stock, then the size is easy to calculate: 14.5: 0.66 = 22 size.
If the child has a high instep (large foot fullness), then you should look for brands specializing in the production of children's shoes with different widths (WMS). Shoes, equipped with the WMS-Wide (wide), Medium (medium), Small (small) badge - have the ability to adjust the fullness due to fasteners, straps, Velcro.